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Conference Edition

Urban China
Conference Edition

Urban China
Toward Efficient, Inclusive, and
Sustainable Urbanization

The World Bank

Development Research Center of the

State Council, the People’s Republic of China

The World Bank

This conference edition presents a work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about develop-
ment issues. The text is not final and is not for citation. Part II of this conference edition, comprised of
seven supporting reports, has not been fully edited.

Please use the final version of the forthcoming book, Urban China: Toward Efficient, Inclusive, and
Sustainable Urbanization (DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0206-5), for citation, reproduction, and adapta-
tion purposes. A PDF of the final book, once published, will be available at https://openknowledge. and print copies can be ordered at

© 2014 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank and the Development
Research Center of the State Council, P. R. China

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Telephone: 202-473-1000

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Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Part I Overview
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Achievements and Emerging Challenges

1 China’s Urbanization Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05

2 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

3 Inclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4 Sustainability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

The Reform Agenda

5 A Strategy for Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6 Reforming China’s Land Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

7 Reforming Hukou, Social Services, and Labor Market Institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

8 Reforming Urban Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

9 Promoting Greener Urbanization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

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10 Ensuring Food Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

11 Timing, Sequencing, and Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Part II Supporting Reports

1. Urbanization and Economic Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2. Planning and Connecting Cities for Greater Diversity and Livability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3. China’s Urbanization and Land—A Framework for Reform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
4. Inclusive Urbanization and Rural-Urban Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
5. China’s Urbanization and Food Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
6. Financing Urbanization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
7. Green Urbanization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

Today, more than half of the world’s popula- 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and
tion lives in cities, and by 2030 that will rise Creative Society, which laid out the key, long-
to an estimated 60 percent. Nearly all of this term challenges facing the Chinese economy.
growth is happening in developing countries, The urbanization study aimed to build on
where as many as 66 million people migrate this successful collaboration and help China
to urban areas each year. Urbanization has tackle another key development challenge:
historically served as an essential engine forging a new model of urbanization.
for economic development: No country has To this end, China’s Ministry of Finance,
reached high-income status without undergo- the Development Research Center of the
ing a successful urbanization process. State Council, and the World Bank Group
China’s urbanization over the last three established a joint work team to address
decades has been unprecedented in scale: 260 several overarching questions related to
million migrants have moved to cities from China’s urbanization process, such as: How
rural areas, supporting the country’s rapid can a new model of urbanization become an
economic growth and development progress. engine for higher-quality economic growth?
Despite the enormity of this transition, China How can more efficient urbanization support
has avoided some of the ills often associated China’s future economic transformation?
with urbanization, particularly large-scale How can more inclusive urbanization pro-
urban poverty and unemployment. But strains mote integration and cohesion? How can
have begun to emerge in the form of rising more sustainable urbanization help slow
inequality, environmental degradation, and environmental deterioration, achieve more
the quickening depletion of natural resources. efficient use of resources, and advance food
Chinese leadership understands these security objectives? How can reforms to the
challenges. Premier Li Keqiang has placed land, hukou, fiscal, and financial systems
urbanization as one of the government’s top reinforce China’s new vision of urbanization?
priorities. In November 2012, he asked the To answer these questions, the team held
World Bank Group to partner with China a series of workshops; prepared numer-
in conducting a joint study on the country’s ous studies, cases, and background papers;
urbanization challenges. Earlier that year, and developed common ideas based on a
the Bank Group and China’s Development deep understanding of the challenges and
Research Center of the State Council pro- opportunities of urbanization in China and
duced a groundbreaking study entitled China around the world. This report, Urban China:

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Toward Efficient, Inclusive, and Sustainable environmental pressures through more

Urbanization, represents the results of that efficient resource management; and sixth,
work. The report takes as its point of depar- improving governance at the local level.
ture the conviction that China’s urbanization The report also provides recommendations
can become more efficient, inclusive, and sus- on the timing and sequencing of reforms. It
tainable. However, it stresses that achieving stresses the need to first implement reforms
this vision will require strong support from related to land, fiscal, and public service sys-
both government and the markets for policy tems. Doing so will facilitate China’s transi-
reforms in a number of areas. tion to higher-quality economic growth.
The report proposes six main areas for The team prepared interim reports that
reform: first, amending land management were shared with China’s top policymakers
institutions to foster more efficient land use, as inputs to policy discussions on urbaniza-
denser cities, modernized agriculture, and tion during 2013, providing an important
more equitable wealth distribution; second, basis for the formulation of China’s new
adjusting the hukou system to increase labor model of urbanization.
mobility and provide urban migrant workers Going forward, we hope the final report
with equal access to a common standard of will provide the insight to help central and
public services; third, placing urban finances local authorities navigate China’s ongoing
on a more sustainable footing, while foster- transition to an urban-based society. More
ing financial discipline among local govern- broadly, we hope this work will provide a
ments; fourth, improving urban planning to useful contribution to global knowledge on
enhance connectivity and encourage scale urbanization, and help other countries better
and agglomeration economies; fifth, reducing manage their urbanization challenges.

LI Wei Jim Yong Kim

President President
Development Research Center of the State The World Bank Group
Council, P.R.C.

This research was organized jointly by The overview report was prepared by a
­C hina’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), the joint team comprising Shijin Liu, Jun Han,
Development Research Center of the State Klaus Rohland, Bert Hofman, Yongzhi Hou,
Council (DRC), and the World Bank. Presi- Chorching Goh, Mara Warwick, Yupeng
dent Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank, Min- He, Peilin Liu, and Xian Zhuo, with support
ister Jiwei Lou of MOF, and Minister Wei from Shouying Liu, Sen Gong, Shusong Ba,
Li of DRC provided valuable guidance and Yida Wang, Changsheng Chen, Yunzhong
strong support throughout. Guiding this Liu, Sanlin Jin, and Jinzhao Wang (DRC and
research was a Chinese internal steering com- MOF) and Min Zhao, Gailius Draugelis,
mittee comprising Minister Wei Li of DRC, Elena Glinskaya, Paul Procee, Ulrich Schmitt,
Minister Jiwei Lou of MOF, Vice Ministers Karlis Smits, Mark Lundell, Uwe Deichmann,
Baoan Wang and Yaobin Shi of MOF, Vice and Somik Lall (World Bank). The overview
Ministers Shijin Liu and Jun Han of DRC, report benefited from inputs provided by
former Minister Xuren Xie of MOF, former David Bulman, Anass Afilal, Wei Cai, Basab
assistant Minister Xiaosong Zheng of MOF, Dasgupta, Richard Auty, Roy Bahl, Shaohua
plus a World Bank internal steering commit- Chen, Zhao Chen, Yongheng Deng, Wanli
tee comprising Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Jin- Fang, Bruce Fitzgerald, Li Gan, Ming Lu,
Yong Cai, Axel van Trotsenburg, Kaushik Yanyun Joyce Man, Baoyun Qiao, James G.
Basu, Rachel Kyte, Keith Hansen, Otaviano Wen, Shonali Sen, and Colin Lixin Xu.
Canuto, Janamitra Devan, Jaime Saavedra, The joint DRC and World Bank team ben-
Ana Revenga, Zoubida Allaoua, and Klaus efited from commentary and review provided
Tilmes. by Fang Cai, Rugui Chen, Baoxing Qiu,
Under the overall leadership of Minister Zangchun Gan, Chaolin Gu, Jikun Huang,
Wei Li of DRC and Managing Director Sri Xiaohu Huang, Jiankun He, Kang Jia, Qiang
Mulyani Indrawati of the World Bank, the Li, Ming Su, Yiming Wang, Guang Xia, Lin
report was prepared by a joint team from the Xu, Xianping Xu, Xiangquan Zeng, Qiren
three organizations, led by DRC Vice Minis- Zhou, Deci Zou, Woo Wing Thye, Andrew
ter Shijin Liu, DRC Vice Minister Jun Han, Hilton, Yukon Huang, Vikram Nehru, Mai
World Bank Country Director for China, Lu, Benu Bidani, Milan Brahmbhatt, Ste-
Mongolia, and Korea Klaus Rohland, and fano Negri, Debbie Wetzel, Arup Banerji,
World Bank Chief Economist for the East and Jun Wang. The overview team gratefully
Asia and Pacific Region Bert Hofman. acknowledged the helpful suggestions from

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the peer reviewers Indermit Gill, Marianne was prepared by Shouying Liu (DRC) and
Fay, Abha Joshi- Ghani, and Jesko Hentschel, Ulrich Schmitt (World Bank). The report
as well as the support and guidance from benefited from inputs provided by Tao Ran,
Sudhir Shetty, John Roome, Xiaoqing Yu, Ping Li, Xiaohui Wu, Paul Munroe-Faure,
and Tunc Uyanik. Andrew Hilton, Xiaohu Huang, Ruixian Hu,
The seven supporting reports were pre- Xiaoqin Wang, Xueping Hou, Xiazhen Shao,
pared under the overall guidance of Shi- Chongfa Yuan, Lixing Li, Yihao Li, and
jin Liu, Jun Han, Klaus Rohland, and Bert Shenmin Liu.
Hofman. Supporting Report 4 “Inclusive Urbaniza-
Supporting Report 1 “Urbanization tion and Rural-Urban Integration” was pre-
and Economic Growth” was prepared by a pared by a joint team led by Sen Gong (DRC)
joint team led by Changsheng Chen (DRC) and Elena Glinskaya (World Bank). The team
and Karlis Smits (World Bank). The team included Liejun Wang, Xiongjun Wang, and
included Wei Xu, Zhaoyuan Xu, Ting Shao, Bingzi Zhang (DRC), and Dewen Wang,
Bingde Duan, Xian Zhuo, Jianwu He, and John Giles, Philip O’Keefe, Gerard Martin La
Yu Jiang (DRC), and Chorching Goh, David Forgia, Xiaoyan Liang, Shonali Sen (World
Bulman, and Bingjie Hu (World Bank). The Bank), and Christine Wong (University of
report benefited from inputs provided by Melbourne). The report benefited from inputs
Binglie Luo, Edward Leman, Jian Zhang, Li provided by Xiaoqing Yu, Toomas Palu, Jehan
Gan, Shaohua Chen, Tianming Chen, Yong Arulpragasam, Luis Benveniste, Meskerem
Hwan Cha, and Jingyi Jiang. Brhane, Jin Song, Minna Hahn Tong, Albert
Supporting Report 2 “Planning and Con- Park, Mary Gallagher, Xiaoxia Wang, Qin-
necting Cities for Greater Diversity and Liv- gyue Meng, Mark Charles Dorfman, Shuo
ability” was prepared by a joint team led by Zhang, Liping Xiao, Maitreyi Das, Cheng-
Yunzhong Liu (DRC), Paul Procee and Somik gang Zhang, and Xiangming Chen.
Lall (World Bank). The team included Jiabin Supporting Report 5 “China’s Urbaniza-
Lin, Yong Liu, Hui Wang, Xiaowei Xuan, tion and Food Security” was prepared by a
Zhiyan Sun, Jianwu He, Bin Huang, Xiong joint team led by Sanlin Jin (DRC) and Ulrich
Niu, Rufei Liu, Shen Jia, and Zongmin Lan Schmitt (World Bank). The team included
(DRC), and Serge Salat, Gerald Paul Olliv- Jikun Huang, Jun Yang, Willam Martin,
ier, Joanna Masic, Andrew Salzberg, and Emiko Fukase, Kym Anderson, Scott Rozelle,
Edward Leman (World Bank). The report and Yan Liu. The team benefited from com-
benefited from inputs provided by Zoubida ments and suggestions from Jun Han, Yupeng
Allaoua, Marianne Fay, Sameh Wahba, He, Shouying Liu, and Xingqing Ye (DRC)
Abhas Kumar Jha, Vernon Henderson, Wei as well as other supporting report authors. It
Cai, Basab Dasgupta, Ellen Hamilton, Ste- also benefited from background papers pro-
fano Negri, Emiliano Duch, Pablo Vaggione, vided by Jinxia Wang, Xiangzheng Deng,
Anass Afilal, Ira Peppercorn, Fatima Shah, Junfei Bai, Huanguang Qiu, Xiaobing Wang,
Chandra Deuskar, Mats Andersson, Binyam Songqing Jin, Laping Wu, and Ji Ma.
Reja, Pengjun Zhao, Mesky Brhane, Fan Supporting Report 6 “Financing Urban-
Li, Rufei Zhang, Ying Jin, Wanli Fang, and ization” was prepared by a joint team led by
Runze Yu. The team benefited from sugges- Shusong Ba (DRC), Yida Wang (MOF), and
tions from Baoxing Qiu, Deci Zou, Chaolin Min Zhao (World Bank). The team included
Gu, Bin Lv, Changchun Feng, Jian Lin, and Xianling Yang, Hong Tang, Zilong Zheng,
Feng Li. In addition, data support and other and Mingge Lv (DRC), Shuanyou Ma, Li
inputs were provided by Sheng Luo, Min Xu, and Yongzhen Yu (MOF), Lili Liu, Juan
Zhang, Tingting Shi, Tingting Xie, Fanfan Pradelli, Binyam Reja, Robert Taliercio,
Zhao, and Chaoyi Xu. Catiana Garcia-Kilroy, Ira Peppercorn, Luan
Supporting Report 3 “China’s Urbaniza- Zhao, Hongye Fan, and Yan Wang (World
tion and Land—A Framework for Reform” Bank). The report benefited from inputs
CONFERENCE EDITION a c k no w l ed g m ent s   xi

from Roy Bahl, Baoyun Qiao, David Painter, Shang (World Bank) provided strong support
Anwar Shah, Guangrong Ma, and Lina Li. for the successful completion of the study.
The team benefited from suggestions from Tianshu Chen of the World Bank served as
Lin Xu, Kang Jia, Jun Ma, and Ming Sun. interpreter for the project and organized
Part of the proofreading of the translation and coordinated the translation work. Yuey-
work was provided by Jian Chen. ang Bao and Yuanjing Shang of the China
Supporting Report 7 “Green Urbaniza- Development Press and Weiling Zhang of
tion” was prepared by a joint team led by DRC managed the coordination and pro-
Jinzhao Wang (DRC) and Gailius Drauge- duction of the Chinese edition. The World
lis and Uwe Deichmann (World Bank). Bank’s Kathryn Funk, Mara Warwick, Lasse
The team included Jianpeng Chen, Xiaowei Melgaard, and Li Li managed the coordina-
Xuan, Zifeng Song, Tao Hong, Xiong Niu, tion and production of the English edition.
Haiqin Wang, Xu Wu, Guang Shi, Weiming The team is grateful to Susan Graham of the
Li, and Jianwu He (DRC), and Christopher World Bank’s Office of the Publisher for the
Sall, Todd Johnson, Liping Jiang, Xiao- editing and layout of the English conference
kai Li, Feng Liu, Jostein Nygard, Gerald edition. The International and Comprehen-
Ollivier, Binyam Reja, Serge Salat, Robert sive Departments of MOF, the General Office
Taylor, Garo Batmanian, and Frank Van and International Department of DRC, and
Woerden (World Bank). The report ben- the World Bank provided effective support
efited from inputs provided by Paul Pro- in organizing all the conferences, discussion
cee, Genia Kostka, Xiangxin Guo, Dimitri meetings, and international field study trips
De Boer, Yu Zhang, Ximing Peng, Yanqin throughout this research.
Song, Xiaodong Wang, Yun Wu, and Yabei This research also benefited enormously
Zhang. The team benefited from comments from comments and suggestions from Chi-
and suggestions from Fei Feng, Guang Xia, nese ministries and local governments,
Xiulian Hu, Jiankun He, and other support- including National Development and Reform
ing report authors. Commission, Ministry of Education, Min-
Invaluable support for the endeavor was istry of Public Security, Ministry of Human
provided by MOF Vice Ministers Guangyao Resources and Social Security, Ministry of
Zhu, Baoan Wang, Yaobin Shi, Directors- Land and Resources, Ministry of Environ-
General Jiayi Zou, Hanwen Ou, Shaolin mental Protection, Ministry of Housing and
Yang, Deputy Directors-General Yingming Urban-Rural Development, and National
Yang, Yida Wang, and Zhongyong Hu as Population and Family Planning Commis-
well as the Chinese Executive Director to the sion. Development Research Centers of
World Bank, Shixin Chen. Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong,
Coordination teams led by Yongzhi Hou Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shaanxi,
(DRC), Jiayi Zou and Wenhan Ou (MOF) Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, Shenzhen, Xi’an,
and Mara Warwick (World Bank), and com- and Zhengzhou provided case study reports,
prising Yida Wang, Yingming Yang, Licheng and Finance Bureaus of Liaoning, Henan,
Yao, and Hai Wang (MOF), Yupeng He, Pei- Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Guangdong,
lin Liu, Xian Zhuo, Qing Li, Hui Wang, Shen Hainan, and Ningbo provided assistance in
Jia, and Hui Han (DRC), Elaine Sun, Li Li, local field study trips. The joint research team
Ying Fan, Guangqin Luo, Hua Zhu, and Yu is grateful for all their support.
Executive Summary

Over the past three decades, China’s urban- relied excessively on land conversion and
ization has supported high growth and land financing, which is causing inefficient
rapid transformation of the economy, allow- urban sprawl and, on occasion, ghost towns,
ing people—among them some 260 million and wasteful real estate development. Barri-
migrants—to move from agriculture to more ers to migration have kept China’s urbaniza-
productive activities. In the process, 500 mil- tion rate too low, thus underutilizing peo-
lion people were lifted out of poverty, and ple’s potential and exacerbating urban-rural
China managed unprecedented growth that income inequality. Unequal access to public
averaged 10 percent a year for three consecu- services between citizens with urban house-
tive decades. China’s cities, with abundant hold registration (hukou) and those with-
labor, cheap land, good infrastructure, and out, although diminishing, remains and is
competition among local governments to a barrier to mobility. At the same time, the
attract industry and investment, have cre- large influx of migrants puts pressures on
ated an environment that has been highly urban services, and urban citizens perceive
conducive to growth. Growing cities that an erosion of service quality. Rural-urban
have become increasingly connected with land conversion has been inequitable in the
each other and with the rest of the world distribution of its gains, has added to wealth
have added to productivity growth through inequalities, and has fed social unrest among
agglomeration effects, and China’s mega cit- farmers whose land has been expropriated.
ies now have income levels comparable to Despite progress in environmental stan-
some member countries of the Organisation dards and policies, the cost of pollution to
for Economic Co-operation and Develop- the nation’s health is rising as China’s popu-
ment (OECD). lation is increasingly concentrated in cities.
And land-intensive urbanization has reduced
China has avoided some of the common ills the availability of farmland, is competing
of urbanization, notably urban poverty, for scarce water resources, and is adding to
unemployment, and squalor. But strains are pollution that affects the quality of farm pro-
starting to show. China’s growth has been duce and food production capacity.
increasingly driven by investment rather than
productivity, and investment has become less China’s leadership is well aware of these
effective in generating growth at the national challenges and has called for a new model
as well as the city level. Urbanization has of urbanization to match China’s evolving

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development goals and meet the emerging regulating market-based allocation of people,
challenges. A new model can support more land, and capital across China and provision
efficient growth through better allocation of public services to support these alloca-
of land, labor, and capital; be more inclu- tions. At the same time, a growing number
sive and share benefits of urbanization more of people will be exposed to environmen-
widely than in the past; and be environmen- tal hazards, and government would need to
tally sustainable and safeguard China’s food increase its effectiveness in enforcing existing
security. China’s urban landscape will con- legislation while enhancing market pricing to
tinue to change: the largest cities will likely reflect environmental externalities in market
become larger and boost their role as gate- transactions. The reform strategy underpin-
ways to the world and centers of a diverse ning this new role would focus on four areas:
economy, moving increasingly into services, better policies on land, including creation of
knowledge, and innovation. Secondary cit- the institutions in which more market pricing
ies within metropolitan areas are likely to for land can take place; removal of obstacles
attract more land-intensive manufactur- to people’s mobility, including reforms of the
ing, benefiting from specialization and links hukou system and provision of a minimum
to markets. China’s large inland cities can public services package across China; a fis-
compete with coastal cities if they are well cal and financial strategy that will make the
connected to markets. Hinterland cities and new model of urbanization affordable; and
rural towns would focus on activities with a change in the incentives for local govern-
firm-level scale economies and on providing ment officials to pursue the goals of the new
the public services that allow people to move urbanization model.1
to opportunities elsewhere. Better allocation
of land, labor, and capital will accelerate the The main benefit of reforms will be higher-
shift of industry to secondary cities, and as quality growth. The reforms proposed in this
job opportunities open up in these areas, report—specifically land, hukou, and fiscal
migration pressures in large cities are likely system reforms, and a change in the incen-
to moderate. As surplus labor diminishes tives for local governments to attract invest-
with more rapid urbanization, the wage share ment—will make the allocation of land, capi-
in gross domestic product (GDP) will rise tal, and labor more market based. That in
and urban-rural disparities will narrow. That turn will change the distribution of economic
would also promote consumption—increas- activities across China’s urban landscape.
ingly driven by a growing middle class, Accelerating the shift of industrial activities
whose demand will spur a more services- to cities where land and labor are cheaper
based urban economy. More inclusive growth would provide a stronger economic basis
and more equitable distribution of income for those cities, and therefore promote small
will reinforce the shift toward consumption, and medium-size cities. At the same time,
because lower-income earners consume more this shift in industrial activities would also
of their income than higher-income earners. reduce migration pressures for the largest
cities that would increasingly specialize
A new model of urbanization requires a in high-value services and innovation and
different role for government. Government attract higher-skilled labor rather than a low-
should support rather than supplant market skilled industrial workforce.
forces in shaping China’s urban landscape, Land reforms would improve the efficiency
allowing China’s cities to grow more organi- of rural and urban land use and increase the
cally and efficiently in response to market compensation rural residents receive from
forces within the context of the government’s land conversion, thus improving the distribu-
strategic development plan. Government tion of income and wealth. Land reforms will
would need to rebalance its involvement also likely lead to denser cities, which would
from exercising administrative control to reduce the energy intensity and car use in
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cities, thus improving environmental sustain- establishing a register for land titles and land
ability. And reduced land use for urbaniza- transactions. Over time, a unified land regis-
tion would leave more land for environmen- tration system based on unified rules, stan-
tal services and agricultural production. dards, and procedures applicable to all land
Hukou reforms and supporting reforms should be established; (3) reforming collec-
in public services would increase mobil- tive ownership by codifying that collective
ity of workers across China and increase assets belong to the collective’s members,
their productivity and wages. It would also clarifying membership and qualifications for
accelerate rural-urban migration, which, entering and terminating collective member-
combined with land reforms, would acceler- ship, and defining rights to collective assets,
ate agricultural modernization and increase including the rights to occupy, use, profit,
rural incomes, thereby reducing rural-urban transfer, withdraw with compensation, mort-
income inequalities. More equal service gage, guarantee, and bequest an inheritance
delivery across China would increase equal- of those rights; and (4) defining “public inter-
ity of opportunity for all China’s citizens. est” for which the government can exercise
Better access to housing finance for migrants its eminent domain power, while unifying the
would allow them to acquire urban property principles and standards for rural and urban
and benefit from capital gains, thus reducing land expropriation.
growing wealth disparities. Fiscal reforms Rural and urban land use could be further
would generate the revenues to finance a optimized by (1) allocating rural land in a
minimum package of services across China more market-driven way. In line with land-
and reduce the need for land-based financ- use plans and regulations, government could
ing, while limiting the risk to the financial clarify equal market entry of collective and
system resulting from unregulated borrow- state construction land, while the collective
ing by local governments. Fiscal and finan- construction land that has already entered
cial reforms would also exert more discipline into the urban market needs to be classified
on local governments, thereby reducing the accordingly and integrated into urban mas-
wasteful development of ghost towns and ter plans and managed according to the law;
empty industrial parks. (2) integrating urban villages into the formal
Six priorities for establishing a new urban- urban development process and allowing
ization model emerge from this study. the use of rural collective construction land
in peri-urban areas for urban development
First, reforming land management and within the framework of urban master plans;
institutions. More efficient land use, denser (3) shifting land use from industry toward
cities, modernization of agriculture, and bet- services and residential use, increasing trans-
ter income and wealth distribution between parency in the secondary land-market trans-
rural and urban areas all require more effi- actions, and boosting the availability of land
cient and equitable utilization of land. A for low-income housing with vacant govern-
critical element of reforms is the current ment land and consolidated urban village
land system, which can be improved by bet- land; and (4) pricing of industrial land in
ter protecting land rights and optimizing line with competing uses to improve the use
the use of land resources in rural and urban of this land and strengthen local government
areas. Land rights could be better protected finances.
by: (1) legalizing the central policy of “long
term without change” for farmland leases Second, reforming the hukou system to
and specifying the nature of the contractual ­c reate a mobile and versatile labor force
rights to farmland, including the rights to with equal access to a common standard of
occupy, use, profit from, transfer, mortgage, public services. To achieve this, the house-
and bequest land; (2) improving land title hold registration system would need to move
registration by enforcing written land leases, from an origin-based to a residence-based
xvi  ur b a n c h in a CONFERENCE EDITION

system. The hukou system and residency tax on housing—gradually phased in to

system can operate in parallel. A residency allow people to adjust—to provide local
registration would provide access to services governments with a stable, sustainable
such as education, health care, welfare, and source of finance linked to land prices;
affordable housing, whereas hukou could be charging higher prices for urban services
maintained to provide land rights. As land such as water, energy, and transport to
reforms and pension reforms progress, this cover full costs and promote efficient use
balance could be adjusted in the future. Cen- of resources; and increasing taxes and
tral government needs to define the rules for charges on motor vehicles to raise revenues
establishing residency and a framework for and reduce congestion. China could also
extending access of new residents to urban consider reassigning some consumption
services. Initially, local variations in levels of taxes to local government—possibly while
access and the timeframe in which new resi- maintaining central collection. Irrespective
dents gain full access to services may be nec- of the policy choice on local revenues, at
essary, but standards for residency should be the margin China’s cities must be financed
gradually unified across China. The first pri- from local taxes so that local government
ority is to enable migrants and their families decisions will be scrutinized by those that
to better integrate into urban society and pro- pay the taxes and benefit from public
vide them with the social services they need— services.
which would likely require a central fiscal • I mprove the intergovernmental grants
subsidy to those cities that host a large share system. In 2013, China had some 200 dif-
of migrants. In the medium term, reforms in ferent earmarked grant programs, each
social services and the public finance system meeting separate objectives. Consolidating
could allow a nationwide common service these in a limited number of sectoral block
standard, irrespective of location. Sustain- grants could make the system more effec-
ability and portability of pension benefits are tive in the short run. In the medium term,
of particular importance and would require moving to a general grants system that
central administration over time. Further considers revenue capacity and expenditure
developing a fiscal system based on expen- needs (including a measure for the number
diture needs and revenue capacity would lay of residents) would ensure that money fol-
the basis for equal access to a minimum level lows people and would enable local gov-
of public services across China. ernments to provide a minimum level of
public services for all citizens. Central gov-
Third, placing urban finances on a more ernment would also need to develop stan-
sustainable footing while creating financial dards for the subprovincial fiscal system,
discipline for local governments. China’s fis- where large fiscal inequalities remain.
cal system has served the country well since • E stablish an explicit framework for local
major reforms in 1994, but further reforms government borrowing. Allowing local
will be required to meet the public service governments to borrow requires a well-
demands from new urban residents and lower defined central government framework,
revenues from land financing as excessive which should include rules that define
land conversion is phased out and compen- which local governments can borrow, from
sation standards improve. For local govern- whom they can borrow, and the conditions
ments to make optimal choices when using under which they can do so, and which,
scarce resources, reforms in the fiscal and at least initially, puts limits on borrowing
financial systems should impose hard budget for individual municipalities and for local
constraints on them. There are four priorities governments as a whole. The regulatory
for reforms: framework should also include a cred-
ible no-bailout commitment by the central
• I mprove the revenue base of local gov- government and clear rules of debt work-
ernments by mainstreaming a property out in case a local government becomes
CONFERENCE EDITION e x ecuti v e s u m m a r y    xvii

overindebted. Nonviable local government flexible zoning that promotes smaller plots
financing vehicles (LGFVs) should be reab- and greater mixed-land use would allow
sorbed within the local administration, for denser and more efficient development.
and overindebted governments and LGFVs China could make better use of existing
restructured to regain financial viability. urban land by rezoning excess industrial land
• R eform the financial sector to enhance into commercial and residential land; raising
fiscal discipline of local governments. In floor area ratios (the ratio of a building’s floor
other countries, market discipline alone area to the land on which it sits); integrating
has regularly failed to limit local borrow- urban villages into urban planning; and link-
ing, so China would need to regulate the ing transport infrastructure with urban cen-
bond market, banks, and shadow banks on ters. Finally, promoting coordination among
equal footing to ensure local government cities in metropolitan areas and city clusters
discipline and competitive access to finance would enhance agglomeration benefits and
without undue risk to the financial system. encourage better management of congestion
For the local government bonds market to and pollution.
function well, local governments would
have to abide by independent creditworthi- Fifth, managing environmental pressures.
ness assessments and rules on disclosure of China already has an impressive set of envi-
financial statements, requirements that are ronmental laws, regulations, and standards,
already common for banks and enterprises. and many technical solutions to address pol-
In the short term, bank finance will remain lution and increase resource use efficiency
important, however, and to ensure that have been piloted and some mainstreamed
local government borrowing does not risk for many years. Improvements will therefore
banks’ stability, legal and regulatory limi- come with a strengthening of the institutions,
tations already in place should be enforced. incentives, and instruments that enable effec-
These include exposure limits, which cap tive enforcement across sectors and at an
a bank’s loan exposure to a single cli- appropriate geographic scale. An intergov-
ent; concentration limits, which restrict a ernmental transfer mechanism to compen-
bank’s exposure to a certain type of cli- sate for environmental compensation could
ent, such as all local governments taken be considered. Management of water and air
together; and insider lending limits, which quality, the latter especially in large urban
limit lending to the owners or co-owners clusters, would be most effectively conducted
of the bank. After experiencing widespread at a regional scale. An improved data collec-
subnational defaults, countries such as Bra- tion system with wider information dissemi-
zil banned subnational ownership of finan- nation would promote monitoring and com-
cial institutions. pliance and allow greater public participation
in holding polluters to account. The legal sys-
Fourth, reforming urban planning and tem could be better leveraged to complement
design. Global experience shows that urban- government enforcement by expanding and
ization has led to a diversity of viable and formalizing current experiments with envi-
livable cities, different in size, location, and ronmental courts. Furthermore, rebalancing
population density, but well connected at environmental policy instruments toward
the national level and clustered at the local more market-based tools such as taxes and
and regional levels. Rather than prescribing trading systems for carbon, air and water
city size, policies that create a level playing pollution, and energy use would create a
field can encourage scale and agglomeration greener urban environment.
economies across cities to emerge. China
would benefit from replacing the current Sixth, improving governance at the local
standards-driven master planning with level. The performance evaluation system
more dynamic approaches based on sound of local officials could be adjusted to give
economic strategies for cities. Within cities, greater weight to variables that will drive
xviii  ur b a n c h in a CONFERENCE EDITION

a more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable to set priorities. Perhaps the most urgent is
urbanization. Local governments’ incentives the land agenda: once cities have expanded in
to attract industries would need to be mod- an inefficient way, it is hard to reverse. While
erated by national rules to ensure that local government prepares for stronger property
actions promote national goals. Improving rights for farmers, it may wish to tighten
local government financial management and land conversion and make more efficient
transparency could contribute to more effi- use of existing urban land. Second, govern-
cient and sustainable urbanization through ment would need to focus on local borrow-
the introduction of a medium-term expen- ing of all kinds, first and foremost to assess
diture framework, comprehensive budgets whether the situation requires urgent action,
that include all government fiscal funds, and as has already been done through the recently
disclosure of full financial accounts including completed audit of local debt by the National
a local government balance sheet. Establish- Audit Office. Rules for debt resolution will
ment of a chief financial officer for each local have to be issued and applied. Formal access
government would ensure clear accountabil- to borrowing will have to wait until a full
ity for financial management and local bor- regulatory framework is in place, and pref-
rowing. Finally, new governance structures erably come after local government revenue
for metropolitan areas could realize agglom- sources have been strengthened. A decision
eration benefits and manage externalities. on a temporary fiscal subsidy for integrat-
Many administrative models exist in other ing migrants would accelerate the implemen-
countries and could be tested in China. They tation of a residency system and could be
range from loose organization, with objec- made early on. Finally, market-based con-
tives restricted to one sector or fully inte- version from rural to urban land is likely to
grated across all local government planning require more experimentation before it can
and services to more formal arrangements, be mainstreamed nationwide. Other systemic
such as the Kreis in Germany or the metro- changes in the policy areas discussed could
politan area councils in a variety of countries. come later, but presenting a comprehensive
plan for implementing the agenda and estab-
Timing, sequencing, and monitoring. The lishing a monitoring mechanism for follow-
policy agenda proposed in this report is a up would lend credibility to the urbanization
comprehensive one, and authorities will need agenda.
Part I

Over the past three decades, China has expe- and save energy, land, and natural resources.
rienced record growth that has lifted 500 Such efficient, inclusive, and sustainable
million people out of poverty. Growth was urbanization would contribute to China’s
triggered by reforms and opening up, which development goals.
caused a rapid transformation of the economy Ef f i c i e nt ur banizat ion m a ke s t he
that allowed people to move out of agricul- best possible use of China’s productive
ture to more productive activities. Rapid eco- resources—its people, land, and capital.
nomic development was facilitated by urban- Higher efficiency—or productivity—would
ization that created a supportive environment increase the welfare of China’s people; more
for growth with abundant labor, cheap land, growth would be achieved with the same
and good infrastructure. Local officials keen work effort, land use, and capital accumu-
to attract industry and investment and to lation. Reforms could increase efficiency by
create employment played an important role removing barriers that prevent optimal use
in this transformation. Despite the speed of of China’s productive resources.
urbanization, China avoided some of the Inclusive urbanization provides all peo-
common ills of urbanization, notably urban ple access to equal opportunity to benefit
unemployment, urban poverty, and squa- from urbanization—to use their labor where
lor. In 1978, less than 20 percent of China’s they are most productive, to accumulate
population lived in cities; now the share is assets and savings, and to use public services
more than half. On the basis of the country’s of similar quality across China. Reforms
per capita income, China’s urbanization is could promote inclusion by integrating rural
projected to reach about 70 percent—some migrants in cities, providing them and their
1 billion people—by 2030. How China will familities with social services comparable to
manage the next wave of urbanization will those of urban hokou holders, while ensur-
be an important determinant of the country’s ing that rural areas are not left behind in
success in meeting its evolving development terms of public service access and quality.
objectives. Sustainable urbanization means urban-
China is now a higher-middle-income ization that can be supported by China’s
country, well positioned to become a high- environment (land, air, water) and natural
income country. China’s leadership has rec- resources, while providing an urban qual-
ognized that achieving this goal requires a ity of life commensurate with the desires
new growth model that is more balanced, is of China’s people. Reforms that improve
based on productivity increases and innova- the urban environment, balance conflicting
tions, is more equitable in the distribution of demand on land and water, and minimize
the benefits of growth, and produces more the use of natural resources would contrib-
sustainable environmental outcomes. These ute to sustainable urbanization.
objectives are well reflected in the 12th Five This overview report analyzes how China
Year Plan. Urbanization has an important can make its urbanization more efficient,
role to play: urban areas, if well managed, inclusive, and sustainable. In the first sec-
provide efficient factor markets that support tion, “Achievements and Emerging Chal-
continued transformation and productiv- lenges,” chapters 1 through 4 analyze China’s
ity increases through agglomeration effects, achievements in urbanization and the chal-
allow innovation and new ideas to emerge, lenges it faces in achieving efficient, inclu-
spur domestic demand from a rising middle sive, and sustainable urbanization. In the
class, give the services sector space to grow, second section, “The Reform Agenda,” a

conference edition urban China 3

4 Urban China conference edition

comprehensive reform agenda is proposed. the sequencing and timing of reforms. This
Chapter 5 lays out the vision for urban China report is complemented by seven support-
in 2030 and the reform package that will ing reports—Urbanization and Economic
be needed to achieve it. It also describes the Growth, Spatial Design and Urban Planning,
urban landscape in 2030 under the reform Inclusive Urbanization, Land, Food Security,
scenario. Chapters 6 through 10 provide a Green Urbanization, and Financing Urban-
detailed set of recommendations in the key ization—that further deepen the analysis and
areas of reform. Finally, chapter 11 proposes expand on the policy recommendations.
Achievements and
Emerging Challenges

Chapter 1 China’s Urbanization Achievements

China’s urbanization over the past three the past 30 years, which catalyzed China’s
decades has been rapid. China’s urban pop- brisk GDP growth and pulled more than
ulation rose from less than 20 percent of 500 million people out of poverty, many of
the total in 1978 to 52 percent in 2012, an whom participated in China’s massive rural-
increase of more than 500 million people. urban migration, moving from the country-
Although China’s urbanization is without side to the cities and from agriculture into
precedent in absolute numbers, the increase jobs in industry and services. China’s average
in its urbanization rate has not been excep-
tional by international comparison (figure
FIGURE O.1 China’s rapid urbanization from an international
O.1). In fact, China’s change in urbanization perspectivea
rate has been lower than that of countries
such as Japan and the Republic of Korea at
comparable stages of development, but higher Korea, Rep. (1960–90)
than that of the United States and the United Saudi Arabia (1960–90)
Japan (1950–80)
Kingdom in the past. Moreover, despite rapid Angola
urbanization, the share of the population that Haiti
is urban remains below that expected at Chi- China
na’s current per capita income. Most impor- Algeria
tant, ­China’s urbanization remains incom- Indonesia
Brazil (1960–90)
plete: some 260 million residents of urban Turkey
areas, known as migrants, lack urban hukou, Canada (1880–1910)
the urban registration that regulates access to Mexico (1960–90)
urban public services and social security. Nigeria
Over the past decade, China’s cities have Ghana
gained an additional 100 million urban Germany (1880–1910)
residents, and the annual growth rate of Russian Federation (1960–90)
Iran, Islamic Rep.
the urban population reached almost 4 Spain (1960–90)
percent, five times that of the total popula- Netherlands
tion. Some 40 percent of the new urban resi- Mozambique
dents became urban because a nearby city United States (1880–1910)
expanded to encompass the rural area in United Kingdom (1850–80)
Average for developing countries
which they were living, while a similar share
moved to the cities to seek work. 2 Popula- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
tion growth in the largest cities has been % increase in urban share of the population
especially rapid, despite government policies
intended to encourage migration to small Source: World Bank staff calculations based on World Development Indicators and Bairoch and
and medium cities. Goertz (1986).
Note: It should be noted that the urbanization rates on which this Figure is based are not
Rapid urbanization has facilitated an fully comparable as definitions of urban areas differ from country to country.
unprecedented economic transformation in a. Time period for all countries is 1978–2012, unless otherwise noted.

conference edition urban China 5

6 Urban China conference edition

GDP growth rate over the past three decades Many countries have urbanized in the course
reached nearly 10 percent, and urban areas of development, but some have seen their cit-
that provided cheap land, abundant labor ies expand without much growth, and in such
from migrants, and expanding infrastructure cases, urbanization has been accompanied by
catalyzed this rapid growth. Demand from a rising unemployment, slums, congestion, and
growing world economy, into which China squalor. China has avoided these problems,
increasingly integrated, outpaced domestic in part by regulating the flow of people to its
demand, while investment in manufacturing cities, but more so by creating the conditions
and infrastructure transformed China’s eco- for rapid growth in income and employment.
nomic geography. Mobile migrant labor that was temporar-
A key driver of China’s success was the ily employed either moved back to the rural
decentralization of decision making to local areas or on to the next job, thus containing
governments that started in 1980. This open urban unemployment.
decentralization encouraged local experimen- China is embarking on a new model of
tation and competition for resources between urbanization with conditions that are vastly
cities and motivated local initiatives through different from three decades ago. China is
a performance system that rewarded local reaching a stage in its development in which
leaders’ success against national development efficient use of resources is becoming more
goals. In the transformation process, employ- important for growth than simply mobiliz-
ment in manufacturing and services grew ing resources. In the future, the services sec-
during the same period from less than 30 per- tor—rather than industry—is going to play a
cent of the labor force to more than 60 per- larger role in growth, and domestic demand
cent. Reallocation of labor to manufacturing is likely to grow faster than external demand.
and services—sectors that rapidly increased China’s cities today are much larger and far
their productivity—accounted for almost a better connected to the rest of the world
fifth of China’s GDP growth. Reallocation of and to one another because of the massive
capital and labor to the more efficient non- investment in infrastructure. This is a strong
state sectors further boosted the productivity basis for continued growth, because it allows
of China’s economy. agglomeration effects and specialization to be
China’s cities have largely avoided the a driver of future growth. It is also a motiva-
social ills of rapid urbanization such as wide- tor for improved policies that build on these
spread urban unemployment and poverty. conditions.
overview 7

Chapter 2 Efficiency
Rapid urbanization has facilitated an unprec- increase in productivity for every doubling
edented economic transformation in China of city size.
in the past 30 years. However, China’s exist- Market forces are already starting to
ing growth model is running out of steam “right-size” China’s cities for economic effi-
because of its inefficient use of capital, labor, ciency as China’s rapid growth and migra-
and land. These inefficiencies result from tion have made urban economic systems
administrative obstacles to labor mobility more efficient through higher concentration
and from incentives that have caused local of production. Furthermore, experience from
governments to become overly reliant on cap- the United States, Japan, and Korea suggests
ital accumulation and land conversion. For that China’s large cities will move from their
China’s urbanization to be more efficient, its current concentration of industry toward a
factors of production need to be used more higher concentration of services and that in
productively, and city agglomeration and the future the innovation and service econ-
specialization need to be exploited. These omy will be even more concentrated than the
actions will accelerate urbanization, make industrial one has been. Indeed, concentra-
it more conducive to growth, and indirectly tion of services is already taking place across
contribute to higher consumption. China’s large cities. For example, between
2000 and 2010, finance, insurance, and real
estate services grew almost 2 percentage
Urbanization and agglomeration points more in metropolitan than in nonmet-
Urbanization is generally associated with ropolitan cities. But these tradable services
higher income and productivity levels. Inter- are still much less concentrated than global
national experience suggests that, done well, norms would suggest.
urbanization can be an important driver of A key feature of China’s urbanization has
productivity increases and growth because been the rapid growth and concentration of
urban areas offer positive agglomeration economic activity in large cities with high
effects including larger, more efficient labor access to international markets. Cities with
markets, lower transaction costs, and easier a population of 2.5 million or more gener-
knowledge spillovers. Agglomeration effects ate 95 percent of China’s urban exports. The
can also occur in smaller cities with suffi- combined economies of Beijing, Guangzhou,
cient specialization and transport linkages to Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Tianjin amounted
larger urban areas. In the absence of sound to $1 trillion in 2010—comparable in size to
public policy, however, those agglomeration Korea’s economy. Incomes in these cities have
effects may be easily outweighed by conges- climbed swiftly as well: between 2000 and
tion costs—pollution, traffic congestion, and 2010, per capita GDP rose from RMB 35,000
higher costs of living. to RMB 82,000 in Shenzhen and from RMB
In member countries of the Organisation 32,000 to RMB 66,000 in Shanghai. Rising
for Economic Co-operation and Develop- prosperity in large cities has attracted mil-
ment (OECD), regions with a higher share lions of people from the countryside. Between
of urban population are generally linked to 2000 and 2005, migration from other prov-
a per capita GDP higher than the national inces boosted population numbers by 6.6
average; a 3.5 to 8 percent increase in total percent annually in Beijing and by 9.1 percent
factor productivity can be expected for in Shanghai. Economic concentration is still
every doubling of the size of a city-region. A substantially lower than in the United States,
recent survey concludes that such phenom- where the largest 10 metropolitan areas
ena are not limited to OECD countries, 3 account for about 38 percent of GDP, com-
and indeed agglomeration economies apply pared with only half as much in China.
equally strongly in developing countries. On policy implications of agglomeration
Estimates for China suggest a 10 percent effects, the international literature is careful
8 Urban China conference edition

to emphasize that policy should not favor any over the past decade accounted for 80 percent
city. In fact, policies that are “spatially neu- of growth. At the same time, the growth divi-
tral” seem preferable.4 Governments should dends from reallocating factors of produc-
create a level playing field among cities to tion across sectors—and across ownership
encourage firms and individuals to locate forms—have declined considerably. Further,
where they are most productive. The exis- the share of growth that can be attributed to
tence of agglomeration economies on their productivity growth not associated with fac-
own does not imply favoring big cities, 5 and tor reallocation declined from 2.5 percent
because density has downsides, the benefits of GDP in 1991–2000 to just 0.3 percent in
must be weighed against the costs. 2001–10 (figure O.2).
Agglomeration effects will become more Other Asian economies that grew rapidly
important for China as the economy shifts in the past—Japan, Korea, Singapore, and
increasingly to services. In China’s richer cit- Taiwan, China—all relied on high invest-
ies, services will become more important as ment over an extended period of time to
a share of GDP. Agglomeration effects play reach high income, and China’s capital stock
an even more important role in services than per capita still remains significantly lower
in industry. In the United Kingdom, finan- than in advanced countries, so much capital
cial and insurance services are 35 times more still needs to be accumulated. But continued
concentrated than manufacturing is (and capital accumulation will contribute less
information and communication 7 times and less to growth as the ratio of capital to
more concentrated).6 Close proximity also labor rises. China’s investment rate, at over
stimulates the growth of other specialized 45 percent of GDP, is also exceptionally high.
services such as legal, software, data process- Moreover, the efficiency with which China
ing, advertising, and management consulting is accumulating capital is declining. China’s
firms. Urban density allows frequent face- incremental capital-output ratio (ICOR), an
to-face contact among employees, entrepre- indicator of how much investment is needed
neurs, and financiers—contact that in turn for each additional unit of growth, deterio-
promotes innovation and productivity.7 rated from an average of 3.6 in 1991–2011 to
As services become concentrated in cit- 4.7 in 2009–11, in the aftermath of the global
ies, industry will spread out—from a few financial crisis. That is considerably higher
big cities to a larger number of small ones. than in Korea; Taiwan, China; and Japan in
For example, as service employment grew their high growth years (table O.1), although
in U.S. metropolitan areas over 1972–2000, comparable to other large emerging econo-
industry moved to the suburbs 20–70 kilo- mies after the global financial crisis, a period
meters away.8 Aiding this decentralization during which most economies experienced a
were transport infrastructure investments, deterioration of their investment efficiency. If
which made trade cheaper. Similarly, after China’s investment efficiency (as measured
Korea made massive investment in trans- by ICOR) had stayed constant from 2000 to
port and communications infrastructure in 2012, the same growth rate could have been
the early 1980s, industry decentralized from achieved in 2012 with over 20 percent less
the three largest cities to smaller cities and the investment.
hinterland.9 At the city level, investment efficiency has
also declined. The ICORs have increased
consistently across all city size categories in
Inefficient capital use China, although returns on capital remain
China’s growth has become increasingly reli- higher in the larger cities than in smaller
ant on capital accumulation in recent years, ones. International experience suggests
especially after the global financial crisis to that capital use is efficient when ICORs are
which China responded with an investment- around 3, meaning that cities would need
driven economic stimulus. China’s invest- capital formation of around 30 percent of
ment rate is now more than 45 percent of GDP to achieve 10 percent growth. Actual
GDP, constitutes almost half of demand, and capital investments in China’s cities have
conference edition overview 9

been at twice that level.10 Across cities, capi- FIGURE O.2 Productive gains from reallocating labor and capital
tal is used least efficiently in smaller cities and are almost exhausted
inefficiencies are increasing over time. ICORs
across city types have risen from the 2–3 Contribution to China’s economic growth, 1981–2010
range in 1995–2001 to well over 4 in 2009– 11.5
11; cities with fewer than 500,000 people
had average ICORs above 5.5 over the latter 9.5
period.11 On the ground, this inefficiency is
tangible: in some instances, government-led
developments of “new towns” have turned
into wasteful “ghost towns” unlinked from

market demand, while in others the excessive
infrastructure developed cannot be main-
tained from limited budget resources. 3.5

Two main reasons explain this overuse of

capital at the city level. Local governments 1.5
eager to attract investments have provided
subsidies in the form of inexpensive land, –0.5
1981–90 1991–2000 2001–10
subsidized utilities, and tax reductions. Also,
Capital accumulation Sectoral labor reallocation
China’s financial sector has provided inex-
Labor accumulation Ownership labor reallocation
pensive credit for those who have access—in Sectoral capital reallocation Total factor productivity
part because deposit rates are controlled and Ownership capital reallocation
in recent years because the economic stimu-
lus led to a rapid expansion of credit.
Source: Based on research by David Bulman and Aart Kraay for this study.
Local government debt has become a key
issue. To attract investment and jobs, local
governments have heavily invested in infra-
structure. Despite strict limits on local gov- government debt-to-GDP ratio at the end
ernment borrowing in the budget law, local of 2012 was 36.7 percent, very modest by
governments have used urban development comparison with OECD countries. If all con-
and infrastructure corporations (UDICs) and tingent debts are included, the debt-to-GDP
financing vehicles (LGFVs) to raise financ- ratio would be 53.5 percent, still modest by
ing for infrastructure development. Accord- international comparison, more so if one
ing to the 2013 audit of the National Audit considers that China’s government also owns
Office, by end-June 2013, local governments’ considerable assets, such as state-owned
direct debt amounted to RMB 10.89 tril- enterprises. While the level of debt stock is
lion, local government guarantees RMB 2.67 manageable, the growth of local government
trillion, and other local government contin- debts, at a yearly rate of around 20 percent in
gent debt RMB 4.34 trillion. If only explicit 2010–13, is a major concern, and some sub-
debt is taken into account, China’s general national governments may be overindebted.

Table O.1 Returns on capital are declining over time: China compared with Japan; the Republic of Korea; and Taiwan, China
Gross fixed capital formation
(percentage of GDP) Average annual GDP growth (%) Incremental capital-output ratio

China (1991–2011) 36.7 10.4 3.6

China (2009–11) 45.4 9.6 4.7
China 2012 46.1 7.8 5.4
Japan (1961–70) 32.6 10.2 3.2
Korea, Rep. (1981–90) 29.6 9.2 3.2
Taiwan, China (1981–90) 21.9 8.0 2.7
Source: Urbanization study team based on CEIC Data (n.d.).
10 Urban China conference edition

In addition to the risk to the financial system, only seven to nine years, and only 20 per-
the opaque manner in which local govern- cent of migrants have brought their families,
ments borrow de facto is likely to raise the although more than 50 percent would like to
cost of borrowing because of the ambiguous settle in urban areas.
status of debt and uncertainty about whether While there are demographic and other
local governments would back their financ- reasons that explain a slowdown in migra-
ing vehicles. Land has played an important tion, the key reasons are administrative: the
role as collateral for borrowing by UDICs hukou system and its link to entitlement of
and LGFVs, thus linking the health of public services in the city and right to land
local finances to land prices and real estate in rural areas; lack of portability of social
development. security; and insufficient low-income hous-
ing. In an economic sense, these administra-
tive barriers work like an expensive tax on
Incomplete migration migration; based on current productivity
Despite China’s impressive urbanization and differences between agriculture and urban
migration record, the country is still less occupations in industry or services, every 1
urbanized than expected at its level of income. percent more migration from rural to urban
Moreover, while 38 percent of China’s labor areas would yield 1.2 percent more GDP.13
force still works in agriculture, rapidly rising At the current level of mechanization, agri-
migrant wages in cities and shortages of low- cultural surplus labor is estimated to be 105
skilled labor suggest that fewer people than million people,14 and this could increase as
before—and fewer than warranted on eco- China’s agricultural modernization acceler-
nomic grounds—choose to leave the country- ates. If China’s migration rates had matched
side to move to the city. International experi- those of Korea’s in the past, China’s economy
ence suggests that when workers are able to would be nearly 25 percent larger today.15
move freely across cities and sectors in search
of better opportunities, wages and productiv-
ity should converge across localities. Data for
Inefficient land use
prefecture-level cities in China in 2010 show Urbanization has used land inefficiently.
that differences between marginal productiv- Rural land requisition and conversion for
ity and real wages persist and are greatest in industrial use has been particularly inef-
midsize cities, suggesting that labor mobility ficient because it has been largely driven by
is less than optimal. administrative decisions rather than market
Migrant workers are an increasingly demand. The incentives for local government
important part of the labor force, becoming to expand the city rather than develop exist-
better educated, older, and keen to stay in the ing underused urban land are strong: requi-
city in which they work.12 Migrant workers sition of rural land and sale for commercial
made up more than one-third of the labor and residential purposes yield a large wind-
force in 2012. Two-thirds of China’s migrant fall gain for the city finances. In contrast,
workers live in the eastern provinces and requisition of urban land is more expensive
two-thirds of these originate from the same and cumbersome, because urban residents
province. City-to-city migration is gaining and enterprises have stronger property rights.
in importance: it made up almost 14 percent Furthermore, national regulations that pro-
of the total in 1990, but more than 22 per- tect farmland from conversion have the unin-
cent in 2010. The majority of migrant work- tended consequence of fragmenting the urban
ers are male, and on average they are better periphery because available land for conver-
educated than the general rural labor force. sion is often not adjacent to the core city.
Wages for migrants are rising rapidly, and The territorial expansion of cities has far
the wage differential between migrant work- outpaced population growth—according to
ers and their urban counterparts for similar some estimates, average population density in
work performed has fallen over time. The China’s cities has dropped by more than 25
average migrant worker stays in the city for percent in the last decade.16 In 2000, China’s
conference edition overview 11

urban land was about 99,000 square kilo- Moreover, more than 60 percent of plots
meters, or 1 percent of China’s surface area; are less than 0.1 hectares.18 The 2007 Rural
by 2010, it had increased to 127,000 square Contracting Law allows subleases of farm-
kilometers, an average growth of 2.5 percent land, but despite increases in land transfers
a year. China is not alone in this trend toward in recent years, farmland consolidation has
less dense cities—many OECD countries remained slow, in part because property
have experienced similar drops in density in rights remain unclear. International evidence
the past 50 years, driven by suburbanization, suggests that stronger property rights bring
increased mobility, and growing demand significant increases in agricultural invest-
for urban space. But many cities in OECD ment and productivity through mechani-
countries are now aiming to turn this trend zation and increases in rural plot size. For
around. There are good reasons for doing so: instance, in the decade after Taiwan, China,
agglomeration effects are larger in denser cit- privatized rural land in the 1950s, annual
ies; providing services and infrastructure to a rice yields rose 60 percent and farm incomes
more compact population costs less; and less increased 150 percent. In Vietnam, new laws
of the land that is crucial to support agricul- passed in 1993 increased both efficiency and
tural production and environmental sustain- equity by establishing the right to inherit,
ability is lost. transfer, sell, lease, or mortgage land, while
Within China’s cities, land allocation is extending the duration of land use rights
biased toward industry. Unlike commercial from 20 to 50 years. Rental market partici-
and residential land, industrial land is rarely pation quadrupled in the five years following
auctioned and is usually directly allocated or reform, and land sale transactions increased
sold at heavily subsidized prices, on average sevenfold. These changes unambiguously
only 10 percent of commercial land prices. As boosted productivity, helping Vietnam trans-
a result, despite the abundance of urban land, form itself from a net rice importer to the
land for residential development and the ser- world’s second-largest rice exporter.19 Simi-
vices sector is limited and expensive, result- larly, in the United States—where the num-
ing in surging housing prices and an underde- ber of farms has declined since 1900 by 63
veloped services sector. percent but the average farm size has risen by
The current regulatory approach to city 67 percent—the period of most rapid transi-
land use contributes to inefficient urban tion (1950–90) saw even faster productivity
development. Overly strict limits on floor area growth in agriculture than in manufacturing.
ratios (FARs, the ratio of the floor area of a Existing urban land can accommodate a
building to the area of the land the building great deal of future urbanization. Some of
sits on) in central urban areas also lead cit- China’s larger cities, including Beijing and
ies to accommodate new demand by expand- Shanghai, have already started to redensify
ing outward. Moreover, planning controls in the past decade—with population densi-
are regulated at the superblock, rather than ties up by 50 percent in the core of Beijing.
small building plot, level, and any petition for However, there is considerable scope for
land use or density changes—which are rarely further densification: if Guangzhou had the
given barring exceptional circumstances— same density as Seoul, it could accommo-
occur at the original lot level. While the law date 4.2 million additional inhabitants on its
provides options for developers to transfer, existing land, while Shenzhen could accom-
mortgage, and lease land use rights to indi- modate an additional 5.3 million inhabitants
vidual citizens and organizations, conven- (figure O.3). China currently uses more than
tional land subdivision and sale, as practiced a quarter of its urban land for industrial pur-
in many countries around the world, is not poses, even in some of its largest cities—a
possible in China. stark contrast with Seoul which uses 7 per-
In rural areas, land remains underused. cent and Hong Kong SAR, China, which uses
China’s rural land remains fragmented,17 5 percent. As China grows richer, conver-
with the average farm size, at 0.6 hectares, sion of industrial land into commercial and
now smaller than at the start of reforms. residential land could provide the main land
12 Urban China conference edition

FIGURE O.3 Guangzhou could accommodate 4.2 million more compensation and the cost of land prepara-
people with Seoul’s density profile tion, land revenues are more modest and have
declined from 4.2 percent of GDP in 2010 to
1.2 percent in 2012 (figure O.4). Compensa-
tion for land taking, including cost for land
30,000 requisition, resettlement, and demolition
Guangzhou, China
explains part of the decline: from barely 0.5
25,000 percent of GDP in 2008, or 15 percent of
Density (inhabitants/km2)

gross revenues, these payments grew to 2.6

Seoul, Korea
percent of GDP in 2012, or almost half of
gross revenues. Further, some land revenues
are earmarked for specific spending catego-
10,000 ries, including agricultural infrastructure
and water conservancy, compulsory educa-
5,000 tion, and social housing, thus reducing the
use of land revenues for urban construction
0 purposes.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
China’s urbanization has led to large
Built-up area (km2)
gains in efficiency through reallocation of
labor from rural to urban activities, and
Source: Salat 2013. agglomeration effects have increased pro-
Note: The green area indicates the potential for re-densification in the densest 600 km­2 of
Guangzhou. ductivity of China’s cities. At the same time,
China’s growth could use capital, labor, and
land more efficiently. Removing barriers to
resource for cities—and provide a new source migration, reducing the incentives for local
of revenues for local governments. In addi- government to convert rural into urban land,
tion, development of urban villages and rede- and making financial sector reforms that
velopment of existing urban space at higher instill more discipline on local governments
floor area ratios can all contribute to densi- and investors alike are key directions for
fication without further expansion of urban reform.
Land pricing will play an important role
in densification of cities. For China’s 35 FIGURE O.4 Gross land revenues are large, but
largest cities, rapid increases in urban land net revenues are declining
prices correlated with greater increases in
density; that is, low land prices lead to urban 8
sprawl.20 In recent years, the intensity of land 7
development in coastal cities has increased—
by more than 40 percent in Shenzen and
Guangzhou. Those cities recognized the

unsustainability of reliance on rural land for
urban expansion. They implemented institu- 3
tional innovations to encourage greater use 2
of existing urban land, which has led to less 1
sprawl, and more efficient land use. National 0
reforms along these lines would improve land 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
use throughout the country. Gross revenues Net revenues
Land sales revenues have been fluctu- Compensation for land acquisition
ating, and declining drastically in some
years. At their peak in 2010, gross revenues Sources: MOF data (annual budget reports); China Land and Resource
totaled 7.5 percent of GDP; however, net of Statistics Yearbook, CIEC Data; World Bank and DRC staff estimates.
conference edition overview 13

Urbanization and domestic FIGURE O.5 Consumption share and GDP per capita, select East
Asian countries
Can urbanization help rebalance demand? 90
This is a key question for China, which
seeks a more balanced pattern of demand,
including a shift from external to domestic 70
demand and from investment to consump- 60

Consumption share (%)

tion, because the existing model, while highly
effective in the past, may not be a sustainable 50
growth strategy going forward. The global 40
environment has changed: labor costs are ris-
ing, and exports can no longer be counted on
to drive demand growth. Although consumer 20
demand in China has been growing rapidly 10
by international standards, it has continued
to lag behind China’s phenomenal growth.
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000
At some 35 percent of GDP, the trend has
GDP per capita (constant 2005 $ PPP)
been downward on the back of a dwindling
China (1970–2011) Japan (1950–2010)
wage share in the economy and rising house- Korea, Rep. (1960–2011) Taiwan, China (1952–2010)
hold savings (figure O.5).
Several factors can explain the low con-
sumption share in GDP. First, statistics may Sources: World Development Indicators and authors’ calculations.

underestimate the share of consumption in

GDP. In particular, the share of housing ser-
vices may be underestimated because the The low share of consumption in the econ-
imputed rent depends on the value of housing, omy is reflected in the size of China’s services
which in urban areas has increased rapidly. sector, which remains relatively underde-
Further, the consumption of other services veloped by international standards— 47.8
may also be underestimated, because this sec- percent of GDP in 2011—although similar
tor has grown rapidly in the past decade. Sec- to levels Taiwan, China; Korea; and Japan
ond, the share of labor remuneration in GDP experienced when their urbanization rates
has fallen precipitously in recent decades, were around 50 percent (figure O.6).
declining by 7 percentage points of GDP over Urbanization can be an indirect driver
2000–09. In part, this drop can be explained of consumption growth. China’s consump-
by the shift of labor from agriculture to indus- tion has been growing rapidly in the past
try and services: in agriculture, labor remu- 30 years, averaging about 8 percent a year,
neration accounts for some 90 percent of but it has still lagged behind China’s record
value added, whereas in industry and services, growth, and as a result consumption as a
it is about half that.21 As more people move share of GDP has declined. The largest driver
out of agriculture, the share of labor in GDP behind a rise in China’s consumption rate is
declines, even though people increase their likely to be the share of household income in
wages by moving. Third, household savings GDP. This share declined from 68.5 percent
rates increased—accounting for 4 percentage in 1990 to 60.4 percent in 2011, while over
points of the decline of consumption as a share the same period the wage share in the econ-
of GDP over 2000–09. While the increase omy declined even more rapidly to 47 percent
in the savings rate is associated with urban- in 2011, accounting for the majority in the
ization, the driving factor is income: savings decline in consumption as a share of GDP.
increase because people save more as income One reason for this decline is the move of
increases, and people who move to cities earn labor from agriculture, with a high share of
more than those in rural areas. labor in value-added industry, which is more
14 Urban China conference edition

FIGURE O.6 Services and urbanization in East Asia drive increases in consumption. Although
migrants consume far less as a share of
their income than urban residents in the
location they work, the overall savings rate
70 for migrants and their families back home
hardly differs from those with urban hukou
at similar levels of income. Thus, extend-
Services value added (% GDP)

50 ing urban hukou rights to migrants by itself

would not increase consumption. Savings
rates rise rapidly with income: the richest 10
30 percent of the population has a savings rate
above 60 percent, whereas the poorest 10
percent saves very little. 23 Part of the drop in
10 consumption as a share of income reflects the
higher incomes China’s people enjoy now.
0 At the same time, this finding would imply
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
that more inclusive growth that benefits the
Urban population (% total)
lower-income strata—whether migrant or
China (1978–2011) Taiwan, China (1962–2009)
Japan (1955–2011) Korea, Rep. (1965–2011)
not—could increase the consumption share
of GDP. Accelerating rural-urban migration
would benefit those lower-income earners,
Sources: Data from World Development Indicators; Taiwan Statistical Data Book, various and they will consume more. As a share of
years; Japan Statistical Yearbook, various years.
their increased income, they would still con-
sume less, and thus national consumption as
a share of GDP is not likely to rise.
capital intensive. The other is the abundance As China’s cities expand rapidly, urban
of surplus labor that kept wage pressures low. investment demand has been high. Invest-
Because the labor share in services is ment in infrastructure has topped 10 percent
higher than in industry, a shift of production of GDP in the past decade, while urban con-
is likely to increase the wage share in the struction has been peaking at 3.5 percent of
economy. In addition, continued urbaniza- GDP in 2008–12. Urban construction invest-
tion is likely to exhaust surplus labor in the ment per additional citizen rose sharply in
coming decade, which in turn will accelerate the past three decades—from RMB 294 per
wage increases that will drive up consump- additional urban resident in 1980 to RMB
tion. Real wage increases have already been 64,000 in 2007—in part driven by rising
brisk in recent years especially for skilled costs of land and labor. 24 Arguably, rapid
labor but also increasingly for the unskilled growth in infrastructure investment is unsus-
labor usually provided by migrants. Accel- tainable and will moderate in the future for
erating urbanization by removing obstacles three reasons: more efficient, denser cities
to migration could bring forward the point that are shifting into services will require less
where wage increases start to outpace GDP additional investment in infrastructure; much
growth. At that stage, China’s consumption of the necessary basic infrastructure has been
share in the economy is likely to increase. built already, and additions to the urban
In other economies that experienced rapid population will require less additional invest-
development in the past (Japan; Korea; and ment than in the past; and maintenance of
Taiwan, China), the consumption share in infrastructure is taking an increasing share of
the economy bottomed out at per capita local government budgets, which will become
incomes between $10,000 and $15,000, an a constraint on additional capital investment.
income level China will reach this decade While demand for housing is likely to
if it maintains relatively rapid growth. 22 remain strong, urban real estate investment
Changing consumption patterns of migrants is already very high at 16 percent of GDP, up
in China’s cities are unlikely to directly from 9 percent a decade ago. It is unlikely to
conference edition overview 15

grow much further as a share of GDP: first, is growing, while the supply of low-income
a projected urbanization rate of 70 percent housing falls short of demand, despite the
by 2030 implies a slowdown in urbanization government’s ambitious social housing
compared with the past 2 decades. Second, in investment of 2 percent of GDP per year.
recent years this investment has been driven Thus, whereas the composition of real estate
by rapid credit growth that may not be sus- investment may change, it is unlikely to grow
tainable. Finally, the stock of empty housing more rapidly than GDP in the coming years.
16 Urban China

Chapter 3 Inclusion
China has achieved a remarkable transforma- China’s growing inequality and
tion with the movement of over 260 million
migrants from rural to urban areas. These
social tensions
individuals have left their agricultural jobs to China’s rapid urbanization has been accom-
seize the opportunities offered by urbaniza- panied by growing income and wealth
tion and take up more productive and higher inequality. China’s Gini coefficient, a mea-
paying jobs in cities. Through this process, sure of inequality, stands at 0.47 according
China has managed to sustain high wage to official data, while unofficial estimates put
growth and even higher productivity growth this number even higher. Although not excep-
and to reduce poverty on an unprecedented tional by international standards (figure O.7),
scale. At the same time, China’s spatial and inequality has risen rapidly in the past three
rural-urban inequality has grown and social decades and is high compared with other
tensions have emerged as a result of the rapid East Asian and OECD countries. Income
conversion of rural land at below-market inequalities have been rising in urban as well
value and the incomplete integration of as rural areas, and the gap between urban
migrants into China’s cities. Barriers to labor and rural incomes is as high as it was at the
mobility remain, largely because social secu- start of reforms in 1978. Within urban areas,
rity and other benefits are not portable: those inequalities between migrant workers and the
who migrate are often forced to leave their population with urban hukou remain. Even
families behind in rural areas where access to though migrant wages have been catching
quality services such as education and health up and migrants are increasingly paid wages
may be limited. Social policy reforms in the comparable to those of urban residents doing
household registration system, public finance, similar work, migrants often lack the skills
service delivery, and labor market institutions and educational background for higher-wage
will be needed to reduce these social chal- jobs. Inequality from capital income is on the
lenges and make China’s urbanization more rise as well, and inequality in wealth among
inclusive. the urban population—much of it driven by
house ownership—is also rising. As is usual
in other countries, assets are even more con-
FIGURE O.7 China’s rising inequality centrated than income, and in China this
concentration is very high: the top 10 percent
of households is estimated to own 85 per-
cent of assets, whereas they earn 57 percent
of total income.25 This places China’s wealth
inequality near the top by international com-
Gini coefficient

50 parison.26 For the median urban household,

40 housing constitutes the main asset.
30 China’s barriers to migration explain in
20 part the persistence of regional and urban-
10 rural wage gaps, and they indicate inefficiency
0 in the use of labor. International experience
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 suggests that increased mobility is likely to
Log of real GDP per capita (constant 2005 international $, PPP) reduce spatial and rural-urban inequality.
Other countries China Consider the United States, where mobility
has nearly eliminated interregional and rural-
urban wage differences: rural-urban migra-
Source: World Bank staff calculations; Milanovic date; Lindert and Williamson date; and
­Picketty and Saez date. tion helped to equalize agricultural and non-
Note: PPP = purchasing power parity. agricultural wages, with a disproportionate
conference edition overview 17

effect on poorer agricultural states. 27 The organization) that do not allege violations
result was regional convergence, with the of minimum legal standards or contractual
north-south labor-income ratio falling from obligations. As Chinese workers’ conscious-
2.4 to 1.1 while the urbanization rate rose ness of protections under the labor markets
from 28 to 74 percent. Evidence from Korea has increased, so too has the number of inter-
also shows that free rural-urban migration est disputes, but the institutional vacuum for
reduced inequality. By 1994, three decades resolving them may explain in part why col-
into reform, Korea’s urban-rural wage gap lective work actions such as strikes and dem-
had disappeared entirely—indicating that onstrations have increased in recent years.
workers had migrated to their optimal loca- While some demonstrations are clearly about
tions. 28 In China, the interprovincial gap in legal violations (such as the failure to pay
wages continues to grow, but interprovincial wages), many other demonstrations occur
migration nonetheless lags behind that of the because workers wish to highlight disagree-
United States, where wage differences among ments and tensions with employers that are a
states are much lower.29 normal part of industrial relations.
Social tensions in urban and rural areas Higher demand has intensified competition
are growing. The absorption of 260 million for urban services, creating tensions between
migrants into China’s cities has not always long-term urban residents and newcomers.32
been smooth, and urban hukou holders expe- Therefore, keeping the quality of provision at
rience a crowding of public services and per- a level acceptable to the long-term residents
ceive a decline in service quality because of is important. At the same time, the delivery
the rapid growth in urban population. Mean- of social services in urban areas can build on
while, discontent among farmers who feel the natural “technological advantages” of
unfairly treated because of the low level of cities—economies of scale in service provi-
compensation they received for expropriated sion and increasing returns to scale. Urban-
land is one of the main causes of social unrest ization also offers greater potential for
in China, especially in peri-urban areas at the agglomeration of service providers and thus
city fringe. From 1990 to 2010, local gov- potentially enhanced choice for clients.
ernments expropriated rural land at an esti-
mated RMB 2 trillion below market value.30
Assuming that this compensation would have The evolution of the hukou
generated returns similar to overall growth, system
farmers today would have more than RMB
5 trillion in household wealth—greatly low- Hukou reform has been undertaken gradually
ering asset inequality and leading to greater since the early 1980s in response to China’s
consumption through a wealth effect. evolving economic and social transformation.
Labor disputes nearly doubled between Significantly, the mobility restriction func-
2005 and 2012 and largely involved migrant tion of hukou has largely been eliminated. In
workers. The three most common reasons 2006, the State Council promulgated a mile-
for labor disputes are wages and compensa- stone document that provided a comprehen-
tion, social insurance, and contract termina- sive policy framework for the treatment of
tions. 31 Labor disputes are becoming more rural migrant workers in cities with respect
complex, more difficult to resolve in a timely to their entitlement to social services. This
fashion, and more likely to have an impact on document explicitly linked access to services
public opinion and social stability. with the goal of facilitating integration of
The dispute resolution system in China is migrants into cities. Since then, as required
organized to settle “rights” disputes but not by the central government, reforms have been
“interest” disputes. Rights disputes involve explored and promoted at the local level.
statutory or contractual claims, while inter- Some provinces started pilots that adopted
est disputes are conflicts over interests parallel residence permits and provision of
(such as wages, work conditions, and work social services linked to these permits. Several
18 Urban China conference edition

large cities and provinces, such as Chengdu, in public services quality in those coun-
Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shang- tries are not as large as in China. Evidence
hai, Shenzhen, and Zhejiang, have adopted from China suggests that even for large cit-
the residence permit system—some with ies such as Chengdu, relaxing limitations on
strict limitations. In 2011, the State Council access to services does not lead to an exces-
announced hukou reform as a key compo- sive influx of migrants seeking benefits. Even
nent of a coordinated set of urban and rural the advanced countries regulate access at the
reforms and took several steps including issu- local level (box O.1).
ing hukou system reform guidelines linked Hukou reforms face financial constraints
to the city’s administrative level, requesting to some extent. In principle, money should
institutions to improve registration of tem- follow people—that is, if a family migrated
porary populations in the cities, and calling from a rural to an urban area, the money that
for a gradual rollout of the residence permit financed their services in rural areas should
system.33 be transferred to the city. Over time, the fis-
For migrants from outside municipal or cal system and the service delivery system
provincial jurisdictions, local reforms have can adjust to accommodate the additional
been the least complete in large cities, where demand in urban areas. Centralizing some
most rural migrants are moving to, attracted public services, notably social security, would
by the higher returns to their labor. On the help address part of the problem, but a tem-
other hand, in small and medium cities, social porary fiscal subsidy to urban areas to rap-
services and social protection are less devel- idly increase service delivery capacity may be
oped, which is one factor that explains the needed in the short run to accelerate improve-
limited success of the policy aimed at attract- ments in service delivery to migrants until the
ing migrants to smaller cities. Reforms in the fiscal system has been adjusted (see chapter 7
larger cities have generally been focused on and Supporting Report 6). The benefits from
selecting migrants with the desired charac- accelerated migration and the improved stock
teristics and are oriented toward attracting of human capital—which accrue nation-
high-skilled and wealthy individuals, thus wide—are worth that investment.
significantly limiting the labor market impact
of the reforms and reducing their equity ben-
efits. 34 Migration restrictions continue in a
Access to urban social services
variety of ways, for example through entry In the 2000s, the central government required
barriers based on skills, investments, or local governments to include migrant children
income, or through quota rationing. in the local education systems, accommodat-
Reforming hukou to encourage mobility ing them mainly in local public schools. This
should be mindful of capacity constraints requirement represents a dramatic change in
in urban public service delivery. These are the official policy on the rights of migrant
already evident for the current migrant popu- children. The implementation of the policy
lation but will increase once migrant families was supported by fiscal resources from both
reunite and migration accelerates as access to central and local governments. Yet migrant
urban services increases. The government is children still face difficulties enrolling in
concerned that large additional demands on urban public schools—in Guangdong, for
services may undermine service quality for instance, some 50 percent of migrant chil-
existing urban residents, which could aggra- dren are not in public schools—and many
vate social tension. A second concern is that attend migrant schools, which typically have
migration will be driven not by opportunities poor teaching facilities, undeveloped curri-
in the labor market but by access to services. cula, insufficient funding, and less qualified
China has large differences in the quality and teachers. Barriers that keep migrant children
quantity of public services between urban out of the mainstream education system
and rural areas. Internationally, there is not include capacity constraints in urban schools,
much evidence of such “benefit migration” which were planned for hukou population
in advanced countries, 35 but the differences only; legal and regulatory barriers with high
conference edition overview 19

BOX O.1 Residency rights in the European Union, the United States, the former
Soviet Union, and Japan

Within the European Union (EU), a “right to reside” among others. Residency is determined differently
in another EU country beyond three months is for different purposes and often varies by state.
linked to one’s employment status. Workers and self- In the former Soviet Union, the propiska resi-
employed persons have the right to reside without dence permit system was adopted for economic, law
any conditions but must have the proper documen- enforcement, and other purposes, such as access to
tation to prove their status, such as a certificate of jobs, social benefits, housing and utility payments,
employment or proof of self-employment. In the taxes, conscription, medical care, and the like.
case of students or “economically inactive” persons Acquiring a propiska to move to a large city, espe-
(unemployed or retired, for example), the right to cially Moscow, was extremely difficult for migrants.
reside involves proving that they have comprehensive Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the
health insurance as well as “sufficient resources” propiska system was officially abolished for the citi-
to not become a burden on the host EU country’s zens of the Russian Federation, but access to services
social assistance system during their residency. In remains challenging for the millions of migrants
addition, students are also required to be enrolled from former Soviet republics. Some of the former
at an establishment for the principal purpose of fol- Soviet republics, such as Belarus and Kyrgyzstan,
lowing a course of study or vocational training. The chose to keep their propiska systems, or at least a
“right to permanent residence” requires five years of scaled down version of them, and these present the
continuous legal residence in the host EU country most complex challenge to entitlement reform.
and, once acquired, is not subject to the conditions In Japan, there are two distinct systems of regis-
mentioned above. Some categories, notably work- tries to manage citizen information: the Basic Resi-
ers or self-employed persons, receive more favorable dent Registry (or Jūminhyō) and the Family Registry
treatment in this regard and may acquire this right (or Koseki). The Jūminhyō is essentially a registry
before five years under certain conditions. One can listing current address, basic sociodemographic
lose the right to permanent residency only through information (name, address, date of birth, gender,
an absence of more than two consecutive years, head of household, nationality/region from where
although there are certain stipulated reasons for they came, status of residency, and the like), together
which such an absence is acceptable. with information related to social benefits and insur-
In the United States, state residency is required ance including the national health insurance, medi-
for a variety of rights including the right to receive cal insurance for elderly over age 75, long-term care
public services such as education and health, and eli- insurance, national pension plan, child allowance,
gibility to receive public assistance. Broadly speak- and rice distribution. The Koseki, in contrast, is the
ing, there are two types of residency requirements: formal record of a family’s (instead of an individual)
a “bona fide residency requirement,” which simply history.a Unlike the Jūminhyō, a Koseki is not nor-
requires that the person establish residence before mally used to verify information or required to get
demanding the services restricted to residents; and a government services. It is similar to the registration
“durational residency requirement,” which obligates systems in other East Asian countries influenced by
individuals to show that, in addition to being a bona the ancient Chinese system of government including
fide resident of the state, they have resided there for a China (hukou), Vietnam (Hô. khâ u), and the Demo-
certain stipulated period of time. Attempts by states cratic People’s Republic of Korea (hoju/hojeok/
to make certain fundamental rights conditional hojok).
upon residency have not remained unchallenged The Jūminhyō is the basis for issuance of basic
in court, however. Since the 1960s, the Supreme resident registration cards (jumin kihon daicho
Court has struck down several attempts by states to kaado) by municipalities, and Japanese law requires
impose residency requirements (particularly dura- every citizen to report his or her current address
tional ones) on persons applying for welfare, public (and any changes therein)b to the local authorities,
housing, and medical services, while upholding the who compile the information for tax, census, and
state’s ability to do so for the right to attend particu- various other purposes. More important, Jūminhyō
lar public schools and gain access to tuition waivers, is required to access various social services including

(Box continues next page)

20 Urban China conference edition

BOX O.1 (continued)

registering children at a local school district or start- ernments in Japan and has greatly helped to simplify
ing or renewing national health insurance member- moving-in/out procedures, obtain a residence reg-
ship. It basically serves as a proof of residence where istry card, and eliminate the need to attach a copy
required, such as for opening a bank account or to of the resident’s record in various administrative
apply for government permits. Jūminhyō registra- procedures. It also helps residents acquire an “elec-
tion is also required to officially register a name seal, tronic certificate” that can be used to authenticate
which functions as one’s official signature. themselves in electronic applications on the Inter-
Since 2002, Jūminhyō information is available net. Since December 2008, it has also eliminated
electronically through the Basic Resident Register the need for pensioners to annually confirm benefits
Network, run by a government-backed provider in eligibility, c since the Basic Resident Registration
Tokyo (the Local Authorities Systems Development Network System reports directly to the Japan Pen-
Center). The Jukinet is the electronic registration sion Service on behalf of the pensioner.
system currently used by more than 1,700 local gov-

a. Japanese law requires all Japanese households to report births, acknowledgments of paternity, adoptions, disruptions
of adoptions, deaths, marriages, and divorces of Japanese citizens to their local authority, which compiles such records
encompassing all Japanese citizens within their jurisdiction. Marriages, adoptions, and acknowledgments of paternity
become legally effective only when such events are recorded in the Koseki. Any changes to this information have to
be sealed by an official registrar. The Koseki simultaneously fills the function of birth certificates, death certificates,
marriage licenses, and the census in other countries as well as serving as proof of Japanese citizenship.
b. All Japanese residents are required to obtain a move-out notice/certificate from the municipality where they move
from before submitting a move-in notice/certificate to the municipality where they are moving. This helps facilitate the
smooth provision of public services including national health insurance and child allowance and also prevents overlap of
collections of taxes and insurance premiums.
c. The Japan Pension Service requires annual reporting in the pensioner’s birth month to confirm eligibility status and to
continue receiving pension payments, failing which pay outs are suspended.

transaction costs because of the documenta- enroll migrants because it raises their costs.
tion required for enrollment; high school fees; The majority of migrants are enrolled in the
and the policy requiring students to take the rural insurance scheme (NCRMS), which
university and high school entrance examina- charges lower premiums and offers deeper
tion in their province of origin. benefits. Yet migrants cannot conveniently
The disparities in education in urban areas take advantage of NCRMS benefits when
are also evident across local children from they access health services in urban areas,
different social strata. This can be seen in the because the benefits are not portable. Enroll-
differential enrollment rates between higher- ees would first have to pay for care in urban
quality “key” schools and regular schools facilities and then seek reimbursement from
and in indicators such as average class size the NCRMS upon visiting their county of
and transition rates. The increased impor- residence, usually during long holidays. 36
tance of family connections and “placement Few can afford to wait many months for
fees” to get children into elite urban public reimbursement.
schools risks reinforcing existing social dis- Policies to increase access to health services
parities. In urban cities such as Beijing and need to be matched with measures to control
Shanghai, key elementary and junior high costs—for the sake of all urban residents, not
schools generally use exams to select their only migrants. Between 2007 and 2010, real
students. annual growth in health spending averaged
For urban health insurance schemes, the about 15 percent compared with annual GDP
government has a policy of open enroll- growth of approximately 8 percent. Health
ment, but employers have few incentives to is also consuming a growing share of public
conference edition overview 21

spending as government expands insurance Urban dibao, introduced in 1997 to sup-

systems and invests in health services to port the reform of state-owned enterprises
improve access and reduce out-of-pocket by providing income assistance for laid-off
spending. workers and their families, has evolved into
Pension coverage has d ramatically a backbone of the social safety net in China.
expanded over the past five years, but inclu- Dibao is a noncontributory cash transfer pro-
sion of migrant, self-employed, and informal gram that aims to ensure a minimum living
sector workers remains a challenge. Further standard for eligible households. Rural dibao
systemic reforms are required to ensure por- was rolled out nationwide in 2007. By 2012,
tability, decent benefits, and financial sus- urban and rural dibao covered 23.4 million
tainability of the system. Starting with rural urban beneficiaries and 53.4 rural beneficia-
areas in late 2009 and with urban areas in ries, accounting for 3.0 percent of urban and
July 2011, China began rolling out a nation- 8.3 percent of rural population, respectively.
wide voluntary pension scheme for urban and In addition to the dibao, several other pro-
rural residents with a combination of individ- grams provide poor and low-income families
ual accounts and basic pensions. The “rural with assistance such as exemptions or reduc-
resident pension scheme” and the “urban res- tions on education fees, subsidies for health
ident pension scheme” are innovative efforts insurance, and subsidized utilities that pro-
to encourage participation through public vide temporary cash and in-kind support. In
subsidies. Although migrants cannot par- 2012, 20.8 million urban and 59.7 million
ticipate in local urban resident pensions, they rural individuals received these subsidies.
can contribute to the urban or rural resident The rural wubao and urban Three-No are
pension scheme in the town where they have assistance programs that provide income
local hukou and in this way ensure provision and in-kind support to those who have “no
for their old age. The policy framework and capacity to work, no source of income and
fiscal subsidy policy of the urban and rural no legal dependents or whose legal depen-
resident pension schemes are well aligned dent has no capability to provide support”
with each other, and it is anticipated that two in rural and urban areas, respectively. Most
schemes will be merged shortly. social assistance programs in China target
In 2012, 229.8 million people contrib- only households with local hukou—urban or
uted to urban employee pension schemes, rural—and migrants and their families are
while the rural system covered about 460 excluded from the urban programs.
million people by the end of the year. The
number of migrants who participated in the
urban employee pension scheme increased
Access to housing
from 14.2 million, or 10.8 percent of urban Urban hukou households in China have a
migrants, in 2006 to 45.6 million, or 27.8 very high rate of homeownership by inter-
percent, in 2012, but the coverage rate national standards. About 84 percent of
remained less than half that of urban work- households in the cities live in homes they
ers. Several factors explain the low partici- own, primarily the result of government
pation rate of rural migrant workers in the policies in the 1990s that allowed occupants
urban worker pension scheme. These include of work-unit housing to purchase homes
lack of enforcement of the Social Insurance at heavily discounted prices. 37 In contrast,
Law of 2011 and the Labor Contract Law of only 10 percent of migrants own their urban
2009, which require employers to treat urban residence, and affordability, rather than resi-
and migrant workers equally; high tax and dency status, now constitutes the strongest
social contribution rates that are close to the barrier to accessing quality housing. Across
OECD average, and even exceed it if housing urban areas, prices doubled between 1999
fund contributions are included; and the lack and 2010—in some cities like Shanghai and
of implementation of the State Council’s deci- Beijing, they increased more than fivefold—
sion of 2009 to secure portability of social making the Chinese housing market unaf-
insurance rights. fordable for many. 38 Studies show that in
22 Urban China conference edition

BOX O.2 Social Housing

Since 2007, China has implemented an ambitious what cost). The overall plan would include a market
social housing program for rural and urban residents. study, a market plan, a financial plan, an analysis
The program includes 7 categories and 12 varieties of job growth and infrastructure needs, and a long-
of social housing, including low-cost rental housing, term management plan including contingencies. The
assisted home ownership, public rental housing, and findings of the analysis should determine the hous-
shelter improvements. By 2012, these programs had ing needs of a locality and enable local governments
addressed housing needs of 31 million urban house- to define the nature, scope, and policy interventions
holds, or 12.5 percent of total urban households, required to effectively align housing demand and
while over 5 million urban households benefited from supply.
rental subsidies. Fiscal support for social housing has Improving availability of land for social housing.
rapidly increased, from RMB 10 billion in 2007 to Promoting mixed-use developments can increase the
RMB 380 billion in 2012. Earmarked grants from availability of social housing throughout a munici-
the central government for social housing rose from pality. Planning for housing should bring together
RMB 7 billion to RMB 235 billion over the same many stakeholders including those involved in plan-
period. In addition, tax reductions and exemptions ning for local economic development, transpor-
were granted. The financial sector financing of such tation, urban space, and infrastructure services.
programs also grew rapidly: by 2012, bank loans “Inclusionary zoning” policies, an instrument used
had reached RMB 571 billion; enterprise bonds had in many U.S. municipalities and in European coun-
raised RMB 226 billion; and loans from public hous- tries, can be applied to require developers to set
ing funds amounted to RMB 49 billion. Since 2010, aside between 10 to 30 percent of the developments
land use plans for social housing projects have been for affordable housing. Rezoning industrial land
listed separately in the annual residential land sup- for housing would increase the availability of land
ply plan and given priority. Between 2010 and 2012, in many cities and bring down prices, as discussed
land supply for social housing projects across the elsewhere in this report. Improving the inventory of
country increased from 11,000 hectares to 38,000 public land and identifying underused parcels could
hectares. expand the availability of land for social housing
Despite these achievements, many challenges development. Including “urban villages” in the city
remain. The 12th Five-Year Plan targets 35 million and zoning them for low-income housing is another
units of social housing, bringing total coverage to 20 option, while better connecting existing social hous-
percent of households, which is higher than in most ing in remote locations would improve their useful-
developed countries. Land availability financing, ness and occupation.
effective targeting of public subsidies, and operat- Improving targeting of social housing subsidies.
ing and maintenance of housing units are among the Focusing subsidies on low-income households that
key challenges that China faces in meeting its goals. are unable to access housing without public assis-
Aside from improving the functioning of the housing tance can be done by establishing clearly defined eli-
market more generally, introducing a property tax on gibility criteria on the basis of housing demand anal-
housing to better utilize existing housing stock, and ysis using refined socioeconomic and demographic
encouraging industries to move to more affordable data. Expanding social housing eligibility to migrants
locations in secondary cities, lessons from interna- through criteria of the residency system, as recom-
tional experience suggest that China can introduce mended in this report, would improve targeting for
specific policies to promote social housing. low-income households, because migrants usually
Increasing flexibility for municipalities in achiev- are at the lower end of the income distribution.
ing their social housing construction goals. Rather Examples of subsidies to households include capital
than mandating a specific number of a particular grants toward home purchase (such as assistance
type of unit, broad goals could be set for each munic- for a down payment) or rental vouchers. Successful
ipality, which could then be required to develop a international examples include a rental assistance
specific plan on how to achieve these targets. The program to low-income households under the Section
plan should be done on the basis of careful analy- 8 program in the United States, which provides hous-
sis of housing demand (such as demographic and ing vouchers or direct payments to private landlords.
socioeconomic conditions) and supply (such as types
of housing available for different income groups, at (Box continues next page)
conference edition overview 23

BOX O.2 (continued)

Given China’s social housing demand, shifting sub- ment departments to promote specialized entities
sidies from ownership to renting may be appropriate that manage the housing stock, rather than trying to
in many locations. Regulations to ensure exit from manage it themselves.
low-income housing when households are no longer Lowering the cost of low-income housing. Regula-
eligible also is needed to ensure a steady supply of tory requirements impose high standards on housing
low-income housing over time. development. Relaxing these would bring down the
Diversifying the supply and management of low- cost of affordable housing. When Bangkok was urban-
income housing developments by encouraging entry izing, it allowed developers to adjust building density
of specialized firms and nonprofit organizations. Spe- levels and unit sizes, making housing relatively afford-
cialized firms can bring competition and innovation able even in central locations. Improving business
to serve the low-income segment. Private developers processes such as the issuance of permits can shorten
elsewhere have managed to specialize in the social the time required to complete a building project and
housing sector by bringing down the cost of con- thereby reduce costs. Germany offers an example of
struction through innovative construction methods. an efficient and streamlined permitting process that
Xerbia in India and GEO SAB de CV in Mexico are allows developers to build housing fairly quickly.
good examples. Smaller plots and more fine-grained Controlling contingent liabilities in housing
zoning, as discussed elsewhere in this report, would finance. Many local governments finance their low-
lower the barrier to entry for firms. In Europe, spe- income housing through local government financing
cialized nonprofit organizations, including coopera- vehicles (LGFVs), some of which are overindebted
tives in continental Europe and housing councils in because of rapid expansion. Ensuring proper man-
the United Kingdom, were instrumental in expand- agement of these financing vehicles, clear account-
ing and managing the low-income housing stock— ing for assets and liabilities, and strict control on the
often with government support to ensure their access extent of local government guarantees on LGFV debt
to finance and membership fees to provide an equity should prevent local government exposure to debt
buffer. International good practice calls for govern- distress arising from low-income housing.

several large cities such as Guangzhou and market forces with distortionary administra-
Shanghai, long-term urban residents and tive measures. Urban villages offer affordable
migrants have similar access to housing, 39 housing as well as significant income to mem-
suggesting that hukou type matters less than bers of the village collective, many of whom
income. are dispossessed farmers. At the same time,
Formal and informal rental markets pro- since urban villages are not incorporated into
vide an important source of housing and urban master plans, city administrators have
their importance is likely to grow as mobility little incentive to extend urban infrastructure
increases. The bulk of low-income housing is and public services to urban village areas.
provided outside formally established govern- Expanding mortgage and housing rental
ment programs through collective housing markets through government insurance
(such as dormitories provided by employers), and support could expand homeownership.
or private rental units in “urban villages” or China’s overall mortgage lending has grown
on the urban fringe. In Shanghai, only 5.5 rapidly— consumer credit in China has
percent of migrant households can afford to grown from 1.5 percent of total renminbi
purchase commercial housing and some 80 (RMB) lending in 1999 to 13.3 percent in
percent are renters, while the rest live mainly June 201341—but poor households, and par-
in employer-provided dormitories.40 An infor- ticularly migrants, lack access to this mar-
mal residential market of so-called “small- ket. Private and public finance could help to
property-rights” housing has grown rapidly, make housing more affordable across China.
without legal protection and at odds with In the United States, the establishment of the
government policy. This is a manifestation of Federal Housing Administration created the
24 Urban China conference edition

conditions for a postwar housing boom that According to the policy, education officials
saw homeownership rise from 44 percent of closed down small, remote schools and
households in 1940 to 62 percent in 1960. focused their attention on improving the
teaching and facilities in larger, centralized
schools. Boarding schools became important
Providing services to those who providers of education services in response to
stay behind the increase in commuting time among rural
children. Emphasis in rural schools now is
In China, services in urban areas are easier to on continued improvement in recruitment
access and are of better quality than in rural and retention of qualified teachers. In rural
areas. Notwithstanding the actions needed in health, the focus is on the primary care sys-
urban areas, there will continue to be a need tem, which is institutionally and financially
to provide quality rural services for those who fragmented and needs strengthening. The
remain in rural areas; otherwise rural dwell- system has a host of often uncoordinated
ers will move to the cities to access the bet- actors, including family planning agencies,
ter social services there, rather than to pursue maternal child health programs, township
more productive economic opportunities.42 health centers for primary and secondary
Needs, resources, goals, and social values care, village doctors, public health agencies,
differ widely throughout China. All residents and others. Funding sources for primary care
of a city should be given equal services, but are also varied and include earmarked verti-
residents of different cities and rural areas cal program budgets, health insurance, cen-
may be given different services, and it will tral and local budgets, and user fees. Coor-
be important for the government to build dinating these programs and improving the
on existing policies to address this issue. quality of the workforce and their incentives
In rural education, for example, respond- is key, while access to secondary and ter-
ing to demographic trends and outmigra- tiary medical facilities, when needed, should
tion, the Ministry of Education launched an be facilitated by portable health insurance
aggressive School Merger Policy in 1999.43 policies.
conference edition overview 25

Chapter 4 Sustainability
China’s impressive economic and social gains of their carbon footprint and their exposure
have come at the price of significant environ- to pollution. Decisions made today will affect
mental degradation and increased resource China’s cities and the quality of life of its
use. The current urbanization path is not effi- urban residents for generations to come.
cient because pollution imposes rising direct As China reaches upper-middle- and high-
and indirect economic costs that are often income status, citizens will increasingly
not reflected in market transactions. Urban demand and expect a clean environment and
sprawl is leading to, for instance, greater livable cities, and proactive action is urgently
energy use for transport and higher costs for needed. Toward these ends, China should
energy and water supply infrastructure than consider environmental sustainability as a
in denser cities. Current trends are also not policy goal with the same weight as economic
socially inclusive because—while pollution efficiency and social inclusion.
and resource scarcity affect all citizens—the Raising the profile—and the effective-
poor are usually most heavily affected and ness—of environmentally sustainable poli-
least able to cope. Some also fear that the cies in China’s future urbanization requires
increased demand from a growing urban that China’s green governance match its
population for water and land could under- green ambitions. China has introduced a
mine China’s food security and lead to unac- comprehensive set of environmental laws and
ceptably high imports of key products, which regulations, but these have not brought the
could in turn drive up global prices. expected improvements in environmental
China’s environmental performance is of quality because incentives to enforce environ-
global importance. China is now the larg- mental policies and complete complementary
est emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, sector reforms have been lacking. Moreover,
and in the decade up to 2010, growth in sustainability needs to be tackled at the scale
greenhouse gas emissions has accelerated in which pollution impacts are felt, which for
(table O.2). That was a result mainly of a many resources, such as air, means crossing
slowdown in the reduction of energy inten- traditional administrative boundaries and
sity in the economy, which fell by a remark- finding regional solutions.
able 6 percent a year on average from 1980
to 2000, a rate that slowed to 2 percent in
2000 –10. Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin The cost of pollution in
have estimated per capita emissions com- China’s cities
parable to large European and some North
American cities.44 As China prepares for the next wave of
In recent decades China has invested heav- urbanization, addressing environmental and
ily in infrastructure to support environmen- resource constraints will become increas-
tal management and has made considerable ingly more urgent because much of China’s
progress in reducing pollution and improving pollution is concentrated in its cities, and as
the energy efficiency of its economy. Rapid China’s urban population grows, a greater
economic growth has continued to outpace
China’s ability to control pollution from
existing and emerging sources, however, and Table O.2 China’s carbon emissions and drivers of growth
more needs to be done. Moreover, there is (Average annual percentage change)
an urgent need to prepare the groundwork 1980–2000 2001–10
for future urbanization to be conducted Carbon emissions 4.8 10.1
more sustainably than in the past. How GDP growth 10.1 10.8
China’s cities develop in the future—either Energy-to-GDP intensity –5.9 –2.1
as compact dense cities or as large sprawling Carbon-to-energy intensity 1.2 1.5
metropolises—will determine the magnitude Source: World Bank World Development Indicators database.
26 Urban China

FIGURE O.8 Air pollution declined over time . . . but the costs of concerted efforts have been made to control
air pollution have been rising. Particulate matter pollution and particulate matter and sulfur oxides.
estimated health damages in urban China, 2003–11
Water pollution, increasingly from live-
stock and poultry operations and other non-
800 point agricultural sources resulting from
extensive use of pesticides and chemical
110 fertilizers, domestic sewage, and industrial
point sources, contributes to China’s ris-

RMB (billions)
100 ing digestive cancer rates (Ebenstein 2012).
The Ministry of Environmental Protection
(MEP) reported 57 percent of the groundwa-
ter in 198 cities in 2012 was rated “bad” or
“extremely bad,” while more than 30 percent
80 500
2004 2006 2008 2010 of the country’s major rivers were found to
PM10 concentrations Damages from mortality
be “polluted” or “seriously polluted,” mak-
and morbidity ing their waters unfit for drinking or direct
human contact.46 Municipal and industrial
solid waste generation increased from about
Source: Renmin University, n.d. based on China Environmental Yearbooks and World Bank
estimates. 1.2 billion to 2.6 billion tons between 2003
Note: PM10 = population weighted city averages; damages = 2000 constant RMB. and 2010.

number of its citizens are exposed to pol- Urbanization strains

lution that threatens their health and well- China’s resources
being. The economic and social costs of this
exposure are already severe and rising. Since 1978, total energy use in China
Estimates of mortality from air pollution increased 6 times to fuel an economy that
in China are significant. Although average increased 18 times and an urban population
annual concentrations of particulate mat- that more than doubled in size.47 Moreover,
ter (PM10) fell 25 percent between 2001 and the rate with which energy use increased was
2010 (figure O.8), mortality rates have been unprecedented and difficult to predict. By
increasing, in large part because 200 mil- 2005, China had already reached energy con-
lion more people now live in cities compared sumption levels projected only six years earlier
with a decade ago. High mortality levels and for 2020.48 Despite significant efforts, total
other health damages have high economic carbon emissions continue to rise. Although
costs, estimated to range from $100 billion to subsidies have been reduced in the energy sec-
more than $300 billion a year. Moreover, the tor, some cross subsidies favoring residential
evidence from other countries suggests there consumers continue to discourage end-use
may be a long-term impact for the coun- efficiency. While these trends are alarming,
try because small children and infants are there are some positive notes as well. China’s
severely affected by air pollution, which leads economy has become more energy efficient,
not only to higher rates of infant mortality, with energy intensity falling by an average of
but also birth defects and impaired cognitive 4.7 percent a year.
functions.45 With 20 percent of the world’s population
Energy production is a key source of air but only 7 percent of its freshwater, water
pollution in China’s cities owing to China’s scarcity and quality are major problems for
dependence on coal, which has remained at sustainable urban development in China—if
around 70 percent of total energy supply in not the most pressing. Nationwide, the gap
the last decade. Cities host coal-reliant indus- between urban water demand and supply is
tries, which make up a large share of China’s 6 billion cubic meters a year. Some 420 cities
economic structure. Coal use has remained have insufficient water supplies; 110 of these
largely stable or even increased in some cities. are facing severe water shortages. 49 The
Total emissions grew in this period, although problem is most urgent in the north, where
conference edition overview 27

two-thirds of the cities reportedly face water FIGURE O.9 Land requisition is outpacing urban
shortages. Water pollution has exacerbated land use
water scarcity, intensifying competition for
water resources. The response has been to 6,000
increase supply by digging deeper wells and
building reservoirs or diversion infrastruc- 5,000

ture, steps that create an array of ecological 4,000

risks from the loss of river flows but that are 3,000

no more than stopgap measures in the face
of ever-growing demand. Low tariffs for
urban water supply and wastewater reduce 1,000
the incentives for demand savings and limit 0
the financial sustainability of service provi- 2005 2007 2009 2011
sion. Only about 44 percent of urban water Land requisition (MLRYB)
utilities generated positive net margins and Urban construction land (UCYB)
only 10 percent of better performing utilities
generated net margins above 10 percent. 50 Source: Ministry of Land Resources Yearbook (MLRYB) and Urban
China’s urbanization has consumed sig- Construction Yearbook (UCYB).
nificant land resources as urban boundaries
are continuously shifted outward and ter-
ritorial jurisdictions of cities are expanded, result of these conversions, availability of
primarily through the expropriation of sur- agricultural land is now close to the 1.8 mil-
rounding rural land and its integration into lion mu (120 million hectares) “red line” that
urban areas. Between 2001 and 2011, the is considered to be the minimum necessary
amount of land in China classified as urban to ensure food security. If urbanization con-
construction land increased by 17,600 square tinues to follow current trends, an additional
kilometers, reaching a total area of 41,805 34,000 square kilometers—an area about the
square kilometers in 2011, an increase of 58 size of the Netherlands—would be required
percent over the decade (figure O.9). About to accommodate the growth of cities in the
90 percent of the demand for urban construc- next decade. If this were to come from agri-
tion land was met through the expropriation cultural land, the net result would be a drop
of rural land, while only 10 percent was sup- in the availability of agricultural land below
plied from the existing stock of undeveloped the “red line.” A slowdown in land conver-
urban construction land. sion is necessary: cities should become denser
Moreover, only considering land classified rather than larger, and greater density is also
as urban construction land gives a narrow desirable for reasons of efficiency. Moreover,
view of the impact of urbanization on land rural construction land is still abundant and,
resources because the total rural land requisi- with more rapid migration to cities, could
tion and conversion into state-owned urban become the main source of new urban land.
land has been significantly higher. From 2005 Urban sprawl—with rapid growth of low-
to 2011, a total of 27,200 square kilometers density areas at the urban periphery—has
of rural land was requisitioned and converted led to congestion of transport arteries and
to state ownership. That is, until 2008, contributed to pollution. Moreover, it has
roughly 3,000 square kilometers a year were increased resource use and carbon emis-
requisitioned. From 2008 onward, annual sions in three ways: longer commutes and
rural land requisition increased sharply to more private motorized trips have increased
around 4,460 square kilometers. Much of urban transport fuel consumption; larger
the new urban land was requisitioned from living space per person has led to higher per
farmers at low levels of compensation, often capita energy use for home heating, cooling,
not more than 15–20 percent of the prices the and power consumption; and infrastructure
converted land fetched on the market. Rural has been used less intensively than it would
land conversion potentially has implications be in dense urban cores, lowering economies
for China’s food security (box O.3). As a of scale and increasing the capital, operating,
28 Urban China conference edition

BOX O.3 Feeding China’s cities

China’s urbanization is likely to strongly affect two bles, and animal products rises much more rapidly
important aspects of food security: the aggregate with income growth than demand for basic food
availability of domestically produced food, and the staples such as rice and wheat. These goods require
access of vulnerable individuals and households to much higher levels of intermediate and factor inputs
food. Most urban households rely on food purchases; than basic staples, particularly for livestock prod-
therefore, low-income households that spend a large ucts given the inefficiencies of feed conversion. If
share of their incomes on food can be vulnerable to
increases in the availability and prices of staple foods.
Achieving domestic self-sufficiency in major Figure BO.5.1 Self-sufficiency ratios for grain in
food grains has been one of China’s strategic policy Asian countries
priorities, and as a result, China has had limited
dependence on global food markets to date. China’s 180
agricultural sector has performed well, shifting 160
from relatively low-value to higher-value agriculture 140
products, largely consistent with resource endow-
ments and comparative advantage. Grain yields have
increased continuously since 2003; however, annual
yield growth is diminishing. In 2012, grain output 80
reached a record yield of 590 million tons. Per capita 60
grain production reached 425 kilograms, above the 40
400 kilogram grain security line. 20
As China becomes more urbanized, it is likely 0
that it will become more dependent over time on 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2013
imports of (especially land-intensive) farm products,
Thailand Indonesia Korea
in particular as the comparative advantage of labor- Bangladesh China Taiwan, China
intensive farming of grains diminishes. International India Philippines Japan
comparisons reveal striking differences between
countries in the extent to which food imports as Source: USDA.
a share of total consumption have evolved. Most Note: This graph shows the total for rice, wheat, maize, and soybeans.
lower-income countries have maintained close to
100 percent self-sufficiency (when rice, wheat,
maize, and soybeans are considered together), but
Figure BO.5.2 Food consumption in energy
the ratio has declined sharply in the higher-income equivalents and income
East Asian economies despite protectionist policies
(figure BO.5.1). 2.5
Tons of cereal equivalents per capita per year

The structural changes that are occurring in Denmark

China—demographic changes in which rising wage Canada
2.0 Italy
rates in nonfarm employment are drawing labor from Food consumption

agriculture, changes in diets and consumption pat- Brazil

terns, emergence of environmental supply constraints 1.5
(land, water), transformation of rural factor markets, Mexico World average consumption, 2002 = 0.95
transformation of food supply chain, market and 1.0 China

distribution systems, and agricultural technology

and farm scale changes—will impact China’s food India
0.5 Zambia
production and food availability. Currently, China’s Low
Low middle High middle High

food production is limited by water scarcity and, to a income income

(20%a) (50%a)
(15%a) a
Percent of world population, 2002

lesser extent, the availability of land; however, a new 0.0

constraint—labor—is now on the horizon. 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0
As China’s urbanization increases, overall Real GDP (PPP) per capita, thousands (2002 US $)
demand for food is likely to increase because the
demand for higher-cost foods such as fruits, vegeta- (Box continues next page)
conference edition overview 29

BOX O.3 (continued)

all types of food are converted into a common basis China’s food consumption in cereal equivalents is
using food conversion ratios that take into account currently about 20 percent above the world average
the efficiency of conversion of grains into livestock level. More important, demand is likely to grow con-
products, the relationship between real incomes and siderably as China reaches middle- and high-income
food demand depicted in figure BO.5.2 emerges. status.

FIGURE O.10 Impact of urban density on carbon emissions for transport and infrastructures: road, water, and
wastewater network lengths

a. Transport network b. Water network

7 7
6 6

Meters per capita

tCO2 per capita

5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Inhabitants per km2 Inhabitants per km2

c. Road network d. Wastewater network

12 16
10 14
Meters per capita

Meters per capita

8 10
6 8
4 6
2 2
0 0
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Inhabitants per km2 Inhabitants per km2

Sources: Salat and Bourdic 2013; and Müller and others 2013.
Note: This graph represents a variety of cities in developing and developed countries.

and maintenance costs for infrastructure ser- 1952 may have killed more than 10,000
vices (figure O.10). people over four December days. Smog lev-
els in Los Angeles are down 70 percent from
the 1970s, and high ozone advisory days
The global context of China’s dropped from 184 to close to zero. Tokyo’s
campaign for cleaner air centered on the vis-
urban sustainability ibility of Mount Fuji: the mountain could
Practically all industrial countries have be seen on only 20 days a year in the 1960s
passed through a phase of excessive urban compared with well over 130 days today.
pollution. London’s “great smog” event in In all cases, it took a package of regulatory
30 Urban China conference edition

measures implemented over decades to bring ambitious targets for controlling both. The
the situation under control. comprehensive set of targets, laws, and regu-
Given the size of China’s population lations has not brought the desired improve-
and economy, its structure, and the speed ments in environmental quality because most
of its development, the country’s environ- environmental policy making has favored nar-
mental problems are on a larger scale than row technical and engineering solutions over
those experienced by other countries. But institutional and economic approaches. The
being a late developer also has advantages. main causes of China’s environmental prob-
China can benefit from experience and lems are institutional rather than technical.
technology from elsewhere and reduce pol- The considerable inertia in China’s envi-
lution faster than was possible for earlier ronmental management can be addressed
developers. Much of the research on air through a strengthened accountability and
pollution sources, impacts, and abatement incentives framework. As a first step, regu-
options was developed in North America lations with strong enforcement are needed.
and Europe over many decades and can Currently enforcement of China’s environ-
be deployed more quickly and cheaply in mental regulations is often weak because
China. Some of the benefits of technology local cadres face inadequate incentives to put
and management are already apparent, and policy into effect and to complete comple-
China has also produced indigenous solu- mentary sector reforms. Even when the regu-
tions that can be shared with countries fac- lations are enforced, their implementation is
ing similar challenges. often inflexible, causing unnecessary costs.
Green urbanization in China is of global Although, government spending on environ-
interest. Greenhouse gases increase the prob- mental management has been similar to that
ability of global climate change. North Amer- of OECD countries and has increased over
ica and Europe still exceed China’s cumula- time, spending should be about 0.5 percent
tive historical emissions, but, according to of GDP more than current levels.53
data from the International Energy Agency, In addition to strengthened enforcement,
China’s per capita CO2 emissions from fuel China needs to ensure that the pricing of
combustion are still rising and are likely to energy, water, and other resources reflects
reach the EU average by 2015. the cost of their provision. Moreover, prices
In contrast to experience elsewhere, a large should include the indirect costs imposed on
share of China’s pollution came initially from health, ecosystems, and the climate by the
the relocation of dirty industries that were production of resources and by their use.
being phased out in developed countries. Improving urban sustainability requires
One estimate suggests that exports account a multisector and, in many cases, multijuris-
for about one-third of China’s energy use and dictional approach, which is currently under-
likely a similar share of air pollution.51 In the developed. Structural shifts in the economy
future, by shifting toward a growth model toward cleaner sectors will help in the longer
more reliant on services and consumption, term. Greening sector policies require better
China will be able to pollute less on behalf of coordinated national and local level deci-
other countries. On the other hand, similar sions, often across several agencies. More
shifts in polluting industries also appear to be comprehensive planning at the city level will
replicated within China between coastal and support sector reforms. For instance, urban
inland areas.52 sprawl—which raises the cost of public ser-
vice provision and locks in wasteful energy
consumption—can be avoided through inte-
Environmental regulations and grated urban land use, transport, and energy
governance planning that reshapes urban form.
In larger urban clusters, air and water
Recognizing that resource depletion and pol- quality management strategies must operate
lution have become costly barriers to fur- at a regional scale to account for all relevant
ther development, China’s leaders have set pollution sources and identify cost-effective
conference edition overview 31

regional abatement plans. Building regional access to information on the performance of

institutions will take time but can be started environmental management authorities and
with interjurisdictional mechanisms like the polluting activities of firms. Without green
“joint decision-making conference” in the Hai governance—strengthened accountability
River Basin. Such mechanisms have been used and incentives framework—China will find
in China and have built up the trust needed to it difficult to align its sector reforms with its
develop interjurisdictional solutions. green ambitions. The challenges are daunting
The channels for citizen involvement, but not insurmountable in the long term and,
including through environmental nongovern- if addressed, can bring about cities that are
mental organizations and the legal system, not only great places to work but also great
are still inadequate, in part because of limited places to live.
The Reform Agenda

Chapter 5 A Strategy for Reform

China’s leaders have called for a new model barriers to labor mobility—from rural to
of urbanization that would support relatively urban areas, but also from city to city. If
high but more efficient growth, share the people are to move to where they are most
benefits of urbanization more widely, and productive rather than to where they can
be environmentally sustainable, while safe- receive better services, they should expect to
guarding China’s food security. receive similar public services wherever they
are, while retaining their accumulated rights
to social security. To achieve this, the hukou
A reform package system would need to evolve into a resi-
Achieving the new model of urbanization dency system with increasingly unified rules
requires a comprehensive reform package for access to services. Over time, cities and
centered around four priority areas—land, rural areas alike should be in a position to
hukou, the fiscal system, and the incentive deliver at least a minimum standard of public
system for local governments—supported by services to any resident, irrespective of their
reform of social policies and service delivery, place of origin.
urban planning, and environmental manage- The fiscal system needs reform to accom-
ment. In all of these areas, China has already modate the proposed changes in the land and
made considerable progress, and at the local hukou systems. Land has been a large source
level many ongoing experiments deserve con- of government revenue in the recent decade—
sideration for mainstreaming. China can also on average, some 5.5 percent of GDP in gross
build on the experience of other countries revenues and 2.5 percent after compensation
that are rapidly urbanizing, or did so in the and land sale preparation costs. More effi-
past, such as Britain and the United States in cient urbanization will require governments
the nineteenth century, and the Republic of to focus on better managing existing urban
Korea, Japan, and Germany more recently. land rather than acquiring new urban land.
Land policies determine the density and As a result, a reduction in revenue from rural
spatial efficiency of cities, which in turn drive land conversion is expected. At the same
environmental sustainability and livabil- time, demands on city finances will increase
ity. Land policies also determine the extent as local governments provide public services
to which farmers can share in the wealth to migrants and their families. Fiscal reforms
unlocked by higher-value use of land, which should therefore provide resources for munic-
could narrow urban-rural income and wealth ipalities to continue to grow, together with
disparities. More efficient use of land will the discipline to grow efficiently.
require stronger property rights for farmers, A stronger local tax base and more regu-
higher compensation for land requisition, lar and strictly regulated access to borrow-
new mechanisms for converting rural land ing are critical. Rationalization of the distri-
to urban uses, more flexible use of existing bution of expenditures over different levels
urban land through better planning and zon- of government—specifically, centralization
ing, and urban land allocation that is driven of social security finances—would relieve
by market prices. local budgets of some spending obligations
Hukou reforms are needed to promote and enhance labor mobility. Over time, the
better use of labor through the removal of intergovernmental fiscal system would have
34 Urban China conference edition

to ensure that any local government—rural increasingly specialize in high-value services

or urban—can provide the minimum stan- and innovation and attract higher-skilled
dard of services that the central government labor rather than a low-skilled industrial
seeks and the nation can afford. Local gov- workforce.
ernment borrowing, if properly regulated and Land reforms would improve the effi-
monitored, should better match the payment ciency of rural and urban land use and
for capital projects with the life of the infra- increase the compensation rural residents
structure asset. The use of informal financ- receive from land conversion, thus improving
ing methods, such as local investment com­ the distribution of income and wealth. Land
panies, should be reduced. reforms will also likely lead to denser cities,
Changes in land, hukou, and fiscal policies which would reduce the energy intensity and
would need to be underpinned by a change in car use in cities, thus improving environmen-
the incentive structure for local government tal sustainability. And reduced land use for
decision makers. The government personnel urbanization would make more land avail-
system that rewards local leaders’ success able for environmental services and agricul-
based on national development goals already tural production.
includes quality of life indicators in health, Hukou reforms and reforms in public ser-
culture, education, and environment, and vices would increase the mobility of workers
important political targets such as birth con- across China and increase their productivity
trol and social stability, but the main focus and wages. It would also accelerate rural-
has continued to be on the more easily mea- urban migration, which, combined with
surable goal of annual GDP growth. Rebal- land reforms, would accelerate agricultural
ancing the evaluation criteria toward social modernization and increase rural incomes,
and environmental objectives that match the thereby reducing rural-urban income
new model of urbanization will be necessary inequalities. More equal public service deliv-
for success. Further, greater participation of ery across China would increase equality
China’s citizens in the urbanization process of opportunity for all China’s citizens. Bet-
would enhance accountability of local gov- ter access to housing finance for migrants
ernments, and ensure that policies will be would allow them to acquire urban property
more responsive to local needs, which would and benefit from capital gains, thus reducing
minimize social unrest. In some areas, China growing wealth disparities.
has a relatively mature system of citizen Fiscal reforms would generate the revenues
involvement; expanding this participatory to finance a minimum package of services
approach across the spectrum of urban poli- across China and reduce the need for land-
cies could be considered. based financing, while limiting the risk to
The main benefit of reforms will be higher- the financial system resulting from unregu-
quality growth. The reforms proposed in this lated local government borrowing. Fiscal and
report—specifically land, hukou and, fiscal financial reforms would also impose more
system reforms and a change in the incentives discipline on local governments, thereby
for local governments to attract investment— reducing the wasteful development of ghost
will make the allocation of land, capital, and towns and empty industrial parks.
labor more market based. That in turn will
change the distribution of economic activities
across China’s urban landscape. Accelerating A vision for China’s new urban
the shift of industrial activities to secondary landscape in 2030
cities where land and labor are cheaper would
provide a stronger economic basis for those China’s initial conditions for the next phase
cities and promote small and medium-size of urbanization are vastly different from three
cities. At the same time, this shift in indus- decades ago. China is now a higher-middle-
trial activities would also reduce migration income country, the largest manufacturer
pressures on the largest cities, which would and exporter in the world, and on the cusp of
conference edition overview 35

a development stage in which efficient use of scenario compared with business as usual.
resources will be more important for growth The main drivers of more rapid growth under
than simply mobilizing resources. China’s reforms will be the higher rate at which
­cities today are much larger than they were people move from rural to urban areas and
30 years ago, with the largest rivaling the among cities, and the higher productivity in
biggest agglomerations in the world—includ- more efficient cities.
ing New York, London, Seoul, and Tokyo. As China’s labor market tightens, con-
China’s cities are now far better connected sumption is likely to grow faster than
to the rest of the world and to other cities in investment because the share of labor in the
China, due in part to a massive investment in economy will rise as wage growth outpaces
infrastructure in the past two decades and to productivity growth. This growing demand
a long period of opening up crowned by entry includes consumer demand from an expand-
to the World Trade Organization in 2001. ing middle class—those that earn $10–$100
These developments provide a strong basis per capita a day (at 2005 internationally
for efficient urbanization, allowing agglom- comparable prices). This group now makes
eration effects and specialization to contrib- up almost a quarter of China’s population
ute to productivity increases and growth. and more than 40 percent of its urban popu-
As China implements the new model of lation—although its size still lags behind
urbanization, a different urban landscape that in other countries at China’s current
will emerge. China will continue to urbanize level of GDP.54 Labor scarcity in rural areas
rapidly, with urban residents accounting for will catalyze land consolidation and the
almost 70 percent of the population by 2030 rapid dissemination of new production tech-
in a reform scenario, bringing the country’s nologies. That will increase labor productiv-
urbanization rate in line with expectations ity, and thus wages in rural areas will rise
based on its level of income. That implies, more rapidly than in urban areas, thereby
however, that the speed of China’s urbaniza- reducing urban-rural income disparities.
tion rate will slow in the next two decades, With higher incomes, the services sector is
even though there may be an initial spurt likely to overtake manufacturing as the main
in urban population soon after reforms are driver of growth, constituting more than
implemented as migrant families are reunited half of GDP by 2030. Urban areas will cre-
in urban areas. Moreover, income growth ate the scale of demand for an increasingly
also likely will slow in the next two decades diverse supply of services. The services sec-
(table O.3), but it will be slightly higher, and tor’s share in the economy will rise because
considerably more balanced, in a reform of higher demand for services and because

Table O.3 China’s urbanization scenarios

2010 2030 baseline 2030 reforms

Urbanization rate (percent) 52 66 70

Share of labor force in agriculture (percent) 38 17.1 11.6
GDP (trillions of 2013 US$) 8.5 24.5
GDP (average annual growth past 5 years) 8.3 4.9 5.2
Total factor productivitya (average annual growth over past 5 years) 2.2 2.1 2.5
Consumption share of GDP (percent) 46.5 62.0 66.5
Investment share of GDP (percent) 48.8 35.5 30.9
Secondary industry share of GDP (percent) 48.8 37.2 33.7
Tertiary industry (services) share in the economy (percent) 41.8 58.5 60.6
Urban-rural income disparities (ratio) 3.8 3.3 2.6
Energy consumption per GDP (Tce/RMB 10,000) 1.41 0.73 0.64
Carbon dioxide emission per GDP (ton CO2/RMB 10,000) 3.32 1.68 1.39

Source: Based on DRC CGE Model simulations.

Note: The industry structure is based on input-output tables, hence the structure is slightly different from one reported by the Statistical Yearbook.
a. Including gains from reallocation of labor and capital across sectors and ownership forms.
36 Urban China conference edition

productivity increases in services are likely connected to these agglomerations. Cit-

to lag those in manufacturing, increasing ies along China’s main transport corridors
their relative price. will be particularly well positioned to take
Under the reform scenario, by 2030, advantage of efficiency gains through special-
China will display a more diverse landscape ization. International experience as well as
of cities because urbanization will not be China’s own past suggests that public policy
uniform and will reflect the comparative that fights these trends—which are driven
advantage of individual cities. In China’s by the choices of individuals and firms—is
most developed cities, the services sector— unlikely to succeed. Or, if such policies did
rather than industry—will play a larger role succeed, it would come at the expense of effi-
in growth, because cities are fertile ground ciency and income growth.
for the development of more sophisticated,
higher value-added services. The largest cit-
ies within urban agglomerations such as Bei- China can afford its new
jing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have grown urbanization model
rapidly in recent years serving as gateways to
international markets, and this trend is likely China can afford a more efficient, inclusive,
to be reinforced by reforms. These agglom- and sustainable urbanization. Simulations
erations will provide the urban diversity that from a detailed model developed for this study
encourages learning in universities and busi- suggest that overall costs of urbanization will
ness districts and that connects people to the gradually decline as a share of GDP. 55 The
rest of the world. total annual costs of all urban public services,
Secondary cities that are part of metro- infrastructure, and social housing would
politan areas, especially those in coastal average 6.1 percent of GDP in 2013–30,
areas, will increasingly attract land-intensive with a peak of 7.3 percent in the early period
manufacturing and will offer producers the (2013–17) due to migrant integration and the
benefits of specialization and low transport government’s ambitious social housing pro-
costs near the larger cities with their large gram. On past trends, nearly three-quarters
markets and links to international markets. of this cost would be paid by government
China’s large inland cities, most of which are through infrastructure development corpo-
currently outside major development clusters, rations and finance vehicles. Model simula-
possess human capital and amenities that will tions suggest that these costs are affordable
serve as a foundation for economic develop- for government because additional revenues
ment. Easier access to international markets from a property tax or alternative sources of
and reduced freight costs will help these cities revenues will be able to cover the spending
compete with coastal cities. Hinterland cities needs on aggregate without increasing total
and rural towns will allow firms and farms government debt to GDP. These simulations
to exploit plant-level scale economies by pro- assume that the costs of delivering infrastruc-
viding roads for moving inputs and outputs ture and social services to migrants at urban
and schools for the families of workers. They standards is additional—in other words,
would focus on public service delivery and that spending in rural areas from where the
preparing people for opportunities elsewhere. migrants originate does not decline as a share
Exactly how this new urban landscape of GDP (table O.4).
will take shape is impossible to predict with In the reform scenario, denser cities require
certainty, but if international experience is less investment in infrastructure—notably in
any guide, China’s largest coastal cities will roads. Lost revenues from rural-urban land
continue to grow more rapidly than the aver- conversion would be more than compensated
age of all China’s cities, while the population by the introduction of a property tax on
share of small cities will likely decline. Cities urban residential property and the apprecia-
of any size that are part of the main agglom- tion of existing urban land values. Significant
erations are likely to thrive, along with those reforms in the fiscal system will be needed to
conference edition overview 37

Table O.4 Urbanization costs and fiscal space: Baseline and reform scenarios
Baseline scenario Reform scenario
2008–12 2013–17 2018–30 2013–30 2013–17 2018–30 2013–30

Urbanization costs (CAPEX and OM) 8.6 7.3 5.6 6.1 6.8 4.9 5.4
Infrastructure investment 3.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.8
  Roads 1.9 1.4 1.2 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7
  Subways 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
  Draining 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
  Sewage 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
  Landscaping 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
  Garbage treatment 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
  Water 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
  Heating 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Social services 5.1 4.6 3.1 3.6 4.8 3.2 3.6
  Social housing 2.0 1.4 0.5 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.7
  Education (includes labor costs) 3.1 3.2 2.6 2.8 3.3 2.7 2.8
  Health 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Central and local governments              

Fiscal space 33.3 31.8 30.4 30.8 29.8 29.9 29.9
  Fiscal revenues 25.0 26.5 25.9 26.0 26.7 26.7 26.7
  Net borrowings 8.3 5.3 4.5 4.7 3.1 3.3 3.2
Total expenditure 31.9 31.1 29.6 30.0 30.5 28.3 28.9
  Recurrent primary expenditures 23.6 23.6 23.3 23.4 23.6 23.2 23.3
  Capital expenditures 6.0 4.7 3.4 3.8 4.3 3.0 3.4
  Interests 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.1 2.2
Source: World Bank/DRC/MOF projections done for this study.

change the incentives for local government, policies and in local government borrowing,
adjust the local tax base and intergovernmen- and not the abolition of all land revenues and
tal fiscal system, and provide local govern- borrowing. Without any local borrowing or
ments with regulated access to borrowing. land revenues, the fiscal space would not be
The reform scenario assumes reforms in land sufficient to cover spending for urbanization.
38 Urban China

Chapter 6 Reforming China’s Land Management

The context of the reforms urban construction purposes and rural land
expropriation; developing mechanisms for
Land lies at the heart of China’s urbaniza- better benefit sharing of land value; integrat-
tion challenges and is the highest prior- ing urban-rural land use planning and land
ity for reform. To improve the efficiency of allocation and the redevelopment of “urban
China’s future urbanization, land manage- villages”; and modernizing urban planning
ment reform would lead to more efficient and land management.
and denser cities, contain urban sprawl, and The decisions of the 3rd Plenary of the
reduce the environmental impacts of urban- 18th Congress of China’s Communist Party
ization. Strengthening property rights on of November 2013 provide a framework for
rural land and clarifying collective owner- land reforms. The framework includes fos-
ship arrangements would also increase the tering a unified rural-urban construction
compensation that accrues to farmers in land market, clarifying and enhancing rural
land transactions, thus making urbaniza- land rights, and setting up new institutional
tion more inclusive. Better use of urban land arrangements for land in rural and urban
would reduce the need for land conversion areas. Reforms provide an opportunity to
and unlock new sources of revenues for cit- build on past achievements, harmonize the
ies. Reform needs to guarantee the long-term regulatory framework for urban and rural
supply of land and financing for urbanization land, and modernize the land system to sup-
based on transparent and voluntary mar- port more efficient and inclusive economic
ket transactions and taxation. Land reform growth and urbanization.
should be closely coordinated with hukou, In implementing a more market-driven
social services, and fiscal reforms. approach, aside from the responsibility of
China has significantly modernized planning, zoning, and registering the trans-
its land tenure framework over the past actions, government should closely supervise
decades, although the long-standing dual experiments in this direction to ensure that
tenure system of collectively owned rural the stronger property rights on rural land are
land and state-owned urban land has respected and corruption in transactions is
remained unchanged. Although property avoided. Consultation, publicity, and trans-
rights on both urban and rural land have parency can also provide protection against
been strengthened, rural citizens still remain abuse.
at a significant disadvantage because of
remaining ambiguities about land owner-
ship and property rights of the state, rural Strengthening property rights
collectives, and individual farmers, and how The tenure of rural land rights needs to be
these stakeholders interact in the process of lengthened and automatic renewal legalized.
urbanization, especially during the monopo- Farmers’ 30-year farmland rights remain sub-
listic conversion of rural land by local gov- ject to significant uncertainties in the form of
ernments. Within cities, government-led involuntary transactions for agricultural and
allocation and land management have led to nonagriculture purposes, compulsory tak-
underutilization of land and a bias toward ings, and uncertainty over whether farmland
industrial land at the expense of residential rights can be extended upon expiration of the
and commercial land. second 30-year term. Under China’s Property
Reforms should aim for a more modern Law, farmland rights may be extended when
approach to land management in both rural they expire. But this extension provision is
and urban areas. The priorities for achiev- weaker than the parallel provision on urban
ing this are clarifying, titling, and registering land, which allows the automatic renewal
rural land rights; introducing new arrange- upon expiration of the current term. The dif-
ments for the transfer of collective land for ferent treatment of the length of tenure rights
conference edition overview 39

for rural and urban land conflicts with the system of registering all land plots of a house-
effort to improve the long-term tenure secu- hold on one single document toward a system
rity in rural areas. where individual plots are registered sepa-
The 3rd Plenary Session of the 17th Cen- rately. A registration and documentation sys-
tral Committee (2008) stated that rights to tem based on land parcels would simplify and
farmland should be for “long term without facilitate future land transfers. Legal reform
change” (栎⃔ₜ♧). The 3rd Plenary Ses- should also explicitly require registering both
sion of the 18th Central Committee (2013) husband and wife as household representa-
reiterated and confirmed the policy direction tives to improve gender equity in future land
of strengthening farmers’ property rights to registration
land. The “long term without change” would Reform of collective ownership of collec-
have to be defined and clarified in the law tive assets needs to complement the reform
through revisions to the Land Management of property rights to farmland. Collective
Law, Property Law, and Rural Land Con- ownership has become ambiguous since the
tracting Law. Equally important is to specify introduction of the Household Responsibil-
the nature of the contractual rights to farm- ity System in 1978 and subsequent policy
land, including defining the right to occupy, changes strengthening household land rights.
profit, transfer, mortgage, and bequeath the Collective ownership is often incorrectly per-
land. Finally, explicit provision should pre- ceived as ownership by the collective admin-
vent the reallocations of farmland within the istrative entity. The Property Law has sought
tenure period through the collective entity. to clarify this relationship and authorizes the
Property rights of farmers need to be bet- collective administrative entity, such as the
ter documented through enforcement of writ- administrative village, natural village, or vil-
ten land leases, establishment of a register of lager group, to exercise ownership rights on
land titles, and a system for recording land behalf of the collective members. Neverthe-
transactions. This documentation would less, collective entities retain control over
enable enforcement of use and contract farmland contracting, exercise power to take
rights, help to resolve land-related disputes, a farmer’s land, and often manage collective
and identify those whose lands are affected assets, including land and nonland assets, to
by land requisition. In addition, a reliable and generate profit for the collective entity rather
complete inventory of land parcels would pro- than for collective members.
vide a foundation for monitoring land tenure Legal reform should clarify that all collec-
security, land use planning, land allocation tive assets belong to the members of the col-
and conversion, taxation, and land market lective business organization and not to the
development. After several years of piloting collective administrative entity itself. Where
in some localities, various approaches, Docu- collective property is converted into shares,
ment No. 1, 2013, now calls for a program those shares should be distributed to the
to document and register farmers’ land rights members. Reforms should further seek to
throughout the country. reduce intervention by the collective admin-
A land registration system based on uni- istrative entity in the operation of collective
fied rules, standards, and procedures in the business organizations and strengthen trans-
land rights registration process should be parency in the distributions of profits made
developed over time. Along with the estab- by the collective business organization.
lishment of the land registry, unified land Membership and qualifications for becom-
classification standards need to be developed ing a collective member and procedures for
and applied to all types of land. Following terminating collective membership need to
international best practice, currently scat- be further clarified in the law. Because the
tered administrative responsibilities for rights legal criteria under which a person becomes
and property registration for different types a member of the collective are unclear,
of land should be consolidated into one. approval or disapproval of a membership
Additional considerations should be given to application is currently subject to the collec-
how to move from the current cumbersome tive’s discretion. One approach to clarifying
40 Urban China conference edition

collective membership and to protect owner- Land for public infrastructure develop-
ship rights of collective members would be to ment and social purposes could still be
define a cutoff date after which a rural citizen acquired through expropriation, but con-
moving into a community is no longer eligi- trols need to be put in place to ensure that
ble to become a collective member or owner the land acquired is not used for commercial
of collective assets. Such arrangements would purposes, and that the scale is much less than
prevent the dilution of collective assets under in the past. Complementary reform is needed
conditions of demographic change. to fine-tune the political incentives at the
The member rights associated with col- local government level to decouple perfor-
lective property should also be clarified. mance evaluation and economic growth. For
Rights to collective assets include the rights example, a current mayor would face fewer
to occupy, use, profit, transfer, mortgage, incentives to convert excess quantities of land
guarantee, and bequeath. The transfer (sale) and promote investment if revenue gener-
of shares to collective property would allow ated from such land conversion could only be
members to leave the collective permanently. invested several years later.
Clarification of issues around the inheritance Compensation for rural land conversion
of shares to collective assets is also needed. for commercial (nonpublic interest) pur-
In some localities, women who marry into poses should be increased up to the amount
households, and children born after 1978, of the commercial value of the land, with
cannot inherit shares, and therefore can- deductions for the costs incurred by local
not receive dividends when the sharehold- governments for preparing the land for non-
ing member of the household dies. This issue agricultural use. Under the current regime,
may become increasingly critical as share- compensation packages are capped at 30
holding members pass away or move their times the land’s average annual agricultural
residential registration outside the collective. output value. This maximum is often insuf-
Their shares would eventually go back to the ficient for expropriated farmers to sustain
collective instead of being retained within the their livelihoods. Here again, the reform of
household. the rural expropriation regime could follow
the principles of the Urban Takings Regula-
tion (and rules applied in several provinces).
Reforming the rural land The protection of farmers’ procedural
expropriation system rights during land expropriation should be
embodied in the law. China’s procedural laws
Legally defined limits need to be placed on for rural land expropriation are inadequate,
rural land taking by local governments for but central policies on improving farmers’
public purposes. Defining “public interest” procedural rights and the Urban Takings
for which the state can exercise its eminent Regulation provide guidance for develop-
domain power is a decision about balanc- ing relevant provisions on procedural rights,
ing the legitimate but often competing policy including the right to notice, rights to partici-
goals and interests of various stakeholders. pation, and right to appeal. Clear provisions
The reform of the rural land expropriation for public hearings on land taking would
regime should follow the precedent of the increase transparency and limit the scope for
Urban Takings Regulation of 2011, which abuse.
defines public interest by listing all foresee- The government may consider introduc-
able categories of public interest. For rural ing the experiences from Taiwan, China,
land, defining public interest using the same where local governments have the option
procedure would remove the current legal to rezone rural land for urban develop-
dualism and inconsistency that weaken the ment and can allow commercial developers
rights of China’s rural citizens. A meaningful to conduct land transactions directly with
definition of public interest, both for urban rural property rights holders while ensuring
and for rural takings, should be included in urban land supply and financial balances.
the revised Land Management Law. Transactions are subject to the provision of
conference edition overview 41

BOX O.4 Expropriations in Taiwan, China

In 1953, the Land to the Tiller Act abolished the ten- being entitled to higher compensation and better pro-
ancy system in Taiwan, China, through compulsory cedural safeguards than at present. Landowners can
local authorities’ purchase of land from landlords claim a monetary compensation based on the market
and resale to the tenants. By 1956, the total area of value of the land’s agricultural use or, alternatively,
owner-operator farming had increased from less than take back 40–50 percent of the expropriated land as
50 percent of total farmland in 1948 to over 85 per- offset land. Such offset land is the previous farmland
cent. The government protected private tenure follow- that has been converted into higher value urban con-
ing the land reform, through legal protection, a broad struction land. The landowner may also select a com-
publicity campaign to improve farmers’ awareness of pensation scheme in which one part of the compensa-
laws and government policies, and a government-led tion is paid in cash and one part with offset land.
annual survey to closely monitor the implementation Procedurally, the local authority is required to
of the land reform program. In the subsequent process purchase land from landowners through negotiation
of urbanization, authorities took measures to control before launching a zone-taking procedure. If negotia-
the use of land for urban purposes and facilitate non- tions fail, the local authority may resort to zone tak-
farm development by farmers themselves. ing. Prior to taking, the local authority must conduct
Taiwan, China, takes a listing approach to define public hearings to explain compensation modalities to
the circumstances under which private land can be the affected landowners. Where landowners choose
expropriated. “General taking” refers to the expro- compensation in the form of offset land, these own-
priation for public interest. “Zone taking” refers to ers have first choice on the location of the offset land
the expropriation and conversion of private farm- within a designated construction area. Landowners
land to nonfarm use for the development of new are also given the opportunity to negotiate the exact
urban areas; renovation of old urban areas; conver- compensation ratio (between 40 and 50 percent) to be
sion of farmland in planned urban zones into con- applied.
struction land or conversion of industrial areas into Under zone taking, the local authority is required
residential and commercial areas; development of to set aside a portion of the expropriated land for pub-
nonurban land; rural development for improving lic facilities such as schools, roads, and public utility
rural public facilities and public health; and other facilities. Although there is no legal requirement with
uses in accordance with relevant laws. General and respect to the ratio of such public facility land, in prac-
zone takings are subject to different procedural and tice, 40–50 percent is for public use. After deducting
compensation laws. 40–50 percent of land as offset land, 40–50 percent
For general taking, until recently, the compensation as public use land, the local authority receives 10–20
standard was the tax assessment value of the agricul- percent of the expropriated land for sale to developers.
tural land. Each year, the local land administration To prevent irrational urbanization, the law requires
bureaus publish assessed values for farmland. This that new public facilities be financed through the sale
standard was replaced recently with a market value of the land acquired through zone taking and pro-
standard based on recent comparable agricultural hibits the use of other local revenues to finance such
land market transactions. The taking procedures are development. The local authority therefore needs to
relatively simple and include a public hearing, public rely on the proceeds from selling the 10–20 percent
announcement of the taking decision for 30 days, writ- share of taken land to finance the construction of all
ten notification to the affected landowner, a 30-day fil- public facilities within the zone. Expropriated land is
ing period with the local land administration in case of first converted and registered as state owned upon the
dispute over compensation, appeal of the local decision completion of zone taking. After offset land selection,
to a land price review committee, and filing adminis- such offset land will be reregistered as privately owned
trative litigation with a court. land. The remaining construction land sold to devel-
Zone taking, in contrast, represents the de facto opers will also be registered as the developer-owned
permission of the local authorities to take private land. In the end, only the land used for public facilities
property for commercial purposes with landowners remains state owned.

Source: DRC and World Bank staff research.

42 Urban China conference edition

urban master plans and include transparent rights to rural homestead land are limited:
public consultation. This practice has been with strong emphasis on collective member-
instrumental in limiting excesses in develop- ship, farmers only have the right to occupy
ment, while maintaining support from farm- and use land, but not the right to profit from
ers who enjoy large increases in the value of it. In reality, large amounts of collective con-
their converted land (Box O.4). International struction land have also entered the urban
experience with land value capture could market illegally, particularly in China’s
also inform this policy reform (see chapter eastern coastal areas and large cities. Land
8, “Financing Urbanization”). This model market development and deepening in both
may provide an applicable approach to bal- urban and rural areas and the integration
ance the property interests of collectives and of rural and urban construction land mar-
farmers in peri-urban areas with the need for kets will be essential to ensure land avail-
the government to provide and finance pub- ability for urbanization, facilitate integrated
lic infrastructure. A new zone-taking law rural and urban development, and gradually
could permit urban development of a com- replace current practices of government-led
mercial nature, whereby farmers affected by land requisition and conversion toward more
the change in land use benefit in two ways: efficient market-based allocation of land.
(1) they receive part of the now urban land There is growing consensus that collective
and can benefit from its development; and rural construction land should be allowed to
(2) they would be protected by stronger legal enter the urban market directly. Many locali-
and procedural safeguards in expropriation. ties, including Anhui, Chongqing, Guang-
dong, Jiangsu, Chengdu, and Zhejiang, have
already experimented with innovative mea-
Developing rural construction sures to let collective construction land be
land markets leased, transferred, or mortgaged. Because
Alternatives to the currently dominant of current legal prohibitions, however, col-
method of land conversion by local govern- lective construction land cannot enter the
ments are needed. A more market-driven urban land market formally, and such efforts
approach to land conversion has several remain at the level of piloting and experi-
advantages including a more efficient allo- menting. Building on the experiments, China
cation of resources and reduced social ten- could consider revisions to the Land Manage-
sions. Following strict government regula- ment Law to clarify the equal market entry
tions, wasteful conversion of land would of collective and State construction land.
be avoided because conversion would take Eventually, regulations should clarify which
place only if a private developer considers land will be allowed to enter into the urban
conversion a profitable venture and the col- construction land market, in what ways, and
lective sees benefits in the transaction. The how benefits could be shared. Collective con-
purchase and development would take place struction land that has already entered the
at a time and a price supported by the mar- urban market in the past should be classified,
ket. Furthermore, social tensions and conflict integrated into urban master plans, and man-
with local government would be minimized, aged according to the law.
because the government would not be a party Rights to homestead land need to be
to the transaction and the price would be set strengthened and clarified. Homestead land is
by the market. The market price would likely unique in China’s rural land property rights
also be higher than the compensation usually system. According to the law, only collective
offered in government-led conversions. members are entitled to homestead land with
In line with plans and regulations of land one plot per household. The law does not
use, collective organizations can use land allow transferring or leasing of rural residen-
for collective nonagricultural industrial and tial land. In reality, homestead land has been
commercial activities, but under the current leased and transferred in many regions, and
law, they cannot lease collective construction reforms need to take into account the law
land to noncollective entities for commercial and the reality. Enhancing de-facto property
or industrial development. Furthermore, the rights to rural homestead land is important
conference edition overview 43

for promoting rural-urban factor mobility for boosting the availability of low-income
and construction land market integration. housing and for allowing collective organiza-
Farmers’ usufruct property rights to tions and rural residents in peri-urban areas
homestead land are defined under the law, to economically benefit from urbanization
but their entitlements are only confined to as construction land markets are allowed to
the “right to occupy” and the “right to use.” develop based on stronger land rights. As dis-
The “right to profit” is not defined. As part cussed, revisions of the Land Management
of the reform, the definition of usufruct Law and other laws are needed, along with
property rights to homestead land should be the formulation of implementation guidelines
harmonized with the general usufruct prop- to allow rural collective organizations in peri-
erty rights—that is, to extend to the right to urban areas to develop collective construc-
profit. At the same time, given the acceler- tion land to developers for urban commer-
ated urbanization of the people, especially cial and residential development within the
the conversion of farmers to urban residents, framework of urban master plans. Through
the membership identities of homestead land appropriate zoning, local governments could
and the nontradable nature of such land provide incentives to build low-income hous-
have made effective land use more difficult, ing in those areas while avoiding resettlement
and farmers find it impossible to realize the and demolition costs under government land
value of their homestead properties. Govern- taking, since collective construction land
ment could select different types of regions to remains under collective ownership.
conduct reform pilots on the homestead land
system, to explore fee-based access to and use
of homestead land as well as the trading and
Optimizing urban land use
transfer of homestead land, and break down China would benefit from replacing its cur-
the boundaries of homestead land mem- rent standards-driven urban planning sys-
bers and village communities. The goal is to tem with a more dynamic system that would
gradually move toward a system of property facilitate efficient land use and better coor-
rights entitlements in return for the right to dination between planning and finance.
benefits payout. Land use regulation must Based on good international practice,
be strengthened under such pilot programs. the system would incorporate the follow-
In addition, as the mortgage, guarantee, and ing: strategic and long-term economic plan-
transfer of farmers’ homes and homestead ning; coordination of sectoral plans and
land are important components of farmers’ finance; consideration of the impact of pro-
property rights to homestead land, a number posed developments on key urban systems
of pilot regions should experiment with the such as transportation, environment, public
mortgage, guarantee, and transfer of farm- services; enhanced public and private par-
ers’ homes and their use/rights to homestead ticipation; and performance monitoring.
land, and to roll out such reforms when University urban planning schools, the urban
conditions are in place. Such an approach planning profession, as well as key ministries
could help harmonize farmers’ home prop- would need to adopt the new system. Urban
erty rights with urban rights to residential planning competitions could lead to more
property. The inequality of these rights is a innovative plans that identify efficient land
major contributor to China’s rural and urban use patterns.
income disparities. Land use in cities needs to become mar-
ket based. The current bias toward industrial
land and the subsidization of industrial land
Innovation in land institutions in to attract industry risks locking China into its
peri-urban areas industrial past, creates barriers for the devel-
opment of the services industry, and keeps
Integrating urban villages into the formal housing prices high. Furthermore, local gov-
urban development process could increase ernment could reclaim land allocated to public
land supply for urban development. Inte- entities, which covers large areas within cit-
gration would also provide opportunities ies, such as public spaces, and is often used
44 Urban China conference edition

inefficiently, and put part of that land into reformed to allow developers to subdivide
the market. How the value increases on such superblocks and sell individual plots, with
land should be clarified. Urban land zoning specific FARs and zoning regulations, to
that is sensitive to demand and allocation of third parties. This type of transaction, driven
all land use titles by auction would in many by rising land prices, is fundamental to incre-
cities lead to less land used for industry and mental densification.
more for commerce and housing. With ris- Smaller plots and mixed land-use can
ing land prices resulting from market-based be encouraged in new developments. Chi-
allocation, land-intensive industry would nese cities should move from superblocks to
move to secondary cities and rural areas, and smaller plots with finer grain connectivity.
redeveloped industrial land could be rezoned Typical urban blocks in developed coun-
for mixed use. With the expiration of the tries measure 150 meters by 150 meters and
first 40-year lease terms for industrial land, have several plots; China, in contrast uses a
China’s local governments have an oppor- much larger scale (box O.6). Reducing the
tunity to recycle inefficiently used industrial size of blocks would help create more vibrant
land. This land can be rezoned and rehabili- urban land markets and favor competition
tated and be made available for competitive from smaller developers. Smaller blocks are
auctioning for other than industrial purposes, also essential to integrate neighborhoods for
thus meeting the needs for industrial upgrad- higher agglomeration economies and pro-
ing and shifting land from industry to services mote infill development.
and residential use. Reforms in the urban land Land use optimization and intensification
market also should introduce transparency in is required at the building, neighborhood,
the secondary land market transactions. In and metropolitan scales. At the building and
urban areas, the government monopolizes block scale, traditional medium-height (five
the primary land market, whereas the market to seven floors) perimeter blocks of about
for follow-on transactions (that is, the sec- 100 meters a side offer the highest potential
ondary market) remains underdeveloped and for densification, with gross FAR (including
opaque. Local governments generally lack infrastructure) usually three times higher
the means to monitor transactions on the sec- than towers-in-a-park superblocks of 400
ondary land market. In particular, when land meters a side. At the neighborhood scale,
is converted for purposes with a higher value, the density of urban fabric can be balanced
the government would fail in most cases to by a fine mesh of streets irrigating the urban
benefit or capture the value from related land fabric and by a dense distribution of public
transactions. Regulations should require reg- parks and amenities. At the metropolitan
istration of all urban land transactions with scale, planners need to identify the areas
local land registries. More complete registra- where infill would increase the compactness
tion would allow local governments to collect and decrease the fragmentation of the urban
fees from transactions and to capture a share area. Moreover, planners can give an efficient
of the value increase in urban land. shape to metropolitan growth by concentrat-
Flexible zoning regulations would encour- ing densification actions along transportation
age more efficient development of urban corridors and discouraging leapfrog and edge
areas and reduce the need for further land sprawl (box O.7).
conversion.56 The floor area ratio, a measure A property tax would help optimize land
of building density, would be better applied use. In Supporting Report 6, a property
at the individual building plot rather than tax is proposed as part of the fiscal reform
the superblock level, and a more streamlined agenda to realign local government revenues
process can be developed to allow for den- with expenditures. An additional benefit of a
sification of existing plots based on market property tax would be the creation of incen-
demands and priorities, creating incentives tives for development of underdeveloped and
for development within existing built-up vacant land and increased land transactions.
areas instead of the urban periphery (box In some countries, cities have opted for a split-
O.5). Moreover, the planning system can be rate property tax to provide the incentive of
conference edition overview 45

BOX O.5 Seoul becomes a global city by recalibrating regulations and market instruments

Home to more than 10 million people, producing ous classes of activities, and require national govern-
one-quarter of national GDP on 1 percent of its land ment approval for land development projects exceeding
area, Seoul is the Republic of Korea’s interlocutor 1 million square meters. In the 1970s, a greenbelt strat-
with the global economy. The surrounding Seoul egy was employed to constrain Seoul’s growth, while 14
Metropolitan Area (SMA), consisting of 29 cities cities were to be promoted across the country.
(including Seoul and Incheon) and four counties, These controls were not successful. Investors and
contains half the nation’s population and dominates citizens led a rapid succession of new projects, includ-
the national economy, generating around half the ing residential complexes, metropolitan highways, new
national GDP on 12 percent of the country’s area. towns, and a new international hub airport—bypass-
Over the past 70 years, however, a tension has ing the objective of limiting growth. Moreover, the
arisen over how best to manage the SMA. Some, controls hurt efficiency: over 200,000 factories in the
concerned that rapid SMA growth would lead to SMA were unregistered, contributing to unmanaged
regional imbalances, argued that growth should be urban development. And urban growth became frag-
constrained with strict regulation. Others called for mented, exacerbating congestion and environmental
free-market initiatives to promote further develop- degradation.
ment, allowing the country’s strongest economic As Korea sought to position Seoul as a 21st-century
base to flourish. world city, the government relaxed quantity limits that
In time, even the strongest regulations enacted to restricted the location of new colleges, firms, indus-
contain Seoul’s growth have lost ground to local and trial estates, and housing sites. It adopted price instru-
global market forces. Quantitative measures included ments, levying a development charge on new com-
regulations to restrict development in certain areas, mercial buildings. By recalibrating city management
impose fines on buildings exceeding allowable param- through deregulation and market instruments, Korea
eters, limit allocations of land to industry, limit the is making Seoul’s quest to become a global city more
industrial output allowed in the SMA, prohibit vari- likely to succeed.

Source: Urbanization study team.

BOX O.6 The lack of connectivity and fine grain networks in Chinese urban development

The following pictures illustrate the size of blocks nectivity and the increase of average distances between
and impacts on connectivity of a series of cities in intersections in recent urban developments in China.
Europe, Japan, and China. It shows the lack of con-

Pudong Towers
Turin Barcelona Paris Ginza Tokyo Shanghai North Beijing
Intersections 152 103 133 211 17 14
per km²
Distance between 80 130 150 43 280 400
intersections (m)

Source: Salat 2013.

46 Urban China conference edition

BOX O.7 Comparing urban densities in two areas of Shanghai

Pudong is often considered a model of high-density is lower than in Puxi because of the large infrastruc-
urban development. The two figures below com- ture (highways and parking space) and setbacks asso-
pare two districts—Pudong and Puxi—located on ciated with large-scale buildings. The coverage ratio
the opposite side of the Huangpu River. Despite the is only about 14 percent, and gross urban density is
higher buildings in Pudong, the gross urban density only 1.2.

800m × 800m squares

HongKou—Puxi Lujiazui—Pudong
Building type Low-rise housing Towers
Coverage ratio 53% 14%
Gross urban density 1.9 1.2

Source: Salat 2013.

lower taxes for capital investment in building large scale along major urban transport cor-
improvements, and tax away the speculative ridors. The urban rail network will reach
value of holding undeveloped property within 3,000 kilometers by 2015 and double that by
the urban growth area, thus promoting infill 2020, with over RMB 4 trillion in cumulative
and redevelopment. Experience in several investment. The high speed and express rail
communities in Pennsylvania indicates that a network is also expected to reach all major
split-rate property tax can be an effective tool cities of more than 500,000 people by 2020.
to stimulate central city revitalization. This Development can be focused along urban
form of tax also is implemented in Sydney; transport corridors. Along with public tran-
Hong Kong SAR, China; and Pittsburgh, as sit improvements, certain corridors could be
well as cities in Denmark and Finland. assigned higher development intensities, and
local governments could channel land conver-
sion quotas to these areas by allowing trans-
Coordinating land use planning fer of land conversion quotas from slower-
with housing, infrastructure, and growing areas outside the corridors. To
financing foster more coordinated development around
transport nodes, changes in zone ordinances
It is critical that land use be coordinated with should be simplified, allowing higher FARs,
infrastructure provision that meets current population density, and building heights
needs as well as projected future demand. around transit stations and specially desig-
Higher densities in cities can drive economic nated boulevards and plots (box O.8). Land
growth, but they also require additional use regulations can encourage a mix of resi-
infrastructure investments to ensure that the dential, commercial, and special industrial
benefits from density are not overshadowed uses (media and entertainment) and con-
by congestion, environmental, or other costs. fer the right to adapt and reuse commercial
China has a unique historic opportunity to buildings as housing, especially in boulevard
apply Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and transit station areas. Government could
and to optimize and intensify land use on a provide developers with “additional” FARs
conference edition overview 47

BOX O.8 Seoul’s spatial strategy: Differentiation and higher densities around metro nodes

Seoul’s spatial structure is compact (expansion is � FAR of 10 in part of the CBD, 8 in the rest of the
restricted by hills and by the northern border) and CBD and subcenters
polycentric, with a large central business district (CBD) � FAR of 0.5 to 4 in residential areas
but many important subcenters. A gridlike metro sys- � FARs are higher in areas around main metro nodes
tem links the various subcenters and the CBD. The
floor area ratio (FAR) in Seoul is linked to the location
of metro stations and to the network of main streets:

Source: Bertaud 2004.

to build affordable rental housing and to keep prices. Zoning policies could require or cre-
unit prices manageable and accessible to low- ate incentives for developers to include low-
income households. Innovative land-value- income housing in new large-scale housing
capture mechanisms should be introduced and mixed-use developments. The share of
to support the construction and operation low-income housing is usually around 10–20
of the necessary transport and other urban percent of the housing stock in OECD coun-
infrastructure. tries. Developers and property owners could
Existing urban areas can be regenerated be allowed to increase densities and use
to provide affordable housing and minimize additional FARs to provide low-income and
low-density development and sprawl. Inter- affordable housing. In addition, the govern-
national experience suggests that suburban ment could provide special subsidies for the
development generates economic benefits construction of affordable housing units.
that peak in five to seven years. Regenera- Several countries have used “inclusionary”
tion of urban cores to provide affordable or “incentive” zoning successfully; for exam-
housing in established cities requires higher ple, Fairfax County, Virginia, approved
up-front costs because of the more complex a plan to rezone an area around a subway
civil works, upgrading of public spaces, and station to increase density substantially and
improvement of existing services required. required the developer to devote at least 5
Once revitalized, however, these urban cores percent of the development to affordable
become self-sustaining because they attract housing. Affordable housing can be built on
further investments for a considerably longer vacant, abandoned, and underdeveloped gov-
period of time. ernment land, including parking lots around
Incentives can be provided to ensure that public buildings; low density structures in
needed housing is constructed at affordable areas zoned for high-density development;
48 Urban China conference edition

and land around railroads, airports, and opportunity may emerge for rural collec-
oversized roads. The rehabilitation of exist- tives in peri-urban areas to develop or lease
ing and older buildings to minimum safety collective construction land for commer-
standards could also provide reasonable and cial and residential development within the
affordable housing for low-income people. framework of urban master plans. Such an
Integrating urban village land into urban approach, based on ongoing experiments,
development could boost the availability would allow collectives and their members
of low-income housing. As the property with no farm income to receive income from
rights on rural land are further clarified, an urban land development.
overview 49

Chapter 7 Reforming Hukou, Social Services, and

Labor Market Institutions
China’s urbanization faces two inequalities: Reforming hukou
a “new dualism” between local hukou and
migrant populations, and the “old dualism” To create a mobile and versatile labor force
of urban and rural disparities. China can with equal access to a common standard of
build a more inclusive and productive labor public services the household registration
market, one that would help to increase the system would need to move from an ori-
gin-based to a residence-based system. The
efficiency of urbanization and overcome both
hukou system and residency system can oper-
the new and old dualisms, by reforming the
ate in parallel, as similar systems do in Japan
hukou system to reduce the barriers to mobil-
(see box O.3). A residency registration would
ity. More migration will reduce the labor sur-
provide access to location specific services
plus in the countryside more rapidly, which
such as education, health care, welfare, and
would increase rural wages relative to urban
affordable housing, whereas hukou could be
wages, thus reducing urban-rural inequali-
maintained to provide rights such as access
ties. Better integration of migrants into urban
to land profits. As land reforms and pension
areas will offer them access to better jobs and
reforms progress, the rights derived from
more opportunity to acquire property and
hukou could be adjusted. In March 2011, the
thus to benefit from capital gains. Equalizing
State Council called for a gradual rollout of
access to social services between migrants the residence permit system and requested
and local hukou holders in urban areas and, that institutions take steps to improve regis-
over time, across China will contribute to a tration of temporary populations in the cities.
more inclusive society. The central government would define the
Equalizing access to basic social services in principles and national framework for the
urban areas requires the reform of the hukou residence-based system and provide guide-
system. Making social entitlements available lines for local governments to follow, includ-
to all workers and their families in their areas ing the system by which local governments
of residence would deepen the human capi- would grant residency to people who live in
tal base and promote a healthier workforce. a specific locality and the sequence of entitle-
It would improve intergenerational income ments that accrue upon attaining a residence
mobility, reduce future inequalities, and alle- permit. In the short to medium term, it may
viate social tensions. not be practical to expect common eligibil-
The full benefits of a residence-based ity criteria (such as the number of years of
system will be realized at the national level residence or of social insurance contribu-
and therefore a national, unified approach is tions), but the central government should set
needed. The fiscal system should allow for minimum guidelines for local governments to
the financing of a basic package of social ben- follow and create a time-bound pathway for
efits across China while providing incentives extending access privileges.
for local governments to top up the package Local governments can define the sequenc-
for all residents, if possible, and holding local ing of access to privileges and the qualify-
authorities accountable for providing services ing periods to move from one step of the
to all residents. The fiscal implications of the entitlement sequence to the next. Already,
basic package are likely to be significant, but many localities have implemented local-
reforms in health, education, social protec- ized residence permit systems with different
tion, and social housing, and cross-cutting approaches and requirements, from more lib-
reforms in accountability for service delivery, eral ones in small cities, to strict point-based
could contain costs and increase efficiency. systems in Guangdong and Shanghai. In the
50 Urban China conference edition

initial phases, it is unlikely that all social years of free compulsory education, access to
entitlements of current local residents could basic public health care services, social secu-
accrue to new residents immediately upon rity (medical and old-age pensions) for formal
obtaining a residence permit, but for the very sector workers and residents, a social assis-
fundamental rights, requirements should tance program, and a welfare housing system
be very simple and low. Cities should seek (12th Five Year Plan for 2011–15). Extend-
to reduce the current prioritization of those ing access to this package for migrants under
with higher socioeconomic status. With time, the current modality of service delivery will
the scope and content of basic public services require additional annual resources of about
would have to be standardized based on 1.5 percent of GDP.
national guidelines, and the conditions and The current policy on migrant children’s
requirements to obtain a local residence per- right to universal compulsory education is
mit would converge. Such convergence would already residence based, and migrant chil-
be supported by broader reforms in the fiscal dren attend public and private (minban)
and taxation systems, equalization of public schools. Equalization options could include
services, and rural-urban integration. sending migrant children in public schools to
An information technology platform private schools with a public subsidy to cover
developed according to national standards their fees. The annual cost is in the vicinity of
would facilitate implementation of the resi- 0.45 percent of GDP.
dence system and will be particularly impor- Equalizing access to health services for
tant for the exchange of population data migrants in the cities requires improving
across jurisdictions. The platform would access to public health programs and basic
provide quantitative information for making medical care, as well as expanding the urban
fiscal allocations, as well as supply data for health insurance scheme through conversion
monitoring and evaluation. of migrants’ current eligibility in the volun-
Additional fiscal resources and a rebal- tary and subsidized national rural scheme.
ancing of central and local financing respon- The annual total cost would be about 0.1–
sibilities will be needed. Cities need to 0.3 percent of GDP, depending on which
be subsidized for the increased costs of pro- urban insurance scheme is targeted.
viding services to migrants through reallo- Rural migrants could be incorporated into
cation of provincial resources from rural either the current urban worker pension sys-
areas. Because this reallocation is likely to be tem or the new rural pension system, depend-
achieved only gradually, a transitional subsidy ing on their hukou. The annual total cost is
to cities to entice them to deliver social ser- in the vicinity of 0.3–0.5 percent of GDP,
vices would accelerate integration of migrants. depending on the option.
In the medium term, fiscal system reforms Migrant workers and their families should
of both revenue and expenditure are needed be eligible for social assistance (dibao) pay-
to finance national minimum standards for ments after they acquire residency and meet
social services across China, which should be qualifying conditions. Currently, more than
carefully calibrated to fit fiscal capacity and 70 percent of urban and rural dibao aggre-
would need to be phased in. Local authori- gate expenditures are financed by the central
ties could provide a top-up for all residents government, providing a financial basis for
in their jurisdiction if desired, and the pri- improved access to urban dibao and other
vate sector could also help create fiscal space assistance programs for migrants. Assuming
through high-end medical services, private the incidence of dibao receipt among migrants
third-pillar pensions, and private schools. is similar to that of urban hukou residents, the
annual cost of covering these additional fami-
lies is about 0.04 percent of GDP.
Extending access to basic A policy that encourages a rental market
services to migrants within cities for low-income housing would give migrants
access to affordable housing. Homeowner-
The current package of social services pro- ship is not fiscally possible, but neither is it
vided to China’s urban residents includes nine economically desirable because renters, being
conference edition overview 51

more mobile, contribute to the efficiency of the services to new arrivals: in addition to a gain
labor market. Research has shown that econ- in the tax base, they would also receive larger
omies with small rental sectors face higher transfers from the center to accommodate
migration costs and labor rigidity. Demand- the delivery of the basic package. Beyond
side subsidies based on a means-tested target- the basic package, provinces, cities, or towns
ing approach would address the housing needs may raise the standard for their jurisdiction,
of the lowest-income households. The annual but they would be responsible for provid-
total cost is around 0.1–0.4 percent of GDP, ing additional funding. Cities could decide
depending on eligibility assumptions. to raise the standard because they are more
affluent, because their residents demand dif-
ferent or better services and are willing to pay
Equalizing access to services higher taxes, or because they wish to attract
across China new residents. Experiments will reveal best
practices, especially combined with the pos-
In China, services are easier to access and sibility for easier migration following hukou
are of better quality in urban areas than in reform. Cities will have to seek an affordable
rural areas. Recognizing the importance balance that satisfies their residents and the
of improving services in rural areas, the needs of their local economy.
national government needs to establish a The urban health delivery system would
basic minimum package of services that need to be strengthened to cope with the
would be offered to all citizens, with the expected increase in demand. This could be
fiscal system enabling every jurisdiction to achieved by improving primary health ser-
meet this standard. This minimum standard vices and coordination among health provid-
of service would also reduce the incentive to ers; integrating and ensuring portability of
migrate for the purpose of receiving better health insurance to allow citizens to choose
services rather than for better employment. the best treatment; strengthening health
This basic package should be complemented promotion and illness prevention in urban
by clear quality standards for various ser- settings; and implementing effective cost
vices (national or provincial), which should containment and quality improvement mea-
focus on outcomes (such as graduation rates sures. Provider payment reform, an effective
and test scores in basic education), but which cost containment measure and one impor-
could also specify per student public expen- tant element of this reform, should replace
diture, percent of qualified teachers in each the dominant fee-for-service payment system
school, and other inputs. The fiscal system with a combination of capitation-based and
would have to accommodate minimum stan- diagnosis-related group-based system, which
dards, which would require careful calibra- internationally has a proven track record for
tion so that China can afford them. It would containing the costs of inpatient care.
also require a system of fiscal equalization Narrowing the disparities in quality of
that takes into account a locality’s own rev- basic education and expanding access to
enue potential as well as expenditure needs senior secondary and early childhood edu-
based on the requirements for meeting the cation will be needed. Reform in financing
minimum standards (see chapter 8). Account- would facilitate minimum standard setting
ability systems should be in place to enforce for every level of education and ensure central
these standards, and to achieve this, China transfers for equal access to and the quality of
could use three broad channels: government, education for poor rural localities and disad-
citizen-based, and choice-based systems. vantaged children. Demand-side mechanisms
Fiscal resources should follow people. The that stimulate competition and allow higher
fiscal system should be closely linked to the levels of private provision can satisfy the selec-
new modern residence system—once people tive needs of some parents. Teachers’ incen-
have moved to a new location, registration tives need to be realigned to improve quality
would increase the population count used for of instruction and strengthen school manage-
fiscal allocations. Such a link would reduce ment to meet the needs of migrant students
the resistance of receiving cities to delivering and parents, as well as the larger community
52 Urban China conference edition

whose children already attend public schools. (city) to prefecture, from prefecture to prov-
Peer tutoring programs, computer-assisted ince, and finally to a nationwide setting.
learning tutoring programs, after-school sup- Increased service delivery sophistica-
port, tuition, and resource personnel targeted tion and ambitious equalization goals call
at migrant students and their families will for greater accountability for outcomes,
further support the integration of migrant cost-effectiveness, and transparency. Given
children. the scale of China’s challenge to increase
Pension reforms are required to facili- accountability for better results in service
tate labor mobility, narrow gaps in pension delivery, it will be important to make prog-
benefits, and cope with population aging. ress through three broad channels: govern-
In the short run, national guidelines could ment, citizen-based, and choice or market-
ease the transfer of pension rights and ben- based. Compared to most countries, China
efits between schemes and locations. In the has traditionally relied less on citizen and
long run, the urban worker pension scheme choice or market-based accountability chan-
could be reformed through introduction of nels in the social sectors. Even within govern-
a notional defined-contribution design while ment, mechanisms with significant potential
developing a financing strategy to resolve for increasing accountability are underused.
the legacy cost outside the reformed pension Government systems can promote better per-
system. These reforms would lower the exist- formance from service providers by linking
ing high contribution rates, provide stronger budgetary transfers to the performance of
incentives for employers and employees to subnational governments. Human resource
contribute, and realize the objective of a tar- management and compensation systems
geted replacement rate. and facility-based management initiatives
Migrant workers with labor contracts can could also become more performance-based
be encouraged to join the reformed urban channels. Regulation, accreditation, and
workers’ pension scheme to reduce the gov- licensing systems for providers are increas-
ernment subsidies needed for the rural resi- ingly important tools and are expected to be
dents’ pension scheme. To phase in reforms, core elements of the modern and diversi-
pooling could proceed first at the provincial fied system of social service provision in
level and then be expanded to the national China. Citizen-based channels for enhanc-
level, supported by an integrated national ing accountability could be strengthened
data management system underpinning the by providing more public information on
nationally pooled and integrated system. service delivery costs and performance (an
Finally, gradual reforms in retirement age area where China already has started pro-
and rules for raising pensions in compensa- gram-specific transparency initiatives, for
tion for price and welfare increases (index- instance, the publication of the dibao list)
ation) would ensure the adequacy of pension and harnessing information efforts to gener-
benefits and the sustainability of the pension ate citizen oversight and feedback on service
system over time. delivery performance. A further channel for
Reforming dibao and other social assis- citizen involvement is more direct incorpora-
tance programs requires consolidation, stan- tion into management and oversight institu-
dardization across space, and harmonization tions. Choice and market-based channels to
with antipoverty interventions in poor coun- promote accountability will require greater
ties and other social programs. Currently, reliance on demand-side financing of services
dibao thresholds vary across China, reflecting where appropriate and greater public pur-
its highly decentralized implementation. Most chasing of social services.
high- and middle-income countries apply a
unified formula for determining eligibility for
national welfare programs, while maintain- Improving labor market
ing some flexibility, including regional cost-
of-living adjustments. China could gradually
move toward a more systematic approach in Upgrading human capital of workers
determining eligibility thresholds from county through on-the-job training and in learning
conference edition overview 53

institutions would increase geographic, occu- countries—would be an important step in

pational, and sectoral mobility and promote this direction. Further, while income taxes
agglomeration effects. Promoting a more are low for most of the population, by inter-
modular and competency-based technical national standards, the total burden of taxes
and vocational education and training sys- and social premiums is higher than in most
tem and reforming the tertiary education sys- OECD countries and well above East Asian
tem to focus on increasing the labor market regional comparators. Parametric reforms
relevance of higher education would bring in pension systems (extending the pension
positive returns. In addition, greater coordi- age, removing legacy costs from the pension
nation of the technical and academic educa- system) offer potential for reduction in pen-
tion streams would allow students to move sion premiums, while shifting the burden to
between them with due credit for competen- more broad-based revenue sources. Finally,
cies acquired in either system. with the passage and implementation of the
Strengthening labor market institutions Labor Contract Law, employment protection
that facilitate efficient labor market transac- in China has become higher than the average
tions, balance wage and productivity growth, rate of protection in OECD countries. The
and mediate labor disputes would promote medium- and long-term impacts of enforc-
mobility. Reorienting the basic function ing this law should be carefully monitored, so
of the minimum wage from a minimum- that improvements and amendments can be
income guarantee to an instrument of col- made as needed.
lective bargaining—more common in OECD
54 Urban China

Chapter 8 Reforming Urban Finance

The context of the reforms migrants and their families in urban areas.
Revenues from land conversion are likely to
Urban finance reform is the cornerstone for taper off, so new local revenue sources are
efficient, inclusive, and sustainable urbaniza- needed to replace lost revenue in a manner
tion. Fiscal and financial reforms would need that is neutral to the type of economic activ-
to be aligned with the changing role of the ity. Properly regulated access to borrow-
state and provide local governments with ing will be needed to finance infrastructure
incentives to pursue evolving national goals. investment. The financial sector will need
China faces the challenging task of eliminat- to efficiently intermediate capital to meet
ing disparities in service levels between urban local governments’ needs for infrastructure
residents and migrant workers and putting in finance, and at the same time impose finan-
place infrastructure and social services that cial discipline on local governments and avoid
can accommodate around 300 million new financial sector disruption. Finally, the private
migrants in cities in the next two decades. sector could play a larger role in financing
Over time, the fiscal system needs to finance and delivering infrastructure and other public
a minimum level of services across the coun- services.
try. With reforms, the fiscal benefits from A comprehensive reform—rather than
urbanization and the scope for raising addi- piecemeal changes to the system—is called
tional revenues will be adequate to accom- for. Under the current financing system, it
modate the rising expenditure needs as well is difficult to separate reforms in tax and
as a projected decline in revenues from land its administration, intergovernmental fiscal
conversion as China’s urbanization becomes arrangements, land finance, urban infrastruc-
more efficient. ture financing, and local debt management,
Reforms are needed to address underlying and therefore it is necessary to consider how
problems rather than to simply fill the financ- the various elements of the reform package fit
ing gap for public services and infrastructure together and the joint impact they may have
spending. China’s urbanization has revealed on the economy. Some elements of the reform
several weaknesses in the fiscal and financial can be accomplished quickly, for example, by
systems that have contributed to making Chi- reassigning some expenditure responsibili-
nese economic growth less efficient and less ties. Others should be phased—beginning in
inclusive, including an overreliance on land provincial cities and moving later to other cit-
financing, unregulated borrowing by local ies. Yet others should be implemented in the
governments, fiscal distortions that skew the longer run. In this way, the proposed compre-
location decisions of enterprises and people, hensive reform package could be introduced
and a lack of discipline on local government gradually.
spending decisions.
Accommodating the changing role of gov-
ernment will be the centerpiece of the urban Reforming government sources
finance reforms. A reformed system should
of revenue
more clearly separate the function of govern-
ment as the provider of equitable and efficient The fiscal system is an important incen-
public services from the investment and pro- tive mechanism—and the revenue base and
duction functions of other government sec- transfer system should be reformed to pro-
tors. The fiscal system will need to support vide local governments with the resources
the movement of people and enterprises to the and incentives to provide public services to
places where they are most productive rather all residents, while increasingly taking on
than to where they get the best tax or land the role as enabler of urban development and
deal from local government. Public finances growth rather than as active developer of
will need to accommodate the integration of land and urban expansion. Local government
conference edition overview 55

incentives to attract investments and retain publish annual reports on tax expenditures
enterprises would need to be rebalanced to that reveal such support. The European
curtail inefficient tax competition and sup- Union regulates the type of state support that
port for unviable enterprises. Reforming a country is allowed to provide enterprises,
the tax structure and tax-sharing system is limiting it to those activities that support EU-
important in this respect, but so are rules that wide objectives such as regional development
would regulate other sources of support— and research and development (box O.9).
including cheap land, subsidized utilities, and A solid revenue base for local governments
tax reductions. One step could be to require is important for efficiency and account-
local governments to publish information ability. It is common in unitary states that
on the support they give to enterprises, pos- subnational governments spend more than
sibly through an annex in the annual bud- they raise themselves, not least because
get. Countries like Chile, India, and Korea some taxes, like the value added tax (VAT),

BOX O.9 EU rules on investment incentives

Government financial support for corporate facility math of the global financial crisis, special temporary
investment and expansion continues to be common rules regulated state aid to financial institutions. EU
practice in most parts of the world. Economic devel- rules apply to a wide range of instruments, includ-
opment agencies in many parts of North America ing grants; low-interest loans or interest rebates; state
and Asia can provide an attractive incentives pack- guarantees; the purchase of a shareholding or an alter-
age for potential investors. Countries in the Euro- native provision of capital on favorable terms; exemp-
pean Union are different: European agencies are tions or reductions in taxes, social security, or other
constrained in their ability to provide incentives by compulsory charges; or the supply of land, goods, or
rules set by the EU’s European Commission. There services at favorable prices.
are comparatively few tax incentives, because the The European Commission’s Directorate of Com-
European Commission considers “fiscal state aid” petition Policy sets ceilings called the “maximum aid
to be harmful and therefore prohibits it in most intensity” for the level of incentives that can be pro-
cases. Rules on state aid are covered under Article vided. For regional aid, these ceilings are based on
107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Euro- the average GDP in each region, which means that
pean Union (TFEU), which lays down a general rule the less affluent areas of Europe have higher ceilings,
that the state may not aid or subsidize private parties unlike the more prosperous parts of Europe where the
in distortion of free competition, although it may ceiling is often zero and no incentives are allowed.
approve exceptions for specific projects addressing Subsidies are allowed in regions with an average per
natural disasters or regional development. capita income less than 75 percent of the EU average.
Measures that fall within the definition of state Subsidies up to 30 percent aid intensity apply in those
aid are unlawful unless provided under an exemp- regions; aid intensity can reach 50 percent in regions
tion or notified. State aid is defined under Article with per capita income of less than 45 percent of EU
107(1) of the TFEU as the transfer of member state average. The ceilings can also differ based on the size
resources that creates a selective advantage for one of the company and the size of the project. The ceil-
or more business undertakings; that has the poten- ings are expressed as a percentage of either a project’s
tial to distort trade in the relevant business market; capital expenditure or the payroll of any new employ-
and that affects trade between the member states. ment generated by a project in the first two years. For
Where all of these criteria are met, state financial R&D, the variations in the allowed aid intensities are
support is unlawful unless provided under a Euro- based on the size of the market failure in specific R&D
pean Commission exemption. State aid rules are activities. They range from 100 percent for fundamen-
defined for specific areas, including research and tal research to 50 percent for industrial research to 25
development (R&D) and regional aid. In the after- percent for experimental development.

Source: European Commission 2013; Dressler 2013.

56 Urban China conference edition

are better administered nationally. But this as administrative capacity increases. Further,
means that grants from the central govern- transitional arrangements may be needed
ment are needed for the subnational govern- that limit revenues in the short run, includ-
ment to make ends meet. A better system ing a grace period of two or three years that
would ensure that a considerable portion of would allow people to adjust their holdings
local expenditures are financed by local taxes of real estate before the tax takes effect.
under the control of local government. This The tax should be broadly based to achieve
system would impose financial discipline on its revenue and incentives goals; the current
local governments because the imposition experiments in Shanghai and Chongqing are
of local taxes could be directly linked to the too narrow to be of much consequence, and
appointed local leadership, thus increasing a national system of property taxes should be
their accountability to residents of the local- more ambitious in its goals. China is steadily
ity they administer. Further, a tax on those moving toward legislations on property taxes
who benefit from locally provided services while also improving the local taxation sys-
would lead local governments to align ben- tem and developing mainstream taxes for
efits and costs of public spending. Finally, local governments. The share of property
local governments are best served by a tax taxes will eventually increase and is expected
base that is relatively stable, because they to exceed 1 percent of GDP, although this
usually have more limited access to financing level will be reached only over time as admin-
than the central government does and, unlike istrative capacity increases.
the central government, have no role in mac- Other local revenue sources have consider-
roeconomic stabilization policies. able potential. Some cities such as Shanghai
A property tax on housing would provide already auction car license plates, which lim-
a stable source of local government revenue its car use to sustainable levels. Higher vehicle
that is aligned with service delivery benefits. registration fees and excise taxes on fuels can
Property taxes are a mainstay of local gov- be implemented with special arrangements
ernments in both developing and developed for public transport to limit impact on pub-
economies. A property tax can fulfill two lic transport prices. Local income and sales
important objectives in China: it can be taxes could be charged in the cities where jobs
both a quasi-user charge for urban services are located and consumption occurs.
and a tax on wealth holdings in real prop- Increasing prices of urban services such
erty. Property taxes are never popular with as mass transit, solid waste collection, water,
constituents, but that is part of the rationale wastewater, power, and gas to full cost recov-
for those taxes: if local governments want to ery levels would enhance service sustainabil-
spend more, the burden is on them to argue ity and raise revenues. Internationally, the
their case to the taxpayers. Property taxes use of charges for government services of a
allow local government budgets to benefit largely individual nature is common, and in
from increased land values in their jurisdic- high-income countries, those charges often
tion, thus rewarding good administration cover full costs—that is, the costs of operat-
by local leaders. In addition, property taxes ing and maintaining the service, and a capi-
would encourage property owners to make tal charge to pay for depreciation and profits.
the best possible use of their property—for Excise taxes on fuels, electricity, and water
instance by renting out apartments or devel- could be imposed to include the environmen-
oping unused or underused land, thus pro- tal impact of their use. Lifeline pricing for
moting better use of the housing stock and the poor, who would pay less for a limited
urban land. China should aim to make prop- amount of service, could be used to meet the
erty taxes an important part of local govern- government’s distributional objectives. And
ment revenues. Even so, property taxes will while full-cost pricing for mass transit is
not be able to fully replace current land reve- rarely achieved internationally, China could
nues: in developing countries, property taxes gradually increase pricing as the cost for indi-
usually raise less than 1 percent of GDP, and vidual private transport increases as a result
even this level will be reached only over time of higher taxes and levies.
conference edition overview 57

Alternative local revenues sources could levels of government would improve effi-
amount to a significant source of additional ciency because reducing overlap could save
local revenue. Revenue from the property tax costs and reduce unproductive coordination
in advanced countries generally ranges from efforts. More broadly, clarity on expendi-
1 to 4 percent of GDP (more than 3 percent ture assignment is required to ensure that
in the United States and more than 4 percent resources are available at the level of gov-
in the United Kingdom). Environmental tax- ernment responsible for delivering a specific
ation in OECD countries averages 6 percent service. In China, local governments perform
of revenue (as high as 15 percent in Turkey) some functions that would be better adminis-
and nearly 2 percent of GDP (more than 4 tered by the central government, most impor-
percent in Denmark). Congestion charging tant among them, pensions. Centralizing the
could raise additional funds. After the intro- administration of pensions would improve
duction of Singapore’s Electronic Road Pric- labor mobility, allow national standard set-
ing program in 1998, traffic levels decreased ting, and address important problems related
by 15 percent and annual revenue exceeded to risk pooling.
$50 million. The 2008 revenue from Lon- China’s revenue-sharing system could
don’s congestion-charging system reached be considerably improved by removing the
$435 million, or nearly 9 percent of the local incentive for local governments to hold on
transport authority’s revenues. Property and to inefficient enterprises for revenue rea-
additional environmental taxation and pric- sons. The major shared taxes (VAT, corpo-
ing in China could raise significant additional rate income tax, and personal income tax)
revenue (2–5 percent of GDP annually, in line are shared with the local governments based
with OECD countries). on the location of collection. This arrange-
China’s tax structure could be further ment distorts the allocation of resources in
improved to meet the government’s objec- two ways: it encourages local governments
tive on economic structure. One important to keep enterprises that should move to new
step would be to replace the business tax locations; and it disproportionately benefits
on services with a VAT, a step that authori- large cities, because these are often the loca-
ties have already initiated. This move would tion of a firm’s headquarters and frequently
encourage the growth of a services industry, where the firm pays taxes. The distribution
because the VAT on services can be deducted of revenue sharing among provinces could
from the user’s VAT tax obligations. It would begin moving toward a formula-based system
also encourage enterprises to outsource ser- in which central transfers would be allocated
vices to more specialized enterprises, because among subnational governments according
there would no longer be a tax advantage for to objective measures of need rather than the
keeping services in-house. At the same time, location of tax collection. A start could be
the business tax is a major source of local made by changing the way the VAT is shared
government revenue, and lost revenues would with local governments, from one based on
need to be replaced, either through more local the location of the VAT collection to a sys-
taxes such as the property tax, through a tem that recognizes the place of consump-
larger revenue share for local government, or tion. Countries with a shared VAT usually
through the grant system. In addition, scope follow one of two practices: either they do
and coverage of consumption taxes can be not explicitly share the VAT with subnational
adjusted. Taxes on high-polluting and energy- governments, or they share the tax on an
intensive products as well as on some high- objective basis such as population (Germany)
end consumer goods and services subject to or consumption (Japan). The lost revenues in
a higher rate of tax could be further studied. some of the higher-income provinces would
be replaced by increased local taxes. Over
time, a uniform sharing rate for all shared
Reforming the revenue-sharing system
taxes could be introduced.
Achieving greater clarity in the division of Even with enhanced local government
functional responsibility among the various revenues, transfers will be needed to fill the
58 Urban China conference edition

gap between expenditure responsibilities and Subprovincial finance would need to be

the local government’s own and shared rev- reformed to ensure resources get to where
enues. The transfer system should ensure the they are needed. Adjustments in central-
capacity of local governments and encourage provincial fiscal relations alone do not ensure
them to deliver on national priorities. China’s that adequate resources would be available
current transfer system has been increasingly to accommodate the budgetary impacts of
effective: transfers have been growing rap- urbanization. In fact, adjusting intraprovin-
idly, and have increasingly been allocated to cial inequalities in fiscal resources will likely
poorer provinces, for purposes of national have greater impact than interprovincial
priorities. At the same time, with some 3,000 disparities. Subprovincial revenue-sharing
specific grants to local governments, the sys- arrangements vary widely from province to
tem is complex and expensive to administer province with little mandatory controls set in
and undermines local government account- place by the central government—a feature
ability and autonomy. In contrast to specific that is usually observed in federal countries
grants, the general grant, which is intended but not in unitary ones.
to equalize revenue capacity among localities
and ensure basic service delivery, accounts for
a little less than half of total transfers. The
Reforming land finance
current transfer system is also less respon- Revenues can be generated from existing
sive to changing circumstances, especially to urban land by introducing new means of cap-
movement of people to a new locality, and turing value from land development. Reallo-
the central government has therefore started cation of land from industrial use to housing
to provide additional grants to local govern- or commercial use promises higher revenues,
ments to deliver services to migrants. In the given the shortage and higher prices of the
short run, China could consider consolidat- latter two. Furthermore, betterment taxes
ing many of the specific grants into a limited can be imposed on those that see the value of
number of sectoral block grants that would their property rise because of infrastructure
need to be linked to the central government’s development. Also, auctioning of develop-
broad objectives and be supported by a sys- ment rights for urban land, separate from the
tem of performance indicators and review. land lease, could raise revenues and acceler-
In the medium term, China could dis- ate urban renewal. Finally, a value added tax
tribute grants using a formula based on fis- on land, properly restructured, could capture
cal capacity and expenditure needs. Such some of the capital gains of land transactions
systems are used in many OECD countries, in which local government is not directly
with Australia managing a sophisticated sys- engaged (box O.10).
tem for determining expenditure needs. This Regulatory rules need to ensure that land
system would fit China’s objective to pro- financing can continuously play a role in
vide a minimum standard of public services financing urbanization and that fiscal risks
across the country over time. Expenditure are better managed. The first priority would
needs would be defined by the costs of the be establishing uniform reporting require-
minimum standard, and changing the cur- ments for subnational land ownership, land
rent tax sharing and grants system into a sales, contributions of land to public-private
formula-based grants system would consid- ventures, land transactions between differ-
erably alter the outcomes for individual local ent types of subnational institutions, and
governments. Therefore, this change should revenue generated by land sales. Second, the
be implemented gradually and aligned with “golden rule” of public finance should be
the introduction of new local taxing pow- applied to subnational land financing—that
ers. For example, local governments could is, land asset sale proceeds should be used
be assigned a “target share” based on objec- only to finance investment. Third, borrow-
tive criteria of expenditure needs and revenue ings backed by land collateral may require
capacity, but they would receive this share regulation to set minimum collateral or loan
only incrementally, starting from their cur- ratios and to prescribe land valuation prin-
rent share in the grant pool. ciples. Fourth, transfer of surplus land to
conference edition overview 59

BOX O.10 Land value capture

Value capture allows government to capture at least district to finance debt issued to pay for a project,
part of the increase in land value resulting from land which theoretically will create the conditions for
improvements, for instance infrastructure expansion. future gains (used primarily in U.S. cities).
A prerequisite is that the infrastructure must gener- Transit-oriented development or joint development:
ate sufficient value to be captured. China has been Given that transit infrastructure plays a critical role in
successful in capturing increments in land value, but the end value of development projects, the capture of
the key challenge is to set a rule to allow all people profits from activities associated with real estate devel-
to share the development outcomes as well as the opment in and around transit stations may allow a
risks. The rule should be economically justifiable, transit agency to deliver an operating ratio in excess of
incentive compatible, and acceptable to the public. A 100 percent (as in the case of Hong Kong SAR, China,
number of value-capture instruments and other finan- MTRC). The approach that MTRC uses is described as
cial mechanisms are being applied internationally the “Rail + Property model.” Joint development, simi-
(Smolka and Amborski 2007; Peterson 2008; Miller larly, can be described as a real estate development proj-
and Hale 2011). The most prevalent and effective of ect that involves coordination between multiple parties
these include: to develop sites near transit, usually on publicly owned
Property taxes: Annual imposition of taxes on land (examples are the Land Transport Authority and
the value of urban land and buildings. These taxes SMRT in Singapore, BART in the San Francisco Bay
are among the main revenue sources for local gov- Area, and the Transport for London Crossrail project).
ernments around the globe. Developer charges or development impact fees: A
Special assessment districts: New and special lev- one-time and up-front charge requiring developers to
ies on properties that will benefit from the provision make cash or in-kind contributions to on- and off-site
of new or upgraded infrastructure services (exam- infrastructure in return for permission to develop or
ples in the United States are 17 percent of the first build on land. These may be stipulated through sub-
phase of the Portland streetcar system; 50 percent division/development agreements via some norm or
of the capital costs of South Lake Union streetcar expectation, or they may be negotiated on an indi-
system in Seattle; and 28 percent of the cost of the vidual basis. The use of charges that defray the cost
new New York Avenue Metrorail station in Wash- of expanding and extending public services in a par-
ington, DC). ticular area. For example, in Broward County, Florida,
Tax increment financing: This approach dedi- the local government implemented a transit-oriented
cates future tax increments within a certain defined concurrency system.

other government units or enterprises, pri- Independent audits of subnational financial

vate developers, or public-private partner- accounts, periodic public disclosures of key
ships should be prohibited except on a fully fiscal data, exposure of hidden liabilities and
disclosed contract basis. guarantees, and moving off-budget liabili-
ties onto the budget would all increase fis-
cal transparency. Finally, establishing a chief
Strengthening public financial financial officer (CFO) for local governments
management would centralize the accountability for local
government finances in one office, clarify
Financial management needs to be improved authority on financial management matters,
and transparency increased. Formulating and and halt the decentralized and uncoordinated
implementing urban plans in a fiscally sound issuance of local government debt. Ideally,
manner would benefit from a medium-term the CFO should come from the department
expenditure framework system, which could that manages the public purse or from its
strengthen capital spending by facilitating supervisor’s office (the mayor’s office). The
multiyear funding programs and by incor- CFO’s office would coordinate with the bud-
porating maintenance and operating costs get department, the treasury department,
of investments into expenditure projections. the investment administrator (Development
60 Urban China conference edition

and Reform Commission), and other gov- local governments should be allowed to make
ernment agencies on the borrowing strategy multiyear financial commitments. Future
and plan. A debt issuance plan and a budget financial contributions to PPPs need to be
plan would be submitted to the local People’s kept to a fiscally sustainable level, and the
Congress for approval and disclosed to the best way to do that is to ensure they are kept
public. The central government would need within the expected, future level of recurrent
to play a major role in enforcing compliance revenue.
with the framework for local borrowing. Expanding PPPs will increase govern-
ments’ contingent liabilities, and careful risk
assessment and proper risk sharing is needed.
Promoting public-private The rules governing PPPs should ensure that
partnerships officials in charge are given incentives and
China has already developed a policy frame- have information and the capability to take
work for procuring services from the private account of the costs and risks of contin-
sector—a positive signal for private providers gent liabilities. PPP contract arrangements
of public services. More can be done, however, should clarify risk-sharing arrangements. To
to improve policies and incentives for the pri- strengthen institutional capacity, special PPP
vate provision of public services. China still units may be established at the local level,
has scope to tap into private investment in the while risks arising from fiscal commitments
construction of urban infrastructure and the should be managed independently. Local
delivery of urban services, and a policy and governments could introduce a competitive
legal framework should be developed to fully mechanism along with innovative modes of
capture the benefits of public-private partner- operation to promote openness, transpar-
ships (PPPs). Since 1990, China has had more ency, and efficiency. To open competition in
than 1,000 PPP transactions in infrastructure the infrastructure sector, public utility agen-
(transport, water, energy) for a total value of cies should be restructured with transparent
US$166 billion;57 yet Brazil and India have financial cost reporting, subsidies received
had much larger private investment in infra- from the budget, and the quantity and qual-
structure during the same period—$325 bil- ity of services. China has already developed
lion and $273 billion, respectively. To simplify a policy framework for procuring services
the project approval system and facilitate pru- from the private sector, which is a positive
dent decision making at the local level, PPP signal. More can be done to improve policies
laws and regulations could be unified at the and incentives, and to encourage, support,
national level to provide uniform guidance and guide private participation in the provi-
about approval processes across sectors and sion of public services through the govern-
regions and contractual dispute resolution. ment purchase of services.
Governments should make policies and create
the incentive for participation by the private
sector and also develop a system for guiding Improving the policy framework
and regulating the partnerships. Legal safe- for debt finance
guards represented by effective application of
rule of law, regulatory oversight, and dispute Stable and sustainable debt finance is critical
resolution systems would encourage private to China’s continuing urbanization because
participation. it is an efficient means to match payment
China may shift the focus of PPP con- for an asset with its lifespan. However, local
tracts from capital financing toward service government debt has triggered macroeco-
provision by bundling investments for asset nomic crises in other countries in the past,
creation with operation and maintenance including Argentina, Brazil, and the Russian
requirements over a long period of time (20 Federation. Therefore, allowing local govern-
years, for example). PPPs for most types of ments to borrow requires a rigorous regula-
urban infrastructure and service delivery will tory framework, which, together with finan-
depend on local government payments over cial markets, should discipline subnational
the lifetime of the contract. In these cases, borrowing to ensure sustainability. China’s
conference edition overview 61

capital markets are still evolving; thus it is the government on essential public services,
important to establish a framework to reg- and be reformed to become transparent and
ulate subnational government borrowing, financially stronger. They would follow inter-
while promoting a competitive and diversi- national good practices on corporate gover-
fied subnational credit market. nance and financial auditing and reporting.
China should impose fiscal rules and debt The fiscal relationship between the budget
limits on borrowers so as to manage, ex ante, and the special-purpose entities should be
the risks of systemic defaults. Many countries disclosed to the public. Because their borrow-
allow local governments to borrow against ings constitute contingent liabilities of local
general budget revenues or dedicated revenue governments, regulations on the purpose, pro-
streams (revenue bonds), either directly by the cedures, and limits of borrowing need to be
local government or through a special entity developed. Finally, while an overall local gov-
created to operate a service. A basic approach ernment debt level of 25–30 percent of GDP
adopted by many countries is the “golden is not excessive, various localities or local gov-
rule”—borrowing is allowed only for long- ernment financing vehicles have experienced
term public capital investments. Debt limits debt service pressures and may need a debt
should be imposed on individual municipali- workout under clear rules to be established.
ties and collectively for all local governments. Developing competitive and diversified
The threshold of selected debt indicators funding sources for infrastructure financing
should be established in a way that the fiscal will help lower financing costs. Aside from
space available for the public sector, that is, land revenue, China’s infrastructure financ-
national and local governments, is taken into ing has been dominated by commercial and
account. Borrowings by entities that provide government policy banks—the shortcom-
essential public services would also be subject ing being the potential mismatch between
to sector-specific limits with respect to debt the terms of commercial banks’ liabilities
service capacity. In addition, rigorous credit- and assets. In the short run, commercial
worthiness assessment by credit-rating agen- and policy banks will continue to provide
cies needs to be a precondition for local gov- large amounts of financing to local govern-
ernment access to the capital market. Among ments and financially viable special-purpose
other things, this assessment would require “public service companies.” In the medium
full disclosure of independently audited pub- term, the development of a local government
lic financial accounts, thereby strengthening bonds market is feasible and desirable. The
the role of markets in fiscal monitoring and regulatory and institutional frameworks for
surveillance. all sources of finance need to be harmonized
An insolvency framework is required to to create a level playing field. This will dis-
make a no-bailout commitment by the cen- courage shadow banking, improve the qual-
tral government credible and to set clear ity of local government debt financing, sup-
rules for debt workout if a local government port sound financial innovation, and ensure
becomes over-indebted. A sound framework transparency, market-based price formation
should reduce the moral hazard of subnational and protect investors’ rights across the whole
defaults, discourage free riders, bind all local spectrum of financial instruments. All these
governments to pursue sustainable fiscal poli- aspects would foster long-term debt market
cies, and extend their short-term horizon to development and enhance financial system
minimize the impact of unsustainable fiscal stability and the efficient channeling of sav-
policy on future generations. Local govern- ings into long-term financing for urban infra-
ment finance vehicles that finance and imple- structure on a sustainable basis.
ment public infrastructure projects could be A coherent set of securities regulations is
transformed into special-purpose entities, required to develop a subnational bond mar-
while pure financing vehicles can be dissolved ket. Securities regulations and the institu-
once local governments have formal and open tional infrastructure for bond issuance and
access to markets. These special-purpose trading, such as regulation of credit-rating
entities should divest their commercial activi- agencies, broker-dealers, underwriters, and
ties, in line with the direction of refocusing auditors, are similar to those for sovereign
62 Urban China conference edition

and corporate bonds. China needs to build a ratings were required for large-scale long-
reliable yield curve for the government bond term financing. Although these requirements
market, standardize the accounting rules for are not mandatory, bank lending to nonrated
public sectors, and improve fiscal transpar- subnational governments would need to have
ency. China has already experimented with high capital adequacy ratio.
local government bonds: the central govern- Shadow banking would need to be regu-
ment has issued bonds on behalf of some local lated to limit the availability of easy money
governments, and six provinces and munici- to local governments. In recent years, local
palities have issued bonds at their own dis- government financing vehicles have increas-
cretion. Broadening the direct access of local ingly relied on funding from shadow bank-
governments to the local government bond ing’s wealth management products and trust
market should proceed as rapidly as addi- fund loans. These vehicles enabled local gov-
tional provinces and municipalities can obtain ernments to obtain off-budget financing, but
credit ratings to demonstrate their creditwor- their benefits as flexible financing vehicles
thiness and develop technical capacity to started to be outweighed by the low level of
manage and issue debt. Having the Ministry transparency, the potential impact on contin-
of Finance issue local government bonds on gent liabilities for local governments, and the
behalf of local governments could be phased risks to investors and ultimately the banks
out or substantially changed by establishing that manage much of the shadow banking.
equal rules as those for direct municipal issu- To regularize shadow banking, all asset
ance (such as creditworthiness, transparency, management products should be subject to
credit rating, no implicit guarantee, and the the same fundamental regulatory standards.
like). Regulatory policy for all collective invest-
Bank lending to local governments should ment products should be coordinated among
be regulated in a way that reinforces local government agencies including the China
government budget discipline and fiscal Banking Regulatory Commission, the China
transparency. Commercial bank lending is Securities Regulatory Commission, and the
normally bound by general prudential rules, China Insurance Regulatory Commission.
which, if applied to local governments, would A plan for reforming the legal and regula-
restrict local governments’ opportunity to tory framework of shadow banking would
borrow. Such rules include exposure limits, have to be formulated, including short-term
which limit a bank’s loan exposure to a sin- amendments of regulations and long-term
gle client; concentration limits, which limit amendments of primary legislation. Invest-
a bank’s exposure to a certain type of client ments in wealth management products,
such as all local governments taken together; trust funds, or other collective investment
and insider lending restrictions, which limit schemes should not be protected by implicit
lending to the owners or co-owners of the guarantees.
bank. China has such rules in place, but the The role of policy banks in the provision
authorities would need to ensure effective of long-term finance should be strengthened
enforcement. In addition to these norms, to complement shortage of supply for long-
many countries have found innovative mea- term market-based financing. Policy banks,
sures to reinforce discipline. For instance, within the legal and regulatory framework,
after experiencing widespread subnational could play a positive role in supporting the
defaults, several countries including Brazil use of long-term capital market instruments
banned subnational ownership of financial through the issuance of innovative financial
institutions altogether. In China, direct local instruments that would support the growth
government ownership is limited, but influ- of fixed-income markets; provide guarantees
ence is exercised through key personnel deci- for local government bonds; and purchase
sions in banks—a system that China needs a limited portion of new local government
to review to ensure independent decisions bond issues, thus serving as a market maker
on lending to local governments. In Mexico, by buying or selling bonds as needed by other
competitive lender selection and transaction investors.
overview 63

Chapter 9 Promoting Greener Urbanization

The context of the reforms several years, greater weight can be given to
other environmental criteria, including mak-
A sustainable city is one where environmen- ing them binding targets. Because conditions
tal objectives are placed on an equal footing vary greatly across cities, benchmarks need
with economic growth and social inclusion, to be locally appropriate, focusing on basic
and sector policies are aligned with these pollution reduction in cities dominated by
strategic objectives. More sustainable cit- heavy industries, and emphasizing broader
ies are also more efficient: incorporating the quality-of-life issues in already greener cit-
losses from environmental damage into eco- ies. Inclusion of these targets in the system
nomic decisions will lead to more efficient for evaluating local officials would reinforce
outcomes. Further, as China becomes more their importance. Moreover, longer tenure
prosperous, its population will increasingly for local officials would also encourage urban
demand a clean and healthy living environ- management that focuses on the longer term,
ment, and livability will increasingly be a within which results on green objectives can
factor in the locational decisions of foreign be achieved.
investors. Managing environmental pressures Greater authority and human resources
is key to realizing denser, more efficient cit- are needed for environmental enforcement.
ies in which agglomeration effects are fully China’s environmental management insti-
captured. More sustainable cities are more tutions are often understaffed and lack suf-
equitable, as environmental damage is pre- ficient authority vis-à-vis local governments
dominantly inflicted on the less affluent. responsible for development. To improve
The most important task for achieving environmental enforcement, China could
greener urbanization is to strengthen green consider a system in which the Ministry of
governance—the institutions, incentives, Environmental Protection (MEP) would be
and instruments that enable effective envi- responsible for enforcing national laws and
ronmental management. Moreover, inter- regulations and would exercise stronger over-
jurisdictional approaches are needed because sight over local environmental protection
some challenges like air and water pollution bureaus (EPBs). At all levels, environmental
transcend jurisdictional boundaries. Apply- management institutions would need greater
ing principles of green governance in sector authority and independence when dealing
policies would facilitate reforms, some dif- with other ministries, local governments,
ficult, that are needed to achieve resource- state-owned enterprises, and private com-
efficient cities with low pollution. Facilitated panies. To avoid conflicts of interest, EPBs
by land, fiscal, and social reforms, needed should be funded from the general budget,
urban infrastructure reforms across urban independent of the collection of pollution fees
planning, transport, energy, buildings, water, and fines.
and solid waste range from the mundane— Environmental policies currently favor
such as better landfill management—to the regulatory measures and targets, but in the
monumental: dramatically switching energy future sharper and more market-oriented
away from coal toward natural gas and instruments can be used, and the cost of
renewable energy. natural resources and environmental services
can be made explicit even if funded out of
general revenue. Raising prices to cost-recov-
Strengthening green governance ery rates is most urgent in water supply, sani-
Stronger incentives are needed to elevate tation, and waste management. Cross-subsi-
green objectives to the level of economic dies in the energy sector, which mainly favor
growth and social goals for local government residential consumers and discourage end
officials. Just as reduction in energy intensity use efficiency, could be reduced to avoid ben-
has been a strict performance criterion for efit leakage to the nonpoor or replaced with
64 Urban China conference edition

targeted support to protect the poor from neighborhood level, can lead to management
price increases. 58 Pricing for private vehicle mechanisms that strengthen coordination
transport can increasingly cover social costs and reduce the cost of energy investments
including climate change impacts. The choice and to policies to promote least-cost clean
of carbon-pricing instruments (such as car- energy solutions. A number of planning and
bon taxes versus a cap and trade system) will priority-setting tools, such as energy mapping
influence the established energy efficiency and marginal abatement cost analysis for
and renewable energy policy framework. low-carbon cities, could help municipal gov-
Strong energy policy coordination is needed ernments apply low-carbon principles, even
to ensure consistency. The outcome needs to at the neighborhood scale.
give a credible signal to investors, producers,
and consumers that there will be a long-term,
stable policy of increasing the price on pol- Greening across jurisdictional
lution and harmful use of natural resources. boundaries
More channels for public participation
and involvement of the judiciary would Air quality management is making progress
allow citizens affected by environmental but regional solutions are needed to address
problems to help the government monitor, the most severely polluted airsheds. Air pollu-
enforce, and shape environmental policies. tion management continues to be the respon-
While environmental enforcement agencies sibility of individual local administrations,
have limited resources in all countries, most without sound mechanisms for coordination
rely on assistance from the public, especially across boundaries. Regional institutions,
through environmental nongovernmental perhaps modeled on the Southern California
organizations, not only for monitoring and Air Quality District or similar agencies in
environmental impact assessment, but also Europe, would be better suited to design and
policy development. Other countries also implement abatement policies. Such institu-
allow the use of public complaint mecha- tions should be given real authority (either
nisms and legal proceedings to hold polluters regulatory or by allowing them to use the
to account. Expanding China’s experiments court system for enforcement), which may
with environmental courts could be an effec- require provincial or national government
tive step forward, including allowing third leadership. In addition, China’s state-of-the-
parties to sue polluters. Overloading the judi- art air quality management technical capacity
cial system can be avoided by strengthening in public and academic institutions could be
other mechanisms of environmental dispute better used to conduct not only policy analy-
resolution (such as specialized panels or tri- sis but also comprehensive impact evaluation
bunals) and through adequate safeguards to and cost-benefit analysis where many abate-
avoid frivolous lawsuits. To facilitate citizen ment programs currently fall short. Large-
involvement, promising new efforts in dis- scale pilots, such as in the Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing–
closing environmental information could be Tianjin–Hebei) region, could help develop
expanded. Polluting facilities should be held institutional and technical approaches for
responsible for accurately reporting harmful better air quality management.
emissions, along the lines of the U.S. Toxic Water quality management will need to
Release Inventory or the European Union’s be strengthened to resolve tensions between
Pollutant Emission Register. Currently urban and rural water demand, especially in
there are too many exceptions that restrict China’s water-scarce north. Regional pilots
disclosure. to develop watershed-level governance of
Energy analysis could be incorporated into water rights and pollution allowances using
different stages of urban planning to opti- advanced water consumption monitoring
mize energy use. Rather than focusing solely approaches show promise. They could be
on building-level or sector-based improve- improved by strengthening the authority of
ments, piloting systematic analysis of demand watershed management institutions, first by
and energy resources in a city, and also at the replicating successful river-basin level “joint
conference edition overview 65

conference” mechanisms that have coor- “yellow-label” cars, which account for 13.4
dinated integrated environment and water percent of the total vehicle fleet, are respon-
management plans at local levels. Watershed sible for 81.9 percent of the particulate mat-
authorities could facilitate greater use of eco- ters, 58.2 percent of nitrogen oxides (NOx),
systems payments, under which downstream 56.8 percent hydrocarbons (HC) and 52.5
users compensate upstream farmers or indus- percent of carbon monoxides (CO) emitted.
trial users to maintain water quality. Water The phase-out of yellow-label cars should be
rights trading, which has been used success- accelerated using a market-based approach.
fully in other water-scarce regions such as the The program to trade in old cars for new
western United States and Israel, could also cars should be continued. The scope of subsi-
be piloted. Both require interjurisdictional dies to energy-efficient and green cars should
coordination of financial flows, appropriate be broadened. Collecting emission fees on
financial controls, and oversight. vehicles and applying differential toll rates
for roads, bridges, and highways should be
studied and potentially made into policies.
Greening sector policies Consumers buying and producers manufac-
turing vehicles with higher emission stan-
Providing sustainable urban
dards should be given subsidies. Incentives
for phasing out yellow-label cars should be
Despite modernization of the vehicle fleet and implemented; for example, business opera-
massive transport investments, mitigating the tors that replace their yellow-label cars could
sector’s increasing contribution to air pollu- receive rewards in lieu of subsidies.
tion and urban congestion is needed. Improv-
ing management of traffic demand manage-
Cleaner energy
ment to reduce the growth in private car use
and promote a shift to public and nonmotor- Globally, no other modern cities rely on coal
ized transport are two key priorities. Most for their energy needs as much as many Chi-
important is to charge drivers the full cost of nese cities do, and reducing its use should be
using private vehicles, including environmen- the centerpiece of urban energy strategies.
tal and social costs. That includes road pric- While shifting the economic structure to
ing or congestion charging, and registration industries that are less energy intensive and
and parking fees (such as higher fees for pol- more high value added and service oriented
luting vehicles). Fuel costs (higher than in the can help over the long term, reducing energy
United States but lower than in the European demand is a priority. The scaling up of cost-
Union) could be gradually increased. effective local clean energy production and
Fee revenues can be invested in more effi- importation of cleaner energy from out-
cient and convenient public transit to replace side city boundaries can be key elements of
trips in private cars. Subsidies for public tran- this strategy in the short and medium term.
sit will likely still be required, but they are Cleaner natural gas can be a viable alternative
justified by the public health damages and to coal as production and imports continue
congestion costs they avoid.59 Urban land use to be scaled up. Conversion can be acceler-
planning and zoning that promotes transit- ated with more competition in upstream
oriented development and nonmotorized development and greater investment in trans-
transport (walking and biking) will encour- mission, distribution, and storage by intro-
age modal shifts. In China’s existing and ducing third-party access to the gas market,
emerging metropolitan areas, transport—like continuing pricing reforms, and introducing
air pollution—needs to be managed region- modern sector regulation. Given current gas
ally. Metropolitan transit authorities that supply constraints, it is important to priori-
address coordination issues are common in tize gas usage in the residential, heating, and
many cities globally. commercial sectors where it will have the
Emission reduction measures targeting the largest environmental and economic benefits.
most polluting vehicles are needed. So-called These three user types would require slightly
66 Urban China conference edition

less than 200 billion cubic meters by 2030 to (by the 13th Five Year Plan) would motivate
achieve universal residential access and about enterprises to seize efficiency opportunities
60 percent gas-based centralized heating sup- for their own business interests. Associated
ply, compared with total consumption of revenues could be recycled to provide stable,
130 billion cubic meters in 2011. Because the multiyear financing of energy efficiency pro-
power sector and large-scale energy consum- grams. The energy savings agreement system
ers will rely on coal for longer, strict enforce- has been effective and can be continued, but
ment of emissions control standards and effi- allowing enterprises to achieve targets either
ciency improvements are needed. through their own improvement or by trad-
In the longer term, China’s cities need to ing energy savings certificates from other
increasingly rely on renewable energy sources. companies would be more efficient. Third-
Supply will come from large-scale produc- party technical service providers for energy
tion outside city limits, which will require efficiency audits, new fixed asset energy
the removal of barriers related to pricing and assessments, and similar projects can be fos-
grid access for commercial renewable energy tered as part of a greater energy efficiency
producers. Over time, establishing efficient services industry that would offer better
mechanisms for regulating, metering, and financing and customized business models,
financing distributed power generation from including energy services performance con-
renewable sources and natural gas distribu- tracting in enterprises. Cities must continue
tion will promote their uses. China’s coal- to be innovation drivers in energy efficiency
reliant district heating sector contributes sig- policies and programs, encouraging the incu-
nificantly to China’s wintertime air pollution bation of energy efficiency services through
and requires urgent attention. In addition to knowledge exchanges, local associations,
switching to gas, the current area-based billing promotion, and market development.
system for district heating services contradicts
China’s concerted energy conservation poli-
Serving the people in more efficient
cies. Pricing and consumption-based billing
and cleaner buildings
reforms supported by national regulations that
sharpen regulatory tools such as licensing and The public sector should lead by example
enforcement could facilitate improvements by addressing energy efficiency in the stock
across China’s northern provinces. Building of public buildings. Procurement of energy
retrofit programs, which are increasing in savings performance contracting for pub-
scale in China, could accommodate district lic institutions would promote the market
heating sector reform by setting a mandatory for energy efficient and green buildings and
deadline for the introduction of consumption- products, lowering costs over time. Monitor-
based billing after retrofitting or by consider- ing, rating, and publicly disclosing building
ing building-level metering for buildings with energy performance can be effective motiva-
reasonable energy performance. tional tools. Energy performance targets for
residential and commercial buildings should
be set to define “low-energy building” stan-
Rebalancing markets and mandates to
dards. Time-bound targets would set clear
reduce energy use in industry
expectations for performance improvement,
Improving energy efficiency in industry has encouraging innovation in the marketplace
been largely successful, but additional prog- and guiding refinement of building energy
ress that is still urgently needed will become efficiency codes and standards. In addition
increasingly harder to achieve without rebal- to using stricter codes to set “the floor,” suc-
ancing administrative measures with market- cessfully achieving advanced green build-
based approaches. As demand growth for ing ambitions will require a larger effort in
heavy industrial goods slows, companies may developing capacity across the supply chain
find cost-reducing investments in energy effi- (from design to materials to construction).
ciency more attractive. Raising energy-related Finally, to reduce the use of harmful build-
taxes and defining a carbon-pricing strategy ing materials in China, improved monitoring
conference edition overview 67

and enforcement of standards are required, FIGURE O.11 Water and wastewater tariffs
together with a labeling system possibly mod-
eled after Germany’s “Blue Angel” system.
Copenhagen, Denmark 9.07
Berlin, Germany 6.67
Integrating water supply and pollution Zurich, Switzerland 5.52
Luxembourg, Luxembourg 5.50
management Sydney, Australia 4.26
Reducing urban water demand and strength- Paris, France 4.08
Singapore, Singapore 3.56
ening the financial health of the water and
London, United Kingdom 3.46
sanitation sectors are two of the most impor- Barcelona, Spain 2.30
tant tasks for accommodating greater num- New York, United States 2.11
bers of residents and businesses in cities with Stockholm, Sweden 1.67
water quality and scarcity problems. China’s Rome, Italy 1.31
water and wastewater tariffs are low by inter- Moscow, Russian Federation 0.87
national comparison (figure O.11). Setting Kiev, Ukraine 0.58
Hong Kong SAR, China 0.54
cost-recovering tariffs and completing water
Beijing, China 0.54
metering will encourage water-saving behav- Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 0.25
ior and generate resources to sustainably fund New Delhi, India 0.08
water and wastewater management. Support- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 0.03
ive tariff policies should be complemented 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
with reform of water utility governance. US $/m3
Integrating drainage and treatment services,
piloting water boards in larger cities, and
consolidating smaller utilities in nearby cit- Source: GWI 2011.
ies, possibly through concessions, are needed
to achieve scale economies and improve man-
agement. While water treatment and waste-
water standards are essential, one-size-fits-all are introduced (that is, combined with other
regulations result in oversized infrastructure utility charges) to create incentives to reduce
and raise compliance costs that some weaker waste, recycle more, and operate systems
cities find difficult to meet. A recent study of more efficiently and effectively. Recycling in
655 utilities and local governments estimates China is widespread but informal. Formal-
that 85 percent of water treatment plants are ization could yield revenue to finance waste
seriously oversized and that the maximum management but would threaten the liveli-
daily water supply was less than 50 percent of hoods of low-income collectors of recyclable
production capacity of facilities.60 materials and thus requires careful calibra-
tion. With sector reforms to establish good
fundamentals, product stewardship pro-
Getting the fundamentals right in grams could be introduced so that manufac-
solid waste management turers take responsibility for life-cycle waste
Inadequate cost recovery hinders expansion generation including packaging materials and
and improvement of solid waste collection, final disposal. This program could start with
recycling, and disposal systems. About RMB voluntary schemes leading to public-private
200 billion nationally will be needed annu- cooperation, as in other countries.
ally in the coming years, increasing to more Waste management facilities need to be
than RMB 400 billion, to manage waste pro- integrated into land use planning, making
jections for 2030. Yet, waste service charges greater use of environmental impact assess-
make up only about 10 percent of real costs, ments and permitting as regulatory tools. For
which is concerning for a sector with high instance, contaminant hydrogeology needs
marginal operating costs. Subsidies should to be considered in landfill site selection and
(partially) be phased out over a period of design, but data are often lacking. Further-
five to ten years while payment mechanisms more, testing, treatment, and disposal of fly
68 Urban China conference edition

ash from incinerators needs to be improved environmental risk assessment procedures

and unsanitary landfills rehabilitated to for the production, storage, transportation,
minimize long-term environmental hazards sales, use, and import and export of chemi-
and enable a return of the land to produc- cal substances and their goods and products.
tive uses. Operating waste management Hazardous and toxic chemical substances
facilities can be challenging for smaller towns should be identified and labeled as hazard-
and cities. They can seek scale economies ous, and their use should be discouraged,
by cooperating with adjacent jurisdictions limited, or phased out, or they should be
to develop more efficient and well-operated substituted by green alternatives. Other mea-
waste management facilities such as landfills sures, such as process control, risk manage-
or incinerators. ment, and contamination control should also
China needs to strengthen the controls be enforced to mitigate the risks associated
of chemicals and hazardous substances. with chemicals and to reduce the discharge of
Through legislation, China should imple- hazardous and toxic chemical substances into
ment declaration, hazard identification, and the environment.
overview 69

Chapter 10 Ensuring Food Security

Ensuring food security for China is an impor- By focusing research toward labor-saving
tant component of inclusion because food technologies, the investment also helped
shortages and escalating food prices would farmers adjust to rising rural wages—some-
likely have the greatest impact on the poor. thing that is also becoming more pressing in
Current trends in the conversion of agricul- China as the supply of underemployed labor
tural to urban land are raising concerns about in rural areas shrinks.
availability of agricultural land. The main
threat to food security, however, is not likely
to be land availability but, with the continued Enhancing agricultural
decrease in rural population, the availability productivity
of labor. Increasing labor productivity in agri-
culture could be achieved through a combina- Poor infrastructure such as rural roads adds
tion of further modernization in agricultural to the cost of farm inputs and also to the gap
technology, which would require larger land between the farm-gate and market prices of
plots through land consolidation, or the use of outputs. It thereby depresses farmer incen-
farmer cooperatives to enable smallholders to tives and reduces consumers’ economic access
capture the rising emerging economies of scale to food. Poor-quality telecommunications
in the processing and marketing of high-value in rural areas raise costs of price informa-
agricultural products. tion in distant markets, e-banking, and farm
credit. Better rural infrastructure would also
improve the opportunities for farm house-
The context of the reforms hold members to earn part-time incomes off
To ensure food security in the future, China the farm by lowering commuting costs.
will need to employ reforms that raise agri- Factor markets are still far from free of
cultural productivity and align domestic pro- restrictions in China, which means produc-
duction with China’s comparative advantage. tive factors are used inefficiently. Current
Considering expected limitations on water regulations that inhibit farmland transfers
availability in the future, China may consider are a constraint despite the development of
changing its crop balance to focus domes- land rental markets. As wages rise, there is
tic production on less water-intensive crops, ample scope for mechanization to improve
while importing the majority of the water- labor productivity, but far more so where
intensive grains such as soy and maize. It will economies of farmland size can be exploited.
also be necessary to increase investments that That is, voluntary market-based farmland
raise total factor productivity. consolidation would allow more efficient use
Public agricultural research and develop- of farm machinery.
ment (R&D) expenditure has risen consid- Markets for water use are even less devel-
erably in recent decades but was still only oped than markets for land use. While farm-
four-fifths of the Asia-Pacific average in ers are paying less than the true cost of irriga-
2008. The marginal returns from boosting tion water, they are overusing it and thereby
such levels of public investment are extremely making water less available for urban house-
high. For example, evidence from Brazil is holds and industries. Once water markets
particularly compelling: during the 1980s are developed with well-defined access, they
and 1990s, Brazil invested more than four provide greater certainty and asset security
times as intensely as China in public agri- for farmers (and other users). The absence of
culture R&D as a share of national agricul- tight land and water tenure rights makes it
tural GDP. Brazil’s output of both crop and more difficult for farmers to access credit on
livestock products have more than doubled reasonable terms, which adds to costs.
since the early 1990s, and its food self- The consolidation of farms and the use
sufficiency has been boosted commensurately. of farmer cooperatives are particularly
70 Urban China conference edition

important to allow for increases of labor pro- that time, however, growing assistance to
ductivity, more efficient use of machinery, farming and setting some food prices above
and the capture of economies of scale in the international market prices lower national
processing and marketing of high-value agri- economic growth and welfare and reduce eco-
cultural products to generate adequate farm nomic access to food. While higher-income
incomes. A complementary approach to land countries have followed a similar agricultural
consolidation includes farmer cooperatives. protection growth path, they have since real-
These provide a natural institutional route to ized that this path is not effective. Moreover,
enable smallholders to capture emerging econ- reversing that process has proven to be politi-
omies of scale in the processing and marketing cally painful for the governments of those
of high-value agricultural products. Producer countries, which is all the more reason not to
cooperatives can reduce transaction costs and follow that policy path in the first place. For
ensure volume, consistency, and food qual- OECD members, the average rate of assistance
ity and safety, and they are thus a potentially to farmers is now less than half that of a gen-
potent vehicle to link smallholders to the eration ago, and in several countries it is below
dynamic high-value markets. Concentration China’s; in a few countries price-distorting
of animals in larger production units also assistance is now close to zero.
facilitates animal waste management, includ- Reluctance to abandon the use of trade-
ing through biogas digesters, thereby reducing restricting measures stems from concerns
nonpoint pollution and methane emissions. about the reliability of import suppliers.
China has already begun to address this by
contracting with foreign farmers to supply
Reforming price-distorting Chinese markets with specific products. Sus-
measures tainable and transparent investments in land-
abundant countries can further enhance the
China’s reforms of price-distorting policies in security of supplies at lower cost rather than
the 1980s and 1990s that encouraged higher by protecting Chinese farmers from import
farm production have contributed to national competition for land- and water-intensive
economic growth and rural incomes. Since crops.
overview 71

Chapter 11 Timing, Sequencing, and Risks

This report has laid out the directions for fringe open for competitive usage, contain
a comprehensive urbanization strategy for unsustainable urban sprawl, and help safe-
China that aims to guide China’s inexo- guard the rights of farmers, thus reducing a
rable urbanization toward an outcome that major source of social tension. While govern-
improves the quality of life for China’s citi- ment prepares for stronger property rights
zens. To use economic resources efficiently, for farmers, it may wish to tighten annual
and maximize the benefits of urbanization, is conversion quotas in the meantime, because
one leading consideration. It is complemented most cities have sufficient land available for
by the need to make urbanization sustainable their needs in the short term. Land reform is
in the face of environmental constraints and also the basis for reforming the urban plan-
scarcity of natural resources that threaten the ning system to integrate land use with hous-
balance between humans and nature, per- ing and infrastructure planning to arrive at
haps irreversibly. And the objective of equity a comprehensive spatial development strategy
and fairness for all, the need for inclusive- with the objective of creating livable cities.
ness, must be imperative for a harmonious Currently, cities in China finance large
strategy that has the interest of all citizens in parts of their expenditures through peri-
mind. But the issues of efficiency, inclusion, urban land conversion, and sales and reform
and sustainability cannot be dealt with sepa- of the land market will eliminate this oppor-
rately: they are closely interlinked. By its very tunity. It will therefore be necessary to intro-
nature, the agenda spelled out in this study is duce far-reaching fiscal reforms to strengthen
comprehensive and all-encompassing; yet the the balance sheet of municipalities with new
ability of any government to design, intro- sources of revenue either through direct local
duce, and implement reforms is restricted by levies and taxes or central government trans-
capacity and time and the measure of change fers. Equally urgent, government would need
and reform that society and the economy to focus on local borrowing of all kinds, first
can agree upon and absorb simultaneously. and foremost to assess whether the situa-
With these constraints in mind, authorities tion requires action, and the just-completed
will need to set priorities and carefully think National Audit Office audit of local govern-
through the sequence and timeline of imple- ment debt is a strong basis for such an assess-
menting the proposed policies. ment. Instances of unsustainable borrowing
would need to be addressed. Formal access to
borrowing will have to wait until a full regu-
Timing and sequencing latory framework is in place, and preferably
Reforms in land, fiscal, and finance sys- following the strengthening of local govern-
tems are at the core of the proposed strat- ment revenue sources. A decision on a tem-
egy—their implementation is important and porary fiscal subsidy for integrating migrants
urgent. They support urbanization but are into urban areas would accelerate the imple-
also part of the overall reform strategy as mentation of a residency system and could be
spelled out in the China 2030 report that the made early on, because the fiscal resources
DRC and the World Bank published in the are already available.
spring of 2013. That report advocates a deci- Other systemic changes proposed in pol-
sive move from state to market, which will icy areas in this report could be implemented
be the backbone for China’s shift to quality, over time, but presenting a comprehensive
instead of quantity, of growth. plan for implementing the reforms would
Land reform that addresses distortions lend credibility to urbanization. That is espe-
in the land market, especially in peri-urban cially true for the sustainability agenda that
areas, stands out as a promising point of can build on China’s impressive set of envi-
departure and would lay the basis for other ronmental laws and regulations and where
reforms. It would make land on the urban the most important task is to strengthen the
72 Urban China conference edition

institutions, incentives, and instruments that by renting out parts of their apartment to
enable environmentally sound urban develop- generate income. People with more than one
ment. Greater authority and human resources apartment for investment purposes are more
are needed for environmental enforcement, likely to sell their house, which is desirable
and more market-based instruments should as it would improve the housing market. The
be used so that the costs of using natural alternative to a property tax—such as taxing
resources and polluting the environment are property values or value increase only at the
explicitly priced. These broad-based policy time of transactions—would also solve the
considerations should be adopted immedi- problem of affordability, but would distort
ately. But their implementation will require the property market, and the tax would lose
focus and persistence over a long period. its basic function as a charge for urban ser-
vices on those who enjoy them.
There is a risk that allowing rural con-
Risks struction land to be sold directly for develop-
The introduction of a property tax might ment could lead to rapid and uncoordinated
affect property values, with possible knock- development. Zoning restrictions would
on effects on banks and local finances. This normally prevent this, but local govern-
risk seems limited, however. First, the pro- ments may also be keen to expand the city
posed property tax, at 1 percent of property and rezone rural land aggressively. Stron-
values, is modest compared with the current ger property rights for farmers should pre-
annual increase in value of some 8 percent— vent a rush—because prices are likely to be
with double-digit increases in the large cities. higher—but it may be prudent for China to
Second, even if prices were affected, banks carefully scale up the successful pilots before
are well protected against price corrections, setting nationwide policy.
because the value to loan ratio has been regu- Some fear that stronger rights for rural
lated, and thus their buffers seem more than landholders will stop urbanization effectively,
adequate for any eventuality. An announce- because land will become too expensive to
ment of the tax may cause an increase in convert, but this is not so. The territorial
supply of housing, notably of second proper- expansion of cities may slow down, but that
ties currently held for investment, which is should not be confused with slower urban-
intended and desirable. ization, which, as this study has argued, can
Affordability of a property tax may raise progress on existing land through densifi-
concerns for some. Property prices in China cation and redevelopment of existing land.
are very high compared with current incomes, Also, local governments can still convert
especially for those who have lived on fixed land, when the higher price they have to pay
incomes for some time, such as pensioners. for rural land is warranted by its urban use.
Even with a low rate, the property tax could Finally, there is a risk that in reforming
take up a large share of current income for hukou migrants will move to receive better
some homeowners. From an efficiency point benefits and services rather than for produc-
of view, people who cannot afford the prop- tive reasons. Previous evidence in China does
erty tax would have to sell their home and not seem to support this concern, however,
move to less expensive parts of the city, mak- except perhaps for the largest cities. Interna-
ing room for those who can afford it. That, tionally, there seems little evidence of “ben-
however, may be socially unacceptable. efit migration,” but within countries, people
Other countries take care of these risks at the do want to move to cities for better public
low end of income with exemptions, perhaps services such as education. That would imply
some kind of homestead exemption, although that for a transitional period the require-
too high an exemption may reduce the rev- ments for residency in large cities may have
enues from the tax too much. Phasing in the to be more stringent than in other places—
tax at low rates initially could also be consid- but with a clear timetable for phase-out. In
ered, in part because wages in cities are likely the medium term, removing mobility restric-
to adjust in light of the tax, and people could tions and adjusting the tax structure so that
adjust their living arrangements, for example, those who benefit are also taxed—through a
conference edition overview 73

property tax, for example—would yield an does not imply a diminished role for govern-
optimal outcome. ment, but rather a different one, in which
government steps back from being the main
implementer of urbanization to becoming the
Institutions and governance of enabler. The proposed fiscal system reforms,
the reform agenda if coupled with greater incentives to promote
inclusion and sustainability through more
A comprehensive urbanization strategy balanced performance targets and longer
requires interactions among many actors, at tenures, would allow local governments to
the central and local levels, and coordina- shift their primary focus from constructing
tion between ministries and agencies will be infrastructure to creating new policies and
of crucial importance. Urbanization done practices at the local level that address more
properly needs to be built on a “Whole of complex and intractable problems such as air
Government” approach at all levels. At the pollution control. Local government can also
central level, cooperation and coordination take a more active role in regulating develop-
between ministries have been notoriously ment, including in ensuring that local and
difficult, and ministries tend to develop sec- regional objectives for environmental quality
tor strategies largely independent of each and social inclusion are met.
other. Looking to the broader reform agenda, The rigidity of China’s provincial and local
urbanization reforms should be included in administrative structure—on the one hand a
the top agenda of the Central Leading Group strength because it promotes local innovation
for Reforms. The Leading Group should also and initiative—is also a weakness because
coordinate the formulation and piloting of the intense competition between provinces
reform policies at the national level. and cities inhibits effective regional coop-
China will need to continue to rely on eration. In some areas such as the provision
its decentralized administrative structure to of trunk transport infrastructure, regional
implement reforms although a rebalancing competition has been overcome by the cen-
of the roles of central and local governments tral government taking a stronger implemen-
may be required, with the central govern- tation role, but in others, such as manage-
ment taking greater responsibility for policies ment of water and air resources, the lack of
with national implications such as the basic regional planning and cooperation has led to
social security package. To provide incentives an escalation of negative impacts. Regional
for behavioral change within local govern- solutions that stretch beyond provincial and
ments, the central government, after setting municipal boundaries will be needed to bet-
the overall development direction, will need ter manage metropolitan areas in order to
to make more effective use of its two main capture agglomeration benefits and manage
mechanisms for guiding the actions of local externalities.
governments—the fiscal system and the gov- Finally, greater participation of China’s
ernment personnel system that rewards local citizens in the urbanization process would
leaders’ success based on national develop- enhance accountability of local governments
ment goals. and ensure that policies are responsive to local
To meet the GDP goals favored under needs. In some areas, China has a relatively
the personnel system, and with considerable mature system of citizen involvement—exam-
technical capacity and ample funds derived ples are local elections, consultation processes
from land revenue, local governments have for environmental impact assessments, and
taken the role of implementers of urbaniza- China’s long-established complaints system.
tion using public infrastructure construction But in many cases, the usefulness of citizen
as a way to boost short-term growth in GDP involvement is diminished by lack of access
and jobs and meet annual targets. In the to information. Especially in the field of envi-
future, to promote efficient, inclusive, and ronment, greater transparency and disclosure
sustainable development, the role of govern- of pollution information, including compli-
ment at all levels needs to change to allow ance data, would enhance citizens’ ability to
for greater involvement of markets. That engage constructively and meaningfully.
74 Urban China conference edition

Notes (see chapter 4 [of the Overview]), but it may

also result from a low remuneration for agri-
1. Financial sector reforms, which should lead cultural land.
to more market-based pricing of capital, are 22. In comparable international prices.
extensively discussed in a separate report: 23. A uthors’ calculations based on National
Development Research Center–World Bank, Bureau of Statistics survey (NBS) household
2013, China Financial Sector Reform Strat- survey data.
egy. The current report discusses only those 24. C hina Development Research Foundation
aspects of financial sector reforms that are of 2010.
particular relevance for urbanization. Data 25. Gan and others 2013.
from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 26. Davies and others 2007. Note that the data
various censuses, and authors’ estimates. from the China survey are not necessarily
2. From 2000 to 2010, urban natural increase, comparable to the numbers in this paper.
net migration, and urban reclassification 27. Caselli and Coleman 2001.
accounted for about 15, 43, and 42 percent of 28. Knight, Li, and Song 2006.
urban growth, respectively. 29. Interprovincial migration in China rose from
3. A DB 2012a; Rosenthal and Strange 2003; 25 percent of all migration in 2000 to 32 per-
Black and Henderson 1999; Lucas 1993. cent by 2010; in the United States, it consti-
4. World Bank 2009. tuted nearly 50 percent from 1947 to 2012.
5. Glaesser and Jha 2013. 30. Page 2011.
6. Campos 2012. 31. Gallagher 2013.
7. B lack and Henderson 1999; Lucas 1993; 32. Liu 2008; Wang 2010.
Rosenthal and Strange 2003. 33. In March 2011, the State Council drew up A
8. Desmet and Fafchamps 2006. Notice on Actively and Stably Pushing For-
9. World Bank 2013. ward the Hukou System Reform. The full
10. Conventional investment numbers are mea- text was released in March 2012.
sured as “fixed capital formation,” which 34. Zhang and Tao 2012; Zhang 2012.
in China is available only at the national 35. Joyce and Maitre 2012 and Frattini and Halls
level. At the city level, China publishes data 2009.
on “Fixed Asset Investment,” which covers 36. Meng and others 2012.
investment in existing assets, including land. 37. Man, Zheng, and Ren 2011.
This measure tends to drive up ICORs when 38. Man, Zheng, and Ren 2011.
asset prices rise more rapidly than capital 39. Li 2012; Huang and Jiang 2009; Logan, Fang,
goods prices. Thus, city-level ICORs are not and Zhang 2010; Zhang and Chen 2014.
comparable with national or international 40. ht t p: // w w w.labou r - d a i ly.c n / web / N ew
ones. L ab ou rE le c t ron ic /ne w p d f / Pd f N e w s
11. Authors’ estimates based on National Bureau .aspx?Calendar=2011-9-24.
of Statistics (NBS) data. 41. PBOC 2013.
12. T his paragraph largely draws from the NBS 42. Lall, Timmins, and Yu (2009) evaluated the
Migrant Survey, December 2012. relative importance of wage differences and
13. DRC background study Urbanization and public services in migrants’ decisions to move
Economic Growth, Annex. in Brazil. Their findings showed a distinction
14. DRC background study Urbanization and in preferences according to income level: for
Economic Growth, page 169. relatively well-off people, basic public ser-
15. Hort and Kuhnle 2000; Kwon 2007; Knight, vices were not important in the decision to
Li, and Song 2006. move, but for the poor, differences in access
16. Cai and Henderson 2013. to basic public services did matter.
17. Huang, Wang, and Qiu 2012. 43. Liu and others 2010.
18. Huang, Wang, and Qiu 2012. 44. Sugar, Kennedy, and Leman 2012.
19. Deininger and Jin 2003. 45. Currie and Vogl 2012; Currie and Neidell
20. B ank staff estimates of the correlation 2005; Padula and others 2013.
between urban land price increases and den- 46. MEP 2013.
sity using CEIC data. 47. Wang and others 2012.
21. C ommunication of Yukon Huang. This 48. Development Research Council of the State
extraordinarily high share of labor reflects in Council and Energy Research Institute study.
part the lack of mechanization in agriculture 49. OECD 2009.
conference edition overview 75

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51. Weber and others 2008. fengkuangyoushengxiao (Cruel preschool,
52. Feng and others 2013. crazy preparation for elementary school
53. DRC and World Bank 2013. entrance).” China Youth Daily 2012/07/11.
54. Based on income. ht tp://zqb.cyol .com / html /2012- 07/11/
55. S e e Suppor t i ng Repor t 6 , F i n a n c i ng nw.D110000zgqnb_20120711_3-09.htm.
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simulations. Shuxiao Wang, and Jiming Hao. 2013. “Char-
56. World Bank 2008. acteristics and Health Impacts of Particulate
57. World Bank Institute and PPIAF 2012.
Matter Pollution in China (2001–2011).”
58. Ruggeri-Laderchi, Olivier, and Trimble 2013.
Atmospheric Environment 65: 186–94.
59. F ew public transport systems are unsub-
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Peterson, George E. 2008. “Land Leasing and mance over 2004–2009. Unpublished. World
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E. Peterson and Patricia Clarke Annez. A ing Cities—Now. Washington, DC: World
copublication of the World Bank and Sage Bank.
Publications (India Pvt Ltd), Washington, DC World Bank and Development Research
and New Delhi. Council (DRC) of the State Council.
Picketty and Saez. 2013. China 2030: Building a Modern, Har-
Renmin University. n.d. 3E Database. Beijing. monious, and Creative Society. Washington,
Rosenthal, Stuart S., and William C. Strange. DC: World Bank.
2003. “Geography, Industrial Organization, World Bank Institute and PPIAF (Public-Private
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Ruggeri-Laderchi, Caterina, Ann Olivier, and sion 1.0.” The World Bank, Washington, DC.
Chris Trimble. 2013. Balancing Act: Cutting Zhang, Li. 2012. “Economic Migration and
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Salat, Serge. 2013. “Chinese Urban Forms and Review 38 (3): 503–33.
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Salat, Serge, and Loeiz Bourdic. 2013. “Urban Acquisition of Urban Hukou in Chinese
Complexity, Efficiency and Resilience.” In Cities.” Environment and Planning A 44:
Energy Efficiency—A Bridge to Low Carbon 2883–900.
Economy, edited by Zoran Morvaj. Zhang, Yina, and Jie Chen. 2014. “The Changing
Smolka and Amborski 2007. Published online: Prevalence of Housing Overcrowding in Post- Reform China: The Case of Shanghai, 2000–
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