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Name: ___________ Class: XI: _________ Max. Marks: 25

1. Which of the following is totally impossible outcome of Mendel’s Experiment? 1

a. 3 tall 1 short plant
b. 24 tall and 8 short plants
c. 8 tall and 0 short plants
d. d. 4 tall plants and 1 medium height plant.
2. The functional unit of environment is 1
a. Ecosystem
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon
d. Oxygen
3. Photosynthesis is a 1
a. Catabolic process
b. Parabolic process
c. Amphibolic process
d. Photochemical process
4. 2
What happens at the synapse between two neurons? Explain with diagram.

5. Male has 23 pairs of chromosomes and female has 23 pairs of chromosomes. 2

Then why don’t an offspring have 46 pairs of chromosomes which is obtained by
the fusion of these two eggs.

6. What is the advantage of a four chambered heart? 2

7. Green and red coloured seeds are recessive and dominant trait respectively. Out of F1 3
and F2 in which generation will the green seed appear, if both parents are not hybrid.

8. a) With the help of diagrams explain process of budding in Hydra. 3

b) Explain the schematic representation of gaseous exchange in tissues.

9. a) What are cranial and spinal nerves? 3

b) Name the hormone secreted by thyroid gland and specify one function of it.
c) Name two involuntary actions controlled by hind brain.

10. a) Why is the small intestine in herbivores larger than in carnivores? 3

b) Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with
respect to their structures and functioning?
11. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below 4
Respiration is an energy releasing enzymatically controlled process. It involves a
stepwise breakdown of food substances inside living cells. The energy released during
cellular respiration is immediately used to synthesize a molecule called ATP, which is
used to fuel all. other activities of the cell. In these processes ATP is broken down, to
release a fixed amount of energy which can drive the endothermic reactions taking
place in the cell.

a) The respiratory substrate within the cells is:

i. Glucose
ii. Starch
iii. Cellulose
iv. Lactic acid

b) Identify the incorrect statement

i. Breathing rate of aquatic animals is higher than terrestrial animals
ii. Lime water turns milky due to the presence of moisture in the air exhaled by us
iii. During the day carbon dioxide generated by respiration is used up for
photosynthesis, hence there is no CO2 release.
iv. The air passing through nostrils is filtered by fine hairs that line the passage.

c) Make a graphic organizer to show the breakdown of glucose by various


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