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Smahi Mohamed Secondary School – Cheguig Date: May 24th, 2023

Year Two, Lit & Philo Stream Duration: 02 hours

The Final Term Exam of English

Part One: (15 pts)
A/ Comprehension: (07 pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Every year, thousands of people are killed by violent acts of nature. This year, we’ve already seen
earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and volcano eruptions. Even with warning systems in place, people still
fall victim to nature’s wrath. Perhaps they were unprepared or simply didn’t know what to do during
such an event. These are some basic information on what to do when severe forces of nature such as
earthquakes are heading your way.

As soon as you are aware that an earthquake may happen, turn off all appliances before it hits.
This includes water, gas, and the stove. Keep away from windows, mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces,
and any heavy furniture or appliances. You will position yourself next to an interior wall. Keep your
head and neck covered and do not move until the quake is over.

If you find yourself in a vehicle during an earthquake, do not attempt to drive. Stop the car and
simply wait it out. Do not stop on a bridge, overpass, or underpass. Also, do not stop near any telephone
wires, trees, or large buildings.

For those of you who happen to be outside when an earthquake hits, look for a safe, open area
away from buildings, trees. A field, hill, or wide open parks are good areas to start with. Do not try to
hide under a bridge or seek shelter near a building. Once you find a wide open space, stay there. Do not
move unless you feel a sinkhole forming or are in direct danger from the quake itself.

Adapted from:

1. Choose the right answer. (0.5 pt)

- The text is: a. a web article. b. a newspaper article. c. an extract from a book.

2. Say whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’ according to the text. (02 pts)
a- Thousands of people are killed by natural disasters because they are unprepared .
b- Warning systems help reduce the number of casualties.
c- During an earthquake stay close to heavy furniture or appliances.
d- You should stop your car under a bridge during an earthquake.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (03 pts)

a- Why can’t most people survive natural disasters?
b- What should be done before an earthquake?
c- Which places are the safest during an earthquake?

4. What or who do the following words refer to in the text? (1.5 pt)
a. They (§1) = …………. b. It (§3) = …………. c. There (§4) = ………….
B/ Text Exploration: (08 pts)

1. A- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (01 pt)
a. Conscious (§2) = ……………… b. Secure (§4) = ……….…….…
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to: (01 pt)
a. Prepared (§1) ≠ ……………… b. Inside (§4) ≠ ……….…….…

2. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a): (03 pts)

1/ a) The policeman ordered him: “Stop your car away from this bridge”.
b) The policeman ordered him ………………………………………………..……………..…………...
2/ a) The journalist asked me if I had experienced a natural disaster.
b) The journalist asked me ………………………………………………..……………..…………...
3/ a) A reporter said: “Last year, a terrible earthquake destroyed the whole city”.
b) A reporter said ………………………………………………………..……………..…………...
3. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final /ed/. (02 pts)
Killed – wanted – tried – looked

/t/ /d/ /id/

4. Fill in gaps with words from the list given: (01 pt)
sections– earthquake – called – moving

The hard rock surface of the earth is …………………. the crust. The earth’s crust is divided
into several …………………. called plates. The place where two plates meet is called a fault line. Two
plates …………………. along a fault line causes an earthquake. During an …………………. the ground
moves and shakes.

Part Two: Written Expression (05 pts)

* Choose only one topic.

Topic 01: Using the following notes, write a short paragraph of about 80 to 120 words about the
precautions that people should take after an earthquake. (Use had better, should and ought to)
- Check for injuries.
- Provide first aid.
- Clean up dangerous spills.
- Wear shoes.
- Turn on the radio and listen for instructions from public safety agencies.
- Use the telephone for emergencies only.
Topic 02: “Disasters increase the sense of charity ”.

On the light of the quote, write a composition of about 6 to 8 lines in which you discuss how people
can volunteer in charitable organizations and take part to save people in danger of natural disasters?

Do your best, then enjoy your holidays…

Smahi Mohamed Secondary School - Cheguig Academic Year: 2022/2023

Mr. Benguemmar Nacer Level: 2 nd Year Literary stream

The Final Term Exam Typical Correction

Parts Answers Partial Full
Mark Mark
1. The text is: : a. a web article. 0.5*1 0.5
0.5*4 2

2. T/F statements: a. True b. True c. False d. False

3. Answering comprehension questions:

a. Most people can’t survive natural disasters because they were
unprepared or tried to play the hero. Most likely, they were misinformed or
3*1 3
simply didn’t know what to do during such an event.
b. Before an earthquake, you should turn off all appliances...over.

C. The safest places are; an open area or a wide open space.

3. Cohesive markers:
0.5*3 1.5
a. They = people. b. It = an earthquake. c. There (§3) = a wide open
07 pts
1. Lexis:
a. Conscious (§2) = aware. b. Secure (§4) = safe. 0.5*2 1
a. Prepared (§1) ≠ unprepared. b. Inside (§4) ≠ outside. 0.5*2 1
2. Grammar.
B1. The policeman ordered him to stop his car away from that bridge.
1*3 3
B. Text Exploration

B2. The journalist asked me: “Have you experienced a natural disaster?”
B3. A reporter said (that) the previous year, a terrible earthquake had
destroyed the whole city.
3. Phonology.
/t/ /d/ /id/ 0.5*4 2
looked killed / tried wanted

4. Discourse.
0.25*4 1
1. called – 2. sections – 3. moving – 4. earthquake.
08 pts
N.B. The grid below to be applied for both topics.
2. Written 01 pt
Expression 1- Relevance. 01 pt
2- Coherency. 02 pts
3- Correct Use of Language.
01 pt
4- Excellence / Creativity. 05 pts

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