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Review Article

Management of
Address correspondence to
Dr Carolin I. Dohle, Burke
Rehabilitation Center, 785
Mamaroneck Avenue,
White Plains, NY 10605,
Relationship Disclosure:
Medical Complications
Dr Dohle and Dr Reding Carolin I. Dohle, MD; Michael J. Reding, MD
report no disclosure.
Unlabeled Use of
Use Disclosure: Dr Dohle ABSTRACT
and Dr Reding report no
Medical comorbidities and complications are expected following stroke, traumatic brain
Copyright * 2011, injury, and spinal cord injury. The neurorehabilitation physician’s role is to manage these
American Academy of comorbidities, prevent complications, and serve as a medical and neurologic resource for
Neurology. All rights the patient, family, and neurorehabilitation team. The most common comorbidities are
similar to those found in the general population, namely hypertension, dyslipidemia,
diabetes mellitus, and ischemic heart disease. Frequent complications encountered in the
neurorehabilitation unit relate to medication side effects, medical comorbidities, and the
direct effect of the neurologic injury. They include orthostatic hypotension; syncope or
presyncope; cardiac arrhythmia; bowel and bladder dysfunction; seizures; pressure sores;
dysphagia-related pneumonia, dehydration, and malnutrition; venous thromboembo-
lism; falls; and sexual dysfunction. This article discusses strategies for managing comor-
bidities and avoiding complications.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529.

THE PHYSICIAN’S ROLE IN and vital signs are important indicators of

NEUROREHABILITATION the patient’s progress or of intercurrent
The neurorehabilitation physician’s pri- problems. Having physical therapy, oc-
mary responsibility is to optimize the cupational therapy, and speech ther-
patient’s medical, neurologic, and behav- apy treatment areas on the nursing unit
ioral status. This is best accomplished by rather than on another floor or at a
(1) treating and managing comorbidities remote location provides the most effi-
that preceded the onset of neurologic cient means of staff communication.
impairment, (2) preventing common com- Nursing staff are available to help thera-
plications of neurologic injury, (3) provid- pists with patient care if needed. Nursing
ing ongoing assessments of the patient’s and physician staff can directly observe
progress, and (4) modifying treatments patient performance in therapy activi-
based on patient response. The physician ties. This direct and frequent interaction
may also serve as a neurorehabilitation among therapy, nursing, and physician
researcher, team leader, and medical and staff allows for a true interdisciplinary
neurologic educational resource for the approach to neurorehabilitation.1
patient, family, and neurorehabilitation During daily rounds, the physician
team members. pays close attention to the patient’s medi-
Physician rounds on the rehabilitation cal issues and assesses the adequacy of
nursing unit are an integral part of as- his or her rehabilitative equipment (eg,
sessing the patient’s response to treat- Is the wheelchair properly adapted to
ment. Nursing reports highlight patient- the patient’s needs? Are splints and
specific problems that have arisen. This paretic shoulder support systems in
information plus direct observation of place? Is the patient’s spasticity ade-
the patient’s level of alertness, behavior, quately managed?).

510 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Formal weekly conferences with all assure they are appropriate and effec- h The neurorehabilitation
members of the neurorehabilitation team tive in optimizing the patient’s ability to physician’s role is to
are an essential component of patient participate in and benefit from the neu- manage comorbidities
care. These team conferences allow team rorehabilitation programs. The neurore- and prevent
members to communicate patient-specific habilitation physician must continue to complications.
goals and progress or impediments to assume primary responsibility for patient h Daily physician rounds
reaching these goals. Each impediment care. The neurorehabilitation physician, optimize assessment of
(eg, depression, pain, somnolence, fatigue, working with the neurorehabilitation the patient’s response
spasticity, extrapyramidal manifestations, team, observes patient performance on to neurorehabilitation
cardiovascular or respiratory instability) is the nursing unit and in therapy sessions programs.
a target for physician intervention. and is therefore ideally situated to make h Weekly team
Anticipation of expected complica- adjustments in medications to regulate conferences identify
tions is based on the type and extent of heart rate, orthostatic hypotension (OH), problems interfering
the neurologic injury and should prompt pulmonary function, blood glucose, som- with functional
evaluation and intervention to prevent nolence, behavior, and pain. improvement.
their development. Examples of com- The frequency and severity of medi- h Comorbidities are
plications include dysphagia, pneumo- cal complications are related to the related to the etiology
nia, dehydration, malnutrition, pressure severity of neurologic impairment, the of neurologic
sores, bowel and bladder dysfunction, interval following the onset of neuro- impairment.
spasticity, contractures, and depression. logic impairment, and the number and h The neurorehabilitation
Ongoing surveillance of these efforts severity of medical and neurologic co- physician must accept
will document their efficacy or signal the morbidities. Physician practices and care responsibility for the
need to change treatment. settings with patients with severe impair- patient’s overall
Comorbidities are often inherent in ments who have many medical comor- medical management.
the etiology of the neurologic impair- bidities will encounter the most medical Consultants can be
ment. Stroke is a vascular disorder and complications. used to optimize
patient care and
hence carries with it a high frequency of
MANAGEMENT OF COMORBID to help inform and
cardiac, renal, and diabetic comorbidi-
support the
ties. Stroke is also a geriatric disorder CONDITIONS
with associated neurodegenerative, pul- Hypertension and
monary, gastrointestinal, and musculo- Hyperlipidemia
h The frequency and
skeletal comorbidities. Traumatic brain Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are
severity of medical
injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) expected in geriatric neurorehabilitation complications are
are more common in younger, physi- patients, and their effective management related to the severity
cally active individuals who are more is an essential part of American Heart of neurologic
likely to demonstrate risk-seeking be- Association recommendations for second- impairment, the
havior and recreational drug use and to ary stroke prophylaxis.2 In patients on interval following the
have psychosocial comorbidities. the neurorehabilitation unit, labile blood onset of neurologic
Because medical, neurologic, and be- pressure fluctuations are common be- impairment, and the
havioral complications are often predict- cause of exertion, pain, or anxiety. Adjust- number and severity of
able and comorbidities are common, it ing the intensity of exercise, giving pain medical and neurologic
is important for the neurorehabilitation medication prior to exercise, or giving comorbidities.
physician to develop the skill set and anxiolytic medications are all appropriate
confidence necessary for their man- interventions for such patients.
agement. Use of consultants can help
inform and support the neurorehabili- Diabetes
tation physician; however, consultant Diabetic management should target
opinions and advice need to be weighed normal or near-normal blood glucose
by the neurorehabilitation physician to levels. Numerous studies have shown

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 511

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

h Euglycemia is the that the better the blood glucose regu- ened liquid several times per day will help
goal of diabetes lation the better the functional out- supplement hydration. It is difficult to
management but come. However, a number of special maintain adequate hydration for those on
must be balanced issues interfere with diabetic manage- honey-thick liquids. It is important to note
with the risk of ment following neurologic injury: inabil- that diuretics are used to enhance renal
hypoglycemia in ity to express hypoglycemic symptoms sodium excretion. Extracellular water vol-
patients unaware because of aphasia, altered awareness of ume decreases as a result of enhanced
of or unable to impending hypoglycemia, dysphagia- renal sodium clearance. Coupling a di-
express symptoms of related variability in food intake, and uretic with adequate hydration is neces-
hypoglycemia. meals and exercise that are regulated by sary to ensure adequate renal function.
h Daily physician the patient’s schedule and not by the On daily rounds the physician can observe
assessment of patient. Blood glucose is frequently dif- the patient’s resting respiratory rate while
congestive heart ficult to control when the patient is on the patient is in a comfortable position
failure signs and tube feedings, and the timing of moni- in bed or in a wheelchair. Auscultation of
symptoms plus periodic
toring and insulin administration should the lungs with detection of basilar rales,
$-natriuretic peptide,
be adjusted. The goal is to balance the dullness to percussion over the lung bases,
blood urea nitrogen/
creatinine, electrolyte,
need for near-normal blood glucose presence or absence of jugular venous
and chest x-ray provide levels with avoidance of symptomatic distension (more than 12 cm above the
guidance in managing hypoglycemia. Because glycosylated sternomanubrial joint is abnormal in
cardiac response to hemoglobin levels change slowly, we either supine or sitting position), and
progressive self-care have not found them to be a useful presence of either bilateral pedal or pre-
and mobility exercises. guide for diabetic management during sacral edema are all indicators of CHF.
the several-week inpatient neurorehabil- Daily observation for the presence of
itation stay. Fingerstick blood glucose these signs of CHF should trigger further
determinations before meals and at bed- evaluations such as serum $-natriuretic
time remain the most valid assessment of peptide (BNP) assessment. BNP is a re-
diabetic management. liable marker of atrial stretch response
to intravascular volume expansion un-
Congestive Heart Failure less significant renal dysfunction is pres-
American Heart Association standards ent. In the presence of chronic kidney
for managing congestive heart failure disease with serum creatinine greater
(CHF) advocate use of three classes of than 2.0 mg/dL, the BNP may not accu-
medication: a diuretic, a beta-blocker, rately reflect CHF status. A follow-up
and an angiotensin-converting enzyme chest x-ray can confirm the clinical assess-
inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker.3 ment. Follow-up echocardiograms are
Use of these standard medications may not usually available on the neuroreha-
have to be modified during neuroreha- bilitation unit. With daily physician assess-
bilitation because of dysphagia-related ments and appropriately timed serum
dehydration, diabetic or vascular renal BNP, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum
insufficiency with hyperkalemia, and bra- creatinine, and serum electrolyte assess-
dycardia or OH. Daily rounds by the ments it is usually possible to titrate the
physician are important for adjusting dos- patient’s CHF medications to optimize
ages of CHF medications. Patients with functional status and avoid dehydration.
dysphagia may not be able to tolerate the
use of diuretic medications. They may PREVENTION OF COMMON
report that they do not like the taste of COMPLICATIONS
thickened liquids and hence cannot main- Cardiovascular Complications
tain adequate oral hydration if given a Orthostatic Hypotension. OH is
diuretic. Frequent small amounts of thick- defined by the American Academy of

512 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Neurology and the Consensus Commit- bed as much as possible and encouraged h Orthostatic hypotension
tee of the American Autonomic Society to sit up or stand as they are able with following stroke or
as a drop in systolic blood pressure of appropriate monitoring of blood pres- traumatic brain injury
20 mm Hg or more or a drop in diastolic sure. Patients who cannot tolerate being is most commonly due
blood pressure of 10 mm Hg or more.4 upright even with the above interven- to antihypertensive
OH is common on the neurorehabilita- tions may need to practice incremental medication or
tion unit. It is often attributed to over- habituation to upright posture using a dehydration with
aggressive antihypertensive medication tilt table or a specialized wheelchair that prerenal azotemia
management during the acute hospital tilts to a recumbent position with elevat- and is particularly
phase of patient care. Blood pressures ing leg rests and a fully reclining back severe in patients
with cervical spinal
seem well managed when patients are rest (Figure 6-1). Medical management
cord injury.
supine in bed, but OH becomes appa- may include IV volume expansion and
rent when they begin spending more adding vasoconstrictors such as midro-
time sitting in a wheelchair, standing, drine.9 Observational studies have sup-
and walking. OH can be a manifestation ported the use of fludrocortisone.10
of deconditioning, dehydration, or an- Autonomic Dysreflexia. Autonomic
other comorbidity such as diabetic auto- dysreflexia (AD) is defined as significant
nomic neuropathy. Dehydration is a hypertension (20 mm Hg to 40 mm Hg
particularly common cause of OH fol- above the patient’s baseline or above
lowing neurologic injury with dysphagia. 150 mm Hg if baseline is not known)
While diuretics are frequently used as with altered vasomotor tone (sweating,
one of the primary medications for hyper- piloerection, skin blanching or flushing,
tension management, dysphagia requiring headache, blurred vision, nasal conges-
use of nectar- or honey-consistency liquids tion, acute feeling of anxiety or impend-
is an indication of severely compromised ing crisis). AD is common following SCI
ability to maintain oral hydration. Diu- at or above the T6 level. Susceptibility to
retics should be avoided in patients with AD begins once the acute spinal shock
dysphagia requiring thickened liquids phase has passed and tendon hyper-
unless they are needed for management reflexia becomes manifest. AD may also
of advanced CHF. occur with minimal symptoms experi-
SCI is commonly associated with OH enced by the patient (silent AD). The
in the acute phase postinjury. OH follow- frequency and severity of cardiovascular
ing SCI may persist several weeks into dysfunction seem to be directly related
the chronic phase5,6 and is frequently to the severity of the SCI.11 In patients
asymptomatic.7 OH is particularly severe with a complete lesion above T6, all
in patients with cervical SCI.8 These pa- hypothalamic and brainstem regulation
tients may require use of a tilt table and of sympathetic innervation to the car-
abdominal binder to gradually accom- diovascular system is disrupted, leaving
modate to the upright posture. the parasympathetic system as the only
Management of OH includes de- supraspinal input, which may lead to
creasing or stopping antihypertensive bradycardia and arrhythmia. Further,
medications, ensuring adequate hydra- patients with severe SCI at T6 or above
tion with oral fluids if possible or with IV may experience symptomatic fluctuations
fluids if needed, applying elastic com- in blood pressure due to decentralization
pression wraps to the lower extremities, of vasomotor control. In these patients,
and using an abdominal binder to help intermittent surges in blood pressure
increase peripheral and visceral venous may occur between hypotensive epi-
return. Such treatment is outlined in sodes.12 Fecal impaction, urinary reten-
Case 6-1. Patients should be kept out of tion, urologic or abdominal infection, or

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 513

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Medical Complications

Case 6-1
A 74-year-old man with a history of left basal ganglia infarct resulting in right hemiparesis and dysarthria
was admitted to the neurorehabilitation unit. Review of his hospital chart revealed that the patient had a
history of uncontrolled hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia. During
his acute hospitalization he had frequent blood pressure spikes with systolic blood pressure recordings of up
to 200. He was being treated with hydralazine, metoprolol, and lisinopril and was on a pureed diet and
nectar-thick liquids because of dysphagia. On his second day of admission, the patient began physical
therapy. He was ambulating 10 feet with moderate assistance at the hemibar when he suddenly became
diaphoretic and weak and reported dizziness. He was immediately placed in a reclining wheelchair and
brought back to his room. His heart rate was 90 beats/min, his blood pressure was 90/68 mm Hg, his oxygen
saturation was 96% breathing room air, and his blood sugar was 114. His morning laboratory results
showed a serum sodium of 147, a blood urea nitrogen of 35, and a creatinine of 1.0. The patient appeared
lethargic. He was placed in Trendelenburg position, and over the next 20 minutes his mental status slowly
returned to baseline. His medications were reviewed and a decision was made to stop his hydralazine.
Because of his history of diabetes and coronary artery disease, the lisinopril and metoprolol were reduced in
dose but not stopped. Orders were given to obtain blood pressure measurements with the patient sitting up
to avoid falsely high readings. Orders were also written to give 3 ounces of nectar-thick fluids with each
therapy session to improve hydration. Elastic wraps and an abdominal binder were applied to further provide
circulatory support. The patient was allowed to return to his therapy sessions after his symptoms subsided.
Comment. This case illustrates that even patients with baseline hypertension and high blood pressure
readings when supine may suffer from orthostatic hypotension when standing or sitting up in a chair.
The doses of blood pressure medications need to be decreased, with an emphasis on those that do not
benefit other medical conditions the patient has. Blood pressure readings for this patient should be
taken in a sitting position. Because he has dysphagia and is taking nectar-thick liquids (which he does not
like), he is having trouble maintaining adequate hydration.

another stimulus to the sacral, lumbar, seated rather than supine position may
or thoracic spinal cord often triggers an be of immediate benefit. Using lido-
AD episode. Placing the patient in a caine gel to ease noxious stimuli asso-
ciated with bladder catheterization or
digital disimpaction may terminate the
episode. The Consortium for Spinal
Cord Medicine clinical practice guide-
lines acknowledge that no randomized
controlled trials to identify optimal med-
ical management of AD have been
reported.13 Reasonable alternatives are
oral nifedipine, hydralazine, prazosin,
captopril, and transdermal nitrate. In
severe persistent episodes, IV nitro-
prusside in an emergency department
or intensive care unit setting may be
required for patient stabilization. Use of
FIGURE 6-1 Tilt-in-space wheelchair. These wheelchairs sildenafil for erectile dysfunction within
may be beneficial for patients with
orthostatic hypotension, poor head or trunk 24 hours is a relative contraindication
control, and decreased endurance, and can help relieve pain for use of nitrates.
from pressure ulcers through weight shifting. The angle Syncope or Presyncope. If a clear
between the seat and wheelchair back remains constant
when the patient is tilted back. orthostatic association with syncope or
presyncope exists, the etiology of the

514 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

event is clearly related to hypotension. stable atrial fibrillation may show occa- h Initial treatment for
Time in the wheelchair may also be an sional asymptomatic 2- to 3-second autonomic dysreflexia
important variable. Vasovagal events pauses between QRS complexes. This is is to place the patient
associated with toileting are also com- most common while resting in a wheel- in a seated position,
mon. Constipation with or without fecal chair or in bed and resolves with minimal correct obstructive
impaction or functional vesicourethral activity. Reduction in beta-blocker, di- bowel, bladder,
outflow obstruction may be precipitat- goxin, or calcium channel blocker dosage or other etiologies,
ing events and should be treated appro- may be sufficient to correct the problem. and then provide
priately. Every syncopal or presyncopal The frequency of such events is easily specific medication
event should be considered as possibly documented on the neurorehabilitation management of
residual hypertension.
related to some other etiology unless unit with Holter monitoring and can help
the situation and recovery are suffi- guide medical management. A system h Assess syncopal or
ciently clear. Fingerstick blood glucose, for urgent cardiology consults should be presyncopal events as
pulse oxymetry, EKG, and observation available. Mobitz type II heart block, com- possible cardiac
arrhythmia, cardiac
for absence seizure, cryptic seizure, or plete heart block, or bradycardia associ-
ischemia, pulmonary
another etiology should be considered. ated with signs or symptoms of CHF or
embolus, or seizures.
Patients taking multiple antihyperten- angina pectoris are treated according to
sive medications and those with under- advanced cardiac life support protocol, h Modification of
lying dehydration or vascular volume and patients with these arrhythmias
medication may be
contraction may not show a quick return should be emergently transferred to an
needed to allow a
of blood pressure to baseline level when acute care hospital setting. slightly higher blood
placed supine or in Trendelenburg posi- Tachycardia is also commonly noted pressure to
tion, and supplemental IV hydration may by nursing or therapy staff. EKG con- maintain perfusion.
be needed. Likewise, recovery of base- firmation of sinus tachycardia may in-
line level of alertness may be prolonged dicate hypoglycemia, deconditioning,
for minutes to an hour. Focal neurologic dehydration, anemia, withdrawal from
findings that had improved since an beta-blocker, hyperthyroidism, CHF, or
initial stroke may worsen and reflect pulmonary embolism. Each should be
hypoperfusion of marginally functioning considered and judged according to
ischemic stroke penumbra. Modification physical examination, laboratory results,
of antihypertensive medication may be chest x-ray, and blood gas findings.
needed to allow a slightly higher blood Tachycardia due to deconditioning is a
pressure to maintain perfusion. If symp- diagnosis of exclusion. New-onset atrial
toms persist despite measures to in- fibrillation, often with a heart rate above
crease cerebral blood flow, follow-up 150, requires further cardiovascular eval-
imaging would be indicated to evaluate uation to exclude acute myocardial is-
stroke progression versus secondary chemia, heart failure, hyperthyroidism,
hemorrhage into an ischemic stroke. or another etiology. The severity of the
Transient Arrhythmias. Asymptom- tachycardia, the need for further cardiac
atic bradycardia or minimally symp- evaluation, the need for repeat neuro-
tomatic bradycardia with fatigue, poor imaging, and the decision to initiate war-
endurance, or exertional dyspnea is often farin treatment usually warrant transfer
observed in patients participating in back to an acute care hospital setting.
physical therapy and occupational ther-
apy programs. If this is attributable to Seizures
the use of beta-blockers and the EKG is The incidence of seizures within the first
unchanged from baseline (except for 2 weeks of ischemic stroke has been
heart rate), a reduction in beta-blocker estimated to be approximately 2% to
dosage is indicated. Patients with chronic 23% depending on study design.2 The

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 515

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

h Routine seizure incidence of clinical seizures following Risk factors include compressive
prophylaxis is not intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) has forces and shearing forces.21 Compres-
recommended for been reported to be 14%, with most sive forces are directed perpendicular to
patients with stroke occurring at or shortly after the acute the skin surface, whereas shearing forces
or intracerebral event.14 Electroencephalographic evi- are exerted parallel to the skin surface.
hemorrhage. dence of seizure activity may be as high Shearing forces depend on the position
as 28% to 31% in patients with ICH of the patient. The shear exists between
having continuous EEG monitoring. No the different layers of the fascia. The in-
clear evidence exists for prophylactic fluence of body weight on shearing and
use of anticonvulsants to improve func- compressive forces is such that in
tional outcome or survival. Patients with patients with cachexia higher peak pres-
ischemic stroke or ICH who have clini- sures exist than in larger persons, in
cally apparent seizures and patients whom the pressure is dispersed through-
with electroencephalographic evidence out a larger surface area.22 The duration
of seizures with accompanying change of pressure has been found to be an
in mental status should be given anticon- independent risk factor, and the fre-
vulsants. Evidence from animal studies quency of turning the patient has been
suggests that phenobarbital, topiramate, linked to the incidence of pressure
lamotrigine, and phenytoin may impair ulcers.23 The risk of developing pressure
motor recovery15; however, clinical evi- sores is further increased in patients with
dence is still lacking. decreased sensitivity to pain from the
pressure and those who have decreased
Pressure Sores ability to shift their weight in order to
Pressure sores are defined as wounds reduce the pressure.
resulting from pressure or friction on Poor nutrition is an independent risk
any part of the body. Immobilized neu- factor for pressure sores. Low albumin
rorehabilitation patients in hospital levels have been associated with a higher
and nursing home settings following risk of developing these lesions. Indi-
stroke or SCI are at high risk of devel- viduals who are malnourished have a
oping pressure sores. Pressure sores twofold to threefold higher risk of devel-
can cause pain, increase disability, and oping ulcers than patients with normal
lead to systemic infections and death.16 nutritional status, and providing individ-
The incidence of pressure sores is es- uals with nutritional supplements has
timated to be 25% to 30% in patients been shown to accelerate healing.24 Pa-
with SCI17,18 and 20% in patients with tients with albumin levels of less than
stroke.19,20 3.5 have been shown to have a greater
Pressure ulcers develop when the risk of developing ulcers and slower ul-
pressure on the tissue is persistently cer healing.25
greater than the capillary pressure, which Pressure ulcers develop over bony
has been traditionally quoted to be protrusions. A study involving patients
32 mm Hg, for more than 2 hours.21 with SCI found that the ischial tuber-
However, newer studies have shown that osities, sacrum, greater trochanters, lat-
with increasing external pressure the ar- eral malleoli, and heels are commonly
teriolar pressure increases through auto- affected.26 Shear forces and inconti-
regulation unless the external pressure nence with skin maceration further
exceeds the diastolic pressure. At this traumatize the skin and facilitate bacte-
point, a significant decrease in tissue oxy- rial and fungal infections.
gen partial pressure (PO2) occurs with The Braden scale and the Norton
resulting tissue hypoxia and necrosis. scale are used to identify patients at

516 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

risk for developing pressure ulcers. The biodegradable and adhere directly to h Preventive measures
Norton scale rates the patient’s physical the skin, making additional taping un- for pressure sores
condition, mental status, activity, mobil- necessary. They have to be changed include avoidance
ity,andcontinence.TheBradenscalemea- every 3 days or more frequently when of prolonged
sures friction, shearing forces, sensory excess drainage from the wound occurs. immobilization; daily
perception, skin moisture, nutritional in- For stage II and III ulcers, dressings inspection of skin with
take, and physical activity. Both scales made from sodium carboxymethyl- particular attention
have been shown to have limited inter- cellulose can be used. These dressings to coccyx, ischium,
rater reliability and tend to overestimate form a gel that absorbs wound exudates trochanters, and heels;
the risk of developing pressure sores.27 and traps bacteria. They may also be avoidance of shearing
forces; preventing
Preventive measures suggested by impregnated with silver. Silver ions are
moisture accumulation;
the Consortium for Spinal Cord Injury released in the wound and exert an anti-
and providing pressure
include avoidance of prolonged immo- microbial effect against a wide range of relief support for areas
bilization; daily inspection of skin with bacterial organisms, including vancomycin- at risk.
particular attention to coccyx, ischium, resistant Enterococcus, methicillin-
h Pressure sore staging
trochanters, and heels because these resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and
helps objectify progress
areas are at greatest risk for develop- Pseudomonas.28 Collagenase-containing and guide therapeutic
ment of pressure ulcers; avoidance of gels can be used for minor debridement interventions.
shearing forces; preventing moisture ac- of the ulcer bed if needed. Surgical de-
cumulation; and providing pressure re- bridement is indicated for removal of sig-
lief support for areas at risk. nificant necrotic tissue. More advanced
Computerized bed mattress systems pressure sores, such as stage III and stage
are available to attenuate pressure points IV, require more intense treatment. The
and change the patient’s position from use of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC)
one side to the other (Figure 6-2). Gel therapy has been shown to be effective
or graduated foam cushions may allevi- in these wounds. VAC is safe and easy to
ate pressure when the patient is sitting apply and is thought to work by increas-
up in a wheelchair (Figure 6-3). Fre- ing local blood flow to the wound, in-
quent weight shifting is also important creasing cell proliferation, and increasing
for these patients, as well as avoidance formation of granulation tissue. These
of any pressure points on the paretic
limb by leg rests or foot rests. Pressure
points over the heels can be reduced by
pressure relief ankle-foot orthoses. Ade-
quate intake of calories, protein, micro-
nutrients, and fluid should be provided.
Treatment is based on pressure sore
staging (Table 6-1); an example of ap-
propriate pressure sore treatment is
given in Case 6-2. The ulcer should be
measured with every dressing change,
and good hand hygiene should be en-
sured before and after dressing changes.
Cleaning of the ulcer should be per-
formed with normal saline; solutions
containing alcohol and rubbing of the FIGURE 6-2 Bed with alternating pressure air mattress to
wound should be avoided. Stage I ulcers constantly change pressure points. These beds
have multipositional capabilities for additional
can be treated with a hydrocolloid dress- relief of possible pressure points.
ing. These nonbreathable dressings are

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 517

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

mechanisms promote wound healing

and increase speed of wound closure.
Surgical debridement may be required
prior to using a VAC system whenever
significant necrotic tissue is present.
Surgical closure of the wound by creating
skin flaps is the most aggressive treat-
ment option, but it depends on the pa-
tient’s surgical risk and the prognosis of
the underlying neurologic or medical

Dysphagia-Related Complications
Dysphagia and its management are dis-
cussed in detail in the article ‘‘Treatment
of Language, Motor Speech Impairments,
and Dysphagia.’’ The most important
medical complications of dysphagia are
pneumonia, dehydration, malnutrition,
unreliable medication intake, and upper
airway obstruction.
A bedside evaluation of swallowing
should be conducted prior to initiation
of oral intake of food or liquids following
stroke or TBI.29 Based on the bedside
dysphagia evaluation, patients at risk for
aspiration can be given nectar- or honey-
consistency liquids. Patients deemed
unsafe for oral feeding require naso-
gastric feeding tube placement. Naso-
gastric tubes are poorly tolerated by
patients and proper positioning must
be checked by air bolus auscultation
over the abdomen prior to each feed-
ing. If a nasogastric tube is required
for more than 1 or 2 weeks a percuta-
neous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
tube should be placed.
Patients with dysphagia significant
FIGURE 6-3 Wheelchair cushions. A, gel wheelchair enough to require thickened liquids
cushions distribute body weight over the area
of the entire cushion, reducing pressure. are at risk for recurrent aspiration of
However, they may be quite heavy, do not absorb shocks as well saliva and other thin liquids between
as other cushions, and have the potential of leaking. B, foam
wheelchair cushions are light and usually easy to maintain. meals and at night. Using an oral swab
Several density-graded foams can be used in one cushion to to cleanse the teeth, tongue, and buc-
provide different amounts of support for different skin areas;
however, the foam may lose its shape over time. C, air-inflated colabial folds after meals can help de-
wheelchair cushions are composed of an array of small crease the amount of bacterial and
interconnected air bladders. Individual air bladders can be tied particulate material available for aspira-
off to customize pressure points. These cushions may provide
less stability and are potentially difficult to clean. tion. Use of incentive spirometry, nebu-
lized bronchodilator treatments, and

518 June 2011

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a h Chemical or surgical
TABLE 6-1 Criteria for Staging of Pressure Ulcers
debridement may
Stage Criteria be necessary to
ensure effective
I Nonblanchable erythema of intact epidermal skin, usually over bony
vacuum-assisted closure
prominence. This is an indication of individuals at risk for developing skin
ulceration. The affected skin can be painful, soft or firm, and may be of pressure sores.
warmer or cooler than the surrounding tissue. h Dysphagia evaluation
II Shiny or dry, shallow superficial ulcer penetrating into the dermal skin and treatment
layer, often with red or pink wound bed. can prevent
III More extensive tissue damage with full-thickness skin loss penetrating dysphagia-related
into the subcutaneous fat tissue layer but not into layers of fascia, complications such
tendon, muscle, or bone. Can present as a deep crater in areas with as pneumonia,
increased adipose tissue but may be shallow in areas without dehydration, and
significant subcutaneous fat. malnutrition.
IV Extensive damage with full-thickness skin loss and involvement of
underlying fascia, tendons, muscle, or bone. Eschar formation may
be present in the wound bed. Ulcers may be shallow in areas without
underlying adipose tissue but can otherwise be very deep.
A form of pressure-related injury not included in this staging system is deep tissue injury, which is
an injury to the subcutaneous tissue layers caused by pressure that frequently gives the appearance
of a deep bruise. Such lesions can be recorded as unstagable.

chest percussion and postural drain- with hospital-acquired pneumonia and

age by physical therapists, respiratory health careYacquired pneumonia have
therapists, and nursing staff can also been published by the American Tho-
help mobilize increased tracheobron- racic Society and the Infectious Diseases
chial mucus formed in response to Society of America.30
chronic low-grade aspiration. Chest aus- Dysphagia significant enough to
cultation, pulse oximetry, and vital signs require use of thickened liquids places
can signal significant change in respira- patients at significant risk of dehydra-
tory status prompting an x-ray to eval- tion. Patients will report that they do not
uate for pneumonia. Guidelines out- like thickened liquids and will often
lining the antibiotic treatment of adults refuse them. Allowing patients access

Case 6-2
A 36-year-old man was admitted to the spinal cord unit 2 weeks after a motorcycle accident. He had
sustained multiple bone fractures, liver and spleen lacerations, and a T8 spinal cord transection. On
examination, the nurse noticed a 4 cm diameter erythematous area over his sacrum that did not blanch
when touched. In the center, a 2 cm diameter shallow ulcer was present. The base of the ulcer was pink
and clean with hair follicles visible. The wound was classified as a stage II pressure ulcer. It was gently
cleaned with normal saline, and a silver impregnated sodium carboxymethylcellulose dressing was
applied. The patient was frequently turned, and pressure on his sacral area was minimized using an
alternating pressure air mattress. While sitting in a wheelchair, he was supported with a gel-based
wheelchair cushion. His wheelchair was placed in a reclining position at regular intervals during the day to
further alleviate any pressure points. The patient’s albumin level was 2.8, so he was started on a
multivitamin, vitamin C, and a protein-enriched diet. With the above measures, his ulcer slowly improved.
Comment. This case illustrates the importance of aggressive management of pressure ulcers. Management
includes wound care, patient positioning, alleviation of pressure points, and nutritional support.

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 519

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Medical Complications

to water, such as with the Frazier Rehab and medication administration, a PEG
Institute Free Water Protocol (permit- tube should be considered. Having nurs-
ting small sips of water between meals ing staff estimate the amount of food on
with nursing staff providing oral and the diet tray that is consumed provides a
dental hygiene following each meal), reasonable approximation of total calo-
may be appropriate.31 This allows pa- rie consumption. Patients and families
tients to safely consume small volumes may reject discussions of PEG placement
of thin liquids and improves hydration. because they perceive it as artificially pro-
Diuretics should be stopped unless longing life. However, case-matched con-
needed for management of active CHF. trolled studies have shown that patients
To ensure adequate hydration, it is rea- given PEG tube feedings do as well as
sonable to request that patients receive equally severely impaired patients who
at least 3 ounces of thickened liquid with do not need PEG feeding.32 They have
each therapy session. Renal and electro- similar Functional Independence Mea-
lyte checks can be used to follow the sure efficiency values and are equally
patient’s response. If necessary, a nurs- likely to return to their home. PEG feed-
ing order can be written to give the pa- ings allow patients who are effectively
tient 250 mL of thickened liquid as a starving to show significant functional re-
medication every 4 to 6 hours while covery. Most will not need their PEG
awake. Supplemental IV hydration may tube for more than 4 to 10 weeks, and
also be needed. It is common to monitor most PEG tubes can be easily removed
the BUN/creatinine ratio, with values by traction or balloon deflation on the
greater than 20 indicating prerenal neurorehabilitation unit or in the office.
azotemia due to dehydration. Patients To prevent spilling of gastric content
with dysphagia may be sufficiently mal- to the peritoneum, PEG tubes should
nourished so as to show only mildly remain in place for at least 2 weeks
elevated BUN/creatinine ratios because prior to removal, with some recom-
of dietary protein depletion. Such pa- mending up to 6 weeks.
tients may have elevated serum so-
dium values in the 150 range, serving Deep Vein Thrombosis
as a reliable secondary marker for sig- In patients admitted to a rehabilitation
nificant dehydration. hospital and in patients within 21 days of
Malnutrition due to dysphagia and in- stroke onset, the prevalence of deep vein
adequate calorie intake can be followed thrombosis (DVT) has been reported to
using body weight, but values fluctuate be 34% to 40.2% and even as high as
and change slowly. Urinary ketones may 50%.33 The prevalence of DVT in patients
be detectable after a 24-hour fast. Use with TBI has been reported to be 11%.34
of urinary ketone levels as a marker for Most of these patients were asymptom-
inadequate calorie intake is valid even in atic.35 Higher incidences seem to be re-
patients with diabetes as long as no glyco- lated to greater severity of weakness.36
suria is present. Serum prealbumin levels DVTs usually occur in the paretic leg.
fall much earlier than serum albumin or It is important to be vigilant for the
total serum protein levels and are the best development of DVT in the neurore-
marker for inadequate protein intake. habilitation population because clinical
All patients on an altered-consistency diet signs may not be present in these pa-
should be assessed for the need for die- tients owing to sensory loss and the
tary supplements and multivitamins. inability to report symptoms because
If the above measures are not effec- of cognitive or language impairment.
tive in maintaining hydration, nutrition, Screening tools should be cost-efficient,

520 June 2011

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noninvasive, easily obtainable, and highly prophylaxis with UFH has shown an h In patients with ischemic
sensitive and specific. The criterion almost 80% reduction in the incidence stroke, prophylaxis with
standard for diagnosing DVT is contrast of DVT.43 Low-molecular-weight hepa- unfractionated heparin
venography; however, this procedure is rin (LMWH) given once daily has been has shown an almost
invasive and not without risks such as found to be at least as effective in pre- 80% reduction in the
allergic reaction, nephrotoxicity in pa- venting DVT as UFH given 3 times a incidence of deep
tients with preexisting kidney disease, day44 and to be superior to twice daily venous thrombosis.
and postvenography thrombosis.37 Se- injections.45 The risk of major adverse
rum D-dimer levels, which are elevated events such as bleeding has been re-
in the presence of venous clot formation, ported as similar or slightly reduced
have been evaluated in several studies. In following the use of LMWH versus
patients with low clinical suspicion of UFH in these trials. LMWH is less likely
DVT, a normal D-dimer serum value can than UFH to produce heparin-induced
be used to safely exclude the presence thrombocytopenia.
of DVT.38 Another accepted diagnostic Recently published guidelines for
modality is Doppler ultrasonography, the management of ICH state that ‘‘after
which is cost-efficient and safe and has documentation of cessation of bleeding,
a high sensitivity and specificity (96% low-dose subcutaneous low-molecular-
and 98%, respectively). Compressibility weight heparin or unfractionated hepa-
of veins under probe pressure is also rin may be considered for prevention
a very accurate test.39 The sensitivity is of VTE in patients with lack of mobility
best for proximal DVTs and less opti- after 1 to 4 days from [ICH] onset.’’14
mal for isolated calf DVTs. This recommendation is listed as Class
Prevention of DVT and venous throm- IIb, indicating that the benefit may be
boembolism ( VTE) is important for pa- greater than the risk based on limited
tients with immobilization due to TBI, patient populations studied. The Con-
SCI, or stroke. Prophylactic use of knee- sortium for Spinal Cord Medicine guide-
or thigh-length graded compression lines recommend the use of LMWH
stockings (GCSs) has been studied, but within 72 hours of SCI provided no ac-
their use has not shown a significant tive bleeding is present. They recom-
decrease in the incidence of VTE in pa- mend enoxaparin 30 mg subcutaneous
tients with stroke.40 One study using every 12 hours, dalteparin 5000 units
thigh-length GCSs showed no signifi- subcutaneous daily, or warfarin to a
cant decrease in the incidence of DVT therapeutic international normalized
after stroke but found that their use was ratio of 2 to 3. DVT prophylaxis for
associated with a significant increase in patients with SCI is recommended for 8
superficial skin lesions.41 However, in weeks for patients with complete motor
studies examining the incidence of DVT deficits and for 12 weeks for such
in patients hospitalized for any reason, patients with other risk factors for VTE
the use of GCSs has been shown to be complications. DVT prophylaxis for
beneficial.42 Because of the possibility patients with stroke and TBI is usually
that they may have some benefit and the continued until the patient can ambu-
benign nature of their use, GCSs are late distances of 150 feet with or with-
used as part of routine DVT/VTE prophy- out therapist assistance or until the
laxis in most neurorehabilitation units. patient is sent home or to a custodial
Successful pharmacologic prophy- care setting.
laxis with unfractionated heparin (UFH) Venous compression pump systems
has been demonstrated in surgical pa- are mostly reserved for patients unable
tients. In patients with ischemic stroke, to take LMWH or UFH because of the

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 521

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

h Chronic constipation is presence of active bleeding, heparin- bowel movement occurs is reasonable.
expected in immobilized induced thrombocytopenia, or other Manual insertion of the suppository ini-
patients and can disorders affecting blood clotting. Foot, tiates the anal-colon defecation reflex.
be prevented. calf, and sequential calf-thigh compres- Bisacodyl also has a direct effect on the
sion pump systems are available. smooth muscle of the colon, stimulating
Sequential calf-thigh systems provide colonic emptying. Additional strategies
optimal prophylaxis but are poorly such as enemas or lactulose may be
tolerated because of discomfort and needed. Lactulose can produce loose
interruption of sleep. Foot-pump sys- stools in any individual if given in higher
tems are tolerated the best but are not doses. Lactulose is not absorbed and is
as effective as either calf or sequential without systemic toxicity. Polyethylene
calf-thigh applications.46 Rapid com- glycol compounds (eg, Miralax) may also
pression of the venous plexus in the be helpful. However, if a patient cannot
instep of the foot is able to produce a move his or her bowels for several days,
100 mm Hg plethysmographically the possibility of an obstruction must be
detectable pulse wave in calf veins. ruled out.
The pulse wave is thought to provide Urinary incontinence (UI) or uri-
venous pulse pressures similar to step- nary retention affects a large percent-
ping and weight bearing during the age of patients with acquired brain or
gait cycle; however, these devices are spinal cord injury. The prevalence of
not frequently used or not used UI after stroke has been reported as
correctly. almost 50% (including complete and
incomplete UI).47 However, this prev-
Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction alence is linked to the severity of
Colonic stasis is expected as a result of neurologic injury. Only 5% of patients
immobility of any cause. A high-fiber with pure motor strokes are expected
diet containing 35 grams of fiber plus a to have UI,48 while approximately 75% of
stool softener such as docusate sodium patients with motor, hemisensory, and
100 mg 3 times daily is an initial pro- hemianopic neurologic impairments are
phylactic option. Use of bisacodyl sup- expected to experience UI during the
positories daily or every other day if no first month following stroke. Case 6-3

Case 6-3
A 78-year-old woman with recent infarct involving the left temporal-parietal cortex had resulting global
aphasia and right hemiparesis. On the second day of her admission to the inpatient rehabilitation unit,
the physical therapist noticed that she seemed less alert than on the day of admission and that she
appeared uncomfortable. She was afebrile. Discussion with nursing staff revealed that the patient had
not voided over the past 8 hours. On physical examination, dullness to percussion over the suprapubic
region was present. Bladder scan showed a postvoid residual volume (PVR) of 700 mL. Intermittent
catheterization was initiated, and urine analysis and urine culture were obtained. PVR assessments were
ordered every 6 hours with instructions to perform intermittent catheterization for a PVR volume greater
than 250 mL. Additionally, she was started on tamsulosin for internal urethral sphincter relaxation.
Ciprofloxacin was started subsequently when her urine analysis showed significant pyuria.
Comment. This case illustrates that it is necessary to be vigilant for stroke complications such as
urinary retention because patients often cannot report specific symptoms because of their neurologic
dysfunction. Careful assessment of the patient’s voiding status and frequency of bowel movements
must be made to avoid obstructive uropathy and fecal impactions. Urinary retention is treated with
intermittent catheterization rather than an indwelling catheter.

522 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

gives an example of a patient with tive afferents projecting to the so-
global aphasia with urinary retention matosensory cortex of the paracentral
who is unable to verbalize her con- lobule on the medial aspect of the
cerns and has only nonspecific symp- interhemispheric fissure. During cys-
toms, highlighting the importance of tometric instillation of carbon dioxide,
routinely evaluating patients for the the first sensation of bladder fullness
presence of urinary retention. Patients starts at a filling volume of about
with poststroke UI have higher mor- 125 mL. Voluntary inhibition of voiding
tality rates than those without UI (60% is controlled by the motor cortex in
versus 20% in one study49 ), and dis- the paracentral lobule giving rise to
ability is worse at 3 months in patients descending efferents in the lateral col-
with UI. The natural progression of umns which initiate contraction of the
poststroke UI is such that most patients external urethral sphincter and the
improve.49 Age younger than 75 years urogenital diaphragm. Voluntary con-
and lacunar infarcts are associated with traction of the external sphincter and
significant probability of recovery. UI urogenital diaphragm results in reflex
following neurologic injury can be due inhibition of the detrusor muscle and
to either impairment of the bladder’s inhibition of the urge to void.
ability to store (urge incontinence) or Neurologic injuries can impair uri-
failure to empty (urinary retention with nary continence in several ways. Large
overflow incontinence). Stress incon- middle cerebral artery distribution hemi-
tinence is usually caused by lax pu- spheric injury may initially cause de-
dendal musculature due to childbirth trusor atony that may last for several
or uterine, vesicle, or rectovesical pro- weeks, causing urinary retention requir-
lapse and is not a primary sequela of ing intermittent urinary catheterization.
neurologic injury. With time such lesions then give rise
Urinary retention is common (75% to disinhibition of the pontomesence-
of patients during the first month) phalic micutrition center with detrusor
following middle cerebral artery dis- hyperreflexia and urge incontinence.
tribution stroke with hemiparesis and Several studies have shown a correla-
hemisomatosensory and hemianopic tion between frontal lobe lesions and
visual impairments. Bladder emptying urinary urge incontinence.50 SCI above
is normally under voluntary control the conus medullaris as well as brain
regulated by the medial frontal cortex stem lesions affecting the pontomesen-
which controls the pontomesence- cephalic reticular formation can cause
phalic reticular formation micturition dyssynergia between detrusor muscle
center. The pontomesencephalic mic- contraction and internal sphincter rel-
turition center coordinates parasympa- axation leading to urinary retention.
thetic fibers from S2 through S4 that With time such SCI lesions may also
cause detrusor muscle contraction give rise to a spastic, hyperreflexic urge-
and sympathetic fibers from T11 to incontinent bladder.
L1 that cause relaxation of the internal Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are
urethral sphincter. Overall, activation common following neurologic injury.
of the sympathetic nervous system Patients with urinary urgency, frequency,
leads to urinary continence, while ac- dysuria, or incontinence should have
tivation of the parasympathetic ner- a urinalysis with urine culture if indi-
vous system facilitates voiding. Aware- cated. It is important to realize that a
ness of bladder volume is mediated by clean voided midstream urine speci-
spinal cord dorsal column propriocep- men is often unobtainable in patients

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 523

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

h Intermittent bladder with neurologic impairments who are mixed results. The prophylactic use of
catheterization is unable to participate in the procedure. antibiotics carries the risk of selecting
preferable to Such patients may need external con- for resistant organisms and is not rec-
indwelling catheter dom specimens (males) or catheterized ommended. Urinary tract antiseptics
for management of urine specimens (females). Contami- such as methenamine mandelate and
urinary retention. nation of the urine specimen by vagi- methenamine hippurate, which are con-
h Time-prompted nal or perineal mucus frequently gives centrated in the urine and metabolized
voiding schedules rise to artifact in laboratory analysis to formaldehyde in an acidic urine, are
can ameliorate of pyuria and bacteriuria. Early recog- bactericidal for all organisms and may
urge incontinence. nition and treatment of UTI may pre- have a limited role in the prevention of
vent development of symptomatic in- recurrent UTIs in selected patients re-
fections or urosepsis which can impede quiring indwelling Foley or suprapubic
stroke recovery and prolong the hospi- catheters.
tal stay.51 Time-prompted voiding schedules
Urinary retention is an indepen- 30 minutes after meals and every 2
dent risk factor for UTI,52 and if it is hours between meals while awake can
severe enough it may lead to renal in- decrease urge incontinence. Kegel ex-
sufficiency and renal failure. Indwelling ercises are appropriate for women
Foley catheters are one means of treat- with comorbid stress incontinence but
ing urinary retention. They have, how- have limited use in patients with neu-
ever, been shown to significantly in- rologic injury. Condom catheters are
crease the risk of developing a UTI.53 useful for symptomatic management
Intermittent catheterization based on of urge incontinence in men without uri-
bladder ultrasound determinations every nary retention.
6 hours is associated with a signifi- Pharmacologic treatment of urinary
cant decrease in UTIs. The risk of in- retention due to internal urethral sphinc-
ducing infection versus the need to ter disinhibition can be initiated with !1
prevent bladder distension is probably receptor antagonists, which exert their
optimized by requesting that the pa- action specifically on !1A receptors in
tient be catheterized when postvoid the prostatic urethra and the vesi-
residual volume by Doppler determi- courethral junction. Such medications
nations is in excess of 350 mL. This is have also shown benefit in women
based on the observation that the nor- with urinary retention due to stroke,
mal upper limit of bladder volume is TBI, or SCI.54 They are also useful in
500 mL for women and 700 mL for men. men with coexisting prostatic hyper-
Indwelling Foley catheters should be re- trophy. Urecholine may be helpful in
served for patients for whom intermit- stimulating detrusor contractility but is
tent catheterization is difficult because relatively contraindicated in patients
of their size, presence of urethral trauma, with cardiac disease.
infected sacral sores made worse by in- Drugs with anticholinergic and anti-
continence, or behavioral issues. Anti- muscarinic effects, such as oxybutynin
septic Foley catheters as well as cathe- and solifenacin, are often used to treat
ters coated with antibiotics suitable for urge incontinence. They have limited
chronic use have been examined; how- ability to cross the intact blood-brain
ever, no good evidence exists regard- barrier; however, they should be used
ing their efficacy in preventing UTIs. with caution in patients with strokes
Studies examining prophylactic treat- or other CNS disorders that can inter-
ment with antibiotics in patients with fere with the blood-brain barrier be-
indwelling Foley catheters have shown cause they may potentially interfere

524 June 2011

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

with cognition, memory, and overall can be achieved by men with complete h Sexual dysfunction
stroke recovery. SCI but may require oral sildenafil, may respond to
tadalafil, or vardenafil to allow penetra- elimination of offending
Sexual Dysfunction tion. Intraurethral pellet or intracaver- antihypertensive
Stroke may lead to complex issues con- nous injection of alprostadil can also medication, treatment
cerning a patient’s sexuality.55 Altered be used. Such methods are not likely of depression, and
self-esteem due to physical dependency to produce ejaculation. Semen collec- sexual counseling.
on spousal assistance for self-care func- tion for artificial insemination can be
tions, depression with loss of libido, obtained in a fertility clinic with an
hemiparesis with inability to accom- anal electrode used to stimulate ejac-
modate accustomed sexual positions, ulation. Women with preservation of
and medication side effects are all rele- sensitivity in the T11 to L2 dermatomes
vant contributing factors. Loss of libido may have adequate psychogenic stimu-
may be due to depression, which is read- lation to provide vaginal lubrication. A
ily treatable. Impotence may be due to water soluble lubrication jelly can also
side effects of medications such as anti- be recommended. Obstetrical counsel-
hypertensive agents or due to antide- ing concerning the risks of pregnancy
pressants themselves. Altered self-esteem following SCI is appropriate to allow
can be addressed by psychological coun- an informed decision prior to unpro-
seling. It is important for the physician tected intercourse. Women with SCI
to broach the subject of sexuality with above T6 are at risk for AD during la-
an open-ended question inviting the bor and delivery.
patient’s response, which can be done
when probing for poststroke depres- Falls and Fractures
sion symptoms. Every patient requiring neurorehabili-
Sexual dysfunction following TBI tation is at risk for falls. Use of stan-
is also common and has been widely dardized falls risk scales such as the
reported.56 TBI is a disorder affecting Berg Balance Scale are useful to quan-
younger, more physically active indi- tify this risk and help prioritize safety
viduals. Bifrontal involvement may give intervention strategies and equipment.
rise to inappropriate sexual expres- The Berg Balance Scale assesses bal-
sion, pseudobulbar emotional lability ance in 14 tasks relevant to daily living
that can interfere with sexual expres- such as sitting and standing unsup-
sion, apathy, and depression. Psycho- ported, transferring between sitting
logical counseling for the patient and and standing, picking up items from
his or her partner may help implement the floor, turning around to look over
behavior modification techniques. Use shoulders, and reaching forward with
of fluoxetine or sertraline may help an outstretched arm. Each task is graded
with management of pseudobulbar on a 4-point scale.
affect. Antidepressants that are un- The neurorehabilitation team should
likely to affect sexual function, such allow as much independence as pos-
as mirtazapine and bupropion, can be sible without the patient incurring a
recommended. significant risk of falling. Patients with
Surveys of both men and women cognitive impairment, impulsivity, dys-
with SCI show that sexual function is praxia, or mixed expressive-receptive
lower in priority than concern for mobil- aphasia may not be able or willing to
ity, self-care independence, and bowel cooperate with safety precautions. Bed
and bladder continence. Reflex erec- or wheelchair alarms, direct nursing
tions in response to manual stimulation or therapist observation of the patient

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(3):510–529 525

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Medical Complications

when he or she is out of bed, wheel- Radiology and Intervention Council;
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acceptance or rejection and actually increase their risk of fall- American Stroke Association Stroke
of their use. ing if they cause agitation or the patient Council, Clinical Cardiology Council,
struggles against them. Moving the pa- Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention
Council, and the Atherosclerotic Peripheral
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