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DAILY School Lucena West 1 Elem.

School Grade Level Five

LESSON Teacher Vivian V. Rodriguez Learning Area English
PLAN Date/Time Quarter Fourth

I.OBJECTIVE/S Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic
II.CONTENT (Subject Planning a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
Matter) graphic organizers.
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Q4- Week 3
Materials pages
3. Text books Joy in Learning English 5 p.
B. Other Learning
A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill
composition outline pamphlet
paragraph characterization source
context drama entertain

2. Review:
• What is a multimedia?
• What are the main elements of multimedia?

B. Introduction Writing a composition becomes an easy and enjoyable task or activity if it is

planned accordingly. By using outlines and graphic organizers, young
writers like you can organize thoughts and ideas, and eventually guide you
in the drafting stage of the writing process.

At the end of our lesson today, you are expected to:

 Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers. (Outline)

This lesson will surely help you develop your skills in planning a composition
using these two important “idea or topic organizers” – outlines and graphic
C. Teaching and Look at the following examples below. Can you tell which is an outline and
Modelling which is a graphic organizer?

Title: Importance of Forests

I. Forests prevent the occurrence of natural calamities
A. Forests prevent flash floods and soil erosion
B. Forests prevent landslides
C. Forests absorb too much carbon dioxide that causes global warming

II. Forests protect wildlife.

A. Forests help preserve the species of plants
B. Forests serve as a home for animals

III. Forests support the needs of human beings

A. Forests provide wood, fuel, medicine and other
B. Forests protect fresh water sources or watersheds
C. Forests provide recreational activities

The first illustration is an example of an outline.

Have you ever wondered what an outline is?
Look closely at the example, can you tell how many main ideas are stated in
the outline?
If you were to write this in a composition format, how many paragraphs will
you have? Now, look at the second illustration.
That is an example of graphic organizer.
Can you tell how many main ideas are given in the graphic organizer? Do
you think this will help you in organizing and planning the ideas in writing
your composition?
This lesson will surely help you develop your skills in planning a composition
using these two important “idea or topic organizers” – outlines and graphic

 Writing a composition is not as hard or as challenging as you might

think. In fact, it is an easy and an enjoyable activity.
 You can choose topics that you want to write about.
 The writing process enables you to think for topic, plan for writing the
topic, draft your written ideas, revise or refine the clarity and
coherence of your written ideas, edit and proofread for grammar and
punctuation mistakes, and publish and present your
finished written task.
 Remember the stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and
proofreading, and publishing and presenting.

In doing so, you need to plan your composition carefully using outlines and
graphic organizers as part of prewriting and drafting stages of writing
process. These two are very helpful in organizing your thoughts and ideas.
Today we will focus first on planning to write a composition using outlines.

 Outlines help you to state or write the important ideas in the

paragraphs of your compositions. It can also be used as a
guide in organizing the ideas in every paragraph that you are
going to write. You can use topic outline or sentence outline.

Topics / Main Idea are those that are numbered in Roman numerals in your
outline (Example: I, II, III, IV)
Subheadings / Supporting Detail are those fall below the topic and are
indicated in capital letters like A, B, C, D

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

 By connecting and organizing the details that you have laid out in
your outline, you can form a paragraph.

D. Guided Practice Plan a two-paragraph composition about “Taking Care of Our Bodies”.
Use an outline to plan your composition.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

Review your plan of a composition written in outline form by

answering the questions below:
1. Did I write the main idea or key topic of each paragraph of my
composition in my outline?
2. Did I explain or discuss well the main idea or key using supporting
3. Did I include examples of the main idea or key topic in explaining or
discussing the supporting details?
4. Did I spell all the words correctly?
5. Did I follow grammar usage and punctuation rules?

Sample Outline

“Taking Care of Our Bodies”

I. The human body needs both rest and exercise.

A. Needs nourishment
B. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen
C. A good deal of care is given to it.

II. The body needs food as machine needs fuel as oil

A. Requires an adequate amount of basic nutrients
B. Protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals

E. Independent Practice Make a plan of writing a composition about the topic “What do you do to
reduce, recycle and reuse your waste?” Use an outline to plan your

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

III. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
F. Generalization What have you learned today?

G. Application You are planning to write a composition about the topic “My Most
Unforgettable Experience.” Complete the outline below as your guide in
writing the essay.
I. What is your experience?
A. ________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
II. What makes it unforgettable?
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________

IV.EVALUATION Plan a two-paragraph composition about “Eating Healthy Diet” Use an

outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

Sample Outline
Eating Healthy Diet
I. Vegetables are important part of a healthy diet.
A. They are packed with vitamins and minerals.
B. They provide carbohydrates.
C. They keep the body to function smoothly.

II. Fruits are essential part of a healthy diet.

A. They can help the body cells healthy.
B. They protect the body by fighting diseases.
C. They are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Use the rubrics to assess your outlines as plans for writing compositions

V. ASSIGNMENT Plan a two-paragraph composition about the “Wonders of the World” Use an
outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

III. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the third paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. _________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
Sample Outline

Wonders of the World

I. The two wonders of the world in the Philippines
A. Banaue Rice Terraces
1. Located in Mountain Province
B. Mayon Volcano
1. Can be found in Albay

II. Banaue Rice Terraces

A. Characteristics
1. carved on the mountain sides by the natives
2. great stairways to heaven

III. Mayon Volcano

A. Characteristics
1. perfect cone shape
2. natural
B. Despite several eruptions, it remains to be majestic perfect cone-shaped


DAILY School Lucena West 1 Elem. School Grade Level Five

LESSON Teacher Vivian V. Rodriguez Learning Area English
PLAN Date/Time Quarter Fourth
I.OBJECTIVE/S Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic
II.CONTENT (Subject Planning a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
Matter) graphic organizers.
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Q4- Week 3
Materials pages
3. Text books Joy in Learning English 5 p.
B. Other Learning
A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill
summer energy member equipment
raise simple exercise develop

2. Review:
What is an outline?

B. Introduction Today we will continue our lesson about planning a two to three-paragraph
composition using an outline.

At the end of our lesson today, you are expected to:

 Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers. (Outline)

C. Teaching and Taken (continuation of the lesson)

D. Guided Practice Plan a two-paragraph composition about “Taking Care of Our Bodies”.
Use an outline to plan your composition.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

Review your plan of a composition written in outline form by

answering the questions below:
1. Did I write the main idea or key topic of each paragraph of my
composition in my outline?
2. Did I explain or discuss well the main idea or key using supporting
3. Did I include examples of the main idea or key topic in explaining or
discussing the supporting details?
4. Did I spell all the words correctly?
5. Did I follow grammar usage and punctuation rules?

Sample Outline

“Taking Care of Our Bodies”

I. The human body needs both rest and exercise.

A. Needs nourishment
B. A healthy looking body doesn’t just happen
C. A good deal of care is given to it.

II. The body needs food as machine needs fuel as oil

A. Requires an adequate amount of basic nutrients
B. Protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals
E. Independent Practice Make a plan of writing a composition about the topic “What do you do to
reduce, recycle and reuse your waste?” Use an outline to plan your

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

III. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
F. Generalization What have you learned today?
G. Application You are planning to write a composition about the topic “My Most
Unforgettable Experience.” Complete the outline below as your guide in
writing the essay.

I. What is your experience?

A. ________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
II. What makes it unforgettable?
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________
IV.EVALUATION Plan a two-paragraph composition about “Eating Healthy Diet” Use an
outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)
C. ________________________________________________
(Third supporting detail or information about the main idea)

Sample Outline
Eating Healthy Diet
I. Vegetables are important part of a healthy diet.
A. They are packed with vitamins and minerals.
B. They provide carbohydrates.
C. They keep the body to function smoothly.
II. Fruits are essential part of a healthy diet.
A. They can help the body cells healthy.
B. They protect the body by fighting diseases.
C. They are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Use the rubrics to assess your outlines as plans for writing compositions
V. ASSIGNMENT Plan a two-paragraph composition about the “Wonders of the World” Use an
outline to organize your thoughts and ideas.

Title: ________________________________________________
I. ___________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the first paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

II. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the second paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. ________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

III. __________________________________________________
(Main idea or key topic of the third paragraph)
A. ________________________________________________
(First supporting detail or information about the main idea)
B. _________________________________________________
(Second supporting detail or information about the main idea)

Sample Outline
Wonders of the World
I. The two wonders of the world in the Philippines
A. Banaue Rice Terraces
1. Located in Mountain Province
B. Mayon Volcano
1. Can be found in Albay

II. Banaue Rice Terraces

A. Characteristics
1. carved on the mountain sides by the natives
2. great stairways to heaven

III. Mayon Volcano

A. Characteristics
1. perfect cone shape
2. natural
B. Despite several eruptions, it remains to be majestic perfect cone-shaped
DAILY School Lucena West 1 Elem. School Grade Level Five
LESSON Teacher Vivian V. Rodriguez Learning Area English
PLAN Date/Time Quarter Fourth

I.OBJECTIVE/S Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic
II.CONTENT (Subject Planning a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
Matter) graphic organizers.
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Q4- Week 3
Materials pages
3. Text books Joy in Learning English 5 p.
B. Other Learning
A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill
Place peace speak discover
Connect century original section

2. Review:
• What is an outline?

B. Introduction Writing a composition becomes an easy and enjoyable task or activity if it is

planned accordingly. By using outlines and graphic organizers, young
writers like you can organize thoughts and ideas, and eventually guide you
in the drafting stage of the writing process.

At the end of our lesson today, you are expected to:

 Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers. (Graphic organizers)

This lesson will surely help you develop your skills in planning a composition
using these two important “idea or topic organizers” – outlines and graphic
C. Teaching and

Can you identify the following shown in the picture? What are these?
Identify their names.
Do you know when and how to use each graphic organizer?
Do you think this will help you in organizing and planning the ideas in writing
your composition?

These graphic organizers could be used during pre-writing tasks to generate

and organize ideas for a certain topic.

Prewriting is generating and developing ideas about a topic. Some people

also refer to prewriting as brainstorming. During this process, you will write
down as much information you know about the topic. In writing this
information, you need to use appropriate graphic organizers suited for each

Graphic organizer is essential in prewriting process. It will help you

your thoughts and ideas before the actual writing.

 Graphic organizers can help you visualize the ideas you want to
write about. They also help you to understand clearly the topic and
the information or details related to it.
 Graphic organizers are visuals charts and tools used to represent
and organize a student’s knowledge or ideas. They’re often used as
part of the writing process to help students map out ideas, plots
character details and settings before beginning to write.
 The type of organizer that a pupil will use depend on the topic of the
composition to be written and the information to be presented.
 Here are some of the graphic organizers that can be used when
pupils are preparing to write.
D. Guided Practice Plan to write a composition about your parents. Say something about your
parents. Complete the semantic web below and write some descriptive
words that describe your parents.

E. Independent Practice Plan to write a composition about the life cycle of frogs. Complete the
sequence chart to plan for your writing composition.

F. Generalization What have you learned today?

Directions: Let’s check what you have learned. Complete the paragraph by
supplying the missing words.

Before writing a composition, it is best to _______ it first. Hence, an

___________ and___________________are very useful and effective in
planning to write a _______________.
An __________________is a sketch or framework of a text showing its
important ideas and details. This is usually presented in headings and
subheadings. On the other hand,____________________are aids that show
visual explanations of concepts and relationships among ideas presented in
texts. So, both are helpful in planning to write a composition.
G. Application You are given the topic “Children’s Pastimes Today and Yesterday.” Fill in
the Venn diagram below to plan for your writing composition.
IV.EVALUATION Make a plan of writing a composition about the topic “If you could be anyone
when you grow up, who would you be?”
Use your chosen graphic organizers to plan your composition.
V. ASSIGNMENT Plan a composition about the topics that interest you using your chosen
graphic organizers.


DAILY School Lucena West 1 Elem. School Grade Level Five

LESSON Teacher Vivian V. Rodriguez Learning Area English
PLAN Date/Time Quarter Fourth

I.OBJECTIVE/S Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic
II.CONTENT (Subject Planning a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
Matter) graphic organizers.
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Q4- Week 3
Materials pages
3. Text books Joy in Learning English 5 p.
B. Other Learning
A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill
temperature section fraction steam
continue exactly type direction

2. Review:
• What are the different graphic organizers?

B. Introduction Today we will continue our lesson about planning a two to three-paragraph
composition using graphic organizers.

At the end of our lesson today, you are expected to:

 Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers. (Graphic organizers)
C. Teaching and Taken (continuation of the lesson)
D. Guided Practice Plan to write a composition about your parents. Say something about your
parents. Complete the semantic web below and write some descriptive
words that describe your parents.

E. Independent Practice Plan to write a composition about the life cycle of frogs. Complete the
sequence chart to plan for your writing composition.

F. Generalization What have you learned today?

Directions: Let’s check what you have learned. Complete the paragraph by
supplying the missing words.
Before writing a composition, it is best to _______ it first. Hence, an
___________ and___________________are very useful and effective in
planning to write a _______________.
An __________________is a sketch or framework of a text showing its
important ideas and details. This is usually presented in headings and
subheadings. On the other hand, ____________________are aids that
show visual explanations of concepts and relationships among ideas
presented in texts. So, both are helpful in planning to write a composition.
G. Application You are given the topic “Children’s Pastimes Today and Yesterday.” Fill in
the Venn diagram below to plan for your writing composition.

IV.EVALUATION Make a plan of writing a composition about the topic “If you could be anyone
when you grow up, who would you be?”
Use your chosen graphic organizers to plan your composition.
V. ASSIGNMENT Plan a composition about the topics that interest you using your chosen
graphic organizers.


DAILY School Lucena West 1 Elem. School Grade Level Five

LESSON Teacher Vivian V, Rodriguez Learning Area English
PLAN Date/Time Quarter Fourth

I.OBJECTIVE/S Measure one’s ability to retain and apply concepts and skills learned.
II.CONTENT (Subject Test
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Q4- Week 3
Materials pages
3. Text books
B. Other Learning
A. Preparatory Activities Preparation of materials
Giving of instructions
B. Introduction Today, you are going to answer some questions based on our previous

After going through this test, I hope all of you will pass the test.

C. Teaching and
D. Guided Practice
E. Independent Practice
F. Generalization
G. Application
IV.EVALUATION I. Identify the following graphic organizers.
1. It is a graphic organizer that will help you visually represent a comparison
of differences and similarities between two topics. The information written
inside two overlapping circles is common to both topics.
2. It is a tool that helps visualize the order of steps of a process or a
sequence of events.
3. It help students learn the elements of a book or story.
4. It shows specific events in sequence, usually with dates, in a linear
5. It starts with a central idea and branches out into related details or
supporting details. It I also termed as spider map or semantic map.

II. Complete the paragraph by supplying the missing words.

Before writing a composition, it is best to 1. ___________ it first.
Hence, an 2.___________ and_3.__________________are very useful and
effective in planning to write a _______________. An
4.__________________is a sketch or framework of a text showing its
important ideas and details. This is usually presented in headings and
subheadings. On the other hand,5.___________________are aids that
show visual explanations of concepts and relationships among ideas
presented in texts. So, both are helpful in planning to write a composition.

III. You are planning to write a composition about the topic “My Most
Experience.” Complete the outline below as your guide in writing the essay.
I. What is your experience?
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________
II. What makes it unforgettable?
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________


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