iLS - English - Y7 - T2 - Halftermtest - Markscheme - Set 1

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Year 7 English, Term 2, Half-term Test

Timings This test is to be completed within one lesson.

Section A: Reading

Question Curriculum Answer Possible errors Guidance Marks

1 R7.1B Identify and Award the mark for: Students may believe the phrase Scan the text for key words and 1
retrieve key points of • C – He has made lots of new ‘all who had to do with me were phrases from the question:
information in a text friends. good’ implies answer C, and so ‘happy’ ‘new place’. The
or in spoken choose answer A as correct. answer is located in the same
language. sentence.
2 R7.1C Identify and Award the mark for a valid reason, Students may lift text directly and Read the given text, looking for 1
paraphrase key for example: indiscriminately from the extract key points of information that
information in a text • He feels he has no freedom. instead of explaining in their own are relevant to the question.
or in spoken Accept any other valid responses. words. Summarise them using your
language. own words.
3 R7.1D Combine key Award 1 mark for each valid point, Students may summarise details Read the relevant part of the 2
points of information up to a maximum of 2 marks, for of Black Beauty’s old or new life, text, looking for key points of
within a text or in example: without comparing them or information that are relevant to
spoken language. • He had a lot of freedom in his commenting on how his life has the question. Summarise them
old life (1) but now he has to changed. using your own words.
stand in a stable all day and be
well behaved when he is out of
his stable (1).
• In his old life he was able to run
around a field (1) but in his new
life he must wear straps and
blinkers when he is taken out of
his stable (1).
Accept any other valid responses.
4 R7.1B Identify and Award the mark for: Students may consider that Black Read the options very carefully, 1
retrieve key points of • B – Lively and unsettled Beauty is badly behaved and rejecting any that are clearly
information in a text select answer C (Angry and badly wrong, before considering
or in spoken behaved) without considering which answer gives the most
language. both parts of that answer. accurate description.
5 R7.1B Identify and Award the mark for: Scan the text for words related 1
retrieve key points of • Some humans punish them. to key words and phrases from
information in a text the question: ‘playful’

Year 7 English, Term 2, Half-term Test

or in spoken ‘exercise’. The answer is

language. located in the same sentence.
6 R7.2A Identify a Award 1 mark for each reasonable Students may omit to support Scan the text for references to 4
writer’s or speaker’s explanation, and 1 mark for each their ideas with evidence, or use ‘John’, then look for key
intention and appropriate supporting example, up extensive extracts from the text evidence that shows his words
viewpoint. to a maximum of 4 marks, for indiscriminately. or actions. Use the evidence
R7.2C Support ideas example: found to support your
with relevant • John is presented as kind and impressions, selecting short,
evidence. understanding (1), for example, relevant quotations.
the narrator describes him as
‘good and patient’ (1). John can
also be firm and makes Black
Beauty behave (1), for example,
the narrator says he can show
he is ‘serious and quite
determined’ using his voice (1).
Accept any other valid responses
rooted in the text.
7 R7.1C Identify and Award 1 mark for each valid point, Students may paraphrase the Read the relevant part of the 2
paraphrase key up to a maximum of 2 marks, for entire paragraph indiscriminately, text, looking for key points of
information in a text example: or fail to explain in their own information that are relevant to
or in spoken • He enjoys the soft grass (1) and words. the question. Summarise them
language. the sweet air (1). using your own words.
• He enjoys having plenty of
exercise (1) and talking with his
friends (1).
Accept any other valid responses.
8 R7.2A Identify a Award 1 mark for each valid point, Students may summarise the Consider the writer’s intention 3
writer’s or speaker’s up to a maximum of 3 marks, for extracts rather than explain or in giving these details in the
intention and example: explore the writer’s intention. text. How does the writer want
viewpoint. • The first extract shows the the reader to respond to them?
negative aspects of Black Use the number of marks
Beauty’s new life (1) whereas available to guide the extent of
the second extract shows the your answer.
positive (1). The writer wants to
show that his new life has
advantages and disadvantages

Year 7 English, Term 2, Half-term Test

• The writer wants to show both

sides of Black Beauty’s new life
(1) to suggest that he must work
hard and be responsible (1) but
also to show that he can relax
and enjoy himself (1).
Accept any other valid responses
focusing on the writer’s intention.
9 R7.3A Identify some Award the mark for: B and D are both accurate, but do Read the options very carefully, 1
of the writer’s key • A – It helps the reader not fully answer the question. rejecting any that are clearly
structural or understand how a horse might wrong, before considering
organisational feel about the way they are which answer gives the most
choices. treated by humans. valid response.
Total for Section A 16

Section B: Writing

Question Curriculum objective Indicative content Marks

10 Multiple objectives tested in these Purpose: To write a narrative, descriptive piece about going somewhere new. It may WAO1
areas: also be engaging and/or entertaining. (12 marks)
W7.1 Writing processes WAO2
Audience: The writing is for a general readership. The focus is on communicating (8 marks)
W7.2 Whole text information about and describing the experience of going somewhere new. This may
W7.3 Language use involve a range of approaches.

Form: The response should be narrative or a description.

Responses may include:

• description of a real or imaginary place
• details of events which take place there
• description of its impact on the narrator
• interweaving of description and action.
Total for Section B 20

Total for test 36

Year 7 English, Term 2, Half-term Test

WAO1 descriptors and indicative marks (Form, communication and purpose)

Mark WAO1 descriptor

• Some content linked to task with an awareness of audience. Form is
sometimes maintained.
1–3 • Some paragraphs or sections logically sequenced, although transitions may
be awkward.
• Some stylistic features are used to support purpose.
• Mostly appropriate to task with clear awareness of audience. Form mostly
established and maintained.
• Organised with clear control of paragraphs or sections that supports
• Stylistic features used add emphasis and interest which mostly supports
• Appropriate to task with secure awareness of audience. Form established
and maintained throughout.
7–9 • Organised with clear control of paragraphs or sections that supports
coherence throughout.
• Stylistic features used add emphasis and interest which supports purpose.
• Sophisticated awareness of audience. Form adapted and controlled for
10–12 • Organised with complete control of paragraphs or sections with coherence
• Stylistic features used confidently fully supporting purpose.

WAO2 descriptors and indicative marks (Grammar, punctuation and spelling)

Mark WAO2 descriptor

• Some sentences grammatically sound with some complex conjunctions
1–2 • Some sentences correctly demarcated, with mostly correct use of internal
• Spelling of common functional words is accurate with some lapses.
• Sentences mostly grammatically sound with an emerging range of complex
conjunctions used to develop sentences.

Year 7 English, Term 2, Half-term Test

• Most sentences correctly demarcated, with mostly correct use of internal

• Spelling is mostly accurate including evidence of more ambitious vocabulary.
• Sentences are grammatically secure with complex conjunctions used to
develop sentences.
• Sentences are correctly demarcated with appropriate use of punctuation.
• Spelling is accurate with more ambitious choices used appropriately.
• Sentences are grammatically assured and used effectively throughout.
• Sentences are demarcated correctly and with sophisticated use of
7–8 punctuation.
• Spelling is accurate with ambitious choices used appropriately and

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