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Weather events are a sign of a climate crisis

It is well known that in the past decade the environment took an

inpredictable turn and the world we used to know is changing. I totally agree with
the statement that extreme weather events are a sign of a climate crisis.
Certainly, we all have heard about tsunamis, fires, rising sea levels caused
by storms, but have we stopped for a second and thought: what is our contribution
to all of this?
In this context, we have to acknowledge the fact that human activity is
causing rapid changes to our global climate by burning fossil fuels for electricity,
heat and transportation. Therefore, the temperature on the globe has increased.
Inevitably, the number of hot days in a year broke records and the summer heat
lasts longer. Besides, hurricanes became more powerful lately, because storms
draw their energy from warm ocean water. Nonetheless, a lot of lakes and rivers
are dried out, due to higher temperatures that lead to drier condisions. Moisture
evaporates and we lose important sources of drinkable water. On the other hand,
as the planet warms, ocean waters are also warming and that causes land ice-
glaciers-to melt. As a result, average global sea level has increased by 8 inches in
the last 150 years and many animals lost their natural habitat due to all those
environmental changes.
However, I am sure that we can all contribute to improving the situation,
by taking small, but important, actions in our every day life. For instance, we can
walk or ride a bike instead of driving: that will reduce gas emissions and it will
help our health and fitness; for longer distances, we should consider taking a train
or bus. Furthemore, we can buy fewer things, shop second-hand and repair as
much as possible. Also we should recycle everyday, so our carbon footprint can
be reduced. Moreover, we should buy LED light bulbs that use one-sixth of the
amount of energy of the regular ones, also we need to turn off the tap while
brushing our teeth and to take shorter showers to reduce water waste.
To sum up, it is undeniable that the climate chage has a severe reaction on
our environment and it is our duty to stop it before it is too late. I belierve each
of us has the responsability to do better for our planet.

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