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5/6/24, 6:53 PM RTI Online :: Online RTI Information System

Right to Information Online

At the initiative of Department of General Administration, Ministry, Mumbai

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Online RTI Request Form/Online Right to Information Application

Note: Fields marked with *are Mandatory. / *It is mandatory to fill the information in this marked place.

Public Authority Details:-

*Select Department/Public Authority/Department --choose--

Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

*Name Enter Name in English only

Gender Male Female

*Address Enter Address

Pincode Enter Pincode

Country India Other

State Maharashtra

Districts --choose--

Tehsil/Taluka --choose--

Village --choose--

Location Rural Urban

Educational Status Literate Illiterate

Phone Number +91 Enter Phone No.

Mobile Number (For receiving SMS alerts) +91 Enter Mobile No.

*Email-ID eg:

Request Details:-
(Only Indian citizens can file RTI Request application)

*Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? --choose--

(Enter Text for RTI Request application upto 150 words)

Note:-/tip:- Only alphabets AZ az number 0-9 and special characters , . - _ ( ) / @ : & \ % are allowed in Text for RTI Request application. - _ ( ) / @ : & \

%Special characters must be used.

Enter Text for RTI Request application

*Text for RTI Request application

150 words left

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

Only alphabets AZ az number 0-9 and special characters

Choose File No file chosen
like space _ - are allowed in the file name (Compulsory for

BPL only)

*Enter security code 436ws3 1/2
5/6/24, 6:53 PM RTI Online :: Online RTI Information System

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