Exitexam 2015

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Wolaita Sodo University

School Of Informatics
Department Of Information Technology
Model Exam (Exit exam) for IT 4th Year
Course Title: Event Driven Programming

Corse Code: ITEC 2052

Prepared by :Tizita Obssa

Aprial 2023
Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and put your
answer of choice on the space provided
1. ONE is not the correct variable declaration in vb.net

A. dim 2x as integer

B.dim integer

C. dim student grade as string

D. All

2. The equivalent expression for T2 -4ac in vb.net is

A. T^2-4ac
B. T sqrt 2-4ac
C. T ^2-4*a*c
D. none

3. All belongs to branching statement except one

A. else if ladder
B. case to
C. case is
D. while wend

4. The programs do not follow sequential logic, instead, the user can
press keys and click on various buttons and boxes in a window

A. Object based programming

B. Procedural programming
C. Object oriented
D. Event driven programming
5. The ___________ is the group of commands or instructions to be
executed when some event occurs.

A. Object
B. Event procedure
C. Over loading
D. Encapsulation

6.__________ is the principle of developing computer applications

quickly with dag and drop techniques without worrying to write
codes particularly for the user interface of the application.
7. Software development has the following objectives and
A. Satisfy user requirements

B. Be easy to understand by users

C. Be easy to operate

D. All

8. The ____________ is a simple run time library for modern

programming languages.

A. Built in function
B. Base Class Library
C. Standard library
D. All

9. The Label control is used to display text that can't be changed

directly by the user.

A. Combo box
B. Text box
C. Label
D. All
10. The _________ is the execution engine that handles running

A.Rapid Application Development

B.Common Line Run time
C.Basic Class Library(BCL)
D. Transaction Control Language

11. The _____________control is used to group options where the user can
only select only one.

A. Check box
B. Option Button
C. Frame
D. Tool box
12. The __________control is used to group controls and provides a
means of sub-dividing the user interface visually.

A. Frame

B. Form

C. Window

D.A& B

13. In vb.net controls are accessed from tool box during



B. Design

C. Break

D. Run

14. The ____________________is used by the user to invoke some action.

A. Command Button

B. option button

C. Properties window

D. Tool box
15. The __________ is a combination of a Text Box and a List Box

A. Combo Box

B. Frame

C. Radio button

D. Option button

16. The________________ control is visible at design-time, but not shown at run-


A. Timer
B. Frame
C. Radio button
D. Tool box
17. The following are the rules when naming the variables in Visual Basic

A. It must be less than 255 characters

B. It must not begin with a number
C. Period is not permitted
D. All
18.______________ is used to access or manipulate the characteristics of an
object or a variable.

A. Procedure
B. Class
C. Object

D. Properties

19. _____________is an encapsulation of data along with functions that act

upon that data.

A. Class


C. Inheritance

D. Method
20. In VB.NET the type of relational operator that represents not equal to is

A. !
B. !=
C. < >
D. B & C

21.___________ allows several functions definition for the same name

,distinguished primarily through different argument types ; it is typically
resolved at compile time .
A. Inheritance
B. Over loading
C. Sub procedures

22.______________ allows subclass to define more special version of the

same function ; it is typically resolved at run time.
A. Inheritance
B. Over loading
C. Sub procedure
D. Function

23. ___________ offers a link between front end interfaces and the back
end database.
A. Language Integrated Query
D. Front end
24. The ________________ can be divided into two components :the data
source and the client application
A. ADO.NET architecture

B. Language Integrated Query

C. Front end

D. None
25. ______________is the name for a set of technologies based on the
integration of query capabilities directly in to vb.net languages.
A. Front end
B. Language Integrated Query
D. Visual Basic

26. __________________ is used for connecting to a database ,executing

commands and retrieving results.
A..NET frame work data provider
B. Language Integrated Query
C. Front end
D. Back end
27. Application often has a window menu item with sub menu for
switching between or documents.
B. Database
C. Frame
28. For multiple conditional statements, it is better to use
A. Select case
B. While wend
C. Do while
D. If … else….then
29.In program development in vb.net time in which you are writing
the back ground code and the user interface of the application is termed
A. Run time
B. Break time
C. Console time
D. None

30. vb. net uses

A. Interpreter
B. Compiler
C. Assembler
D. All
31. Clicking on a button can be considered as an
A. event procedures
B. exception handling
C. trigger
D. all
32. "Textbox1.Text=z" means

A. put the value of "z” on the memory location “Textbox1.Text”.

B. take the value of “z” from the user interface

C. put the value of “z” on the user interface “textbox1.text”

D. B&C

33. Every “VB” application needs to have a trigger for its tasks
A. True
B. False
C. Sometimes it is necessary
D. None
34.______________________________ is used to mark interface elements in
visual Basic.
A. Form
B. Window
C. Button
D. None
35. ______ is the group of commands or instructions to be executed when some
event occurs.

A. Event

B. Event procedure

C. button

D. Trigger
36. Visual basic belongs to ________________programming paradigm.

A. Sequential
B. Event driven
C. Object based
D. B&C

37. Which one of the following is false regarding VB?

A. provides an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a collection of

development tools

B. Visual Basic improves readability of code

C. simplifies programming and deployment with the Microsoft Office APIs(Application

Program Interface)

D. All

38. The .NET framework has a run time environment ,the

_____________ that is responsible for executing .net code on the windows
operating system.


39. The ______________control is used to give the user a choice of yes/no

multiple choice options.

A. Check box
B. Windows presentation Foundation
C. Frame
D. Radio button
40. in vb.net the place where the developer writes the program
specifically termed as

B. Project Explorer Window
C. Application Program Interface
D. Code Editor Window

41. A project that is used for creating application with windows user

A. Class library
B. Console
C. Windows Form Application
D. Dynamic Link library(DLL)

**Use The Following Table To Answer Question 42 & 43

Public Class Form1

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


End Sub

End Class

42. In the above module “TextBox1” is

A. sub procedure

B. Object of the class form1

C. Event handler

D. Method
43. The event triggers when

A. Some button is clicked on the form

B. When the form is clicked
C. When something is changed on the form
D. None

44. A project that is used to create command line application

A. Class library
B. Windows Form Application
C. Dynamic Link library(DLL)
D. console

45. Used to declare variables within a module but the variable is only available
to procedures

A. Public

B. Private



46. Used to declare variables in procedures. Each time the procedure is called,
the data stored in variables declared with this keyword are reset

A. private
B. Dim
C. Static
D. public

47. Used to declare variables in procedures. Each time the procedure is

called, the data stored in variables declared with this keyword are retained.

A. private
B. Dim
C. Static
D. public
48. Used to declare variables within a module. The variable is available to all
procedures in the project.

A. private
B. Dim
C. Static
D. None

49. In the following sample code if the user inputs the mark value
101 the output of the application could be

If mark >= 75 Then

Print "A- Grade"
ElseIf mark >=60 and mark< 74 Then
Print "B-grade"
Elseif mark >=45 and mark < 60 then
Print "C-grade"
Print “invalid grade ”
End If
A. “ A- Grade"
B. “invalid grade ”
C. Not determined
D. The code is not correct

50. in the following declaration of array

A. Declares a square array of double precision values with 5 rows and 5 columns.
B. Declares array which contains 25 elements
C. Declare array which contains 25 rows
D. A & B

51. ________ provide a way to transfer control from one part of a program to
another in Vb.net

A. Lopping
B. Exception handling
C. Array
D. All
52. Which one of the following is TRUE regarding the array?

A. By default, the base index of an array is zero

B. An array is a set of variables, represented by a single name.
C. You declare a visual basic array using the Dim statement

53. Dim MySingleArray(3 to 5) As Single

A. declares an array of single values with 3 elements

B. declares an array of single values with maximum of 5 elements
C. The indexes for array go from 3 to 5
D. A & B

54. In simple if … then …else statement

A. There is only alternative

B. There is two alternatives
C. The statement needs to terminate with end if
D. A &c

55. In Software Development Principles which one is FALSE

A. Be easy to expandable
B. Have a good complex interface

C. Handle the error and exceptions

D. Have appropriate security controls against miss -use of data and application

56. Identify the correct statement from the following

A. Event source object is where the action originates

B. Event object created from an event source
C. Event handler object processes the event
D. All
57. of the following one belongs to event driven programming

A. Visual Basic
B. Visual c++
C. Java
D. All

58. The ________________________is the block of code that is intended to

run in response to an event.

A. Event handler
B. Event
C. Event loop
D. A & C

59. One could be the advantages of using event driven programming


A. Provide object oriented features like code reuse, use of class

B. Easy to develop systems
C. Provide Graphical User Interface for designing and creating

60. Which one is the correct architecture for Language Integrated

Query (LINQ) ?

A. net application(c#.vb.net)-- LINQ QUERIES-- LINQ providers such as LINQ

to SQL---- Data sources Such as SQL server
B. Data sources Such as SQL server____> LINQ QUERIES…> LINQ providers such
as LINQ to SQL--- net application(c#.vb.net)
C. LINQ QUERIES……> net application(c#.vb.net)…> Data sources Such as SQL
server…..>…> LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL
D. LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL…> LINQ QUERIES….> net application

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