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Decentralization and Local Governance

Jefferson Barza Selwyn Jade B. Villarezco

Erick Bucayan PPG TEACHER

 The Local Concept of the Local Government

A local government unit, according to the Supreme Court, is a political
subdivision of a nation or state which is constituted by law and has
substantial control of local affairs. As stated in Section 1, the political
subdivisions of the Republic are the provinces, cities municipalities, and barangays. Therefore, they are local
government units. The autonomous regions, while politically autonomous, have not been included in the
enumeration of "territorial and political subdivisions."
One can only surmise that this is so because autonomous regions were not yet in existence at the time of the
approval of the 1987 Constitution. In any event, they occupy a status higher than provinces, cities, municipalities,
and barangays.

The Organic set of Autonomous Regions

1) Administrative Organization
2) Creation of source of revenues
3) Ancestral Domain and Natural Resources
4) Personal, Family, and Property Relations
5) Regional Urban and Rural Planning Development
6) Economic, Social, and Tourism Development
7) Educational Policies
8) Preservation and Development of the cultural heritage and
9) Such other matters as may be authorized by law for the promotion of the region.
Local government units, characterized by a higher authority and a territorial boundary, constitute the lowest level
of territorial organization within a state (Atienza, 2006), While there has been ambivalence on whether an autonomous
region is a local government unit-compounded by the difference in the autonomy granted to provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays on the one hand, and autonomous governments on the other-we can be sure about one thing:
what they exercise is local governance. Local governance simply means the management of political, economic. and
administrative affairs of the territorial and political subdivisions of the state (see Cariño, 1998). It pertains to the activity
by which local officials, both elected and appointed. Implement the goals and manage the resources of the local
government unit.

 Related Concept
In order to appreciate how local governments function within the larger political structure, we must take a look
at some related concepts.

At the outset, the territory of a modern state is divided into central (national) and peripheral (regional,
provincial, local) institutions. There is no uniformity in the nature of these divisions. Nonetheless, the central and
peripheral bodies cannot be dispensed with because they are essential to the functioning of a modern state
(Heywood, 2007).

•Centralization and Decentralization

Decentralization is the opposite of centralization. Centralization means that political power of governmental
govemmee power is concentrated at the top, that is, at the national level. Conversely, decentralization signifies a
transfer of the powers and responsibilities of state institutions to local governments, which makes local autonomy

According to the Supreme Court, there is decentralization of administration when the to Supetegates administrative
powers to political ke local goves in order to (1) broaden the base of government power and in the process make local
governments more responsive and accountable and ensure their fullest development as self-reliant communities, and to
(2) make them more effective partners in the pursuit of national development and social progress. At the same time, it
relieves the central government of the burden of managing local affairs and enables it to concentrate on national
concerns. This mods of decentralization is also known as deconcentration.

The Supreme Court also defines decentralization of power as involving an abdication of political power in favor of local
government units declared to be autonomous. This specie of decentralization is also called devolution, which Section 17€
of RA No. 7160, describes as the act by which the national government confers power and authority upon the various
local government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities. There are arguments for and against

What other state have federal system of Governance?

Some of them are:
1. Canada
2. Brazil
3. Pakistan
4. Australia
5. Mexico
6. Malaysia
7. Switzerland

 Evolution of Philippines Local Government and Central-local Relations.

Ancient Filipinos had already established the barangay-an indigenous and autonomous political institution long
before Arab traders, scholars, and missionaries arrived in Mindanao in the early part of the 14th century.
Everything was local before the Arabs came. The barangay was composed of some 30 to 100 households.
Barangays in some areas later formed unions like in the Islamic sultanates in Sulu and Maguindango, These
unions developed into complex political organizations and sophisticated economies.
The Spanish colonizers who came in the 16th century introduced the centralized system to the Philippines. The
Spanish governor-general acted as the highest authority in all local matters, but relied on local officials who acted
as agents. The barrio, which replaced the barangay, was headed by the cabeza de barangay. Aside from the bamo,
the Spaniards introduced other levels of local governments. There were the pueblos (municipalities) headed by the
gobernadorcillo, the cabildos (cities) headed by two alcaldes, and the provincials (provinces) headed by the
algalde mayor. These officials were appointed by the central authorities.

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