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Public Api v2 Documentation

Table of Content
Table of Content
Using iSeller OAuth Javascript SDK
Using Postman Tools
Sample Usage
Billing / Shipping
Sample Usage
Sample Usage
Sample Usage
Sample Usage
Sample Usage
Sample Usage
Change Logs

21 December 2022

Add weight_quantity on GetOrders

14 April 2022

Add UnfulfilledItems on GetOrders request body for includes parameter

9 February 2022

Add channel_detail parameter on GetOrders repsponse body

21 December 2021

Add has_next_item on GetOrders response body

23 April 2020

Add product_type and vendor on GetProducts response body

22 September 2020

Add List of ProductCombos on GetProducts

30 July 2020

Add parameter modified_after on GetProducts

22 July 2020

Add List of ProductVariants on GetProducts

19 May 2020

Add List of Object (ShippingDetail) on GetOrders

30 April 2020

Add List of Object (MDR) on Transactions.

Add parameter buying_price (average buying price) on GetProducts

27 April 2020

Add order_id in parameter request on GetOrders's API

3 April 2020

Add List of Object (RefundDetails) in StoreOrderRefund on GetOrders's API

Add List of Object (CostOfGoodsSold) in OrderDetails on GetOrders's API

26 March 2020

Add parameter product_modifier_sku in OrderDetails and parameter product_sku in List of Object (InventoryHistory) on
GetOrders's API

26 February 2020

Add List of Product Ingredients on GetProduct's API

To gain access to iSeller Public API you need to obtain access_token and resource_url.

The following steps shows you how to obtain the access_token and resource_url.

1. Direct the user to{APP_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={APP_REDIRECT_URI}&state

This will direct user to a grant page where user will need to grant access request to your app. After the grant process is done, iSeller will
redirects the request to specified APP_REDIRECT_URI for next process that will be handled in your app.
Parameter Type Optional Description

response_type String N Value must set to code

client_id String N A unique string issued by iSeller to you when your app was registered. This value represents your app
identifier. (e.g 81c80552094c44a1ab9afaba06dee032)

redirect_uri String N Redirect url that has been specified on your app. iSeller will redirect the request to this url after grant process is
done. The redirect url must be an absolute uri (e.g

state String Y An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. iSeller will includes this
value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client. The parameter used for preventing cross-site request

2. Once re-directed to your specified APP_REDIRECT_URI you'll get something as follows{STATE

Parameter Type Description

code String The issued authorization code. This value will be used to obtain access_token and resource_url in the next step (eg:

state String The exact value that has been passed on previous step. Only exist when state was specified on previous step.

3. Requests an access token by making a post request to with the following parameters.

Parameter Type Optional Description

grant_type String N Value must set to authorization_code

code String N The authorization code retrieved from the call back url (e.g

redirect_uri String N Redirect url that has been specified on your app. The one specified in authroize request. (e.g

client_id String N A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g

client_secret String N A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g

This request will return you the access_token and resource_url along with other oauth info as follows.

"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 1209599,
"refresh_token": "qRifojWTvY6E4m-NphFwCjt4_2ejD_ArcXV5_DUF...",
"resource_url": "https://{storename}"

4. You can than use access the iSellerApi from the resource_url, e.g by adding the
access_token to authorization header as follows.

Header Key Value Description

Authorization Bearer Value must be set to Beare

7YXNsIg5bMjWwLu1C5oLF7WRu4nTm762mRTVDENMnM4w9H8adYq9vHRVKtWC7... r {access_token}.

5. If access token has expired, you could get new access token by making a post request to with the
following parameters.

Parameter Type Optional Description


grant_type String N Value must be set to refresh_token

refresh_token String N The refresh_token received along with the access_token (e.g

client_id String N A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g

client_secret String N A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g

This request will return result will be the same as request access token result in step 3.

Related resources:

Using iSeller OAuth Javascript SDK

iSeller OAuth Javascript SDK is iseller UI/UX standard of how iseller integration should be perform. You could get iseller oauth sdk from: https://is

How to use

1. Include iSeller OAuth SDK in your integration webpage.

2. Call Javascript function iSellerOAuth.Open in which will open iSeller's OAuth Grant Access Dialog.

var clientId = "81c80552094c44a1ab9afaba06dee032";

var clientRedirectUrl = "";
var state = "additional_info";
var callback = function(data)
alert (data);

iSellerOAuth.Open(clientId, clientRedirectUrl, state, callback); //state and

callback is optional
//iSellerOAuth.Open(clientId, clientRedirectUrl);

Show iSeller's OAuth Grant Dialog that will guide user to grant your application access to his/her store.

Parameter Type Optional Description

clientId String N A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g

clientRedirectUrl String N Redirect url that has been specified on your app.

state String Y An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback.

callback String Y Function that will be called when iSeller oauth grant dialog was closed. The first parameter of this function is
data passed when close oauth dialog.

3. After user grant access to your app, iSeller will redirects the request to specified clientRedirectUrl for next process that will be handled in
your app. Please follow the authentication step #2 and so on from the Authentication section above.
4. After the authentication process is done and you got the acces token. You can close the dialog from your clientRedirectUrl using the
following code.

Parameter Type Optional Description

data Any Y Data that will be passed to callback function that is specify on iSellerOAuth.Open.

Using Postman Tools

For testing purposes, alternatively you can use Postman tools

Using postman you can perform the authentication process as follows

1. Change the Authorization Type to OAuth 2.0

2. Create new access token by clicking Get New Access Token

3. Specify request token info

Callback Redirect url that has been specified on your app. iSeller will redirect the request to this url after grant process is done. The
Url redirect url must be an absolute uri (e.g

Auth Url

Token Url

Client ID A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g 81c80552094c44a1ab9afaba06dee032)

Client A unique string issue by iSeller to you when your app was registered. (e.g
Secret secret-CuVuh+4ZBjkVgrqLZVEpAi3c3bpYMEwUL)
4. Login to the iSeller store using store credential

5. Grant access to the app

6. Set Add token to Header then "Use Token"

Use this call to get orders data for particular set of filter. By default it will only retrieve the general info of the orders. If necessary you can also
include details information such as :



Name Type Optional Description

time_zone Integer N Time zone for the given date and also data date conversion. Note that iSeller data stored in UTC +0 time zone.

created_after DateTime N Limits the returned orders to those created after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g.
2017-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

created_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_date DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

sort String Y Allows to choose the sorting column. Possible values are CreatedDate and ModifiedDate.

sort_direction String Y Specify the sorting type. Possible values are ASC and DESC.

page Integer Y Index of the page that going to be loaded.

page_size Integer Y Size of the page that going to be loaded.

includes String Y OrderDetails | Transactions | DiscountDetails | PromotionDetails | TrackInventory | MDR | ShippingDetail |

customer_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified CustomerId.

outlet_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified OutletId.

order_id Guid Y Limit the returned order to those belong to specified OrderId.

Sample Usage


"count": 1,
"orders": [
"order_id": "a5dee2be-17a2-480f-ad52-59b366972678",
"order_reference": "#10-1028",
"channel": "pos",
"order_date": "2017-11-30 09:47:43",
"closed_date": "2017-11-30 09:58:05",
"status": "completed",
"payment_status": "paid",
"fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
"notes": "",
"processing_method": "checkout",
"cancel_date": null,
"cancel_reason": "",
"outlet_id": "432557e5-305a-4619-a07e-b1a7bcfb6f84",
"outlet_name": "Main Outlet",
"register_id": "f3e49daa-57d9-4ca9-b3f6-feb14857f6e6",
"register_name": "Register #10 - Poslab Ecol-66",
"customer_id": "055f7122-e95c-f515-6b04-7d0a3979046c",
"customer_first_name": "Kevin",
"customer_last_name": "Oliver",
"customer_email": "",
"server_id": "",
"server_first_name": "Nancy",
"server_last_name": "Galloway",
"cashier_id": "",
"cashier_first_name": "Nancy",
"cashier_last_name": "Galloway",
"currency": "IDR",
"total_order_amount": 115000,
"discount_percentage": 10,
"total_discount_amount": 9675,
"total_promotion_amount": 18250,
"subtotal": 87075,
"total_tax_amount": 8707.5,
"total_additional_final_amount": 4789.125,
"total_additional_subtotal_amount": 0,
"total_additional_order_amount": 0,
"rounding_amount": 0,
"total_amount": 100571.625,
"buying_price": 42000,
"total_shipping_amount": null,
"total_weight": null,
"tax_inclusive": true,
"on_account": true,
"remaining_on_account": 0,
"billing": null,
"shipping": null,
"order_details": [
"order_detail_id": "47ecc09e-6852-4c7c-88b7-118aff5a7a8a",
"product_id": "264a9217-4466-462b-a60e-3c021288d954",
"product_name": "Simpati Groovy",
"product_generic_name": "Simpati Groovy",
"product_variant_id": null,
"product_variant_name": "",
"product_modifier_id": null,
"product_modifier_name": "",
"notes": "",
"vendor": "Telkomsel",
"sku": "",
"fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
"quantity": 1,
"base_price": 15000,
"price_before_tax": 6075,
"price_after_tax": 6682.5,
"discount_amount": 0,
"discount_percentage": null,
"taxable": true,
"tax_percentage": 10,
"tax_amount": 607.5,
"require_shipping": false,
"weight": null,
"type": "standard",
"track_inventory": true,
"modifier_product_type": null,
"modifier_product_id": null,
"modifier_product_sku": null,
"modifier_product_quantity": null,
"modifier_product_composites": [],
"product_composites": null,
"product_combos": null,
"promotions": [
"promotion_id": "bfa2d0b7-8195-df9b-3989-16820c6d02c3",
"promotion_name": "buy 1 groovy discount 50%",
"promotion_type": "discount_product",
"promotion_amount": 7500
"discounts": [],
"units_used": null
"order_detail_id": "1aec3e42-a8ab-4069-a9f3-96e196f9a3aa",
"product_id": "264a9217-4466-462b-a60e-3c021288d954",
"product_name": "Pulsa 100rb",
"product_generic_name": "Pulsa 100rb",
"product_variant_id": null,
"product_variant_name": "",
"product_modifier_id": "c0817f6f-0357-b088-c05a-3d1eab1c6028",
"product_modifier_name": "Pulsa 100rb",
"notes": "",
"vendor": "Telkomsel",
"sku": "",
"fulfillment_status": "fulfilled",
"quantity": 1,
"base_price": 100000,
"price_before_tax": 81000,
"price_after_tax": 89100,
"discount_amount": 0,
"discount_percentage": null,
"taxable": true,
"tax_percentage": 10,
"tax_amount": 8100,
"require_shipping": false,
"weight": null,
"type": "standard",
"track_inventory": true,
"modifier_product_type": null,
"modifier_product_id": null,
"modifier_product_sku": null,
"modifier_product_quantity": null,
"modifier_product_composites": [],
"product_composites": null,
"product_combos": null,
"promotions": [],
"discounts": [],
"units_used": null
"promotions": [
"promotion_id": "0747ba55-d3ff-50ab-908a-784c0d6a8c4b",
"promotion_name": "get 10 % di atas 10rb",
"promotion_type": "promotion",
"promotion_amount": 10750
"discounts": [
"discount_name": "Discount(diskon 10%)",
"discount_amount": 9675
"transactions": [
"order_reference": null,
"transaction_date": "2017-11-30 09:58:05",
"transaction_id": "794456d4-db9a-4434-9092-a58c67716818",
"channel": "pos",
"type": "sale",
"status": "success",
"gateway": "cash",
"payment_type_id": null,
"payment_type_name": "Cash",
"currency": "IDR",
"amount": 100571.625
"refunded_orders": [
"order_id": "d8467688-b0d4-4044-b86e-f00a7640ef96",
"order_reference": "#5022-1009",
"channel": "pos",
"order_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:10",
"refund_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:35",
"refund_amount": 0,
"units_returned": [
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"stock": 3
"fulfillments": [
"order_id": "d8467688-b0d4-4044-b86e-f00a7640ef96",
"order_reference": "#5022-1009",
"channel": "pos",
"order_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:10",
"fulfill_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:24",
"units_fulfilled": [
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"stock": 1
"order_id": "d8467688-b0d4-4044-b86e-f00a7640ef96",
"order_reference": "#5022-1009",
"channel": "pos",
"order_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:10",
"fulfill_date": "2018-03-16 11:43:28",
"units_fulfilled": [
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"stock": 2
"has_next_item: false,
"error_message": null,
"status": true,
"time": "00:00:08.8982415"

Name Type Description

count Integer Total orders retrieved by the process.

orders List of Object (Order) List of order requested.

refunded_orders List of Object (StoreOrderRefund) List of refunded orders. Available if TrackInventory is included in request parameter.

fulfillments List of Object (StoreOrderFulfilled) List of fulfilled orders. Available if TrackInventory is included in request parameter.

has_next_item Boolean Notes:

If true, any data in next page

If false, all data has been retrieved

error_message String System error message when error occured during process.

status Boolean Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.

time String The response time


Name Type Description

order_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the order assigned by the system.

order_reference String The human-readable order number or reference.

channel String Order channel that indicates from which channel this order is created.

Channel Description

pos If the order created from Point of Sales

web If the order created from Online Store

marketplace If the order created from Marketplace

food_delivery If the order created from Food Delivery

channel_detail String Detail channel for Marketplace and Food Delivery channel.

Value is:


order_date DateTime Date and time when the order was placed.

closed_date DateTime Date and time when the order was closed.
status String Status of the order.

Status Description

draft The order is still on going

reserved The order is a reservation order

completed The order already completed

void The order is voided

payment_status String Payment status of the order.

Status Description

paid Order already fully paid

partially_paid Order is partially paid

refunded Order is fully refunded

partially_refunded Order is partially refunded

voided Order is voided

pending Order has not been paid

fulfillment_status String Order fulfillment status.

Status Description

fulfilled All items in the order already fulfilled

partial Some of the items in the order already fulfilled

none None of the items in the order already fulfilled

notes String Additional notes attach to the order.

processing_method String Order processing method.

cancel_date DateTime Date and time when the order is cancelled. Null if the order is never canclled.

cancel_reason String Reason of cancellation.

outlet_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the outlet associated to this order.

outlet_name String The outlet name associated to this order.

register_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the register associated to this order.

register_name String The register name associated to this order.

customer_id Guid Uniqueidentifier of the customer associated to this order.

customer_first_name String Customer's first name associated to this order. Null if no customer associated to this

customer_last_name String Customer's last name associated to this order. Null if no customer associated to this

customer_email String Customer's email associated to this order. Null if no customer associated to this

server_id Guid Uniqueidentifier of the server associated to this order.

server_first_name String Server's first name associated to this order. Null if no server associated to this order.
server_last_name String Server's last name associated to this order. Null if no server associated to this order.

cashier_id Guid Uniqueidentifier of the cashier associated to this order.

cashier_first_name String Cashier's first name associated to this order. Null if no cashier associated to this

cashier_last_name String Cashier's last name associated to this order. Null if no cashier associated to this

currency String Currency used in this order.

total_order_amount Double? Total order amount (base price / gross amount).

discount_percentage Double Discount percentage value, available if the order has apply percentage base

total_discount_amount Double? Total discount amount associated to this order.

total_promotion_amount Double? Total promotion amount associated to this order.

subtotal Double? Sub total amount of the order.

total_tax_amount Decimal Total tax amount associated to this order.

total_additional_final_amount Decimal Total additional charges amount placed at before final total.

total_additional_subtotal_amount Decimal Total additional charges amount placed at before sub total.

total_additional_order_amount Decimal Total additional charges amount placed at after total order amount (base price /
gross amount).

rounding_amount Decimal Total rounding amount.

total_amount Decimal The total amount charged to the customer.

buying_price Decimal The total buying price of this order

total_shipping_amount Decimal The total shipping amount associated to this order.

total_weight Integer? Total weight of the items that will be shipped.

tax_inclusive Boolean Determine whether the order is tax inclusive

on_account Boolean Determine whether the order have on account payment

remaining_on_account Decimal? The remaining on account for the order

billing Object (Billing) Billing address.

shipping Object (Shipping) Shipping address.

order_details List of Object List of order details associated to this order. Available if OrderDetails is
(OrderDetail) included in request parameter.
List of OrderDetail will appear when list is filled with items from the order.

promotions List of Object List of promotions associated to this order. Available if PromotionDetails is
(Promotion) included in request parameter.

discounts List of Object List of discounts associated to this order. Available if DiscountDetails is included in
(Discount) request parameter.

transactions List of Object List of transactions associated to this order. Available if Transactions is included in
(Transaction) request parameter.


Name Type Description

order_id Guid Order ID for this refunded order

order_reference String Order reference for this refunded order

channel String Channel for this refunded order

order_date DateTime Order date for this refunded order

refund_date DateTime Refund date for this refunded order

refund_amount Decimal Refund amount for this refunded order

units_returned List of Object (StoreInventoryModel) Units returned for this refunded order

refund_details List of Object (RefundDetails) Refund details for this refunded order


Name Type Description

order_id Guid order id for this fulfillment

order_reference String order reference for this fulfillment

channel String channel for this fulfillment

order_date DateTime order date for this fulfillment

fulfill_date DateTime fulfill date for this fulfillment

units_fulfilled List of Object (StoreInventoryModel) units fulfilled for this fulfillment

Billing / Shipping

Name Type Description

address_id Guid Uniqueidentifier of the address.

contact_title String Contact title.

first_name String First name.

last_name String Last name.

company String Company name.

phone String Phone number.

address1 String Address detail.

address2 String Address detail.

country_code String Country code.

country String Country.

state String State.

city String City.

zip String Zip.

longitude Double Longitude coordinate.

latitude Double Latitude coordinate.

shipping_detail List of Object (ShippingDetail) Detail shpping of the order

Name Type Description

order_detail_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the order detail assigned by the system.

product_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product associated to this order detail.

product_name String Product name that associated to this order detail.

product_generic_name String Product generic name that associated to this order detail.

product_variant_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product variant schema associated to this order detail.

product_variant_name String Product variant name that associated to this order detail.

product_modifier_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product modifier schema associated to this order detail. If this
specified it means that the order detail represents a product modifier.

product_modifier_name String Product modifier name that associated to this order detail.

notes String Additional notes attach to the order detail.

vendor String Vendor of the product that associated to this order detail.

sku String SKU of the product that associated to this order detail.

fulfilment_status String Order fulfillment status.

Status Description

fulfilled The item is fulfilled

none The item hasnt been fulfilled

cancel The item is canceled

quantity Integer Total quantity of the product.

base_price Decimal Base price of the product

price_before_tax Decimal Price of the product before tax.

price_after_tax Decimal Price of the product after tax.

discount_amount Decimal Discount amount applied to this order detail.

discount_percentage Double Discount percentage value, available if the order detail has apply percentage base

taxable Bool A value that indicates whether the product associated to this order detail is taxable.

tax_percentage Double The tax percentage value.

tax_amount Decimal The total tax amount applied to the product associated to this order detail.

require_shipping Bool A value that indicates whether the product associated to this order does require

weight Double Total weight of the product associated to this order detail.

weight_quantity Double Total weight quantity of the product associated to this order detail.
This value will only be useful if you install add on Scale and activate the Capture
weight data as attribute instead of quantity setting.
Example: "weight_quantity": 0.258

promotions List of Object List of promotions associated to this order detail. Available if PromotionDetails is
(Promotion) included in request parameter.

discounts List of Object List of discounts associated to this order. Available if DiscountDetails is included in
(Discount) request parameter.
track_inventory Bool A value that indicates whether the product associated to this order detail has track
inventory enabled when the order is made. Available if TrackInventory is included in
request parameter.

type String Type of the product associated in this order detail.

Type Description

standard Standard product.

variant Product variant.

composite Composite product.

comboset Comboset product.

modifier_product_type String Type of product associated to modifier.

Type Description

standard Standard product.

variant Product variant.

composite Composite product.

comboset Comboset product.

modifier_product_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product associated to modifier.

modifier_product_sku String SKU of the product associated to modifier.

modifier_product_quantity Integer Total number of product deducted for this modifier.

modifier_product_composites List of Object Detail inventory history per product if the product associated to modifier is a composite
(InventoryHistory) product.

product_composites List of Object Detail inventory history per product if the product associated to this order detail is a
(InventoryHistory) composite product.

product_combos List of Object Detail inventory history per product if the product associated to this order detail is a
(InventoryHistory) comboset product.

units_used List of Object List of units used to this order detail. Available if TrackInventory is included in request
(StoreInventoryModel) parameter.

cogs List of Object List of cost of goods sold to this order detail.

server_name String Server name that associated to this order detail.


Name Type Description

promotion_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the promotion.

promotion_name String Name of the promotion.

promotion_amount Decimal Value of the promotion.


Name Type Description

discount_name String Name of the discount

discount_amount Decimal Value of the discount


Name Type Description

transaction_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the transaction assigned by the system.

transaction_date DateTime Date and time when the order was created.

channel String Order channel that indicates from which channel this transaction is originated from (e.g pos if created
from Point of Sales and web if created from Online Store).

type String Transaction type.

Type Description

sale Purchase transaction

refund Refund transaction

void Void transaction

status String Transaction status.

Status Description

success Success

error Error

pending Pending

failure Failure

gateway String Gateway











payment_type_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the payment associated to this transaction.

payment_type_name String Name of the payment type.

currency String Currency of the transaction.

amount Decimal Total amount of the transaction.

mdr List of List payment method fee and total amount after fee on this transaction.

bin_card String First 6 digit credit card.


Name Type Description

product_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product.

product_sku String SKU of the product.

product_name String Name of the product.

variant_name String Variant name of the product if the product is a product variant.

quantity Decimal Number of product deducted.


Name Type Description

product_name String Product name for this inventory

product_id String Product id for this inventory

sku String Product sku for this inventory

stock Double Stock for this inventory


Name Type Description

sku String Product sku for this inventory path

product_id Guid Product id for this inventory path

product_name String Product name for this inventory path


Name Type Description

product_id Guid Product id for this refund details

sku String Product sku for this refund details

cogs List of Object (CostOfGoodsSold) Cost of goods sold for this refund details


Name Type Description

product_id Guid Product ID for this cogs

sku String Product sku for this cogs

quantity Double Quantity sold

price Decimal The buying of the item sold


Name Type Description

payment_method_fee Decimal The payment method for the transaction.

total_amount_after_fee Decimal The total amount after fee for the transaction.


Name Type Description

shipping_name String The name of the shipment is used for the order

service_code String The service code of the integration shipment is used for the order
If value is null, so order that they used manual shipping


Use this call to get orders summary data for particular set of filter grouped per day.


Name Type Optional Description

time_zone Integer N Time zone for the given date and also data date conversion. Note that iSeller data stored in UTC +0 time zone.

created_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g.
2017-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

created_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

sort String Y Allows to choose the sorting column. Possible values are CreatedDate and ModifiedDate.

sort_direction String Y Specify the sorting type. Possible values are ASC and DESC.

page Integer Y Index of the page that going to be loaded.

page_size Integer Y Size of the page that going to be loaded.

customer_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified CustomerId.

outlet_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified OutletId.

includes String Y TrackInventory

Sample Usage

"count": 2,
"order_summaries": [
"order_date": "2017-11-29 07:00:00",
"currency": "IDR",
"total_order_amount": 38000,
"total_discount_amount": 0,
"total_promotion_amount": 2600,
"subtotal": 35400,
"total_tax_amount": 3540,
"total_additional_final_amount": 1947,
"total_additional_subtotal_amount": 0,
"total_additional_order_amount": 0,
"rounding_amount": 0,
"total_amount": 40887,
"total_shipping_amount": 0,
"total_weight": 0,
"inventories": []
"order_date": "2017-11-30 07:00:00",
"currency": "IDR",
"total_order_amount": 258000,
"total_discount_amount": 14850,
"total_promotion_amount": 57850,
"subtotal": 185300,
"total_tax_amount": 18530,
"total_additional_final_amount": 10191.5,
"total_additional_subtotal_amount": 0,
"total_additional_order_amount": 0,
"rounding_amount": 0,
"total_amount": 214021.5,
"total_shipping_amount": 0,
"total_weight": 0,
"units_used": [],
"units_returned": [
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"stock": 3
"units_fulfilled": [
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"stock": 3
"units_hpp": [
"product_id": "e7e8ca29-9307-40a7-a31f-bedaeed25815",
"product_name": "Sambel",
"sku": "",
"quantity": 3,
"selling_price": 1000,
"buying_price": 400
"error_message": null,
"status": true

Name Type Description

count Integer Total records retrieved by the process.

order_summary List of Object (OrderSummary) List of order summary requested.

error_message String System error message when error occurred during process

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.


Name Type Description

order_date DateTime Date and Time of the order summary.

total_order_amount Decimal Sum of total order amount (base price / gross amount).

total_discount_amount Decimal Sum of total discount amount.

total_promotion_amount Double? Sum of total promotion.

subtotal Decimal Sum of sub total.

total_tax_amount Decimal Sum of tax amount.

total_additional_final_amount Decimal Sum of additional charges amount placed at before final total.

total_additional_subtotal_amount Double Sum of additional charges amount placed at before sub total.

total_additional_order_amount Double Sum of additional charges amount placed at after total order amount (base price /
gross amount).

rounding_amount Decimal Sum of rounding amount.

total_amount Decimal Sum of total amount charged to the customer.

total_shipping_amount Decimal Sum of total shipping amount.

total_weight Integer Sum of total shipping weight.

units_used List of object ( List of units used. Available if TrackInventory is included in request parameter.

units_returned List of object ( List of units returned. Available if TrackInventory is included in request

units_fulfilled List of object ( List of units fulfilled. Available if TrackInventory is included in request parameter.


units_hpp List of objet List of units hpp. Available if TrackInventory is included in request parameter.


Name Type Description

product_id Guid The product id of unit hpp

product_name String The product name of unit hpp

sku String The sku of unit hpp

quantity Double The quantity of unit hpp

selling_price Decimal The selling price of unit hpp

buying_price Decimal The buying price of unit hpp


Name Type Description

product_name String Product name for this inventory

sku String Product sku for this inventory

stock Double Stock for this inventory


Name Type Description

sku String Product sku for this inventory path

product_id Guid Product id for this inventory path

product_name String Product name for this inventory path


Use this call to get transactions data for particular set of filter.


Name Type Optional Description

time_zone Integer N Time zone for the given date and also data date conversion. Note that iSeller data stored in UTC +0 time zone.

created_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g.
2017-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

created_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

sort String Y Allows to choose the sorting column. Possible values are CreatedDate and ModifiedDate.

sort_direction String Y Specify the sorting type. Possible values are ASC and DESC.

page Integer Y Index of the page that going to be loaded.

page_size Integer Y Size of the page that going to be loaded.

outlet_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified OutletId.
Sample Usage

"count": 2,
"transactions": [
"order_reference": "#10-1028",
"transaction_date": "2017-11-30 09:58:05",
"transaction_id": "794456d4-db9a-4434-9092-a58c67716818",
"channel": "pos",
"type": "sale",
"status": "success",
"gateway": "cash",
"payment_type_id": null,
"payment_type_name": "Cash",
"currency": "IDR",
"amount": 100571.625
"order_reference": "#10-1029",
"transaction_date": "2017-11-30 10:02:08",
"transaction_id": "d0ce6ac9-b0bf-4c1c-982b-3ac45fd49872",
"channel": "pos",
"type": "sale",
"status": "success",
"gateway": "cash",
"payment_type_id": null,
"payment_type_name": "Cash",
"currency": "IDR",
"amount": 53794.125
"error_message": null,
"status": true

Name Type Description

count Integer Total transactions retrieved by the process.

transactions List of Object (Transaction) List of transactions requested.

error_message String System error message when error occurred during process.

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.


Name Type Description

order_reference String The human-readable order number or reference.

transaction_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the transaction assigned by the system.

transaction_date DateTime Date and time when the transaction was created.

channel String Order channel that indicates from which channel this transaction is originated from (e.g pos if created from
Point of Sales and web if created from Online Store).
type String Transaction type.

Type Description

sale Purchase transaction

refund Refund transaction

void Void transaction

status String Transaction status.

Status Description

success Success

error Error

pending Pending

failure Failure

gateway String Gateway











payment_type_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the payment associated to this transaction.

payment_type_name String Name of the payment type.

currency String Currency of the transaction.

amount Decimal Total amount of the transaction.


Use this call to get transaction summary data for particular set of filter grouped per day


Name Type Optional Description

time_zone Integer N Time zone for the given date and also data date conversion. Note that iSeller data stored in UTC +0 time zone.
created_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g.
2017-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

created_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those created before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_after DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

modified_before DateTime Y Limits the returned orders to those modified before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format without the
time zone info.

sort String Y Allows to choose the sorting column. Possible values are CreatedDate and ModifiedDate.

sort_direction String Y Specify the sorting type. Possible values are ASC and DESC.

page Integer Y Index of the page that going to be loaded.

page_size Integer Y Size of the page that going to be loaded.

outlet_id Guid Y Limit the returned orders to those belong to specified OutletId.

Sample Usage

"count": 1,
"transaction_summaries": [
"order_date": "2017-12-04 07:00:00",
"cash": 423885,
"debit": 51975,
"credit": 138600,
"gift_card": 0,
"iseller_pay": 87300,
"loyalty_points": 5000,
"store_credit": 54800,
"customs": []

"order_date": "2017-11-30 07:00:00",
"cash": 154365.75,
"debit": 9817.5,
"credit": 11434.5,
"gift_card": 0,
"iseller_pay": 0,
"loyalty_points": 0,
"store_credit": 0,
"customs": [
"name": "Groupon",
"amount": 28586.25
"name": "Piutang Owner",
"amount": 9817.5
"error_message": null,
"status": true

Name Type Description

count Integer Total records retrieved by the process.

transaction_summary List of Object List of transaction summary requested


error_message String System error message when error occurred during process.

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution


Name Type Description

order_date DateTime Date and time of the transaction summary

cash Decimal Total transaction done by cash.

debit Decimal Total transaction done by external debit.

credit Decimal Total transaction done by external credit.

gift_card Decimal Total transaction done by gift card.

iseller_pay Decimal Total transaction done by iSeller pay.

loyalty_point Decimal Total transaction done using loyalty points.

store_credit Decimal Total transaction done using store credit..

customs List of object (CustomTransaction) List of transaction using custom payment.


Name Type Description

name String Name of custom payment

amount Decimal Total transaction done with the custom payment.


Use this to get the products list


Name Type Optional Description

track_inventory Bool N Is the product track inventory

modified_after String N Limits the returned products to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g
2020-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

Sample Usage

"products": [
"product_id": "9d518087-9180-437b-8e92-2b779e896e12",
"name": "Kentang Balado",
"type": "composite",
"barcode": "",
"sku": "10112",
"price": 12000,
"taxable": true,
"track_inventory": true,
"allow_negative_stock": false,
"sold_count": 11,
"unit_of_measurement": "pcs",
"buying_prices": null,
"buying_price": 20000,
"inventories": [],
"ingredients": [
"product_id": "d9d75558-64fa-401c-8600-be8029a60399",
"name": "Sambal Balado",
"sku": "10111",
"quantity": 1
"variant_options": [
"option": "Level Pedas",
"value": "1"
"bundles": null,
"modified_date": "2020-08-19 02:46:18"
"product_id": "2c0ab704-51ad-36a8-27f3-2d1e10f18cca",
"name": "Steak Mesir",
"type": "variant",
"barcode": "",
"sku": "10212",
"price": 10000,
"taxable": true,
"track_inventory": true,
"allow_negative_stock": false,
"sold_count": 0,
"unit_of_measurement": "pcs",
"buying_prices": [
"outlet_id": "31b29527-f54c-4004-b483-38b6a241c963",
"buying_price": 102912.9549
"outlet_id": "457cf82d-a9ce-4c40-b7e5-7246e6920264",
"buying_price": 15000
"buying_price": 28571.428557142855,
"inventories": [
"outlet_id": "31b29527-f54c-4004-b483-38b6a241c963",
"outlet_name": "Main Outlet",
"unit_in_stock": 174
"outlet_id": "457cf82d-a9ce-4c40-b7e5-7246e6920264",
"outlet_name": "Main Outlet2",
"unit_in_stock": 90
"variant_options": [],
"bundles": null,
"modified_date": "2020-08-19 02:46:18"
"error_message": null,
"status": true,
"time": "00:00:01.3728427"

Name Type Description

products List of StoreProduct List of Products

error_message String System error message when error occurred during process.

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.

time String The processing time


Name Type Description

product_id Guid Product id of the product

name String Name of the product

type String Type of the product

product_type String The product type

vendor String Vendor of the product

barcode String Barcode of the product

sku String SKU of the product

price Decimal Price of the product

taxable Bool Is the product taxable

track_inventory Bool Is the product track inventory

allow_negative_stock Bool Is the product allow negative stock

sold_count Double Sold count of the product

unit_of_measurement String Unit of measurement of the products

buying_prices List of Buying prices of the product


buying_price Decimal Average buying price of the product

inventories List of Inventories of the product


ingredients List of Ingredients of the product


variant_options List of ProductVariants Variants of the product

bundles List of ProductCombos Comboset of the product

modified_date DateTime Limits the returned products to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601
date format
without the time zone info.

Name Type Description

outlet_id Guid Outlet id of the inventory

outlet_name String Outlet name of the inventory

unit_in_stock Double Unit in stock of the inventory


Name Type Description

outlet_id Guid Outlet id of the buying price

buying_price Decimal Price of the buying price


Name Type Description

product_id String Product id of the product ingredients

name String Product name of the product ingredients

sku String SKU of the product ingredients

quantity Double Quantity of the product ingredients


Name Type Description

option String Option of the product variants

value String Value of the product variants


Name Type Description

product_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the product combos

sku String SKU of the product combos

category String Category of the product combos

product_name String Name of the product combos

variant_name String Variant name of the product combos if the product is a product variant.

quantity Decimal Number of product deducted


Use this call to get store info such as.

Store general info

Active outlets
Active payment types.

Sample Usage


"store_info": {
"active_outlets": [
"outlet_id": "432557e5-305a-4619-a07e-b1a7bcfb6f84",
"outlet_name": "Main Outlet",
"phone": "0892143323",
"address": "Rukan Boulevard Artha Gading blok A6 B28",
"contact_name": "Nancy Galloway",
"email": ""
"active_payments": [
"name": "Cash",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "cash"
"name": "ISellerPay",
"is_active": false,
"gateway": "iseller_pay"
"name": "External Credit",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "external_credit"
"name": "External Debit",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "external_debit"
"name": "Gift Card",
"is_active": false,
"gateway": "gift_card"
"name": "Loyalty Point",
"is_active": false,
"gateway": "points"
"name": "On Account",
"is_active": false,
"gateway": "account_balance"
"name": "Store Credit",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "store_credit"
"name": "Custom 2",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "custom"
"name": "Piutang Owner",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "custom"
"name": "Groupon",
"is_active": true,
"gateway": "custom"
"store_name": "Simcard",
"phone": "0892143323",
"address": "Rukan Boulevard Artha Gading blok A6 B28",
"email": ""
"error_message": null,
"status": true

Name Type Description

store_info Object Store Info

error_message String System error message when error occurred during process.

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.


Name Type Description

active_outlets List of Object (Outlet) List of active outlets

active_payments List of Object (PaymentType) List of active payments

store_name String Name of store

phone String Phone Number

address String Address detail

email String Email associated to this store.


Name Type Description

outlet_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the outlet.

outlet_name String Name of the outlet

phone String Phone number.

address String Address detail

contact_name String Name of contact person associated to this outlet

email String Email associated to this outlet


Name Type Description

name String Name of payment type

is_active Bool Status of the payment type

gateway String Gateway used for the payment type


Use this call to get register shifts data for particular set of filter.

Name Type Optional Description

time_zone Integer N Time zone for the given date and also data date conversion. Note that iSeller data stored in UTC +0 time zone.

created_after DateTime Y Limits the returned register shifts to those created after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format. (e.g.
2017-11-20T10:00:00) without the time zone info

created_before DateTime Y Limits the returned register shifts to those created before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format
without the time zone info.

modified_date DateTime Y Limits the returned register shifts to those modified after or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format
without the time zone info.

modified_before DateTime Y Limits the returned register shifts to those modified before or on the specified date, given ISO 8601 date format
without the time zone info.

sort String Y Allows to choose the sorting column. Possible values are CreatedDate and ModifiedDate.

sort_direction String Y Specify the sorting type. Possible values are ASC and DESC.

page Integer Y Index of the page that going to be loaded.

page_size Integer Y Size of the page that going to be loaded.

includes String Y -

register_id Guid Y Limit the returned register shifts to those belong to specified RegisterId.

outlet_id Guid Y Limit the returned register shifts to those belong to specified OutletId.

Sample Usage


"count": 6,

"register_shifts": [

"register_name": "Register #3532 - samsung SM-P355",

"register_id": "0d5e57e1-7451-47c2-8e8f-06ebd80c0e91",

"register_shift_id": "96438b58-cc8e-43f2-a1cc-39c2252e81a0",

"open_date": "2018-09-03 15:39:35",

"closed_date": null


"register_name": "Register #3533 - samsung SM-P355",

"register_id": "52682441-7e65-4ed4-a1fb-e2dafa4388d3",

"register_shift_id": "ed7182cb-09b9-4cdc-8a6a-a88fa52f0c40",

"open_date": "2018-09-04 11:15:05",

"closed_date": null


"register_name": "Register #3534 - samsung SM-P585Y",

"register_id": "dbc4f245-6d19-41c3-84f3-43f8659a8444",

"register_shift_id": "a01bd835-6861-4e2a-809d-382b6bd33ecc",

"open_date": "2018-09-05 11:35:53",

"closed_date": null


"register_name": "Register #3536 - ANDRY",

"register_id": "3df60548-b900-413c-b3d1-cd1cb8f9ac17",

"register_shift_id": "003c9f8d-9468-4472-946c-3220f7b0ff15",

"open_date": "2018-09-05 14:41:07",

"closed_date": null

"register_name": "Register #3537 - ANDRY",

"register_id": "5377428c-078b-481b-a1fe-623bb6b4ed20",

"register_shift_id": "2e0c47ee-4dab-4d66-afb8-3ea380acdb45",

"open_date": "2018-09-05 16:51:13",

"closed_date": null


"register_name": "Register #3538 - samsung SM-P585Y",

"register_id": "accf3200-a90b-4138-a780-9110d83b501f",

"register_shift_id": "b83017a8-4288-45c4-9305-afe276616952",

"open_date": "2018-09-05 18:04:44",

"closed_date": null


"error_message": null,

"status": true,
"time": "00:00:18.3294018"

Name Type Description

count Integer Total register shifts retrieved by the process.

register_shifts List of Object (RegisterShifts) List of register shifts requested.

error_message String System error message when error occured during process.

status Bool Status of the request, false means there's an error during the execution process.

time Timespan The processing time


Name Type Description

register_name String Name of the register

register_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the register

register_shift_id Guid UniqueIdentifier of the register shift

open_date DateTime Register shift open date

closed_date DateTime Register shift closed date

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