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Foam Model-making Project- 2023:

• Individual project
• Physical foam models will be submitted in week 9 (8-12th of May) before your
workshop time.
• Design log will be submitted on Learn by Sunday 14th of May midnight,
• Mark out of 100, 10% of your final mark in PROD110.
• Late submission, a penalty of 10% for each day.

Project brief:
Students will demonstrate a sculptural form that represents one of the below aesthetic
principles of:
• Rhythm
• Growth
• Repetition
• Dominance
• Emphasis
• Size limit: dimensions of 200*200*100 mm, or the equivalent volume
• Number of pieces: no limits
• All pieces in yellow foam

Project planning:

• Research and decide on what to make.

• Plan all the pieces you need for your model.
• Think about the size, scale and dimensions.
• Draw different views (6 views of 6 sides).
• Draw all the pieces with the dimensions.
• Make a paper/card model first.
• Consider how much foam you need. Use left cuts when you can.
• Plan out how to get to the desired form; cutting, forming, filing, rasping, sanding,
attaching and linking.
• Final touches.
Note: Document the process as you need to submit the process in your design log.

Design log:
• Cover page; Student name and ID, stream time, project title and one image of
your model
• Content page
• Introduction page explaining the project
• Research on the chosen aesthetics principle and visual representation of the
• Explanation of the making process
• Images of the process of modelmaking
• Drawing views and dimensions
• Reflection
• References
• Maximum 15 pages, PDF, A4.

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Criteria of assessment:
• True representation of the concept
• Finished quality of foam model; being tidy, accurate, smooth, clean and
• Correct tooling and choices
• Creative construction techniques
• Design log; tidy, organised, accurate explanation of the process, visually
communicative, and correct referencing.
• Reflection on the process

A few examples of visual representations of aesthetics and design principles:

Figure 1: Principle of Growth by Emma Abbott, 2022

Figure 2: Principles of Growth by Sohpie Ellett, 2022

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Figure 3: Dancing Moonlight by Max Stening, 2022

Figure 4: Dunes by Michael Sanders, 2022

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