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Course Syllabus

Part I
1. Course Code IEM 1 E31224

2. Course Title English for Advanced Learning 2

3. Credit -

4. Periods (per week) 3

5. Department Foreign Language Department

6. Grade Matthayom 4

7. Type of Subject Foreign Language (English)

8. Academic Year 2/2023

9. Instructor Mieder Jan Van Loggerenberg

Course Description
This course offers an overview of the communication process with a myriad of topics with real-
world applications. Students will develop critical speaking and listening skills with an emphasis
on pronunciation. Students will also perform literary interpretations and give academic and non-
academic presentations. In addition, the course provides the study of and practice of the basic
principles and techniques of effective oral communication. Students are given opportunities to
express subject matter knowledge and content through creative, analytical, and expository
writing, as well as reading a variety of literary genres related to course content and speaking
assignments. This course emphasizes research using technology and careful organization and

Learning Standards/Indicators
Learning Outcomes

Strand 1: Language for Communication
Standard FL1.1: Understanding and ability to interpret what has been heard and read from
various types of media, and ability to express opinions with reasons

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Observe the instructions in manuals for various types of work, clarifications, explanations,
and descriptions heard and read.
2. Accurately read paragraphs, news, advertisements, poems, and skits aloud by observing
reading principles.
3. Explain and write sentences and paragraphs related to various forms of non-text information
and specify and write various forms of non-text information related to the sentences and the
paragraphs heard or read.
4. Identify the main idea, analyze the essence, interpret, and express the opinions from
listening to and reading feature articles and entertainment articles, as well as provide the
justifications and examples for illustrations.

Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of

information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Converse and write to exchange information about themselves and various matters around
them, experiences, situations, news/incidents, and issues of interest to society and
communicate the information continuously and appropriately.
2. Choose and fluently use requests, instructions, clarifications, and explanations.
3. Speak and write to express needs and offer, accept, and refuse to give help in simulated or
real situations.
4. Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give information, describe, explain, compare,
and express opinions about matters/ issues/news and situations heard and read.
5. Speak and write to describe their own feelings and opinions about various matters,
activities, experiences, and news/ incidents with proper reasons.

Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concepts, and views on
various matters

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Speak and write to present data themselves/ experiences, news/incidents, matters, and
various issues of interest to society.
2. Speak and write to summarize the main idea/ theme identified from the analysis of matters,
activities, news, incidents, and situations in accordance with their interests.
3. Speak and write to express opinions about activities, experiences, and incidents in the local
area, society, and the world, as well as provide justifications and examples for illustrations.

Learning Standards/Indicators
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and ability to use language appropriately.

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Choose the language, tone of voice, gestures, and manner appropriate to various persons,
occasions, and places by observing the social manners and culture of the native speakers.
2. Explain/discuss the lifestyles, thoughts, beliefs, and origins of customs and traditions of the
native speakers.
3. Participate in, give advice, and organize language and cultural activities appropriately.

Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and differences between the language and
culture of the native speakers and Thai speakers, and the ability to use accurate and
appropriate language.

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12

1. Explain/compare the differences between the structures of sentences, paragraphs, idioms,
sayings, proverbs, and poems in foreign languages and Thai language.
2. Analyze/discuss the similarities and differences between the lifestyles, beliefs, and culture
of the native speakers and those of Thais and apply them appropriately.

Strand 2: Language and Culture

Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and the ability to use language appropriately.

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Choose the language, tone of voice, gestures, and manner appropriate to various persons,
occasions, and places by observing the social manners and culture of the native speakers.
2. Explain/discuss the lifestyles, thoughts, beliefs, and origins of customs and traditions of the
native speakers.
3. Participate in, give advice, and organize language and cultural activities appropriately.

Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and the differences between the language
and culture of the native speakers and Thai speakers, and the ability to use accurate and
appropriate language.

Interval Indicators
Grades 10-12
1. Explain/compare the differences between the structures of sentences, paragraphs, idioms,
sayings, proverbs, and poems in foreign languages and Thai language.
2. Analyze/discuss the similarities and differences between the lifestyles, beliefs, and culture
of the native speakers and those of Thais and apply them appropriately.

Part II
Course Overview
1. Learning Objectives

1.1. Cognitive Domain

1.1.1. Students are able to identify, recall, and describe thematic topics,
vocabulary, phrases, and expressions for English communication with great
1.1.2. Students are able to research, analyze, and create traditional and
nontraditional texts, dialogs, and presentations for language proficiency
development with near-native fluency.
1.2. Psychomotor Domain
1.2.1. Students are able to instinctively respond to a physical stimulus like body
language and cultural nuances associated with it.
1.2.2. Students are able to design and/or formulate mind maps, fishbone diagrams,
concept maps, flowcharts, SWOT analyses, or any type of brainstorming
1.3. Affective Domain
1.1.1. Students are able to participate, ask and answer questions, and initiate
collaboration and discussions to create a positive learning environment.
1.1.2. Students are able to practice collaborative problem-solving and group
decision-making skills.

2. Contents (Topics)

1. The Economics of Entrepreneurship - The Foundation for Economic Education (Fee)

2. Super-Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! - Amazon Prime
3. Duolingo - Online

3. Learning Procedures
☒ Lecture ☒ Discussion ☒ Presentation
☒ Group Activities ☒ Brainstorming ☒ Demonstration
☐ Experiments ☒ Problem-based Learning ☒ Hands-on Activities
☐ Scientific Methods ☒ Skill Practice ☒ Other

4. Assessment and Evaluation
Items Assessment Score
No. Assignments / Exams Assessment Tools (%)
1 BO 25
Super-Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! Word List MS Teams 5
Business Plan + Logo MS Teams 20
2 Midterm Examination MS Teams
Entrepreneurship – Recipe 20
Project Reflection Essay
3 BO 25
Financial Projection & Cost analysis MS Teams 5
Advertisement (Poster) MS Teams 5
Reflection (Presentation) In class 15
4 Attendance Record manually 10
5 Final Examination MS Teams
Behind-the-scenes & Advertisement Video
Total 100%

Score Grade
79.5 – 100 4
74.5 – 79.4 3.5
69.5 – 74.4 3
65.5 – 69.4 2.5
59.5 – 64.4 2
54.5 – 59.4 1.5
49.5 – 54.4 1
0 – 49.4 0

5. Course Outline (Tuesdays)

1 3 OCT Tue TOEIC Post-test: Listening & Reading

2 10 OCT Tue Entrepreneurship: Business Plan (Document)
3 21 NOV Tue Entrepreneurship: Product Testing Phase 1
4 28 NOV Tue Entrepreneurship: Logo (Pictures)
5 DEC Tue Holiday
5 12 DEC Tue Entrepreneurship: Product Planning - Recipe (Document)
Entrepreneurship: Product Testing Phase 2
19 DEC Tue Midterm
6 9 JAN Tue Entrepreneurship: Financial Projection & Cost Analysis (Document)
7 16 JAN Tue Entrepreneurship: Advertisement (Poster)
Entrepreneurship: Advertisement video preparation
Entrepreneurship: Advertisement (Video)
8 23 JAN Tue Entrepreneurship: Survey & Marketing
9 30 JAN Tue Entrepreneurship: SWOT Analysis
10 6 FEB Tue Entrepreneurship: Project Reflection Presentation (In-class)
11 13 FEB Tue Entrepreneurship: Project Reflection Presentation (In-class)
12 20 FEB Tue Entrepreneurship: Project Reflection Presentation (In-class)
27 FEB Tue Final

* Food Fair: 12-16 February 2024

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