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Maneja, Micaella Mae B.


Learning Takeaways

I. Moodboard of a Resthouse
Through this activity, I've developed the skill of creating detailed mood boards that
effectively communicate key messages to potential clients. These boards are designed
to convey essential information beyond visuals alone. Additionally, I've explored the
integration of natural and built environment in designing a resthouse, focusing on
selecting elements that enhance both functionality and aesthetics to harmonize with
the overall structure. This experience has deepened my understanding of creating
effective designs that resonate with users.

II. Scaled Model of a Resthouse

Creating the scaled model for our proposed resthouse was a fun and collaborative
experience that brought out our creativity and teamwork. By combining our ideas
from previous activities, we worked together to develop a cohesive design. While we
didn't achieve the desired grade, we learned an important lesson about the significance
of including amenities in our design. Understanding the importance of amenities has
been eye-opening. It emphasizes the need to not only focus on the structure but also
consider practical elements that enhance the overall user experience. This insight will
guide us in refining our design process for future projects, ensuring they are both
visually appealing and functional to meet our clients' needs. Moving forward, we see
this as an opportunity for growth. By taking a more holistic approach to our designs,
we aim to create spaces that are not only beautiful but also practical and user-friendly.
This continuous learning and improvement process is essential to our development as

III. Community Park

In creating a community park, I learned the importance of comprehensive planning to
ensure functionality and user convenience. This included strategically placing the
right number of parking spaces, designing well-marked entrances and exits for easy
access, and providing adequate and strategically located comfort rooms.
Understanding the need for sufficient parking spaces helped accommodate visitors
efficiently without causing congestion. Additionally, strategically locating comfort
rooms ensured convenience and comfort for park users. Considering these aspects
alongside other design elements such as recreational features, green spaces, and
amenities provided valuable insights into creating comprehensive and user-friendly
community spaces.
IV. Subdivided Lot
In learning about subdividing a lot while minimizing road space, I discovered the
importance of efficient land use and thoughtful planning. Having to fit 20 units within
a small lot while reducing the amount of road required careful consideration of lot
shapes and sizes. This involved creating efficient layouts that minimize wasted space
and promote a sense of community. I must admit that initially, the solution shared to
us didn't occur to me. This activity taught me the importance of thinking thoroughly
and strategizing, much like how parking spaces were strategically separated from the
houses, which ultimately reduced the need for a larger road network. Through this
activity, I gained a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in urban
planning and subdivision design.

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