Activity 11.1

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Occeño, MJ Ember G.

AB ELS 3-A NSCI April 8, 2024

Activity 11.1


1. What is your ecological footprint?

- My ecological footprint is 3.7 global hectares/gha.

2. How many planets does your ‘footprint’ need? Why did you get such results?
- If everyone lived like me, we would need 2.2 Earths. This is due to various factors such
as high energy usage, carbon emissions, water consumption, and waste generation.

3. The earth’s biocapacity or total available resources is only about 1.8 hectares per person.
How does your footprint compare with this?
- My footprint is 1.9 global hectares more than the supposed available resources per
person. This shows that my consumption and lifestyle choices are putting additional
strain on the planet's resources beyond what can be sustainably replenished.

4. How many are you in your house? Multiply that by 1.8 hectares to get the total biocapacity
for the persons living with you.

Number of persons: 3

Biocapacity for family: 5.4 global hectares/gha

5. Get the total ecological footprint of your family. [each member of the family will be
encouraged to answer the ecological footprint quiz]. How does this compare with the total
biocapacity for your family?
- The total ecological footprint of my family is 12.2 gha, with 5.6gha, 3.7gha, and 2.9gha
respectively. This goes above the intended ecological footprint for a family of three. This
indicates that our ecological footprint exceeds our sustainable resource usage by a
significant margin.

6. If your family’s total footprint is greater than the earth’s biocapacity for your family, what do
you think would be the possible consequences of this fact to our planet?
- Exceeding the Earth's biocapacity results in environmental degradation, climate change,
resource depletion, food and water insecurity, and economic impacts. This imbalance
signifies unsustainable consumption patterns that threaten ecosystems, biodiversity, and
human well-being.
Occeño, MJ Ember G. AB ELS 3-A NSCI April 8, 2024

7. What did you feel upon realizing the possible effects on our planet of the fact that your
family’s total footprint is greater than what the earth can provide?
- I felt embarrassed and worried since this overconsumption reflects our way of life and
how we show concern to the only Earth we’re living on. The results suggest adjustments
in consumption habits or lifestyle choices to reduce environmental impact. Also, it is
crucial to adopt more sustainable practices such as reducing energy consumption,
minimizing waste, transitioning to renewable resources, and making environmentally
conscious choices in daily activities.

8. Suggest ways on how to reduce your carbon footprint in a drawing.

- (Drawing is attached in the third page)

Efficient ecological footprints are vital for a sustainable future. By reducing consumption,
minimizing waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices, we can mitigate environmental harm and
foster a healthier planet for generations ahead.

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