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DIBORA ENDALU………………………………………NSR/0562/13

Submitted to: Mr.H abtamu A

Table of Contents

......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Explain the difference between BITMAP and VECTOR graphics, providing detailed
examples? ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Bitmap Graphics:......................................................................................................................... 1
Vector Graphics: ......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Describe what Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) is and how movies are made using CGI ? 2
3. What is Web 3.0 and describe the ground breaking events for its manifestation? ..................... 4
Exercise 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.Briefly explain why we need to be able to have less than 24-bit color and why this makes for a
problem. Generally, what do we need to do to adaptively transform 24-bit color values to 8-bit
ones? ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Calculate the size of 600X800 image resolution on a disk with RGB color ? ............................ 6
3. Calculate the size of a 3 minute video of 600X800 resolution on disk with 256 color level and
30 f/s ?? ........................................................................................................................................... 6
4.Suppose we have 24 bits per pixel available for a color image. We also note that humans are
more sensitive to red and green colors than to blue, by a factor of approximately 1.5 times. How
may we design a simple color representation to make use of the bits available? .......................... 7

1. Explain the difference between BITMAP and VECTOR graphics, providing detailed

Bitmap and vector graphics are two different types of digital image formats, each with its own
characteristics and uses. Here is a detailed explanation of the difference between bitmap and
vector graphics, along with examples:

Bitmap Graphics:

 Bitmap graphics, also known as raster graphics, are made up of a grid of individual
pixels. Each pixel contains information about its color and position, forming a complete

 Bitmap images are resolution-dependent, meaning they have a fixed number of pixels and
their quality is determined by the resolution (number of pixels per inch) at which they are
created or displayed.

 Examples of bitmap graphics include photographs, scanned images, and digital paintings.

 Bitmap graphics are commonly used in photography, web design, and digital art where
realistic and detailed images are required.

 Bitmap images can be edited using software like Adobe Photoshop, where individual
pixels can be modified, retouched, or manipulated.

 When bitmap images are resized or scaled up, the individual pixels become more visible,
resulting in a loss of image quality and sharpness.

Vector Graphics:

 Vector graphics are created using mathematical formulas that define lines, curves, and
shapes. Instead of pixels, vector images are composed of points, lines, and curves that can
be scaled and resized without losing quality.

 Vector graphics are resolution-independent, meaning they can be scaled to any size
without pixelation or loss of detail.

 Examples of vector graphics include logos, icons, illustrations, and typography.

 Vector graphics are commonly used in graphic design, branding, and printing, where
scalability and flexibility are important.

 Vector images can be edited using software like Adobe Illustrator, where the individual
components of the image can be modified, rearranged, or resized without losing quality.

 Vector graphics are ideal for creating graphics that require precise shapes, smooth curves,
and scalability, such as logos that need to be resized for different applications.

In summary, the main difference between bitmap and vector graphics lies in their composition
and scalability. Bitmap graphics are made up of pixels and are resolution-dependent, while
vector graphics are composed of mathematical formulas and are resolution-independent.

2. Describe what Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) is and how movies are made using

Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) is a technique that uses computer graphics to create still or
animated visual content. It is widely used in various industries such as movies, television,
video games, advertising, architecture, engineering, and virtual reality. CGI refers to the
use of 3D computer graphics to generate characters, scenes, and special effects in movies
and other media
Movies are made using CGI by incorporating computer-generated elements into live-
action footage. Here is a step-by-step process of how movies are made using CGI:

Concept and Storyboarding: The filmmakers develop the concept and storyline for the
movie. They create storyboards, which are visual representations of each scene, to plan
the shots and sequences.

Previsualization: Previsualization, or previs, is the process of creating a rough version of
the movie using basic 3D models and animation. This helps the filmmakers visualize the
scenes and plan camera movements, lighting, and special effects.

Asset Creation: CGI artists create digital assets such as characters, props, and
environments using 3D modeling software. These assets are designed to match the
director's vision and the requirements of the story.

Texturing and Shading: The digital assets are given realistic textures and materials using
specialized software. This process involves applying colors, patterns, and surface
properties to make the objects look lifelike.

Rigging and Animation: Rigging is the process of creating a digital skeleton for
characters and objects, allowing them to be animated. Animators then bring the
characters and objects to life by creating their movements and performances.

Lighting and Rendering: CGI artists set up virtual lights and adjust their properties to
create the desired lighting effects in the scenes. The scenes are then rendered, which is
the process of converting the 3D data into 2D images or frames.

1. Compositing: Compositing is the process of combining different elements, such as live-

action footage and CGI, to create the final image. CGI elements are seamlessly integrated
into the live-action footage using techniques like green screen or chroma keying.

2. Post-production: The final CGI shots are edited together with the live-action footage,
sound effects, music, and other visual effects to create the finished movie. Color grading
and other post-production processes are applied to enhance the overall look and feel of
the film.

CGI has revolutionized the movie industry by allowing filmmakers to create stunning visual
effects, realistic characters, and immersive environments that were previously impossible or too
expensive to achieve. It has become an essential tool in modern filmmaking, enabling
filmmakers to bring their creative visions to life on the big screen

3. What is Web 3.0 and describe the ground breaking events for its manifestation?

Web 3.0 is the next era of the Internet, characterized by a more democratized and decentralized
approach to online interactions. It aims to shift the power from corporations and large
organizations to the collective. Web 3.0 is not solely driven by new technologies, but also by a
shift in how we view and value the Internet as a society

Groundbreaking events for the manifestation of Web 3.0 include:

1. Emergence of Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have played

a significant role in advancing Web 3.0. These decentralized digital currencies enable
peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries, empowering individuals
and promoting financial sovereignty

2. Rise of Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology, the underlying technology

behind cryptocurrencies, has paved the way for decentralized applications (dApps) and
smart contracts. Blockchain enables transparent, secure, and tamper-proof transactions,
fostering trust and removing the need for centralized authorities .

3. Development of Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi refers to the shift from closed
financial systems to an open financial economy based on decentralized protocols. It
allows for permissionless access to financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and
trading, without relying on traditional intermediaries. DeFi has the potential to disrupt
traditional financial institutions and democratize access to financial services

4. Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI technologies, such as machine learning and

natural language processing, are advancing Web 3.0 by enabling personalized and
intelligent interactions. AI algorithms can enhance user experiences, automate processes,
and provide valuable insights, contributing to the development of a more user-centric and
efficient Internet

5. Expansion of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR and AR technologies are

transforming the way we interact with the digital world. These immersive technologies
have the potential to create new forms of online experiences, from virtual meetings and

gaming to virtual marketplaces. VR/AR can enhance collaboration, creativity, and
engagement, shaping the future of Web 3.0

Exercise 2

1.Briefly explain why we need to be able to have less than 24-bit color and why this makes
for a problem. Generally, what do we need to do to adaptively transform 24-bit color
values to 8-bit ones?

o There are several reasons why we may need to have less than 24-bit color, and
this can pose a problem in terms of color accuracy and file size. Here is a brief
o Reasons for needing less than 24-bit color:

 Limited display capabilities: Some devices or systems may not have the capability to
display 24-bit color. For example, older monitors or certain embedded systems may only
support lower color depths.

 File size considerations: Higher color depths result in larger file sizes, which can be
problematic in situations where storage or bandwidth is limited. By reducing the color
depth, the file size can be significantly reduced.

o Adaptive transformation of 24-bit color values to 8-bit ones:

To adaptively transform 24-bit color values to 8-bit ones, we need to cluster color
pixels in order to best utilize the available bits and maintain color accuracy as
much as possible. Here are the general steps involved:

 Quantization: The process starts by dividing the 24-bit color space into smaller regions or
clusters. Each cluster represents a range of colors that will be mapped to a single 8-bit

 Color mapping: Within each cluster, the representative color value is determined. This
value will be used to represent all the colors within that cluster.

 Reconstruction: When displaying or rendering the image, the 8-bit color value is used to
reconstruct the original color. This is typically done by assigning the middle value of the
color range represented by the 8-bit value.

o By adaptively transforming 24-bit color values to 8-bit ones, we can reduce the
file size while still maintaining a reasonable level of color accuracy.

2. Calculate the size of 600X800 image resolution on a disk with RGB color ?

Hint Size on disk = Width X Height X color depth (byte)

To calculate the size of a 600x800 image resolution on a disk with RGB color, we can use
the formula: Size on disk = Width x Height x Color depth (byte)
Width = 600 pixels
Height = 800 pixels
Color depth = RGB (Red, Green, Blue) = 3 bytes
Let's calculate the size on disk:
Size on disk = 600 pixels x 800 pixels x 3 bytes
Size on disk = 1,440,000 bytes
Therefore, the size of a 600x800 image resolution on a disk with RGB color is 1,440,000

3. Calculate the size of a 3 minute video of 600X800 resolution on disk with 256 color level
and 30 f/s ??

To calculate the size of a 3-minute video with a resolution of 600X800, 256 color level, and
30 frames per second (f/s), we need to consider the following factors:
1. Resolution: The resolution of the video is 600X800 pixels.
2. Color Level: The video has a color depth of 256, which means each pixel can have one of
256 different colors.
3. Frame Rate: The video has a frame rate of 30 frames per second (f/s).

To calculate the size of the video, we need to consider the size of each frame and the duration
of the video.
1. Size of Each Frame:
The size of each frame can be calculated using the equation:
frame size = V × H × CD,
where V is the vertical resolution (800 pixels), H is the horizontal resolution (600 pixels),
and CD is the color depth (256 colors).
frame size = 800 × 600 × 256 = 122,880,000 bytes
2. Duration of the Video:
The video is 3 minutes long, which is equal to 180 seconds.
3. Total Size of the Video:
To calculate the total size of the video, we need to multiply the size of each frame by the
number of frames in the video.
Number of frames = frame rate × duration of the video
Number of frames = 30 f/s × 180 seconds = 5,400 frames
Total size of the video = size of each frame × number of frames
Total size of the video = 122,880,000 bytes × 5,400 frames = 663,552,000,000 bytes
Converting the total size to a more common unit:
663,552,000,000 bytes = 663,552,000 KB = 663,552 MB = 648 GB (approximately)
Therefore, the size of a 3-minute video with a resolution of 600X800, 256 color level, and 30
f/s is approximately 648 GB.

4.Suppose we have 24 bits per pixel available for a color image. We also note that humans
are more sensitive to red and green colors than to blue, by a factor of approximately 1.5
times. How may we design a simple color representation to make use of the bits available?

 To design a simple color representation that makes use of the available 24 bits per pixel
while considering the human sensitivity to red and green colors, we can allocate more
bits to the red and green channels compared to the blue channel.
Here's a possible approach:

Allocate 10 bits to the red channel: Since humans are more sensitive to red, assigning a
larger number of bits to the red channel allows for more precise representation of red
Allocate 10 bits to the green channel: Similarly, allocating a significant number of bits to
the green channel accounts for human sensitivity to green colors.
Allocate 4 bits to the blue channel: Since humans are less sensitive to blue, assigning
fewer bits to the blue channel still allows for a reasonable representation of blue colors.
By allocating more bits to the red and green channels, we can capture more detail and
nuances in those colors, while still maintaining a sufficient level of accuracy in the blue
This color representation scheme would result in a total of 24 bits per pixel, with 10 bits for
red, 10 bits for green, and 4 bits for blue.

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