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Review Article

Introduction: The
Address correspondence
to Dr Mary L. Dombovy,
Unity Health System
Dept of Physical Medicine

Evolving Field of and Rehabilitation,

89 Genesee St,
Rochester, NY 14611,

Relationship Disclosure:
Dr Dombovy’s institution
is compensated for her
Mary L. Dombovy, MD, MHSA, FAAN litigation and testimony.
Unlabeled Use of
ABSTRACT Use Disclosure:
Dr Dombovy discusses the
Over the past 15 years, our understanding of how the nervous system responds to unlabeled use of
brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke has expanded exponentially. Research dem- pharmaceuticals and
information on
onstrates that the CNS, once thought to be unable to regenerate, maintains a degree investigational treatments.
of plasticity that responds to activity and pharmacologic therapy, producing both Copyright * 2011,
neurophysiologic changes and clinical recovery. Removing barriers to optimize axonal American Academy of
regrowth appears to further enhance this plasticity. Functional imaging, magnetic Neurology. All rights
stimulation, and quantitative electroencephalography allow investigators to localize
and monitor changes in brain activity during both spontaneous recovery and treatment
paradigms. Neurorehabilitation research is difficult and funding is insufficient. Newer
research approaches and better collaboration between researchers and clinicians are
warranted. Clinical adoption is slow because of cost and time pressures. Demon-
stration that treatments promoting CNS plasticity result in better functional outcomes
and reduced overall costs is needed.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):443–448.

CNS PLASTICITY AND REPAIR specific behavioral training.5 With the

FOLLOWING INJURY advent of functional imaging and mag-
Until the late 1960s, researchers gener- netic stimulation, the past decade wit-
ally believed that once development nessed documentation in adult humans
was over, any regeneration in the adult of neural network reorganization during
CNS would be very limited and any re- recovery and in response to behavioral
covery following insult to the brain or therapy and pharmacologic manipula-
spinal cord was the result of substitu- tion well past the period of spontaneous
tion (training in compensatory tech- recovery.1,6Y8 What have we learned?
niques). Through the 1970s and 1980s What are the implications for clinical
multiple animal studies demonstrated practice?
CNS structural changes as well as adap- CNS plasticity involves neurogenesis,
tive improvements in both normal adult programmed cell death, dendritic and
animals and adult animals given behav- axonal sprouting, long-term potentia-
iorally specific training following inju- tion and long-term depression of synap-
ries.1,2 Moving from the 1990s into the tic transmission, and recruitment of the
current decade, research investigated adjacent cortex and the contralateral
neural stem cell therapy,3,4 nerve growth hemisphere. As a concept, plasticity re-
factors, and enzymes that produced fers to changes in neural networks in
local environments favorable to neuro- response to training, injury, rehabilita-
nal and axonal growth. Recently, these tion, pharmacotherapy, electrical and
approaches have been combined with magnetic stimulation, and stem cell

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):443–448 443

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

h CNS neural networks and gene therapy.5,6,9 Although activity- and supplementary motor areas of both
have a greater capacity directed plasticity can be beneficial, left hemispheres. In those experiencing a
to reorganize than undirected it may be abortive and de- good recovery, over time this area con-
previously thought. trimental, resulting in spasticity, aber- tracts, involving only the peri-infarct and
h Plasticity refers to rant movement, and neuropathic pain.1 connected cortical areas of the involved
changes in neural Even with appropriate activity, regen- hemisphere.16Y18 Patients with poor re-
networks in response eration in the CNS is limited because of covery continue to show a more diffuse,
to injury, training, local structural (glial scar), chemical, and at times contralesional, activation
pharmacotherapy, and hormonal microenvironments that during sensorimotor tasks.16
stimulation techniques, restrict growth.5,7 Interestingly, follow- Another study19 confirms a similar
and cellular therapies. ing stem cell or progenitor cell injec- pattern of cortical reorganization during
h Transplanted cells tions, very few of the cells survive. An recovery of motor function in the lower
produce their effects increasing number of studies suggest extremity. Using PET combined with
by enhancing the local that exogenous cells serve as a source TMS, Winhuisen and colleagues20 dem-
environment rather of trophic support, enhancing regener- onstrated activation of the right inferior
than by multiplication ation of existing neurons in both the frontal gyrus in those with poor recov-
or tissue integration. brain and spinal cord.10Y12 Bersano and ery from aphasia during performance
h Specific activity is colleagues13 conclude: ‘‘It is emerging on a semantic task. Those with good
required to promote that cell therapy works mostly by pro- recovery demonstrated a more ‘‘normal-
adaptive plasticity. viding trophic support to the injured ized’’ activation of the left hemisphere.
h Widespread cortical tissue and brain, fostering both neuro- Using serial fMRI and a comprehension
activation is associated genesis and angiogenesis.’’ Evidence is task in poststroke patients with aphasia,
with incomplete also mounting from animal models in Saur and colleagues21 demonstrated
recovery; focal studies using stem and progenitor cells early widespread activation in both hemi-
activation near the and neuronal growth factors that spe- spheres that consolidated as recovery
involved area is cific activity involving the impaired progressed, with near-normal activation
associated with
parts is necessary to promote func- of the left hemisphere language area in
good recovery.
tional recovery after brain and spinal those with excellent recovery.
h Activation of the cord injury.14,15 Over the past several years, numerous
uninvolved hemisphere Theories of recovery following brain studies have demonstrated that rehabil-
may interfere
injury and stroke have evolved: Exten- itation programs based on repetitive
with recovery.
sive use of widespread uninjured areas practice involving the affected extremity
of the brain during activity of the in- and reduction of sensory input to the
volved part is not associated with the unaffected extremity produce both cor-
best recovery, but rather with incom- tical reorganization and clinical improve-
plete recovery. Better recovery, whether ment.22,23 Suppression of the intact
motor or language, is associated with contralateral hemisphere via TMS and
smaller areas of activation. fMRI, trans- tDCS both induces cortical changes and
cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and produces clinical improvement follow-
transcranial direct current stimulation ing stroke.24 Although the effects were
(tDCS) allow monitoring of brain activity moderate and short-lived in most sub-
during recovery. TMS and tDCS can also jects, the treatments produced no ad-
be used to manipulate brain activity at verse effects, and pairing TMS or tDCS
rest and during rehabilitation while ob- with therapy over a longer time period is
serving clinical effects. Soon after a under investigation.25 A further discus-
stroke, brain activation during sensori- sion of emerging approaches to therapy
motor tasks involving the affected upper occurs in a subsequent article.
extremity occurs in multiple cortical Most studies of recovery and the ef-
areas, including the primary, premotor, fects of therapy following brain injury

444 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

have focused on motor function follow- planted olfactory glia to produce axons
ing stroke, and other deficits such as that bridged the gap between avulsed
neglect, cognitive function, memory, and dorsal roots and the dorsal root entry
aphasia have received less attention. A zone of the spinal cord when driven
recent investigation showed promising by a training program.31 This anatomic
effects of inhibitory TMS in suppressing connection correlated with recovery of
the right hemisphere Broca analogue to skilled paw function. The importance of
improve naming in patients who were functionally specific training is demon-
more than 5 years poststroke.26 Another strated by other studies that show that
report revealed that a breakdown in a rehabilitation task not identical to the
ventral frontoparietal networks under- desired behavior/pattern of use may
lies behavior deficits in spatial neglect produce undesirable results.32Y34 Con-
and that nonspatial attention training cern exists that aberrant regeneration
both improved neglect and showed in the spinal cord may lead to the in-
changes in cortical activation in these creased spasticity and neuropathic pain
networks.27 often seen in people with partial SCI.
Although to date traumatic brain in- In humans, rehabilitation approaches
jury (TBI) has received less attention, lit- using body weightYsupported tread-
erature is emerging to describe patterns mill training in incomplete SCI show
of cortical reorganization during sponta- promise for improving overground
neous recovery and in response to reha- ambulation.35
bilitation strategies. Kim and colleagues28 Major unsolved questions remain:
used fMRI to describe changes in the at- Which cellular implants and trophic
tentional network after TBI that shifted factors produce the best results? Given
activation from the anterior cingulate gy- that training is an important adjunct to
rus to the frontal and temporal parietal cellular therapies after SCI, TBI and
areas. Following a cognitive/attentional stroke,15,36,37 what is the optimal tim-
retraining task, activation shifted more to- ing, duration, and intensity of therapy?
ward the cingulate gyrus, thus approach- Because improvement after rehabilita-
ing a more normal pattern. Dobkin29 tion interventions appears to be limited
suggests that investigators consider in those with severe impairments and
working across disease platforms, limited corticospinal tract integrity after
focusing on specific impairments and SCI and stroke, who should be the re-
disabilities rather than separating re- search subjects? Chronicity and stability
search by diagnostic or disease cate- of baseline function may be important
gory. Stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI) for determining effects of treatment,
remain easier to study because of the but the early phase postinjury may re-
focal nature of the injury, as compared present the best time to enhance recov-
to TBI where the injury is complex, ery. Evidence also suggests that both
superimposing areas of focal damage presurgical and postsurgical rehabili-
upon diffuse injury. tation programs may be important in
Cellular transplantation and use of those undergoing cellular implantation
trophic factors and other pharmacologic procedures.15
therapies after SCI have shown some As our understanding of the tremen-
success in both human and animal dous potential for recovery after neuro-
models.10,30 Olfactory axons possess a logic injury evolves, translation of this
unique ability to penetrate the glial scar knowledge into clinically meaningful
that forms at the site of injury. A recent results and useful treatments has been
study demonstrated the ability of im- slow. Nervous system reorganization

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):443–448 445

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

h Basic research is is complex, involving multiple levels, publications, and declining clinician
disconnected from systems, and connections. The process reimbursement and pressure to reduce
clinically meaningful involves molecular, anatomical, and length of stay, the molecule may never
intervention. neurochemical changes. Neural net- see meaningful utility. The translational
h Collaborative models works are dynamic, with constant mod- research pipeline from discovery to
and new research ification occurring as a result of activity, clinical implementation for neurorehabi-
designs are needed. environment, injury, and recovery. litation and restorative neurology is
When a focal injury to the nervous sys- stagnated. Cheeran and colleagues38
tem occurs, the deficits and the recov- encourage a change in funding mecha-
ery are the result of this experience- nisms to target consortiums that include
driven reorganization rather than the basic and clinical scientists, clinicians,
result of the loss of a particular focal and patient representatives to facilitate
area of tissue. research that results in clinical imple-
Current models for translating basic mentation. Forsyth and colleagues39
science discoveries into clinically mean- offer disease process modeling, using
ingful rehabilitation approaches have endpoints derived from models of re-
failed. The Cumberland Consensus covery trajectories, as an alternative to
Working Group38 enumerates the fol- the randomized controlled trial. Com-
lowing problems: (1) most clinical trials parative effectiveness research, in which
are small in scale; (2) patient recruit- a specific treatment approach is com-
ment for larger trials is difficult; (3) pared to another treatment approach,
outcomes, especially those that are may also help compare the benefits of
meaningful to patients, remain ill de- one rehabilitation treatment to another
fined; (4) basic research in academia is without assigning patients to a control
poorly integrated with practical issues in group.
clinical settings; and (5) partnerships Creative methods of care delivery and
among industry, patients, and clinicians reimbursement are needed to facilitate
are poorly developed. In addition, fund- implementation of those approaches that
ing for clinical research remains limited. have already been shown to be beneficial.
Researchers and clinicians pursue indi- This requires physician leadership in
vidual approaches to improving neural both policy development and in the
restoration, facilitated by a system of day-to-day direction of the rehabilitation
funding that does little to encourage team. Neurorehabilitation physicians
collaboration across disciplines. For ex- must insist on implementation of new
ample, a basic scientist may spend a approaches that produce superior out-
lifetime developing molecules to facili- comes and remain actively involved in
tate neurogenesis in a rat to cause a advocating for their patients and pushing
small but measurable impact on grasp- for the funding of ongoing research.
ing, while a clinician is looking for ways
to get a patient to a functional level that
enables return home. The randomized ACKNOWLEDGMENT
controlled trial, the standard of research I would like to thank Nancy Stuhlmiller
design, makes the identification of pos- for her countless hours of work and
sible treatment effects against the back- support for this project and all of
ground of clinical recovery a major the members of Unity Health System’s
challenge. Department of Rehabilitation and
Because of time constraints on ther- Neurology who wrote articles and
apy, lack of support and funding, a scien- participated in the production of the
tific community driven by the number of issue.

446 June 2011

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