E Commerce Mid Exam

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Chapter 1
1) Electronic commerce is about doing business electronically.
2) The role of the internet Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for
at least one part of the transaction’s life cycle.
3) ADVANTAGES of E-commerce
Flexible shopping hours (7∙24h)
• No waiting queues
• Shopping at home
• Individual needs can be covered (if customization is offered)
• Global offers, more competition, pressure on prices
4) Disadvantages of E-commerce for customer
o Security risks:
o Identity theft
o Abuse
o Uncertain legal status
o Higher logistics cost
o Anonymity of customers
5) Challenges of E-commerce
o Economic challenges.

Chapter two

 A-Consumers or citizens
 B- Business organizations
 C-Government
 D-political parties
7) Types of Relationships in E-commerce
 C2C: “Consumer to Consumer
 2-B2C: “Business to Consumer
 3-B2B: “Business to Business
 4-G2C: “Government to Citizen
 5-G2B: “Government to Business
 6-G2G: “Government to Government
8) Models in B2B
Supplier Centric Model
Buyer centric Model
Intermediary – centric model
9) Advantages of B2B
o Instant purchases
o Expands company’s presence
o Closer business relationships
10) The Disadvantages of a B2B
Limited Market
Long Purchase Decision Time

Prepared by Eng colow

 Information
 Initiation
 Contract conclusion
 Delivery/fulfilment
 Billing/Invoice
 Payment
 Service support
Chapter 3
12) B2C means selling directly to the end consumer or selling to an individual rather than a
13) Key features of a B2C Model
 Heavy advertising required to attract large number of customers.
 High investment in terms of hardware/software.
 Support or good customer care service.
14) Consumer Shopping Procedure
 Determines the requirement.
 Searches available items on the website meeting the requirement.
 Compares similar items for price, delivery date or any other terms.
 Gives the order.
 Pays the bill.
 Receives the delivered item and review/inspect them.
 Consults the vendor to get after service support or returns the product if not satisfied
with the delivered product
15) Advantages of E-Commerce for B2C Businesses
 From the consumer side, benefits include:
1. Access to goods and services from home or other remote locations.
2. The possibility of lower cost of goods and services.
3. Access to a greater variety of goods and services on offer.
4. Consumers can shop at any time of day, from the privacy of their own home. The
internet has
Been called “the mall that never sleeps.”
 From the business side, benefits include
1. Lower transaction costs associated with sales.
2. Access to global markets and hence to more potential customers.
3. Can reach worldwide market with unlimited volume of customers.
4. Can display information, pictures, and prices of products or services without
spending a
Fortune on colorful advertisements.
5. In some cases, makes order processing an easier task than before.
6. Can operate on decreased, little, or even no overhead

16) Disadvantage of E-Commerce for B2C Businesses

1. The competition is so fast for the web.
2. Technology problem
3. Limited Market Place
4. High Sales Cycle:
17) Disadvantages for the consumer
 Security issue:
 Customer services

Prepared by Eng colow

18) Advantages of C2C
 It is always available
 There is regular updating of the website
 Consumers selling products
 There is a low transaction cost
 Payment made has no guarantee
Chapter 4
19) E-Marketing is the process of considering marketing activities and achieving marketing
objectives through electronic medium.
20) Objectives of E-Marketing
Sell – using the internet to sell products and services
Serve – using the internet to serve customers
Speak – using the internet to communicate with customers
Save – using the internet to save/ reduce cost
Sizzle – using the internet to build brand identity.
21) Benefits of E-Marketing
Global reach
Lower cost
Measurable results
Instant information
Scope for expansion
22) Disadvantages of E-Marketing
Complex websites
Purchase without inspection
Payment method
Lack of confidence

Prepared by Eng colow

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