Group 6 Takeaway

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My Takeaways in Group 6 Report

Group 6’s report is all about the awakening of Filipino Nationalism Propaganda

movement and the start of Filipino arm struggle Philippine Revolution. Nationalism is the

love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it, this is the act that pushed our Filipino

heroes to form a Propaganda Movement wherein this was led by a Filipino elite and

inspired by the activism figures such as Jose Burgos and by his execution at the hands

of colonial authorities.

Graciano Lopez Jaena along with Marcelo del Pilar and Jose Rizal started the

newspaper, La Solidaridad that circulated both in Spain and the Philippines that served

as the medium of the Propaganda Movement. He also founded the La Liga Filipina. But

then, the movement failed because the Spanish did not agree to any of its demands,

friars were busy collecting money and making themselves rich, many of the members

wanted true change but were cautious of their wealth, there was a quarrel between

Rizal and Del Pilar, and there is no strong leader aside from Rizal. Cavite Mutiny was

started because Filipinos working in Cavite were heavily taxed that was led by

Ferdinand La Madrid and the three (3) secular priests, Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora

were implicated in this movement that resulted for them to be executed in Bagumbayan

through Garote. Roman Catholic Church controlled the curriculum education in our

country. Spanish Friars make comparatively little effort to develop a knowledge of

Castilian, as a result, the Filipino people were kept separate from the colonial power

that had ruled them for more than three (3) centuries. Ilustrados are the Filipinos who

are learned or enlightened by education. The construction of Suez Canal that connects

Europe to Asia made the sons of the wealthy to easily travel to Spain and other
countries for study. The revolution in our country begins when KKK was founded by

Bonifacio because he wants to stop the abuses of Spanish officials and friars and to

regain our independence, but Father Mariano Gil warned the Spanish Civil authorities

about the existence of KKK. Emilio Aguinaldo and Melchora Aquino also joined the

revolution wherein they play an important role. Eventually, Bonifacio and his brother

were executed in the mountains of Maragondon. After the death of Bonifacio, Aguinaldo

was elected as the president of the Biak na Bato Republic that lasted for a short term

only. The Pact of Biak na Bato was created on 14th of December 1897 that aims to end

the Philippine Revolution and Aguinaldo together with his fellow revolutionist received

an amnesty and monetary indemnity that was given to them by the Spanish


In conclusion, our heroes that fought for our independence from the Spaniards

are truly concerned to our future wherein they don’t want the future Filipino children will

also experience those negative experiences they had from them. That is why they

founded different organizations that aims to stop Spaniards abuses although they know

that in the end, their lives would be sacrificed just to regain our freedom.

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