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OBJECTIVES: At the end of this practical student should be able to:

1.0 Describe the gas turbine engine starting system operation
1.1 Perform visual inspection on DC starter generator and igniter

TOOLS/ 1) PT6A-6/20 Turbo Propeller Engine.

EQUIPMENTS (DP1): 2) PT6A-6/20 Maintenance Manual.
3) Wrench and Screw Driver Set.
4) Torque Wrench.
5) Safety Wire for wire locking.

SAFETY PRECAUTION (DP5): i) Always refer to Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) before
performing any task.
ii) Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE’s) at all time.
iii) Use right tools for the right job.

THEORY (DP1): Many turbine-powered aircraft use a starter generator that acts like a
starter during the start of the engine and when the engine is online it acts
like a Generator. The main advantage of the starter generator is saving
weight by eliminating a separate starter that is only used during the start.
Initially used on small turboprops and light jets but large units are now
installed on the B787 aircraft engines to power the main engines and
power the electrical system.

The starter-generators are dual purpose 30 volt 250 ampere DC units

which produce torque for engine starts or generate electrical current to
meet the airplane electrical loads. A series starter winding is used for
starter operation and a shunt field winding is for the generator operation.

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PROCEDURES (DP7): When connecting the starter, generator, or various other electrical units
within the nacelle, make sure that all lead connections are clean and
properly secured. On leads that are fastened to a threaded terminal with
a nut, a lock washer is usually inserted under the nut to prevent the lead
from working loose. When required, connector plugs can be safetied with
steel wire to hold the knurled nut in the full tight position. Electrical leads
within the engine nacelle are usually passed through either flexible or rigid
conduit. The conduit must be anchored, as necessary, to provide a
secure installation and bonded when required.
I. Identify location of DC starter generator as per maintenance manual
& locate the components physically on the engine
II. Perform removal/installation and carry out visual inspection on DC
starter generator in accordance with maintenance manual and write
down the procedure
(REFER Beechcraft kingair 90 amm for procedure)
III. Perform removal/installation and carry out visual inspection on
igniter plug in accordance with maintenance manual and write down
the procedure

Remarks: Please make sure, snap a picture of your procedure to put

in report. Write down your procedure in DETAIL and SPECIFIC.

RESULT/DATA (DP4): i. Sketch internal Igniter Plug

ii. State procedures for DC starter generator/motor inspection and
carbon brushes inspection.
(FAA general chap: 12-138 & 12-147) & CAIP PG 808
iii. State procedures for igniter plug inspection.
(CAIP PART 2: EL/3-12, para 5.4)
iv. Snap a picture of every member result and elaborate about it.
a. CLEAR pictures starter generator and igniter plug
b. Identify any defects that might be found from your general
visual inspection

• Every picture must has title.

• Every picture must be elaborated.
One page just has MAXIMUM 3 pictures (4 pages minimum)

DISCUSSION (DP3): i. Identify the problems that you interface during fuel manifold
removal/installation and inspection procedure.
ii. Elaborate the reason of problem happened.
iii. Evaluate problem to encounter.
iv. Discuss any suggestion that you can contribute in this practical
v. Identify REAL INCIDENT in aviation happened because lack of

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CONCLUSION (DP2): Write the conclusion on the practical that has been done.(state safety
precaution working with electrical systems & how to safely carry out task
on DC starter generator)

REFERENCES (DP5): Find at least 5 (FIVE) references from any sources e.g books, internet,
journal,CAIP etc.

NOTE: References comes from your theory.

Please follow IEEE reference format.

The course assessment comprises four components, namely:

Coursework Assessment (CA) - 100%

Coursework assessments that measures knowledge and practical skills are carried out in the
form of continuous assessment.

Assessment Method Percentages
Practical Report 4 50%
Practical Performance 1 25%
Oral Assessment 2 25%

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