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Akhilesh Nadgiri

9552140506 | | |

P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering, Pune CGPA: 8.65
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology 2020 - 2024

Project Intern Sept 2023 - Mar 2024
Girme Softtect LLP Link to project
• Collaborated with team members to design and implement a monitoring solution

• Utilized Go programming language to develop backend services for data collection and processing

• Implemented buffering with Kafka for real-time ingestion, processing and routing of log data

• Containerized components using Docker for efficient deployment and scalability

• Set up and configured the ELK stack for log management and visualization

• Participated in code reviews, testing, and debugging to ensure the reliability and performance of the system

CI for ML | Tensorflow, GitHub Actions Link to project
• Automated development workflows, reducing model training and evaluation time by 30%

• Defined workstream processes in a Continuous Machine Learning (CML) YAML file

• Executed TensorFlow Regression model and data visualization, achieving 90% accuracy in predictions

UniRydes | AWS - Amplify, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cognito Link to project
• Developed a serverless web application, reducing response time by 40% compared to traditional architectures

• Implemented backend API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway and Cognito

• Managed user authentication and data storage, achieving 99.9% uptime for user access

AWS Infrastructure Provisioning | AWS, Terraform, Jenkins Link to project

• Streamlined deployment process for highly available cloud infrastructure

• Implemented Jenkins CI/CD pipeline, ensuring a success rate of 95% for automated deployments

• Architecture includes VPC, subnets, route tables, security groups, and load balancer across Availability Zones

K8s Monitoring | Kubernetes, Prometheus, Grafana Link to project

• Monitored Kubernetes clusters using Prometheus and Grafana

• Scraped data from Kubernetes API server and stored in Prometheus

• Visualized and analyzed metrics in Grafana, leading to 30% improvement in resource utilization

Technical Skills
Languages: Python, Go
Cloud Platforms: Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services
DevOps Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, ELK stack
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
Other: Kafka, Airflow, Spark, Matplotlib, NumPy

Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Link
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Link
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Link
Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals SC-900 Link
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Link
Architecting with Google Compute Engine Link

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