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Human Behavior in Organization

1. Give the concept of empowerment. How will this build confidence and initiative

to the employees? Explain your words by giving example.

In an organization setting, the concept of empowerment means providing

employees with resources, information, and opportunity at the same time they are

responsible or accountable for their actions in their job. In managing employees, a

manager builds the confidence and initiative of his employees because of the

empowerment that he gives wherein recognizing employees is part of it. And that

increases the employee’s engagement to the tasks that made them to take initiatives

and confidence in their own abilities. Example, John, the Marketing manager of XYZ

company is a manager who empowers the employees working under him every time

they have tasks. He provides all the information of their tasks and makes sure that

everyone in his department is involve in it and responsible for it. Because of that, John

is giving voice to his employees as he is allowing them to join in making decisions for

their tasks. In John’s team, there is Henry, the newly hired marketing employee who

always refrain himself from participating in every task that John’s department has.

Seeing that behavior, John asked Henry on why he always refrain himself from

participating in their tasks and he found out that from Henry’s previous company, he

worked under a manager that implements autocratic managing style wherein all the

employees who works under their manager are only receiving commands from him and

they are not allowed to share their brilliant ideas in their tasks. From that experience,

Henry does not develop his confidence and initiatives as he does not have opportunity
to perform his skills because of the managing style of his previous manager. Upon

hearing the experience of Henry, every time that John has tasks in their department, he

always encourages Henry to participate and give recognition to his brilliant ideas or

accomplished works. Because of that, Henry gains his confidence in working their tasks

because of the words of encouragement and recognition that John gave to him, and he

knows that there is someone like John who believes in his abilities. As Henry gains his

confidence, it resulted to his engagement to their tasks, and he is now taking initiatives

that adds to the success of the tasks in their department.

2. Explain the 7 C’s of leadership. From among the 7 C’s which are for leaders,

and which are for managers? Explain.

The 7 C’s of leadership are Character, Connection, Cognition, Capability,

Compassion, Courage, and Commitment. In Character, an inclusive leader with

character walks the talk for both being good and doing well, he knows what is important

to him, practices them daily, and assures there is congruence between his values and

actions, and treats those with and without power the same. In Connection, a leader who

practices this makes time to meaningfully connect with others wherein he

communicates clearly, assures alignment between his verbal and nonverbal messages,

engages in clear and concise two-way exchanges, not one-way monologues, and says

just enough to accurately convey his meaning. He knows when to recognize, criticize,

celebrate, have fun, and says thank you to someone every day. In Cognition, a leader

who has cognition seeks feedback, asks clarifying questions, and reflects on what he

hears. He sets boundaries, appreciates what is mandatory and what is unrestricted, and

finds the balance between tradition and innovation. He thinks critically, seeks to learn,
and is unafraid to challenge the status quo or seek the common-sense solution. In

Capability, a leader with capability stretches the limits of their potential. He coaches for

competence and knows when to go fast and when to go slow. He is skilled at the

fundamentals of conducting business—planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

He focuses equally on people, principles and profits and never sacrifices one for the

other. In Compassion, a leader who has compassion is unafraid to smile, laugh, care

and is fearless in showing love, joy, kindness, and respect. Compassion makes this kind

of leader to seeks out and celebrates both similarities and differences. In Courage, this

is a leader who takes a stand for what is good and what is right, shows grace under

pressure, acknowledges his fears without letting them rule his life, and believes in

himself and shows strength of mind and will. In Commitment, a leader who has this has

conviction, sees things through, holds themselves accountable, and assists others in

doing the same. pursues mutual understanding and respect even in the presence of

opposing opinions, and assures the work gets done and those relationships are


In 7 C’s of leadership, managers has Character, Cognition, Capability, Courage,

and Commitment. Managers are mainly focused on planning, organizing, and

coordinating resources to manage tasks and deliver results that is beneficial to the

organization. To make that happen, managers need to have those five mentioned C’s of

leadership as those are the necessary things that a manager should have in order for

him to manage the tasks within the organization effectively. And if the manager works

effectively, it leads to productivity of the employees, made them motivated and the

workflow won’t be inefficient. Effectiveness of a manager will also result excellent team
performance and accomplish works excellently. For example, a manager should have

Character because he needs to walk the talk or put his words into action. He should

have Cognition because seeking feedbacks, asks clarifying questions, and reflects on

what he hears are very important as it will help him to work excellently on his tasks. He

should have Capability as stretching the limit of his potential will help him to have less

boundaries in performing his duties. He should have Courage because managers need

to stand on what is good and what is right as this will help him to eliminate the things

that is not good and right in making his tasks. And last is the Commitment, managers

should have this because they need to hold themselves accountable to every decision

they make in the organization as their position in the organization can influence the

large part of it. The leaders are different from the managers as they only focus to

inspire, motivate, and influence those around them which will drive people to achieve

their goals and objectives while working towards the bigger picture. These leaders could

be anyone who wants to lead others by inspiring, motivating and influence them in many

aspects and they usually have Connection and Compassion. For example, leaders with

Connection, they make time to meaningfully connect with others by having good

communication and they know when to recognize which is very important to influence

the motivation of a person as recognition made those people to believe on their own

abilities. And last is the trait of being Compassion, this trait suits well for leaders

because they are unafraid to smile, laugh, care and is fearless in showing love, joy,

kindness, and respect which can inspire other people to have those and be motivated in

life and influence others by showing smile, laugh, care, fearless in showing love, joy,

kindness, and respect. In conclusion, a manager and a leader are both in the spectrum
of leading people no matter what are the purposes and aims they have that made them

to do their tasks. The important thing here is managers and leaders are one of the

instruments that can make many people develop something good within themselves

and this will spread to others.

3. Support this statement, “There is no one best style of leadership.” Give a

concrete example that will support your claim.

There are many styles in leadership that is used within the organizations. And

those styles of leadership are used depends on what would be the best that would work

to an organization as there are different organizations that needs an effective leadership

that suits to their function in able for them to reach their goals and objectives. To

support the statement that “There is no one best style of leadership,” there is a theory

that supports this, which is the Contingency Theory. This theory says that there is no

one or determined model of leadership of style that is best. Instead, it says that it gives

a wide range of ways to react accordingly to a situation. This theory gives emphasis on

the flexibility that managers are able to adapt according to the needs of their followers

and the demands of the situation. And Situational approach is the concrete example of

the said theory as the manager’s approach to the situation will depend to its needs or

demand. For example, Peter is the Manager in the Production Department of ABC

company. Suddenly, Peter encountered problems with the people who are assigned as

Production Coordinator because this files his sick leave, and the Production Accountant

takes absent without official leave. The actions of Production Coordinator and

Accountant will heavily affect the workflow in the Production Department. But Peter,

who always give situational approach to the problems, he solved it in a way that he
assigned those employees who works under his department that has experience on

working as Production Coordinator and Accountant on the said positions. From the

incident, it clearly shows that Peter acts accordingly to the situation and solved it by not

relying on the traditional solution to his problem, which is hiring employees that will fill

up the said positions in his department. Therefore, the said approach allows him to

adjust to a particular action that is best desired for the situation. However, this approach

can lead to a lack of trust from the employees, and they may interpret this style as

inconsistent as the action that is taken in response to a task does not have a permanent


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