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Mitochondrial-derived vesicles
in metabolism, disease, and aging
Tim König1 and Heidi M. McBride1,*
1Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada



Mitochondria are central hubs of cellular metabolism and are tightly connected to signaling pathways. The
dynamic plasticity of mitochondria to fuse, divide, and contact other organelles to flux metabolites is central
to their function. To ensure bona fide functionality and signaling interconnectivity, diverse molecular
mechanisms evolved. An ancient and long-overlooked mechanism is the generation of mitochondrial-derived
vesicles (MDVs) that shuttle selected mitochondrial cargoes to target organelles. Just recently, we gained
significant insight into the mechanisms and functions of MDV transport, ranging from their role in mitochon-
drial quality control to immune signaling, thus demonstrating unexpected and diverse physiological aspects
of MDV transport. This review highlights the origin of MDVs, their biogenesis, and their cargo selection, with a
specific focus on the contribution of MDV transport to signaling across cell and organ barriers. Additionally,
the implications of MDVs in peroxisome biogenesis, neurodegeneration, metabolism, aging, and cancer are

MDVs AND THEIR ORIGIN mitochondrial membrane contents.9 Third, MDV biogenesis did
not require the autophagy machinery, thus separating MDVs
Mitochondrial-derived vesicle (MDV) trafficking first came to from selective mitophagy pathways.2,8 These main criteria help
attention in 2008 with the discovery of a vesicular transport to define and differentiate MDVs from other selective pathways
pathway transporting protein cargoes to peroxisomes.1 A few reshaping and degrading mitochondrial content.
years later, another vesicular trafficking route was discovered,
directly connecting mitochondria to the endocytic pathway,2 un- THE PRINCIPLES OF MDV FORMATION
equivocally integrating mitochondria in the concept of mem-
brane trafficking. The capacity of mitochondria to shed vesicles Currently, two mechanistic models have been described to
is conserved in evolution since bacteria and archaea frequently generate MDVs: in the first model, electron-dense budding
generate vesicles.3 Bacterial vesicles (BVs) are of pivotal physi- structures form on mitochondria and are subsequently released
ological importance for diverse processes including bacterial reminiscent of classical vesicular pathways, such as clathrin-
communication, promoting pathogenesis, and bacterial sur- mediated endocytosis.1 In the second model, thin and relatively
vival.4–6 Therefore, MDV transport pathways are consistent long membrane protrusions are pulled out of mitochondria along
with its ancient evolutionary heritage as a free-living alpha-pro- microtubules following by a scission event close to the tip of the
teobacteria.7 protrusion,11 thus resembling parallels to the process of Dyna-
The early experiments studying MDV transport posited three min2-dependent autophagic breakdown of lipid droplets.12
main criteria to uniquely define them. First, immuno-fluores- This second model for MDV formation was also observed in Ara-
cence microscopy visualized MDVs as small punctate structures bidopsis thaliana13 and in a high-throughput micrograph study of
with the distinct feature of cargo specificity. This was defined as the brain in Dugesia tigrine (Planaria), Mus musculus, and
a specific enrichment of a subset of mitochondrial proteins, Drosophila melanogaster.14 Of note, these two models are not
whereas other mitochondrial proteins are excluded, pointing to mutually exclusive but could reflect variations of the same mech-
an active cargo selection mechanism.1,2,8–10 The characteristic anistic process utilizing overlapping molecular machineries, a
of cargo specificity is a key determinant to differentiate MDVs mechanistic question that still awaits a final answer. Nearly 40
from very small mitochondrial fragments generated by mito- years of work in the secretory and endocytic pathways provide
chondrial division. Second, electron microscopy (EM) analysis us with the fundamental principles that govern the formation of
and immuno-gold staining confirmed the presence of biological cargo-selected membrane vesicles.15,16 Although our mecha-
membranes as a structural part of these round vesicular struc- nistic understanding of MDV formation remains rudimentary,
ture with a defined size of 60–150 nm.1,2,9 Notably, EM analysis the guiding principles hold as we uncover the machineries and
showed two different types of MDVs, namely single-membraned map them within the steps common to all vesicle transport path-
MDVs exclusively formed by the outer mitochondrial membrane ways. These include the initiation phase, where cargoes are
and double-membraned MDVs containing both outer and inner selected and vesicle formation is initiated, the tubulation phase,

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 ª 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. 21
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Figure 1. Overview of the MDV biogenesis process

Biogenesis of MDVs starts with an initiation event inducing initial curvature followed by a tubulation and membrane remodeling phase and is finally completed by
membrane scission (steps 1–3). Several molecular players have been identified to catalyze these events based on the analysis of different subclasses of MDVs.

where we observe the extension or protrusion of the cargoes, acid motifs and enriches these cargoes into tubular structures
and the final scission event that separates the vesicle from the along with the help of sorting nexin (SNX) proteins that induce
mitochondrion (Figure 1). Once MDVs are formed, they are trans- membrane curvature.26 VPS35 was biochemically identified as
ported to the target organelle, for which we have much left to an interacting partner of the outer mitochondrial membrane pro-
learn (Figure 2). For some classes of MDVs, the fusion with the tein mitochondrial anchored protein ligase (MAPL)/MUL1.10,27
late endosome requires canonical vesicle fusion machineries Live-cell microscopic analysis revealed that VPS35 is recruited
called soluble NSF-attachment receptors (SNAREs), but others to budding MDV structures and is requisite for the delivery of
appear to target the endomembrane or peroxisomal compart- MAPL from mitochondria to peroxisomes.10 This suggested
ments using SNARE-independent mechanisms. Although there that the cytosolic tail domain of MAPL was recognized by the ret-
is a great deal of work still to be done, significant advances romer complex to drive vesicle transport to peroxisomes. Addi-
have been made in the last few years, as discussed below tional studies have shown effects on mitochondrial morphology
(Figure 1; Table 1). and function in cells and neurons lacking Vps35 or knockin sys-
tems carrying the autosomal dominant PD-related mutation
PROTEIN MACHINERIES REQUIRED FOR MDV Vps35 D620N.28–30 These studies demonstrated that VPS35 is
INITIATION required for the degradation of oligomeric dynamin-related pro-
tein 1 (DRP1) complexes through MDV-dependent delivery to ly-
The first protein linked to MDV formation was the Parkinson’s sosomes.17,18 Although these studies provide evidence that
disease (PD)-related protein VPS35.10 VPS35 acts in a trimeric VPS35 is required for the sorting of other cargoes into MDVs,
complex together with VPS26 and VPS29, comprising the retro- the mechanism of recruitment and recognition of specific mito-
mer retrieval complex known to play key roles in protein sorting chondrial cargo tails has not yet been established. Presumably,
back to the Golgi complex or to the plasma membrane.25 The the principles of retromer function seen at the endosome are
retromer complex binds cargo proteins through exposed amino similar to those at mitochondria, with the potential distinction

22 Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024


Figure 2. Overview of mechanisms of MDV clearance

MDVs can be cleared within the cell at least through three major mechanisms. First, MDVs can undergo SNARE-mediated fusion with the endolysosomal
compartment. Second, MDVs can be delivered to the multivesicular body. The mechanistic details of this delivery are not resolved yet. Third, MDVs can be sorted
into the endolysosomal pathway through the recruitment and action of Parkin and TOLLIP.

being in the mechanisms of signaled recruitment during specific sin/rvs) domain common to all SNX proteins and plays critical
stresses or other pathways. roles in membrane tubulation and vesicle formation.37 It has
Other PD-related proteins including the kinase PINK1 and the not been shown to bind and function with the retromer complex
ubiquitin ligase Parkin were also linked to the initial biogenesis of described above; however, this cannot yet be excluded for
MDV induced by mitochondrial stress in cultured cell lines.2,8 MDVs. The presence of Parkin led to the proteasome-dependent
The incorporation of different cargoes depends on the nature degradation of SNX9, suggesting that SNX9 might be a ubiquitin
of the stress,9 and a subset of these stress-induced MDVs substrate of Parkin upon LPS treatment, thereby potentially
required PINK1/Parkin for their formation.8 PINK1 serves as a blocking MDV formation.19 Additionally, the small guanosine tri-
mitochondrial sensor and arrests in the import channel upon phosphatase (GTPase) RAB9 was recruited to mitochondria and
mitochondrial dysfunction.31 Upon arrest, PINK1 phosphory- shown to be required for the generation of inflammation-induced
lates the ubiquitin ligase Parkin as well as ubiquitin, which trig- MDVs.19 RAB9 canonically functions at the late endosome in
gers a feedforward loop of ubiquitination and phosphorylation ul- regulating retrieval and recycling of proteins back to the Golgi
timately leading to mitophagy.32,33 Kinetic analysis using a low and endosome compartments, as well as regulating autophago-
dose of the mitochondrial complex III inhibitor antimycin A, which some formation.38 As with the VPS35 retromer complex, the
is commonly used at higher concentrations to acutely induce mi- mechanisms that govern RAB9 recruitment to mitochondria
tophagy, showed a burst of MDVs dependent on PINK1/Parkin, are unclear. RAB GTPase recruitment to membranes is driven
whose delivery to the late endosome was independent of the by the presence and activation of the cognate GTP exchange
autophagy machinery.8 In these experiments, mitophagy was factor (GEF), hinting that a mitochondrial RAB9 GEF must be re-
only observed after 12–24 h of antimycin A treatment, whereas cruited to mitochondria upon inflammatory stimuli. Of note,
the peak of MDV formation was observed after 1–3 h. Similar ev- some other classes of MDVs, such as TOMM20-containing
idence for MDVs as an early response to stress was seen upon MDVs, are not regulated by PINK1/Parkin or SNX9,11 again high-
addition of cannabinoids, where MDV formation preceded mi- lighting the plasticity and specificity of the molecular machinery
tophagy and was dependent on PINK1 and Parkin.34 Low- involved in MDV formation.
dose carbon monoxide treatment of oligodendrocyte precursor
cells led to the generation of MDVs that functioned as a precon- COUPLING MDV FORMATION TO MICROTUBULE
ditioning mechanism to protect the cell from carbon monoxide MACHINERIES
toxicity.35 Together this suggests that MDVs act early to sculpt
the mitochondrial proteome by removing damaged or oxidized Although multiple PD-related proteins play modulatory roles in
contents.8,9,36 MDV formation,8,10,18,19 the core machinery and mechanisms
Treatment of macrophages with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or of vesicle budding had remained elusive for over a decade. A
the non-phagocytosed Citrobacter rodentium was also shown recent study shed new light on this process through the analysis
to signal the generation of MDVs carrying the mitochondrial ma- of steady-state MDVs carrying the outer mitochondrial mem-
trix enzyme 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH), which were brane (OMM) import receptor TOMM20.11 A major finding of
delivered to the late endosome/lysosome.19,24 However, these this work was the identification of a key role for microtubule-
MDVs activated by LPS-mediated Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mediated pulling of thin membrane tubules to separate the
engagement did not require PINK1 and Parkin, and instead, selected cargo from mitochondria (Figure 1). Several microtu-
these PD proteins repressed the formation of this class of bule-related proteins were enriched in isolated TOMM20-con-
MDVs. LPS activation led to the mitochondrial recruitment taining MDVs including MIRO1, MIRO2 (mitochondrial Rho
of sorting nexin 9 (SNX9), which was critical for the generation GTPases), centromere protein F (CENP-F), and a number of
of inflammation-induced MDVs.19 SNX9 is unique among SNXs armadillo repeat-containing proteins on the X chromosome
since it has an extended amino terminus containing an SH3 (ARMCX) proteins.11 The MIRO proteins are very well-character-
domain; however, it also contains the PX-BAR (bin/amphiphy- ized calcium-regulated OMM GTPases that link mitochondria to

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 23


Table 1. Key players involved in MDV biogenesis

Players Molecular function MDV process MDV references
Cargo selection
VPS26A coat protein cargo selection Braschi et al.10
VPS35 coat protein cargo selection Braschi et al.10 and Wang et al.17,18
Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase post-translational modifications McLelland et al.,8 Matheoud et al.,19 Todkar
et al.,20 Roberts et al.,21 Abuaita et al.,22 and
Towers et al.23
PINK1 kinase post-translational modifications McLelland et al.,8 Matheoud et al.,19
Roberts et al.21 and Matheoud et al.24
Membrane rearrangement and vesicle initiation
SNX9 sorting nexin tubulation/constriction Matheoud et al.,19 Todkar et al.,20 and
Towers et al.23
RAB9 small GTPase recruitment of effectors? Matheoud et al.19
Interaction with the cytoskeleton
MIRO1 mitochondrial RHO GTPase membrane tubulation König et al.11
MIRO2 mitochondrial RHO GTPase membrane tubulation König et al.11
CENP-F MIRO interactor unknown König et al.11
ARMCX1 MIRO interactor unknown König et al.11
ARMCX3 MIRO interactor unknown König et al.11
Membrane scission
DRP1 dynamin-related GTPase membrane scission König et al.11
MFF DRP1 receptor DRP1 recruitment König et al.11
MID49 DRP1 receptor DRP1 recruitment König et al.11
MID51 DRP1 receptor DRP1 recruitment König et al.11
OPA1 dynamin-related GTPase unknown Todkar et al 20
Alteration of phospholipid composition
GPAM L-PA synthesis curvature induction/DRP1 regulation? König et al.11
AGPAT5 PA synthesis curvature induction/DRP1 regulation? König et al.11

the kinesin/dynein family of motor proteins.39 CENP-F was MDVs did not require Parkin or SNX9, consistent with the evi-
shown to couple mitochondria to the growing ends of microtu- dence that these are modulators of stress-induced MDVs but
bules during mitosis through interactions with MIRO1,40,41 and not part of the core mechanisms of vesicle formation.11 The list
the understudied ARMCX proteins are highly expressed in neu- of 100 proteins in the proteomic analysis almost certainly holds
rons where at least one member has been shown to regulate more clues to help define these mechanisms.11
mitochondrial motility in neurons through complexes with
MIRO1.42,43 Loss of these proteins inhibited vesicle formation, MECHANISMS OF MDV SCISSION
consistent with an essential role for microtubule-mediated
extraction of cargo-selected mitochondrial tubules, which was Initially, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown ap-
further demonstrated by live-cell microscopy.11 Similar images proaches also suggested that MDV biogenesis did not require
and videos of the striking tubulation that precedes MDV forma- the mitochondrial fission machinery1,2; however, recent work us-
tion were documented using the outer mitochondrial membrane ing a CRISPR-Cas9 knockout approach demonstrated that the
marker OMP25-GFP with high-resolution SIM microscopy.44 fission machinery is essential for the final scission step in MDV
Additionally, a role of the fusion GTPase OPA1 was suggested biogenesis.11 Live imaging further revealed that the fission
for the incorporation of matrix and inner membrane cargoes GTPase DRP1 is recruited near the tip of an extending tubule.
into MDVs.20 The DRP1 foci at MDV scission sites were considerably smaller
A detailed proteomic and lipidomic analysis of TOMM20-con- in size from mitochondrial fission events and more dynamic.
taining MDVs revealed an enrichment of phosphatidic acid in Although these qualitative differences suggest kinetic and mech-
MDVs, along with at least 2 enzymes (glycerol-3-phosphate anistic distinctions, MDV scission required the same DRP1
acyltransferase 1 [GPAM] and 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate adaptor proteins MFF, MID49, and MID51.11 The regulation of
acyltransferase epsilon [AGPAT5]) that catalyze the de novo DRP1 recruitment to mitochondrial division sites is tightly linked
biogenesis of phosphatidic acid on mitochondria.11 Depletion to cellular signaling pathways that lead to phosphorylation of
of phosphatidic acid from the mitochondrial OMM blocked DRP1 and MFF, along with other post-translational modifica-
MDV formation, indicating that active lipid remodeling is impor- tions.45 Interestingly, MDV formation was differentially regulated
tant.11 The constitutive generation of TOMM20-containing in a number of conditions and was not modulated by the

24 Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024


Table 2. Key players involved in MDV delivery to target organelles

Players Molecular function MDV process MDV references
Fusion with the lysosome
STX17 SNARE protein membrane fusion McLelland et al.46
SNAP29 SNARE protein membrane fusion McLelland et al.46
VAMP7 SNARE protein membrane fusion McLelland et al.46
VPS39 HOPS complex subunit tethering McLelland et al.46
VPS41 HOPS complex subunit tethering McLelland et al.46
RAB7 small GTPase recruitment of effectors McLelland et al.46
Endolysosomal sorting
TOLLIP adaptor protein unknown Ryan et al.47
Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase unknown Ryan et al.47

established phosphorylation states of DRP1.11 Therefore, tial to target all classes of MDVs into the endolysosomal
although MDVs require DRP1 for the final scission event, the compartment.8,11 One possible explanation for these differences
regulation of DRP1 recruitment to these sites remains unclear. may be due to the immune functions of Tollip, where ectopically
Whether or not the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or other organelle expressing or silencing of Tollip may itself drive signaling events
contact sites may contribute to MDV scission remains to be that initiate MDV formation, cargo selection, and transport. What
determined. is becoming clear is that the fine-tuning of MDV transport allows
the tight regulation of these pathways with the signaling state of
We have highlighted progress in dissecting the mechanisms
Once the MDV is formed, it must target its final destination that underlie MDV formation; however, new challenges emerge.
(Figure 2). Therefore, besides elucidating the core mechanisms Most critical is that all of the protein machineries identified to
of MDV formation, identifying the molecular details of fusion of date have additional functions in the cell. This confounds the
MDVs with their target organelle is equally important (Table 2). interpretation of any loss-of-function experiment since the result
The characterization of the TOMM20-containing MDV proteome may be a loss of MDVs, but also a loss in, for example, mitochon-
did not identify any canonical SNAREs, leaving the mechanism drial motility (MIRO1/2), mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission
of fusion with the target organelle still elusive for this class of (DRP1), or perhaps indirect effects of alterations in endocytosis
MDVs.11 It is possible that this class of MDVs may be internalized (SNX9) and the endomembrane system (VPS35). Until MDV-spe-
into the multivesicular body through a microautophagy pathway. cific protein machineries are identified these challenges will
In contrast to TOMM20-containing MDVs, the delivery of stress- remain.
induced PINK1/Parkin-mediated MDVs to the late endosome
required the SNARE protein syntaxin 17 (STX17).46 STX17 forms PLASTICITY IN MDV CARGO SELECTION
a SNARE complex with SNAP29 and VAMP7 to allow the fusion
of MDVs with the late endosome/lysosome.46 Loss of STX17 led Early on, cell-free reconstitution reactions from isolated mito-
to the cytosolic accumulation of Parkin-YFP-labeled MDVs as chondria revealed a flexibility in cargo incorporation, where
visualized by both confocal and immunogold EM.46 Additionally, distinct toxins would promote inclusion of different mitochondrial
the small GTPase RAB7, which regulates endolysosomal fusion content enriched in oxidized proteins.9 A pattern emerged that
processes, and VPS39/VPS41, two subunits of the HOPS teth- the matrix contents included subunits of large, megadalton com-
ering complex, have been shown to act together with STX17 in plexes, such as pyruvate dehydrogenase, OGDH, and some
the delivery of stress-induced PINK1/Parkin-dependent MDVs complexes of the electron transport chain.8,9 Based on these
to the late endosome/lysosome.46 early observations, two proteomic studies have adopted the
Parkin was also suggested to control the targeting of MDVs cell-free reconstitution reaction to map the proteome of MDVs
into the endolysosomal compartment together with its multifunc- in the context of oxidative stress using cardiac or neuronal mito-
tional partner, the Toll-interacting protein (Tollip).47 Like Parkin, chondria isolated from the heart or brain, respectively.21,54 These
Tollip is linked to immune signaling and was shown to inhibit proteomic studies confirmed initial observations and supported
TLR activation,48,49 to stabilize the cytosolic DNA sensing pro- the idea that MDVs extract large complexes that may be difficult
tein STING in the ER,50 and to play roles in ESCRT-mediated pro- (and/or dangerous) to disassemble and degrade within the
tein sorting through its interaction with the ESCRT-0 subunit organelle. However, the assembly state of these complexes re-
TOM1.51–53 During oxidative stress, Tollip was observed on mained unclear. The recent analysis of immuno-isolated
one class of MDVs (TOMM20+/PDH ) that were also positive TOMM20-containing MDVs using blue-native PAGE demon-
for Parkin.47 Tollip interacts with the UBL domain of Parkin and strated that electron transport chain complexes or the mitochon-
ubiquitin, which is required for its MDV association.47 Unlike drial protein import machinery remained fully intact, indicating
for the generation of stress-induced MDVs,8 Parkin’s ubiquitin that there was no proteolytic processing or disassembly of these
ligase activity was not required for the targeting of MDVs into large complexes prior to incorporation into MDVs.11 Together,
the endolysosomal compartment.47 Of note, Parkin is not essen- these studies have revealed a strong flexibility in cargo

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 25


composition based on the subclasses of MDVs, the isolated tis- ticity depending on the tissue and specific stressors. In the case
sues, and the applied stresses, highlighting the vast complexity of inflammation, there is a spike in ROS and itaconate (metabolic
of MDV cargo in response to different triggers.11,21,54 remodeling) that could lead to additional modifications to drive
Reminiscent of this complexity, proteomic studies of BVs have susceptible complexes like OGDH into vesicles.63,64
revealed a large number of cargoes from different compart- Exciting recent developments have documented a new class
ments, such as the cytoplasm, periplasm, and bacterial inner of MDVs that form in response to disease mutations in fumarate
or outer membranes, with a strong enrichment of b-barrel pro- hydratase, leading to an accumulation of fumarate.65 The eleva-
teins.3,5,55 This feature is also conserved in the proteome of tion in fumarate led to the incorporation of mtDNA into MDVs that
TOMM20-containing MDVs, in which all mitochondrial OMM required SNX9 for their formation. Once released from mitochon-
b-barrel proteins (VDAC1-3, TOMM40, and SAMM50) were iden- dria, the mtDNA within MDVs gained access to the cytosol where
tified.11 Remarkably, b-barrel proteins are fully membrane- it activated cGAS and STING pathways that triggered innate im-
embedded and oligomerized in MDVs and are classified as mune signaling.65 This indicated that the accumulated metabolite
intrinsically difficult to extract proteins.11 somehow led to the specific incorporation of mtDNA into MDVs,
What is very poorly understood is how these cargoes and olig- perhaps through covalent modifications on transcription factor A,
omeric protein complexes are chosen for incorporation into mitochondrial (TFAM), that packages mtDNA into the nucleoid
MDVs. To date, TOMM20-containing MDVs are the most abun- structures. There is an emerging appreciation of TCA cycle inter-
dant class of MDVs generated in steady state.2,11 It is possible mediates, particularly succinate, as a post-translational modifier
that this reflects stalled import complexes that cannot be cleared through an acylation reaction on acceptor lysine residues.66 This
by the mitochondrial compromised protein import response (mi- acylation reactions require ‘‘writers, readers, and eraser’’ pro-
toCPR) and are therefore removed in MDVs.56 Another possible teins that drive the conjugation, interact with modified substrate,
mechanism contributing to cargo selectivity might be the pro- and reverse the conjugation. We envision that these reactions will
cess of tubulation itself, as the increased surface-to-volume ratio directly couple metabolism to the generation of MDVs. For now,
would favor membrane-bound complexes over soluble matrix how cargoes are incorporated into MDVs remains one of the most
components. Whether or not the MIRO1/2 machinery may link critical unanswered questions in the field.
the import machinery to other cargoes and the mechanisms to
retain inner membrane contacts to generate double-membraned FATES OF MDVs
vesicles is also unclear. MIRO1 was shown to form a complex
with the mitochondrial intermembrane space bridging complex The targets of MDVs include peroxisomes, late endosomes,
(MIB), containing both MICOS and SAMM50.57 SAMM50 is a phagosome, and lysosome (Figure 3). The first discovered
component of the import machinery that facilitates the insertion MDV transport pathway described the delivery of the outer mito-
of transmembrane domains into the bilayer.58,59 At least a pool of chondrial membrane protein MAPL to peroxisomes.1,10 Although
SAMM50 is also integrated within the MICOS complex that sta- MAPL was transported to a subset of peroxisomes in steady
bilizes contact sites between the outer and inner membrane.60,61 state, it was also shown that the birth of new peroxisomes re-
Therefore, the potential for these proteins as regulatory nodes quires a vesicle transport pathway from mitochondria.67 Fibro-
that direct the generation of single- or double-membraned vesi- blasts from Zellweger patients lacking the core peroxin PEX3
cles should be investigated. are completely devoid of peroxisomes. Upon rescue with the
In contrast to steady-state MDVs, many of the stress-induced missing PEX3 protein, new peroxisomes are born.68 It had long
MDVs do not contain the import complexes. Therefore, their been known that PEX3 initially targeted mitochondria,69 whereas
mechanisms of cargo selection must be distinct. Oxidative its partner in peroxisomal protein import, PEX16, initially targeted
stress-induced MDVs are often modulated by the PD-related the ER in cells lacking peroxisomes.70 By following the birth of
factors discussed previously.8,19 It is our hypothesis that MDV new peroxisomes, it was shown that PEX3 and PEX16 were
transport is activated in response to metabolic and cell fate tran- each sorted into vesicles from their respective organelles.67
sitions, which means that the structural features that drive cargo Only upon fusion of the two pre-peroxisome populations could
selection must be intimately coupled to the metabolic state. For the import complex be assembled, allowing the development
example, cargoes may change confirmation upon the direct of a mature peroxisome.67 Thus, MDV-mediated cargo delivery
modification by a given metabolic substrate. This could be re- to peroxisomes plays an essential part in the de novo biogenesis
flected in numerous ways, from ROS-mediated oxidation, gluta- of peroxisomes.67 Current evidence suggests that some perox-
thionylated, conjugation by reactive TCA cycle intermediates isomal transmembrane proteins may utilize either the ER SEC61
succinylation or itaconylation, or possibly through more direct translocon (in the case of PEX16),70,71 or the mitochondrial TOM
signaling events involving phosphorylation or NAD+-dependent translocon (i.e., MAPL or PEX3)1,67,69 for initial biogenesis, rather
deacetylation by sirtuins.62 We envision that the modification than inserting through a peroxisomal import translocon. Recent
of protein complexes by these metabolites could lead to their ag- structural studies have demonstrated how the membrane-
gregation or drive interactions with machineries coupled to MDV embedded peroxisomal ubiquitin ligase import complex of
formation. Aggregated or even phase-separated cargoes could PEX2/10/12 forms a pore structure with similarities to the
potentially initiate membrane curvature from the matrix side, SEC61 or TOM machineries in ER and mitochondria.72 However,
which in turn would recruit cytosolic proteins like SNXs, to initiate it is not clear yet how complex, multispanning membrane pro-
vesicle or tubule formation from the cytosolic side. This would teins are inserted laterally into the bilayer through this kind of
allow an intrinsic flexibility for mitochondria to release any large, pore and how this may be structurally facilitated by peroxisomal
‘‘failing’’ protein complex within vesicles and would provide plas- membrane protein import subunits PEX3/16/19. We consider

26 Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024


Figure 3. Different fates of MDVs

Overview of the different fates of MDVs discovered today. MDVs can deliver protein cargoes to peroxisomes or contribute to the de novo biogenesis of per-
oxisomes by fusing with specific ER-derived vesicles containing peroxisomal proteins (left). The major transport route delivers MDVs from mitochondria to the
endolysosomal system (right). Within the endolysosomal pathway, MDVs can modulate the bacterial defense of the cell and contribute to quality control through
lysosomal degradation as well as signaling pathways for example by release of mitochondrial content through exosomes or extracellular vesicles.

there are dual pathways for peroxisomal import of membrane- seen to fuse with naive mitochondria rather than targeting the
anchored proteins, either directly into the organelle through the late endosome or vacuole. Another example is the MDV-depen-
PEX2/10/12 translocon or by delivery through MDVs and ER- dent delivery of SOD2 to an MRSA-containing autophagosome,
derived vesicles. which aids in killing the pathogen.22 Further supporting a role of
The fate of mitochondrial content within the late endosome/ MDVs in immunity and inflammatory signaling, MDV cargoes that
lysosome is primarily degradation as part of the continuum of are expelled from the cell can serve as signals to trigger re-
quality control pathways.73 Mitochondrial proteases in the matrix sponses across cell types or even tissues.20,78 Therefore,
and intermembrane space offer the first line of quality control, MDVs first target the multivesicular body from where they can
degrading oxidized and/or misfolded proteins.74 In addition to be shuffled to the extracellular space through exosomes and
mitochondrial proteases, many OMM proteins are degraded in extracellular vesicles (EVs).20 Altogether, MDVs can target
a ubiquitin-mediated, retrotranslocation into cytosol for degra- various compartments within the cell to serve diverse functions
dation within cytosolic proteasomes.75 MDVs are at the next from basic quality control to complex signaling cascades.
step of the quality control continuum, removing larger protein
complexes and membrane proteins that may be refractive to ALTERNATIVE MITOCHONDRIAL REMODELING
proteolytic degradation within the mitochondria. Although we PATHWAYS
refer to these levels of quality control as a continuum, they will
occur simultaneously, depending on the client portfolio of each Besides MDVs, alternative pathways exist to specially remodel
pathway. Lastly, when entire organelles are dysfunctional, they mitochondria, including mitophagy (Figure 4). Although the rela-
can be targeted and removed by mitophagy.76 tively small size is a key feature of MDVs, there are at least two
In addition to the quality control function of MDVs, recent very exciting examples where mitochondria can generate very
studies revealed more active signaling and metabolic functions large, cargo-selected compartments de novo. Work in yeast
of MDV cargoes. The fact that many protein complexes are fully has shown that conditions of high amino acids induce the
intact in MDVs offers the interesting possibility that, at least in generation of a very large, micron-sized structure, termed mito-
some conditions, these MDVs could be an active source of me- chondrial-derived compartment (MDC) enriched in metabolite
tabolites.11 Recent work in yeast demonstrated that MDVs can transporters.79 This MDC is maintained for hours and is a meta-
carry a functional ATP synthase complex that generates ATP bolically active compartment that converts the excess amino
and retains electrochemical potential.77 These MDVs were acids to fusel alcohol before ultimately being degraded.80

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 27


Figure 4. Overview of various mitochondrial membrane remodeling pathways

Several mechanisms have been described to act on the outer mitochondrial membrane to reshape the mitochondrial proteome. In yeast, mitochondrial-derived
compartments (MDCs) can form a functional, metabolically active compartment in response to amino acid stress and can modulate the degradation of a subset of
the mitochondrial proteome. Mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs) can selectively deliver mitochondrial contents for lysosomal degradation at steady state or in
response to various stress conditions, such as reactive oxygen species. The most studied remodeling pathway is LC3-dependent degradation, for example, by
piecemeal or bit-by-bit mitophagy. Additionally, Toxoplasma infection can trigger the formation of large mitochondrial structures named structures positive for
OMM (SPOTs), which lead to the degradation of mitochondrial proteins through the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS).

Moreover, this demonstrated that mitochondria have retained the relationship between MDVs and mitophagy/autophagy. The
the capacity to drive metabolic subcompartmentalization use of proton uncouplers and other drugs that rapidly kill mito-
through the generation of cargo-selected MDCs, and even per- chondria has provided important insights into the mechanisms
oxisomes, with metabolic functionality. For the second example, of acute mitophagy but has delayed progress in dissecting
recent work showed that parasitic trypanosome infection initi- the complex events in conditions where mitochondria are
ated the formation of large OMM compartments called struc- compromised but remain active. This is most obvious in inherited
tures positive for OMM (SPOTs).81 It’s unclear whether this dra- mitochondrial disease patients, where organelles lacking entire
matic event favors the host or the parasite, but the selective electron transport chains, or loss of mtDNA, yet mitophagy is
removal of OMM components led to import failure and presum- limited, displaying a frustrating lack of clearance of dysfunctional
ably a number of other consequences.81 This highlights the organelles.84,85
incredible plasticity of mitochondrial membranes to generate One critical question is the nature of the switch, or potential
new structures de novo in highly variable biological systems integration, between MDVs and mitophagy. Kinetically, low-
and conditions. dose antimycin A or cannabinoid treatment showed that MDVs
A central feature of MDV transport is the independence from precede mitophagy,8,34 suggesting the cumulative damage
the autophagy machinery.2 Consistent with this, a recent study must be broad enough for all import channels to accumulate
has shown that MDVs can compensate in cells lacking core PINK1 and amplify the ubiquitination reactions of Parkin to re-
autophagy proteins like ATG5.23 However, some have observed cruit autophagy adaptors. Importantly, multiple studies have
LC3 recruitment to Parkin-positive small mitochondrial frag- shown that Parkin-dependent ubiquitination and proteasomal
ments, termed piecemeal or bit-by-bit mitophagy.36,82,83 Most degradation of MIRO were required to arrest mitochondrial
studies do not examine these structures at the EM level, making motility and allow mitophagy to proceed.86,87 A secondary
it difficult to determine whether they are MDV related, or frag- consequence of MIRO loss would be an arrest in MDV forma-
ments of mitochondria undergoing canonical mitophagy. If the tion,11 which may contribute to the switch to promote mitoph-
ubiquitin status on the surface of MDVs was high, it could lead agy. This sets a rheostat where the capacity to generate MDVs
to recognition by autophagy receptors and engulfment into an depends on the extent of dysfunction, potentially linked to the
autophagosome.32 There will be multiple levels of intersection status of MIROs. Importantly, loss of PINK1 or Parkin in multiple
between these pathways that will require further understanding models does not induce significant mitochondrial dysfunction,
of early events in the generation of these structures. Going for- indicating that other mitophagy and proteostasis mechanisms
ward, it is critical to use physiological conditions to interrogate can play critical roles in mitochondrial quality control.88–90

28 Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024


Figure 5. Metabolic implications of vesicular trafficking in and across cells

MDVs and bacterial vesicles (BVs) are implicated in several physiological processes. Intracellular, MDVs can play a protective role against various stresses and
can impact epigenetics and thereby stem cell function. Reminiscent of BVs, which can travel large distances in the body through the bloodstream to stimulate
host-pathogen interactions in various tissues and organs, extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing mitochondrial contents can regulate tissue homeostasis and
prime target tissues like the heart to confer increased level of protection against stress.

Whether or not MIRO loss is central to all forms of mitophagy is tween cells, tissues, and even organisms is very well established
not yet clear, so the transitions from MDV formation to full mi- in nature and is not restricted to MDVs (Figure 5).
tophagy require investigation in multiple contexts. Recent advances illustrating the functional importance of
In conclusion, understanding the integration of the many MDV release in vivo are being made in an expanding number
mechanisms of quality control is essential in order to find ways of tissue contexts.78,99 Given the technical challenges in study-
to selectively enhance these mechanisms in disease models. ing MDVs and EVs in vivo, not all studies distinguish clearly
whether the mitochondrial release reflects whole organelles or
PHYSIOLOGICAL IMPACT OF MITOCHONDRIAL MDVs/exosome content. A common theme for MDV secretion
CONTENT IN EVs is the clear role for specific mitochondrial stress, or inflamma-
tory signaling, as the cue to release content. For example,
One intriguing consequence of MDV delivery to the multivesicu- inducible expression of mitochondrial ferritin in adipocytes al-
lar body is the potential to secrete selective mitochondrial con- lowed the specific induction of oxidative stress, particularly
tent from the cell. Recent studies indicate that MDVs can be when mice are fed a high-fat diet.78 Although the stress was
directly captured within ectosomes budding from the plasma activated within adipocytes, profound effects were seen in
membrane or they may be released as part of the exosome the heart, which were driven by adipose-derived EVs contain-
pool when multivesicular bodies fuse with the cell sur- ing mitochondrial content. The authors demonstrated that the
face.20,78,91–93 Indeed, proteomic studies of EVs identified a EVs were derived from exosome secretion, and although the
large set of mitochondrial proteins with an emerging array of content showed increased oxidation, the vesicles retained
functional consequences.94–96 These release mechanisms can functional respiratory capacity. The recipient cardiomyocytes
play distinct roles in interorgan signaling, immune regulation, in the heart were seen to internalize the EVs, prompting an
and even mitochondrial exchange.93 The contributions of mito- initial burst of ROS that led to tissue remodeling and protection
chondrial content transfer between cells in signaling pathways against subsequent ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. EVs
are an exciting and emerging area of research. There may be derived from Parkin / adipocytes showed reduced mito-
some evolutionary similarity to the function of BVs as drivers of chondrial protein content and did not provide protection in
host cell signaling pathways both within the microbiome and the heart when injected into wild-type mice experiencing I/R
upon infection.97 Several studies have identified BVs circulating injury.78 This provided critical new evidence for potentially
in the bloodstream, thereby even reaching far-away tissues and long-range impact of secreted EVs carrying mitochondrial con-
target regions with emerging therapeutic relevance.97,98 Thus, tent as a messenger between adipocytes and the heart, partic-
the concept of vesicular carriers as signaling units within and be- ularly in conditions of obesity and adipocyte stress.

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 29


Secretion of mitochondria from multiple cell types has been TOMM20 delivery to the multivesicular body/late endosome.47
seen as a mechanism for clearance by macrophages. A recent The authors suggested that glutamate stress through Glut3
study revealed that mitochondria-containing EV release was signaling induced MDV transport to deliver mtDNA to the late en-
stimulated from brown adipocytes during cold exposure.99 Ther- dosome. The functional consequence of mtDNA within released
mogenically induced isolated brown adipocytes led to increased EVs was to activate TLR9 receptors that further promoted endo-
mitochondrial uncoupling and ROS production that drove the cytosis, migration, and invasiveness of the tumor.92 Horizontal
formation of PINK1-dependent PDH+/TOMM20 MDVs that tar- transfer of mtDNA within exosomes has been reported in other
geted the endolysosomal compartments prior to exosome cancer studies, where it was shown to promote exit from
secretion. The PDH content of the MDVs and EVs was shown dormancy of cancer stem-like cells through integration of the
to be cysteine oxidized, and treatment with n-acetyl cysteine mtDNA into acceptor cells,107 perhaps following mechanisms
blocked EV release. These EVs were cleared in vivo by patrolling explored in the PINK1-dependent pathway above.92
monocyte-derived macrophages, a specific subtype to thermo- The release of oxidized mtDNA from neutrophils was also
genic conditions that showed reduced inflammation.99 Loss of described in LUPUS models, where again the mechanisms
these macrophages led to accumulation of EVs and failure of were not fully resolved but revealed an MDV pathway through
the thermogenic response to cold exposure within the brown ad- the multivesicular body and release through exosomes.91 These,
ipocytes. Therefore, the capacity of macrophages to clear EVs along with more recent work20,65 revealed that mtDNA nucleoids
was critical for thermogenesis. Indeed, incubation of isolated or DNA fragments can be MDV cargo given the right stimulus.
brown adipocytes with EVs disrupted the typical thermogenic Proteomics studies have identified mtDNA nucleoids in autopha-
response including PPARg signaling, decreased UCP1 expres- gosomes from brain and primary neurons, so these pathways
sion, respiration, and altered TCA metabolites, at least in part can both contribute to the delivery of mitochondrial content to
through the activation of AMPK.99 the endolysosomal and autophagosomal compartments.108
Additionally, numerous groups have reported mitochondrial Armed with rapidly emerging tools and mechanisms to selec-
transfer between cells in vivo, a process mechanistically com- tively modulate MDV formation, future work will clarify the nature
plex and poorly understood. Whole organelles can be trans- of mtDNA transport and release in EVs. There is a growing inter-
ported in thin nanotunnels or within ectosomes that shed from est in the functional impact of mitochondrial content secreted
the plasma membrane.100–104 One example among many is the from tissues in multiple disease paradigms. Although some will
exchange of mitochondria from adipocytes to macrophages involve the transfer of intact whole mitochondria, the contribu-
in vivo.105 In an elegant study combining a fluorescent reporter tion of MDV content to the multivesicular body appears to
mouse line with bone marrow transplantation, the transfer of contribute significantly to interorgan signaling, immunity, and
mitochondria in white adipose tissue from adipocytes to neigh- cancer progression in multiple ways.
boring macrophages was clearly demonstrated.105 Importantly,
these transferred mitochondria were not cleared by their new PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL IMPACT OF MDV TRANSPORT
host but resulted in an increase of mitochondrial ROS production
in these macrophages demonstrating metabolic activity.105 In addition to the consequences of MDV content release from
Physiologically, the transfer of mitochondria from adipocytes to cells, there is increasing insight into the roles of MDV transport
macrophages was shown to be crucial for the regulation of white in neurodegenerative disease, heart metabolism, and aging
adipocyte tissue homeostasis, which is impaired in obesity.105 (Table 3).8,19,24,81,109,110,111 Besides the removal of damaged
Exosome release is also an established contributor to cellular protein complexes, MDV transport is a mechanism to selectively
migration through multiple mechanisms.106 Recent studies have sculp the mitochondrial proteome to alter function, metabolism,
shed new light on the function of mitochondrial proteins and and signaling. This is perhaps best illustrated in a study investi-
mtDNA released within exosomes in cancer models. Among gating mild oxidative damage in neurons.109 The study investi-
the events leading to metabolic rewiring in cancer cells is the gated the response to very low-dose antimycin A (inhibitor of
upregulation of a cystine/glutamate antiporter that effluxes complex III, 1,0003 lower than most studies) that did not elicit
glutamate in exchange for cystine, a critical step to generate mitophagy or Parkin recruitment.109 Instead, they observed a se-
the antioxidant glutathione required to counter the stress of the lective loss of the mitochondrial membrane protein Syntaphilin,
cancer cell.92 This results in increased extracellular glutamate which anchors mitochondria within the terminals. High-resolu-
in the tumor environment, which can activate the glutamate re- tion imaging, video microscopy, and immunoelectron micro-
ceptor 3, promoting endosomal transport and exosome release scopy (immuno-EM) analysis revealed the release of Syntaphilin
that facilitates migration. However, chronic glutamate exposure in MDVs that hitchhiked with endosomes back to the soma for
also led to mitochondrial respiratory stress that increased mito- degradation. The mitochondria within the terminals were then
chondrial content within the exosomes. Unlike the examples liberated from their anchored state, showing enhanced dy-
described above, this included mtDNA.92 Although the study namics and retrograde transport.109 The authors further exam-
did not investigate the detailed mechanisms of content delivery ined this phenomenon in early asymptomatic models of fALS
to the late endosome compartments, the process was indepen- neurons expressing mutant SOD1 and in neurons isolated from
dent of autophagy machinery and required PINK1. Interestingly, Alzheimer’s models with mutant APP. In both cases, they
PINK1, but not the kinase activity of PINK1, was requisite for observed a similar increase in Syntaphilin-positive MDVs and
mtDNA release in exosomes. This is somewhat reminiscent of revival of mitochondrial motility.109 This is an interesting model
studies with the Parkin partner Tollip described above, where where MDV release selectively removed the machinery that
the ubiquitin ligase activity of Parkin was not required for anchors mitochondria in the terminal, allowing increased

30 Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024


Table 3. Disease conditions linked to MDVs

Disease Molecular player Functional process MDV references
Parkinson’s disease PINK1, Parkin, VPS35 antigen presentation; McLelland et al.,8 Braschi et al.,10 Wang
quality control et al.,17 Wang et al.,18 Matheoud et al.,19,24
and McLelland et al.46
Alzheimer’s disease SNPH mitochondrial motility Lin et al.109
Amyotrophic laterals sclerosis SNPH mitochondrial motility Lin et al.109
Cardiac dysfunction
Heart dysfunction unknown quality control; ROS signaling Cadete et al.110 and Li et al.112
Aging-related functional decline
Stem cell function SLC25A1 quality control; regulation Pouikli et al.111
of metabolism
Disturbed antimicrobial defense
Phagosomal bacterial defense Parkin ROS signaling Abuaita et al.22

mitochondrial motility and dynamics.109 As mitochondria are MDVs to be protective against death.112 There are many ques-
transported back to the soma, they may recover or undergo mi- tions remaining as to the fate and function of MDVs in the
tophagy. ischemic heart, but the data highlight the rapid generation of
In the context of infection, MDV delivery to the late endosome MDVs as a key early response to multiple mitochondrial
led to the presentation of mitochondrial antigens.19 This was stressors from cardiotoxins like doxorubicin to I/R.
repressed by PINK1 and Parkin, as outlined above. Importantly, Lastly, in a search for factors responsible for dysfunction in
in vivo studies infecting wild-type and PINK1 / mice with Cit- aging mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), the authors identified a
robacter rodentium showed a strong increase in mitochondrial highly selective, MDV-mediated removal of the mitochondrial cit-
antigen presentation from antigen-presenting cells within rate carrier CiC (SLC25A1). This carrier is required to export cit-
PINK1 / mice.24 This resulted in an expansion of cytotoxic rate, the precursor of acetyl-CoA, from the mitochondrial matrix
CD8+ T cells specific for mitochondrial antigens, demonstrating to the cytosol. The loss of CiC resulted in the accumulation of cit-
global effects on the peripheral immune system in genetically rate in mitochondria and the dramatic depletion of acetyl-CoA in
susceptible mice. Ultimately, these mice developed motor the cytosol. This led to a block in chromatin acetylation that
impairment, acutely reversible upon treatment with L-DOPA, impaired osteogenesis.111 Restoration of cytosolic levels of
highlighting a failure in dopaminergic neurons. Histological ex- acetyl-CoA upon re-expression of CiC or exogenous addition
amination showed a retraction of dopaminergic neuron terminals of sodium acetate rescued the histone acetylation and
from the striatum, consistent with the pathology.24 Although osteogenic potential. This confirmed that the primary block in
more work is required to develop a detailed map of events the supply of acetyl-CoA was at the level of the mitochondrial
from the initial gut infection to the peripheral immune system CiC. The loss was shown to be due to degradation of CiC in ly-
and loss of dopaminergic neuron terminals, it provided a new sosomes and confocal imaging confirmed the presence of CiC
proof of concept linking MDV transport to the development of in TOMM20+/PDH MDVs. Ultrastructure imaging further
autoimmune pathways in a novel PD model. confirmed the presence of double-membraned MDVs emerging
MDVs were also examined in mouse heart and cultured H9c2 from mitochondria in aged MSC. It remains unclear why or how
cardiomyocytes.110,112 Although seen in steady state, MDVs the CiC is selected for degradation in aging MSC, but it has been
rapidly increased 2-fold upon treatment with doxorubicin, a established that there is increased mitochondrial stress with age,
cardiotoxic stress used as a chemotherapeutic in cancer which may initiate the process.111 Importantly this deficit was
patients.110 Using high-resolution quantitative electron tomogra- conserved in aged human MSC, offering new therapeutic poten-
phy in mouse heart, a series of both single- and double- tial for age-related osteoporosis by restoring the cytosolic pools
membraned MDVs were observed, along with some autophago- of acetyl-CoA.111 These findings highlight the capacity of MDV
somes containing larger mitochondria.110 As in other cancer cell transport to sculpt the mitochondrial proteome and rewire meta-
models, cultured differentiated H9c2 cells showed rapid induc- bolism.
tion of MDVs with doxorubicin, prior to any mitochondrial
dysfunction or fragmentation, consistent with the emerging CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
consensus that MDVs are a first-line defense to mitochondrial
stress.110 Another study exposed H9c2 cells to hypoxic stress The discovery of MDVs marked a new understanding of the plas-
to mimic I/R injury and again showed a rapid increase in MDVs ticity of mitochondrial membranes to sort cargoes into a variety
peaking at 1 h, decreasing gradually.112 Ultrastructural analysis of membrane-bound carriers with multiple fates and functions.
of rat hearts after acute ischemia similarly revealed an increased Although initial definitions and mechanisms of MDVs continue
generation of MDVs. At 12 h of hypoxia, H9c2 cells underwent to expand and evolve, the core principles have been established.
apoptosis, prompting them to consider the initial generation of Recent progress has been made in the identification of protein

Cell Metabolism 36, January 2, 2024 31


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