Peranan Pekerja Despatch Dan Pemandu Korporat

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By Mr. Thanabalan
19 June 2019, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Kuala Lumpur

Setiap organisasi memerlukan pekerja-pekerja yang berkesan demi
menjayakan misi dan visi organisasi. Kesemua peringkat pekerja mempunyai
peranan yang istimewa didalam memastikan produktiviti sesebuah
organisasi, kerana dibahu mereka letaknya tanggungjawab untuk memastikan
perjalanan operasi dapat berlaku dengan lancar. Peranan ini juga dimain oleh
pekerja despatch dalam sesebuah organisasi.Kebanyakan organisasi hari ini
bergantung kepada pekerja despatch yang berfungsi sebagai baris hadapan
untuk memberi perkhidmatan kepada pihak pengurusan dan pelanggan. .Cara
cara mereka berinteraksi dan berhubung dengan dunia luar akan
meningkatkan imej korporat sebuah syarikat.Pada masa yang sama sikap
pekerja despatch yang negatif akan menjejaskan status sesebuah organisasi.

 Meningkatkan personaliti dan imej diri pekerja
 Mengenalpasti peranan peranan utama seorang pekerja despatch
 Menentukan cara cara pengurusan masa yang berkesan
 Mengenalpasti cara cara menjalankan kerja yang bermutu
 Meningkatkan motivasi diri dikalangan pekerja despatch
 Meningkatkan kepekaan terhadap sikap kerja positif.



i. Menilai sikap diri sendiri
ii. Pentingnya sikap positif
iii. Kejujuran sikap yang dipandang mulia
iv. Menyimpan rahsia urusan kerja yang dikendalikan
v. Bersikap pro-aktif
vi. Tabiat suka menepati masa
vii. Menjaga keselamatan diri di jalan raya dan keadaan
viii. Kemampuan untuk menghadapi cabaran
ix. Menganalisa kekuatan dan kelemahan diri.
x. Aktiviti 1:Perbincangan kumpulan
i. Pentingnya memakai pakaian yang sesuai
ii. Pakaian seragam: Faedahmya
iii. Memperagakan imej yang positif dengan cara
pemakaian yang sesuai
iv. Kebersihan diri: Perkara yang perlu dititikberatkan
v. Menguruskan masa yang berkesan
vi. Ciri ciri individu yang mempunyai konsep kendiri yang
vii. Kajian Kes
i. Apakah itu mutu kerja untuk pekerja despatch
ii. Bagaimana hendak mencapai mutu kerja yang baik
iii. Ciri ciri mutu kerja untuk pekerja despatch
iv. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi mutu kualiti kerja
v. Motivasi dan keyakinan diri
vi. Mengetahui kemampuan diri
vii. Perancangan dan pengorganisasian kerja
viii. Faktor utama kearah kecemerlangan
i. Kenapakah keselamatan dijalanraya penting untuk
pekerja despatch
ii. Amalan amalan keselamatan jalanraya yang baik
iii. Peranan pekerja despatch untuk berpegang teguh
terhadap keselamatan
iv. Merancang perjalanan
v. Perbincangan dua hala dengan peserta

Trainer's Profile
Dr. V. Thanabalan Velloo Phd, MBA, BSc(Hons) has extensive experience in the field of
operations performance improvement particularly in various manufacturing and services
industries. He is not only an excellent and resourceful trainer, he is also skilled in management
and leadership of organizations. He graduated with an honour’s degree in Management and
Biochemistry from University of Science Malaysia in 1987. He started his career in the
manufacturing operations as a Production Executive and gradually moved in various managerial
positions such as Production Manager Packaging Manager, Planning and Logistics Manager,
Sales Manager and Factory Manager. To name a few of the organizations that he has worked for
are Carsem semiconductor, Baxter Healthcare, London Rubber Company, Solectron, Mona
Industries and Asiatic Dipped Products. This experience has given him a thorough understanding
of the opportunities and problems involved with managing work, people and customers.

While working in the manufacturing sector he pursued an MBA program with University
Kebangsaan Malaysia, majoring in General Management in 1996. Upon completion of his MBA
in 1998 and also due to his passion for training, he switched his career to Training and
development. To date he has conducted more than 900 training programs mainly in the area of
employee development, customer management and operations management/ improvement. He
is a very versatile trainer not only on the topics that he could train but a bilingual trainer as well.
His fluency in Bahasa Malaysia has given him a competitive advantage especially in the present
workplace condition.
As a corporate trainer he realized a major concern by organizations regarding Transfer of
Training which he became interested to explore. He realized that organizations became
concerned in sending their employees for trainings, as they don’t seem to transfer their
knowledge/skills gained back to the workplace. Due to this he pursued his Ph.D in 2007 in order
to identify the barriers to Training Transfer. He completed his Ph.D in 2013. Besides trainings, he
also lectures part time in various higher learning institutions for their Degree and Masters
programs. To name a few are University of Malaya, University Sedaya International and
University Putra Malaysia.

To date he has conducted many public and in-house trainings in many business areas for
government organizations and private sectors such as Ministry of Defence, TLDM, UMW, Titan
Group, CS Metal Industries, Sharp Roxy, Petronas, ShinEtsu Sdn. Bhd., Triplus Industry, Metrod
Sdn. Bhd., Shinko Electronics, Green Riverwood, Omron Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Hap Seng
Consolidated Bhd., YTY Industry, Maruyama Sdn. Bhd,Top Glove etc. .He has provided quality
trainings to more than 5000 clients over the past ten years.

He is a certified trainer with PSMB and to date has also conducted TNA projects and Train the
Trainer programs for several companies. He is also a certified business coach representing
University Malaya in coaching programs. Participants receive enhance benefits and impactful
results from his training programs because of his vast industrial exposure in various areas. He
empowers people to increase their limits, level of commitment, higher level of performance of the
individual, team and the organization in achieving organizational goals.

Course Fee
1 person ~ RM 1007 / pax
2 persons or more ~ RM 901 / pax
(Course fee is inclusive of 2 tea breaks, lunch, course material, Certificate of Attendance and 6
% Service Tax )

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