Hamed Sulaiman - Gallery Walk Mali

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Gallery Walk Project

Hamed Sulaiman

Demographics Weather and Climate

Official Language: The weather in Mali
French yearly circulates around
Literacy Rate: 30 degrees Celsius. Mali is
30.76% characterized by 3
Life Expectancy: seasons: a dry season
58.63 Years from March to June, a
rainy season from
Religion Statistics
October to February.
Muslim: 95% They have their own
Saharan wind called the
Christian/Dogon : 5 % harmattan.
Weather in Mali
Extreme Weather
Mali is located in the
tropics of the northern
In 2021, Mali reached 49.8
hemisphere, which means
degrees Celsius which is
that it is usually a pretty
quite a high temperature.
hot country. The seasons
They also had a two-year
of Mali consist of a dry
drought from 2016-2018,
season in March to June, a
while their most recent
rainy or wintering season
flood in 2019 in Bamako
from June to September
resulted in 16 deaths and
and an off-season or cold
the destruction of 124
season from October to
How Does the Extreme Weather Affect Mali?

Around 35% of Mali's GDP comes from Agriculture,

meaning that if the weather in Mali is always
extreme, Mali's economy will be harshly affected. Of
course, lots of agriculture means lots of agriculture-
related jobs, so if Mali continues to have droughts
and floods, then many of the locals in Mali will lose
their jobs and face the already increasing amount
of poverty in the country.
Climate Change
Climate change in Mali has affected many citizens
and locals by harming their esteemed land and
country. Mali depends heavily on agriculture to
fund its government and pay the natives their
salaries. With climate change affecting the
agriculture of the country so harshly, the economy
and government are steadily crumbling. Climate
change is also affecting the number of animals that
are in danger or that are losing their homes. It will
also affect the atmosphere as many plants and trees
will be destroyed, therefore reducing the amount of
oxygen emitted into the air.
Climate Trends
Studies show that the temperature in Mali is kept
roughly even, but dips around July and August, but
then goes back up to where it started. The rain on
the other hand is a completely different matter. The
year starts with a little bit of rain, which isn't very
good for the countries' agriculture. it then begins to
increase drastically, and finally reduce back to
slightly more than how it began. The beggining of
the year could harshly affect the agriculture as
many plants and trees are in need of water.

*This chart is from hikersbay.com

Mali's Economy

Mali's economy circulates mainly around

agriculture because they are a very tropical country
that focuses on planting trees and plants, along
with planting fruits too. Mali's economic
performance is considered to be fragile, and you
can see this because they are first, considered to be
an LEDC country, and secondly, their GDP and GDP
per capita are considered to be quite low in
comparison to other countries. Mali is actually
among the top 25 poorest countries in the world,
and one of their main issues is that they are in "a
political crisis".
Mali's GDP


Mali's Imports
These are Mali's main imports:

Refined Petroleum.
Broadcasting Equipment.
Light Pure Woven Cotton.
Packaged Medicaments.

Tanzania's main import partners are South Africa

with 60%, and other minor partners such as Senegal,
China, France, and Ivory Coast. Mali relies greatly on
these imports as they are a very poor country and if
they are not able to import these items, then there
government will fall.
Mali's Exports
These are Mali's main exports:

Raw Cotton
Oily Seeds
Rough Wood
Refined Petroleum

Mali has spent roughly 9.38 billion dollars on

Mali's Government Type

Unitary State
Semi-Presidential System
Mali's Governing Body

Committee of Pedagogical
Experts Committee
Technical President's
Assistants Assistant

Administrator Head of Studies

Communications Administrative Documentation

Manager Assistant Center Manager

Community Manager
Multimedia Team

IKAM. “Organizational Chart.” IKAM MALI, 2015,

Districts of Mali

Zoundji, Gérard. “Map of Mali with Different Regions | Download Scientific

Diagram.” Researchgate, Nov. 2017, www.researchgate.net/figure/Map-of-Mali-
Mali's Capital:

Mali's Flag

Smith, Whitney. “Flag of Mali.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 29 May. 2023,

Map of Mali

Guide, Africa. “Mali Guide.” Africa Guide, 2023,

Population Pyramid of Mali

PopultationPyramids. “Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100.”

PopulationPyramid.Net, 2020, www.populationpyramid.net/united-republic-
Religions in Mali

I made this pie chart by myself on meta-chart.com

Gender Equality
According to the United Nations: "Gender-based
violence and female genital mutilation remain
widespread across the country and women do not
often have access to justice due to social pressures
and ignorance of their rights." This shows that Mali
does indeed have issues with gender equality.
Research shows that they are ranked 184th out of
195 countries in the world which is very bad, but the
UN says that they are trying to fix this issue.
Given Mali's 80.50% poverty rate, inequality in the
nation is fairly understandable. The primary cause
of this is how reliant on agriculture Mali is. I have
stated earlier throughout my infographic how the
population of Mali is being impacted by climate
change and extreme weather. Another clear reason
Mali's poverty rate is so high is that they witness
many natural disasters including earthquakes,
floods, and mainly droughts. All of these impactful
issues harshly affect Mali's agriculture which is the
country's mainstream of money for their
government and for the natives living all around
the country.
SDG's for Mali

I believe that the UN has made correct choices in

choosing which goals to improve all over the country
of Mali. It is an LEDC country which explains why it
has many goals to work on. Many of these goals have
reached very drastic measures, and the United
Nations is working on improving the country.

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