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Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Department of Computer Science

Sub: BCA 646-18 Android (Practical)
Internal Assignment
Question No. 1:

Create a mobile app containing 2 EditTexts for username and password, 1 CheckBox
for course selection, RadioButtons for gender and Register Button. On click of
Register Button, display username, password, course selection & selected gender
using Toast.

Question No. 2:

Create a mobile app containing EditText (for accepting string from user), 2
RadioButtons (1.UPPER-CASE, 2.lower-case) and Show Button. Perform selected
operation on the string in EditText & display result on the same page using Toast.

Question No. 3:

Create a mobile app containing 3 checkboxes for different menus. When user selects
any menu or all menus, generate a bill with selected menus along with their quantity
using toast.

Question No. 4:

Create a mobile app containing ListView having a list of courses. On click of any
course, subjects related to that course should display in spinner . For eg. For BCA
course- C,C++,Java, For BCom course- Accounts, PPM, Economics. When user
selects BCA from listview– subjects related to BCA should appear in spinner.

Question No. 5:

Create a mobile app containing ListView having a list of countries. On click of any
country in the listview, country’s flag should display in ImageView.

Question No. 6:

Create a mobile app containing 2 EditTexts for username and password. When user
clicks on submit show it to the next Activity.

Question No. 7:

Designn a mobile application for music player using android services.

Question No. 8:

Create a mobile app for storing username and phone number using database. And
display all records using toast.

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