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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

In MTB-MLE Grade 3

I. Objective
Differentiate count from mass nouns. MT3G-Ia-c-4.2

Caring of Plants.

II. Subject Matter

A .Topic: Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
B. References: Mother Tongue MELC’s
Grade 3 TG MTB-MLE Quarter 1
Grade 3 LM MTB-MLE Quarter 1
C. Materials: Realia, Pictures, PowerPoint Presentation
D. Integration: SCIENCE

III .Procedures
A .Preliminary Activities
1. Setting Standards
 What will you do if the teacher start the discussion?
- Sit down properly and listen to the teacher.
 What will you do if you want to answer my question?
- Just raise the right hand.
2. Drill
Rearrange the letters in the box to form a new set of words.
3. Review previous lesson
 What is noun?
- Noun is a name of person, place, things or events.
Very well done! You really learn well!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
 What plants do you have in your surrounding?
 What plant bear fruits?
 How can we take good care of the plants?
 Why do we need to take good care of the plants?
2. Presentation
 Which of these plant bearing fruits that can be easily counted?
 Which of these plant bearing fruits that cannot be counted?
 Let us try to find out!

3. Discussion
a. Activity
 Showing the pupils a real object.
 Which of this objects can be counted easily?
 Which of this objects cannot be counted easily?
-Tomato is an example of count noun because it can be counted easily.
- Rice seeds is an example of a mass noun because it cannot be counted easily.
 Showing the pupils a printed pictures.
 Which of this pictures can be counted easily?
 Which of this pictures cannot be counted easily?
- Bell pepper is an example of a count noun because it can be counted easily.
- Mongo beans is an example of a mass noun because it cannot be counted easily.

b. Analysis
The pupils will be grouped into two.
 Every group should complete the chart.
 After completing the chart each group should have a representative to present their
Can be counted Cannot be counted
Ex. Milk fish Oil

 What is count noun?

 What is mass noun?

c. Abstract
Differentiate the following nouns by writing M if it is a mass noun and Cif it is count nouns.
___1. Bell pepper ___ 6. Rice seeds
___2. Mongo beans ___7. Apple
___3. Dust ___8. Water
___4. Vinegar ___9. Lemon
___5. Tomato ___10. Pineapple

d. Generalization
 What is count noun?
 What is mass noun?

e. Application
Complete the statement with a count noun or a mass noun.
For example: I am going to the mall and I’ll buy a book, a pad of paper, a bottle of glue and a box
of crayons.

1. At the supermarket, Mother bought _____________________________________.

2. On my birthday, I received _____________________________________________.
3. I am going to cook soup. I need _________________________________________.

IV. Evaluation
Differentiate the following nouns by grouping them into two where count noun are the objects that can
be counted and mass noun are the objects that cannot be counted.
Milk fish oranges
Onions rice seeds
Tomatoes oil
Papaya water
Mongo sugar

Count nouns Mass nouns

V. Assignment
Cut some pictures of objects that are count or mass nouns and make a scrap book.

Prepared by: ELVIRA D. MONGADO


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