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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 55 Kota Kinabalu, Tuesday, February 28, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

Lahad Datu Feedback Benoni set
hit by on school to take off
flash flood facilities with new
PAGE 2 vital: Ministry developments

SEAC hails
Warisan loses tenth YB budget 2023
Ricardo Unto
KOTA KINABALU: Parti Warisan’s Petagas Assemblyman priorities
datuk Awang Ahmad Sah Sahari announced quitting the
party to join Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Sabah Economic Advisory
led by Chief Minister datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. Council (SEAC) congratu-
To date, Warisan has lost 10 assembly members. The party now lated datuk Seri Anwar
has only 15 members in the 79-seat State Legislative Assembly. Ibrahim on his maiden
“I have been thinking about this for three months,” he told a press 2023 budget of RM388.1
conference, Monday. Awang Ahmad was Warisan’s Treasurer-General billion, which has several
and the party’s Putatan head. important objectives for Malaysia’s eco-
“And I listened to the voices of the leaders in my division. So, I called nomic future.
them, including those who do not want to leave Warisan, for discussions. SEAC Chairman Tan Sri david Chu (pic)
“There is no doubt in my decision as I do not make it on my own…I said the Prime Minister had emphasised in
can say the whole division leaders are unanimous in their support for his budget speech that racial differences
the shift.” should no longer be highlighted to pre-
He deemed Petagas Warisan had collapsed following the move. serve harmony and unity in the country.
He said, it was hard for him to leave Warisan, but “I must take into He said Anwar’s foremost task was to
consideration the people’s sentiment and the divisional leadership’s assist the economy recover from the
thoughts on our situation.” Covid-19 pandemic and addressing ongo-
“What is more important is my constituents as they were the ones ing global uncertainties from the Russian-
who voted for me and handed me the victory.” Ukraine war, reset the Malaysian economy
As an elected representative, he said, he has to take practical actions. into a more sustainable, balanced growth
“At the same time, the Chief Minister is a good leader. As such, this is besides providing much needed relief in
a decision that I must make.” the form of lower income tax to lower
He disclosed that he met Hajiji twice, the last being on Friday. income groups and assistance for small
“during the meeting, I did not ask him how much money can he give medium enterprises.
me, or what position he can offer me. I only asked him what are his plans “It is heartening to note that micro,
for Sabah, and I am satisfied with his replies. Afterwards, I held further small and medium enterprises (MSMEs),
discussions with divisional leaders,” he said. which make up almost 97 per cent of busi-
He thanked his supporters as well as Warisan President datuk Seri nesses in Malaysia are given much needed
Shafie Apdal for fielding him as an election candidate. support to pick themselves up after the
He said he was in Kuala Lumpur about 10 days ago with other Warisan pandemic and transform to remain rele-
leaders, including Shafie.
Awang Ahmad and others at the press conference.
vant and competitive.

See Page 2, Col. 4 “The provision of RM40 billion in loan
facilities for MSMEs through government

agencies will help provide much needed
liquidity and finance for MSMEs to recover,
transform or boost their businesses.

“It is hoped that the criteria for approv-
ing the loans for MSME is made easy and
the approval process is speedy,” he said,

says Yusof
Chu said SEAC is appreciative that the
budget would rein the deficit from 5.6pc
to 5pc and instil fiscal discipline, reduce
leakages in government procurements
Ricardo Unto and fight to reduce corruption.
SINdUMIN Assemblyman “SEAC is happy to see that the grant for
datuk dr Yusof Yacob (pic) Sabah has been increased from RM5.16 to
is not affected by criticisms RM6.5 and allocation for the completion
for deciding to support of the much-delayed Pan Borneo Highway.

Sarawak MP
Chief Minister datuk Seri See Page 2, Col. 4
Hajiji Noor.

Death March and fate of 641 Britons

queries how
“Maybe they do not understand and

Christina (fourth right) at the launching of the book with John (third left) and his wife, Victoria (second left).
labelled us ‘frogs’ or accused of being

much Sabahans
bought over,” he said.
“Our agenda is clear which is for Sabah.
Naysayers can say anything as they do not

need to pay
know our intentions…I do not want to
dwell on that.”
As right-minded politicians, he said,
they need to take into consideration the Kan Yaw Chong and Tulloch said it was difficult when you captive audience.
current situation and analyse it. Sherell Jeffrey got camps hundreds of miles apart and in “His reply was very telling: ‘Sandakan
“They need to think far ahead, not only KOTA KINABALU: Major John Tulloch was Kalimantan and so forth. day is about remembrance; honouring KUALA LUMPUR: The rate of electricity tar-
on today,” he said. shocked more than a decade ago when he “So when you want to read about Batu those who died during the Japanese iff in Sabah will depend on the fuel cost
Welcoming Awang Ahmad into the first learnt that 641 British POWs (Prison- Lintang, you go to that chapter, or if you Occupation, whether they be Prisoners of factors and infrastructure challenges in
Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) fold, he is ers of War) died in the Sandakan-Ranau want to read what I call the Rampage in War (POWs), internees, or locals. A book the state, the dewan Rakyat was told.
confident that the other GRS leaders death March, a significant number from Borneo, these were there and they were launch straight after the service would be Natural Resources, Environment and
would also welcome him with open arms. his former Regiment – the Royal Artillery. local stories. I didn’t want the Funk family disrespectful to the dead and the relatives Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik
“Let bygones be bygones as politics are The rest were mostly Australians number- who have been written by so many people. attending Sandakan day’. Ahmad said currently, it is quite impossi-
dynamic – it will shift in parallel with time ing some 2,000 at the closing stages of “I wanted brand new information and She suggested the book be translated ble for the federal government, or the
and situation.” Asked on the departure of the war. when datuk Irene Charuruks introduced into Bahasa Malaysia and hoped it would Sabah government, to give any assurance
other Warisan leaders, he said it is for This drove him to mount a deter- me to her father, I suddenly realised this make more people aware of what was regarding the tariff until the handover of
them to decide. mined marathon research to unearth the was what we need, in addition to Tham going on. the electricity supply regulatory power to
Meanwhile, he disclosed that he did not hidden story. Yau Kong who introduced me to a free- “We have mountains, wildlife and the the state is completed.
receive any show-cause letter from central “It is the first British perspective on lance guide named Beverly who told me sea, but we do not know much about our “And as well all know, there are chal-
Umno for going against the party’s state the death March. However, the book is about her extraordinary story (WW2 sto- past. This book is excellent,” she said. lenges in terms of electricity supply infra-
liaison body’s previous decision of not not just on the death March but what ries involving her ancestors), and even a “We frequently have guests from structure development in Sabah,
supporting Chief Minister datuk Seri happened on Borneo as a whole,” Tulloch bar man at the Star (Shangri-La Tanjung abroad come to our Ministry, and if they especially on the east coast because it does
Hajiji Noor. said. Aru Resort and Spa) who didn’t want to are interested in history, we may give not have the fuel energy infrastructure like
on the west coast,” he said when replying

Lad’s fatal fall

See Page 2, Col. 1 Besides interviewing people and visit- be named, did likewise,” Tulloch said. them this book as a souvenir,” she said.
ing archives, museums and libraries Tul- “There are not many books produced In addition to researching for his to a supplementary question from datuk
loch travelled extensively in the UK, in respect to the Japanese Occupation in book, John also spent eight years Ali Biju (PN-Saratok) during the question
Singapore, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak, Ade- North Borneo,” said Liew. researching and producing the British and answer session in Parliament.
laide and Perth, according to publisher “It is a book of immense historical sig- North Borneo Roll of Honour, which he Ali wanted to know the measures taken
datuk CL Chan, at launch of “The Borneo nificance for Sabah and Borneo. I strongly presented to the Sabah Government on by the government to ensure that con-
Jimmy Goh Graveyard 1941-45” by Minister of recommend this book to the general pub- March 9, 2016. sumers in Sabah will not be imposed with
KOTA KINABALU: A 12-year-old boy fell to Tourism, Culture and Environment, lic, it should grace the libraries, universi- It is now with the Sabah Museum. higher electricity tariffs and burdened by
his death from the 14th floor of a building, datuk Christina Liew, Monday. ties and schools of Sabah and Borneo,” Over the years, John has written arti- the handover of the regulatory power, as
here, on Monday. Chan said it took him only four she said. cles on the Vietnam War and Sabah Pris- well as its assurance to continue assisting
Sources claimed the boy had been months to get “The Borneo Graveyard” She said the book was to have been oners of War (POW) history which have consumers in the state.
sleepwalking. A hotel that is believed to be published compared to Tulloch’s 12 years launched in 2020, the 75th anniversary of been published in international journals. Elaborating, Nik Nazmi said the federal
from where he fell, initially, has since of research. Sandakan day. “But, as we all know, the He has spoken on podcasts and given government has already provided a large
claimed that the victim was not a guest. Research materials included diaries Covid-19 pandemic occurred and the talks to Far East POW groups, to military subsidy to Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
At press time, there was no confirma- and letters of former POWs and internees, launch was postponed.” audiences, history groups and schools. (SESB), including RM711 million in 2021,
tion from police on the boy’s identity or which were not in the public domain. Liew recalled first meeting John at a On July 21, 2021, at the invitation of the comprising RM368 million for fuel sub-
how he ended up being the 14th floor. “He also listened to audio recordings dinner “Celebrating Sabah’s Natural and Commonwealth War Graves Commis- sidy, solar subsidy (RM310 million) and
After receiving a call at 6.44am, fire- of former POWs and internees who had Cultural Biodiversity” in London in sion, he gave a talk on the Japanese Occu- tariff support subsidy (RM32.4 million).
fighters led by Sulastri Hassan were dis- survived, at the Imperial War Museum November 2019. “We had a long talk pation of Borneo based on his book at the This financial assistance allowed SESB
patched to the location. and BBC’s War History. about his book on Borneo and that it Commonwealth War Graves Commission to maintain the basic tariff in Sabah at a
Early investigations revealed that the “His online research was extraordinary would be published and launched in Kota Commemoration Service of VJ 2021. The rate of 34.52 sen/kWh, which is lower than
youngster had fallen from a window on in depth,” Chan noted, citing an opinion Kinabalu during Spring 2020. duke of Kent and The Countess of Wessex that in the peninsula, he said.
the hotel’s 14th floor and landed on the of Professor danny Wong, a Sabah-hailed “I asked John why he did not want to were in attendance. On Jan 20, Prime Minister datuk Seri
fifth floor. historian from the University of Malaya, launch his book straight after the San- His book covers in extraordinary Anwar Ibrahim announced that the trans-
The boy was brought down to the lower who felt this was an important book for dakan day Remembrance Service on Aug detail the war in Borneo, Kalimantan, fer of regulatory power for electricity sup-
floor by firefighters and medical officials Sabah and Borneo as a whole. 15, 2020, where he would have had a large Sarawak, Brunei, Labuan and Sabah. ply to Sabah will be made on Jan 1, 2024. –
pronounced the boy dead at the scene. Bernama
2 Local Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress

Sabah aims to woo US,

Aussie, Indian tourists
Sherell Jeffrey She said this after officiating the Wildlife department, Sabah Tourism
KOTA KINABALU: launching of Major John Tulloch’s book Board (STB), and the Environment Protec-
The State Tourism, “The Borneo Graveyard, 1941-1945” at the tion department to understand the issues.
Culture and Envi- Hyatt Regency Hotel, here, Monday. “After we get everything, we will begin
ronment Ministry She also said that she would be meet- to plan. The planning for Kota Kinabalu’s
aspires to tap into ing with Mayor datuk Noorliza Awang beautification has already begun,” she
the American, Aus- Alip on the city’s beautification master- said.
tralian and Indian plan because it serves as the gateway to She added that the resumption of AirA- The town area also not spared.
travel market in Sabah. sia’s international flights from Shenzhen
addition to the It will be a significant reform and she and Guangzhou to Kota Kinabalu on
existing European urged the relevant authorities to begin
planning this year.
March 2 and 3, respectively, would go
according to plan.
Lahad Datu
“We traditionally look into the Euro-
pean market, London and Germany, but
“There are many things we need to
address in terms of hotspots, cleanliness
“We will travel to China with the STB to
meet with the major airlines there, includ- is hit by
this year, we are intending to look into Los and planning,” she added. ing Shanghai Airlines, Spring Airlines,
Angeles, Australia and India, which is fast
becoming an important tourist market,”
“We have started the meeting, and
from what I understand, they have com-
Xiamen Airlines; all these are coming in
private flights from China,” she said.
flash floods
said its Minister datuk Christina Liew pleted the draft that we discussed two She also supports the idea of charter Azmie Lim
(pic). weeks ago. They are coming sooner or flights from second tier cities in China LAHAd dATU: Heavy rains since Monday
Christina said there will be a lot of later to design the draft,” she said. proposed the Sabah Association of Tour morning resulted in flash floods in several
things to do, including aiming to develop As for targeted tourists’ arrivals, she and Travel Agents (Satta). areas in the district.
Sabah’s tourism business and bringing in said she could not provide a number for “We are open as long as everything Lahad datu Civil defence Force (APM)
more tourists, during her official one- targeted tourists arrivals until she met complies with the law. Among other Officer, Lt. (PA) Asby Mohd Anwar said,
week visit to Germany and London next with all relevant sectors. things, we ourselves have to upgrade our among the areas hit by flash floods were

First barter trade Kumpit arrives

week. “So far, I have met the Sabah Museum, facilities, including the airport,” she said. Batu 1, Batu 5, Kampung Cocos, Pan Borneo
Bypass and Segama areas, Singgamata and
Jalan Silabukan areas.
Anwar on Asby said following the incessant rains,
he has sent his men for monitoring of the
areas at risk of floods as the water began to
LABUAN: The first non-convention ship
(NCS), better known as “kumpit” from the
he told Bernama.
Idjal said the consignments are owned
why no rise at about 5.30pm.
“Our men are still at the scene to moni-
southern Philippines province of Tawi- by local licensed transhipment company
Tawi, arrived at Labuan Liberty Wharf here
Monday to officially revive transhipment
New Quality diamond.
LCC facilitated the issuance of the tran-
pay hike for tor the water level and at 5.30pm, the water
level of Sungai Segama was increasing.
“We will continue to monitor the situa-
activity between the island and southern shipment licence from the Royal
The wooden vessel was given a salute
Malaysian Customs department to three
companies, namely Nusa Aman Sdn Bhd,
civil servants tion and will take the necessary action if
the situation worsens,” he said.
Asby when contacted also reminds the
from two water cannons on two tug boats New Quality diamond and BGC Trading PUTRAJAYA: The government did not pro- people, especially those in the low-lying
as it berthed at Labuan Port’s container- Sdn Bhd. pose salary increments for civil servants in areas to always be prepared for any even-
ised port jetty. The island’s economy has been feeling the 2023 Budget as it could lead to a large tuality.
The event was witnessed by Labuan the pinch since barter trade activity budget deficit, said Prime Minister datuk He urged the people to contact the APM

S’kan has most PPR units

Corporation chief executive officer between Labuan and southern Philippines Seri Anwar Ibrahim. for any emergencies at 089-880991 or
Rithuan Ismail and Azman Abidin, the was halted in 2016 after more than four Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, MERS999. An area badly affected.
Prime Minister’s political secretary, as decades in operation. said a high budget deficit could dampen
well as Labuan Chamber of Commerce Rithuan said Labuan Corporation and investors’ confidence in the country as
(LCC) members and maritime industry the Labuan disaster Management Com- they would not be convinced there was a
players. mittee are in full support of the revival of strong political will to manage the country
With the arrival of the NCS, the tran- the transhipment activity. well.
shipment activity between Labuan and the “We have done our part in making sure “Our problem now is (we have) debt of Winnie Kasmir Wong during Parliament sitting,
southern Philippines is officially revived. the transhipment activity is revived and RM1.5 trillion with (a current) deficit of 5.6 SANdAKAN: Sandakan has the most Peo- recently.
Labuan Port operator Megah Port Man- running smoothly. Labuan needs to diver- per cent, and if we increase the salaries, ple Housing Project (PPR) with 6,080 units At the same time, Akmal said that all
agement Sdn Bhd (Megah) chief executive sify its industry to boost its economy, and our budget deficit may rise to 6.5 per cent, spread across nine projects. PPR applications can be made online and
officer Idjal Tahir said the vessel would be local authorities will do their part to facil- nobody will come and invest in our coun- deputy Minister of Local Government those in keen can visit
undergoing a thorough check by the itate,” he said. try because they will have no confidence development, Akmal Nasrullah Mohd for registration.
authorities before it is allowed to unload LCC chairman daniel doughty said that that we have a strong political will to man- Nasir said, from the total, 4,833 units have Vivian has previously confirmed that
cargoes. “after putting a lot of effort, the tranship- age the country well,” he said after attend- been occupied while the remaining 1,247 Sandakan has the highest slums in Sabah
He said the vessel would be unloading ment activity is back on track.” – Bernama ing International Forum on Islamophobia: units still vacant. with 6,516 units.
a consignment of 125 tonnes of sugar and “We must thank Megah Port Manage- Meaningful Engagement Through Madani “For the vacant units, 900 are in PPR “Slum houses are also feared to be
112.5 tonnes of rice for the southern Philip- ment for its important role in this tran- discourse here Monday. Batu Putih which still cannot be occupied among of the causes of the many problems
pines’ market. shipment activity for providing a Anwar said this in response to Congress as there are damaged. in Sandakan over the years.
“depending on the weather condition, warehouse for the consignments and mak- of Union of Employees in the Public and “Previously it was used as a placement “Therefore, the government must build
more PPR housing so that those who are

Bankruptcy waiver: Three conditions

the second kumpit will be arriving in one ing sure the vessel berthed safely,” he Civil Services Malaysia (Cuepacs) president and quarantine centre for Covid-19
week to unload the same consignments,” added. – Bernama datuk Adnan Mat’s remarks that there was patients and would need repairs before it still living in slums can enjoy a better liv-
no commitment shown by the govern- can be occupied,” he said. ing environment, and solve the social

Better Sabah-Kalimantan trade

ment to reevaluate the new public service Akmal said the inadequate PPR units problems and serious security issues,” she
remuneration system in order to increase in Sandakan was raised by MP, Vivian added.
PETALING JAYA: Those who fulfil three con- More information can be obtained from salaries in Budget 2023.
ditions can apply to the Insolvency depart- the department’s website at Anwar, however, called on Cuepacs to
ment to be lifted from their bankruptcy be patient as the government’s priority
status, says datuk Seri Azalina Othman Prime Minister datuk Seri Anwar now is to help the poorer groups of the
people. From Page One economic/trade zone status” for SOGIP,
Said. Ibrahim had announced on Friday (Feb 24)
“Just be patient for a while. Is it not “With the connectivity by road between KKIP and POIC, targeted tax and other
According to the Minister in the Prime that the bankruptcy status for 120,000
important to try to help the hardcore poor Kalabakan in Sabah and Simangaris in incentives for investments in Sabah in
Minister’s department (Law and Institu- insolvents would be automatically lifted
who suffer more that the regular workers? Indonesia, bilateral trade and investment 2023. “These measures will provide a major
tional Reform), the first condition required on March 1.
“Life is also hard for the paddy farmers, will be enhanced. Border township will be boost for Sabah’s economy to be elevated
that the declaration of bankruptcy had “As of January, there are more than
fishermen and the hardcore poor...they are developed and provide employment for from commodity to industrial, for Saba-
passed the five-year period from the date 260,000 bankruptcy cases recorded, the
also struggling to make ends meet,” he the communities around the areas. hans to maximize economic benefits from
of the acceptance order and the judgment majority involving young Malays who have
said. “SEAC is also gratified that Education Sabah’s resources,” said Chu.
order or bankruptcy order. the potential to contribute to the economy.
Last Friday, Anwar tabled the national Minister Fadhlina Sidek has assured that As investment has poured into Sabah in
Secondly, the total debt or outstanding “The government will amend the Insol-
budget for 2023 with a total allocation of the allocation for her ministry from the 2021/2022, SEAC requested that the Prime
debt involved did not exceed RM50,000. vency Act 1967 so that bankruptcy cases can
RM388.1 billion, comprising RM289.1 bil- 2023 budget will be used to resolve the Minister to urgently look into the poor
Third, there were no court orders, court be automatically released.
lion for operating expenditure, and RM99 problems of all the dilapidated schools in condition of the Kota Kinabalu Interna-
proceedings or investigative proceedings “While waiting for the amendments,
billion for development expenditure, Sabah. SEAC would request the relevant tional Airport (KKIA) which is the second
conducted on the bankrupt under Act 360. there are small cases with debts of less than
including RM2 billion as contingency sav- federal ministers who are in charge of gateway and busiest airport in Malaysia.
“Individuals who fulfilled these condi- RM50,000. If conditions are fulfilled, these
infrastructures, trade/investment promo- “KKIA is poorly managed, badly main-

Lockup rules to be amended

tions can go to the department’s branches cases will be immediately lifted from bank- ings.
Under the budget, the government also tions, tourism promotions and health to tained and is looking very old and tired. A
or email them to check on their bank- ruptcy on March 1,” he said when tabling
agreed to give a Special Aidilfitri Assis- adopt a similar commitment,” he said. major renovation is long overdue. SEAC
ruptcy cases,” said Azalina. Budget 2023.
tance of RM700 to all civil servants of To expedite Sabah’s economic develop- would like to urge the Prime Minister to

Solving Petagas flood problem

Grade 56 and below including those on a ment, SEAC hopes that the Prime Minister allocate a sufficient sum for this renova-
contract basis and RM350 to pensioners. – can consider granting “free tion for KKIA urgently,” he said.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Home the hospital for treatment, whereby such a
Affairs (Moha) is preparing a comprehen- notice has been used by the United King-
sive amendment to the 1953 Lockup Rules
to ensure the management of lockups,
dom Police.
The ministry said that 24 deaths in cus-
Aussie FM From Page One His announcement came three weeks
detainees as well as the basic rights of tody were recorded from Jan 1-dec 31 2022, “I did not talk about leaving the party after Kunak Assemblywoman Norazlinah
detainees are improved in line with current
needs and requirements.
with 11 of those deaths occurring in police
lockups while the other 13 occurred when
calls on Anwar as I had not decided yet at that time,” he
Arif, Banggi’s Mohammad Mohamarin
and Tanjong Kapor’s Ben Chong also
Moha in a reply published on the Parlia- detainees were either receiving treatment KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister datuk As for Petagas, he said, he has hired sev- announced their decision to leave the
ment’s official website said this was among at a hospital or clinic or on the way to the Seri Anwar Ibrahim received a courtesy eral contractors and engineers to study a party.
the measures taken by the police to curb facility. call from Australian Foreign Minister Sen- project to solve the flood problem in the Meanwhile, at the same press confer-
the issue of deaths in custody. The number of such cases in 2021 ator Penny Wong in Putrajaya Monday. area. ence, Tanjung Aru PBRS Chief Noran Addy
“This is in addition to providing stan- totalled 46, of which 14 occurred in lockups. Anwar said issues of mutual interest Several Wira Warisan leaders also Sukiran announced that the whole divi-
dard operating procedures (SOP) for the Meanwhile, regarding the statistics of including economic cooperation, foreign stated their intentions to leave the party, sion decided to leave the party and pledge

Navy rescues 7 crew, 16 passengers

management of detainees in the lockup as investigations, charges and convictions policy and regional development were dis- including Wira deputy Chief Ismail their support to Gagasan Rakyat and the
well as periodic inspections by the author- under the Sedition Act 1948, Moha said a cussed during the meeting. Sabran. State Government.
ities to ensure compliance,” it said. total of 367 case files had been opened from “Australia is one of Malaysia’s close and
The ministry was responding to a ques- 2018-2022, namely 66 cases in 2018; 2019 important friends. Senator Wong also con-
tion from Zahari Kechik (PN-Jeli) who (46 cases); 2020 (117 cases); 2021 (84 cases) veyed greetings from PM Albanese (Aus-
wanted to know the statistics of deaths in and 2022 (54). tralian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese) Winnie Kasmir vessel’s status.
custody for the years 2021 and 2022 as well Five of the cases have been tried in court, and invited me to attend the Malaysia-Aus- SANdAKAN: The Malaysian navy’s Kd Todak Heavy seas and strong winds made offer-
as the government’s efforts to curb such it said, adding that three ended in convic- tralia Annual Leaders’ Meeting under the came to the assistance of 16 passengers and ing help to the M/L Rihana difficult.
incidents. tions while the other two were still ongo- implementation of CSP (Comprehensive seven crew onboard the M/L Rihana from Notwithstanding the difficult circum-
According to Moha, the police were also ing. Strategic Partnership) in Australia this the Philippines whose engine stalled eight stances, the Kd Todak continued to provide
studying a proposal to affix a ‘Hospital or The ministry was responding to a ques- year,” he said in a post on Twitter. nautical miles east of the Tg Labian waters drinking water while also assuring the

‘Some in Umno afraid of me’

Custody’ notice on every police car as a tion from Syerleena Abdul Rashid (PH- Wisma Putra in a statement said off Lahad datu. safety of the M/L Rihana.
reminder to send ill or injured detainees to Bukit Bendera) over the matter. – Bernama Malaysia and Australia had close coopera- Two women and a three-year-old boy On Feb 25, the navy vessel successfully
tion in various sectors including defence, were among the passengers. towed the M/L Rihana to Tg Labian waters,
science and technology, education, The ship patrolling the waters for Ops where it anchored and sought cover from
counter-terrorism, trade and investment. daulat Benua and Ops Pasir Selatan duties the storm while waiting for assistance from
From Page One Umno…perhaps they are afraid of me Total bilateral trade between the two initially received information about the dis- the Philippines.
countries in 2022 saw a significant tress from the Mawilla 2 Operations Centre While anchored, Kd Todak proceeded to
“I thought I was already accepted as an becoming their competitor.
increase of 55.4 per cent to RM88.65 billion via the Joint Task Force Headquarters 2 Mar- provide food to the crew and passengers.
Umno member as I have submitted my “But, it is all right. I am a politician and
(US$20.05 billion), making Australia itime Command Centre on Feb 24. The M/L Rihana was later towed out of
form to the party’s state liaison office. I need to have a platform for my struggle,
Malaysia’s 10th largest trading partner. – At 11.30 pm, Kd Todak arrived at the site Malaysian seas by the BRP Florencio Inigo
“But I got to know that some Umno so, I decided to join Parti Gagasan Rakyat (PC 393), which arrived on Feb 26.
Bernama where M/L Rihana was and checked on the
leaders are not keen on me joining Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat),” he said.
RM6.5b budget for Sabah
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 Local 3

set to have big impact

Big budget, no cheers
Sohan Das
for Labuan: Chamber is growth. The previous government and
Azmie Lim
LAHAd dATU: The 2023 budget presented
by Prime Minister datuk Seri Anwar
Ibrahim last Friday is seen to have a big
impact on the community, especially
LABUAN: The the Ministry of Transport was reported to those in Sabah.
Labuan Chinese be calling for Request for Proposal (RFP) United Islamic Sabah Association
Chamber of Com- from the private sector to undertake the (Usia) deputy President datuk Abdul
merce has given the project,” said Wong. Hakim Gulam Hassan said the budget
Abd Hakim Mizma
thumbs-up to the Wong also regretted that no mention of that allocates RM6.5 billion for Sabah
Anwar-led Unity allocation was made to address the serious clearly shows the government’s commit-
Government for water problems in Labuan. ment and dedication in strengthening
tabling a massive The network of pipeline and related infrastructure development in the State. tourism industry,” he added.
RM388.1 billion tobacco products”. facilities needed to be both replaced and Welcoming the government’s efforts Meanwhile, Segama Community
Budget 2023. The special privilege was revoked by the upgraded. “Under the present situation no to speed up the implementation of the development Leader, Mizma Appehdul-
Its Chairman datuk Wong Kii Yii said previous government, which triggered an investor would be interested to look at the Sabah and Sarawak Pan Borneo Highway, lah, described the budget as inclusive and
the amount was not expected, given the outburst and appeal as it plunged the island,” added Wong. the Sabah Link Road with an allocation of will bring prosperity to the people.
fiscal health of the nation and the many island into deeper doldrums by seriously He reminded that Labuan, being Fed- RM20 billion, Hakim said this effort will Mizma said it covers comprehensive
challenges ahead. affecting the tourism industry. eral Territory, was the responsibility of the improve the communication network in aspects such as health, education, secu-
“The widespread of spending would Wong also regretted that the new Federal government to turn the island into Sabah. rity, development and others.
surely have a desired effect for many seg- budget spoke of no infrastructure devel- a mini city with a robust economy. “We “We are very grateful to the Prime Min- He said the initiatives announced
ments and individuals but, unfortunately, opment for Labuan but instead placed cannot be expecting Sabah to help in this,” ister for the commitment and concern for through the 2023 budget would benefit
the same could not be said of Labuan,” he focus on upgrading and expanding the said Wong. the people of Sabah shown through the the people of Malaysia, as well as those in
said. airports in Penang and Subang as well as Wong also drew attention to a report 2023 budget. Sabah.
The budget gave no attention to to develop the main port at Carey Island in that when Labuan was federalised in 1984, “Through the initiatives announced, Welcoming the government’s efforts
Labuan, he said, adding “many had Selangor and Sanglang in Perlis. there was said to be a nine-point agree- we can see his and the Unity Govern- to make the people of Sabah prosperous,
expected that under the Unity Govern- “What about the Labuan Integrated ment in accepting the jurisdiction of the ment’s determination to prosper the Mizma said the allocation of RM2.5 bil-

SME Association of Sabah Group

ment the budget would restore the island’s port at Rancha Rancha which was planned island and one of the points was not to dis- State of Sabah,” he said. lion to implement public infrastructure
special privilege in the sale of tax-free 15 years ago and much needed for Labuan turb the duty-free status of the island. According to Abdul Hakim, the 2023 projects, including road and streetlight
budget also coincides with the theme of projects as well as water and electricity

hopes for lower costs optimistic

Malaysia Madani where attention is given supply, is good news for the people.
to the people as a whole. She said the initiative to provide the
He said the addition of 42 border con- best service to the people in Sabah can

over big
trol posts of the General Operations also be seen through the allocation of
Force, the Malaysian Immigration depart- RM30 million for the interiors of Sabah
and Sarawak to increase the facilities of

ment, the Sabah East Coast Special Secu-
KOTA KINABALU: SME Association of Sabah There is also a special tax deduction of up clinics, banks and mobile courts.
rity Area (ESSCom) and the Malaysian
welcomed the National 2023 Budget and to RM150,000 for expenditure incurred on “The government has also allocated
Maritime Enforcement Agency was also a
hoped with the initiatives, the costs of the purchase of Malaysian made handicrafts RM2.3 billion to upgrade buildings and

good initiative.
doing business for micro, small and from local producers registered with the infrastructure in 380 poor schools, espe-
He explained that security issues are
medium enterprises (MSMEs) can be main- Malaysian Handicraft development Corpo- cially in Sabah and Sarawak, which will
often a focus for the State, especially after
tained, if not lowered. ration for the period from Jan 1 to dec 31, he provide comfortable and conducive
the Lahad datu invasion in 2013.
Its Founding President Prof datuk Foo said, adding this special tax deduction will schools for students,” she said.
“Efforts to increase and tighten
Ngee Kee said it is heartening to note that help to boost the sales of Malaysian made Mizma added that the concept of
national border control are welcomed
MSMEs, which make up almost 97 per cent handicraft mostly owned by MSME. Noor Zafira Zayn Malaysia Madani applied in the 2023
because this will benefit the people of
of businesses in Malaysia, are being given “To answer the call for better infrastruc- KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah West Coast Budget is seen to be capable of develop-
needed support under the National 2023 ture which is crucial for all businesses, a Smart Consumers Association is optimistic ing and driving the country’s economy in
“The initiative to increase these con-
Budget for them to pick themselves up after development expenditure of RM6.5bil is

Narrowing devt gap between

that the development and progress of trol posts will also be beneficial in terms addition to bringing prosperity to the
the pandemic and transform themselves to allocated to Sabah and RM20bil to acceler- Sabah and Sarawak can be driven more people.
of economy, where it will stimulate the
remain relevant and competitive. ate the development of Sabah-Sarawak Link effectively with large allocations of RM6.5

Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak

“The Government will be providing RM40 Road and Pan Borneo Highway with billion and RM5.6 billion through the pres-
billion in loan facilities for MSMEs through another RM2.5 billion for public amenities. entation of Budget 2023.
its various agencies and a total of RM1bil “With the completion of these infra- Its President, david Chan, said the
funding under Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) structures and the Customs, Immigration, announcement by Prime Minister datuk
to support MSMEs to automate and digitalise Quarantine and Security (CIQS) in Kal- Seri Anwar Ibrahim, last Friday, could
their business operations. abakan, Sabah will be able to capitalise on greatly benefit the people of both states.
“A further RM100 million is specifically her proximity advantage as a neighbour to Nikko Fabian nities, especially those in rural areas, fully
According to him, with the provision in KOTO KINABALU: Making the call for support Chief Minister datuk Seri Hajiji
allocated for small traders to assist them in Nusantara in East Kalimantan for bilateral question, the development gap in progress Sabahans, particularly in the rural areas, to Noor’s style of leadership and the matter’s
automating and digitalising their busi- trade and investments,” he said. between the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak take advantage of the Madani Budget earlier statement referring to the serious
nesses under the Skim Geran Pendigitakan In addition, he said businessmen should could be narrowed. 2023, PGRS Information Chief datuk consideration to set up another CIQ in
PKS. Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) pay attention to the introduction of capital “What is important through Budget 2023 Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan hoped the Bantul, Pensiangan.
for automated equipment is also to be gains tax from the gain on disposal of is the process of championing the fate of the increased budget allocation will pave way The Assemblyman stressed that the
expanded to include the agriculture sector. unquoted shares in companies which could people by upgrading various facilities and for Sabah to accelerate its development RM1 billion allocation to build a Customs,
“The income tax of MSMEs will be have unintended adverse implications and basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity programmes and be at par with the rest of Immigration and Quarantine complex
reduced from 17pc to 15pc for the first consider carefully the reintroduction of the supply, clean water and internet access. the states. bordering Indonesia, including in Kal-
RM150,000 of chargeable income effective Special Voluntary disclosure Programme “We hope that this large allocation will He said leaders of Parti Gagasan Rakyat abakan, will surely have a positive impact
from year of assessment 2023 which will by LHdN and RMCd which will grant a be able to boost the progress of the state Sabah hope that the revised national of Sabah’s economy following the con-
result in a tax savings of up to RM3,000,” he 100pc waiver of penalty for declarations and thus allow economic activities, espe- budget will bridge development gap struction of Indonesia’s new administra-
said in a statement Monday. made between June 1, 2023 and May 31, cially in rural areas, to become more vigor- between the two Borneo states and Penin- tive city in the archipelago.
Foo said the tourism sector has been 2024. ous,” he said. sular. Nizam calls on Sabahans to grab these
given a matching grant totalling RM115 mil- “We welcome the 2023 budget proposal He also welcomed the allocation which “Sabahans welcome the Budget and are opportunities offered by both the Federal
lion for promotional activities plus an addi- from the Sabah MSMEs perspective and will be used to develop cities bordering Kali- grateful of the three per cent increase in and State Unity Governments.
tional of RM40mil to encourage chartered hope both Federal and State Governments mantan, Indonesia such as Kalabakan, development allocation to RM6.5 billion “PGRS will take the initiative to explain
flights to attract foreign tourists from new will focus and give their full commitment

Zulkapli appointed Public

Sabah and Ba’kelalan, Sarawak at a cost of to the people on these benefits,” he said in

Budget reflects M’sia Madani

markets in collaboration with the launch- to drive the economy in Sabah for the bet- this year”, he said.
RM1 billion. He also believes that the local commu- a statement.
ing of new routes from these new markets. terment of the people of the State,” he said. “These bordering cities will be gateways

Service Dept Director-General

for Indonesians, especially after the transfer

concept, says MNC head

of the Indonesian capital to Kalimantan.
“With the availability of complete infra-
structure facilities and suitable facilities, the
border towns will definitely develop,
thereby opening up employment and eco- PUTRAJAYA: datuk dr Zulkapli Mohamed to carry the trust and responsibility in sup-
KOTA KINABALU: Momogun National all certainly does not apply. nomic opportunities for the local popula- has been appointed as the director-General porting efforts and ensuring that public sec-
Congress (MNC) fully supports the “In terms of land area, Sabah is equiv- tion,” he said. of Public Service department (PSd) effective tor reforms are in line with the aspirations
National 2023 Budget tabled by the alent to approximately 60 per cent of david said the government was also Monday (Feb 27), said the Chief Secretary to of Malaysia Madani,” he said.
Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Peninsula Malaysia with its 11 states yet expected to provide some allocations to the Government (KSN), Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Zulkapli has served in the public service
datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Feb 24. the quality and level of infrastructure are increase food sources and curb the price of Ali. for 31 years and his first position was assis-
MNC described it as a proactive, busi- dismally lower in East Malaysia with the goods from continuing to rise. Zulkapli, 58, was earlier deputy director- tant secretary in the Training division on dec
ness and people-oriented strategic plan added burden of a higher cost of living,” He said the people today were stressed general (development) in the Public Service 1 1992.
of action conceptualised with the he said. by the prices of food items and services that department. He had also served as the chief executive
nation’s wellbeing and prosperity at its Wences suggested that the annual continue to rise. Mohd Zuki in a statement said the officer at Solid Waste and Public Cleansing
core. budget allocation for Sabah should be “There should be long-term and short- appointment has received the consent of the Management Corporation (SWCorp) as well
MNC President Tan Sri Wences directly channelled to the State Govern- term action plans to deal with the issue. Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah as the Sabah federal secretary at the Sabah
Angang said the 2023 Budget addresses ment to ensure the State receives the full “We welcome the initiatives provided by Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah. Federal Secretary’s Office.
every sector and community and is truly amount allocated. the government through the 2023 Budget, He said the appointment was based on Zulkapli graduated with a Bachelor of
reflective of its Malaysia Madani concept. “The current situation requires any especially to help farmers, rubber tappers, the vast experience of Zulkapli in the various Social Science (Honours) from Universiti
“MNC also lauds the Prime Minister’s unspent amount in the annual Budget youths, women and PMKS entrepreneurs. fields including policies, management and Sains Malaysia, a Master’s degree in Interna-
initiative to allocate special emphasis on allocation for Sabah to be returned to the “We hope that this target group will services in the development of human capi- tional development from the University of
the infrastructural needs of Sabah with Federal Government with only 60pc to make the best use of the aid given and that tal. Japan and a doctorate in Economics (Inter-

52 Tawau palm fruit bunches theft: Man held

the allocation of RM6.5 billion for the 70pc of the allocated funding fully it will be distributed to the right target,” he “I am confident that with the knowledge national Finance) from Meiji University,

New Treasury
infrastructure development in the utilised every year,” he said. said. and credibility that he possesses, he is able Japan. – Bernama

“This is indeed a very much awaited
and welcomed allocation for the con-
A vehicle
struction, maintenance and systematic
carrying 52
upgrading of infrastructure and facilities Lagatah Toyos
bunches of
in Sabah to ensure that our infrastruc- TAWAU: A 48-year-old local was arrested on

palm oil
ture landscape is on par with the rest of suspicion of stealing 52 bunches of palm fruit PUTRAJAYA: datuk Johan Mahmood @ Johan

believed to
Malaysia. in an oil palm plantation at Mile 24 Jalan Mahmood Merican has been appointed as

have been
“MNC is confident that the govern- Apas village, last Friday. the new Treasury Secretary-General, effective

stolen by the
ment initiative to provide continued sup- district police chief, ACP Jasmin Hussin, Monday (Feb 27), announce Chief Secretary to

local suspect
port to micro, small and medium-sized said the suspect was arrested around 4.05pm the Government (KSN) Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali.

at Mile 14
enterprises (MSMEs), the bastion of the following tip-off from the public. Mohd Zuki in a statement said the

Jalan Apas.
country’s economy, with RM1.7 billion He said a police team carrying out Crime appointment of Johan, 50, who was previ-

(Pic: PDRM
allocated for SMEs’ development in 2023, Prevention Patrols (RCJ) from Bandar Sri ously Treasury deputy Secretary-General (Pol-

specifically in aspects such as capacity Indah Police Station (BSI) made the arrest icy), had received the consent of Yang
after being handed over by public. di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ay-
upgrading and digitalisation for busi-
“The police also confiscated a Toyota atuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.
Hilux single cab pick-up vehicle along with Mohd Zuki said the appointment was
“This framework of support augurs
based on his qualifications, leadership quali-
well for the nurturing, expansion and 52 palm fruit bunches worth approximately
ties and extensive experience while holding
success of small-scale home-grown busi- RM600 that were in the vehicle,” he said here.
several positions in the fields of economics,
nesses and entrepreneurship,” he said in Jasmin said the suspect and the looted finance and policy-making.
a statement Monday. items were taken to Tawau Police Headquar- “I have full confidence in his qualifica-
To realise the objectives of Malaysia ters (IPd) for further investigation under Sec- tions, experience and credibility to carry the
Madani as well as the spirit of Malaysia tion 379 of the Penal Code. trust and support the mission and vision in
Agreement 1963 (MA63), Wences reiter- He thanked the local community for the continuing the excellence of the country’s
ated the need for the Federal Govern- information that was channelled to him financial and economic management which
ment to consider the unique and until the suspect was caught. is efficient, transparent and effective in line
different needs of Sabah when allocating He also hoped such cooperation contin- with the aspirations of Malaysia Madani,” he
funds where the concept of one-size-fits- ues to make Tawau a safe place. said. – Bernama
World Understanding and Peace Day
4 Local Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress

Kan Yaw Chong best way to find yourself is to lose yourself

KOTA KINABALU: in the service of others”.
Rotarians under- Sharing his years of experience on con-
stand that peace is flict resolution, Changaroth said he
more than just the realised the “need to bring peace to all the
absence of conflict, people I engage with and work with”.
but the presence of Aminah added: “Let us remember that
justice, equality and peace-building is an ongoing process that
fairness. requires persistence and commitment. As
Zara Aminah Changaroth
datuk Aminah we celebrate Rotary’s anniversary, let us
Ambrose, President commit ourselves to our vision of a world
of the Rotary Club of citing the help the clubs here will be get- where people unite and take action to cre-
Kota Kinabalu Pearl, said this at the ting from the event’s keynote speaker, Anil ate lasting change.
“World Understanding and Peace day” Changaroth, Chartered President of the “On the World Understanding & Peace
event held at the Hakka Hall Likas, last Rotary Club of Peace Builders Singapore, day, let us reflect on the theme of ‘End
Sunday. Racism, Build Peace’.
Fadhlina with Armizan listening to SK Kinarut teachers’ grouses
district 3310’s 1st Cause Based Club to
“As Rotarians, it is our responsibility to “As Rotarians, let us embrace diversity,
while others look on.
achieve the goal.
address the root causes of conflict and “Through his experiences in dispute respect each other’s beliefs, and be toler-
inequality in our communities and resolution and restorative justice, Mr ant of the differences In opinion and lan-
beyond,” she said. Changaroth has gained valuable insights guage. Without peace, trust, cooperation,

Feedback on
The dinner was attended by Rotarians into the importance of peace and conflict and inclusiveness are impossible to
from eight Rotary Clubs of KK Mandarin, resolution in building a harmonious soci- achieve, and we need to be aware of what
Likas Bay, KK Sutera, Luyang, KK South, ety,” datuk Aminah noted. is happening in pour community and
Tanjung Aru, KK and Penampang. “He, like many of us, found himself within our Rotary clubs.
Aminah went on: “As we celebrate drawn to Rotary’s commitment to making “As Rotarians, we stand above all these
Rotary’s 118th anniversary, let us reflect on a positive difference in the world.” because we understand what brings peo-

school facilities
our vision statement, ‘Together, we see a In his keynote address, Changaroth ple or groups together and what drives
world where people unite and take action quoted the dalai Lama who reportedly them apart,” Aminah concluded, as she
to create lasting change – across the globe, crafted the saying, “World peace must thanked the hard work of Organising
in our communities and in ourselves’. develop from inner peace. Peace, I think, Chairperson, Nicole Lee, for putting the
“This year we are focussing on peace- is not just mere absence of violence, event together.
building through Rotary, which is aligned peace is the manifestation of human The night heard vibrant entertainment

vital: Ministry
with World Understanding & Peace day, compassion”. performances from Zara Goh Flintoft in
the Rotary Clubs in Kota Kinabalu are com- Changaroth went on to quote Indian two solo sessions on the saxophone and

90 cases of illegal logging: S’wak tops

mitted to instilling the value of peace- nationalist and non-violence advocate, Rotarian Vector on the guitar and Rock
building in our community,” she added, Mahatma Gandi, who famously said, “The Out with Muddy.

Hayati Dzulkifli She was accompanied by Minister in

PAPAR: The Ministry of Education (MoE) the Prime Minister’s department (in
is seeking cooperation from relevant charge of Sabah & Sarawak Affairs and
authorities to ensure that infrastructures Special Tasks), datuk Armizan Mohd Ali,
for public use, especially involving stu- as well as officials from MoE and local KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 90 cases of ille- problem of illegal logging.
dents, are in good condition. authorities. gal logging were recorded nationwide in He said these technologies included the
Its Minister, Fadhlina Sidek, said MoE She was commenting on students who 2022 with Sarawak having the highest num- Forest Monitoring using Remote Sensing
would not compromise on safety issues of had to risk their lives when going to ber at 60 cases, the dewan Rakyat was told (FMRS) system in the peninsula, the Contin-
students not only at school, but also school including using rafts and flying Monday. uous Monitoring of Surveillance (Comos)
when they are on their journey there. fox to cross the river due to bridges being Natural Resources, Environment and system in Sarawak and the iForSabah appli-
Unfortunately, she said infrastructure swept away by severe flooding while wait- Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik cation system in Sabah in the aspects of for-
outside the school is not within the juris- ing for the bridges to be rebuilt. Ahmad said 11 cases were recorded in Perak, est monitoring and enforcement in the
diction of her Ministry and for that rea- The media reported that on Jan 30, two followed by Kelantan (10 cases), Sabah Alias Hamid (PN-Kemaman) who wanted country. These systems use Geographic
son, the cooperation of the Ministry and primary school pupils suffered light (four), Selangor (two) and one case each in to know the breakdown of illegal logging Information System (GIS) technology,
other related agencies is essential. injuries when a village jetty at Kg Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. cases in the states in 2022 as well as the remote sensing and high-resolution satel-
“Public facilities such as piers or jet- Pababag, Semporna, collapsed while “The culprits who committed the effectiveness of using new technologies lite images that can detect any changes in
ties, bridges and roads that are used by some 23 pupils, kindergarten children offence have been charged under the such as drones to reduce illegal logging Permanent Forest Reserve (HSK) areas.
students must be in good condition. and two SK Pulau Pababag teachers fell National Forestry Act 1984 (Act 313) in activities. “This system helps patrol teams and
“We are not only talking about safety into the sea when the wooden jetty col- Peninsular Malaysia, the Forest Ordinance Nik Nazmi added that his ministry enforcement operations to combat illegal
issues due to poor school building condi- lapsed at about 6.45am. 2015 (Chapter 71) in Sarawak and the Forest through the Peninsular Malaysia Forestry forest activities in the field with more spe-
tions, but also the safety of children on She said the incident is a big reminder Enactment 1968 (Sabah No. 2 of 1968) in department (JPSM), the Sabah Forestry cific location information,” he said, adding
their way to schools. and a lesson that concerns safety of the Sabah,” he said during the Question-and- department and the Sarawak Forestry that drones were also used to catch illegal

MySejahtera: Passport congestion: Immigration

“In that regard, I request cooperation students. Answer session. department also took the approach of logging culprits to air reconnaissance at
of other ministries responsible for infra- In light of this, Fadhlina said the MoE He was replying to a question from Che using several technologies to overcome the specific locations. – Bernama
structure such as roads and jetties used by did require the use of life jackets among

Govt mulls Dept taking proactive measures

students because these are not under the pupils, secondary students and teachers
MoE,” she said. for those who come to school by boat ot

public health
Fadhlina said this after her working just crossing the river.
visit to SK Kinarut, near here, last Sunday. “When crossing the river there must be

super app
She also announced a RM200,000 alloca- life jackets, it is compulsory to wear them.
tion for SK Kinarut for maintenance “The MoE provided these life jackets,” THE Immigration department is taking Saifuddin was replying to a question

Premises offering Menu Rahmah

works. Fadhlina said. several proactive measures to overcome by datuk Seri Sh Mohmed Puzi Sh Ali
the issue of serious congestion over pass- (BN-Pekan) who wanted to know what
port-related matters. They include proactive and progressive solutions

expected to double in March

increasing the number of working days would be taken to overcome the serious
THE government intends to make MySe-
(on Saturdays and Sundays), especially at case of congestion for passport matters
jahtera a digital public health super app,
passport issuing offices which are expe- at the Immigration department, as well
the dewan Rakyat was told Monday.
riencing significant congestion. as a proposal to reinstate the ‘walk-in’
deputy Health Minister Lukanisman
Home Minister datuk Seri Saifuddin passport application process.
Awang Sauni said it would be used as big
PUTRAJAYA: number of premises offer- sessions regarding the menu prepara- Nasution Ismail said there are 20 pass- He said after the threat of Covid-19
data with all health-related information
ing Menu Rahmah is expected to double tion. They were not forced but volun- port offices facing high congestion infection had eased, passport applica-
used as a guide in determining the coun-
in March from over 700 food stalls and teered to help the people by providing namely nine in the Federal Territory and tions are high so much so it has caused
try’s health direction encompassing
restaurants nationwide at present, said quality meals,” he said, adding that the Selangor, Johor (five), Perak (three) and congestion at passport issuing offices
budget provision, best health services and
domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minis- number of participants’ customers is also one each in Melaka, Penang and Kedah. especially in the Klang Valley.
facilitating the people.
ter datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub. increasing. He said RM10 million has also been Meanwhile, he said there was conges-
“As for the payment (of procurement
“We expect to see a two-fold increase Salahuddin said the next step was to allocated for overtime payment. tion at immigration counters at the
cost of MySejahtera) or the amount
in the figure, including through the par- meet with industry players in the food “Until today, we have issued nearly 2.5 country’s main entry gates, especially at
agreed by the government through the
ticipation of fast food chains,” he said. manufacturing sector in a bid to reduce million passports and from this number, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport
ceiling set by the Ministry of Finance is
Salahuddin told reporters this after the burden of food stall operators in 45 per cent represent online applica- (KLIA) and the ministry is working out
RM160 million.”
observing the implementation of the offering Menu Rahmah. tions. ways to solve the problem.
He said this in reply to dr Kelvin Yii Lee
Menu Rahmah initiative at the dengkil Meanwhile, Nanta said some 215 stalls “However, online passport applica- As an immediate solution, Saifuddin
Wuen (PH-Bandar Kuching) who wanted
Rest and Service (R&R) Area (south- in R&R areas along all highways had tions will take a few days to complete, said the auto gates at KLIA that was only
to know the way forward for the app and
bound) here Monday, with Works Minis- offered Menu Rahmah to date, with addi- while ‘walk-in’ applications will be com- open for Malaysians will be opened to
whether the government would extend
ter datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi tional 100 stalls expected to join in the pleted within a day,” he said during a foreigners especially those coming from
the contract period of the app and how

Implementing SKSPS in near future

also present. initiative next month. question-and-answer session at dewan low-risk countries such as Singapore and
much was paid for the procurement of
Menu Rahmah is a voluntary pro- Elaborating, he said the first phase of Rakyat Monday. Brunei. – Bernama
the application.
gramme launched by the domestic Trade the initiative was introduced to North- Other plans in the pipeline include
and Cost of Living Ministry (KPdN) to South Expressway (NSE) users on Feb 23 using the data on the application plus
offer meals at RM5 and below. in several R&R areas and lay-bys in the information obtained from the Ministry
Salahuddin said to date, the ministry central region. of Health (MOH) to identify those who THE Ministry of Human Resources 67) and Labour Ordinance (Sarawak
received no reports saying that the food The second and third phases will be are eligible to receive the Madani Medical (MOHR) will ensure that the govern- Chapter 76) and do not get the benefit of
offered under the initiative is of low implemented next month involving the Scheme initiative announced in Budget ment’s policy requiring all self-employed the minimum wage in addition to their
quality or not nutritious. southern region of NSE and the East 2023. individuals, including gig workers, to inconsistent and temporary income.

M’sia requests for higher

“From the very beginning, industry Coast Expressway 2 (LPT2), he said. – Meanwhile, in reply to dr Yii’s original contribute to the Self-Employed Social Sivakumar said this in reply to a sup-
players were involved in the engagement Bernama question on MOH’s plan to optimise the Security Scheme (SKSPS), can be imple- plementary question by Azli Yusof (PH-
use of MySejahtera, Lukanisman said the mented in the near future. Shah Alam) at the question and answer

haj quota of 31,950 pilgrims

MOH was committed to making the Human Resources Minister V. Sivaku- session in the dewan Rakyat Monday,
MySejahtera app a national public health mar said to ensure insurance coverage who wanted to know the extent of the
management tool in line with the health for all sectors including the gig economy government’s commitment to work and
service digitalisation plan. sector, the Social Security Organisation put in place a clear policy or act to
He said the app would work on surveil- (Socso) faces various challenges, among defend the fate of economic gig workers.
lance of infectious diseases such as tuber- the lack of specific policy or legislation To Azli’s original question, Sivakumar
PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has conveyed a grims to the Holy Land and assured that it culosis, dengue, measles, and rabies, as to safeguard the welfare of gig economy said based on statistics (Socso) from Jan-
request to Saudi Arabia for a higher haj would continue to improve various facili- well as hand, foot and mouth disease workers. uary to december 2022, a total of
quota of 31,950 pilgrims next year in line ties to ensure the comfort of the pilgrims. (HFMd), in addition to vaccination Besides, he said gig economy workers 374,906 self-employed individuals in the
are not protected under the Work Act country have had SKSPS protection. –

PN calls for targeted EPF withdrawals

with the increase in the country’s popula- The Saudi government also plans to records under the National Immunisa-
tion, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s increase flights from Malaysia to the King- tion Programme; non-communicable dis- 1955, Labour Ordinance (Sabah Chapter Bernama
department (Religious Affairs) datuk dr dom from 49 to 70 per week, he said in his ease screening for individuals aged 40
Mohd Na’im Mokhtar. speech translated by senior director of the years and above; registration for organ
Mohd Na’im said he conveyed the department of Islamic development donation; blood type records and
request during a meeting with Saudi’s Haj Malaysia (Jakim) Abdul Karim Zakaria. appointment for health screening. PERIKATAN Nasional (PN) has once again the time they were contributing.
and Umrah Minister dr Tawfiq Fawzan Al- Tawfiq also expressed his appreciation On the details of the ministry’s negoti- urged the government to allow targeted “And now they are asking for with-
Rabiah Monday, who is on a three-day for Malaysia’s various initiatives and effi- ations with MySJ Sdn Bhd, Lukanisman withdrawals from the Employees Provi- drawals to be made because they have
working visit to Malaysia. ciency in managing haj and umrah opera- said the MOH and the company had dent Fund (EPF) through a suitable mech- defaulted on their housing loans for six
“Insya-Allah, this matter will continue tions to facilitate the affairs of its citizens reached several agreements, including a anism. months and their homes are up for auc-
to be discussed further. In fact, His Excel- in the Holy Land. contract for the procurement of the appli- Opposition leader and Larut MP datuk tion. If we do not help people like these,
lency (Tawfiq) has stated his commitment At the same, he said a new application cation management through direct nego- Seri Hamzah Zainudin said this is to what is going to happen?
to giving due consideration to our called Nusuk had been launched for the tiation for the period from April 1, 2021, ensure only those truly eligible will be “Their home is about to be auctioned
request,” he told a press conference after convenience of haj and umrah pilgrims to March 31 this year. able to make withdrawals. and to purchase another asset in a year or
the meeting at his office here. from all over the world. “The MySejahtera application owner- “There are contributors who save in the two, I think, is very challenging. And that
The haj quota for Malaysia has been set The multilingual application that can ship which covers intellectual property EPF voluntarily… for example, before the is why I am urging the government to look
at 31,600 pilgrims for this year’s haj sea- be downloaded from Google Play Store rights, source code for modules that have pandemic, they had a successful business. for a mechanism for this purpose,” he said
son. and Apple App Store is equipped with var- been developed, as well as data, brand They contributed (to EPF) and bought a when debating the Supply Bill 2023 at the
Meanwhile, Tawfiq, in his speech, said ious information and facilities related to and logo are owned by the government. – house, but three years since the pandemic policy level at the dewan Rakyat Monday.
the Saudi government welcomed the haj and umrah pilgrimage matters. – Bernama hit, the income has differed compared to – Bernama
arrival of Malaysian haj and umrah pil- Bernama
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 Local 5
Jobless fined RM2,500 for disposing of stolen items, failure to furnish MyKad to police Siti Bainun
enquired for
Jo Ann Mool that Jufaiz sold the rackets to a shop The first count under Section 414 of the Chai pleaded guilty to committing the

best medicine
KOTA KINABALU: An unemployed man worker. Penal Code carries a jail term of up to seven offence at 2.45am on Jan 28, this year at
was fined a total of RM2,500 on Monday on On the second count, Jufaiz was fined years or a fine or both on conviction, while KM1 Jalan Tuaran.

to treat
two counts of disposing of stolen items RM500 or two weeks in jail for failing to the second count, under Section 25(1)(n) of The charge under Section 45A(1) of the
and failing to furnish his MyKad to police. produce his identification document when the National Registration Regulations 1990 Road Transport (Amendment) Act 2020,
AgKu Jufaiz Abd Gani, 23, pleaded guilty checked by the police at 2.30pm on Feb 11, provides for a jail term of up to three years which provides for a jail term of up to two

Bella’s hand
before Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles this year by the roadside in Inanam. or a fine or both on conviction. years and a fine between RM10,000 and
to committing the offences. Prosecutor Inspector Kelvan Elson Maik In another case, two motorists were RM30,000 and lost qualification from
On the first count, Jufaiz was ordered to told the court that Jufaiz, who was earlier each jailed one day and fined RM10,000 or holding or getting a driving licence for not
pay a fine of RM2,000 or two months in jail handed to police for another offence, three months in jail for drink driving. less than two years from the date of convic-
for assisting in disposing of two stolen failed to furnish his MyKad when asked by Raimon Seminggu, 36, and Chai Shen tion.
badminton rackets, worth RM1,498 the police. Wee, 28, pleaded guilty separately to com- The court also ordered Raimon’s and KUALA LUMPUR: Rumah
belonging to Hurricane Sports Enterprise Jufaiz claimed that he did not bring the mitting the offence against them. Chai’s driving licences to be suspended for Bonda founder Siti
in February this year in front of the Hara- document with him. Jufaiz’s counsel Lim Raimon admitted to committing the two years. Bainun Ahd Razali (pic)
pan Menang Sdn Bhd here. Ming Zoong @ Lawrence requested a offence at 12.55am, on Sept 15, 2022 at Jalan Traffic Prosecuting Officer Mohammad Monday admitted she had

June 15 hearing
The court heard from the prosecution lenient sentence for his client. Pintas, Kopungit here. Khairul Nizam Mokhtar prosecuted. asked for the best medi-
cine at a pharmacy to

of bid to quash Habitual addict gets

treat the burns on the
hand of a teenager with down syndrome
known as Bella.

Tommy’s suit
Siti Bainun, 31, said she inquired about
the medicine with a pharmacist through
WhatsApp and informed the individual

62 months, whipping
about Bella’s badly burned hand.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Siti Bainun said this during cross-
High Court on Monday examination by deputy Public Prosecutor
fixed June 15 to hear the Shakira Aliana Alias at the defence trial of
application of a special the woman who was accused of neglect-
task force and the gov- ing and abusing the 13-year-old girl in the
ernment to quash the Cynthia D Baga Kokoi Muhammad, Mohd Gabi Jefri, Sessions Court here.
KOTA KINABALU: A man was sentenced to Kalim Ahailin and Hafiruddin Jupri, However, Siti Bainun did not agree
suit initiated by former
five years and two months in jail and pleaded guilty separately before Sessions with Shakira Aliana’s suggestion that
Attorney-General Tan Sri
ordered to get a stroke of the cane for Court Judge Azreena Aziz. Bella was only treated at home and the
Tommy Thomas (pic) regarding an inves-
repeatedly taking syabu. gerous drugs Act (ddA) 1952 is punish- They were arrested at the city area after accused went to the pharmacy because
tigation report on the contents of his
Sessions Court Judge Elsie Primus able under Section 39C(1)(b) ddA 1952. failing to produce their identification doc- she wanted to hide the teenage girl’s
memoir titled ‘My Story: Justice In the
handed the sentence to Faijal Maidin after The court ordered Faijal to serve the jail uments to the police. wounds.
he pleaded guilty. sentence from the date of his arrest. They were ordered to serve the jail sen- Shakira Aliana: I said you knew Bella
Thomas filed the suit naming the spe-
He was found taking the drug after his After serving the sentence, the court tence from the date of their arrests. was badly hurt and needed to be taken to
cial task force’s Chairman datuk Seri Fong
urine was tested positive for drug at the also ordered Faijal to be placed under After completing their jail sentence, the the clinic, but you didn’t because you
Joo Chung, seven other members of the
police station here on March 17, 2022 and police supervision for three years. illegal immigrants were ordered to be were afraid of what you did to Bella being
team, as well as the government as defen-
he has several conviction records for tak- Meanwhile, four illegal immigrants referred to the Immigration department exposed?
ing the drug. were jailed four months each for entering for biometric data to be taken before Siti Bainun: disagree.
Besides Fong, the special task force

Najib disrupted his final SRC appeal by changing legal team

The offence under Section 15(1)(a) dan- the State illegally. deportation. The accused also denied that Bella was
comprises datuk Seri Panglima Hashim
Paijan, datuk dr Junaidah Kamaruddin, looked after by a former resident of
datuk Jagjit Singh Bant Singh, datuk Sha- Rumah Bonda, Yasmin Nahar Mahmood
harudin Ali, K. Balaguru, Farah Adura (the fifth prosecution witness) when the
Hamidi and Mohd Najib Surip. teenager was injured.
Senior Federal Counsel Nur Irmawatie PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court here on Siti Bainun did not agree with the
daud who is representing all the defen- Monday was told that datuk Seri Najib prosecution’s suggestion that she did not
dants when contacted said the court also Tun Razak’s SRC International Sdn Bhd seriously care for Bella and gave that
ordered the defence to file written submis- appeal had gone wrong when he ‘changed responsibility to Yasmin.
sions on March 27. horses in midstream’ last year. In the previous proceedings, Yasmin
“The plaintiff has also been ordered to Ad hoc Prosecutor datuk V. Sitham- told the court, Siti Bainun ordered her to
file written submissions on April 10 and baram was referring to the changing apply medicine on Bella’s wound and the
all the defendants to file counter submis- of lawyers from Shafee & Co to a new medicine was bought by the accused her-
sions on May 2, if any,” she said after the legal team comprising datuk Hisyam Teh self.
online case management before Judge Poh Teik, as well as counsel from Messr Siti Bainun was charged with neglect-
datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh. Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew & Partners ing and abusing the teenager causing
Lawyer Haikaldin Mahyidin represented (ZIST). physical and emotional injury in a condo-
Thomas. He said Najib was represented by Tan minium unit in Wangsa Maju between
Thomas, who was the Attorney-General Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah from the February and June 2021, according to Sec-
from June 2018 to February 2020, had High Court level of the SRC International tion 31(1)(a) of the Children Act 2001,
sought a declaration that the report titled case in 2018 and only changed lawyers in which carries a maximum prison sen-
‘Report of the Special Task Force – Investi- 2022 prior to the hearing of the appeal tence of 20 years or a fine of RM50,000 or
gation into the Allegations in the Book before the Federal Court in August last both if convicted.
year. The trial took place before Judge Izral-

Titled “My Story: Justice In The Wilder-
ness”, was an invalid document and “If not for this changing of horses, I do izam Sanusi. – Bernama
against the law. not think this (review) would be before

staff charged
Your Lordship today. While it is the
Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk V. Sithambaram (left) said the former prime
In the originating summons, he
accused’s right to choose counsel, the
minister’s new solicitor and counsel (Messrs Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew &
claimed the publication of the report vio-
counsel must be ready to act and willing
Partners (Zist) and Datuk Hisyam Teh Poh Teik) must be fully aware and be prepared

with corruption
lated Sections 499 and 500 of the Penal
to act on the given day. The truth is they
to proceed with the appeal since the hearing date was already fixed. – NSTP photo
Code and/or Section 233 of the Communi-
cations and Multimedia Act 1998. did not want to go on with the case, that’s
He also sought a declaration that the why they wanted the adjournment,” he
publication of the report by the govern- said. In fact, he said the change of counsel Court judges datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat,
ment, violated his right to his reputation On Justice datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd was due to local courts not allowing datuk Rhodzariah Bujang and datuk
as protected by Articles 5(1) and 13(1) of Ghazali’s previous position in Maybank Jonathan Laidlaw, the Queen’s Counsel Nordin Hassan and Court of Appeal judge SEREMBAN: Four Port dickson Municipal
the Federal Constitution. Bhd, the prosecutor said it was never a from the United Kingdom to be temporar- datuk Abu Bakar Jais. Council (MPPd) employees pleaded not
The book written by Thomas which was secret and Mohd Nazlan’s role in the bank ily admitted to the Bar and represent Najib, in his review application, is seek- guilty in the Sessions Court here to
published in January 2021 courted a lot of was irrelevant to the SRC International Najib in the final appeal. ing to overturn the decision made by a charges of soliciting and receiving bribes
controversies, which led to the Cabinet set- case against Najib. “Thus, there is no agenda to engineer five-member bench of the Federal Court from traders between 2017 and 2020.
ting up a special task force on Oct 8, 2021, “It was certainly no subject of this adjournment,” insisted the veteran coun- led by Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun They are enforcement assistant Azman
to conduct a study on the revelations con- review,” said the prosecutor. sel. Tuan Mat on Aug 23 last year in upholding Halidan, 55, assistant environmental
tained in the book. Meanwhile, Muhammad Shafee replied The duo submitted this before the his conviction and 12-year jail sentence health officer Khairil Rizal Mahtar, 45,
On Oct 13, 2022, the government declas- that it was the first time the change of Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak datuk and fine. and two public health assistants, Arfizi

Drug trafficking: Former radio DJ to enter defence

sified the special task force’s report, which counsel had happened in Najib’s case and Abdul Rahman Sebli, who chaired a five- The hearing continues today (Feb 28) Mustafa, 38 and Mohd Azmi Mohd
among other things, recommended that it was done in good faith (bona fide). member panel which included Federal at 9 am. Hashim, 41.
Thomas be investigated for possible Azman was charged with two counts

Oil palm worker

offences. – Bernama of soliciting and receiving bribes of
RM400 and RM300, respectively from
two traders as an inducement not to take

fined RM6,500
KUALA LUMPUR: A former radio presenter and gave it to the police officer after being for him to make his defence, Ismahalil action against them for operating their
Ismahalil Hamzah was Monday ordered to asked if there was any contraband inside. chose to testify under oath from the wit- business without a valid licence at Pasar

for posting
enter his defence by the High Court here “The behaviour of the accused, in pick- ness stand, with the prosecution given the Pagi Lukut.
on a drug trafficking charge. ing up the bag himself was seen to be sus- opportunity to question him during cross- He was charged with committing the
Judge datuk Muhammad Jamil Hussin picious, showing that he knew the examination.

offence at the Enforcement division of
made the ruling after finding that the presence of the drug. Therefore, the pros- After the court gave its verdict, Isma- the MPPd Office and in Kampung Sri
prosecution had succeeded in establishing ecution succeeded in proving that the halil was seen sobbing, while looking at Parit, Lukut, in October 2017 and early

against King
a prima facie case against Ismahalil, 49, at drug was under the control of the accused. his wife and children who were in the pub- August 2020.
the end of the prosecution case. Therefore, the argument by the defence lic gallery. Khairil Rizal was charged with solicit-
Muhammad Jamil, in his summary that his client does not have the knowl- His lawyer, datuk Ahmad Zaharil ing RM1,000 from a car wash shop owner
judgment, said the court found that the 22 edge, control and custody of the drug has Muhaiyar, then told the court that the as an inducement for him to help get the
packets of drugs found in Ismahalil’s room no merit,” he said, adding that the testi- defence will call five witnesses, including support of MPPd to obtain a business
KUALA LUMPUR: A plantation worker was were in his control and custody. mony by the prosecution witnesses was the accused.
fined RM6,500, in default six months in licence.

150 take part in S’kan mass circumcision

“during the raid, the accused himself not contradictory and was reliable. The court has set Mat 30 and 31 for the Mohd Azmi was charged with commit-
jail, by the Sessions Court here Monday for picked up the bag containing the drugs When told by the judge of the option defence trial. – Bernama
improper use of the network facilities by ting a similar offence by soliciting
sending offensive communications involv- RM1,800 from a guava trader at Pasar
ing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on his Malam Lukut on Feb 15, 2020, while Arfizi
Facebook page in december last year. was charged with two counts of soliciting
Judge Nor Hasniah Ab Razak meted out and receiving RM500 from the same
the fine to Muhammad Hanis Nordin, 34, trader as an inducement to not take
Mardinah Jikur action for operating his business without
who pleaded guilty to making and initiat- SANdAKAN: The Free Mass Circumcision
ing the transmission of offensive commu- a licence at a bank in Port dickson
Charity Programme here in conjunction between March 10 and Sept 5, 2020.
nications using the Facebook profile page with Ramadan 2023 received overwhelm-
‘As Bul’ with the intention of annoying All the charges were framed under Sec-
ing response, Sunday. tion 16(a)(B) of the Malaysian Anti-Cor-
others at 3.23 am on dec 10 last year. It was jointly organised by the datuk
The link was viewed at the Bukit Aman ruption Commission 2009 which
Pengiran Galpam Mosque in collabora- provides imprisonment for up to 20 years
Commercial Crime Investigation depart- tion with the United Sabah Islamic
ment Office here at 8.18 pm on dec 13, and fine of not less than five times the
Organisation (Usia) Kinabatangan, San- value of the bribe, or RM10,000,
2022. dakan Zakat Centre, duchess of Kent Hos-
The charge, framed under Section 233 whichever is higher, if found guilty.
pital and Tamyiz Muslimah Association.
Abdul Rahman (seated in the middle) with Abdul Muluk, Surianah and Napsah in a
(1) (a) of the Communications and Multi- Judge Rushan Lutfi Mohamed allowed
Organisers aimed for 100 participants
picture with the parents and the children before the programme started.
media Act 1998 and can be punished Mohd Azmi and Khairil Rizal bail of
under 12 years old from the district but 50 RM8,000 each, while bail for Azman and
according to Section 233 (3) of the same more signed up.
law, provides a maximum fine of Arfizi was set at RM10,000 each and they
The programme was officiated by man Tamyiz Muslimah and datuk Meanwhile, Abdul Muluk said the pro- were also ordered to report themselves at
RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to one datuk Pengiran Galpam Masjid Chair- dayang Napsah datuk Pengiran Galpam. gramme was the second held by the San-
year or both and can be fined a further the Port dickson MACC office once a
man cum Usia Vice President and Head of Abdul Rahman said the response to dakan Sabah Zakat Centre after the one in month pending disposal of their case.
RM1,000 for each day the offence contin- Usia Kinabatangan, datuk Abdul Rah- the programme was extraordinary and Kampung Batu Putih Baru involving 100
ues after conviction. deputy public prosecutor from MACC
man datuk Pengiran Galpam. expressed gratitude to those who made it participants on Saturday. Mohamad Azriff Firdaus Mohamad Ali
In mitigation, Muhammad Hanis, who It was also attended by representatives a success. Before the circumcision, the children
was unrepresented, said he was remorseful prosecuted.
from Sabah Zakat Centre Sandakan “It was clear that this free programme looked happy during the mass showering The court set March 29 and 31 for men-
and regretted his action. Abdul Muluk Abdul Ghani, Organising also helps the needy to some extent,” he event with the help of firemen from the
deputy Public Prosecutor Nurilya tion of the cases for submission of docu-
Charman Surianah Yusop, Mosque Chair- said. Sandakan Fire and Rescue Station. ments. – Bernama
Ellyna Nur Azmal prosecuted. – Bernama
6 Local Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress

Disease spurred by diet

Armizan (left) listening to a briefing by Susan (right) about her new project
on a 100-acre land while Patricia (second right) and others look on. Fructose metabolism in brain catalyst for Alzheimer’s disease
N ANCIENT human foraging scarcity. body. Metabolising fructose and its

Benoni set to instinct, fuelled by fructose pro-

duction in the brain, may hold
clues to the development and possible
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (Ad),
according to researchers at the University
“A basic tenet of life is to assure
enough food, water and oxygen for sur-
vival,” the study said. “Much attention has
focused on the acute survival responses to
hypoxia and starvation.
byproduct, intracellular uric acid, was
critical to the survival of both humans
and animals.
The researchers noted that fructose
reduces blood flow to the brain’s cerebral

take off with new of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

The study, published recently in The
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
offers a new way of looking at a fatal
disease characterised by abnormal
“However, nature has developed a
clever way to protect animals before the
crisis actually occurs.”
When threatened with the possibility
of starvation, early humans developed a
cortex involved in self-control, as well as
the hippocampus and thalamus. Mean-
while, blood flow increased around the
visual cortex associated with food reward.
All of this stimulated the foraging

developments accumulations of proteins in the

brain that slowly erode memory and cog-
“We make the case that Alzheimer’s
disease is driven by diet,” said the study’s
survival response which sent them forag-
ing for food. Yet foraging is only effective
if metabolism is inhibited in various
parts of the brain. Foraging requires
focus, rapid assessment, impulsivity,
“We believe that initially the fructose-
dependent reduction in cerebral metab-
olism in these regions was reversible and
meant to be beneficial,” Johnson said.
Hayati Dzulkifli am also from Papar,” he said to daily
PAPAR: The vigorous upcoming new Park- Express when visiting the company’s lead author dr Richard Johnson, profes- exploratory behaviour and risk taking. It “But chronic and persistent reduction in
lane City, Parklane Condominium and Benoni Show Gallery at Benoni Commer- sor at the University of Colorado School is enhanced by blocking whatever gets in cerebral metabolism driven by recurrent
Parklane Villa in Benoni will certainly cial Centre (BSS) here, recently. of Medicine specializing in renal disease the way, like recent memories and atten- fructose metabolism leads to progressive
boost the district’s development here. Also present were Papar Assistant Col- and hypertension. The study co-authors tion to time. brain atrophy and neuron loss with all of
Minister in the Prime Minister’s depart- lector Land Revenue (PPHT) Patricia Felix include dr Maria Nagel, research profes- Fructose, a kind of sugar, helps damp the features of Ad.”
ment (Sabah & Sarawak Affairs and Special Jumin and other officials. sor of neurology at the CU School of Med- down these centers, allowing more focus Johnson suspects the survival
Tasks) datuk Armizan Mohd Ali said he Armizan also expressed his gratitude to icine. on food gathering. response, what he calls the `survival
was pleased to acknowledge the new proj- Susan who received the Best Town devel- Johnson and his team suggest that Ad In fact, the researchers found the switch,’ that helped ancient humans get
ect of a reputable company being devel- oper Award from Sabah Housing and Real is a harmful adaptation of an evolution- entire foraging response was set in through periods of scarcity, is now stuck
oped here which directly benefit the local Estate developers Association (Shareda) ary survival pathway used in animals and motion by the metabolism of fructose in the `on’ position in a time of relative
communities and growth of businesses. for choosing the district for the new proj- our distant ancestors during times of whether it was eaten or produced in the abundance.
Armizan who is also Papar Member of ect and boosting the development here This leads to the overeating of high fat,
Parliament thanked WSG Group Manag- that will create economic spin-offs for the sugary and salty food prompting excess
ing director datuk Susan Wong Siew Guen benefit of the people. fructose production.
for constructing a mixed development He said the branded eateries to be Fructose produced in the brain can
project of Parklane to Benoni. opened in Parklane City would make lead to inflammation and ultimately
“datuk Susan Wong briefed me on Papar well-known to people from Lawas Alzheimer’s disease, the study said. Ani-
ongoing construction of the project as and Miri, Sarawak and Brunei darussalam mals given fructose show memory lapses,
well as incoming well-branded eateries who travel by road to go to Kota Kinabalu. a loss in the ability to navigate a maze
such as Mcdonald, A&W and a flagship Meanwhile, Susan said Parklane City is and inflammation of the neurons.
cinema, among others, that will be operat- poised to become a commercial hub here “A study found that if you keep labora-
ing within this year. that will cater for various needs of con- tory rats on fructose long enough they
“But I am very delighted to note that sumers. get tau and amyloid beta proteins in the
over a thousand vacancies will be created Apart from upcoming eateries and brain, the same proteins seen in
by many businesses in Parklane City and I retail businesses, she said a hotel and a Alzheimer’s disease,” Johnson said. “You
am calling on the Papar people especially shopping mall are in the pipeline in Park- can find high fructose levels in the brains
youths to grab such opportunities. lane City as well as commercial banks and of people with Alzheimer’s as well.”
“This positive progress is commendable private clinics. Johnson suspects that the tendency of
as the project brings various jobs that will On the other hand, she said a 64 two- some Ad patients to wander off might be
be available to the Papar people and at the storey shoplots now under construction a vestige of the ancient foraging
same time meet the needs and wants of are expected to be completed by this July response. The study said more research is
the public. while Phase 1 of 90 units under Parklane needed on the role of fructose and uric
“I am looking forward to seeing these Villa double-storey terrace houses will be acid metabolism in Ad.

Keningau village road

developments materialise as I am sure the completed in August and another 90 units “We suggest that both dietary and
Papar people are feeling the same way as I to be completed next year. pharmacologic trials to reduce fructose
exposure or block fructose metabolism

upgrade 50pc completed

should be performed to determine if
there is potential benefit in the preven-

Prostate cancer:
tion, management or treatment of this
disease,” Johnson said.

94 pc accuracy
Yayasan Dalimpos lems, with its completion in the future it will
KENINGAU: Public Works Assistant Minister make it easier for the residents to go back

with blood test

datuk Robert Tawik (pic) said the 2.2 km and forth to work, bring agricultural pro-
Kampung Bunga Raya Mukim road upgrade duce, go to the hospital in comfort,” he said.
work being carried out had reached 50 per Robert also had a meeting with PIBG
cent progress. members and villagers who were involved in
The Bingkor Assemblyman urged resi- opening a PIBG charity stall and then pre-
dents to be patient and obey the road rules, sented Year Six school completion certifi-
RESEARCHERS at the University of East
especially when passing through newly cates, student character awards, outstanding
Anglia have helped develop a new blood
maintained roads to avoid unwanted inci- parent appreciation, private staff such as
test to detect prostate cancer with greater
dents. school cleaners and security guards.
accuracy than current methods.
“We hope the road that has long been The ceremony was enlivened with a per-
New research shows that the Prostate
dreamed of by the villagers of BUnga Raya formance of traditional welcome dances,
Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) blood test is
will be a reality and this is one of the focuses Malaysian ethnic cultural dances, School
94 per cent accurate — beating the cur-
of the GRS government’s struggle which is Alumni Solo song performances and the

Computer-delivered IELTS test at ACL

rently used prostate-specific antigen
always concerned with the people’s prob- guests’ banquet.
(PSA) blood test. The research team say
that the new test shows significant poten-
tial as an accurate and rapid cancer
screening diagnostic.

Fibrous bearing on stomach gas

Christy Chok The test was developed by Oxford Bio-
TAWAU: Students and others can take the dynamics in collaboration with UEA,
International English Language Testing Sys- Imperial College London and Imperial
tem (IELTS) via computer-delivered test at College NHS Trust.
the Anchorage Learning Centre (ACL) here ‘Circulating chromosome conforma-
without going to Kota Kinabalu or West tion signatures significantly enhance PSA CHANGING the structure of a dietary the fibre has a major impact on gas pro-
Malaysia. positive predicting value and overall fibre commonly found in a range of food duction by creating beneficial com-
Head of IELTS Operation at IdP Education accuracy for prostate cancer detection’ is products has been found to promote pounds that promote the creation of the
Ltd, Ravi Krishnan said there are nine IELTS published in the journal Cancers. healthy gut bacteria and reduce gas for- good bacteria in the gut.”
computer-delivered in Malaysia, including Professor dmitry Pshezhetskiy, from mation, a finding that could help people Psyllium fibre comes from the seeds of
Ravi (second from right) and Dr Dora
three test centres in East Malaysia. Tawau is UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: with intolerances to fibre and irritable Plantago ovata plants, known by many
in the signing ceremony
the third place to have test centre after Kota “Prostate cancer is the most common bowel conditions. common names such as blond plantain.
while other staff look on.
Kinabalu and Kuching in East Malaysia. cancer in men and kills one man every 45 A team of scientists from the Univer- These seeds produce a jelly-like material
He was speaking in the IELTS Computer- minutes in the UK. sity of Nottingham, Quadram Institute called mucilage, which comes in a variety
delivered test officially launching in Tawau at new way for students, graduates, even work- “There is currently no single test for Biosciences and the University of East of shapes and forms and these feature
the Anchorage Learning Centre, Unijaya ing adults to take IELTS via computer-deliv- prostate cancer, but PSA blood tests are Anglia examined psyllium, a type of nat- long-chain sugars, called polysaccha-
Commercial Centre, here, on Friday. ered method. According to the survey among the most used, alongside physical ural dietary fibre that is used in a range rides. It is these polysaccharides that lead
Ravi said IELTS is the world’s most popu- statistic, it is getting popular nowadays with examinations, MRI scans and biopsies. of products including cereals and to the production of beneficial short-
lar high stakes English Language test which about 90 per cent of the candidates [test tak- “However, PSA blood tests are not rou- yoghurts (above). They showed that the chain fatty acids that positively con-
is accepted for study and work in many ers]. “The results are available within three to tinely used to screen for prostate cancer, physical state of the fibre has a major tribute to gut health and systemic
countries, including Malaysia, than any five days compared with the paper-based as results can be unreliable. impact on gas production which often is metabolism. This study shows that differ-
other test.

Sandakan qari, qariah champions

IELTS test, which needs about 14 days to pro- “Only about a quarter of people who linked to bowel discomfort. The findings ent physical states of fibre impact the way
“Apart from paper-based IELTS, there is a ceed for the results,” he further explained. have a prostate biopsy due to an elevated have been published in Food Hydrocol- dietary fibre breaks down and that
PSA level are found to have prostate can- loids. microbes ‘colonise fibre’ during fermen-
cer. There has therefore been a drive to The team performed in vitro fermen- tation.
create a new blood test with greater accu- tation experiments seeded with human Professor Yakubov continues: “These
Mardinah Jikur racy.” stool. They conducted analysis of fermen- findings show that there are new oppor-
KINABATANGAN: Abdul Basir Luk- The UEA team evaluated the new PSE tation products and evaluated the impact tunities for designing targeted structures
man and Sabariah Samsudin were test, which combines the traditional PSA of different structures on the broad cate- using psyllium, either through seed pro-
announced as the qari and qariah test with an epigenetic EpiSwitch test, in gories of microorganisms. cessing or selective breeding, to achieve
from Sandakan, respectively, at the a pilot study involving 147 patients. dr Gleb Yakubov, Associate Professor new fibre materials with clear clinical
Al-Quran Recitation and Memorisa- They compared its results with those in Food Physics at the University of Not- benefit above that of unrefined psyllium
tion Ceremony at the district Level of the standard PSA test — and found that tingham was one of the lead researchers powders aiding in the treatment of gas-
1444 Hijrah/2023 at dewan Sri Lamag, PSE significantly enhances overall detec- on the study, he explains: “Although fibre trointestinal discomfort.”
here, recently. tion accuracy for at-risk men. is an important part of any diet, for many Research is already underway at the
Saiful presenting the prize to Sabariah.
The second place for qari and Pshezhetskiy said: “When tested in the people it can cause bowel discomfort and University if Nottingham with the School
qariah were won by Shah Ali Ramil context of screening a population at risk, for people with IBS or IBd fibre can be a of Medicine to use this new knowledge to
from Sandakan and Nurhafizah Sak- Sandakan, Beluran, Kinabatangan, Telupid the PSE test yields a rapid and minimally trigger. create and test psyllium-mimicking
ina Norbakti from Telupid. and Tongod took part in the event. invasive prostate cancer diagnosis with This is because some foods cause bac- materials as medical nutrition which
JR Awaluddin Mohd Zulkifli from Belu- Prizes for all the winners were presented impressive performance. This suggests a terial interactions in the gut that create could provide a source of fibre for people
ran and Jariah Palaka from Sandakan wre in by the director of Sabah State Islamic Reli- real benefit for both diagnostic and gas that can lead to pain or discomfort. with some bowel conditions and trials
third place. gious Affairs department (JHEAINS), datuk screening purposes.” Our study shows that the physical state of will be starting in the Spring.
A total of 12 qari and qariah representing Saiful Zaman Sangul.
Philippines eyes 200,000 M’sians during Matta Fair
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 Local 7

Nikko Fabian exhibitors. the various different cultural sites, to the danao. This year’s Matta fair would feature
KOTA KINABALU: The Tourism Promo- Visitors will not only be able to get vast retail, entertainment and global culi- “Thrill-seekers can get their fix by tra- 220 tourism-related organisations’
tions Board Philippines (TPBP) is return- good travel deals to the Philippines, but nary experiences in Metro Manila, Cebu, versing one of the longest zip lines in Asia booths including 109 tour and travel
ing as a gold sponsor for this year’s Matta also take part in activities to stand a davao, Palawan and many others. in Bukidnon; surfing at Baler, one of the agencies.
Fair in Kuala Lumpur. chance of winning prizes or travel pack- “Those looking for a more nature-cen- oldest and largest surfing communities in The fair will encompass nine halls
Matta Fair would be held on March 17- ages to the Philippines, said TPBP market- tric experience can visit the popular the Philippines; and even canyoneering at from Halls 2 to 4 on Level 1, Halls 6 to 8 on
19 at the Malaysia International Trade and ing director datuk Melissa Ong. beach and dive destinations across the the recently developed Badian trail in Level 2 and Halls 9-11 on Level 3 of MITEC,
Exhibition Centre (MITEC). Malaysia aims She said this was part of the Philip- country such as Boracay, davao, Palawan Cebu,” she said. with Level 1 halls focusing on domestic
to woo over 200,000 visitors during the pines’ goal to reintroduce itself as a and many others. Noting the importance of Malaysia as travel while Level 2 and 3 halls will show-
three-day event. world-class destination for travellers, fol- “Beyond the beaches and diving, the among the top 10 markets for the Philip- case international travel.
Philippines aims to woo over 200,000 lowing the lifting of travel restrictions Philippines is also home to a majestic col- pines, Matta fair organising chairman MATTA President datuk Tan Kok Liang
Malaysians this time. globally. lection of waterfalls across the islands, Rocky Kho said the collaboration would would be receiving the Malaysia Book of
TPBP has taken up a 110sqm booth and “Tourists looking for an urban adven- from the Asik-Asik Falls in Cotabato, to help to accelerate the rejuvenation of Record recognition for organising the
considered as one of the biggest ture have tonnes of options, from visiting the Maria Cristina Falls in northern Min- both country’s travel industries. biggest fair.

early education
vital, says NGO
Mohd Izham physical potential. Some Beaufort drivers took it upon themselves to His front tyre burst as a result of the impact
Hashim “The next important area for growth in patch up the damage with bits of building material. with the damaged section of the road.
KOTA KINABALU: early childhood education points to the
Giving high quality development of fine motor skills which
education during a
child’s early years
gives them the best
start in life.
typically involve the use of the small mus-
cles that control the hand, finger and
thumb. They help children perform
important tasks like feeding themselves,
PWD plans to redo and
reseal Beaufort road
“There’s a com- grasping toys, buttoning and zipping
mon saying that a clothes, writing, drawing and more,” she
child’s job is to play.
It is through play- Atin pointed the ability of a child to
time, a critical com- complete self-care and everyday tasks % The Public Works department plans to
ponent of education in which a child helps a child’s self esteem and confidence carry out improvement work on a section
learns the skills of negotiation, problem to increase. of Jalan Montenior, following com-
solving, sharing and working in groups,” The ability to complete self-care and plaints that the Beaufort stretch was
said member of Pasok Momogun Women’s everday tasks helps a child’s self-esteem damaged.
Tradition and Preservation Non-govern- and confidence to increase,” said Atin, not- A spokesman for department’s
mental Organisation, Atin Berlynda, who ing it’s important for parents, caregivers branch office in the district said it
noted children also learn social skills, deci- and teachers to start working with chil- intended to “redo and reseal” the road.
sion-making skills and move at their own dren on building their find motor skills “Based on an inspection of the stretch,
pace to discover their own interests. early on. we have determined that this is going to
Atin underlined the importance of pay- “Fine motor skills will develop and take a bit of effort,” he said.
ing close attention to early childhood edu- improve as they move through childhood, “We have secured an allocation from
cation which holds the key to the and it just takes the right kind of practice. our headquarters to rehabilitate the
betterment of society. developing fine motor skills in early child- road.”
“There seems to be no solution in sight hood education helps build the founda- He said this remedial work would be
to the worrying occurrence of young peo- tion for important future skills like writing implemented once it had received the
ple involved in detrimental activities and and self-care,” she said. funds to do so.
social ills such as motor racing, drug during her presentation, Atin empha- “In the meantime, gravel has been
abuse, vandalism, gangsterism and pre- sised the importance of providing holistic poured over the damaged portions to
marital sex. All these problems show there early childhood education that gives focus offer drivers some relief. This is the most
is something wrong with the upbringing on all areas of growth important for a we can do for now.” and manually flatten them afterwards.” the damage could be attended to as soon
of young people, which begets the ques- child’s development. The spokesman was responding to He said the department would step as possible.”
tion, Should we change our approaches to She said early childhood education is feedback from rural folk living in Kg Hel- up efforts to look after the stretch until a Jaymie said these staff had failed to
early childhood education?” she said. ready accessible from various services pro- ogelat and the Montenior area of Beau- more permanent solution to the road make good on their word as many of the
In the early years of growth, she vided in the country, be it government or fort about the numerous potholes which woes could be enacted. potholes had become deeper and wider
pointed the mind of a child is like a private education institutions. had formed in the stretch. “Once the necessary sum becomes over the intervening months.
sponge which readily absorbs new infor- “In Malaysia, early childhood education They feared that a bad accident might available, we will patch up the affected He appealed to the agency to improve
mation and providing them opportunities is given the utmost priority, the first phase happen at any time, especially if a driver portions with asphalt and have them the condition of the road before a bad
to learn new things is an important factor is divided to two age group categories (0- lost control of his/ her vehicle while try- properly levelled.” accident occurred.
in their cognitive development. 4 years) and (4-6 years) . ing to avoid the damaged portions of JAYMIE of Beaufort said he first “My friend wound up being able to
According to Atin, it is also important There are five institutions where chil- Jalan Montenior. noticed the damage to parts of Jalan walk away, despite his injuries. Others
for a child to learn to interact with others dren can get their education, this includes A motorcyclist could easily be thrown Montenior in december. might not be so lucky and could lose
and it is through play that they learn new government -owned childcare centres; from his/ her bike, if he or she was not A motorcyclist, who lives in his vil- their lives.
things, enhance communication skills, childcare facilities at workplaces; licensed careful, according to them. lage, took a tumble towards the end of “I hope the department is not waiting
and provides them with an outlet for cre- nurseries; small scale nurseries ( less than Two disgruntled road-users provided that month because of the uneven sur- for this to happen before stepping up to
ativity and experimentation. 10 children) and Permata childcare cen- Hotline with the location of the potholes. face of the road, according to him. carry out proper repairs.”
“The ability to think, give opinions, tres,” she said. This information was forwarded to the “The front tyre of my friend’s motor- Another Beaufort resident, JOHANNA,
understand, remember what happens in Atin said the Malaysian government department. cycle hit a pothole causing him to lose said there were several villages located
their surroundings, imagination are all places a high importance on early child- When asked about the maintenance control of his bike,” he said. off Jalan Montenior, including Kg Helo-
extremely important skills a child needs to hood education, noting that childcare schedule for Jalan Montenior was main- “He was thrown the two-wheeler gelat.
develop during their tender years. facilities are even provided at estates for tained, the spokesman said this task was which tipped over and skidded to a halt. “Those living in these areas depend on
This is also the reason why children in the benefit of children there and their fam- under the purview of government con- “Fortunately, there was no other traf- the road to transport the fruits and veg-
their formative years pick up languages ilies. cessionaires. fic on the road at the time, otherwise he etables they grow to the town,” she said.
faster than adults; they are less inhibited In the second phase, she said children “The company, which looked after the might have been run over.” “They use this route to send their chil-
and for them — the learning process is aged 4- 6 years would be sent to preschool part of the road highlighted by the com- Nevertheless, Jaymie said, the motor- dren to their schools.”
more playful and natural,” she told partic- education which is being managed by plainants, is no longer with the depart- cyclist sprained his wrist and got his Johanna said some among these local
ipants during a webinar organised by the three government agencies which ment and we are still waiting to hear palms badly scratched. communities had wearied of waiting for
Sabah Women Advisory Council (MPWS) includes the education, rural development back from our headquarters as to who “On top of this, he found that his front the authorities to attend to the road.
recently. and national unity departments. will be taking over,” he said on February tyre had burst.” “They have taken to gathering any
She said children are naturally curious “The first we have is KEMAS children’s 27. He said he personally related his building debris they can find and using
of the world around them, they want to preschool, the oldest institution in the He said the former concessionaire’s friend’s mishap to officers at the depart- this material this material to fill the pot-
learn new things, and its important for us country in establishment since the 70s, fol- contract expired in January. ment’s branch in Beaufort. holes.
to remember this aspect in effective early lowed by the ‘Unity Kindergarten’ which is “For the time being, our workers will “They assured me, at the time, that “This has happened once or twice over
childhood education. under the Unity department that’s mostly be asked to cover the damaged portions action would be taken, when I asked if the past few months.” (SS)
Atin pointed education is an activity situated in the city centres at areas where
towards continuous intellectual, social, exists the Rukun Tetangga system,” she
emotional and physical development of said.
an individual while expanding skills, com- Atin said the ministry of education also
petencies, knowledge and experience. provides its own preschool education
She further noted the process of learn- institution which offers the facilities and
ing would help a child in their growing-up services for low income group situated at
years, towards leading a healthier and ful- villages and the outskirts of cities. Mean-
filling life as a person, as well as contribute while, she said preschool for children with
to society and the nation. special needs are also provided which is
Atin said another important aspect of also offered to kids who are hyperactive.
a child’s growth refers to social and emo- Lastly, she said there are also education
tional development which refers to their offered by private institutions and NGOS
ability to understand, manage their feel- but are usually more expensive.
ings effectively —vital for establishing rela- “While there are different institutions
tionships, resolve problems and conflicts providing early childhood education right
and learning. up to preschool education, all these insti-
Meanwhile, she noted physical devel- tutions follow the national syllabus pro-
opment in the field of early childhood vided in the National Education Act 1996,”
education is to provide sufficient nutri- she said. Atin has over 20 years of experi-
tion, be physical active and getting ample ence in early childhood education and

Two siblings found drowned

rest, all of which important factors for a obtained her international certificate from
child to grow healthier and reach their full Montessori.

IPOH: Two siblings were found drowned in here had drowned in the swimming pool.
a swimming pool here Sunday. “The victims, a girl and her younger
Ipoh district police chief ACP Yahaya brother, were sent to Raja Permaisuri
Hassan said his team received information Bainun Hospital (HRPB) in an ambulance
regarding the drowning incident at 6.10 and were pronounced dead by hospital
The Department’s technicians in the midst
The damaged sections are a source of frustration to
pm. staff,” he said in a statement.
of scooping out the gravel which will be poured
drivers living in the Montenior area and in Kg Helogelat.
“Our team went to investigate at the Yahaya said the post-mortem was com-
location of the incident and found two sib- pleted and the cause of death is drowning. over potholes like this in Jalan Montenior.
lings, aged nine and eight, who were from – Bernama
PCG to publicise all Chinese incursions in WPS
8 Philippines and Indonesia Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress

MANILA: The Philippine Coast Guard said incidents of Chinese incursions in Philip- during an aerial visit to the area earlier
Monday it would publicise all incidents of pines were reported to the public, includ- in the week arranged by the Philippine The Chinese
Chinese incursions in the West Philippine ing the first alleged laser-flashing Coast Guard, reporters witnessed how the Coast Guard
Sea (WPS). incident involving BRP Habagat in June only Philippines’ outpost in Ayungin maintaining its
According to Commodore Jay Tarriela, last year. Shoal in Spratly islands was decrepit, in presence in
PCG adviser of the commandant for mar- The PCG is also committed to main- contrast to the teeming number of Chi- Ayungin Shoal
itime security, the move would compel taining its presence in the West Philippine nese Coast Guard vessels that surrounded and Sabina
China to react and acknowledge its actions. Sea despite China’s intimidatory tactics, the shoal. Shoal, both
“The National Task Force [for the West Tarriela said. The rare trip came after a vessel within the
Philippine Sea] believes that it is the obli- “We are going to maintain our patrols belonging to PCG was locked in with a Philippines’
gation of the task force to make all these despite the much more smaller vessels “military-grade laser” from a Chinese exclusive
incidents publicised in a way that the pub- that we have, despite of the harassment coast guard ship in the vicinity of the economic zone.
lic would be made aware of it,” he told and the threats they are doing towards the Ayungin Shoal on Feb. 6. (NTF West
ANC’s “Headstart”. Philippine Coast Guard vessel,” he said. The incident quickly escalated into a Philippine Sea)
“Secondly, we also note that every time Chinese ships remain an intimidating diplomatic row, with President Ferdinand
that we publicise those incidents, that’s presence in a Philippine-controlled shoal Marcos, Jr. immediately summoning
the time the Chinese make reactions, even in the contested Spratly Islands chain, China’s ambassador to the country and

Search for Taiwan ship

the Chinese embassy right now,” he where a laser-pointing incident in Febru- protesting Beijing’s aggressive activities in
added. ary has become a new source of tension the resource-rich South China Sea, where
The PCG earlier admitted that not all between the 2 countries. the Spratlys are located.. –ABS-CBN

Marcos Jr brings Cebu MANILA: The Philippine Coast Guard

(PCG) on Monday said it has deployed
search and rescue (SAR) teams to find a
missing Taiwanese-flagged fishing ves-
According to Yang, two US Coast
Guard (USCG) aircraft conducted air sur-
veillance and a commercial vessel com-
pleted a search in the area, but both

voters slew of projects sel.

In a statement, the PCG said Sheng
Feng No. 128, with one Taiwanese and
five Indonesian fishermen on board, was
last seen 414 nautical miles northwest of
failed to find the missing vessel.
Eight Taiwanese fishing vessels joined
the operations while two Taiwan Coast
Guard (TCG) cutters were on the way to
search the vicinity waters, he added.
CEBU CITY: President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Palau on February 17. The Coast Guard Aviation Force
on Monday returned to Cebu for the first Taiwan Coast Guard Attaché Com- meanwhile dispatched Cessna Caravan
time after the 2022 national elections, mander Arthur Yang requested assis- 2081 Monday morning for aerial surveil-
Marcos Jr. joins
bringing with him a slew of projects for tance from the PCG. lance within the vicinity waters of East-
Cebu local
one of the most populous and vote-rich The PCG Command Center then ern Visayas and Bicol regions.
areas in the country. directed Coast Guard districts in Eastern According to PCG, there is a possibil-
during the
Marcos Jr. launched the “Kadiwa ng Visayas, Bicol, Southeastern Mindanao, ity that the missing Taiwanese vessel

Kadiwa stalls the answer to food

Pangulo” market — a program similar to Northeastern Mindanao, and Northeast- drifted towards the eastern seaboard of
of the Cebu Bus
the “Kadiwa ng Pasko” bazaars — at the ern Luzon to launch SAR operations. the Philippines. –GMA
Rapid Transit
Provincial Capitol Grounds, and thanked
(CBRT) Project

crisis, high prices: Bongbong

Cebuanos for their support.
– Package 1
“Ito na ang unang pagkakataon na
along Fuente
magpasalamat ako sa Cebu sa pagbibigay
Osmeña Circle
ng suporta ninyo sa amin ni Inday Sara,”
in Cebu City.
the President said in his speech.
“It was history making, you were part
of that history and for that I will always be MANILA: The Philippine government is continue to work with local government
grateful for the rest of my life,” he said. inclined to continue and increase the pres- units for the continuity of this kind of
Like other Kadiwa markets, the bazaar ence of Kadiwa stalls in the country as this project.
in Cebu sold products from micro, small It set the highest record for the highest operational by 2025. will address food crisis and the high prices “We will work closely with the local
and medium enterprises at cheaper number of votes given to a candidate even Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama led the of commodities, President Ferdinand government. In the past, what we’ve
prices. way back during the time of President local officials attending the ceremony, “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. said on Monday. launched in other places have become reg-
“Gagawa pa kami ng Kadiwa para sa Quezon,” she said. acknowledging his political rival and for- “We will continue to do this, increase ular. We will check if we can do this here
mga Manggagawa para sila din ay magka- Garcia, whose daughter serves as Mar- mer mayor Tomas Osmeña who he cred- and improve... it’s important that we also. We will look at the turnout of the
roon ng pagkakataon,” he said. cos Jr.’s Tourism Secretary, noted that late ited as a pioneer of the project. increase the stalls especially in areas where food traffic and see what commodities are
“Patuloy naming gagawin ito, President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. also won Marcos Jr. was also slated to attend the residents cannot afford the increase of the still needed,” she told reporters in a sepa-
pararamihin natin, palalakihin natin lalo in Cebu in the 1969 presidential race launch of a housing project in Cebu City prices of basic commodities in the mar- rate interview.
na sa mga lugar na hirap ang tao at hindi despite running against former Cebu Gov- and a relief drive in neighbouring Man- ket,” Marcos said in his message during the When asked about the long term plan
pa kaya ang presyuhan sa mga palengke,” ernor Sergio Osmeña Jr. daue City. launch of “Kadiwa ng Pangulo” in Cebu. to lower prices of commodities, Evange-
he said. “Since then… it seemed Cebu became a “The President knows how to be grate- “This is our response to the food crisis lista said the dA has this Kadiwa Food Mar-
(We will launch Kadiwa para sa mga difficult province, island to be reckoned ful. In a symbolic gesture and a most and the increasing prices of goods. We will ket Mobilisation.
Manggagawa so that they will also have a with especially in the presidential elec- meaningful one, the first ever ‘Kadiwa ng continue this to ease the burden of our “This will definitely capacitate more
chance. We will expand this to areas tions,” she said. Pangulo’ in the entire country will be kababayans,” he added. cooperatives to be able to consolidate
where people are struggling with the Garcia thanked Marcos Jr. for returning launched in Cebu,” Garcia said. “Kadiwa ng Pangulo” will allow farmers more products... economies of scale kasi
prices of goods.) to Cebu and for approving the “final “This is one of the many collaborations and micro, small, and medium enterprises ang pinag-uusapan dito eh (we are talking
Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia transfer of Camp Lapu-Lapu back to the that Cebu and our dearly beloved Presi- (MSMEs) to directly sell their products. about economies of scale here). Nakita
noted that Marcos Jr. enjoyed a wide lead Cebuanos.” dent will work on,” she added. The President said there are more than natin ang trader may kakayahan to consol-
in the Philippines’ most vote-rich After the Kadiwa launch, Marcos then Cebu delivered some 1 million votes for 500 Kadiwa stalls across the country cater- idate metric tons at sila na ang magsasabi
province during the presidential race. proceeded to the Fuente Osmeña Circle Marcos Jr. in May 2022. ing to the basic needs of consumers at a kung anong presyo (we see that traders are
“In a magnificent show of force, the for the groundbreaking ceremony of His top rival, former Vice President cheaper price. capable of consolidating metric tons and

Groups warn RCEP a threat to P’pine industries

entire island of Cebu delivered the highest Cebu’s bus rapid transit project, a P16.3 Leni Robredo, got around 300,000 votes According to Agriculture Assistant Sec- they can give the prices as well),” she said.

Jakarta, Tokyo discuss EV industry

number of votes to Ferdinand Marcos Jr… billion initiative scheduled to be fully from Cebuanos. –ABS-CBN retary Kristine Evangelista, the agency will –GMA

JAKARTA: The Min- MANILA: Several groups on Monday the country’s resources.
istry of Industry said urged the government to rethink the rat- With increased trade activities, there
that Indonesia and ification of the country’s participation in would be more extraction of natural
Japan are again hold- the Regional Comprehensive Economic resources that could lead to environmen-
ing dialogue to Partnership (RCEP) due to threats to local tal degradation and destruction, the
develop the automo- industries and potential income losses. group said.
tive industry, one of RCEP is a free trade deal among 14 The effects of climate change might
which is in the field of other nations including Asean member also worsen, it added.
electric vehicles and states and its partners China, Japan, RCEP can also potentially result in a
carbon neutrality South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. monopoly on pharmaceutical products,
(CN) fuels, including Sonny Africa, the Executive director of Filipino Nurses United said.
biofuels. the independent think tank IBON Foun- Containers inside the Philippine Ports Filipinos would have less access to
“One of these col- dation, said the country has not benefited Authority (PPA) compound in Manila. affordable medicines, the group said.
laborations is realised on any of the past trade agreements that “RCEP will further entrench the power
by establishing dia- Japanese and South Korean carmakers such as promised more investments and better ment measures to attain food self-suffi- of the pharmaceutical companies to
logue on automotive Nissan and Hyundai are squaring off for a slice of the jobs for the Filipinos. ciency instead of opening the local mar- extract profits and deprive millions of
industry policies, Indonesian electric vehicle market as the country He said the government was down- ket to more imports. people from affordable treatment,” FNU
especially related to aims to slash carbon emissions. (Getty Images) playing the lower tariff revenues and RCEP would also destroy the fishing leader Jocelyn Andamo also said.
efforts to reduce failed to see that the country is poised to industry since there would be more con- Unhealthy food products and com-
emissions,” said the director General of Japan Automotive Manufacturers’ Associ- lose roughly $58.2 million in revenues version and reclamation projects in the modities may also flood the local market
Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equip- ation (JAMA) Asia Experts Group, due to RCEP concessions, he added. coastal areas, fisherfolk group and cause health problems among Fil-
ment and Electronics (ILMATE) Industry Enomoto Masato who conveyed the con- Some free trade agreements, he said PAMALAKAYA said. ipinos, she said.
Ministry of Industry, Taufiek Bawazier in tribution of Japanese car manufacturers could lead to trade deficit and “worsen- While businessmen engaged in private “It will embolden alcohol, tobacco,
a statement in Jakarta. to Indonesia, he proposed a cooperation ing” food import dependency. aquaculture may thrive, small fishermen sugar, and processed industries that are
Taufiek explained an overview of the program between Indonesia and Japan in Former Agrarian Reform Secretary and will suffer heavy losses, the group said. drivers of non-communicable diseases,”
Indonesian automotive industry as well studying multiple pathway approaches to Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas RCEP is unlikely to result in more jobs she added.
as strategies and policies for the develop- achieve zero emission in Indonesia. (KMU) Chairman Emeritus Rafael Mari- for the Filipinos, labour group Kilusang Together, the groups called on the gov-
ment of electric vehicles (EV) in Indone- director of Bioenergy, Ministry of ano said Filipino farmers would suffer Mayo Uno (KMU) said, but instead would ernment to rethink its participation in
sia. This includes the EV development Energy and Mineral Resources (ESdM) income losses due to the expected cause more layoffs and increased unem- the RCEP and withdraw its membership
roadmap, EV ecosystem and investment Edi Wibowo provided information on the increase in the imports of agricultural ployment following the possible closure before we feel the negative impacts.
in the battery industry in Indonesia at development of the latest biofuels as a products. of many industries. Economic managers have said the
The 4th Automotive dialogue Indonesia- source of clean, sustainable energy as He also said local products are not Centre for Environment Concerns RCEP could give the country access to
Japan in Jakarta. well as several strategies to advance the competitive in the bigger export market. Philippines Inc (CEC) Executive director more markets, create jobs and boost eco-
“As a country with the best automotive implementation of biofuels to achieve What the government should do, he Lia Torres, meanwhile lamented the lack nomic recovery. The trade deal also has
industry in the world, we believe cooper- zero emission.

Indo Ministry wary of bird flu transmissions

said, is to increase the productivity and of environmental provisions in the RCEP provisions to protect “sensitive” products
ation with Japan can support efforts to The Indonesia-Japan automotive dia- quality of our local produce, and imple- that would guarantee the protection of such as rice and corn –ABS-CBN
achieve carbon neutrality,” said Taufiek. logue was also attended by several min-
director General of the Secretariat of istries, institutions and associations from
the Minister of Trade Policy (Bureau of both Indonesia and Japan, including the
Manufacturing Industry), Ministry of Ministry of Transportation, the National
Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Research and Innovation Agency, the
Japan Fujimoto Takeshi explained that Association of Indonesian Automotive JAKARTA: Indonesia’s Ministry of Health is and consistent in mammals. prepare health facilities for the management
Japan’s latest policy for carbon neutrality Industries (GAIKINdO), PT Pertamina, aware of the tendency of the new clade of She said the ministry had issued a direc- of suspected cases of bird flu in accordance
(CN) includes the promotion of electrifi- and the Indonesian Association of Biofuel Avian Flu virus infecting humans fol- tor General of disease Prevention and Con- with established guidelines.
cation, hydrogen and carbon neutral Producers (APROBI). lowing the finding of a case in poultry in a trol (P2P) Circular Letter Number They were also urged to increase the
fuels. Meanwhile, METI’s director of Inter- The forum is expected to become a farm in South Kalimantan. PV.03.01/C/824/2023 concerning Precautions capacity of public health laboratories
national Trade Policy for Automotive, Mr. platform for strategic partnerships “There are currently no reports of trans- of Extraordinary Events for Avian Flu (H5N1) (Labkesmas) for the examination of samples
Hirofumi Oima, said that currently a between the two countries, providing mission to humans. However, we still have to New Clade, which was stipulated on of cases with symptoms of suspected bird flu.
cooperation program has been estab- information on the latest situation and be vigilant,” director General of disease Pre- February 24, 2023. The circular requests Meanwhile, areas that conduct sentinel
lished between Indonesia and Japan in the latest policies, especially in the auto- vention and Control of the Health Ministry provincial, district, and regional health surveillance for influenza like illness (ILI) and
the electrification of vehicles and CN motive industry. On the same occasion, Rein Rondonuwu stated here on Monday. offices and heads of Port Health Offices (KKP) Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) are
fuels, including biofuels. Taufiek stated that the government con- Although the risk of infection in humans across Indonesia to coordinate and cooper- also urged to increase early awareness of sus-
On this occasion, representatives of tinues to provide support for the growth is still low, Rondonuwu affirmed that the ate with relevant agencies to prevent and pected bird flu cases in areas where Avian
the Japanese automotive manufacturing of the automotive industry in the country. government had increased early warning, control bird flu in humans. Influenza Extraordinary Incidents occurred
association were also present. Chair of the –Antara given that zoonotic virus mutations are swift Regional governments are also urged to in poultry. –Antara
WORLD dailyexpress

Victims wash ashore after deadly Italy shipwreck; told 62

10 Kremlin: No conditions for peace at moment 11 Iran’s nuke pace worrying: CIA

CUTRO, (Italy): Italy’s coastguard on Mon- chological support to the survivors, said ter it was supporting survivors from Rescuers handling
day searched the sea and beaches for bod- there were cases of children orphaned in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria, a body bag at the
ies following a shipwreck off Calabria, as the disaster. including 10 minors who had been travel- site of a shipwreck
the death toll rose to 62 and charities “One Afghan 12-year-old boy lost his ling with their families. in Steccato di
cared for children who witnessed loved entire family, all nine of them—four sib- “There are many missing minors,” it Cutro, Italy. At
ones drowning. lings, his parents and other very close rel- wrote. least 62 migrants,
The overloaded wooden boat broke up atives,” he told journalists. The charity said survivors described including 11
and sank early Sunday in stormy seas off Firefighters from the town of Cutro read- how “during the night, near the coast, they children and a
Italy’s southern coast, with bodies, shoes ied a speed boat to head out on a fresh search heard a loud boom, the boat broke and newborn baby,
and debris washing up along a long of the area as helicopters flew overhead. they all fell into the water.” died after their
stretch of shoreline. At Le Castella, where a 15th century The survivors were “in shock... some say overloaded
The death toll rose Monday to 62, a fortress dominates the shoreline, an AFP they saw relatives fall into the water and boat sank.
coast guard official told AFP—and that journalist witnessed the coastguard recov- disappear, or die”.
number looked likely to increase. ering the body of a woman who looked to The boat was reported to have set sail and police were searching for a fourth, abria, told Rai state broadcaster he had
Sergio di dato, head of the doctors be in her early 20s. from Izmir in Turkey last week. Three sus- media reports said Monday. recovered the bodies of young twins from

Aussie govt to
Without Borders (MSF) team offering psy- Save the Children charity said on Twit- pected human traffickers were arrested david Morabito, a rescue diver in Cal- the water. – AFP

overhaul cyber laws ‘Covid likely emerged

CANBERRA: The Australian government

from Chinese lab leak’

has announced an overhaul of its cyber
security strategy following a string of
major data breaches.
Home Minister Clare O’Neil revealed
the renewed strategy on Monday, saying
the 2022 Optus and Medibank hacks WASHINGTON: The coronavirus pandemic
Medibank disclosed that hackers had
exposed flaws in cyber laws. likely arose from a Chinese laboratory leak,
accessed the personal information of 9.7
A new national co-ordinator for cyber the US department of Energy now says
million current and former customers.
security will be appointed by the govern- according to media, although the White
ment within the department of Home House maintained that American intelli-
Affairs to lead the implementation of the national coordinator in place at the time gence remained divided on the issue.
strategy, with the government given more would have made a significant difference. The determination—noted in a classi-
powers to intervene following breaches, “What we will have now is an individual fied report by director of National Intelli-
according to Xinhua news agency. in the public service who is going to gence Avril Haines’s office, The Wall Street
Telecommunications giant Optus coordinate the response across govern- Journal reported—marks a shift by the
revealed in September that the data of up ment and make sure that not only are we Energy department, which had previously
to 9.8 million customers could have been deterring and preventing cyber-attacks, said it was undecided on how the virus
compromised in one of the largest data but Australians can get up off that emerged.
breaches in Australian history. quickly,” Xinhua reported she told Aus- People who read the classified report
One month later, health insurance tralian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) were quoted in the Journal and The New
provider Medibank disclosed that hackers radio. York Times as saying the department made
had accessed the personal information of “The other really important part of this its judgment with “low confidence,” high-
9.7 million current and former customers. person’s job will be to help manage cyber lighting how different agencies remain
The White House maintained that American intelligence remained
In the wake of the incidents the Labor incidents in a proper, seamless strategic divided over the origins of Covid-19 and
divided on the issue. Beijing also called on those involved to ‘stop
government, which won power in May way across the Australian Government.” the pandemic that swept the globe in early
smearing China and ‘stop politicising’ the origin-tracing issue.
2022, expressed frustration at the lack of The government hopes to appoint 2020.
an emergency response function. someone to the new role within a month The conclusion, reportedly the result of

Senior Indian official arrested in graft probe

O’Neil said on Monday that having the to develop a response plan. – Bernama new intelligence, is nevertheless significant White House National Security Advisor sions drawn by joint experts from China
because the department oversees a network Jake Sullivan stressed a “variety of views” on and the WHO,” foreign ministry spokesper-
of national laboratories, including some the matter remain. son Mao Ning told a regular briefing.
that do advanced biological research. “Right now, there is not a definitive In mid-February, the World Health
NEW dELHI: Indian contrary,” they said. “Therefore, he has The department now joins the Federal answer that has emerged from the intelli- Organization pledged to do everything
federal investigators been arrested.” Bureau of Investigation in believing that gence community on this question,” he possible “until we get the answer” on
arrested the delhi The arrest comes months after the the pandemic, which has left nearly seven told CNN Sunday. Covid’s origins, denying a report suggest-
capital territory’s Enforcement directorate, India’s federal million people dead, was the result of a Beijing Monday called on those ing the agency had abandoned its investi-
second highest- financial crime agency, raided several mishap in a Chinese laboratory. involved to “stop stirring up claims about gation.
ranking official over liquor agencies over alleged irregularities Four US intelligence agencies believe laboratory leaks, stop smearing China, and The scientific community sees it as cru-

Palestinians count cost of Israeli reprisals

corruption allega- in the delhi government’s now-withdrawn Covid occurred through natural transmis- stop politicising the origin-tracing issue.” cial to determine the origins of the pan-
tions, prompting excise policy. sion, while two others remain undecided, “A laboratory leak wasn’t found to be demic in order to better fight or even
claims of political The AAP, which has been anticipating the Journal reported. possible by authoritative scientific conclu- prevent the next one. – AFP
interference from Sisodia’s arrest, said the move was due to
his up-and-coming opposition party. “political rivalry” and that it was a “fake
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is seeking case”.
to establish itself as the main opposition “Black day for democracy,” the party’s
to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu delhi office tweeted after the arrest. HUWARA, Palestinian Territories: Palestini-
nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), The Aam Aadmi Party, formed around ans in the occupied West Bank on Monday
and has already won control of Punjab a decade ago, is looking to displace the counted the cost of deadly violence and
state and the capital region delhi. Nehru-Gandhi dynasty’s Congress—whose arson by Israeli settlers targeting a town
Manish Sisodia (pic), delhi’s deputy electoral support has been declining for where two Israeli brothers were killed.
chief minister and seen as party leader decades—as the main opposition to the dozens of Israeli settlers set homes and
Arvind Kejriwal’s right hand man, was dominant BJP. cars ablaze in the northern town of
arrested by the Central Bureau of Investi- Kejriwal, also delhi’s chief minister, Huwara overnight, after a day of Israeli-
gation (CBI) after almost eight hours of said his deputy was innocent and the Palestinian talks in neighbouring Jordan
questioning. arrest was “dirty politics.” aimed at quelling a surge in violence in the
In a statement, the CBI said Sisodia was “There is a lot of anger among people Palestinian territory.
arrested in connection with an investiga- because of Manish’s arrest. People are More than 350 Palestinians were
tion into delhi’s liquor regulations. watching everything. People will respond injured, the majority suffering from tear
“He gave evasive replies and did not co- to this,” Kejriwal tweeted. gas inhalation, the Palestinian Red Cres-
cent Society said.

N Korea opens crucial agricultural

operate (with) the investigation despite “This will boost our spirit. Our struggle
A scrapyard where cars were torched overnight, in the Palestinian
being confronted with evidence to the will get stronger.” – AFP The Palestinian health ministry said 37-
town of Huwara near Nablus in the occupied West Bank.
year-old Sameh Aqtash was shot dead during

meeting amid grave food shortages

an attack on the nearby village of Zaatara.
The violence came hours after two The violence came days after Israeli forces ated dozens of Palestinians from their
Israeli settlers—brothers Yagel Yaniv, 20, launched their deadliest West Bank raid in homes threatened by fires in Huwara.
and Hallel Yaniv, 22 — were shot dead Sun- nearly 20 years, which claimed the lives of 11 The office of Palestinian president Mah-
day as they drove through Huwara. Palestinians in the nearby city of Nablus. mud Abbas accused Israel of “protecting
SEOUL: North Korean North Korea monitoring site 38 North On Monday, an AFP photographer saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu terrorist acts perpetrated by settlers” in the
leader Kim Jong Un said it judged the current food shortages in damaged homes blackened by fire, long late Sunday called for calm. West Bank.
(pic) has opened a the country to be the worst in decades. lines of charred cars, burned trees and “I ask—even when the blood is boiling— Hamas, the militant group which rules
key party meeting to The Pyongyang regime was being smashed windows in the town. not to take the law into one’s hands,” Gaza, called on Palestinians “to defend the
discuss agricultural forced to deal with “a complex humanitar- “They burned more than 20 buildings,” Netanyahu said. city of Nablus and repel the settlers’ terror-
development, state ian emergency that has food insecurity at Huwara resident Kamal Odeh told AFP. The West Bank is home to about 2.9 mil- ism.”
media said Monday, its core”, it said in a January 2023 assess- “Even the trees were not spared. They lion Palestinians as well as an estimated Washington condemned the violence
following a report of ment. burned everything. They burned every- 475,000 Jewish settlers, who live in state- on both sides.
“grave” food short- An analysis of rice and corn prices glob- thing they found.” approved settlements considered illegal “The terrorist attack that killed two
ages in the isolated country. ally and in North Korea show “significant” Wajeh Odeh, a member of the town’s under international law. Israelis and settler violence, which resulted
Normally such meetings are convened price divergence since early 2021 — mean- municipality, said 30 houses were burned Mayors of Israeli settlements called on in the killing of one Palestinian, injuries to
only once or twice a year, but the plenary ing food is far more expensive in the and damaged while more than 100 cars their residents to let the Israeli army do its over 100 others, and the destruction of
comes just two months after a previous North—“signalling a breakdown” in sup- were torched. job. extensive property,” US State department
one, which also focused on agricultural ply, it added. On Monday morning, the Israeli mili- “We do not take justice into our own spokesman Ned Price wrote on Twitter.
issues. But a recent commentary carried by tary told AFP no-one had been arrested hands,” they said in a statement, while call- The attacks in Huwara came amid talks
The unusual frequency of the meetings North Korea’s main state-run newspaper over the arson or killing of Aqtash. ing on the authorities to carry out “a deter- in Jordan, where Israeli and Palestinian
The search for the gunmen who fired mined and deterrent military operation”. officials pledged to work to prevent fur-

Egypt top diplomat visits Syria for first time in decade

focused on agriculture has fuelled specula- Rodong Sinmun said the country should
tion that there may be serious food short- continue to stick to the “self-sufficient on the two brothers is ongoing. The Israeli military said it had evacu- ther violence. – AFP
ages in North Korea now. economy” as part of its fight against “the
Kim chaired the opening on Sunday of imperialists”.
a plenary meeting of top ruling party offi- “The imperialists, under the cloak of the
cials to “analyse and review... the pro- so-called ‘collaboration’ and ‘aid’, are clam- dAMASCUS: Egypt’s Foreign Minister Cairo has had tense relations with the countries have severed ties with it.
gramme for the rural revolution in the ouring as if some countries in economic Sameh Shoukry arrived Monday in dam- two countries for a decade. But since the earthquake, the Syrian
new era, and decide on the immediate difficulties could not tide over crises with- ascus, the latest example of Arab outreach In the aftermath of the quake, Egypt’s president has received calls and aid from
important tasks and the urgent tasks,” the out their support.” to Syria’s internationally isolated govern- President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called his Arab leaders, a momentum analysts say he
official Korean Central News Agency But such support are efforts to “make ment since it and Turkey were hit by a dev- Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, in the could leverage to bolster regional sup-
reported. the countries their sources of raw materials astating earthquake. first official exchange between the two port.
The participants “unanimously and market after completely demolishing Shoukry’s trip shows “solidarity with leaders. On Sunday, a delegation of Arab parlia-
approved the agenda items and went into the barrier of their national economy”, Syria in the face of the consequences of Shoukry also spoke with Mekdad, and mentary leaders met with Assad in dam-
discussion” on the topic, the KCNA said Rodong said. the earthquake”, said the official news Egypt sent three planes and two boats ascus, including the speaker of Egypt’s
without giving further details. Nuclear-armed North Korea, which is agency SANA, adding he was welcomed at loaded with humanitarian aid to the parliament, Hanafy al-Gebali.
South Korea’s unification ministry says under multiple sets of sanctions over its damascus airport by his counterpart quake-hit Arab country. Egyptian state media described him as
there have been reports of starvation weapons programmes, has long struggled Faisal Mekdad. Assad has been politically isolated in “the most senior Egyptian official to visit
deaths in the North. to feed itself. Egypt’s foreign ministry said the visit the region since the start of the 12-year damascus” in over a decade.
“We judge the food shortages there to It is highly vulnerable to natural disas- by Shoukry, who is also due to visit Turkey, civil war in Syria. Egypt’s official position on Syria has
be grave,” ministry spokesman Koo ters including floods and drought due to a was “a message of solidarity by Egypt with While Cairo and damascus have called for “a political solution”, steering
Byoung-sam said last week, adding chronic lack of infrastructure, deforesta- these two brotherly countries after the largely maintained relations during the clear of discussing the fate of Assad him-
Pyongyang appeared to have requested tion and decades of state mismanagement. earthquake” of February 6 that killed conflict, the Cairo-based Arab League sus- self, whose departure has long been
food aid from the World Food Programme. – AFP nearly 46,000 people in both countries. pended Syria in 2011 and some other Arab demanded by several Arab leaders. – AFP
UK, EU eye deal over post-Brexit trade
10 World Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress
One killed,
LONdON: Britain and the

European Union were on
Monday poised to agree a

wounded in
crucial overhaul of trade However, staunch opposition to the Street called “intensive negotiations” since If a final deal is agreed as expected,
rules in Northern Ireland, protocol from the pro-British unionist Sunak took power in October, a deal Sunak and von der Leyen will hold a short
in a breakthrough aimed at community in Northern Ireland, who appears within sight. joint press conference in Windsor, west of

fresh quake
resetting strained relations argue it threatens the province’s place “Positive, constructive progress has London, famous for its royal palace.
since Brexit. within the UK, has led to the collapse of been made,” his office said in a statement Sunak is then due to deliver a statement
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (pic) and devolved power-sharing there. late Sunday. to parliament on the agreement.

in Turkey
European Commission chief Ursula von That prompted the UK government to “The prime minister wants to ensure Former cabinet minister and Johnson
der Leyen were set to hold “final talks” at threaten a unilateral overhaul of the pro- that any deal fixes the practical problems loyalist Jacob Rees-Mogg hinted at the
lunchtime in the UK, in a bid to end more tocol unless the EU agreed to wholesale on the ground, ensures trade flows freely peril Sunak faces over the deal when asked
than a year of negotiations over the so- changes, souring diplomatic relations and within the whole of the UK, safeguards about it Monday, noting the dUP’s verdict
called Northern Ireland protocol. risking a wider trade war. Talks between Northern Ireland’s place in our Union and would be “very influential” among Tory
Agreed in 2020 as part of Britain’s London and Brussels aimed at resolving returns sovereignty to the people of lawmakers. ISTANBUL: A 5.6 magnitude earthquake
divorce from the EU, the contentious pact the problems with the protocol dragged Northern Ireland.” “I’m not sure he has achieved the objec- hit eastern Turkey on Monday, killing
kept the province in the European single on through last year—and two changes of After Monday’s talks, a British cabinet tive of getting the dUP back into power- one person and wounding dozens oth-
market and subject to different trade rules prime minister in the UK. meeting will take place in the afternoon, sharing, which is the fundamental point of ers while causing some damaged build-

Italy’s Democratic
than the rest of the UK. Now, after months of what downing when ministers will get an update. it,” he told broadcaster ITV. – AFP ings to collapse, the government’s
disaster agency said.

Party elects first

The epicentre of the tremor was the

Kremlin: No conditions Yesilyurt district in the Malatya

province, which was hit by the February

woman leader
6 earthquake that killed over 44,000
people in Turkey and thousands more in
neighbouring Syria.

for peace at moment

“One citizen lost his life. Some 69
were injured,” Yunus Sezer, chairman of
ROME: Italy’s democratic
AFAd disaster agency, said in televised
Party (Pd) elected its first
woman leader at the week-
AFAd tweeted that 29 buildings
end, charged with re-ener-
MOSCOW: The Kremlin on Monday already damaged by a powerful Febru-
gising the centre-left party
acknowledged China’s proposal for a ary 6 earthquake had collapsed.
to counter a recent surge in
political solution in Ukraine but said the “Our search and rescue teams were
popularity of the right.
conditions for a peaceful resolution of the quickly dispatched to the region, and
Parliamentarian Elly Schlein, 37, (pic)
conflict were not in place “at the moment”. started to work,” it added.
defeated frontrunner Stefano Bonaccini,
“We paid a lot of attention to our Chi- The local mayor, Mehmet Cinar, said
president of the Emilia-Romagna region,
nese friends’ plan,” Kremlin spokesman a father and his daughter were trapped
by 53.8 percent to 46.2 percent Sunday, in
dmitry Peskov said on Monday, adding after they entered a damaged building
an election that saw most left-leaning vot-
that: “for now, we don’t see any of the con- to get their belongings, Turkish media
ers stay at home.
ditions that are needed to bring this whole reported.
Schlein becomes the youngest-ever
story towards peace.” Television images showed the man
leader of the progressive, pro-Europe
China has sought to position itself as a being carried on a stretcher into an
party, which many political experts have
neutral party in the conflict while main- ambulance, while rescue teams were
seen as suffering from an identity crisis
taining close ties with strategic ally Russia. trying to make contact with his daugh-
amid the increasing popularity of far-right
Beijing last week called for peace talks ter inside the damaged building.
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her
as it released a 12-point paper to end the Turkish authorities have expanded a
Brothers of Italy party.
war in Ukraine, which included the respect criminal probe into individuals respon-
Ahead of official figures, the Pd esti-
of all countries’ territorial sovereignty. sible for buildings levelled by the deadly
mated that around one million supporters
The Russian foreign ministry on Friday earthquake that left millions without
took part in the primaries, which would
thanked Chinese efforts but said that any homes.
mean that Sunday’s election had the
settlement of the conflict needed to recog- AFAd recorded almost 10,000 after-
worst-ever abstention rate of internal Pd
nise Russia’s control over four Ukrainian shocks after the February 6 quake. Some
regions. 173,000 buildings are believed to have
Schlein succeeds Enrico Letta, a former
Russia claims to have annexed the sustained damage according to local
prime minister, the head of the party since
A Russian Communists supporter attends a rally wearing a vest with a
regions of donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia media reports.
March 2021 who resigned after general
portrait of Russian President Putin with a quote reading ‘it is impossible
and Kherson but never fully controlled Turkish media has vocally criticised
elections in September that brought Mel-
to work without the support of the people’, in downtown Moscow.
them. developers for using shoddy materials
oni and her right-wing coalition to power.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen- and failing to comply with construction
The Pd, hurt by a divided left and a neg-
sky said his country needed to work with penalties, which target 121 individuals and Being on the list means an asset freeze codes.
ative election campaign that failed to
China, arguing “it seems to me that there entities. in the EU and a visa ban. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
inspire voters, won just 19 percent of the
is respect for our territorial integrity, secu- The latest penalties are the 10th round And, Belarus’s exiled opposition said announced plans to rebuild 270,000
vote in the general election versus 26 per-
rity issues” in the Chinese perspective. of EU sanctions aimed at undercutting that partisans had destroyed a Russian homes in the devastated provinces
cent for the Brothers of Italy.
within one year. – AFP

Legal age of
According to an ixé poll conducted Zelensky also said he was convinced Russia’s finances and military supplies for plane at an airstrip near the capital
from 15 to 21 February, the Pd currently that only a country whose territory is the conflict. Minsk.
stands at 16.9 percent of voting intentions, under attack can initiate “any peace initia- Peskov said Western countries were “Partisans... confirmed a successful spe-

marriage in
far behind Brothers of Italy at 31.1 percent tives.” struggling to find more people and enti- cial operation to blow up a rare Russian
and just below the anti-establishment Five The publication of the proposal follows ties to sanction. plane at the airfield in Machulishchy near

Star Movement at 17.2 percent. accusations from the West that China is “That explains the illogical listing of Minsk,” tweeted Franak Viacorka, a close
Born in Lugano, Switzerland within the considering arming Russia, a claim Beijing individuals and entities,” Peskov said. adviser of opposition figurehead Sviatlana
country’s Italian-speaking region, has dismissed as false. “We are talking about such accom- Tsikhanouskaya.

Schlein’s father is American with Ukrain- The Kremlin hit out at the European plished people and for them, inclusion in “This is the most successful diversion
ian Jewish ancestry. Her mother is Italian. Union after the bloc adopted its latest the lists will not cause any discomfort,” he since the beginning of 2022,” he added.
package of sanctions against Russia for its

raised to 18
The left-wing domani daily wrote Mon- added. Viacorka did not say what kind of Russ-
day that Schlein offered “a model of femi- military intervention in Ukraine. The latest EU sanctions target dozens of ian plane had been targeted but said it was
nine leadership radically different to that “All this, of course, is absurd,” Kremlin Russian entities—meaning businesses or worth 330 million euros. According to
spokesman dmitry Peskov told reporters

Tense wait as Nigeria slowly counts election results

of Giorgia Meloni”, who defined herself state agencies—including another three news media close to the opposition, it was
during the general election as a Christian in response to a question about the new Russian banks. an A-50 surveillance plane. – AFP

UN: Progress on
mother. – AFP
LONdON: Vulnerable chil-
dren across England and

human rights has

Wales will be better pro-
LAGOS: Nigeria slowly counted more But for the first time since the end of By Monday morning, results from tected from the damaging

gone into reverse

results on Monday after a tight election military rule in 1999, a surprise third- around 52,000 centres had been submit- impact of forced marriage
for the presidency of Africa’s most popu- party candidate, Labour Party’s Peter Obi, ted to the platform from around 176,000 as the legal age of marriage
lous nation as delays and accusations of has challenged APC and PdP dominance polling centres nationwide—around 30 rises to 18 in England and
manipulation fuelled tensions. with an appeal to younger voters. percent. Wales.
Nearly 90 million were eligible to vote Announcing first results state by state, PdP on Monday accused the ruling APC The Marriage and Civil Partnership
GENEVA: Respect for human rights has on Saturday for a successor to President Independent National Electoral Commis- governors of pressuring INEC over results (Minimum Age) Act 2022, which gained
gone into reverse, the United Nations chief Muhammadu Buhari, with many hoping sion (INEC) on Sunday said APC’s Tinubu in southeast and in parts of Lagos, a Royal Assent in April last year, has come
warned Monday, calling for a renewal of for a new leader to tackle insecurity, eco- won small, southwestern Ekiti state with highly contested state with the most reg- into force today (27 February). It means
the Universal declaration of Human nomic malaise and widening poverty. PdP coming second. istered voters at more than seven million. that 16 and 17 year olds will no longer be
Rights, 75 years after its signing. Voting on Saturday was mostly peace- INEC was due to announce more state “APC is doing all in its means to cheat allowed to marry or enter a civil partner-
Pointing to the war raging in Ukraine, ful, but thugs ransacked some polling sta- by state results on Monday at 1000 GMT, in Lagos,” PdP spokesman dele Momodu ship, even if they have parental consent.
and threats to rights from soaring poverty, tions and many others opened very late in but final tallies for the presidential race told reporters. It is now illegal and a criminal offence
hunger and climate disasters, Antonio Lagos and other cities. Many voters stayed could take days. The early result in one state for APC’s to exploit vulnerable children by arrang-
Guterres said the declaration was “under overnight to watch over the initial count Votes are tallied by hand at local Tinubu was very preliminary in a country ing for them to marry, under any circum-
assault from all sides.” at polling stations. polling stations and results are uploaded almost equally divided between a mostly stances whether or not force is used.
“Some governments chip away at it. The election pits former Lagos gover- online to INEC’s central database IReV, Muslim north and a predominantly Chris- deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor
Others use a wrecking ball,” he told the nor Bola Tinubu, 70, of the ruling All Pro- which is meant to improve transparency. tian south and with three main ethnic and Secretary of State for Justice, dominic
opening of the UN Human Rights Council’s gressives Congress (APC) against former But slow uploading of results to INEC’s groups in different regions. Raab MP (pic), said: “This law will better
main annual session, describing the disre- vice president 76-year-old Atiku website has fueled worries of malpractice Voting is usually determined by large protect vulnerable young people, by crack-
gard and disdain seen for human rights Abubakar, of the Peoples democratic in a country with a history of ballot rig- key states such as Lagos and northwestern ing down on forced marriage in our society.

Ramaphosa vows to fight dirty money after ‘grey’ listing

around the world as “a wake-up call”. Party (PdP). ging and vote buying. Kano and Kaduna. – AFP Those who act to manipulate children
He said the “Russian invasion of into marrying under-age will now rightly
Ukraine has triggered the most massive face the full force of the law.”
violations of human rights” being wit- The change will crack down on forced
nessed in the world today. marriages which can cause lasting damage
“It has unleashed widespread death, JOHANNESBURG: President to encourage national authorities improve years ago. The radical leftist opposition on a child and forms part of the govern-
destruction and displacement,” he said. Cyril Ramaphosa (pic) on their performance. party, the Economic Freedom Fighters ment’s continued commitment to tackle
While the past century has seen Monday said South Africa “The grey listing is an opportunity for us (EFF), reacted strongly to the grey listing, violence against women and girls.
astounding progress in human rights and would seize “an opportu- to tighten our controls and improve our lashing Ramaphosa as “a criminal who is Those found guilty of arranging child
human development, Guterres warned nity” to tackle dirty money response to organised crime”, Ramaphosa leading a criminal state”. marriages face sentences of up to 7 years in
that now, “instead of continuing this after the country had been said in his weekly newsletter. Ramaphosa is “part of the reasons why prison.
progress, we have gone into reverse.” placed on a watchlist for “The situation is concerning but less South Africa has been grey listed,” it said The age of 18 is widely recognised as the
Russia’s war in Ukraine loomed large financial crimes. dire than some people suggest,” he added. on Friday. age at which one becomes an adult and
over the meeting, due to last a record six A global watchdog, the Financial Action “The fundamentals are in place and we South Africa and Nigeria were the only gains full citizenship rights.
weeks, with calls for unity in condemning Task Force (FATF), on Friday said it had know what we need to do to get off the new entries to the “grey list,” whose 23 Child marriage is often associated with
Moscow and extending a probe into war placed South Africa on its “grey list” for grey list,” Ramaphosa said, stressing he was members include the Cayman Islands, domestic abuse towards girls, leaving edu-
crimes in the conflict. increased monitoring over deficiencies in “determined to do this as quickly as possi- democratic Repupublic of Congo, the cation early, limited career opportunities,
The session comes just days after the combating “money laundering, terrorist ble”. Philippines, Syria and Yemen. and serious physical and mental health
one-year anniversary of Moscow’s full- financing, and proliferation financing.” South Africa’s state sector was devas- The listing is “further indictment on the problems. The change honours the gov-
scale invasion—which UN rights chief The FATF sets standards for more than tated by corruption under former presi- ANC national government’s failure to deal ernment’s commitment to the pledge

Turkish drone kills three fighters in Iraq

Volker Turk warned show that 75 years 200 countries and jurisdictions on cross- dent Jacob Zuma, which Ramaphosa decisively with financial crime,” John made to the United Nations to end child
after the world agreed on the universality border financial crime—a system intended vowed to clean up when he took office five Steenhuisen, the head of the leading oppo- marriage by 2030.
of rights, “the oppression of the past can sition party, the democratic Alliance (dA), Previously forced marriage was only an
return in various disguises.” said on Twitter. offence if the person uses a type of coer-
Turk cited “the old destructive wars of The listing is “hardly surprising when cion, for example threats, to cause some-
aggression from a bygone era with world- ARBIL, Iraq: A Turkish drone attack Monday in northern Iraq killed at least three fighters our sitting President stashes millions of US one to marry.
wide consequences, as we have witnessed from the minority Yazidi community affiliated with the rebel Kurdistan Workers’ Party dollars in his own couch,” Steenhuisen It is now an offence to cause a child
again in Europe with the senseless Russian (PKK), Iraqi Kurdish officials said. said, referring to the alleged coverup of a under the age of 18 to enter a marriage in
invasion of Ukraine”. “A drone from the Turkish army targeted a vehicle” in the region, killing an officer massive theft at Ramaphosa’s ranch. any circumstances, without the need to
Following the speeches by the UN top and two combattants from the Yazidi Sinjar Resistance Units, a statement from the Kur- Corruption in South Africa has fuelled a prove that a form of coercion was used.
brass, nearly 150 ministers and heads of distan region’s anti-terrorist squad said. The three fighters were heading towards Sinjar, decline in support for the ruling African This includes non-legally binding ‘tradi-
state and government are due to speak, a stronghold of the Yazidis, at the time of the attack. Turkey has dozens of military facil- National Congress (ANC) ahead of the tional’ ceremonies which would still be
virtually or in person, during the first four ities in northern Iraq for use in its war against the PKK, and it has repeatedly carried out 2024 elections—a fall that that may cost viewed as marriages by the parties and
days of the session. – AFP strikes targeting the group in northern Iraq, where it has bases, and its allies. – AFP Ramaphosa the presidency. – AFP their families. – AFP
Serbia, Kosovo hold talks as pressure mounts for deal
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 World 11
$330m coke bound
for Belgium seized BRUSSELS: Brussels hosts the rival leaders set to meet chief EU diplomat Josep Borrell ernment in Pristina. and comprehensive economic and politi-
of Kosovo and Serbia on Monday as the at the bloc’s headquarters Monday after- “I think the next meeting will show how cal measures that will cause great damage
GUAYAQUIL, (Ecuador): Ecuador confis- European Union turns up the pressure to noon, where they will likely go over the hopeful we can be for this year,” Kurti told to the Republic of Serbia,” Vucic told view-
cated about 8.8 tonnes of cocaine worth reach a breakthrough deal it hopes will details of a deal that could lay out the lawmakers, saying he was “very optimistic ers.
$330 million that had been hidden lead to a normalisation of ties between the framework for a potential understanding. that there can be an agreement this year.” The mounting pressure comes as West-
between bananas in a container bound for foes. The latest round of talks follow months On the other side, Serbia’s President ern governments have reserved much of
Belgium, police said Sunday. Serbia has refused to recognise of shuttle diplomacy in the renewed thrust Vucic has said his government was under their diplomatic muscle for addressing the
“Record seizure in 2023 of more than Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of inde- to resolve long-simmering tensions, nearly the gun to come to an understanding. war in Ukraine, spurring fears that the
eight tonnes of cocaine,” wrote police pendence made in 2008, with periodic 25 years after the war between ethnic In a televised address last month, Vucic Kremlin may use the Kosovo issue as a
commander General Fausto Salinas on his bouts of unrest erupting between Bel- Albanian insurgents and Serb forces trig- said he had been handed an ultimatum wedge to further divide Europe.
Twitter account. grade and its former breakaway province. gered a NATO bombing campaign that from Western countries to normalise ties “Russian aggression in Ukraine has
“We prevented (the international sale The two sides have admitted being ended the fighting. with Kosovo or face measures that would changed the dynamic. The West can’t
of) 90 million doses, worth $330 million increasingly squeezed by Western govern- Last week, Kurti told Kosovo’s parlia- do “great damage” to his country. allow Russia to potentially open up a new
in Europe,” he said, posting a video show- ments to hammer out an agreement after ment that the deal currently in the works “(They) said—you must accept this front, and this region is volatile enough,”
ing police searching the container, which more than two decades of acrimony. would pave the way for the territory’s plan, or you will face the interruption of said Aleksandar Popov, a political analyst
was being shipped from the port of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti and entry into a number of international insti- the process of European integration, the with the Centre for Regionalism based in
Guayaquil. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic were tutions—a long-sought goal for the gov- halting and withdrawal of investments Serbia’s Novi Sad. – AFP
Located between Colombia and Peru—
the world’s main producers of cocaine—

Iran’s nuke pace worrying: CIA

Ecuador seized a record amount of the
drug in 2021: about 210 tonnes bound for
European ports.
In 2022, seizures exceeded 200 tonnes -
61 percent of which were hidden among
bananas destined for export—and so far WASHINGTON: Iran’s nuclear pro- and reinstated sanctions. Negotiations to

Brazil storm death

this year they have totalled 31 tonnes. – AFP gramme is advancing at a “worrisome revive the accord have stalled.
pace,” CIA director William Burns said in Burns said Iran was “still a ways off... in

toll rises to 64
an interview broadcast, following reports terms of their ability to actually develop
Tehran had further enriched uranium. a weapon” but said advancements in
Iran was last known to have enriched enrichment and missile systems that
uranium up to 60 percent purity, but a would be able deliver a nuclear weapon
recent Bloomberg News report that Inter- are “growing at a worrisome pace.”
SAO PAULO: The death toll from floods national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Another point of concern is that Russia
and landslides in southeast Brazil a week inspectors found uranium enriched to 84 is proposing to help Iran’s missile pro-
ago was officially increased to 64 , as the percent, while strongly denied by Tehran, gramme, Burns noted, reiterating as well
search continued for one missing person. has sparked consternation. the US belief that Moscow is also consid-
Among the confirmed toll, 18 were chil- Uranium enriched to around 90 per- ering sending fighter jets to Iran.
dren, the Sao Paulo state government said cent purity is considered nuclear Russia and Iran have expanded their
in a statement. weapons-grade. military co-operation, with Tehran ship-
More than an entire February’s worth of Iran has “advanced very far to the ping growing quantities of weaponry to
rain fell in 24 hours on the picturesque point where it would only be a matter of Moscow for use in the invasion of
beach resort town of Sao Sebastiao and weeks before they can enrich to 90 per- Ukraine.
Tehran has repeatedly insisted that it is not
surrounding areas last weekend. cent, if they chose to cross that line,” The two states’ co-operation is “mov-
planning to build a nuclear bomb. Inset Burns.
Authorities said the largest daily rain- Burns told CBS’s “Face the Nation,” calling ing at a pretty fast clip in a very danger-
fall ever registered in Brazil triggered vio- the progress “quite troubling.” ous direction,” Burns said.
lent floods and landslides that tore He added, however, that the United pended or stopped at the end of 2003.” ting back its nuclear program. “That creates obvious risks not only for
through precariously built hillside com- States did not believe that Iran’s supreme Tehran has repeatedly insisted that it But Iran started stepping up its nuclear the people of Ukraine—and we’ve seen
munities. leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had is not planning to build a nuclear bomb. activities in 2019, a year after the United the evidence of that already—but also

Mexicans protest against controversial electoral reform

According to the G1 news site, quoting decided to “resume the weaponisation A multi-nation 2015 accord promised States under then-president donald risks to our friends and partners across
civil defense authorities, one person programme that we judge that they sus- Iran sanctions relief in exchange for cut- Trump pulled out of the landmark deal the Middle East as well.” – AFP
remained missing Sunday, down from
dozens initially.
More than 2,400 people were displaced
by the downpour which washed away
homes, roads, clinics and other infrastruc-
ture. MEXICO CITY: Tens of thousands of Mexi- safeguard elections from political tamper-
An estimated 9.5 million of Brazil’s 215 cans protested against an electoral reform ing.
million people live in areas at high risk of approved by the ruling party-controlled The polling agency says the bill—even
flooding or landslides—mainly poor favela Congress that is widely perceived as an the new version—endangered the elec-
neighborhoods. attack on democracy ahead of 2024 presi- toral process.
The South American country has been dential polls. It claims the changes would eliminate
hit by a series of deadly weather disasters Political and civic organizations joined 85 percent of its career staff, and scrap 300
in recent years, which experts say are likely forces for the show of discontent, gather- district boards crucial to organising elec-
being made worse by climate change. – ing on Mexico City’s main square, Zocalo, tions for the country’s 93 million voters.

$4.3b to help
AFP and in other cities under the slogan #MiV- The measure, says the INE, would limit its
otoNoSeToca (Hands Off My Vote). ability to monitor election propaganda or to
dressed in white and pink, the colors of sanction public officials for transgressions.

millions in
the National Electoral Institute (INE) they Lopez Obrador alleges the INE
say is under threat, protesters denounced endorsed fraud when he ran unsuccess-

the majority move by President Andres fully for the presidency in 2006 and 2012,
Manuel Lopez Obrador’s backers to before winning in 2018.

Yemen: UN
reduce the independent body’s size and He argues the reform will improve the
budget. system, and has claimed the protests were
“It is a setback to democracy.... This being orchestrated by a group of “corrupt”
man (Lopez Obrador) wants to control people who want power for themselves.
the election,” protester Alejandro The president, whose popularity hov-
GENEVA: The United Nations said it Rodriguez, a lawyer age 61, told AFP. ers at about 60 percent, cannot seek

Protesters at Zocalo square in Mexico City. The changes would also eliminate
needed $4.3 billion this year to help mil- “The reform attacks all our institutions, reelection as the constitution bars more

85 percent of the polling agency’s career staff, and scrap 300 district boards
lions of people in war-ravaged Yemen, it wants to take away our freedoms,” than one six-year term.

crucial to organising elections for the country’s 93 million voters.

ahead of a donors’ conference on Monday. added Feliciano Vidal, a 65-year-old inde- He has ruled out trying to change the
Aid agencies need the money to help pendent worker. constitution to stay in office, but is never-
more than 17 million people in the coun- A bill the INE says will tarnish the cred- theless keen to see his Morena party hold
try, which has been devastated by an eight- ibility of elections was approved in the Former Supreme Court justice Juan was absent Sunday, touring Mexico’s inte- on to power.
year civil war. Senate Wednesday by 72 votes in favor to Ramon Cossio, in an address to protesters rior. The opposition vowed to challenge the
The conflict has claimed hundreds of 50 against. Sunday, accused Lopez Obrador of seek- The bill is a watered-down version of reform in the Supreme Court, and former
thousands of lives and plunged the poor- The legislation must now be enacted ing to “appropriate the electoral system.” more radical reforms he originally sought judge Cossio said Sunday he trusted his

Jill Biden: Horn of Africa

est country on the Arabian Peninsula into by the leftist president, who championed The presidential residence is on one that sparked mass street protests against peers would overturn the bill if it comes

Nasa: SpaceX
one of the world’s worst humanitarian the change. side of Zocalo square, but Lopez Obrador a perceived attack on the INE, designed to before them. –AFP

crew launch to
Yemen is also at the forefront of the cli-

needs more drought relief

mate crisis, with severe drought and flood-
ing threatening lives, the UN said.

ISS postponed
It acknowledged that “record global
humanitarian needs are stretching donor
support like never before”.
In 2015, a Saudi-led coalition inter-
vened to back the government after the NAIROBI: US First Lady Jill Biden vis-
CAPE CANAVERAL: A rocket launch to the
Huthis seized control of the capital Sanaa International Space Station was post- ited drought-affected communities in
and large swathes of the country. poned minutes before take-off on Monday, Kenya and appealed for wealthy
A truce that began on April 2 last year with officials citing a problem with nations to give more as the Horn of

IS ‘Beatle’ goes
Mission Specialist Sultan Alneyadi
expired on October 2. – AFP ground systems. Africa suffers its driest conditions in

from UAE (left) and Mission

The SpaceX dragon Crew-6 mission was decades.

Specialist Andrey Fedyaev of

on trial in UK
scheduled to depart the Kennedy Space Biden concluded her two-nation

Roscosmos gesture to loved ones.

Center in Florida at 1:45 am (0645 GMT), tour of Africa by calling for a greater
carrying two NASA astronauts, a Russian spotlight on the record-breaking
cosmonaut and the second Emirati to voy- the oil-rich UAE to journey to space; his drought which threatens 22 million

Jill Biden (right) meets with women

age to space. compatriot Hazzaa al-Mansoori flew an people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia

from the Maasai community at Loseti

LONdON: The UK terror trial of an alleged But just two minutes before lift-off, the eight-day mission in 2019. with starvation.

village in Kajiado county, Kenya.

member of the Islamic State (IS) group’s launch was called off, or “scrubbed”. Neyadi described the upcoming mis- The United States has funded the
“Beatles” kidnap-and-murder cell begins “Today’s #Crew6 launch has been sion as a “great honor.” lion’s share of the aid budget for the
on Monday. scrubbed due to an issue with ground sys- Hoburg, the Endeavour pilot, and disaster which has killed millions of
Aine davis is accused of belonging to tems,” NASA posted on Twitter. Fedyaev, the Russian mission specialist, livestock and destroyed crops. lege professor also met with women
the notorious group of four hostage tak- SpaceX unloaded fuel from its Falcon 9 will also be making their first space flights. “We cannot be the only ones. We and youth leaders, toured an informal
ers, who grew up and were radicalised in rocket and the crew disembarked, NASA Fedyaev is the second Russian cosmo- have to have other countries join us in settlement, and laid a wreath for those
London, something he is understood to added in a statement. naut to fly to the ISS aboard a SpaceX this global effort to help these people killed in the 1998 US embassy bomb-
deny. “The next available launch attempt is at rocket. NASA astronauts fly regularly to of the region,” said Biden at a relief ing in Nairobi.
Active in Syria from 2012 to 2015, the 12:34 a.m. EST Thursday, March 2, pending the station on Russian Soyuz craft. point in Kajiado, a bone-dry county Her visit to Kenya and before that
four were allegedly involved in abducting resolution of the technical issue prevent- Space has remained a rare venue of coop- south of Nairobi. Namibia aims to build on the US-
more than two dozen journalists and relief ing Monday’s launch,” it said. eration between Moscow and Washington “Unfortunately, you know there is Africa Leaders Summit in Washington
workers from the United States and other “I’m proud of the NASA and SpaceX since the Russian offensive in Ukraine the war in Ukraine. There is the earth- late last year where President Joe
countries. teams’ focus and dedication to keeping placed the two in sharp opposition. quake in Turkey. I mean there are a lot Biden said his country was “all in” on
The group members were nicknamed Crew-6 safe,” NASA Administrator Bill Nel- Bowen, a veteran of three space shuttle of competing interests but obviously the hotly courted continent.
the “Beatles” by their captives because of son said in the statement. missions, said politics rarely come up here... people are starving.” Africa has become a renewed diplo-
their distinctive British accents. “Human spaceflight is an inherently while in space. Biden heard from parents strug- matic battleground following Russia’s
The hostages—some of whom were risky endeavor and, as always, we will fly “We’re all professionals. We keep gling to feed their children and com- invasion of Ukraine last year and Jill
released after their governments paid ran- when we are ready.” focused on the mission itself,” the com- munities unable to source enough Biden’s visit was the first by a senior
soms—were from at least 15 countries, Once they are successfully sent into mander said. “It’s always been a great rela- water after five consecutive failed White House official to the continent
including denmark, France, Japan, Nor- space, NASA’s Stephen Bowen and Warren tionship we’ve had with cosmonauts once rainy seasons. since her husband came to power.
way, Spain and the United States. Hoburg, Russia’s Andrey Fedyaev and Sul- we get to space.” The drought was a key focus of In Namibia, Biden said the United
IS tortured and killed its victims, tan al-Neyadi of the United Arab Emirates While aboard the ISS, the Crew-6 mem- Biden’s visit to Kenya, with another States was committed to helping
including by beheading, and released are to spend six months on the orbiting bers will conduct dozens of experiments engagement looking at food security African nations get a louder voice at
videos of the murders for propaganda pur- station. including studying how materials burn in and farming in a changing climate. the UN and other international bod-
poses. The trial is expected to take less Neyadi, 41, will be the fourth astronaut microgravity and researching heart, brain But the 71-year-old community col- ies. – AFP
than two weeks. – AFP from an Arab country and the second from and cartilage functions. – AFP
BUSINESS dailyexpress
Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 12

Maybank ends 2022 with RM8.23b profit

13 More R&D for plantations, commodities will give edge 14 China tycoon cooperating in investigation

KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd’s 8.4 per cent, to RM21.25 billion in FY2022 RM308.8 million as compared with the

(Maybank) net profit for the financial year as compared with the previous correspon- previous period corresponding quarter

ended dec 31, 2022 (FY2022) rose 1.7 per ding financial year ended dec 31, 2021. ended dec 31, 2021.

has entered
cent to RM8.23 billion from RM8.10 billion It said net earned insurance premiums On prospects, Maybank said it would

the cement
registered a year ago. from the insurance and takaful sub- continue to focus on opportunities for

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the sidiaries increased by RM130.8 million to growth across its consumer and business

banking group attributed its performance RM8.98 billion in FY2022 as compared segments within its ASEAN franchise.
to the increase in its group community with FY2021. “The group will maintain our solid liq-
phase. financial services (Group CFS) and group Meanwhile, it said operating income uidity position to support asset growth
corporate banking and global markets. stood at RM4.63 billion, an increase of 3.5 through its current and savings accounts
It said its revenue stood higher at per cent in FY2022 from RM4.47 billion in franchise. Asset quality management will
RM50.91 billion compared with RM45.96 the previous corresponding financial remain a priority of the group in 2023,” it
billion previously. year. said.
Maybank said allowances for impair- For the fourth quarter, Maybank’s net To date, it said the expiry of repayment

BornOil sees ment losses on loans, advances, financing

and other debts decreased by RM469.2
million, or 17.7 per cent, to RM2.19 billion
as compared with FY2021.
Besides that, it said net interest income
profit increased 5.4 per cent to RM2.17 bil-
lion from RM2.06 billion while revenue
was higher at RM14.51 billion from
RM11.26 billion previously.
It said allowances for impairment
assistance programmes has not led to any
material effect on the group’s asset qual-
It said Maybank would continue to
monitor the loan portfolio and remained
and income from Islamic banking scheme losses on loans, advances, financing and committed to offering targeted support to

net profit Public Bank RHB Bank net profit hits RM2.71b
operations increased by RM1.64 billion, or other debts increased by 96.3 per cent to customers if needed. –Bernama

profit climbs
to RM6.12b
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Bank Bhd’s net profit RM28.7 billion as of end-december 2022.

rocket 126pc
increased to RM2.71 billion in the financial Its capital position remained strong; the
year ended dec 31, 2022 (FY2022) compared Group’s Common Equity Tier-1 and total cap-
with RM2.62 billion a year ago, attributed ital ratio stood at 16.9 per cent and 19.3 per
mainly to higher net fund-based income, cent respectively. The Group’s gross loans
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Bank Bhd’s net absence of modification loss (ML) and lower and financing grew 6.9 per cent y-o-y to
KOTA KINABALU: Borneo Oil Berhad (Bor- RM1.90 million. profit increased to RM6.12 billion for the expected credit losses (ECL). RM212.2 billion, mainly supported by growth
nOil) has posted a sterling set of results for BornOil also said that its integrated financial year ended dec 31, 2022 (FY2022) Revenue rose to RM13.28 billion from in mortgage, auto finance, small and
its 2nd Quarter ended 31 december 2022 limestone processing plant (“ILPP”) was compared with RM5.66 billion a year ago, RM11.75 billion previously, it said in a filing to medium enterprises, commercial, Singapore,
with net profit more than doubling, and completed during the quarter and is now supported by healthy loans and customer Bursa Malaysia. and Cambodia, while domestic loans and
revenue rising across its various business at the cement production testing stage. deposits growth. The bank said its net fund-based income financing grew 5.3 per cent y-o-y, it said.
units. Although BornOil anticipates that busi- Revenue in FY2022 was higher at RM21.43 improved by 8.6 per cent to RM6.38 billion RHB said gross impaired loans was RM3.3
In an announcement to the stock ness conditions would likely remain chal- billion versus RM19.62 billion previously, it driven by higher gross fund based income, billion as of december 2022 with gross
exchange, BornOil said that Q2 net profit lenging, the company is ‘cautiously said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia. which grew 18.3 per cent year-on-year (y-o-y) impaired loans ratio of 1.55 per cent, com-
came in at RM23.17 million, representing a optimistic and will continue to strategize Public Bank said the gross loans grew by supported by loans growth of 6.9 per cent, pared with RM3.0 billion and 1.49 per cent
126 per cent increase from the RM10.27 and navigate the ever-changing business RM18.9 billion or 5.3 per cent to RM376.9 bil- with net interest margin for the year at 2.24 respectively as of december 2021.
million posted in the previous correspon- environment to ensure the group remains lion as at dec 31, 2022, from RM358.0 billion per cent compared with 2.20 per cent Customer deposits increased 3.9 per cent
ding quarter (ended 31 december 2021). resilient’. a year ago, mainly driven by growth in recorded last year. It noted, however, that the y-o-y to RM227.2 billion, attributed to growth
Revenue also increased to touch BornOil’s largest shareholder today is mortgage financing and hire purchase non-fund based income declined by 10.6 per in fixed deposits and current accounts and
RM21.25 million, compared to the RM18.37 datuk Joseph Ambrose Lee who has a stake financing. cent to RM1.93 billion, primarily from lower saving accounts (CASA) of 6.7 per cent and 1.3
million posted previously. of more than 17 per cent in the company. “Total deposits from customers fee income, insurance underwriting surplus per cent respectively, the bank said. CASA
The company attributed the higher Ambrose had emerged as BornOil’s increased by 3.8 per cent, or RM14.3 billion, and net trading and investment income. composition stood at 29.2 per cent whilst liq-
profit to fair value gain of RM37.20 million largest shareholder in december 2021 to RM394.7 billion as at dec 31, 2022. It also said that the ECL reduced by 42.9 uidity coverage ratio remained sound at 162.1
on its quoted securities, offset by unre- when he made a block purchase of 1.25 bil- “The group’s gross impaired loan ratio per cent to RM421.2 million from lower ECL per cent as at dec 31, 2022.
alised exchange loss of RM8.10 million. lion BornOil shares for RM110 million, or increased slightly but remained healthy at on loans and securities, and higher bad debts For the fourth quarter ended dec 31, 2022
Its various business division saw higher RM0.088 per share. 0.4 per cent as at dec 31, 2022, in tandem recovered. Correspondingly, the credit (4Q), RHB Bank posted a higher net profit of
revenues: Food and franchise operations Since then, he has been progressively with the industry trend,” it said. charge ratio improved to 0.15 per cent com- RM772.12 million against RM631.17 million a
spearheaded by the ‘Sugarbun’ brand increasing his stake in the company Meanwhile, for the fourth quarter of pared with 0.29 per cent last year. year ago, mainly due to higher net fund
posting RM13.90 million, property invest- through a combination of direct acquisi- FY2022, its net profit rose to RM1.71 billion RHB said the group’s total assets increased based and non-fund based income, absence
ment and management coming in a tion of BornOil shares in the open market, from RM1.38 billion a year earlier, while rev- 7.3 per cent from december 2021 to RM310.8 of ML and lower ECL, while revenue rose to
RM5.45 and resources and sustainable and conversion of BornOil warrants into enue was higher at RM6.06 billion against billion as at dec 31, 2022. Net assets per share RM3.95 billion from RM2.89 billion previ-
energy registering higher revenue of shares. –Business Today RM4.86 billion previously. –Bernama was RM6.76, with shareholders’ equity at ously. – Bernama
FGV expects plantations biz to improve as more foreign workers arrive
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 Business 13

KUALA LUMPUR: FGV Holdings Bhd sees on the group’s fourth quarter financial between March and September 2023. food and agriproducts to the world. We FGV said profit in the plantation divi-
its plantation sector operations continu- results ended dec 31, 2022, here. “Additionally, FGV has created a sinking believe that by prioritising sustainability sion jumped to RM2.1 billion for FY2022
ing to improve this year through mecha- Meanwhile, Nazrul said the group’s fund amounting to RM30 million to reim- and exemplary corporate governance, we from RM1.6 billion recorded in the previ-
nisation, replanting programmes, and dedication to promoting sustainability, burse former workers who paid recruit- can create a better future for our planet ous financial year.
cost optimisation initiatives as it manages safeguarding the environment, and ment fees during their employment with and generations to come because if sus- This was mainly attributable to the
rising operational costs and energy prices. upholding ethical recruitment remains FGV but are no longer employed by the tainability comes first, profit and growth higher average CPO price of RM4,832 per
Group chief executive officer datuk unwavering. company,” he said. will follow suit,” he noted. tonne against RM3,671 per tonne regis-
Nazrul Mansor said as a result of its Aligned with FGV’s “no recruitment As for the withhold release order FGV’s net profit rose to RM1.32 billion tered in the previous financial year, cou-
enhanced recruitment strategies executed fees” policy, he said the group will reim- (WRO) suspension, he said the group’s in the financial year ended dec 31, 2022 pled with a higher sales volume of 19 per
throughout the year, the shortage of for- burse the current and former foreign independent assessor, ELEVATE, has con- (FY2022) from RM1.17 billion in the previ- cent.
eign workers shrunk from 32 per cent in workers who were employed after June 27, cluded its on-site assessments. ous year, attributed to higher average “The better performance was also con-
2021 to 13 per cent in 2022. 2019, and had to pay recruitment fees to FGV is currently implementing ELE- crude palm oil (CPO) prices and better tributed by the improved margin in the
“We are expecting to receive about agents or other third parties in countries VATE’s recommendations and anticipates contribution from its logistics business. downstream and fertiliser businesses and
5,000 foreign workers in the second quar- of origin. submitting the final report to the United In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the boosted by share of profit from joint ven-
ter of this year and targeting to bring in The payment to our current 23,333 for- States Customs and Border Protection group said its revenue surged to RM25.56 tures amounting to RM106.08 million in

PT Resources, Ocean Exchange to

about 10,000 foreign workers before the eign workers amounting to RM81.64 mil- (CBP) in the near future. billion in 2022 compared with RM19.57 bil- the current financial year from RM17.26
end of the year,” he told a media briefing lion will be made in three tranches “Our vision is to deliver sustainable lion previously. million previously,” it said. –Bernama

develop RM1b supply chain park

More R&D for plantations,
commodities will give edge KUALA LUMPUR: PT Resources Holdings
Bhd has signed a memorandum of under-
standing (MoU) with Ocean Exchange
(Fujian) Foreign Trade Services Co Ltd to
sumer food as well as establish a digital
financial platform utilising the UnionPay
network to streamline and facilitate effort-
less cross-border payments and settle-
KUALA LUMPUR: istry is focusing on its sustainability certifi- per cent of palm oil worldwide is RSPO cer- jointly develop Malaysia East Coast Inter- ments between the International Supply
Stakeholders in the cates such as the Malaysian Sustainable tified. national Supply Chain Intelligent Park, Chain Intelligent Park and Fuzhou Park.
plantation and com- Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme, The MSPO certification to date has valued at approximately RM1 billion. The project also aims to boost the trade
modity sectors are which we want the world to recognise, reached 97.93 per cent, or 5.62 million PT Resources said in a statement, that between the Malaysian seafood wholesale
urged to forge better especially by the United Nations (UN) and hectares, of planted areas, while about 98.71 the park is inspired by the Marché Interna- market and China through digital trans-
ties and collabora- the European Union (EU). per cent or 458 mills in the country have tional Cold Logistics and Cross-border E- formation, while collaborations with cold
tion in terms of “Once it is recognised, hopefully by the also been certified. commerce Project (Fuzhou Park) located chain logistics companies will be initiated
research and devel- end of this year… only then we can address On the other hand, to strengthen the in Fujian province, China. to facilitate an integrated logistics supply
opment (R&d) to the negative campaign against our palm oil industry as a whole, Fadillah said that the “The project involves the establishment chain,” it said.
increase yield quality products effectively,” he said. government would continue to initiate bet- of an International Supply Chain Intelli- PT Resources managing director Heng
and products, in line with international At this stage, Fadillah said a dedicated ter policies while assisting industry players gent Park in Kuantan, Pahang, which is Chang Hooi expects a growth in its over-
market standards. team is being formed, and when it has gath- to overcome negative campaigns and trade intended to drive the development of food seas sales in view of the growing affluence
deputy Prime Minister datuk Seri Fadil- ered experts on board, together with its barriers such as those imposed by the EU. and light industries supply-chain between in China which will contribute to an
lah Yusof, who is also the Plantation and counterparts in Indonesia, plans to go to “We believe that for any new regulation Malaysia and Fuzhou with the aim of rap- increase in demand for frozen seafood in
Commodities Minister, said the initiative Brussels to present both countries’ stand on introduced by the EU, for example, they idly achieving currency internationalisa- China.
requires the involvement of all stakehold- sustainability, regulations and policies to must engage with us (the government and tion between the two countries,” it said. “This is an excellent opportunity for
ers to increase the quality of downstream the EU Parliament. industry players) and hold joint discus- The company also said the park would both countries to develop a logistics hub

Phone firms at annual meet

activities, which, in the long run, would Thailand is also expected to join the sions, and hear our say so that it will not be encompass integrated cold chain facilities to support international trade between
improve revenue. pact, making the case presentation regarded as discriminatory against us,” he to facilitate cross-border supply of con- Malaysia and China,” he said. – Bernama
“By upgrading the quality of our end stronger to the EU, he said. said.

in shadow of global slump

products, it would provide more edge for The minister noted that currently only On the issue of foreign labour shortage,
us in the market as raw commodity prices the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Fadillah said the government, through the
are volatile to many circumstances and (RSPO) certification is recognised. Human Resource Ministry, has aimed to
global pressures,” he told Bernama recently. RSPO is the main certification standard resolve the issue within three months
Besides focusing on improving the R&d for the use of palm oil and its fractions in through the Foreign Worker Recruitment

OSK posts UMW’s FY2022 profits reach RM415.05m

segment, Fadillah also said that the min- food and oleo-chemicals. However, only 20 Relaxation Plan. – Bernama
BARCELONA: The big beasts of the telecom Research firm Gartner reckons sales of

industry gathered in Barcelona on Mon- smartphones, tablets and computers will
day for their most important annual get- fall again by four percent this year.
together, this year under the shadow of a And network operators are still strug-
KUALA LUMPUR: UMW Holdings Bhd FY2022, while the manufacturing and

severe slump across the technology sector. gling to make 5G pay, years after they
posted a higher net profit of RM415.05 mil- engineering segment’s revenue climbed
Some 80,000 delegates are expected at spent billions in government auctions for
lion in the financial year ended dec 31, 35.5 per cent to RM984.2 million.
the four-day Mobile World Congress the right to use the bandwidth.

net profit
2022 (FY2022), up 54.74 per cent from The company added that the segment
(MWC), which is back to near full strength “Macroeconomic pressure and geopo-
RM268.23 million in the previous year on under others also posted higher revenue
following years of pandemic-related dis- litical turmoil will be referenced by all,”
higher revenue in all divisions. of RM80.4 million in FY2022 from RM39.5
ruption. wrote Ben Wood of CCS Insight in a pre-
Revenue rose 42.95 per cent to RM15.81 million in the corresponding year, prima-
Industrial titans like Ericsson, Huawei, MWC briefing note.
billion from RM11.06 billion previously on rily due to the revenue recognition relat-
Nokia and Samsung are set to showcase “The communications industry is not
KUALA LUMPUR: OSK Holdings Bhd’s net better performance in all segments follow- ing to the sale of industrial plots in
their latest innovations, flanked by smart- alone in facing these challenges, so the
profit jumped to a record high of RM427.19 ing the strong recovery of the Malaysian Serendah in the current year.
phone makers like Oppo and Xiaomi and focus will be on getting through this diffi-
million in the financial year ended dec 31, and regional economies. For the fourth quarter ended dec 31,
network operators like Orange, Verizon cult period and emerging ready to
2022 (FY2022) from RM398.23 million last In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, UMW 2022 (4Q FY2022), UMW said its net profit
and China Mobile. embrace an inevitable return to growth.”
year on improved operating performance Holdings said its automotive segment was lower at RM105.95 million versus
Industry body GSMA, which organises A hugely popular idea for many at the
and market conditions. raked in RM13.31 billion in revenue in RM239.97 million in 4Q FY2021, dragged
the event, is building the show around for- show is to force the owners of bandwidth-
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the con- FY2022, up 47.4 per cent from RM9.03 bil- by higher operating expenses.
ward-looking ideas like the metaverse and hungry platforms like YouTube, Netflix
glomerate, with diversified business inter- lion in the previous corresponding year, Revenue climbed to RM4.38 billion
artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurren- and Facebook to pay network operators a
ests in property, financial services and underpinned by the higher number of from RM3.65 billion in the previous corre-
cies and finance, and the potential of “fair share”.
investment holding, construction, indus- vehicles sold during the year following the sponding quarter on improving sales
superfast 5G mobile networks. EU commissioner Thierry Breton, who
tries and hospitality, said its revenue continued strong sales momentum. momentum in all business segments as
But many of the firms are more con- will be at the MWC on Monday, launched

Kerjaya Prospek profits up 18.7pc

climbed to an all-time high of RM1.32 bil- It said the equipment segment’s rev- the economy recovers post-pandemic. –
cerned with finding a path back to profit a consultation on the issue last week, flag-
lion from FY2021’s RM1.13 billion. enue rose 16.3 per cent to RM1.53 billion in Bernama
as the global economy stutters and the ging that “high-speed internet requires
It said the group also saw its total assets wider tech sector slashes thousands of high investments” so it made sense to dis-
reach a new high of RM9.68 billion in jobs. cuss who should pay for it.
FY2022 from RM9.22 billion last year, with Overall sales of smartphones last year Netflix boss Greg Peters, who is unlikely
corresponding earnings per share of 20.72 KUALA LUMPUR: Kerjaya Prospek Group tive director Tee Eng Tiong said the group slumped by 11.3 percent compared with to share Breton’s enthusiasm, is expected
sen against 19.31 sen in FY2021. Bhd’s (KPGB) net profit rose 18.7 per cent achieved a record high revenue for FY2022 2021, according to the IdC consultancy. at the MWC on Tuesday. – AFP
For the fourth quarter ended dec 31,
Foreign closing report

Asian markets drop on rate

to RM114.90 million for its financial year despite the headwinds faced by the con-
2022 (4Q FY2022), OSK said its net profit ended dec 31, 2022 (FY2022) from struction sector, including rising labour
advanced to RM121.32 million from RM96.96 million in the preceding year. costs and raw material costs as well as the
RM98.32 million in the previous corre-

fears as US inflation runs hot

Its revenue climbed to RM1.12 billion volatility of the local currency.
sponding quarter, while revenue was from RM977.01 million previously, mainly The construction outfit has declared a
higher at RM332.71 million from RM314.57 attributed to the improvement in the second interim dividend of 2.0 sen per
million in 4Q FY2021. progress of construction work activities share for FY2022, which will be paid on
OSK Holdings also proposed a single- and increased workforce with the inflow April 13, 2023, bringing the total dividend
tier final dividend of four sen per share, of foreign labour. declared to date at 6.0 sen per share for

Bursa lower on downbeat market tone

payable on May 12, 2023. – Bernama KPGB chief executive officer and execu- last year. – Bernama HONG KONG: Asian markets sank Mon- followed suit on Monday.

Bursa closing report

day following a Wall Street selloff, as Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Shanghai,
forecast-beating US inflation data rein- Seoul, Singapore, Manila, Jakarta, Mum-
forced expectations the Federal Reserve bai, Bangkok and Wellington were all in
would continue to ramp up interest rates the red.
for some time. London, Paris and Frankfurt opened
The report on the personal consump- with gains.
KUALA LUMPUR: Bursa Malaysia ended a were unwilling to make significant move- and the FBM 70 Index slid 70.72 points to tion expenditures price index followed “The clouds of uncertainty remain
choppy session slightly lower as the rally in ment amid the negative market sentiment 13,434.49. blockbuster jobs figures and data show- with us—the market’s consensus view
banking stocks helped to offset losses in globally. Sector-wise, the Financial Services Index ing prices coming down slower than that inflation would head lower through
the barometer index, amid the downbeat ‘’We believe the market undertone will jumped 109.19 points to 16,131.02, the hoped. the year has clearly been challenged,”
performance in regional peers. remain cautious amid the weak global per- Energy Index shed 0.90 of-a-point to This month’s readings have wiped out Chris Weston of Pepperstone Group said
At 5 pm, the benchmark FTSE Bursa formance although bargain-hunting activ- 889.94, the Plantation Index dropped 22.89 optimism that the Fed will be able to in a note.
Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) lost 1.30 points ities may prevail,’’ he added. points to 6,769.44, and the Industrial Prod- soon pause its monetary tightening and And CMC Markets analyst Micahel
to 1,455.50 from Friday’s closing of 1,456.80. Nonetheless, he said buying support ucts and Services Index eased 1.60 points to possibly cut borrowing costs before the Hewson added: “On Friday all notion of a
The index opened 0.76 of-a-point lower from foreign funds had been rather appar- 178.06. end of the year. possible pause appears to have gone the
at 1,456.04 and moved in a tight range ent, hence, he reckoned that the index The Main Market volume dwindled to Traders will be keeping a close eye on way of the dodo, in the face of a series of
between 1,447.55 and 1,458.18. could show a slightly more positive per- 1.89 billion shares worth RM1.85 billion comments from bank officials this week. better-than-expected economic data
Market breadth remained negative with formance and hover between at the 1,450- from Friday’s 2.27 billion shares worth “We have six voting members on the releases, with markets now pricing in
decliners leading advancers 532 to 338, 1,470 range for the week. RM2.17 billion. (policy board) scheduled to appear this another three 25-basis-point rate increases
while 425 counters were unchanged, 946 Among heavyweights, Press Metal lost Warrants turnover narrowed to 335.38 week—ample opportunity for officials to at the March, May, and June Fed meetings.”
untraded and 70 others suspended. five sen to RM5.15, IHH was 11 sen lower at million units worth RM50.88 million from air their views on the latest data and, The prospect of more Fed rate hikes
Turnover decreased to 3.09 billion units RM5.81, Tenaga Nasional slipped eight sen 387.71 million units worth RM53.97 million. more importantly, the implications for sent the dollar surging against its peers
worth RM2.19 billion from Friday’s 3.43 bil- to RM9.64, and digi.Com lost five sen to The ACE Market volume, however, their policy outlooks,” said SPI Asset Friday and it held those gains in Asian
lion units worth RM2.58 billion. RM4.30. expanded to 808.61 million shares worth Management’s Stephen Innes. business, sitting at a two-year high versus
Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd vice-president Meanwhile, CIMB advanced seven sen to RM283.14 million from 729.15 million “But given the rude health of the US the yen.
of equity research Thong Pak Leng said RM5.54, RHB Bank increased 13 sen to shares worth RM354.10 million previously. economy and with inflation flames Adding to the yen’s weakness were
regional equities were also lower on nega- RM5.61, and Public Bank rose two sen to Consumer products and services coun- reigniting, it’s challenging to envision comments Friday from the man expected
tive cues from Wall Street on Friday as con- RM4.15, while Hong Leong Bank Bhd ters accounted for 240.77 million shares Fed commentary veering in anything but to take over as head of the Bank of Japan
cerns about inflation heightened climbed 16 sen to RM20.42. traded on the Main Market, industrial a more hawkish direction. indicating he will maintain an ultra-
following the release of a higher-than- As for active stocks, Borneo Oil, Zen Tech products and services (629.63 million); “Hence it could be difficult for the loose monetary policy for now.
expected US personal consumption expen- International and Velesto were flat at 2.0 construction (82.46 million); technology market to find much comfort this week That came even as data showed infla-
diture price index that may force the sen, 2.5 sen and 27.5 sen, respectively, MyEG (281.88 million); SPAC (nil), financial serv- unless the sentiment data surprises to tion at a four-decade high.
Federal Reserve (Fed) to maintain a high was down 1.5 sen to 72 sen, and SMRT Hold- ices (73.56 million); property (94.30 mil- the downside.” Kazuo Ueda told lawmakers again
interest regime longer than anticipated. ings put on 7.0 sen to 38 sen. lion); plantation (39.92 million); REITs (7.73 Some figures have already suggested Monday that he considered the current
‘’This has put fears in financial markets On the index board, the FBM Emas million), closed/fund (1,300); energy they are open to hiking by 50 basis points policies in place to be correct.
in that the Fed could continue raising Index gave up 21.19 points to 10,605.25, the (245.03 million); healthcare (77.75 million); at the next gathering, and several said “I think it’s appropriate for monetary
interest rates through mid-year,’’ he told FBMT 100 Index slipped 19.68 points to telecommunications and media (25.10 mil- they saw room for further tightening easing to be continued,” he said.
Bernama. 10,278.14, the FBM ACE Index fell 23.34 lion); transportation and logistics (62.28 after Friday’s data release. “In order for policy to be revised, I
Following the trend, the FBM KLCI points to 5,536.71, the FBM Emas Shariah million); and utilities (27.34 million). – All three main indexes on Wall Street think there needs to be a major improve-
moved within a narrow range as investors Index went down 70.57 points to 10,860.02, Bernama ended deep in the red Friday, and Asia ment in the price trend.” –AFP
14 Business Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress







bORNOIL 128,168,700 2.0 1.5 2.0 UNCH
cooperating in bUyING:

n gold prices

HONGSENG-wb 50,643,900 1.0 0.5 0.5 -0.5


investigation THE physical price of gold as at 5pm stood
at RM251.93 per gramme, up 50 sen from
RM251.43 at 5pm Sunday. – Bernama

BEIJING: Chinese bil- owned bank ICBC. No further details have
UP dOwN UNCHANGEd TRAdEd lionaire Bao Fan been shared about his case.
CONSUMER PROd & SERV 59 72 58 189
(pic) is “cooperating China Renaissance has become a FBMEMAS 10,605.20 ( - 21.20 )
INd-PROd & SERVICES 60 96 90 246 FBMKLCI 1,455.50 ( - 1.30 )
in an investigation” global financial institution since its
CONSTRUCTION 8 21 24 53 CONSUMER PRODUCTS 586.41 ( - 0.56 )
by authorities, his founding in 2005, with more than 700
TECHNOLOGy 10 30 13 53
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 178.06 ( - 1.60 )
company said, employees and offices in Beijing, Shang-
SPAC 0 0 0 0 almost two weeks hai, Hong Kong, Singapore and New York.
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16 10 6 32 after his disappear- The group has supervised the IPOs of CONSTRUCTION 163.57 ( - 0.21 )
PROPERTy 26 32 37 95 FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,131.00 ( + 109.10 )
ance sparked fears several domestic tech giants, including
PLANTATION 11 20 4 35
ENERGY 889.94 ( - 0.90 )
of a renewed crack- leading e-commerce firm
REIT 6 7 5 18
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 594.84 ( - 3.08 )
down on the nation’s financial services In 2015, Bao appeared on the
CLOSEd ENd FUNd 0 1 0 1
HEALTH CARE 1,649.34 ( - 8.89 )
industry. Bloomberg Markets 50 Most Influential
ENERGy 12 11 12 35
HEALTH CARE 2 9 6 17
The China Renaissance chairman rose list, described as a “fast-talking” banker
to fame as a key player in the emergence who had the ability to “arrange practically
TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 4 14 13 31 PROPERTY 685.82 ( + 2.30 )
of some of the country’s biggest tech anything in China’s vibrant tech scene”.

PLANTATION 6,769.44 ( - 22.80 )

UTILITIES 4 4 4 12 giants, supervising blockbuster IPOs and The Shanghai-born son of government
STRCwARR 67 117 69 253
FBMSHA 10,860.00 ( - 70.50 )
the landmark 2015 merger between ride- workers, Bao, 52, has enjoyed a globetrot-
ACE-MKT 41 73 78 192 hailing giant didi and its top competitor ting career that has seen him work for
bONd&LOAN 5 1 0 6 at the time, Kuaidi dache. financial giants such as Morgan Stanley FBMACE 5,536.71 ( - 23.30 )
TECHNOLOGY 63.51 ( - 0.82 )
ETF 2 8 0 10 His Hong Kong-listed firm said in a fil- and Credit Suisse, including stints in the
LEAP-MKT 0 1 0 1 ing dated Sunday that it was now “aware United States and Britain.
338 532 425 1,295
that Mr Bao is currently cooperating in an A 2014 profile in The New York Times
investigation being carried out by certain described him as a congenial man with a
authorities” in mainland China. penchant for open-necked shirts and an
n bURSA dERIVATIVES ExCHANGE “The Company will duly cooperate and interest in mixed martial arts. KUALA LUMPUR INTERbANK
assist with any lawful request from the rel- Bao is not the first high-profile Chinese OFFER RATES: FEb 27
KUALA LUMPUR COMPOSITE INdEx FUTURES evant PRC authorities, if and when made,” financier to fall foul of the authorities in
CONTRACT CLOSING: FEb 27 it added, referring to the country by its recent years, with President Xi Jinping 1M 2M 3M 6M 9M 12M
official name, the People’s Republic of leading an aggressive crackdown on 2.96 3.35 3.63 3.72 - 3.79
MONTHS INTEREST TRAdEd PRC The firm did not provide details about In 2017, Chinese-Canadian business- SIbOR (S$) SIbOR (US$) HIbOR (HK$)
the nature of the investigation, and told man Xiao Jianhua was arrested by main-
FEb-23 7,241 19,755 1452.0 1460.0 1448.5 1456.5 1456.5 AFP on Monday it had no additional com- land authorities, receiving a 13-year jail 1M - 2.96708
MAR-23 10,167 35,983 1439.0 1447.0 1435.5 1445.0 1445.0 ment. sentence for corruption last August. 2M - 3.40768
JUN-23 67 557 1440.5 1443.5 1433.0 1442.0 1442.5 Shares in the company slumped as Known to have close ties to top Chinese
SEP-23 13 156 1428.0 1434.0 1428.0 1433.0 1433.0 much as 50 percent at one point following Communist Party leaders, the billionaire 3M - 3.77804


the February 16 announcement that he was reportedly abducted from his Hong 6M - 4.19542
was missing, before clawing back to sit at Kong hotel room by plainclothes police
around 30 percent down. officers from Beijing. 12M - 4.77060
MONTH OPEN HIGH LOw SETTLE VOL OPEN While yet to recover from that drop, Alibaba founder Jack Ma has also seen
the firm was up 2.1 percent in afternoon his fortune fall by around half to an esti-
MAR-23 - - - 97.23 - - trading on Monday. mated $25 billion after regulators pulled
APR-23 - - - 97.23 - - Chinese authorities have not given any the plug on what would have been the
THE ringgit continued its downtrend this week
JUN-23 - - - 97.23 - -
details on Bao’s detention or the reasons world’s biggest-ever IPO—that of fintech
to close lower Monday as market sentiment
remained weak amid no fresh leads.
for the investigation. giant Ant Group.
SEPT-23 - - - 97.23 - -
At 6 pm, the local note depreciated to
According to financial news outlet A reshuffle of Ant’s shareholding struc-
dEC-23 - - - 97.23 - - Caixin, China Renaissance president Cong ture announced in January saw Ma, who 4.4755/4805 versus the greenback compared to
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - Lin was taken into custody last September has since receded from public view, cede last Friday’s closing rate of 4.4335/4370.

China probes mining practices

JUN-24 - - - 97.23 - -
as authorities launched a probe into his control of the megafirm he founded in SPI Asset Management managing director
work at the financial leasing unit of state- 2014. –AFP Stephen Innes said local investors stayed on the
SEPT-24 - - - 97.23 - - sidelines after the greenback saw higher demand
dEC-24 - - - 97.23 - - on strong US bond yields.

in ‘lithium capital of Asia’

MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - besides, he said, recent comments by Fed-
eral Reserve (Fed) bank of Cleveland leader
JUN-24 - - - 97.23 - - Loretta Mester on the need to hike interest
SEP-25 - - - 97.23 - - rates due to higher inflation data also put pres-
dEC-25 - - - 97.23 - - sure on the ringgit.
“Fed bank of Cleveland leader Loretta
MAR-25 - - - 97.23 - - BEIJING: China has launched an investiga- That makes up about 10 percent of Mester said over the weekend that the Fed will
JUN-25 - - - 97.23 - - tion into suspected illegal mining prac- global lithium supply, according to need to hike rates further due to the ‘hotter’
inflation data.
SEP-26 - - - 97.23 - - tices in the “lithium capital of Asia” Bloomberg—resulting in the area’s
“Recently, the US inflation data, including
dEC-26 - - - 97.23 - -
Yichun, authorities said, an area report- “lithium capital” nickname.
edly responsible for around one tenth of The alleged malpractice includes the the Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index
MAR-26 - - - 97.23 - - and Personal Consumption Expenditures, rose
above expectations,” he told bernama.
the element’s global supply. “chaotic” extraction of lepidolite in the
JUN-26 - - - 97.23 - - A key component of batteries used in mining areas themselves as well as in sur-
On top of that, he said, US-China tension
SEP-27 - - - 97.23 - - electric cars, the price of lithium reached rounding natural areas by locals, domestic was surfacing again and turning investors away
dEC-27 - - - 97.23 - -
new heights last year as demand for media outlet Caijing reported. from Asian investment.
cleaner sources of energy surges. Authorities say unlicensed operations In the meantime, the ringgit was also traded
MAR-27 - - - 97.23 - - China is one the world’s leading pro- in the region have been causing serious lower against a basket of major currencies.
ducers of the metal, and the launch of the problems such as environmental damage The local unit depreciated against the Japan-
TOTAL OPEN INTEREST : NIL CTRS TOTAL TURNOVER : NIL LOTS probe—announced Friday on the local and traffic accidents involving mining ese yen to 3.2816/2855 from 3.2804/2833 at Fri-
government’s WeChat account—could trucks. day’s close and declined versus the Singapore
dollar to 3.3162/3204 from 3.2970/3001 previ-
entail widespread mine closures and As part of the pending investigation,
knock-on repercussions internationally. the duration of which is so far unclear,
Local officials say Yichun, in southeast- officials will look into violations and adopt It also fell against the euro to 4.7212/7265
from 4.6933/6970 at the end of last week and
dEL OPEN HIGH LOw LAST SETTLE VOLUME OPEN shrank vis-a-vis the british pound to 5.3576/3636
ern Jiangxi province, accounts for as much measures that they hope will promote the
MONTH (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) POSIITON from 5.3308/3350. – bernama
as 40 percent of China’s domestic reserves “healthy development” of the industry,
of the lithium-rich mineral lepidolite. reported Caijing.
MAR-23 4138 4191 4109 4191 N/A 873 3,410
APR-23 4168 4236 4143 4216 N/A 7,967 34,860
MAy-23 4171 4242 4147 4228 N/A 24,604 73,348 dAILy dEALER PURCHASE PRICE OF COCOA ExCHANGE RATES ISSUEd by MALAyAN bANKING bHd: FEb 27
JUN-23 4135 4222 4130 4210 N/A 5,980 28,267 bOARd ON MONdAy, FEb 27 2023 SELLING bUyING bUyING
JUL-23 4104 4189 4098 4173 N/A 4,291 24,518 SMC 1 SMC 2 SMC 3 1 US dollar 4.5190 4.3850 4.3750
AUG-23 4067 4145 4061 4134 N/A 3,008 14,015 1 Australian dollar 3.0590 2.9370 2.9210
SEP-23 4027 4111 4023 4094 N/A 2319 13,933 TAwAU 155 155 8200 8200 8050 8000 – – 1 brunei dollar 3.3470 3.2500 3.2420
1 Canadian dollar 3.3200 3.2310 3.2190
OCT-23 4012 4080 3999 4066 N/A 1187 5,920 TENOM 150 150 8200 8200 8050 8000 – – 1 Euro 4.7760 4.6220 4.6020
NOV-23 4005 4064 3980 4049 N/A 1567 10,109 MUAR – – – – – – – – 1 New Zealand dollar 2.7990 2.6950 2.6790
1 Papua N Guinea Kina N/A N/A N/A
TOTAL OPEN POSITION : 217,183 CTRS JERANTUT – – – – – – – –
1 Singapore dollar 3.3470 3.2500 3.2420
TOTAL TURN OVER : 52,590 LOTS RAUb – – 8350 8350 8150 8150 – – 1 Sterling Pound 5.4130 5.2410 5.2210
MARKET TONE : HIGHER KUCHING – – 7700 7700 7550 7500 – – 1 Swiss Franc 4.7920 4.6810 4.6660
100 UAE dirham 124.4700 118.0300 117.8300
SARIKEI – – 7700 7700 7550 7500 – –
MPOb PALM OIL PRICES (RM/MT): FEb 27 100 bangladesh Taka 4.4030 4.1310 3.9310
SIbU – – 7700 7700 7550 7500 – – 100 Chinese Renminbi 65.4100 62.6300 N/A
(LOCAL dELIVEREd) 4,110.00 3,870.50 NT MALAySIA CPO PRICE TRAdEd EASIER dUE 100 danish Krone 65.7700 60.5300 60.3300
PK (Ex-MILL) NT NT NT TO wEAKER SOyAbEAN OIL PRICES n RUbbER 100 Hongkong dollar 58.1900 55.3000 55.1000
Rbd P. OIL (FOb) NT NT NT wORLd MARKET. CPO dELIVERy PRICES TONE OF MARKET: QUIETLy STEAdy 100 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0307 0.0278 0.0228
Rbd P. OLEIN (FOb) NT NT NT TRAdEd bETwEEN RM4,090/TONNE MARCH SELLER’S OFFER PRICE SEN/KG US CENTS/KG 100 Japanese yen 3.3200 3.2160 3.2060
Rbd P. STEARIN (FOb) NT NT NT ANd RM4,140/TONNE. – bERNAMA 100 New Taiwan dollar N/A N/A N/A
SMR CV – 909.00 / 207.55
100 Norwegian Krone 44.7100 41.1100 40.9100
SMR L – 899.00 / 205.25
dAILy FFb REFERENCE PRICE SUMMARy 100 Pakistan Rupee 1.7700 1.6500 1.4500

by REGION (RM/TONNE) FEb 27 SMR 5 – 611.00 / 139.50 100 Philippine Peso N/A N/A N/A
100 Qatar Riyal 124.8700 118.5400 118.3400
100 Saudi Riyal 121.7800 115.6100 115.4100
GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE SMR 20 – 599.00 / 136.75 100 South Africa Rand 25.4400 22.9700 22.7700
RM/ 1% OER 42.90 43.44 43.32 42.94 38.96 39.55 CENTRIFUGEd LATEx: LOCAL PRICE (ISO 2004) SEN/KILO (wET): 100 Sri Lanka Rupee 1.2800 1.1600 0.9600
Note : OER - Oil Extraction Rate (Kadar Perahan Minyak) * Sandakan, Lahad datu and Tawau 100 Swedish Krona 44.4400 40.4700 40.2700
NT - No Trade ** Miri and bintulu. SELLERS LATEx IN bULK: 533.50 100 Thai baht 13.5300 11.9900 11.5900
PH - Public Holiday
16 Rajamouli shoots for Oscar fame

Musk calls US media ‘racist’ after Dilbert row

Harry Shum
WASHINGTON: Billionaire Elon Musk has hit with multiple lawsuits alleging racism
Jr., Quan,
called US media “racist” after multiple and researchers say Twitter has seen a rise in
Stephanie Hsu,
American newspapers announced they hate speech.
Hong, Yeoh,
would stop publishing a popular comic Adams, like Musk, has increasingly
and Jamie Lee
strip whose creator called Black people a stoked controversy with his views on social
hate group. issues. But a video posted on Wednesday –
recipients of the
Musk, who owns electric car company in which Adams referred to Black people as
Tesla and social network Twitter, tweeted a “hate group” – proved to be the last straw
Performance by
Sunday in response to an article about a rant for many “dilbert” publishers.
a Cast in a
by Scott Adams, creator of the long-running “That’s a hate group and I don’t want
Motion Picture
“dilbert” – a satirical take on office life. anything to do with them,” he said.
award for
“For a very long time, US media was racist “Based on the current way things are
against non-white people, now they’re racist going, the best advice I would give to white

Everywhere All
against whites & Asians,” Musk wrote on the people is to get the hell away from Black

at Once,” pose
social network, where he has reinstated users people.”

in the press
banned for hate speech. His rant was prompted by a recent poll

room during
“Same thing happened with elite col- by conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports,

the 29th Annual

leges & high schools in America. Maybe they whose results he said showed a slim major-

Screen Actors

'Everything Everywhere'
can try not being racist.” ity of Black respondents agreed with the

Guild Awards.
Under Musk’s leadership, Tesla has been statement “It’s okay to be white.” – AFP

cleans up at SAG awards

OS ANGELES: Absurdist sci-fi com- The SAG prizes from the actors’ union has asked for change,” he said.
edy “Everything Everywhere All At round out a month in which “Everything And Curtis addressed the recent “nepo
Once” continued its dominance of Everywhere” has won best film from direc- baby” controversy, which has called out
this year’s Hollywood award shows by tors’ and producers’ groups too, making it children of powerful industry figures and
earning top honours from the Screen firm favorite for the Oscars next month. stars perceived to have received a leg up in
Actors Guild. Voted on by more than 120,000 mem- their own careers.
The film about a Chinese-American bers of Hollywood’s acting union, the SAG “I know you look at me and think ‘nepo
family undergoing a tax audit who end up awards are an important precursor for the baby,’ that’s why she’s there, and I totally
fighting a universe-hopping supervillain Academy Awards, whose largest voting get it,” said the daughter of Tony Curtis
also won best actress for Michelle Yeoh, bloc is also actors. and Janet Leigh.
Hancer, poses and holds a painting representing him and his daughter Irmak in
best supporting actor for Ke Huy Quan, The Oscars will take place this year on “But the truth of the matter is I’m 64
his apartment in Ankara. (Inset) Hancer holds the hand of his daughter, who
and best supporting actress for Jamie Lee March 12. years old and this is just amazing,” said
died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaras, close to its epicentre.

Wave of support for Turkish father

Curtis. Other winners from the mainly Asian Curtis, lifting her SAG statuette to loud
The movie’s 94-year-old patriarch cast of “Everything Everywhere” also applause.
James Hong stole the show at Sunday’s referred to Hollywood’s long struggle with Brendan Fraser, who won best lead

who lost daughter in quake

gala, collecting the night’s final prize of diversity. actor, was the only performer from a film
best cast in a motion picture – the star- “This isn’t just for me, this is for every other than “Everything Everywhere” to win
studded ceremony’s equivalent of best little girl who looks like me,” said Yeoh. a movie prize Sunday.
film. Quan, who after appearing as a child in Fraser, one of Hollywood’s biggest stars
Hong reflected on how Hollywood 1984’s “Indiana Jones and the Temple of in the late 1990s and early 2000s with hits
once cast white actors with “their eyes doom” took a long hiatus from acting like “The Mummy,” endured a long fallow ANKARA: A photo of a father holding his father, donated by an artist, hangs in their
taped up” to play leading Asian roles because there “were so few opportunities,” period, before being cast as a morbidly daughter’s hand killed in Turkey’s Febru- living room.
because producers thought “the Asians are noted he was the first Asian actor to win obese teacher in “The Whale.” ary 6 earthquake has provoked an out- “I couldn’t let go of her hand. My
not good enough and they are not box his category. In the television sections, “The White pouring of sympathy and support from daughter was sleeping like an angel in her
office.” “When I heard this, I quickly realized Lotus” won the top drama prize, and around the world, he told AFP. bed,” he recalled.

‘Some Like It Hot’ producer Mirisch dies aged 101

“But look at us now, huh?” he said, to a that this moment no longer belongs to “Abbott Elementary” was named best com- Around three weeks after the disaster Hancer was working in his bakery when
huge ovation. just me. It also belongs to everyone who edy ensemble. – AFP that killed more then 44,000 people in the quake hit at 4:17 am (0117 GMT).
Turkey and thousands more in neighbour- Calling home, he found his wife and
ing Syria, AFP photographer Adem Altan three adult children were safe at home in
tracked down Mesut Hancer in the capital their one-storey house, although it was
Ankara. damaged as the earth shook.
LOS ANGELES: Oscar-winner Walter organisation said in a statement. they added. He had moved there from Kahraman- But no-one could reach Irmak, the
Mirisch (pic), who produced Hol- The Academy was “deeply sad- Mirisch, who was born in New York City maras, near the epicentre of the quake. youngest, who had stayed the night at her
lywood classics such as “West dened to hear of Walter’s pass- on November 8, 1921, was honoured by the As well as his daughter, lost under the grandmother’s house.
Side Story,” “Some Like It Hot” ing,” said chief executive Bill Academy three times: with a Best Picture ruins of an eight-storey block of flats, “I She had planned to spend time with
and “The Pink Panther,” has died Kramer and president Janet Oscar for 1967’s “In the Heat of the Night,” lost my mother, my brothers, my nephews cousins visiting from Istanbul and Hatay.
at age 101 of natural causes, the Yang in the statement, hailing the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award for in the quake,” said Hancer. Rushing to his mother’s building,
Academy said. him as a “true visionary.” his “consistently high quality of motion “But nothing compares to burying a Hancer found the eight-storey block col-
Mirisch, whose career “He had a powerful impact on picture production,” and the Jean Hersholt child. The pain is indescribable.” lapsed into a mound of rubble.
spanned six decades and who was the film community and the Acad- Humanitarian Award. The image of Hancer wearing an In the middle, amid the debris of every-
also a former president of the Acad- emy.... His passion for filmmaking The Academy called him “one of the orange jacket against the cold and rain day life, was his daughter.
emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci- and the Academy never wavered, and most prolific producers in Hollywood his- while holding his daughter’s hand emerg- Waiting more than a day before any res-
ences, died on Friday in Los Angeles, the he remained a dear friend and advisor,” tory.” The Mirisch Company, formed in ing from the rubble, was published on cue team arrived, Hancer and other local
1957 with his brothers Harold and Marvin, many newspaper front pages and seen people tried to find their loved ones under
produced enduring classics including millions of times online. the ruins themselves, even trying – and
“Some Like It Hot” (1959), “The Magnifi- It became a symbol of a disaster that failing – to shift concrete blocks by hand.
cent Seven” (1960), “West Side Story” devastated tens of thousands of lives, Unable to recover Irmak’s body, he
(1961), “The Great Escape” (1963), “The drawing special attention to his family. remained sat by her side.
Pink Panther” (1963) and “The Thomas Now, a businessman has offered the “I held her hand, I stroked her hair, I
Crown Affair” (1968). former baker an administrative job at a TV kissed her cheeks,” he recalls.
His wife Patricia passed away in 2005, channel and given the family an apart- Later, he saw Adem Altan taking photos
and he is survived by his three children, ment in Ankara. of the scene.
one grandchild, and two great-grandsons. Meanwhile a painting of Hancer’s “Take pictures of my child,” he said in a
daughter Irmak as an angel alongside her quiet, broken voice. – AFP

Ex-husband, in-laws charged with murdering HK model


HONG KONG: The ex-husband and two

former in-laws of a Hong Kong model
were charged on Monday with her mur-
der, after police revealed they had found
more body parts during a weekend
Abby Choi, who had appeared in fash-
ion magazines and attracted more than
100,000 followers on Instagram, was
reported missing on Tuesday, the prose-
cutor told the court.
On Saturday, police said that partial
remains had been discovered in the fridge
and soup pots of a seaside house.
After a later examination of materials
seized at the property, police uncovered
Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the
what they believe to be Choi’s skull, hair
number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one. and several ribs. The 28-year-old’s ex-hus-


‘Forty is the
(Solution below)
band Alex Kwong, as well as his father
Kwong Kau and brother Anthony Kwong,

were charged with murder on Monday

People watch a screen on a train showing news about Hong Kong

and face up to life in prison.

model and influencer Abby Choi on February 27 in Hong Kong.

Choi’s former mother-in-law, Jenny Li,

old age of
was charged with perverting the course of
justice by destroying evidence.

youth; fifty
The property where police found bod- already unconscious when she arrived,” speedboat.
ily remains was equipped with an electric Chung told reporters on Sunday night. A fifth suspect connected to Choi’s for-
saw and a meat grinder that had been According to police, Choi had finan- mer father-in-law was arrested on Sunday

the youth of
old age’
used to mince human flesh, according to cial disputes with her ex-husband and his on suspicion of “assisting criminals”.
superintendent Alan Chung. family involving a luxury property. Chung said all suspects in the case had
A forensic examination found a hole at The mother of two had divorced been arrested and the force would con-
the back of the skull that could be evi- Kwong and remarried Chris Tam, the tinue to search for missing body parts.
dence of a fatal attack. scion of a wealthy Hong Kong family. Judge Peony Wong denied bail for the
“We believe the victim had been Kwong, 28, was arrested on Saturday at accused on Monday and adjourned the

– Victor Hugo
attacked when she was in the vehicle (that a Hong Kong pier after what police case until May, pending further investiga-
took her to the house) and that she was described as a failed attempt to flee by tions. – AFP
Rajamouli shoots for Oscar fame
16 People & Places Y OU R LOCAL V OICE TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress

aries Mar 20 - april 18

YDER ABAD (India): Indian It has smashed box offices in India, introduced the country’s lesser-known drama “Slumdog Millionaire”. Over the past month or so, you’ve avoided
director S.S. Rajamouli’s films are wowed audiences from the United States but prolific southern cinema industry to Now Rajamouli hopes a statuette for even mentioning certain increasingly tricky
all-singing, all-dancing specta- to Japan, and is a front runner for the a worldwide audience. the dance number “Naatu Naatu” will matters. This hasn’t just prevented you wast-
cles – and he is now a favourite to secure Best Original Song award at next month’s India’s Hindi-language Bollywood cin- pave the way for Indian auteurs to do the ing time in pointless debates about what’s
the first ever Oscar for an all-Indian film. Oscars, having already beaten out Taylor ema industry has long been known as the same. wise and what isn’t, it’s enabled you to gather
His three-hour extrava- Swift and Rihanna for the same prize at world’s most productive, but interna- Shot in front of Ukraine’s turquoise vital facts from everybody. This, in turn,
ganza “RRR” is a fic- the Golden Globes. tional film awards beyond the festival cir- presidential palace – before the war it ensures when you need to stand your ground,
tionalised story of “When I’m going to a movie, I cuit have largely remained the preserve features high-energy performances from you’ll be ready.

taurus apr 19 - May 19

two colonial-era would like to see larger-than-life of English-language movies. the two leads as they confront their
revolutionaries, characters, larger-than-life situ- That changed when Bong Joon-ho’s antagonist.
filled with ations, larger-than-life drama,” “Parasite” swept four Oscars in 2020, “We are breaking ground, but I think
large-scale, Rajamouli told AFP. including Best Film and Best director, we are in very, very initial, initial steps,” Recently you faced a range of tricky situa-
visual effects- “And that’s what I like to after decades when the plaudits for said the 49-year-old. tions. While, in some cases, the problem was
laden action make,” he said at his office in Korean cinema were confined to the crit- “If you see (South) Korea, for example, that certain individuals couldn’t make even
simple decisions, the foundation on which the
sequences and the southern city of Hyderabad. ics. the kind of inroads that they have made...
actual arrangements would be based has
musical num- “Nothing holds the heroes The only previous Indian Oscars won we should aspire to do that, all Indian
been unstable. The trick? Accept that, and
bers. back in delivering their action were for English-language films – the film-makers.”
regard plans as more of an experiment than
Rajamouli gestures
sequences.” 1982 British-Indian co-production Rajamouli was born in the southern anything meant to last.
during an inter-
A word-of-mouth hit that “Gandhi” and 2008’s Mumbai-set British state of Karnataka. His father was a
geMini May 20 - Jun 20
view with AFP at
“When I’m going
has seen moviegoers dancing scriptwriter who exposed him to the

the RRR office on

in cinema aisles, Telugu-lan- industry.

the outskirts of
to a movie, I would
guage “RRR” has become His early influences included promi- As an inquisitive Gemini, long ago you learnt

one of the highest- nent Telugu directors but he found him-

like to see larger-

that while most questions can be answered
grossing Indian self drawn to epic Hollywood films such swiftly, some require more time. And a few lack
movies ever. as “Ben Hur” and “Braveheart”, and is a

than-life characters,
answers, at least the kind that satisfy you.
It has also fan of Steven Spielberg and James Judging by the current exciting planetary setup,

developments as thrilling as they are sudden
Rajamouli’s 2015 historical action- could answer several of those, some overnight.

cancer June 21 - Jul 21

drama “Baahubali” – then the most

situations, larger-
expensive film made in India – made him
a household name domestically, leading

than-life drama”
a wave of southern films to the top of the You’ve long intended to tackle certain issues,
multilingual country’s box office. but something or somebody has always dis-

– Rajamouli
The 2017 sequel was well-received, tracted you. Now it’s the reverse. Life is quiet
with both movies among the highest- enough that you’ve time to focus on these. But
grossing of all time in the nation of 1.4 things are calmer, which has you wondering

billion people, cementing Rajamouli’s whether you can just forget it all. Don’t. Deal
reputation as a blockbuster director. with these, and the sooner, the better.

leo Jul 22 - aug 21

He was “pleasantly surprised” by the
buzz around “RRR” in the West, he said,
pointing to what he called a “lack of
maximalist entertainment”. Sooner or later you’ll have to review, then dis-
“There’s a section of audiences who cuss certain tricky matters. While, ordinarily,
wanted that, a celebratory kind of you’ve a knack for handling any such issues
engagement with the cinema.” swiftly, with the actual foundation on which
despite appearing on Netflix only two they’re based shifting, planning ahead is
months after it debuted across 1,200 US tricky. So don’t. Tackle things one day at a
time. It will be far easier.
theatres in March last year, “RRR” has
Virgo aug 23 - sep 22
become among North America’s highest-
grossing Indian films.
It was “unprecedented” and “a total During periods of change, such as this is, not
outlier”, said analyst david A. Gross of only do views of what’s best vary, in certain
Franchise Entertainment Research. cases, those differences can lead to clashes.
Audiences continue to flock to packed The secret? Make it clear that while, inevitably,
screenings for repeat viewings – a Janu- plans need to be made, at the moment, they

ary showing at Hollywood’s historic TCL should be regarded as more of an experiment
Chinese Theatre sold out in 98 seconds. than anything lasting.

liBra sep 23 - oct 22

Rajamouli’s films have been com-
pared to Marvel superhero movies and he
said it would “be an honour” to be asked
to do one – but he worries that a major You don’t think of yourself as judgemental
studio would want to involve itself in the and, mostly, you aren’t. if you disagree with
production process. or dislike what others are doing or believe in,
The accolades for “RRR” have also you’ll generally avoid even mentioning it.
been accompanied by criticism of per- Now, however, you feel you must speak up.
ceived troubling undertones in the film, Think carefully before you do. The individual
including the promotion of Hindu in question is actually trying to pick a fight.

scorpio oct 23 - nov 21

nationalism and hyper-masculinity.
“RRR” contains Hindu mythology and
nationalist fervour at a time when film-
makers, mostly in Bollywood, have been This is a period of breakthroughs. True, ini-
repeatedly targeted by Hindu right- tially it doesn’t seem that way. In fact, you’re
wingers on social media. wondering if you aren’t ‘giving in’ too often,
Rights campaigners say that under and in situations where you’d once have stood
Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Naren- firm. Yet now, you’re recognising how much

dra Modi, Bollywood stars are facing you’ve learnt. More important, you’re wonder-
increased pressure – particularly minor- ing where else you’d benefit from giving in.

sagitarius nov 22 - dec 20

ity Muslim actors like Shah Rukh Khan
and Aamir Khan.
Rajamouli grew up in a “deeply reli-
Every New Moon is about a fresh perspective.
gious” Hindu family but is now an atheist
However, with last week’s having accented the
and believes that “religion essentially is
need to take a fresh approach to certain
arrangements, some longstanding, you’re still
He blames criticism of the film on the unsure where to begin. While this is unusual for
polarisation of debate in India that does you, as a quick-thinking fire sign, those recent
not allow for a middle ground. insights are now merging into amazing plans.
“Any extreme point of view, I oppose,”
he said. capricorn dec 21 - Jan 19
“I don’t have any kind of hidden
agenda... I make films for people who are The twists and turns you’re facing may seem
willing to pay their hard-earned money like nothing but a nuisance. However, you’ll
on the film ticket. soon begin to recognise them as the unex-
“I like to get them entertained, make pected opportunities that they are. True, often
them feel dramatic about the characters, this means getting involved, if not committing,
about the situations, have a good time, while you’re short of facts. Out of character as
go back and live their lives.” – AFP it is for you, it’s by far the best option.

aquaris Jan 20 - Feb 17

Keep WatcH
You don’t think of it until you’re dealing with
somebody who dislikes making decisions on
their own. As a result, they thrive on situations
ACROSS 25. Fence repairer 4 7. Crossing the Atlantic
1. Life of ____ (carefree existence) 26. Bronco catcher 50. Day before a holiday dominated by the rules and regulations that drive
6. Flat-bottomed open boat 28. Deafening noise 51. Dutch shoe you crazy. Remember this when you’re asked
11. "Shogun" sash 29. Find in a mine 52. "____ go bragh" for details about how certain matters should be
14. Apparently amazed 30. Hole in your head 53. Hairy jungle creatures handled. The individual in question means it.

pisces Feb 18 - Mar 19

15. Country of over 1 billion 34. Bums of documentaries 54. Maryland state flowers
16. Car tracking digits (abbr.) 35. Provider of wide-angle shots 57. Be in pain
17. Gain experience 37. One way to get the gravy 58. Model of perfection
20. Doubter's outbursts 38. Former or previous 59. "Beetle Bailey" character
21. Like most NBA players 39. Affectionate utterance 60. "2001" mainframe Understandably, certain individuals are in a
22. Calorie-rich pastry 40. Cape ____ (cottage style) 61. From Oslo, e.g. hurry to organise important arrangements.
23. 67.5 degrees, on a compass 41. Olympic prize 62. More likely While you’re a part of their plans, they can
24. Retail center 45. Greyhound alternative proceed without you. Urgent as things seem,
solution to today’s
relax. You’ve a great deal to think about and,
DOWN 32. Work the bar the fact, their plans will change several times
1. "Friends" female 33. "The Catcher in the before anything can be considered settled.

Birthday Today
2. Big lizard ____"
3. Woodworker's machines 34. Santa's seat?
4. Classic poetry 35. Gridiron game
5. Japanese currency 36. Mme. Bovary
6. Twine fiber 37. Hom of Africa nation
7. Bell sound 39. "Rock the____" (The As a compassionate Piscean, you’ll often
8. Short poem (var.) Clash hit)
9. "Fee_____ foe furn" 40. Birch tree spike ignore your own needs and ensure those of
10. Enrich 42. Make an exit others are looked after. While, at times, that’s
11. Goes too far 43. Exact retribution admirable, you’re in a cycle of swift, exciting
12. Marsh heron 44. Not as great but demanding change. This doesn’t just mean
13. "Psst!" follower 46. Legendary elephant eater
18. Airport stat. 4 7. Vicinities you, and the requirements of your life, must
19. Billion years 48. Move like a crab come first, you’ll probably have to seek the
24. Cow sounds 49. Coast Guard officer guidance or support of others. Be business-like
25. Prefix meaning "one (abbr.) about this. T hink things through, then make a
thousandth" 52. You right now, theme-wise
27. Quick cut 53. " ... and make it fast!" list of what you need from those around you.
28. Attempt to lose weight 55. Tokyo, long ago Then begin asking for their support. Everybody
31. Prepared Bond's martini 56. Place with a president will be delighted to do all they can.
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 17
Western imports & exports limited
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NO 82 TAHUN 2023
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pany has ceased operation on 31 July 2022
HONG LEONG BANK Re: Roslan Bin Abd Majid
BERHAD (Co. No. (NRIC No. 730825-12-5743) Application having been made to the Collector at RANAU
and has no intention to continue business in
193401000023 (97141-X) by THOMAS BIN JUMPIRA for a certified copy of NT.
Affin Bank Berhad 365 in the district of RANAU on the ground that JUM-
the future and has discharged all its debts and
BERKAT JAYA MARKETING [Company No. PIRA BIN HARONG is the registered owner thereof and
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liabilities (other than those owed to its mem-
201601022213 (1193152-X) a Judgment Creditor In accordance with the provisions of Section 120 of the
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Dated the 28th day of DEPUTY REGISTRAR
February 2023 HIGH COURT OF
Alex Pang & Co., KOTA KINABALU
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This Notice is inserted by
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Sabah Advocates for the Judgment
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NO. 19 TAHUN 2023
SCHEDULE XXIV (Section 120)
Application having been made to the Collector at PAPAR
copy of NT 023122714 in the district of PAPAR on the
registered owner thereof and that the issue document of
the title has been lost.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 120 of the
Land Ordinance, notice is here by given that, unless within
ONE (1) month of the date of publication of this notice
good cause be shown to the Collector of Land Revenue for
refusing this application, the certified copy applied for will,
subject to the provisions of the said section, be issued.
Dated at Papar this 21 Feb 2023


Assistant Collector Land Revenue


PERMOHONAN NO: 2301-L1112-311-0063
DALAM PERKARA: Harta Pusaka Simati:
UDDIN telah memohon kepada Mahkamah ini pada pukul
9.00 pagi pada 16 haribulan MAC tahun 2023 untuk mem-
bahagi harta pusaka simati ALIUDDIN BIN MD ONON atas
alasan dan cara pembahagian yang terkandung dalam Afi-
davit bagi permohonan membahagi harta pusaka oleh MOHD

Harta Yang Dituntut:

AMBIL PERHATIAN JUGA, jika kamu berhajat menentang per-
mohonan ini atau jika kamu mempunyai kepentingan ke atas
harta-harta simati, kamu atau peguam syarie kamu bolehlah
membuat semakan di mahkamah ini mengenai fakta-fakta
permohonan yang tersebut dan bolehlah selepas itu mem-
failkan di mahkamah ini dan menyampaikan satu salinan
kepada pemohon notis bantahan dan afidavit tidak lebih dari-
pada tiga (3) hari selepas tarikh permohonan ini didengar.
Pada 23 haribulan FEBRUARI tahun 2023
Difailkan oleh MOHD. FAKHURRAZI BIN ALIUDDIN yang ala-
18 Sport Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 dailyexpress
BONG • Lesen E
Kg. Kolopis Facing Pan Borneo
1. HR EXECUTIVE • Umur tidak melebihi 45
2. HR & ADMIN CLERK Highway. 5000sf/ Lot. Rental:
• Elaun outstation RM1,500/Lot. Price: RM150K.
4. PROJECT MANAGER • Komisen Clement
5. QUANTITY SURVEYOR • SPM / PMR 010-3245011

SALARY WILL COMMENSURATE WITH • 2 tahun pengalaman s
SEND YOUR RESUME TO Contact: 088 408555 / 016 262 9378 SITE SUPERVISOR - Lesen D & GDL
Masa: 8.30am - 5.30pm - With experience
or contact us at 088-421528
Area Penampang
Please Call
OR 3RD PARTY DEED OF ASSIGNMENT AND 1ST OR 3RD PARTY DEED OF ASSIGNMENT Australia’s players celebrate after winning the T20 Women’s World Cup.
016 810 5979
BOTH DATED 28.06.2021 BOTH DATED 28.06.2021 -----------------------

TING VUI HING [NRIC NO. 730313-12-5491]
[Trading under the name and style of VUI HING ENTERPRISE
(Trading Licence No. TMPR/2021/990)]
TING VUI HING [NRIC NO. 730313-12-5491]
[Trading under the name and style of VUI HING ENTERPRISE
(Trading Licence No. TMPR/2021/990)]
-With experience 5 years above
RM1,800 to RM2,500
-Apprentice and below 5 years
experience RM1,500 to
Australia win Women’s
Penampang Area
Assignee/Bank under the Master Facility Agreement and 1st or 3rd
Party Deed of Assignment both dated 28.06.2021, it is hereby pro-
claimed that the said Assignee/Bank with the assistance of the under
Assignee/Bank under the Master Facility Agreement and 1st or 3rd
Party Deed of Assignment both dated 28.06.2021, it is hereby pro-
claimed that the said Assignee/Bank with the assistance of the under
Please Call
016 810 5979
T20 WC for sixth time
- With Experience CAPE TOWN: Australia won the Women’s T20 World “Our power play with the ball was excellent,” said
- Willing to outstation Cup for the sixth time in the last seven tournaments Lanning.
2023 @ 3:00 P.M at NO. 1-1-6, 1ST FLOOR, BLOCK B, KOLAM 2023 @ 2:30 P.M at NO. 1-1-6, 1ST FLOOR, BLOCK B, KOLAM
Area Penampang
when they beat South Africa by 19 runs in the final at South Africa were never up with the required run
KOTA KINABALU, SABAH KOTA KINABALU, SABAH ----------------------- Newlands in Cape Town on Sunday. rate and were restricted to 137 for six despite opener
PARTICULARS OF PROPERTY:- PARTICULARS OF PROPERTY:- “It’s a very special effort from this group,” said Aus- Laura Wolvaardt hitting 61 off 48 balls.
Type of Property: A parcel of commercial lot located on the ground Type of Property: A parcel of commercial lot located on the ground

and first floor of a 2-storey intermediate shop/office building. and first floor of a 2-storey intermediate shop/office building.
Lelaki tralian captain Meg Lanning after her players proved Captain Sune Luus paid tribute to the Australians.
Legal Description: Lot No. 26-0, Ground Floor and Lot No. 26-1, Legal Description: Lot No. 25-0, Ground Floor and Lot No. 25-1,
- Pemasangan Kereta Aksesori superior to a South African team that had the backing “You guys have been inspirational to world cricket
First Floor, Block C, Sri Alam Perdana Commercial Centre, Papar First Floor, Block C, Sri Alam Perdana Commercial Centre, Papar
Perempuan of a near-capacity crowd of about 15,000. for many years,” she said.
both held under Master Block Title No. CL025430353 District of both held under Master Block Title No. CL025430353 District of
- Pembantu Kedai Opening batter Beth Mooney was named player of But Luus said the tournament had been a major
Papar, Sabah. Papar, Sabah.
Tel: 088-765068
Tenure: Assumed to be held under 99 years leasehold interest. Tenure: Assumed to be held under 99 years leasehold interest. 011-23232398 the match after making an unbeaten 74 in an Aus- boost for women’s cricket in South Africa, with big
Purchaser: Ting Vui Hing [NRIC No. 730313-12-5491]. Purchaser: Ting Vui Hing [NRIC No. 730313-12-5491].
tralian total of 156 for six. crowds supporting the home team even after they had
Land Area: Approximately 100.65 Square metres (about 1,083.38 Land Area: Approximately 100.65 Square metres (about 1,083.38 IMMEDIATE VACANCY “I walked off thinking we didn’t have enough runs lost their first two games of the tournament.
square feet) square feet) PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO
Developer: Bumi Hebat Construction Sdn Bhd (CO. NO. 781736- Developer: Bumi Hebat Construction Sdn Bhd (CO. NO. 781736- CHAIRMAN
but maybe I was a bit hard on myself. It was a really “I think we can be proud of ourselves,” she said. “It’s
X) X) Requirement:
tough wicket,” she said. very exciting for women’s cricket. We have to keep on
NOTE: Prospective bidders are advised to : (i) inspect the subject NOTE: Prospective bidders are advised to : (i) inspect the subject
- SPM/Dip./Degree Holder
Mooney said the Australian players were proud of growing. We set a platform and we can’t go back-
property and check on the issuance of subdivided title (ii) seek inde- property and check on the issuance of subdivided title (ii) seek inde-
- Basic accounting knowledge
their dominance. wards.”
pendent legal advice on all matters in connection with the auction pendent legal advice on all matters in connection with the auction
sale including the Conditions of Sale herein (iii) conduct official sale including the Conditions of Sale herein (iii) conduct official - Possess driving license D.
“Other teams around the world are improving. We Luus challenged South African cricket officials and
search at the relevant Land Office and/or other relevant authorities search at the relevant Land Office and/or other relevant authorities - Available to drive anywhere are being hunted but we want to enjoy it for as long as the government to push for girls’ cricket in schools
and (iv) make the necessary enquiries with the relevant authorities and (iv) make the necessary enquiries with the relevant authorities - Salary RM1.6k-RM2.5 we can.” and to improve the club and provincial system, “so we
as to whether the sale is open to all races or to Malaysian Citizens as to whether the sale is open to all races or to Malaysian Citizens (based on experience)
who are Bumiputra only and also on the other terms of consent to who are Bumiputra only and also on the other terms of consent to
The defending champions quickly put the pressure can keep knocking on Australia’s door.”
the sale herein prior to the auction sale. The Successful Purchaser the sale herein prior to the auction sale. The Successful Purchaser Please submit your detailed
on the South African batters who could score only 22 Australia won all their six matches in the tourna-
shall immediately upon the sale undertake to apply for and obtain shall immediately upon the sale undertake to apply for and obtain resume to:
runs for the loss of opener Tazmin Brits in the six-over ment to hammer home their dominance of the for-
the consent to transfer (if any) from the Developer and/or the Pro- the consent to transfer (if any) from the Developer and/or the Pro-
power play. mat. – AFP
prietor and/or State Authorities or relevant bodies. prietor and/or State Authorities or relevant bodies.
The property will be sold on an “as is where is” basis, subject to the The property will be sold on an “as is where is” basis, subject to the
following reserve price of RINGGIT MALAYSIA SEVEN HUNDRED following reserve price of RINGGIT MALAYSIA SEVEN HUNDRED Tel: Djokovic says ‘surreal’ Norrie downs
AND THIRTEEN THOUSAND (RM713,000.00) ONLY subject to the AND THIRTEEN THOUSAND (RM713,000.00) ONLY subject to the 088-386786 / 014-2809786
Conditions of Sale and by way of an assignment from the above Conditions of Sale and by way of an assignment from the above Closing Date: 31.03.2023
Assignee/Bank, subject to consent being obtained by the Successful Assignee/Bank, subject to consent being obtained by the Successful ailing Alcaraz
Purchaser from the Developer and relevant authorities, if any, includ-
ing all terms, conditions, stipulations and covenants which were and
Purchaser from the Developer and relevant authorities, if any, includ-
ing all terms, conditions, stipulations and covenants which were and
to break Graf’s record
may be imposed by the relevant authority: may be imposed by the relevant authority:
All intending bidders are required to deposit 10% of the fixed All intending bidders are required to deposit 10% of the fixed SABAH AND SARAWAK dUBAI: Novak djokovic (pic) says break- to win
reserve price by Bank Draft or Cashier’s Order only in favour of reserve price by Bank Draft or Cashier’s Order only in favour of AT KOTA KINABALU
ing Steffi Graf ’s record of 377 weeks at
Maybank Islamic Berhad prior to the sale with the under mentioned Maybank Islamic Berhad prior to the sale with the under mentioned
number one in the rankings on Monday is
Any arrears of maintenance charges, water and electricity bills, insur-
Any arrears of maintenance charges, water and electricity bills, insur- UP) NO. BKI-28NCC-6/1-
“surreal” and that he is proud to surpass Rio crown
ance, quit rent and assessment (if any) which may be lawfully due ance, quit rent and assessment (if any) which may be lawfully due 2023 (HC3) one of the sport’s all-time greats.
(the Assignee/Bank reserves the right to refuse to pay any sums not (the Assignee/Bank reserves the right to refuse to pay any sums not IN THE MATTER OF SEC- RIO dE JANEIRO: Britain’s Cameron Norrie
TION 465(1)(e) & SECTION
The Serb will spend his 378th week at
lawfully due and/or those sums that are time-barred) to any relevant lawfully due and/or those sums that are time-barred) to any relevant
466(1)(a) OF THE COMPA-
took advantage of an ailing Carlos Alcaraz
authority or Developer up to the date of successful sale shall be
the top of men’s tennis competing in
authority or Developer up to the date of successful sale shall be
to win the ATP Tour Rio Open on Sunday.
paid out of the proceeds of sale, provided that the Assignee/Bank is paid out of the proceeds of sale, provided that the Assignee/Bank is
dubai, where he will play his first tourna-
in receipt of the extracted bills from the Successful Purchaser within in receipt of the extracted bills from the Successful Purchaser within RULES UNDER COMPA- ment since capturing a 10th Australian Second seed Norrie came from behind
sixty (60) days from the date of the sale. In the event such extracted sixty (60) days from the date of the sale. In the event such extracted NIES (WINDING-UP) RULES to claim the fifth tournament win of his
Open crown and record-equalling 22nd
bills are not submitted within the stipulated sixty (60) days from the bills are not submitted within the stipulated sixty (60) days from the
career, winning 5-7, 6-4, 7-5 in 2hrs 40mins.
auction date, any subsequent claims made thereunder, the auction date, any subsequent claims made thereunder, the
Grand Slam title last month.
Assignee/Bank shall be entitled at their absolute discretion not to Assignee/Bank shall be entitled at their absolute discretion not to IN THE MATTER OF FIN- “I still want more achievements,” djokovic told reporters in Norrie’s victory came exactly seven days
entertain and the same shall be borne by the Successful Purchaser. entertain and the same shall be borne by the Successful Purchaser. CONSULT (M) SDN. BHD.
after the British world number 13 had lost
dubai on Sunday.
The Balance of the Purchase Price is to be settled within ninety The Balance of the Purchase Price is to be settled within ninety to Spain’s second-ranked Alcaraz in the
(90) days from the date of auction sale by Bank Draft or 199801008633 (464760-A)).
“I’m driven by the goals. I’m as dedicated to the sport really
(90) days from the date of auction sale by Bank Draft or
Cashier’s Order drawn in favour of Maybank Islamic Berhad. BETWEEN
final of the Argentina Open in Buenos
Cashier’s Order drawn in favour of Maybank Islamic Berhad.
as anybody else.
Prior to the commencement of the auction sale, all bidders are Prior to the commencement of the auction sale, all bidders are TENAGA NASIONAL “Of course, it’s surreal in a way to be that many weeks Aires.
required to register with the Auctioneer appointed by the required to register with the Auctioneer appointed by the BERHAD “It’s so special to win this one, especially
Assignee/Bank and shall submit the following to the Auctioneer: (COMPANY NO.: 200866-
world number one, to match Steffi Graf, who is one of the all-
Assignee/Bank and shall submit the following to the Auctioneer:
(1) an amount equivalent to 10% of the Reserved Price by Bank W)
after losing a couple of finals this year,” said
(1) an amount equivalent to 10% of the Reserved Price by Bank
time greats of our sport, both men and women. Just being
Draft or Cashier’s Order in favour of Maybank Islamic Berhad; Draft or Cashier’s Order in favour of Maybank Islamic Berhad; - PETITIONER
amongst these legendary names is flattering. I’m very proud Norrie, who was also beaten in the final in
(2) Board of Directors resolution or a written authorization where the (2) Board of Directors resolution or a written authorization where the AND of it.” Auckland in January.
bidder is a company or other body recognized by law as capable of bidder is a company or other body recognized by law as capable of FINCONSULT (M) But while Norrie celebrated, Alcaraz was
purchasing and owning lands, bidding through an authorized person; purchasing and owning lands, bidding through an authorized person; SDN. BHD.
Undefeated in all 12 matches he has contested so far this sea-
and and (COMPANY NO.:
son, djokovic says he has been pain-free for the past week, having left with fresh fitness concerns after an
(3) Written authorization where the bidder is acting as a proxy. (3) Written authorization where the bidder is acting as a proxy. 199801008633 (464760-A)) recovered from a muscle tear in his left hamstring he had sus- energy-sapping duel that saw him require
For further particulars, please contact Messrs Fernandez & Co, For further particulars, please contact Messrs Fernandez & Co, - RESPONDENT
repeated visits from the physio.
Solicitors for the Assignee/Bank herein whose address is at No. 143,
tained in Australia.
Solicitors for the Assignee/Bank herein whose address is at No. 143,
Jalan Tangki, Dezsons Building, Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu
The 19-year-old, who only returned to
Jalan Tangki, Dezsons Building, Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu ADVERTISEMENT
“I’m getting closer to a hundred percent. Still not there in
[Reference: VMF/MiB(RCRM,KK)-VHE/9234/SJ-rm], Telephone No [Reference: VMF/MiB(RCRM,KK)-VHE/9234/SJ-rm], Telephone No OF PETITION
terms of the game itself, how I feel on the court. But the impor- tennis at last week’s tournament in
: 088-222450, Fax No : 088-221584] or the under mentioned Auc- : 088-222450, Fax No : 088-221584] or the under mentioned Auc- (RULE 24)
Argentina after a four-month injury layoff,
tant thing is that there is no pain. I don’t have a hindrance to the
Messrs Mega Auction House
was clearly struggling with a sore ham-
Messrs Mega Auction House NOTICE is hereby given that
way I move on the court,” declared the 35-year-old.
Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer a Petition for the Winding-Up
djokovic will begin his dubai campaign against Czech quali- string during the latter stages of Sunday’s
13A, Taman Baginda, Jalan Penampang 13A, Taman Baginda, Jalan Penampang
of the above-named Com-
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
fier Tomas Machac on Tuesday, where the likes of daniil
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah pany by the High Court was,
Tel : 017-8511838 / 014-8611838
He needed heavy strapping on his right
Tel : 017-8511838 / 014-8611838
Medvedev, Felix Auger-Aliassime and Andy Murray are also
on the 25th day of January thigh midway through the second set,
2023 presented by Tenaga
expected to take the court.
Nasional Berhad. And that
Last year, dubai played host to djokovic’s first event of the when he collapsed from a 3-0 lead to allow
the said Petition is directed to
season after he had been deported from Australia over his vacci- Norrie to take the set and level the match.
be heard before the Court sit- nation status. Alcaraz is due to play at the Mexican
ting at Kota Kinabalu at 9.00 Open in Acapulco next week and after that
o’clock in the forenoon on
A five-time champion in dubai, he was defeated in the quar-
the 9th day of March 2023;
ter-finals by Jiri Vesely. has the Indian Wells Masters looming in
and any creditor or contribu- Murray, who is one week older than djokovic and has been California in early March.
tory of the said Company The former world number one had
desiring to support or oppose
the Serb’s rival since their early teen years, is coming off a stun-
looked to be in control after clinching the
the making of an order on the
ning week in doha, where he battled through four three-setters
said Petition may appear at
before losing to Medvedev in the final. first set with a rasping forehand up the line
the time of hearing by himself It has been a theme for the British former world number one, to break Norrie for the first time in the
or his counsel for that pur- match.
pose; and a copy of the Peti-
who also put on heroic displays at the Australian Open last
tion will be furnished to any
month. He then sprinted into a 3-0 lead with
creditor or contributory of the
“What is happening now this year with his match points saved another quick break of serve in the second
said Company requiring the in literally every match he plays, the amount of hours he spent set and appeared to be building unstop-
same by the undersigned on pable momentum.
payment of the regulated
on the court since the beginning of the year, particularly in Aus-
charge for the same.
tralia, is just something you must admire and say ‘chapeau’ However, Alcaraz was soon struggling
The Petitioner’s address is at because of everything he has gone through with his hip,” said with his sore thigh and Norrie broke twice
Pejabat Setiausaha Syarikat, to take a 4-3 lead. – AFP
Tingkat 2, Ibu Pejabat Tenaga
djokovic of Murray. – AFP
Nasional Berhad, No. 129,
Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala
The Petitioner’s Solicitor is
Kirk edges Cole in playoff for
Messrs. Jumahad Julkar-
nain & Ahmadshah of Suite PGA Honda Classic victory
B-04-01, Block B, 4th Floor,
Lot 1, Warisan Square, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
MIAMI: Chris Kirk birdied the first playoff Cole, who is a US tour rookie this season
hole to beat Eric Cole at the Honda Classic on at the age of 34 – and with 56 professional
Sunday, ending a near eight-year title wins behind him on the Minor League Golf
drought with his fifth US PGA Tour triumph. Tour mini-tour—carded a final-round 67 on
It was an emotional win for the 37-year- the par-70 PGA National course in Palm
old American, whose last victory at Colonial Beach Gardens, Florida, where he joined Kirk
in 2015 was followed by time away from the in finishing with a 72-hole total of 14-under
game in 2019 to deal with depression and par 266.
NOTE: Any person who
alcohol misuse. He and Kirk duelled all day and finished
intends to appear on the
One-Stop Services
hearing of the said Petition
Popular Management He took a two-shot lead into the final two strokes in front of third-placed Tyler
must serve on or send by Tel: 234598/260020 round and carded a one-under-par 69, shak- duncan, who carded a 66 for 268.
post to the above-named
ing off a bogey at the 72nd hole with a birdie Kirk got off to a quick start, rolling in a 17-
Petitioner, notice in writing of
11-2, Blk B, Damai IV, KK
when they returned again to 18 for the first foot birdie putt at the opening hole.
his intention so to do. The

notice must state the name

ASIA hole of the playoff. After a bogey at the second he got up and
and address of the person, or,
PLUMBING SERVICE There Kirk spun his approach within a down for birdie from a greenside bunker at
if a firm, the name and
0168877738, foot of the pin while Cole was in a greenside the third and rolled in a 34-foot birdie at the
address of the firm, and must
0178287898 bunker and missed a 10-foot birdie attempt eighth to take a two-shot lead.
be signed by the person or
firm, or his or their solicitor (if
to extend the playoff. Cole had kept in touch with birdies at the
Pakar mengubahsuai rumah,
any) and must be served, or,
“I just have so much to be thankful for,” third, fourth and fifth—where he snaked in a
if posted, must be sent by
buat pagar, gate grill, manhole
Kirk said. “I’m so grateful. I’m so grateful for 70-foot putt. He was in the water for a bogey
post in sufficient time to reach
sumbat, pasang mozek, plas-

the above-named not later

ter siling, pasang water pump, my sobriety. I’m so grateful for my family. I’m at the sixth, but after a birdie at 11 pulled him
than twelve o’clock noon of
water heater, paip air, mem- so grateful for everyone that’s supported me back within one stroke he grabbed the out-
the 8th day of March 2023.
baiki atap bocor, tandas leak- throughout the past three or four years espe- right lead at the 13th as he rapped in a seven-
ing, paip leaking dan lain-lain cially.” foot birdie putt while Kirk bogeyed. – AFP
dailyexpress Y OU R LOCAL V OICE I TUE S D AY, FE B RUARY 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 Sport 19
‘Pocket Rocketman’ is back
KUALA LUMPUR: “This is a very positive sign because support because I believe that his own
National track cycling before I had said there were doubts about internal strength, which is the intrinsic
champion datuk Mohd his (Mohd Azizulhasni’s) performance, but motivation factor, is already very strong.
Azizulhasni Awang (pic) with the success in Jakarta in addition to Support needs to come in terms of what
has proven that he still competing with the world and Olympic can ensure that he achieves an exceptional Ten Hag
“has fire in his belly” to champion, it is as if he is back on track. performance in Paris. (centre)
create history by present- “If before he won in Australia (Austral “The additional support is for example and his
ing Malaysia with its first Wheelrace in Melbourne in december 2022) in terms of technology, sports science, assistants
gold medal at the Paris without the world champions, this time bicycles, coaches, comprehensive team celebrate
2024 Olympic Games next year. what has been shown (by him) gives us con- support and also psychologically,” he said. with the
It follows the amazing achievement of fidence that he is a gold medal prospect in Based on the current world rankings,
the 2017 world keirin champion who won Paris,” he said when contacted, Monday. Mohd Azizulhasni occupies 46th position
the silver medal in the same event at the Mohd Azizulhasni, who won the keirin in the keirin event which is his pet event Cup
International Cycling Union (UCI) Track silver medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and is in 48th position for the sprint, trophy.
Nations Cup held in Jakarta recently. and bronze in the same event at the 2016 according to
Local sports observer, datuk dr Pekan
Ramli admitted that he was very excited
edition in Rio de Janeiro, had to be satis-
fied with taking home the silver in Jakarta
The development saw Mohd Azizul-
Ten Hag wants to ‘keep on
and happy when the 35-year-old cyclist after being separated by only 0.024 sec- hasni climb more than 200 and 400 rungs
achieved this feat less than a year after
undergoing open heart surgery in April
onds (s) behind Lavreysen in the final last
respectively in the keirin and sprint rank-
ings after being ranked 281st and 479th in dancing’ after first trophy
last year. The 2009, 2010, 2017 and 2019/2020 and October last year following a long break
What caught Pekan’s attention more 2021 Sportsman of the Year was then elim- after surgery. LONdON: As Erik ten Hag danced a jubi- me in Amsterdam. We did some dancing
was that Mohd Azizulhasni, dubbed The inated in the quarter-finals when compet- A native of dungun, Terengganu, he lant jig on the Wembley pitch after Man- and I hope we can do more in the future,”
Pocket Rocketman, was able to take on ing in the sprint event the next day. was the sole representative of the national chester United’s League Cup final victory Ten Hag said.
outstanding much younger rider, Harrie Meanwhile, Pekan thinks Mohd Azizul- cycling squad, which included Muham- over Newcastle, it was clear the manager’s Ten Hag has no intention of letting
Lavreysen from the Netherlands, who is hasni deserves the same support he got mad Shah Firdaus Sahrom, Nurul Izzah romantic ideas about the club had blos- United’s players rest on their laurels as he
the 2022 world champion and the gold when preparing for Tokyo to face the chal- Izzati Mohd Asri and Anis Amira Rosidi, to somed into a full-blown love affair. looks to recreate the club’s dynastic years
medal winner of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic lenge in Paris. bring home a medal from the champi- Ten Hag has made a remarkable under Ferguson.
Games. “I see that he needs greater additional onship in Jakarta. – Bernama impact since leaving Ajax to take charge “We have to invest and suffer every day
of United last year and Sunday’s 2-0 win so we can win trophies,” Ten Hag said.
against Newcastle was the latest sign the “It is about glory and honour. If you
KBS and Potter admits can’t rely on club are back on track after a turbulent
Casemiro’s header and an own goal
want to win something you have to do it
because no-one is going to bring you sil-
verware in top football.”
ESI foster Chelsea board’s support from Sven Botman sealed United’s first
major trophy since 2017, when they won
When he left the comfort of his role at
Ajax last May, Ten Hag knew the challenge
unity through LONdON: Chelsea “I know the responsibility,” said Potter.
the Europa League and League Cup under
Jose Mourinho.
of leading United out of their slump was
fraught with potential pitfalls.
manager Graham “(The results) are not good enough for this But the trophy was only secured after But the chance to manage one of the
e-sports Potter (pic) acknowl- club. I’m not happy with them. I take full keeping Newcastle at bay with a gritty sec-
ond half display that underlined how
world’s most iconic clubs was too good to
turn down for a football romantic like Ten
edged he cannot rely responsibility for those results.”
KUALA LUMPUR: Fighting in cyber- much difference Ten Hag has made. Hag.
on the support of the Chelsea’s new owners have so far
space while promoting racial unity. Less than a year ago, United slumped “Maybe it was a risk but I am a little bit
club’s board for remained steadfast in their support of Potter.
This was the catchphrase of the to a sixth place finish in the Premier stubborn. I just loved United. When I see
much longer after a But patience must be wearing thin and League under interim boss Ralf Rangnick. the shirt, when I see the fans at Old Traf-
first edition of the #SamaSamaMe- 2-0 defeat at Totten- the Blues chairman and co-owner Todd
nang, which was the unity-themed Revived by the demanding and disci- ford, the legacy from Sir Alex with players
ham on Sunday Boehly was in attendance to watch another plined Ten Hag, United have set the stage known around the world,” he said.
electronic sports (e-sports) champi- heaped more pres- toothless display from his club at the Tot-
onship – an initiative by the Ministry for a potential return to the kind of sus- “We want to do the same. This team
sure on him. tenham Hotspur Stadium. tained success last seen in the Alex Fergu- wants to make its own history, its own
of Youth and Sports(KBS) through
Goals from Oliver Skipp and Harry Kane “If results aren’t good enough, which son era. legacy. When the opportunity came I
Esports Integrated (ESI) – held at the
consolidated Spurs’ place in the Premier they aren’t at the moment, you can’t rely on While Ten Hag rules with an iron fist, thought this is the right opportunity for
ESI Hub in Puchong, Sunday.
Contesting just the PlayerUnk- League top four as they opened up a four- support forever,” added Potter. as he showed in winning the power strug- me. I wanted to be part of it.”
nown’s Battleground Mobile point lead over fifth-placed Newcastle, “My job is to keep going, to try and gle that forced Cristiano Ronaldo’s depar- Ten Hag’s approval rating among
(PUBGM) video game, the organiser although the Magpies have two games in change the moment. The players are hurt- ture last year, the dutchman has an United fans was clear to see by the huge
made it more interesting by applying hand. ing. It’s a tough moment for us.” empathetic side that he rarely shows in cheer that greeted him lifting the League
three components in the game format Chelsea remain 10th with their chances of Chelsea have scored only one goal in public. Cup, while Ferguson also gave his blessing
to foster unity and positive communi- Champions League football next season now their last six games and did not show much That emotion was on display when he to the dutchman when they met for din-
cation among participants. seemingly dependent on an unlikely run to fight for their beleaguered boss after falling joined the celebrations at Wembley, link- ner last week.
The three components were that win the European Cup for a third time. behind just seconds into the second half. ing arms in a joyous dance with Lisandro “The dinner shows we are good and it
the participants had to utilise the despite splashing over £500 million Neither side hit their stride in a Martinez and Antony, the United players shows he is really involved in the club. We
individual round-robin format for ($600 million) on new players this season, bad-tempered first period, which the who know him better than most after can all learn a lot from what he did for
every level of the game, additional Potter’s men have now won just twice in 15 visitors were lucky to finish with 11 men. – their time at Ajax. Manchester United. It is an inspiration for
Peace and development Unity (Padu) games in all competitions. AFP “We have a history, the two players and all of us,” Ten Hag said. – AFP
reward points and Fireside Chat inter-
active sessions as a discussion plat-
form on unity and communication.
The competition, which offered a
Turkish fans in anti-govt
cumulative prize worth RM3,000, was
participated by 16 competitors of var-
ious races, religions and cultures.
chants in quake anger
ESI chief executive officer Ahmed ANKARA: Besiktas fans called on the Turkish government to resign
Faris Amir said the competition in terrace chants Sunday, throwing hundreds of soft toys onto the
aimed to inculcate elements of inclu- pitch in memory of child victims of the February 6 the earthquake.
sivity and communication among the The protest, which took place during the match, follows that
diverse e-sports community in of fans from fellow Istanbul club Fenerbahçe at their stadium on
Malaysia. Saturday.
“To ensure the effectiveness of such “Government, resign!” was the chant as Besiktas played out a
advocacy programmes, we took the 0-0 draw with Antalyaspor.
approach of involving target commu- Fenerbahce fans voiced similar sentiments following the 7.8
nities in the discussion slot so that the magnitude earthquake that claimed over 44,000 victims in
programme’s objectives can be pre- Turkey.
sented effectively and transparently,” “Twenty years of lies and cheating, resign,” Fenerbahce fans
he said in a statement today. chanted during their 4-0 win over Konyaspor.
Meanwhile, according to the Opponents of the Turkish government have criticised what
statement, Taufik, better known as they feel is an inadequate response from the ruling authorities to
Axis or GxSeeNx, emerged as cham- the natural disaster.
pion while Mel Gibson (KKxKingsan) Presidential and parliamentary elections are due to take place
finished second and Joel San (Atlas) on May 14.
third. Besiktas supporters are reputed to be closer to the opposition
According to its plan, ESI, in col- than to Recep Tayyip Edogan’s ruling coalition.
laboration with state e-sports associ- But chants of this kind became rarer after Erdogan cracked
ations and several strategic partners, down in the wake of the failed coup against him in 2016.
aims to hold three editions of the devlet Bahceli, head of the nationalist MHP party, the junior
#SamaSamaMenang, with two more partner in Erdogan’s governing coalition, called for authorities to
locations in the north and east coast have matches played behind closed doors if there were more such
zones. – Bernama chants. – AFP

New Vietnam boss Troussier targets WC spot

HANOI: French coach Philippe Troussier signed a three- He became coach of Vietnam’s Under-19s in 2019.
year deal on Monday to lead Vietnam’s football team and Vietnam, ranked 96th by Fifa, are preparing to play the
immediately targeted a first World Cup appearance for 2023 Asian Cup in Qatar, with the date of the tournament
his new side. still to be confirmed.
The 67-year-old, who succeeds South Korea’s Park But Troussier made it clear he had his sights set higher.
Hang-seo, has coached two dozen national and club “The expansion to 48 teams at the 2026 World Cup is
teams during his long career. an opportunity for Vietnam. This is the ultimate goal we
He led Japan to the Asian Cup title in 2000 and was in all aim for,” he said during the signing ceremony, accord-
charge of the co-hosts at the 2002 World Cup. ing to state media.
Troussier had a spell in charge of Marseille in 2004- Troussier’s contract runs from March 2023 to July 2026,

Bayern reclaim league lead

2005, followed by stints in China and Tunisia. VNExpress said. – AFP

Barca lose to
MUNICH (Germany): Birthday boy Jamal Musiala scored his 11th of lowly Almeria
the season as Bayern Munich returned to the Bundesliga summit
with a dominant 3-0 home win over Union Berlin on Sunday. ALMERÍA (Spain): La Liga leaders Barcelona
Bayern now top the Bundesliga, tied with Borussia dort- tumbled to an embarrassing 1-0 defeat at
mund on 46 points. Almeria on Sunday, failing to capitalise on Real
Union are third, three points behind. Madrid’s derby draw with Atletico to extend
First-half goals from Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting, Kingsley their advantage.
Coman and Musiala, on his 20th birthday, put Bayern into a El Bilal Toure’s fine first half strike split the
comfortable position against the overachieving Berliners. teams and earned Almeria their first ever vic-
In another positive for Bayern, the champions welcomed tory over Barca, inflicting only the second
back Sadio Mane who came on as a substitute after an injury defeat of the league campaign on the Catalans.
absence of nearly four months. Xavi Hernandez’s side still have a seven-
A pre-match blizzard failed to cool Bayern’s fluency, with the point lead over champions Madrid, but their
home side forcing Union into several last-ditch saves in the morale took a further blow following their
opening moments. midweek Europa League exit against Manches-
ter United. Barca face Madrid in a Clasico Copa
Bayern striker Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting got the home side
del Rey semi-final first leg on Thursday at the
on the scoreboard after 31 minutes, heading in a lofted pass
Santiago Bernabeu, with their vulnerabilities
from Kingsley Coman. – AFP starting to show. – AFP
Australia Potter
win admits
Women’s can’t rely
T20 WC for on Chelsea 20
sixth time board’s

with the

United end six-year trophy drought

LONdON: Manchester United clinched The celebrations that accompanied League and with an FA Cup fifth round tie It was fitting that Ten Hag’s maiden tro- could be the start of a golden era.
their first major trophy for six years with a United’s sixth League Cup triumph could against West Ham on Wednesday followed phy success with United came after he met despite failing to win their first major
ruthless 2-0 win against Newcastle in the be the first of many trophy parades on the by a Europa League last 16 tie against Real Ferguson for dinner recently and with the trophy since the 1969 Inter-Cities Fairs Cup,
League Cup final at Wembley on Sunday. evidence of Ten Hag’s transformative first Betis in March. Scot watching from the Wembley stands. Newcastle can also expect to feature in
Erik ten Hag’s side took control by half- season. After 10 years in the wilderness since Ending United’s longest trophy drought more showpiece occasions soon.
time thanks to Casemiro’s header and a “You have to win the first one and that is Alex Ferguson retired having led them to for 40 years is no guarantee of future suc- Newcastle have been revitalised since
Sven Botman own goal and held firm what we did today,” Ten Hag said. their last Premier League title in 2013, cess, but the steely Ten Hag appears capable their takeover by a Saudi-funded consor-
despite Newcastle’s second-half pressure. “We can get a lot of inspiration from this United are finally emerging from one of the of thriving in the unrelenting Old Trafford tium in 2021 and they competed gamely in
United’s first silverware since 2017, when and more confidence that we can do it. darkest period in the club’s illustrious his- spotlight. their first cup final for 24 years.
they won the League Cup and the Europa “We are still at the start of restoring tory. United co-chairman Avram Glazer, “We played really well between both
League in the Jose Mourinho era, was just Manchester United to where we belong — United finished a dismal sixth in the Pre- attending his first game since the Novem- boxes. I can’t fault the players’ efforts, but
reward for a mature display that underlined winning trophies.” mier League last season, but Ten Hag has ber announcement that his family are con- we didn’t defend the free-kick well enough

Klinsmann named S Korea coach

the impressive work done by dutchman Ten United remain challengers on three swiftly masterminded their return to rele- sidering offers for the club, might for the first goal. That’s what we will

Phoenix B
Hag since he arrived from Ajax last year. other fronts, sitting third in the Premier vance. reconsider selling up after viewing what regret,” Howe said. – AFP

emerge State
youth champs
SEOUL: Jurgen Klins- skipper and forward Son Heung-min.
mann (pic), who Klinsmann had a long and decorated
won the World Cup career as a striker, playing for clubs such
as a player and led as Inter Milan, Tottenham Hotspur and
Germany to the Bayern Munich.
GL Oh semi-finals as coach, He scored 47 goals in 108 appearances
KOTA KINABALU: Team Phoenix B from has been appointed for Germany and won the World Cup with
Kota Kinabalu Netball Association won the head coach of South them in 1990.
inaugural State Youth Netball Champi- Korea, the country’s In 2004, Klinsmann succeeded former
onship at the Tun Adnan Sports Complex football association strike partner Rudi Voeller as coach of the
on Sunday. The winning team pose with Sabana president said Monday. German national team, his first position in
Chenderemata Sinteh (fourth right) and other officials. The 58-year-old will arrive in Seoul next management. He led Germany to third
They defeated SSN Labuan (Labuan
Sports School) 50-20 in the final to take the best player in the tournament went to team Emerald from Tambunan. week and be in charge for a friendly place in the 2006 World Cup on home soil,
title while the third spot went to Phoenix A Nurirdina Sumaya. A total of 16 teams took part in the two- against Colombia on March 24, the KFA before taking over at Bayern and then the
who beat Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 29-22 in Best attacker was awarded to Norhayati day competition organised by Sabah Net- said, adding he had a contract until 2026. United States.
the play-off. Norman Abdullah and dayang Nurain ball Association (Sabana) which was The former Germany, Bayern Munich Klinsmann led the US team to the 2014
The top scorer in the competition was Ahmed Ismail was judged the best officiated by the Chief Minister’s wife datin and United States coach succeeds Paulo World Cup, where they lost 1-0 against
Bento, who took the Koreans to the last 16 eventual victors Germany, a side which

Wai Ching
Norazlina Iswan with 123 points while the defender while the fairplay trophy went to Seri Juliah Salag on the opening day.
of the World Cup in Qatar, where they included several players he had coached in
were beaten 4-1 by Brazil. 2006.

“I am very happy and honoured to be After being fired as US coach in 2016, he
A group the head coach of South Korea’s national largely avoided top coaching positions,

Scale the
photo of football team,” Klinsmann said, according other than a brief, ten-week stint in charge
all the to a Korea Football Association statement. of Bundesliga side Hertha Berlin in the
“I am well aware that the Korean 2019-20 season.

Strat 2023
at the 22nd national team has been constantly Klinsmann has remained popular in
City Day improving and producing results over a Germany. He appeared frequently in the
Open long period of time,” he said. German football media and is often touted
Regatta. He added that he was “honoured to be as a potential replacement for high-profile

Ching Byn wins Int’l 470 overall title

KUALA LUMPUR: following in the footsteps” of former coaching vacancies.
The country’s num- South Korea coaches, including Guus Hid- Klinsmann caused rare controversy at
ber one tower run- dink and Bento. “We will do our best to the 2022 World Cup when he suggested
ner, Soh Wai Ching achieve successful results in the upcoming Iran’s “dirty” tactics were “just part of their
(pic) continued his Asian Cup and 2026 World Cup,” Klins- culture”. He later apologised and prom-
KOTA KINABALU: Chia Ching Byn won the sion.
mann said. ised to contact then-Iran coach Carlos

Ronaldo racks up whopping

International 470 overall title at the 22nd City The Optimist Overall’s title was won by incredible achieve-
ments when he South Korea are led on the pitch by Quieroz directly. – AFP
day Open Regatta held at the Kinabalu Hafizanah Zailan followed by Muhammad
Yacht Club (KYC) on Sunday. Aiman Aqeel Mohd Firdaus and Kee topped the race up

RM1.3m bill at Saudi hotel

She and crew member Thomas Kong Alaeana Abdullah. Nur Hafizanah also took the stairs of “Scale
took the top prize while in second place was the division A title while Ziqri Luqman the Strat Tower” in
the pairing of Muhd daniel Iqbal Muham- Zainal and Muhammad Abqaari Irham Las Vegas, Nevada, USA late Sunday night.
mad Samsu and dato’ Chairullah followed Adam came top in division B and C respec- What is even sweeter is that, Wai Ching
by veteran division winner Leonard Chin tively, and the top three places in the Opti- ran 108 floors involving 1,455 steps (height
and Josie Joinol in third. The victory was also mist Novice category went to Andre Martin, 260 metres) in six minutes 46 seconds (s),
Chia and Kong’s second of the year, having Alexander Chiu Shinka and Macy Mosom thus equalling the previous record set by KUALA LUMPUR: £250,000 monthly for 17 rooms at the
won the club’s Ship’s Bell Trophy in January. Sikayun. Mexican tower runner Alexis Trujillo in Cristiano Ronaldo hotel for also his family and his
In the ILCA (International Laser Class In the Windsurf category, Abidin Aliak- 2020. (pic) had left his entourage.
Association) 6 category, the overall title was bar was the men’s open winner and Tiong The feat by Wai Ching was also a repeat £250,000 (RM1.3 The five-time Ballon d’Or winner now
won by women’s division winner Gabrielle Jia Yi took the women’s title while the closed of the same achievement he did in Febru- million) per month plays for Saudi Arabian club Al Nassr on
Marygrace Yong Poquita while men’s divi- title for men went to Mohd Azmi Mohd Kah- ary last year, but at that time he finished hotel to a luxurious a reportedly £177 million per year con-
sion winner Mohd Reezmin Ismah had to mis and the women’s title went to Marcella the race with a record of 6:57s. home in Saudi Ara- tract.
settle for second place with Nur Hafiza- Wilson Villaceran. The second and third places were won bia. Ronaldo, 37, is said to be now living in
hanani Zailan coming in third. Kite Surfing competition was also held by two host athletes, Mark Ewell who fin- After leaving an exclusive and well-guarded Saudi res-
The top three winners in the ILCA 4 over- with Jarrow danie Marcus, Mitchell Cini and ished the run in 8:42s and Mark Hender- Manchester United, idential area near shops, restaurants and
all category were Laurenz Leonardo daim, Abidin Aliakbar finishing in the top three son with a time of 8:54s. the Portuguese superstar had been resid- other amenities.
Mohammad Syahieradham Raiman and places. “I will be back next year to aim for a sub ing in the Four Seasons hotel in Riyadh It is learnt that CR7 had been looking
Zeti Irdina Zainal. Laurenz and Zeti were A total of 72 sailors took part in the 6:30 minutes!,” said Wai Ching through a with his family. at residing in Al Muhammadiyah, a high

Pang Roon-Mei Xing eye consistency as they head to Europe

also winners in the men’s and women’s divi- annual event organised by the club. – GL Oh post on the official website. – Bernama Ronaldo was reported to be paying end area in Saudi Arabia, and Al Nakheel,
which has top schools for his children.
Known for his discipline and diet,
Ronaldo’s presence is said to have led to
Al Nassr players changing their menu.
Club nutritionist Jose Blesa told Ideal:
KUALA LUMPUR: National mixed doubles Currently ranked 67th in the world, by reporters recently. and confidence level,” she added. “Cristiano helps me a lot, because we can
player Teoh Mei Xing feels that her part- Pang Roon-Mei Xing will kick off their The 25-year-old also credited Indone- Meanwhile, Badminton Association of no longer teach him anything, but he cre-
nership with Hoo Pang Roon has reached European tour with the German Open sian coach Nova Widianto for working on Malaysia (BAM) has confirmed that inde- ates a school around him.
about 80 per cent in terms of compatibil- from March 7-12, the All-England (March their weaknesses and for instilling a sense pendent women’s singles shuttler K. Let- “The rest of the players do what he
ity, but the quest for consistency and focus 14-19), Swiss Open (March 21-26) and the of self-belief. shanaa will rejoin the governing body does because everything he does is won-
remains top of the agenda in their bid for Spain Masters (March 28-April 2). On whether they were ready for their effective March 1. derful to improve his performance.
their first title in the Badminton World “We still have room to improve, espe- showdown against compatriots Chen BAM announced this in a Facebook “Since he has been here, all the players
Tour (BWF) series this season. cially on-court consistency as I still con- Tang Jie-Toh Ee Wei in the first round of post Monday, and stated that it was have trained more intensely and followed
Winner of the 2022 Malaysia Interna- sider myself lacking experience in mixed the German Open, Mei Xing said prepara- delighted to have the 20-year-old Let- a stricter diet.
tional Challenge mixed doubles event doubles. tions were being stepped up although she shanaa back with the national team. “I have not seen a club like this in
with Pang Roon two months ago, Mei “Besides, we (Pang Roon-Mei Xing) believes the match will be a close affair. “She will surely add depth and which the players improve practically 90
Xing said the pair need to work harder on haven’t had many chances to play against “They (Tang Jie-Ee Wei) have weak- strengthen the women’s singles team. The per cent in their body composition every
their mental and physical preparation the world’s best pairs. Pang Roon, how- nesses we can exploit but there are also Association has been closely monitoring time I see them: they have less fat, more
after confirming their participation in ever, has been guiding me on strategy play familiar with ours, and so every time we her progress during her recovery process muscle and they do all the exercises at
four straight tournaments in Europe this and so on to acclimatise ourselves faster step into the court, it is 50-50 between us. and has been impressed with the commit- their fingertips. It is a luxury to work
year. to each other’s game,” she said when met It all depends on our state of readiness ment she has shown. – Bernama there.” – New Straits Times

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selasa, 28 FeBruari, 2023 / 7 syaaBan, 1444H

Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak
KK/Pantai Barat 5.21 12.32 3.49 6.31 7.41
Sandakan Timur 5.13 12.24 3.41 6.24 7.33
Sandakan Barat 5.17 12.28 3.45 6.28 7.37
Tawau Timur 5.10 12.21 3.38 6.21 7.30
Tawau Barat 5.13 12.25 3.41 6.25 7.34
Kudat 5.18 12.28 3.45 6.27 7.36
Pedalaman Atas 5.19 12.30 3.46 6.29 7.39
Pedalaman Bawah 5.22 12.33 3.49 6.32 7.42

Kenaikan gaji penjawat awam boleh sebabkan defisit tinggi: Anwar

Pembeli PR1MA Ranggu dapat JKR rancang bina, turap

RM67j dilulus
kunci rumah sebelum Aidilfitri > 2 Jasa warga emas dihargai > 3 semula jalan di Beaufort > 4 Michelle Yeoh menang lagi > 6

untuk naik taraf

3.4km jalan Lok
PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan tidak mencadan- dengan baik. dekatan Madani Mendepani Cabaran Belanjawan 2023.
gkan kenaikan gaji penjawat awam “Apa masalah kita (sekarang ialah), Islamofobia, di sini pada Isnin. Anwar meminta Cuepacs supaya

dalam Belanjawan 2023 kerana ia boleh hutang RM1.5 trilion dan defisit Anwar mengulas kenyataan Presiden bersabar kerana keutamaan kerajaan
menyebabkan defisit tinggi, kata Per- (sekarang) 5.6 peratus dan kalau tam- Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja di ketika ini adalah membantu rakyat yang
dana Menteri datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. bah gaji, defisit jadi 6.5 peratus. Tiada dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) lebih miskin.
Anwar yang juga Menteri Kewangan orang datang lagi melabur ke negara datuk Adnan Mat yang berpandangan “Jadi sabar sekejap, hasil banyak cuba
berkata defisit tinggi boleh mengu- kerana dia tidak yakin ada kekuatan tiada sebarang komitmen diberikan dicurahkan. Apakah ia tidak penting
rangkan keyakinan pelabur terhadap tekad politik untuk urus negara dengan kerajaan untuk menilai semula sistem untuk selamatkan miskin tegar yang
Hayati Dzulkifli
PAPAR: Kerajaan
negara kerana mereka tidak yakin ada baik,” kata beliau kepada media selepas saraan baharu perkhidmatan awam lebih teruk daripada pekerja sedia ada,”

Nusantara, Kalimantan
tekad politik untuk mengurus negara menghadiri Forum Antarabangsa: Pen- melalui model gaji dan upah dalam katanya. – Bernama
meluluskan pro-
jek bernilai RM67
juta untuk
menaik taraf jalan

Persiap pembangunan sempadan,

sepanjang 3.4km
dari bulatan Lok
Kawi Heights ke Sungai Kinarut
berhadapan Borneo Paradise Hotel,
yang dijangka dapat mengurangkan

teroka peluang niaga: Fadillah

masalah kesesakan lalu lintas di
kawasan itu.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri
(Hal Ehwal Sabah dan Sarawak dan
Tugas-Tugas Khas) datuk Armizan
KUALA LUMPUR: Kalimantan Barat sejak beberapa tahun Mohd Ali (gambar), yang
Pemindahan ibu lepas, telah diberi peluang untuk terlibat mendedahkan perkara itu Ahad lepas,
negara Indonesia membina empangan hidroelektrik di berkata projek itu adalah sebahagian
ke Kalimantan, yang negara berkenaan. daripada projek menaik taraf jalan Lok
berhampiran den- “Indonesia berhasrat bina kuasa hidro, Kawi-Pengalat, Papar bernilai RM700
gan Sabah dan empat di Kalimantan dan satu pakej itu juta yang dibatalkan oleh kerajaan ter-
Sarawak, memer- sekarang ini sudah dipersetujui akan dahulu pada 2018.
lukan dua negeri itu diberikan kepada Sarawak. Sarawak Energy Katanya, beliau berjaya meyakinkan
‘mempersiapkan akan jadi pelaksana sebab pengalaman kita Menteri Kewangan, Menteri Ekonomi
diri’ terutamanya dari aspek pembangu- membina empat empangan hidroelektrik dan Menteri Kerja Raya untuk
nan sempadan dan meneroka jalinan di Sarawak,” katanya. mengembalikan semula projek itu,
Business-to-Business (B2B) antara kedua- Mengulas lanjut, Fadillah berkata tetapi dilaksanakan secara berper-
dua negara. menerusi lawatannya ke Indonesia, ingkat.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri datuk Seri negara pengeluar minyak sawit terbesar “Fasa satu projek itu akan meli-
Fadillah Yusof (gambar) berkata antara dunia baru-baru ini, antara perbincan- batkan kerja menaik taraf jalan
aspek pembangunan sempadan yang akan gan yang difokuskan ialah peluang bagi dua lorong dua hala dari bulatan Lok
diberi tumpuan ialah penambahbaikan meneroka industri huluan dan hiliran Kawi Heights ke hotel itu kepada empat
Kompleks Kastam, Imigresen dan Kuarantin terutamanya kelapa sawit antara kedua- lorong dua hala.
(CIQ) di sepanjang sempadan utama antara dua negara.
“Projek ini penting dan menjadi has-
Sabah, Sarawak dan Kalimantan, susulan “Kalimantan merupakan kawasan
rat saya seperti yang diamanatkan oleh
pembangunan Nusantara, ibu negara yang paling banyak ladang sebab tanah-
baharu Indonesia di Kalimantan Timur. nya besar, jadi ini peluang termasuklah masyarakat Papar dan pemimpin ter-

Adun Petagas keluar

“Pembangunan bandar-bandar di nanti bukan sahaja hiliran tapi juga dahulu seperti datuk Seri Abdul Rahim
sempadan Kalimantan, Sabah dan huluan dan bagaimana kita nak Ismail, datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid
AWANG Ahmad dan lain-lain pada sidang media itu.
Sarawak perlu dipercepatkan. Ini teruta- perkukuhkan hubungan dua negara Shirlin dan datuk Ghulam Haidar Khan

Warisan, sertai Gagasan

manya untuk tambah baik CIQ , jalan dalam konteks ini termasuklah logistik
menuju ke CIQ di sempadan-sempadan yang sedang kita perincikan “Saya dimaklumkan pada tahun ini
utama antara Sabah, Sarawak dan Kali- dengan Indonesia,” katanya. bahawa projek itu telah dipulihkan
mantan,” katanya dalam temu bual khas Sementara itu, beliau berkata Malaysia tetapi akan dijalankan secara berper-
dengan Bernama baru-baru ini. dan Indonesia mungkin sama-sama boleh ingkat, dengan fasa pertama untuk
Kementerian Kewangan sebelum ini merancang untuk membangunkan laluan menaik taraf sehingga 3.4km,” katanya
meluluskan peruntukan tambahan RM1 kereta api di sempadan Sarawak dan Kali- kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan
bilion bagi projek menaik taraf dan mantan, bagi mengangkut barangan Ricardo Unto gundi saya dan memberikan kemenan- majlis berkhatan beramai-ramai
membina infrastruktur yang lebih baik di dari Kalimantan ke Bintulu, menggu- KOTA KINABALU: Adun Parti Warisan gan kepada saya,” katanya. kepada 125 kanak-kanak dari Pantai
sepanjang sempadan Sarawak dan nakan kemudahan Pelabuhan Bintulu. (Warisan) di Petagas, datuk Awang Sebagai wakil rakyat, katanya, beliau Manis, di sini.
Sabah, terdiri daripada 1,881km yang “Mungkin Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh perlu mengambil tindakan praktikal. Acara tahunan itu dianjurkan oleh
Ahmad Sah Sahari mengumumkan
memisahkan Sarawak dan Sabah di bantu Kerajaan Sarawak untuk berunding Yayasan Murni dan pejabat MP Papar
keputusannya untuk meninggalkan “Pada masa sama, Ketua Menteri
Malaysia dan wilayah Kalimantan di dengan pihak Indonesia untuk menyedi- bersama Persatuan Pegawai Kesihatan
parti itu dan menyertai Parti Gagasan adalah seorang pemimpin yang baik.
Indonesia. akan jalan kereta api untuk kemudahan Papar.
Fadillah yang juga Menteri Perladan- mengangkut barangan dari Kalimantan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) diket- Oleh itu, ini adalah keputusan yang
uai Ketua Menteri, datuk Seri Hajiji mesti saya buat.” Armizan, yang juga ahli parlimen
gan dan Komoditi berkata aspek lain pergi ke Pelabuhan Bintulu, menggu-
Noor. Beliau mendedahkan bahawa dia Papar, berkata kerja menaik taraf jalan
yang turut diberi tumpuan ialah bagi nakan kemudahan Pelabuhan Bintulu.
“Saya telah memikirkan perkara ini bertemu Hajiji dua kali dengan yang sepanjang 3.4km itu akan menyele-
membina dan meneroka jalinan B2B agar “Sebab kalau ikut jaringan, jalan laut
interaksi ekonomi antara sempadan agak jauh, jadi itu boleh memudahkan selama tiga bulan sebelum saya memu- terakhir Jumaat lepas. saikan masalah kesesakan yang dialami
dapat diwujudkan bagi memenuhi Indonesia untuk eksport sebab Kaliman- tuskan untuk meninggalkan Parti “Semasa pertemuan itu, saya tidak oleh pemandu terutama pada waktu
keperluan kedua-dua negara. tan banyak sumber, jadi kalau kita dapat Warisan,” katanya dalam sidang media, bertanya kepadanya berapa banyak puncak.
Beliau berkata misalnya, disebabkan manfaatkan..boleh dibangunkan di sini, Isnin. wang yang dia boleh berikan kepada “Bajet awal telah diluluskan untuk
“dan saya mendengar suara para saya, atau jawatan apa yang boleh dia kerja awal termasuk mereka bentuk

Kementerian hasrat teroka pasaran

hubungan baik, Sarawak yang secara bersama dengan Indonesia,”
telah mengeksport tenaga elektrik ke katanya. – Bernama pemimpin di bahagian saya. Jadi, saya tawarkan kepada saya. semula laluan dan apabila ini siap
menelefon mereka termasuk mereka “Saya hanya bertanya kepadanya tahun ini, bajet penuh RM67 juta akan

pelancongan AS, Australia dan India

yang tidak mahu meninggalkan apakah rancangannya untuk Sabah, diberikan tahun depan untuk memu-
Warisan untuk berbincang. dan saya berpuas hati dengan jawapan- lakan projek itu,” katanya.
“Tidak ada keraguan dalam keputu- nya. Selepas itu, saya mengadakan Armizan berkata satu lagi projek
san saya kerana saya tidak melakukan- perbincangan lanjut dengan ketua pembangunan yang dibatalkan pada
nya sendiri… Saya boleh katakan bahagian,” katanya. 2018 oleh kerajaan terdahulu ialah
Sherell Jeffrey Christina berkata demikian selepas semua pemimpin bahagian sebulat Beliau juga berterima kasih kepada cadangan Kompleks Sukan Papar di
KOTA KINABALU: merasmikan pelancaran buku Mejar suara menyokong peralihan itu.” penyokongnya serta presiden Warisan Beringgis.
Kementerian Pelan- John Tulloch “The Borneo Graveyard, Untuk tujuan ini, beliau mengang- datuk Seri Shafie Apdal “kerana mele- Beliau berkata projek itu dicadan-
congan, Kebu- 1941 – 1945” di Hotel Hyatt Regency, di gap Petagas Warisan telah terkubur. takkan saya sebagai calon pilihan raya.” gkan kerana Papar merupakan satu-
dayaan dan Alam sini, Isnin. Beliau berkata, sukar untuk beliau “Keputusan saya dibuat demi satunya daerah yang tidak mempunyai
Sekitar berhasrat Beliau turut berkata bahawa dia meninggalkan Warisan, tetapi “saya kepentingan orang dalam fikiran saya.” kompleks sukan
untuk meneroka akan bertemu dengan Mayor datuk mesti mengambil kira sentimen rakyat Awang Ahmad juga berkata beliau “Saya telah memajukan perkara ini
pasaran pelancon- Noorliza Awang Alip mengenai pelan dan pemikiran kepimpinan bahagian berada di Kuala Lumpur kira-kira 10 kepada Menteri Belia dan Sukan Han-
gan Amerika, Australia dan India selain induk pengindahan bandaraya itu ker- mengenai situasi kami.” hari lalu bersama pemimpin Warisan nah Yeoh supaya projek Kompleks
pasaran sedia ada, Eropah ana ia berfungsi sebagai pintu masuk “Apa yang lebih penting ialah pen- lain, termasuk Shafie. Sukan Papar dapat diutamakan,” tam-
“Kami secara tradisinya melihat ke ke Sabah. bahnya.

Kanak-kanak, 12, maut jatuh dari tingkap hotel

gundi saya kerana mereka yang men- Lihat muka 2
dalam pasaran Eropah, London dan Jer- Ia akan menjadi satu pembaharuan
man, tetapi tahun ini, kami berhasrat yang ketara dan beliau menggesa pihak
untuk melihat ke Los Angeles di AS, berkuasa berkaitan untuk mula meran-
Australia dan India, yang pantas men- cang perkara itu, tahun ini.
jadi pasaran pelancongan penting,” “Terdapat banyak perkara yang
kata Menterinya, datuk Christina Liew perlu kita tangani dari segi titik panas, KOTA KINABALU: Seorang kanak- 14 ke kawasan beranda di tingkat lima bawah. Mangsa disahkan meninggal
(gambar). kebersihan dan perancangan,” tambah- kanak lelaki berusia 12 tahun maut hotel tersebut. dunia di tempat kejadian oleh pihak
Beliau berkata terdapat banyak nya. apabila terjatuh dari tingkap di Menurutnya pihak JBPM menerima Kementerian Kesihatan.
perkara yang perlu dilakukan, terma- “Kami telah memulakan mesyuarat, tingkat 14 sebuah hotel di Bandaraya panggilan mengenai kejadian itu pada “Seterusnya diserahkan kepada
suk menyasarkan untuk memban- dan apa yang saya faham, mereka telah Kota Kinabalu di sini, pagi Isnin. 6.44 pagi sebelum tujuh anggota pihak polis untuk tindakan selanjut-
gunkan perniagaan pelancongan menyiapkan draf yang kami bin- Jurucakap Pusat Gerakan Operasi, dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Kota nya. Operasi ditamatkan pada 7.53
Sabah dan membawa lebih ramai cangkan dua minggu lalu. Mereka lam- Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Kinabalu bersama jentera ke tempat pagi,” katanya.
pelancong, semasa lawatan rasminya bat laun akan datang untuk mereka Malaysia (JBPM) Sabah ketika kejadian bagi memberikan bantuan. Katanya identiti mangsa masih
selama seminggu ke Jerman dan Lon- bentuk draf itu,” katanya. dihubungi memberitahu siasatan awal “Pasukan Bomba menjalankan dalam proses untuk dikenal pasti. –
don minggu depan. Lihat muka 2 mendapati mangsa jatuh dari tingkat operasi membawa turun mangsa ke Bernama
2 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

Pembeli PR1MA Ranggu dapat Kos bahan api, cabaran infrastruktur

tentukan kadar tarif elektrik di Sabah
kunci rumah sebelum Aidilfitri KUALA LUMPUR: Kadar tarif elektrik di
Sabah akan bergantung kepada faktor kos
bahan api dan cabaran infrastruktur pem-
bangunan bekalan elektrik di negeri itu,
Lagatah Toyos kata Menteri Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar
TAWAU: Sekitar 1, 300 pembeli unit rumah dan Perubahan Iklim, Nik Nazmi Nik
di Taman PR1MA Ranggu yang sebelum ini Ahmad.
berdepan isu Sijil Menduduki (OC) Beliau berkata ketika ini, adalah agak
dijangka menerima kunci rumah sebelum mustahil bagi kerajaan Persekutuan,
Hari Raya Aidilfitri tahun ini, kata Pem- mahu pun kerajaan negeri memberi
bantu Menteri kepada Ketua Menteri, sebarang jaminan berhubung kadar tarif
datuk Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan. berkenaan, setelah proses penyerahan Bagaimanapun Nik Nazmi berkata,
Jangkaan itu dibuat susulan penyera- kuasa kawal selia pembekalan elektrik ketika ini, kerajaan Persekutuan sudah
han Sijil Layak Menduduki (OC) oleh kepada negeri itu selesai kelak. pun memberi subsidi yang besar untuk
pihak Majlis Perbandaran Tawau (MPT) “Pembangunan bekalan elektrik di Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), misal-
kepada wakil pemaju – syarikat Prinsip Sabah yang sebagaimana kita tahu berde- nya pada 2021 sebanyak RM711 juta, yang
Hasil Sdn Bhd (PHSB) – di Bilik Gerakan pan cabaran khususnya di Pantai Timur merangkumi RM368 juta untuk subsidi
MPT, pada Isnin. kerana tidak mempunyai infrastruktur bahan api, subsidi solar (RM310 juta) dan
OC itu disampaikan presiden MPT, sumber tenaga bahan api sebagaimana subsidi sokongan tarif sebanyak RM32.4
Joseph Pang kepada wakil pemaju, Rifkiy ada di Pantai Barat Sabah,” katanya ketika juta.
Maring yang bertindak sebagai konsultan menjawab soalan tambahan datuk Ali Bantuan kewangan itu, membolehkan
pengurusan (Construction Management Biju (PN-Saratok) di dewan Rakyat pada SESB mengekalkan tarif asas di Sabah
Consultant - CMC), disaksikan Nizam dan Isnin. pada kadar 34.52 sen/kWj, satu tarif yang
JOSEPH (kedua dari kanan) menyerahkan OC Taman PR1MA Ranggu
Adun Balung, datuk Hamild Awang serta Ali ingin tahu langkah-langkah diam- rendah berbanding Semenanjung,
kepada Rifkiy, disaksikan Nizam, Hamild, Rahim serta yang lain.
pemilik PHSB, Rahim Larry Koh. bil kerajaan untuk memastikan pengguna katanya. Pada 20 Jan lepas, Perdana
Menurut Nizam, majlis penyerahan OC elektrik di Sabah tidak akan Menteri datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
itu dilihat dapat memberi kelegaan dikenakan tarif lebih tinggi dan terbeban mengumumkan penyerahan kuasa kawal
Hamild memberi komitmen untuk mem- serta kepimpinan terdahulu yang
kepada para pembeli rumah yang resah akibat penyerahan kawal selia elektrik selia pembekalan elektrik negeri Sabah
bantu mereka supaya dapat memasuki mahukan sebuah perumahan mampu

Sabah keempat tertinggi

kerana telah mula menjelaskan bayaran tersebut dan jaminan kerajaan untuk kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah ditetapkan
rumah sebelum Hari Raya nanti dan hari milik dan murah tetapi berkualiti dapat terus membantu pengguna di negeri itu. pada 1 Januari 2024. – Bernama
ansuran rumah menerusi potongan gaji, ini terbukti (isu selesai) apabila OC yang diwujudkan untuk penduduk tempatan

pembalakan haram tahun lepas

namun, masih belum dapat mendiami sangat diharapkan pembeli, menjadi daerah ini.
unit masing-masing. kenyataan dengan penyerahan dokumen Pihaknya gembira kerana isu berkaitan
Pada masa sama, beliau berharap pihak itu,” katanya. Taman PR1MA Ranggu akhirnya dapat dis-
pemaju akan terus bertanggungjawab Beliau turut menzahirkan penghar- elesaikan atas komitmen semua pihak,
untuk memastikan segala kerosakan kecil gaan kepada MPT selaku pihak berkuasa khususnya Nizam, Hamild dan Joseph
termasuk jalan raya, lampu dan isu-isu tempatan yang bertanggungjawab serta pihak-pihak berkaitan lain.
teknikal dapat diperbaiki. memastikan keadaan perumahan dalam Beliau berharap, para pembeli unit SEBANYAK 90 kes pembalakan haram Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung
“Perkara ini amat penting bagi memas- keadaan baik sebelum mengeluarkan OC. rumah tersebut akan gembira tinggal di telah direkodkan di seluruh negara pada Malaysia (JPSM), Jabatan Perhutanan
tikan tidak timbul isu atau aduan dari- Katanya, OC tersebut hanya dikelu- perumahan itu dan menikmati kualiti 2022 dengan Sarawak mencatatkan jum- Sabah dan Jabatan Hutan Sarawak turut
pada para pembeli sehingga arkan MPT selepas pihak pemaju hidup lebih baik. lah tertinggi iaitu 60 kes, dewan Rakyat mengambil pendekatan penggunaan
menyusahkan semua pihak, ”katanya memenuhi segala syarat dan peraturan Sebelum ini, pembeli unit rumah diberitahu. beberapa teknologi bagi mengatasi
kepada media selepas majlis penyerahan Menteri Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar dan masalah pembalakan haram.
ditetapkan untuk melindungi para pem- terbabit yang majoriti kakitangan kera-
OC Taman PR1MA Ranggu yang mula dib- Perubahan Iklim Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad Beliau berkata teknologi itu antaranya
beli rumah serta mereka berpuas hati den- jaan dan pesara kerajaan, mengadakan
ina pada 2019. berkata 11 kes lagi telah direkodkan di adalah sistem Forest Monitoring using
gan keadaan rumah yang dibina. dua siri demonstrasi aman kerana
Mengulas lanjut, Nizam yang juga Perak, diikuti Kelantan (10 kes), Sabah Remote Sensing (FMRS) di Semenanjung,
Sementara itu, Rahim berkata, pihaknya tertekan kerana belum dapat mendiami (empat kes), Selangor (dua kes) serta sistem Continuous Monitoring of Surveil-
Adun Apas berkata, pihak jawatankuasa akan memastikan semua perkara dan isu- unit-unit yang mereka dibeli kerana MPT masing-masing satu kes di Johor, Negeri lance (COMOS) di Sarawak serta sistem
bertindak pembeli perumahan itu ada isu berbangkit dalam keadaan baik belum mengeluarkan OC. Sembilan dan Pahang. aplikasi iForSabah di Sabah dalam aspek
bertemu beliau semasa pembeli terbabit sebelum proses penyerahan kunci rumah Mereka juga tertekan kerana ada pem- “Penjenayah yang melakukan kesala- pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan hutan
mengadakan demonstrasi aman pada Pil- kepada para pembeli dilakukan dalam dua beli telah mula dipotong gaji untuk mem- han tersebut telah didakwa di bawah di negara ini.
ihan Raya Umum (PRU) lalu yang mem- atau tiga minggu lagi. bayar balik pinjaman bank sejak 2017 dan Akta Perhutanan Negara 1984 (Akta 313) “Sistem ini menggunakan teknologi
inta pemimpin Tawau membantu Menurutnya, projek tersebut meru- membayar sewa rumah yang diduduki di Semenanjung Malaysia, Ordinan Geographic Information System (GIS), pen-
menyelesaikan isu. pakan inisiatif bekas Adun Apas, Allah- menyebabkan kos perbelanjaan keluarga

Arthur harap k’jaan negeri setuju Esscom

Hutan 2015 (Bab 71) di Sarawak dan deriaan jarak jauh dan imej satelit beres-
“Pada November lepas, saya serta YB yarham datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan meningkat. Enakmen Hutan 1968 (Sabah No. 2 Tahun olusi tinggi yang boleh mengesan
1968) di Sabah,” katanya pada sesi soal sebarang perubahan dalam kawasan

Sook dinaik taraf daerah penuh tahan 14

jawab. Hutan Simpanan Kekal (HSK).
Beliau menjawab soalan Che Alias “Sistem ini membantu pasukan ron-
Hamid (PN-Kemaman) yang ingin tahu daan dan operasi penguatkuasaan untuk

kadar kes pembalakan haram di setiap membanteras aktiviti kesalahan hutan di
negeri sejak 2022 serta keberkesanan lapangan dengan maklumat lokasi yang
penggunaan teknologi baharu seperti lebih spesifik.

Filipina di
dron dapat mengurangkan aktiviti pem- “Selain itu, teknologi seperti dron juga
Johan Aziz penyampaian perkhidmatan lebih fokus,
balakan haram. digunakan bagi membantu memban-
KENINGAU: Timbalan daerah Kecil Sook perlu dinaik taraf
kepada daerah penuh supaya Pegawai dalam pada itu, Nik Nazmi berkata teras jenayah hutan melalui pemantauan
Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan

Semporna Ahli Parlimen Kapar mohon maaf

Kementerian Sumber Asli, Alam Sekitar udara di lokasi-lokasi tertentu,” katanya.
Inovasi, datuk Arthur Joseph daerah mempunyai kuasa penuh untuk
dan Perubahan Iklim (NRECC) melalui – Bernama
Kurup (gambar), berharap membuat keputusan rasmi.
kerajaan negeri bersetuju “Pada masa ini terdapat 22 agensi kera-
untuk menaik taraf daerah jaan yang beroperasi di daerah Kecil Sook
Kecil Sook sebagai daerah penuh. dan ini akan bertambah dengan keperluan
“Saya berharap Kabinet Negeri dapat penduduk serta urusan pentadbiran di AHLI Parlimen Kapar dr Halimah Ali pada imbang kerajaan Madani, biar integriti,
memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya dan sini,” katanya. LAHAd dATU: Kawasan Keselamatan Isnin memohon maaf berikutan keny- bukankah itu peranan hakiki.
meluluskan saranan untuk menaik taraf Beliau memberitahu Sook mempunyai Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (Esscom) mena- ataan beliau berhubung Menu Rahmah di “Selaku wakil rakyat, suara rakyat yang
daerah Kecil Sook sebagai daerah penuh. potensi ekonomi yang sangat luas dari- han 14 warga Filipina daripada 1,555 indi- dewan Rakyat sebelum ini mengelirukan diwakili, sudi kiranya rujuk penyata rasmi
“Saya percaya sekiranya perkara ini pada pelbagai sektor termasuk perladan- vidu yang diperiksa dalam tujuh hari dan disalah erti. muka surat 134 hingga 137 pada 14 Febru-
dapat direalisasikan, ia akan memudahkan gan dan pertanian. Operasi Bersepadu sejak 20 Februari Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen daripada ari,” katanya. dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen (PH-
lagi perancangan dan pelaksanaan pem- Menurutnya, kini daerah Kecil Sook lepas di Semporna, kata Komandernya Perikatan Nasional mencuri tumpuan apa- Bandar Kuching) sebelum ini
bangunan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat di menyumbang sekitar RM700 juta setahun datuk Hamzah Ahmad. bila menyampaikan pernyataan maaf membangkitkan isu berkenaan mengikut
kawasan Parlimen Pensiangan serta kepada ekonomi dan ini akan meningkat Beliau berkata sepanjang tempoh itu dalam bentuk gurindam sebelum sesi per- Peraturan Mesyuarat 36 (12), susulan
menyumbang kepada pembangunan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang 102 individu ditahan bagi tujuan doku- bahasan Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan kenyataan yang dibuat Halimah pada 14
ekonomi dan kesejahteraan negeri Sabah,” berlaku. mentasi dan kemudian 14 warga Filipina 2023 bermula. Feb lepas ketika membahaskan Usul Men-
Beliau berkata, kedudukan strategik berumur antara 17 hingga 47 tahun dita- “Kalau ada jarum peniti, jangan disim- junjung Kasih Titah diraja yang men-
katanya dalam kenyataan di sini, Isnin.
kawasan Sook yang berada di laluan utama han atas kesalahan di bawah Akta Imi- pan di dalam peti, andai ada ucapan dis- gaitkan Menu Rahmah dengan beberapa
Arthur turut mengalu-alukan dapatan
projek pembangunan di kawasan Parli- gresen 1959/63 (Pindaan 2002), alah erti, saya menyusun 10 jari, niat di penyakit terutamanya kanser, autoim-

‘Perlu bertemu semua sektor

kajian yang dibentangkan Institut Kajian hati suara rakyat saya juarai, semak mune (diseases) dan autisme. – Bernama
Pembangunan (IdS) Sabah yang mengesy- men Pensiangan seperti jalan Sinaron ke Peraturan-Peraturan Imigresen 1963 dan
orkan agar daerah Kecil Sook dinaik taraf Linayukan, Tongod dan juga laluan ke Akta Pasport 1966.

berkaitan tentukan sasaran ketibaan’

kepada daerah penuh. sempadan Kalimantan di Pensiangan akan “Sebanyak 440 rumah termasuk pon-
Katanya, Mukim Sook sememangnya membuka lebih banyak peluang dan dohan (pondok kecil) diperiksa di 11
dekat di hati dan sejarah penciptaan limpahan ekonomi di kawasan itu. lokasi antaranya Pulau Bum Bum serta
mukim itu merupakan satu perjuangan Sehubungan itu, katanya, Kerajaan gugusan Pulau Bodgaya dan Bohey
yang disedari pada 1989 oleh bapanya, Tan perlu menyediakan pentadbiran kukuh dulang oleh Bahagian Penguat kuasa
yang dapat merealisasikan potensi Pejabat daerah Semporna, Majlis Dari muka depan Kota Kinabalu masing-masing pada 2 dan
Sri Joseph Kurup untuk memberikan
ekonomi di kawasan Sook. daerah Semporna dan Jabatan Tenaga Bagi ketibaan pelancong yang disas- 3 Mac, akan berjalan mengikut perancan-
perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada
“Pembangunan di sekitar kawasan Sook Kerja. arkan, Christina berkata beliau tidak boleh gan.
masyarakat sekitar di kawasan luar bandar
sedang giat dijalankan dan ini termasuk Pemotongan sambungan haram elek- memberikan bilangan ketibaan pelancong “Kami akan pergi ke China dengan STB
seperti Mukim Sook, Tulid, Lanas dan
pembangunan infrastruktur yang telah trik rampasan 110 kilogram kabel elek- yang disasarkan sehingga beliau bertemu untuk bertemu dengan syarikat penerban-
diusahakan sebelum ini seperti kemuda- trik turut dilakukan pihak Sabah dengan semua sektor berkaitan. gan utama di sana, termasuk Shanghai Air-
“Sekarang sebagai Ahli Parlimen Pen-
han pendidikan sekolah rendah dan Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) selain pen- “Setakat ini, saya telah berjumpa Muz- lines, Spring Airlines, Xiamen Airlines;
siangan yang turut menjaga Mukim Sook,
menengah, balai bomba, pembinaan ste- guatkuasaan saman dan kompaun oleh ium Sabah, Jabatan Hidupan Liar, Lembaga semua ini datang dalam penerbangan
menjadi tekad saya untuk memper-
sen janakuasa Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd majlis daerah, di samping 316 kenderaan Pelancongan Sabah (STB), dan Jabatan Per- persendirian dari China,” katanya.
juangkan mukim ini menjadi daerah
(SESB) di pekan Sook dan yang lain. diperiksa dengan 76 keping saman lalu lindungan Alam Sekitar untuk memahami Beliau juga menyokong idea penerban-
penuh demi menjamin pembangunan dan
“Aktiviti pembangunan yang meng- lintas dikeluarkan,” katanya dalam satu isu tersebut. gan sewa khas dari bandar-bandar per-
kesejahteraan serta kebajikan penduduk
galakkan ketika ini turut menyokong kenyataan di sini pada Isnin. “Selepas kami mendapat segala-galanya, ingkat kedua di China yang mencadangkan
di kawasan Sook mendapat perhatian yang
daerah Kecil Sook untuk dinaik taraf Hamzah dalam pada itu berkata Ess- kami akan mula merancang. Perancangan Persatuan Ejen Pelancongan dan Pelancon-
lebih tertumpu,” katanya.
kepada daerah penuh. Pekan Sook juga com mempergiatkan usaha bagi memas- untuk mengindahkan Kota Kinabalu telah gan Sabah (Satta).
Arthur berkata, antara faktor yang
harus menjadi pusat pentadbiran utama tikan persekitaran sejagat Zon Selamat pun bermula,” katanya. “Kami terbuka asalkan semuanya
diberi perhatian khusus dalam kajian yang

Wira Warisan nyata

daerah ini pada masa hadapan,” katanya. Timur Sabah (Esszone) selamat dan ter- Beliau menambah bahawa penyambun- mematuhi undang-undang. Antara lain,
dibentangkan IdS Sabah ialah kawasan
Arthur berkata, itu antara faktor yang jamin. gan semula penerbangan antarabangsa kami sendiri perlu menaik taraf kemuda-
Sook mempunyai bilangan penduduk dan
diambil kira dalam kajian IdS Sabah dan Sementara itu beliau berharap AirAsia dari Shenzhen dan Guangzhou ke han termasuk lapangan terbang,” katanya.
kawasan penempatan yang semakin
keputusan menunjukkan daerah Kecil masyarakat dapat menyalurkan

hasrat keluar parti

Katanya, faktor ini merupakan bebanan Sook kini lebih layak untuk dinaik taraf maklumat membabitkan sebarang
kerja bagi daerah Keningau dan secara kepada daerah penuh. insiden dalam kawasan Esszone dengan
tidak langsung menimbulkan risiko Menurutnya, tinjauan IdS Sabah juga menghubungi Pusat Operasi Esscom di
kepada penyampaian perkhidmatan mendapati majoriti penduduk Mukim talian 089-863181 atau melalui

Banjir kilat di Lahad Datu

berkualiti. Sook menyokong Sook dinaik taraf kepada aplikasi WhatsApp 011-63311072. –
“Bagi membolehkan pentadbiran dan daerah penuh. Bernama

Dari muka depan Pengumumannya dibuat tiga minggu

“Bagaimanapun, saya tidak bercakap selepas Adun Kunak Norazlinah Arif,
mengenai keluar parti kerana saya belum Mohammad Mohamarin dari Banggi dan
membuat keputusan lagi pada masa itu,” Ben Chong dari Tanjong Kapor mengu-
Azmie Lim turun tanpa henti, dia telah menghantar katanya. mumkan keputusan mereka untuk
LAHAd dATU: Hujan lebat sejak pagi Isnin anggotanya untuk memantau keadaan di Bagi Petagas, katanya, pihaknya telah meninggalkan parti.
mengakibatkan banjir kilat di beberapa kawasan berisiko banjir dan air mula naik mengupah beberapa kontraktor dan Sehingga kini, Warisan telah kehilangan
kawasan di daerah ini. kira-kira jam 5.30 petang. jurutera untuk mengkaji projek bagi 10 Adun, dan parti itu kini mempunyai 15
Pegawai Angkatan Pertahanan Awam “Kami akan terus memantau keadaan menyelesaikan masalah banjir di kawasan Adun dari 79 kerusi dewan Undangan
(APM) Lahad datu, Lt. (PA) Asby Mohd dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya jika itu. Negeri.
Anwar berkata, antara kawasan yang keadaan bertambah buruk,” katanya dalam sidang media itu, beberapa Sementara itu, pada sidang media yang
terjejas ialah Batu 1, Batu 5, Kampung kepada Harian Ekspres. pemimpin Wira Warisan turut menyatakan sama, Ketua PBRS Tanjung Aru Noran Addy
Cocos, Pan Borneo Bypass dan beberapa Asby mengingatkan orang ramai di hasrat untuk keluar parti termasuk Tim- Sukiran mengumumkan bahawa seluruh

SALAH satu kawasan

kawasan Segama, Singgamata serta Jalan kawasan rendah supaya sentiasa bersiap balan Ketua Wira Ismail Sabran. bahagian telah memutuskan untuk keluar

yang dilanda banjir kilat.

Silabukan. sedia untuk menghadapi sebarang kemu- Awang Ahmad adalah Bendahari Agung parti dan memberi sokongan kepada
Asby berkata, berikutan hujan yang ngkinan. Warisan dan ketua parti itu di Putatan. Gagasan Rakyat dan Kerajaan Negeri.
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 Tempatan 3

Kerajaan perlu pertimbang

keunikan Sabah: MNC
KOTA KINABALU: Kongres Menurutnya, ia juga amat perlu untuk
Momogun Nasional (MNC) Kerajaan Persekutuan menyediakan

Jasa warga emas dihargai

MASIDI (tengah), Jimmy dan yang lain memotong
menyokong penuh Belan- langkah-langkah lebih langsung dan nyata
kek sempena sambutan Hari Warga Emas.
jawan Negara 2023 yang bagi menangani isu-isu jurang ekonomi
dibentangkan Perdana dan sosial yang berlarutan antara Seme-
Menteri merangkap nanjung Malaysia dan Sabah.
Menteri Kewangan datuk Ini termasuk jurang harga dan kos sara
Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 24 Feb lepas. hidup, perbezaan kualiti dan tahap infra-
Clarence Dol Emas setiap tahun, dan ini perlu dicontohi MNC menyifatkannya sebagai pelan tin- struktur serta kemudahan, kadar kemiski-
RANAU: Warga emas harus sentiasa dihor- oleh golongan lain. dakan strategik yang proaktif, berpaksikan nan yang teruk terutamanya di luar bandar
mati sebagai sebahagian penting dari- Masidi yang juga Adun Karanaan perniagaan dan rakyat, berkonsepkan kese- bangan dan kejayaan perniagaan dan Sabah, kekurangan peluang dan prospek
pada masyarakat, memandangkan berkata demikian ketika berucap meras- jahteraan dan kemakmuran negara sebagai keusahawanan tempatan berskala kecil,” pekerjaan yang menjurus kepada kadar
pengalaman luas mereka dalam kehidu- mikan Hari Warga Emas Hakka Ranau dan terasnya. katanya dalam satu kenyataan pada Isnin. pengangguran tinggi dalam kalangan
pan serta jasa mereka dalam membina Jamuan Makan Malam yang diadakan di Presiden MNC Tan Sri Wences Angang Untuk merealisasikan objektif Malaysia belia tempatan, serta nasib golongan B40
masyarakat masa lalu. dewan Hakka Ranau pada Ahad. (gambar) berkata Belanjawan 2023 Madani serta semangat Perjanjian Malaysia di Sabah.
Menteri Kewangan Sabah, datuk Seri Sementara itu, Presiden Persatuan meliputi setiap sektor dan komuniti, dan 1963 (MA63), Wences mengulangi keper- “Bantuan berterusan mesti disalurkan
Masidi Manjun berkata rakyat Malaysia Hakka Ranau, datuk Jimmy Tham Yuk benar-benar mencerminkan tema Malaysia luan untuk Kerajaan Persekutuan memper- kepada orang asal Sabah dari segi memper-
hari ini dapat menikmati kemakmuran Leong berkata, acara itu bertujuan Madani. timbangkan keperluan Sabah yang unik tingkat dan menaik taraf produktiviti serta
masa kini, berkat keputusan dan kebijak- mengiktiraf dan menghargai jasa warga “MNC juga memuji inisiatif Perdana dan berbeza apabila memperuntukkan kualiti hidup mereka.
sanaan mereka yang kini merupakan emas dalam menjadikan generasi Menteri untuk memberi penekanan khusus dana di mana konsep satu saiz-sesuai- “Lebih banyak boleh dilakukan untuk
warga emas. sekarang lebih matang dan menikmati kepada keperluan infrastruktur Sabah den- semua pasti tidak berlaku. meningkatkan lagi kehidupan dan mata
“Sehubungan itu, adalah penting kehidupan lebih baik. gan peruntukan RM6.5 bilion untuk pem- “dari segi keluasan tanah, Sabah setara pencarian mereka seperti memastikan
untuk kita sentiasa mengingati dan meng- dalam majlis itu, Masidi turut mengu- bangunan infrastruktur di wilayah ini. dengan kira-kira 60 peratus Semenanjung akses lebih baik kepada pendidikan tinggi,
hargai warga emas yang banyak berjasa mumkan dan memperuntukkan “Ini sememangnya satu peruntukan Malaysia dengan 11 negerinya, namun kual- dan menyediakan lebih banyak peluang
kepada kita semua sama ada dalam per- RM10,000 kepada persatuan itu sambil yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu dan dialu- iti dan tahap infrastruktur jauh lebih rendah untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pembe-
satuan, keluarga dan masyarakat,” menjanjikan perbincangan lanjut dengan alukan untuk pembinaan, penyeleng- di Malaysia Timur dengan beban tambahan lajaran dan pendidikan berasaskan TVET
katanya. persatuan berkenaan hasrat mereka untuk garaan dan penaiktarafan sistematik kos sara hidup yang lebih tinggi,” katanya. bagi membangun dan memupuk kemahi-
Menurut Masidi, sambutan Hari Warga memasang lif di bangunan Hakka Ranau infrastruktur serta kemudahan di Sabah Wences mencadangkan peruntukan ran insaniah dan kemahiran vokasional,
Emas merupakan satu lagi cara untuk untuk manfaat warga emas. bagi memastikan landskap infrastruktur bajet tahunan untuk Sabah harus dis- seiring dengan serangan pantas teknologi
menghargai ibu bapa yang telah banyak Beliau dan Jimmy turut mengagihkan kita setanding dengan seluruh Malaysia. alurkan terus kepada Kerajaan Negeri bagi dan pendigitalan.
berkorban untuk membesarkan anak- angpau kepada kira-kira 50 warga emas “MNC yakin inisiatif kerajaan menyedi- memastikan negeri menerima jumlah “Sehubungan itu, selaras dengan
anak mereka, memberi mereka pen- pada majlis itu. akan sokongan berterusan kepada perusa- penuh yang diperuntukkan. Malaysia Madani dan keperluan untuk
didikan dan juga menjadikan mereka Turut hadir Adun dilantik, datuk haan mikro, kecil dan sederhana (PMKS), “Keadaan sekarang ini memerlukan membantu orang asal, MNC menggesa
insan berguna kepada keluarga dan Amisah Yassin; Ketua Pemuda Parti Soli- benteng ekonomi negara, dengan RM1.7 sebarang jumlah tidak dibelanjakan dalam peruntukan khas sebanyak RM20 juta dari-
masyarakat sekeliling. dariti Sabah Tanah Airku (StarSabah), bilion diperuntukkan untuk pembangu- peruntukan Belanjawan tahunan untuk pada Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk pelak-
di Ranau, beliau berkata Persatuan Kong Soon Choi; UPPM Paginatan, Hisya- nan PKS pada 2023, khususnya dalam aspek Sabah, dikembalikan kepada Kerajaan sanaan program dan inisiatif
Hakka Ranau adalah antara kumpulan muddin Harun, dan Penolong Pegawai seperti peningkatan kapasiti dan pendigi- Persekutuan, bermakna hanya 60 peratus pembangunan untuk memberi manfaat
yang sentiasa menyambut Hari Warga daerah, Hasinin Kinsim. talan untuk perniagaan. hingga 70 peratus daripada peruntukan kepada masyarakat Momogun yang terdiri
“Kerangka sokongan ini merupakan digunakan sepenuhnya setiap tahun,” daripada subkumpulan dusunik, Murutik

KPKM teruskan Belanjawan 2023 pacu kemajuan

petanda baik untuk pemupukan, pengem- katanya. dan Paitanik,” katanya.

subsidi telur negeri: Persatuan Pengguna

ayam hingga Jun Noor Zafira Zayn bangunkan bandar-bandar bersempadan
KOTA KINABALU: Persat- dengan Kalimantan, Indonesia seperti Kal-
PUTRAJAYA: Kementerian Pertanian dan uan Pengguna Bijak Pan- abakan di Sabah, serta Ba’kelalan di
Keterjaminan Makanan (KPKM) akan tai Barat Sabah optimis Sarawak dengan kos RM1 bilion.
meneruskan penyediaan subsidi bagi telur proses pembangunan “Bandar-bandar bersempadan ini akan
ayam sehingga Jun 2023 melibatkan kos dan kemajuan Sabah dan menjadi pintu masuk kepada rakyat
sebanyak RM1.28 bilion. Sarawak mampu dipacu Indonesia, khususnya selepas perpinda-
KPKM dalam kenyataan Isnin memak- dengan lebih berkesan, dengan perun- han ibu negara Indonesia ke Kalimantan.
lumkan, kerajaan melalui mesyuarat tukan besar RM6.5 bilion dan RM5.6 bilion “dengan adanya kemudahan prasarana

Terlalu ramai belia muflis

Jemaah Menteri mencapai kata sepakat melalui pembentangan Belanjawan 2023. lengkap dan kemudahan bersesuaian
untuk meneruskan penyediaan subsidi Presidennya, david Chan berkata, pasti memajukan bandar-bandar sem-
bagi telur ayam itu pada 17 Feb lepas. pengumuman Perdana Menteri datuk Seri padan sekali gus membuka peluang
“Langkah ini diambil demi memas- Anwar Ibrahim pada Jumaat lalu mampu pekerjaan dan ekonomi penduduk setem-
tikan bekalan telur ayam dalam negara memberi manfaat besar kepada rakyat pat,” katanya.
kekal stabil, sementara kajian mengenai kedua-dua negeri. david berkata, kerajaan juga diharap
mekanisme dan dasar penyaluran subsidi Menurut beliau, adalah diharapkan menyediakan sebahagian peruntukan bagi
GABUNGAN Persatuan-Persatuan Peng- 47 peratus pekerja muda terlalu banyak secara bersasar dapat dimuktamadkan
guna Malaysia (Fomca) amat menghargai berhutang. dengan peruntukan berkenaan dapat menambah sumber makanan serta
dalam tempoh masa terdekat,” menurut merapatkan lagi jurang perbezaan kema- mengekang harga barang daripada terus
usaha Menteri Belia dan Sukan Hannah Satu lagi kajian ke atas pekerja muda kenyataan itu. Menurut KPKM, keperluan
Yeoh dalam mengetengah dan komited berumur 20 hingga 40 yang tinggal di juan antara Semenanjung dengan Sabah meningkat. Katanya, rakyat hari ini
untuk membawa masuk telur ayam dari dan Sarawak. tertekan dengan harga barangan makanan
untuk menyelesaikan isu kemuflisan kawasan perumahan awam, luar negara juga akan dikaji semula sete-
belia. Fomca sudah lama menyokong mendedahkan bahawa: “Apa yang penting melalui Belanjawan dan perkhidmatan yang terus meningkat.
lah bekalan telur ayam kembali stabil. 2023 adalah proses membela nasib rakyat “Seharusnya ada disediakan pelan tin-
keperluan pemerkasaan kewangan l 88.9 peratus membuat pembayaran “Inisiatif membawa masuk telur ayam
dalam kalangan belia negara. bil lewat; dengan menaik taraf pelbagai kemuda- dakan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek
dari sumber luar merupakan langkah han dan prasarana asas seperti jalan raya, bagi menangani isu berkenaan.
Antara 2018 dan 2022, daripada 48,791 l 48.9 peratus dilaporkan perlu mem- sementara bagi memastikan bekalan telur
individu yang diisytiharkan muflis, 22 injam wang untuk membeli barangan bekalan elektrik, air bersih dan capaian “Kita menerima baik inisiatif yang dise-
ayam dalam negara kekal stabil dan tidak internet. diakan oleh kerajaan melalui Belanjawan
peratus berumur di bawah 34 tahun man- asas; terputus,” katanya.
akala 37.5 peratus berumur antara 35 dan l 61.1peratus tidak mempunyai wang “Kita harap peruntukan besar ini 2023, khususnya bagi membantu golon-
KPKM berkata pihaknya sentiasa mampu melonjakkan lagi kemajuan gan petani, pekebun getah, belia, wanita
44 tahun; secara keseluruhannya 57.5 per- yang cukup untuk ubat-ubatan; memantau keperluan bekalan telur ayam
atus muflis berada di bawah usia 44 l 19.4 peratus menghadapi prosedur negeri sekali gus membolehkan aktiviti dan usahawan PMKS.
dalam pasaran, dan terus berusaha den- ekonomi khususnya di kawasan luar ban- “Kita berharap golongan sasar ini
tahun – satu isu yang amat membim- muflis. gan pelbagai pendekatan bagi menjamin
bangkan. Menariknya, kajian AFC juga men- dar menjadi lebih rancak,” katanya. memanfaatkan sebaik mungkin bantuan

PBPM Lahad Datu komited jaga kebajikan ahli

bekalan telur ayam dalam negara stabil Beliau turut mengalu-alukan perun- yang diberikan dan ia diagihkan kepada
Namun, mungkin itu bukan masanya eroka hubungan antara pengetahuan seperti sedia kala. – Bernama
kita harus mula menangani kemuflisan kewangan dan jumlah perbelanjaan. Ia tukan yang akan digunakan bagi mem- sasaran yang sepatutnya,” ujar beliau.
belia. mendapati bahawa mereka yang keku-
Sebelum diisytiharkan muflis, rangan pengetahuan kewangan membe-
sebelum dibelenggu hutang, terdapat lanjakan 84 peratus daripada
satu lagi agensi yang boleh digunakan pendapatan mereka dan menyimpan
oleh pengguna untuk mendapatkan ban- atau melabur selebihnya, manakala Azmie Lim Agung PBPM Lahad datu ke-3. iti-aktiviti yang digerakkan oleh persat-
tuan: Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan mereka yang mempunyai pengetahuan LAHAd dATU: Persatuan Bekas Polis Mesyuarat berkenaan dirasmikan oleh uan, Ismail berharap pihak kerajaan serta
Hutang (AKPK) yang menyediakan kewangan baik hanya membelanjakan 64 Malaysia (PBPM) Lahad datu komited Kassim Sulaiman yang mewakili Tim- pemimpin dapat membantu dengan
perkhidmatan kaunseling kewangan dan peratus daripada pendapatan mereka dalam memastikan kebajikan ahli- balan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi, datuk memberi peluang untuk persatuan men-
pengurusan hutang. dan menyimpan atau melabur selebih- ahlinya terus terjaga. Mohd Yusof Apdal. dapatkan tapak niaga.
Pada 2022, menurut data AKPK, dari- nya. Malah, terdapat penyelidikan cukup Ketua Cawangan PBPM Lahad datu, “dalam usaha untuk kekal relevan “dengan ini, ahli-ahli persatuan mem-
pada 382,761 pengguna yang menyertai banyak yang menyokong fakta bahawa Ismail Md dahan berkata, pelbagai usaha dalam memberi khidmat kepada ahli punyai sumber pendapatan dan dapat
program pengurusan hutangnya, 210,409 terdapat korelasi kukuh antara penge- telah dijalankan oleh pihak persatuan persatuan dan masyarakat, pihak PBPM meneruskan usaha kita untuk mengger-
– atau 55.1 peratus – berumur antara 20 tahuan kewangan dan tingkah laku dalam mencapai matlamat ini. Lahad datu berharap agar ahlinya dapat akkan program yang boleh menjaga
dan 40 tahun. Ini sudah tentu membim- kewangan yang berhemat. Katanya, meskipun tidak menerima dilibatkan dalam pengurusan dan pem- kebajikan ahli-ahli kita serta membantu
bangkan kerana ramai golongan muda Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (2021-2025) apa-apa bantuan khusus daripada pihak bangunan daerah. masyarakat yang memerlukan.
menghadapi masalah kewangan begitu mengiktiraf bahawa kuasa beli rendah, kerajaan, ahli-ahli terus giat “Ahli persatuan yang sememangnya “Kami berharap agar usaha kami
serius sehingga mereka memerlukan kos sara hidup tinggi, kekurangan perlin- menjalankan inisiatif sendiri serta men- mempunyai pengalaman dalam berkhid- untuk menyampaikan matlamat persat-
bantuan AKPK untuk menangani situasi dungan sosial dan pendidikan kewangan dapatkan sumbangan bagi mengger- mat untuk masyarakat seharusnya uan, terutamanya dalam memperkasakan
hutang mereka. Sekali lagi, ini mungkin yang rendah mempunyai kesan negatif akkan aktiviti-aktiviti kebajikan dan diberikan peluang untuk berkhidmat bekas anggota polis dan membantu
bukan tempat untuk bermula. yang kuat terhadap kesejahteraan rakyat. sosial. sebagai kaunselor dalam Majlis daerah,” mereka dalam kebajikan akan menerima
Kita mesti melihat dahulu bagaimana Ia juga mengiktiraf bahawa penguru- “Kami berharap agar pihak kerajaan katanya. penglibatan serta sokongan dari semua
keadaan belia kita dari segi tingkah laku san kewangan yang lemah dalam kalan- dan pemimpin dapat memberikan perha- Jelasnya, integriti serta khidmat pihak,” tambahnya.
dan kecelikan kewangan. Pusat Kewan- gan sesetengah rakyat Malaysia tian sewajarnya kepada persatuan kami kepada masyarakat ketika menjadi Turut hadir Pengerusi PBPM Sabah,
gan Asia (AFC) menjalankan tinjauan disebabkan oleh kekurangan celik agar lebih banyak dapat kami lakukan anggota polis sebelum ini merupakan datuk Awang Kassim Awang Gemok dan

300 sertai Gerak Rahmah Jom Sihat di Kuala Penyu

dalam kalangan mereka yang berumur kewangan dan gaya hidup melebihi untuk kebajikan ahli-ahli kami,” katanya satu kelebihan buat ahli-ahli persatuan. Pegawai daerah Lahad datu, Firuz
20 hingga 33 tahun dan mendapati kemampuan menghalang mereka dari- semasa ucapannya dalam Mesyuarat dalam aspek pembangunan dan aktiv- Idzualdeen Mohd dzul.
perkara berikut: pada membuat keputusan kewangan
l 75 peratus responden mempunyai yang baik dan mendedahkan mereka
sekurang-kurangnya satu hutang jangka kepada masalah kewangan serius dan
panjang manakala 37 peratus mempun- penipuan.
yai lebih daripada satu hutang jangka Kami mencadangkan agar menteri Khamis Ahmad Majlis dirasmikan oleh Pegawai Jabatan
KUALA PENYU: Kira-kira 300 orang pen- Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional
panjang; memberi tumpuan kepada usaha
duduk dari Kampung Palu-Palu, Kg Ila- (JPNIN) Zon Pedalaman Bawah, Jamalud-
l Untuk mengimbangi hutang ini, meningkatkan celik kewangan dalam
nun, Kg Kitang dan Kg Purun, dekat sini, din Abdul Rahman yang mewakili Tim-
responden bergantung pada peminja- kalangan belia di seluruh negara. Pro-
hadir ke Program Gerak Rahmah Jom balan Menteri Perladangan dan Komoditi
man kos tinggi dengan 38 peratus gram celik kewangan yang berkesan dan
Sihat anjuran Komuniti Rukun Tetangga merangkap Ahli Parlimen Beaufort, datuk
mengambil pinjaman peribadi dan 47 berasaskan bukti pastinya akan mem-
(KRT) Kg Palu-Palu, Sabtu lalu. Aminah Aching.
peratus terlibat dalam peminjaman kad bawa kepada pengurusan kewangan
Pengerusi Penganjur merangkap Halimah memberitahu, Program Gerak
kredit yang mahal; lebih baik dan, dengan itu, kepada
Pengerusi KRT Kg Palu-Palu, Halimah Hj Rahmah Jom Sihat merupakan program di
l 40 peratus melaporkan berbelanja
Halimah dan Timbalannya Abd
kewangan dan kesejahteraan keselu-
Ag Kanak berkata, sempena program itu bawah JPNIN dan sebahagian daripada
Wahid bergambar kenangan
lebih daripada apa yang mereka mampu; ruhan – serta mengurangkan kes kemu-
pihaknya mengadakan aktiviti senamro- aktiviti untuk melahirkan masyarakat
l Apa yang mengejutkan, 70 peratus
bersama peserta acara Larian 10,000
flisan, malah keperluan untuk bantuan
bik, ceramah kesihatan, pameran dan yang sihat dan cergas.
Langkah sebelum dilepaskan.
responden melaporkan mereka hidup di AKPK.
pemeriksaan kesihatan, Larian 10,000 Beliau turut merakamkan penghar-
luar kemampuan mereka.
langkah dan acara berbasikal Fun Rider. gaan dan terima kasih kepada Jamalud-
Kajian oleh Pusat Penyelidikan dan Paul Selva Raj
“Program dianjur untuk memupuk hatan diri, serta meningkatkan semangat din, Pejabat Kesihatan daerah Kuala
Sumber Pengguna mengenai tingkah Setiausaha Agung
kesedaran kepentingan kesihatan, perpaduan dan kesejahteraan komuniti,” Penyu, dan semua yang terlibat men-
laku kewangan belia mendapati bahawa Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan
meningkatkan semangat cintakan kesi- katanya. jayakan serta memeriahkan majlis itu.
4 Tempatan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres
Penganggur lupus barang curi, gagal tunjuk MyKad didenda
Penagih syabu Jo Ann Mool
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang penganggur
didenda sejumlah RM2,500 pada Isnin
Inspektor Kelvan Elson Maik, yang
mengendalikan pendakwaan, memberi-
tahu mahkamah bahawa Jufaiz, yang
memandu dalam keadaan mabuk.
Raimon Seminggu, 36, dan Chai Shen
Wee, 28, mengaku bersalah secara berasin-
gan kepada tuduhan terhadap mereka.
atas dua pertuduhan melupuskan barang

dijel 5 tahun curi dan gagal mengemukakan MyKad- sebelum itu diserahkan kepada polis atas Raimon mengaku melakukan kesala-
nya kepada polis. kesalahan lain, gagal menunjukkan han itu pada jam 12.55 pagi, 15 Sept 2022 di
AgKu Jufaiz Abd Gani, 23, mengaku MyKad-nya apabila ditanya polis. Jalan Pintas, Kopungit di sini.
bersalah di hadapan Majistret Lovely Jufaiz mendakwa dia tidak membawa Chai mengaku bersalah atas kesalahan
Natasha Charles atas tuduhan melakukan dokumen itu bersamanya. itu yang dilakukan pada jam 2.45 pagi
Cynthia D Baga kesalahan itu. Peguam Lim Ming Zoong @ Lawrence, pada 28 Jan tahun ini di KM1 Jalan Tuaran.
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang lelaki dijatuhi Bagi pertuduhan pertama, Jufaiz diper- yang mewakili Jufaiz, meminta hukuman Pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 45A(1)
hukuman penjara lima tahun dan dua intah membayar denda RM2,000 atau pen- ringan. Akta Pengangkutan Jalan (Pindaan) 2020
bulan, serta dikenakan satu sebatan ker- jara dua bulan kerana membantu Pertuduhan pertama mengikut itu memperuntukkan hukuman penjara
ana mengambil syabu secara berulang. melupuskan dua raket badminton yang Seksyen 414 Kanun Keseksaan membawa sehingga dua tahun dan denda antara
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Elsie Primus selama tiga tahun. dicuri, bernilai RM1,498 milik Hurricane hukuman penjara sehingga tujuh tahun RM10,000 dan RM30,000, serta hilang
menjatuhkan hukuman itu kepada Faijal Sementara itu, empat pendatang tanpa Sports Enterprise pada Februari tahun ini di atau denda, atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit kelayakan daripada memegang atau men-
Maidin selepas dia mengaku bersalah izin masing-masing dipenjara empat hadapan Harapan Menang Sdn Bhd di sini. kesalahan, manakala pertuduhan kedua, dapatkan lesen memandu untuk tempoh
kepada pertuduhan terhadapnya, pada bulan kerana memasuki negeri ini secara Mahkamah mendengar daripada pihak mengikut Seksyen 25(1)(n) Peraturan-Per- tidak kurang daripada dua tahun dari
Isnin. haram. pendakwaan bahawa Jufaiz menjual raket aturan Pendaftaran Negara 1990 mempe- tarikh sabitan.
dia didapati mengambil dadah itu Kokoi Muhammad, Mohd Gabi Jefri, itu kepada seorang pekerja kedai. runtukkan hukuman penjara sehingga Mahkamah juga memerintahkan lesen
selepas air kencingnya disahkan positif Kalim Ahailin dan Hafiruddin Jupri, men- Bagi pertuduhan kedua, Jufaiz didenda tiga tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya memandu Raimon dan Chai digantung
dadah di balai polis di sini pada 17 Mac gaku bersalah secara berasingan di hadapan RM500 atau penjara dua minggu kerana sekali, jika sabit kesalahan. selama dua tahun.
2022, dan dia mempunyai beberapa rekod Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Azreena Aziz. gagal mengemukakan dokumen penge- dalam kes lain, dua pemandu masing- Terdahulu, pegawai pendakwa trafik

Rayuan Najib serba tidak

sabitan untuk kesalahan sama. Mereka ditahan di kawasan bandaraya nalan diri ketika diperiksa polis pada jam masing dipenjara sehari dan didenda Mohammad Khairul Nizam Mokhtar men-

Seludup diesel:
Kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 15(1)(a) selepas gagal mengemukakan dokumen 2.30 petang 11 Feb tahun ini di tepi jalan di RM10,000 atau tiga bulan penjara kerana gendalikan pendakwaan.
Akta dadah Berbahaya (ddA) 1952 itu pengenalan diri kepada polis.

menjadi selepas tukar peguam

boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen Mereka diperintahkan menjalani huku-

Tiga warga
39C(1)(b) ddA 1952. man penjara dari tarikh mereka
Mahkamah memerintahkan Faijal ditangkap.

Thailand didenda
menjalani hukuman penjara itu dari Selepas hukuman penjara mereka sele-
tarikh dia ditangkap. sai, kesemua pendatang tanpa izin diper-

Selepas menjalani hukuman itu, intah dirujuk ke Jabatan Imigresen untuk

Pekerja ladang hina Agong

mahkamah turut memerintahkan Faijal data biometrik mereka direkodkan
PUTRAJAYA: Mahkamah Persekutuan di Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali dalam May-
diletakkan di bawah pengawasan polis sebelum dihantar pulang.
sini pada Isnin diberitahu rayuan datuk bank Bhd sebelum ini, pihak pendakwaan
Seri Najib Tun Razak ke atas keputusan per- berkata ia bukanlah satu rahsia dan per-

di Facebook didenda RM6,500

KANGAR: Tiga lelaki warga Thailand mas- bicaraan SRC International Sdn Bhd serba anan Mohd Nazlan dalam bank itu adalah
ing-masing didenda RM30,000 oleh tidak menjadi setelah beliau menukar tidak relevan dengan kes Najib berkaitan
Mahkamah Sesyen di sini pada Isnin, peguam mewakilinya tahun lepas. SRC International.
selepas mengaku bersalah menyeludup Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (TPR) datuk “Ia sudah tentunya bukan suatu isu
keluar bahan api bersubsidi diesel di Kom- V Sithambaram merujuk kepada per- dalam semakan ini,” kata pihak pendak-
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang pekerja kebun mengikut Seksyen 233 (3) akta sama yang pleks Imigresen, Kastam dan Kuarantin tukaran peguam daripada Shafee & Co waan.
kelapa sawit didenda RM6,500 oleh membawa hukuman denda maksimum (ICQ) Padang Besar, pada November tahun kepada pasukan guaman baharu terdiri Sementara itu, Muhammad Shafee
Mahkamah Sesyen di sini pada Isnin kerana RM50,000 atau penjara hingga setahun lepas. daripada datuk Hisyam Teh Poh Teik dan berkata ia adalah kali pertama pertukaran
membuat penghantaran komunikasi jelik atau kedua-duanya dan boleh didenda Hakim Musyiri Peet menjatuhkan Tetuan Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew & peguam berlaku dalam kes Najib dan ia
membabitkan Yang di-Pertuan Agong di selanjutnya RM1,000 bagi setiap hari hukuman itu ke atas Theerapong Wongyai, Partners (ZIST). dilakukan dengan niat baik.
laman Facebook miliknya, disember tahun kesalahan itu diteruskan selepas sabitan. 26, Anan Pusu, 29, dan Amnuaprasit Chai- “Mengapa Najib yang diwakili Tan Sri Beliau berkata, bahkan pertukaran
lepas. Mahkamah turut memerintahkan wichit, 43, dan memerintahkan mereka Muhammad Shafee Abdullah dalam kes peguam itu kerana mahkamah tempatan
Hakim Nor Hasniah Ab Razak men- Muhammad Hanis dipenjara enam bulan menjalani hukuman penjara 18 bulan seki- SRC International dari peringkat tidak membenarkan Peguam diraja
jatuhkan hukuman itu ke atas Muhammad jika gagal membayar denda. ranya gagal membayar denda itu. Mahkamah Tinggi pada 2018 dan hanya Jonathan Laidlaw dari United Kingdom
Hanis Nordin, 34, selaku Orang Kena Saman Ketika rayuan, Muhammad Hanis yang Pada 29 Nov tahun lepas, Theerapong menukar peguam pada 2022 sebelum pen- untuk diterima masuk sebagai peguam
(OKS), yang mengaku bersalah membuat tidak diwakili peguam memohon denda dihadapkan ke mahkamah atas per- dengaran rayuan di Mahkamah Perseku- cara dan peguam bela bagi mewakili
dan memulakan penghantaran komunikasi dikurangkan dengan alasan dia insaf dan tuduhan memasukkan 69 liter minyak tuan, Ogos tahun lepas. Najib dalam rayuan terakhirnya.
bersifat jelik menggunakan laman profil menyesal dengan perbuatannya serta ber- diesel ke dalam tangki kenderaan jenis “Jika tidak kerana pertukaran peguam “Justeru, tiada agenda untuk mengatur
Facebook ‘As Bul’ dengan niat untuk janji tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan Nissan Navara dengan tujuan membawa ini, saya tidak fikir semakan ini akan penangguhan,” kata peguam veteran itu.
menyakiti hati orang lain pada 3.23 pagi, 10 sama. Saya tiada niat untuk menyinggung keluar bahan kawalan itu ke Thailand sek- dibawa ke mahkamah hari ini. Sementara Kedua-dua mereka berhujah di hada-
dis tahun lepas. perasaan mana-mana pihak. Saya hanya itar 11.30 pagi pada 26 Nov 2022. tertuduh berhak memilih peguam, pan Hakim Besar Sabah dan Sarawak
Hantaran itu kemudian dilihat di Peja- bekerja di kebun kelapa sawit milik kelu- Sementara Anan dituduh cuba mem- peguam perlu bersedia untuk bertindak datuk Abdul Rahman Sebli, yang mem-
bat Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial arga saya,” katanya. bawa keluar 70 liter diesel menggunakan dan sanggup melakukannya pada hari pengerusikan panel lima hakim terdiri
Bukit Aman di sini pada 8.18 malam, 13 dis Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Nurilya Ellyna kenderaan Toyota Hilux Vigo pada 12.45 ditetapkan. Sebenarnya mereka tidak daripada Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan
2022. Nur Azmal bagaimanapun memohon tengah hari, 25 Nov dan Amnuaprasit mahu untuk meneruskan kes ini, kerana datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, datuk
Pertuduhan dikemukakan mengikut hukuman setimpal supaya memberi penga- dituduh cuba membawa keluar 41 liter itulah mereka mahukan penangguhan Rhodzariah Bujang dan datuk Nordin
Seksyen 233 (1) (a) Akta Komunikasi dan jaran kepada tertuduh dan masyarakat. – diesel menggunakan kenderaan Ford ini,” katanya. Hassan serta Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan
Multimedia 1998 dan boleh dihukum Bernama Ranger pada 11.40 pagi, 26 Nov. – Bernama Menyentuh kedudukan Hakim datuk datuk Abu Bakar Jais. – Bernama

JKR rancang bina, turap

semula jalan di Beaufort
% JABATAN Kerja Raya (JKR) merancang hati memberikan Hotline lokasi lubang- dia hilang kawalan,” katanya.
untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja penam- lubang itu. Maklumat ini diserahkan “dia tercampak dari motosikalnya, yang
bahbaikan ke atas sebahagian Jalan Mon- kepada Jabatan. kemudian terbalik sebelum terhenti.
tenior, di Beaufort susulan aduan Ketika ditanya mengenai jadual penye- “Mujurlah, tiada kenderaan lain di jalan
kerosakan laluan itu. lenggaraan Jalan Montenior, jurucakap itu pada masa itu, jika tidak dia mungkin
Jurucakap pejabat cawangan JKR di berkata kerja ini terletak di bawah bidang sudah digilis.”
daerah itu berkata ia mahu untuk “mem- kuasa syarikat konsesi kerajaan. Bagaimanapun, Jaymie berkata,
bina dan menurap semula” jalan itu. “Syarikat yang menjaga bahagian jalan penunggang itu terseliuh pergelangan
“Berdasarkan pemeriksaan terhadap yang dilaporkan oleh pengadu, bukan lagi tangan dan tapak tangannya tercalar
jalan itu, kami telah menentukan bahawa di bawah Jabatan dan kami masih teruk.
ini akan memerlukan kerja agak banyak,” menunggu maklum balas daripada ibu “Selain itu, dia mendapati tayar hada-
katanya. pejabat kami mengenai pihak yang akan pan motosikalnya pecah.”
“Kami telah mendapat peruntukan mengambil alih,” katanya pada 27 Febru- Katanya, dia sendiri menceritakan
daripada ibu pejabat kami untuk mem- ari. kemalangan rakannya itu kepada pegawai
baik pulih jalan itu.” dia berkata kontrak bekas pemegang di cawangan Jabatan di Beaufort.
dia berkata kerja pembaikan ini akan konsesi itu tamat pada Januari. “Mereka memberi jaminan kepada saya,
dilaksanakan sebaik sahaja ia menerima “Buat masa ini, pekerja kami akan dim- pada masa itu, bahawa tindakan akan
dana untuk berbuat demikian. inta untuk menampal bahagian yang diambil, apabila saya bertanya sama ada
“Sementara itu, batu kerikil telah rosak dan meratakannya secara manual kerosakan itu dapat ditangani secepat
dituangkan ke atas bahagian-bahagian selepas itu.” mungkin.”
rosak untuk memberi sedikit kelegaan dia berkata Jabatan akan Jaymie berkata kakitangan ini gagal
kepada pemandu. Itu saja yang kami boleh meningkatkan usaha untuk menjaga menunaikan janji mereka kerana banyak
lakukan buat masa ini.” bahagian jalan itu sehingga penyelesaian lubang jalan itu telah menjadi lebih dalam
Jurucakap itu menjawab maklum balas lebih kekal dapat dirancang. dan lebar sejak itu.
daripada penduduk luar bandar yang ting- “Sebaik dana yang diperlukan tersedia, dia merayu kepada agensi itu supaya
JURUTEKNIK JKR mencedok batu kerikil, yang akan dicurahkan
gal di Kg Helogelat dan kawasan Monte- kami akan menampal bahagian terjejas memperbaiki keadaan jalan sebelum
ke atas lubang-lubang seperti ini di Jalan Montenior.
nior Beaufort mengenai banyak lubang dengan asfalt dan meratakannya.” kemalangan teruk berlaku.
jalan yang terbentuk di laluan itu. JAYMIE dari Beaufort berkata dia mula “Rakan saya selamat, walaupun men-
Mereka bimbang kemalangan teruk menyedari kerosakan di bahagian Jalan galami kecederaan. Orang lain mungkin termasuk Kg Helogelat. masyarakat tempatan ini sudah serik
boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa, teruta- Montenior pada disember. tidak begitu bernasib baik dan boleh kehi- “Mereka yang tinggal di kawasan ini menunggu pihak berkuasa membaik pulih
manya jika pemandu hilang kawalan Seorang penunggang motosikal, yang langan nyawa. bergantung kepada jalan itu untuk men- jalan tersebut.
kenderaannya ketika cuba mengelak baha- tinggal di kampungnya, mengalami “Saya harap Jabatan tidak menunggu gangkut buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran “Mereka telah mengambil mana-mana
gian Jalan Montenior yang rosak. kemalangan pada penghujung bulan itu perkara ini berlaku sebelum bertindak yang mereka tanam ke pekan,” katanya. saki-baki bahan binaan yang mereka
Seorang penunggang motosikal mudah kerana permukaan jalan yang tidak rata, untuk melakukan pembaikan sewajarnya.” “Mereka menggunakan laluan ini temui dan menggunakan bahan-bahan ini
tercampak dari jenteranya, jika dia tidak menurutnya. Seorang lagi penduduk Beaufort, untuk menghantar anak-anak mereka ke untuk mengisi lubang-lubang itu.
berhati-hati, menurut mereka. “Tayar hadapan motosikal rakan saya JOHANNA, berkata terdapat beberapa sekolah.” “Ini telah berlaku sekali atau dua kali
dua pengguna jalan yang tidak berpuas terlanggar lubang jalan dan menyebabkan kampung berhampiran Jalan Montenior, Johanna berkata sebahagian sejak beberapa bulan lalu.” (SS)

BAHAGIAN rosak di jalan itu membimbangkan pemandu ADA pemandu menutup lubang SEORANG penduduk Beaufort tercampak dari motosikalnya apabila terlanggar
di sekitar kawasan Montenior dan di Kg Helogelat. dengan saki-baki bahan binaan. lubang. (Gambar kecil) Tayar depannya pecah akibat impak itu.
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 Dunia 5
Kebocoran makmal mungkin punca Covid-19: Jabatan Tenaga AS Pembunuhan
WASHINGTON: Jabatan Tenaga Amerika
Syarikat (AS) dipetik media melaporkan
Individu yang membaca laporan sulit
Jabatan itu kini menyertai Biro Penyi-
asatan Persekutuan kerana percaya wabak
mad ada dalam komuniti perisikan men-
genai soalan ini,” katanya kepada CNN.
model HK: 4
pandemik Covid-19 kemungkinan itu dipetik dalam The Wall Street Journal yang menyebabkan kematian hampir Pada pertengahan Februari, Per-
berpunca daripada kebocoran makmal di dan The New York Times berkata, jabatan tujuh juta individu berpunca akibat insi- tubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) ber- individu didakwa
China walaupun perisikan Amerika itu membuat pertimbangannya dengan den di makmal China. janji untuk melakukan segalanya
Syarikat (AS) tetap berbelah bahagi men- “keyakinan rendah” menunjukkan Empat agensi perisikan AS percaya sehingga dapat jawapan mengenai asal HONG KONG: Empat individu yang didakwa
genai isu itu. bagaimana agensi berbeza tidak sehaluan Covid-19 berlaku melalui penularan sem- usul Covid-19 dan menafikan laporan berhubung pembunuhan model terkenal,
dapatan itu - dinyatakan dalam lapo- mengenai asal usul Covid-19 dan wabak ula jadi, manakala dua lagi masih belum yang mencadangkan agensinya mening- Abby Choi, 28, hadir di mahkamah pada
ran sulit oleh Pengarah Perisikan yang melanda dunia awal 2020. membuat keputusan, lapor The Wall galkan siasatannya. Isnin selepas polis menemui bahagian badan
Kebangsaan Avril Haines, menurut The Kesimpulannya, yang dilaporkan hasil Street Journal. Sementara itu, komuniti saintifik meli- mangsa di sebuah rumah yang terletak di
Wall Street Journal - melaporkan perali- risikan baharu, penting kerana jabatan itu Penasihat Keselamatan Negara Rumah hat ada kepentingan untuk menentukan sebuah perkampungan di pinggir bandar
han pandangan oleh Jabatan Tenaga, yang menyelia rangkaian makmal nasional, ter- Putih Jake Sullivan menegaskan pelbagai asal-usul wabak bagi memerangi dengan raya berkenaan.
sebelum ini mengatakan ia tidak mem- masuk beberapa yang melakukan penye- pandangan mengenai perkara itu kekal. lebih baik atau mencegah yang seterus- Polis Hong Kong semalam berkata,
buat keputusan bagaimana virus itu lidikan biologi lanjutan. “Buat masa ini, tiada jawapan mukta- nya. – AFP mereka mendakwa tiga lelaki berumur
dalam lingkungan 28 hingga 65 tahun atas
dakwaan membunuh dan seorang wanita
Korban tanah
runtuh di Brazil
Pendatang Israel mengamuk, berusia 63 tahun, atas satu pertuduhan ker-
ana menghalang kes itu.
Menurut polis, mereka yang didakwa
membunuh model itu termasuk bekas

bakar kereta dan rumah

suaminya, Alex Kwong, bekas abang ipar dan

cecah 65 bekas bapa mentuanya.

Pembunuhan pempengaruh tempatan
itu yang baru-baru ini menghiasi muka
SAO PAULO: Angka kematian akibat ban- depan majalah fesyen digital, L’Officiel
jir dan tanah runtuh di Sao Paulo Brazil, BAITULMAQdIS: Puluhan pendatang Israel
Monaco, telah mendapat liputan meluas di
mengamuk dengan membakar kereta dan
meningkat kepada 65 nyawa setakat ini, pelbagai akhbar selepas beliau dilaporkan
rumah di utara Tebing Barat, susulan pen-
lapor Xinhua memetik pihak berkuasa datang Yahudi dibunuh oleh seorang lelaki
hilang sejak Selasa lalu.
tempatan pada Ahad. warga Palestin. Polis menemui beberapa bahagian
Mangsa maut termasuk 19 kanak- Pakar perubatan Palestin berkata, seorang badannya di rumah tiga tingkat di kawasan
kanak, menurut kerajaan negeri dalam lelaki terbunuh manakala empat lagi cedera pedalaman Tai Po minggu lalu.
satu kenyataan. parah dalam keganasan paling teruk yang Menurut satu kenyataan, pihak polis
Pasukan tentera, bomba, sukarelawan dilakukan oleh pendatang berkenaan sejak turut menemui alat penghiris daging dan
dan anggota penyelamat masih men- beberapa dekad. gergaji elektrik di tempat kejadian. – Reuters
jalankan operasi mencari dan menyela- Tembakan maut dan amukan yang berlaku
mat bagi mengeluarkan mayat dan
menjejaki mereka yang masih hilang.
tengah malam itu menimbulkan keraguan
mengenai pengisytiharan oleh Jordan, Israel Lebih 60 maut
Kebanyakan mangsa tinggal di dan Palestin berjanji untuk tidak melakukan
kawasan berisiko tinggi di lereng pergu-
nungan Sierra de Mar, berhampiran
keganasan selama setahun.
Media Palestin berkata, dalam kejadian itu
kapal migran
sebanyak 30 rumah dan kereta dibakar. Gam-
Barra do Sahy, di Sao Sebastiao.
Kira-kira 2,440 penduduk yang hilang
bar dan video yang dipaparkan di media sosial
menunjukan kebakaran besar itu mem-
tempat tinggal terpaksa dipindahkan
ekoran risiko kejadian tanah runtuh.
babitkan seluruh bandar Hawara.
dalam satu video, sekumpulan pendatang
SEORANG lelaki berjalan lalu kereta-kereta yang dibakar di Huwara, dekat Nablus,
di Itali
Pada Ahad, jalan raya telah dibuka Israel sedang berdoa itu berdiri sambil mere-
semula selepas ditutup akibat tanah selepas pendatang Israel mengamuk. – Gambar AFP ROM: Lebih 60 orang maut, termasuk 11
nung sebuah bangunan yang terbakar.
runtuh dan kerosakan akibat ribut. Sebelum ini, seorang menteri Kabinet dan “Kerajaan Israel perlu bertanggungjawab Ahad lalu, dua warga Israel yang tinggal di kanak-kanak dan seorang bayi baru lahir,
Bagaimanapun, lebuh raya yang pemimpin peneroka Israel turut menyeru sepenuhnya,” tambahnya. penempatan di Tebing Barat terbunuh dalam apabila bot membawa pendatang haram
menghubungkan Mogi da Cruzes den- supaya Israel menyerang ‘tanpa belas kasihan’. Kesatuan Eropah berkata, semua pihak serangan didakwa dicetuskan oleh rakyat merempuh batu berdekatan pantai selatan
gan Bertioga akan ditutup selama enam Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin berkata, berkuasa perlu campur tangan untuk Palestin. Itali awal Ahad, menurut pihak berkuasa.
seorang lelaki berusia 37 tahun terbunuh aki- menghentikan keganasan yang tidak berkesu- dalam insiden itu, seorang lelaki Palestin Bot itu, yang belayar dari Turkiye dan mem-
bulan kerana sistem perparitannya ter-
bat terkena tembakan oleh Israel. dahan itu. turut terbunuh manakala kumpulan pen- bawa pendatang haram dari Afghanistan, Iran
jejas. duta United Kingdom ke Israel, Neil eroka bertindak membakar kediaman mereka
Pada 19 Februari, Bertioga, Perkhidmatan perubatan Bulan Sabit serta beberapa negara lain, karam di laut yang
Merah Palestin berkata, dua lagi individu ced- Wigon, berkata “Israel harus menangani bagi membalas dendam. bergelora sebelum waktu subuh berhampiran
Caraguatatuba, Guaruja, Ilhabela, Sao keganasan pendatang dengan mereka yang Ia berlaku di tengah-tengah rundingan
era ditembak, manakala seorang ditikam den- Steccato di Cutro, iaitu sebuah pusat perangi-
Sebastiao dan Ubatuba dilanda hujan bertanggungjawab dibawa ke muka pengadi- dibuat oleh Jordan untuk membincangkan
gan seorang lagi dipukul dengan batang besi. nan tepi laut di pantai timur Calabria.
lebat dalam tempoh masa kurang 24 lan”. keganasan yang semakin memburuk di Menteri Ehwal dalam Negeri Matteo Piante-
Kira-kira 95 lagi mangsa kini sedang
jam. dirawat kerana terhidu gas pemedih mata. Ketika video keganasan muncul di rancan- wilayah yang diduduki itu dan beberapa hari dosi, yang melawat tempat kejadian, berkata
dianggarkan sekitar 4 juta rakyat Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas gan berita, Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin selepas tentera Israel melancarkan serangan antara 20 hingga 30 orang masih hilang.
Brazil tinggal di 14,000 kawasan yang mengutuk dan menyifatkan kejadian itu seba- Netanyahu merayu supaya bertenang, serta paling dahsyat di Tebing Barat dalam tempoh Mangsa terselamat berkata, bot terbabit
berisiko dilanda bencana alam, menurut gai ‘tindakan pengganas yang dilakukan oleh menggesa tidak melakukan sebarang hampir 20 tahun, yang menyebabkan 11 rakyat membawa sekitar 150 hingga 200 pendatang
data Kementerian Integrasi dan Pem- pendatang di bawah perlindungan pasukan keganasan. Palestin terbunuh di bandar utara Nablus. – haram. – Reuters
bangunan Wilayah Brazil. – Bernama keselamatan,” katanya. AP/AFP

Indonesia, Jepun Kucing putih

jadi mas
kukuhkan k’sama kahwin
JAKARTA: Seorang pengantin lelaki

sektor automotif
menyerahkan sejumlah wang tunai
dan seekor kucing putih sebagai
mas kahwin semasa menikahi
wanita pilihannya dalam satu
majlis perkahwinan di Indonesia,
JAKARTA: Indonesia dan Jepun mem- baran keseluruhan industri automotif
lapor portal berita SuaraJatim,
perkukuh kerjasama dalam sektor pembu- negara, matlamat pembangunan EV dan
Sabtu lalu.
atan kenderaan elektrik (EV), bahan api industri bateri.
Video pemberian unik kucing
neutral karbon dan biofuel bagi Wakil Kementerian Ekonomi, Perda-
meningkatkan industri automotifnya. gangan dan Industri Jepun (METI) dan
putih itu disiarkan dalam akaun
Menurut kenyataan Kementerian pengeluar kereta Jepun turut menghadiri TikTok @horeamisme dan terdengar
Perindustrian Indonesia, usaha itu juga sesi dialog itu. suara si bapa pengantin perempaun
selaras dengan sasaran kerajaan untuk Sementara itu, Enomoto Masato, menyatakan kalimat ijab kabul.
mengurangkan tahap pelepasan gas pengerusi Asia Experts Group di Japan “Bapak nikahkan dan kawinkan
rumah hijau hampir 32 peratus menjelang Automotive Manufacturers’ Association anakanda kepada puteri bapak kan- LEO (kiri), dan Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya Polis, Putu Diah Kurniawandari
2030. Asia mencadangkan ‘pendekatan pelbagai dung yang bernama Syifa Salma (kanan) mengetuai sidang media mengenai kes itu.
“Sebagai antara negara terbaik dalam laluan’ untuk mencapai ‘pelepasan karbon Jatun Aini dengan mas kawin wang
industri automotif dunia, kami percaya sifar’ di Indonesia. dan kucing dibayar tunai,” kata
kerjasama dengan Jepun dapat
menyokong usaha kami ke arah mencapai
data Persekutuan Automotif Asean
(AAF) memaparkan jualan kereta Indone-
bapa mempelai wanita.
dalam video selanjutnya, kucing
Pelancong pesan kokain ditahan
neutral karbon,” kata pengarah elektronik sia pada 2022 berjumlah 1,048,000 unit berwarna putih itu dimasukkan ke BAdUNG: Seorang pemandu teksi motosikal pemeriksaan. Selepas dibuka, pakej didapati
dan jentera kementerian itu Taufiek berbanding 887,202 unit pada 2021. dalam kurungan kecil berwarna dalam talian atau dipanggil ‘ojol’, mengga- mengandungi kotak makanan ringan dan
Bawazier. dari segi pembuatan kereta, negara sama dengan haiwan tersebut dan galkan penghantaran dadah jenis kokain kotak kopi segera yang berisi tiga klip plas-
Semasa dialog Automotif Indonesia- mencatatkan pertumbuhan 31 peratus si pengantin perempuan gembira yang dipesan oleh seorang pelancong warga tik dadah jenis kokain,” jelas Leo.
Jepun keempat yang diadakan di sini iaitu 1,470,146 unit berbanding 1,121,967 apabila menerimanya. India yang bercuti di Bali, Sabtu lepas. Pegawai polis segera mencari individu
baru-baru ini, Taufiek berkongsi gam- unit pada 2021. – Bernama Pada majlis tersebut juga, pen- Ketua Polis Badung, Leo dedy deFretes yang memesan pakej tersebut ke alamat des-
gantin perempuan menyarungkan berkata, warga India itu berjaya ditahan tinasi dan pelancong asing itu kemudian
pakaian berwarna putih dan hiasan bersama dengan kokain seberat 1.8 gram di ditangkap di lokasi berkenaan.
Penerbangan Lion Air batal selepas kepala Sunda, manakala pengantin
lelaki memakai songkok dan paka-
Jalan Pantai Brawa di Kampung Tibubeneng
di daerah Kuta Utara.
Menurut Leo, lelaki warganegara India
itu datang ke Bali bersama keluarganya
Pendedahan bermula apabila pemandu untuk bercuti dan polis masih menjalankan
ian sama warna dengan persalinan
penumpang buka pintu kecemasan isterinya.
Penggunaan mahar itu menda-
teksi motosikal berkenaan mengesyaki sesu-
atu mencurigakan pada pakej yang akan
siasatan berhubung kes pesanan dadah
dibawa ke tempat letak kereta kawasan “Kami akan terus menyiasat dan menda-
JAKARTA: Penerbangan Lion Air JT 697 ter- tuskan panik. pat banyak komen daripada netizen hiburan malam itu, dan segera membuat patkan keterangan saksi-saksi sedia ada
paksa dibatalkan selepas pintu kecemasan Mereka yang duduk berhampiran dan menurut laporan portal berita laporan polis. selain menjalankan analisis masyarakat. Jika
dibuka penumpang ketika pesawat kemudian terus bertindak membuka Liputan6, akaun TikTok itu menda- “Pegawai polis trafik bersama pemandu disabit kesalahan, suspek bakal berdepan
sedang bersedia untuk berlepas dari lan- pintu kecemasan dan bergegas keluar dari pat lebih 10,000 tanda suka dan berkenaan kemudian membawa pakej itu ke hukuman penjara maksimum selama 12
dasan Lapangan Terbang El Tari Kupang di pesawat. lebih 100 komen. – Agensi Balai Polis Kuta Utara untuk membuat tahun. – Agensi
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Ahad lepas. “Salah seorang penumpang tiba-tiba
Maklumat itu disahkan Pegawai Per- menyedari telefon pintarnya yang disim-
hubungan Awam Lapangan Terbang El
Tari Kupang, devi Budihandayani, ketika
pan di dalam poketnya terasa panas dan
mengeluarkan asap. Kerana panik,
Kemaluan lelaki cedera gara-gara ‘ajak bersama’
dihubungi penumpang itu terus melemparkan tele- JAKARTA: Betapa mengerikan apabila untuk melakukan hubungan seks. mukan mangsa terbaring di atas tilam
“Benar, kejadian berlaku awal pagi dan fonnya ke lantai kabin. seorang wanita berusia 28 tahun dari Wanita itu menolak permintaan dan dalam keadaan berlumuran darah.
penerbangan itu dibatalkan kerana pintu “Tindakan itu menyebabkan penggera daerah Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera lelaki itu dan menyebabkan kenalan- “Kami dapati ada seorang lelaki
kecemasan pesawat dibuka oleh pengesanan asap berbunyi sehingga Utara, bertindak mencederakan nya itu mengancam untuk menye- yang cedera pada alat sulitnya,”
penumpang ketika mereka akan berlepas penumpang yang berada dekat dengan kemaluan kenalan lelakinya dengan barkan video mereka melakukan katanya
dari Kupang menuju ke Surabaya. pintu kecemasan terkejut dan terus mem- senjata tajam iaitu keris. perbuatan tidak senonoh. Beliau berkata, mangsa kemudian
“Semua penumpang berlari turun dari bukanya. Penumpang-penumpang lain Portal Kompas melaporkan, wanita Ketua Polis Sibolga Taryono Raharja dibawa ke Hospital Mitra Medika untuk
dan mereka sudah dibawa ke terminal yang cemas kemudian berpusu-pusu itu bagaimanapun sudah ditahan polis. berkata, kejadian berlaku di sebuah mendapatkan rawatan.
lapangan terbang,” katanya. turun dari pesawat dan berlari ke arah ter- Hasil siasatan polis mendapati sus- hotel dekat Jalan Horas, Sibolga Sam- “Mangsa dibawa ke hospital untuk
Menurut devi, siasatan mendapati minal lapangan terbang,” kata devi. pek dan mangsa adalah individu yang bas, Sibolga, pada Sabtu lalu. rawatan, manakala suspek ditahan
insiden tersebut berpunca daripada tele- Menurut devi, tiada penumpang atau ‘main kayu tiga’ walau masing-masing Ia selepas polis menerima laporan untuk siasatan lanjut.
fon pintar milik salah seorang anak kapal yang cedera dalam insiden itu sudah mempunyai pasangan. pada jam 7.30 malam. “difahamkan, kedua-duanya ada
penumpang yang mengeluarkan asap dan pihaknya sudah menjadualkan sem- Suspek dipercayai mencederakan Sejurus menerima aduan, polis pasangan masing-masing,” katanya. –
semasa dalam pesawat hingga mence- ula penerbangan tersebut. – Agensi mangsa kerana lelaki itu mengajaknya bergegas ke lokasi kejadian dan mene- Agensi
Finas mahu lebih cakna dalam proses agihan peruntukan RM102 juta
6 Hiburan S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 harianekspres

BELANJAWAN 2023 yang menyaksikan susulan peruntukan dKd bernilai RM102 kepada enam syarikat yang mempunyai yang lebih efisien untuk menangani “Kami ada jawatankuasa yang
dana Kandungan digital (dKd) bernilai juta diumumkan Perdana Menteri, datuk kepentingan antaranya milik isteri dan masalah ketirisan dKd, FINAS dianggotai individu berbeza agar dapat
RM102 juta disalurkan kerajaan bagi Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada Belanjawan 2023. anak ahli lembaga pengarah Finas. bekerjasama dengan beberapa pihak membuat semak imbang sewajarnya.
mendukung usaha penggiat seni kreatif “Mengenai isu ketirisan dKd yang Md Nasir berkata, Finas memberi berkepentingan untuk menggubal garis dengan cara ini, tidak ada pihak yang
mengangkat sektor seni dan budaya disebut dalam LKAN 2021, saya tidak boleh penekanan kepada dua aspek dalam isu panduan baharu. boleh mendominasi mana-mana
tempatan, disambut gembira penggiat beri komen kerana buat masa ini, Finas agihan dKd selepas Belanjawan 2023 “Sekarang sudah ada garis panduan keputusan untuk pemberian dKd,”
industri kreatif. masih meneliti kronologi perkara itu. iaitu membetulkan dan mencegah. baharu yang membabitkan (input) katanya.
Bagaimanapun, sebagai agensi “Pada masa sama, kami mahu lihat “Kami akan perbetul kesilapan yang daripada peguam Finas, pemain industri Ketika membentangkan Belanjawan
menyalurkan dKd kepada penerima dokumen berkaitan, termasuk pernah berlaku sebelum ini dan wakil Kementerian Komunikasi dan 2023, Jumaat lalu, Anwar mengumumkan
layak, Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem mendengar rakaman audio yang dibuat berpandukan kepada akta, garis digital termasuk ahli Finas dalam peruntukan RM127 juta bagi
Nasional (Finas) mahu lebih cakna ketika mesyuarat berlangsung. Jadi, ini panduan dan peraturan sedia ada. Kami membentuk garis panduan lebih jelas menyemarakkan industri kreatif, seni
dalam proses agihan kali ini, rentetan mengambil masa sebelum kami dapat juga perketatkan (prosedur) agar dan terperinci. dan budaya.
pendedahan dalam Laporan Ketua Audit mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan,” sebarang ketirisan (dalam agihan dana) “Ini dapat melindungi kerajaan dan daripada jumlah itu, kerajaan
Negara (LKAN) 2021 yang mendapati katanya. dapat dielak. penerima dana. Tatacara yang lebih jelas memperuntukkan dKd bernilai RM102
dKd bernilai RM4 juta disalurkan kepada Baru-baru ini, BH Online melaporkan “Kedua, kami akan ambil langkah itu diharap dapat menghalang daripada juta bagi mendukung usaha penggiat
syarikat yang ada kepentingan dengan LKAN 2021 Siri 2 mendapati penyaluran pencegahan iaitu dengan menghalang berlakunya ketirisan dana selepas ini,” seni kreatif mengangkat sektor seni dan
ahli perbadanan terbabit. dKd berjumlah RM4 juta kepada syarikat perkara itu (ketirisan) berlaku dan akan katanya. budaya tempatan.

Michelle Yeoh menang lagi

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) Finas, yang mempunyai kepentingan dengan memastikan semuanya (proses agihan Pada masa sama, Md Nasir berkata, Kerajaan menyediakan dana RM25
Prof dr Md Nasir Ibrahim, berkata sebagai ahli perbadanan. dana) dipantau dengan baik dari awal jawatankuasa khas ditubuhkan bagi juta bagi menyemarak kegiatan
badan induk, pihaknya akan lebih cakna Laporan itu menyebut, semakan audit hingga akhir,” katanya. membantu proses semak dan imbang, kebudayaan dan kesenian di peringkat

Penganjur Oscar
dalam menangani isu ketirisan dana mendapati dKd RM4 juta disalurkan Md Nasir berkata, sebagai langkah terutama daripada sudut agihan dana. komuniti. – BH Online

tubuh pasukan
krisis elak insiden
tidak dijangka
ELAKON kelahiran Malaysia yang Pelakon Wanita Terbaik di National
bersama trofi
mencipta nama di Hollywood, Tan Board Review Awards dan Golden Globes.
kemenangan. –
Sri Michelle Yeoh, 60, melakar Selain Yeoh, calon hebat lain yang
Gambar AFP
kejayaan indah dalam kariernya apabila bersaing dengannya untuk kategori itu
memenangi trofi Pelakon Wanita Terbaik ialah Cate Blanchett menerusi filem Tár, PENGANJUR Anugerah Akademi (Oscar)
di Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards Viola Davis (The Woman King), Ana de Ke-95 yang bakal berlangsung di dolby
2023, pada Isnin. Armas (Blonde) dan danielle deadwyler Theatre, Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat (AS)
Kejayaan itu sekali gus menjadikan (Till). bulan depan, menubuhkan pasukan krisis
Yeoh sebagai pelakon wanita Asia Apa yang menarik, nama Yeoh kini bagi menangani insiden tidak dijangka
pertama yang membawa pulang trofi di disebut-sebut mempunyai peluang besar susulan kontroversi aktor Hollywood, Will
SAG Awards. dan cerah untuk dinobatkan sebagai Smith melempang Chris Rock di pentas
Yeoh memenangi kategori itu Pelakon Filem Wanita Terbaik di Oscar acara berprestij itu, tahun lalu.
menerusi filem Everything Everywhere All atau Academy Awards, bulan depan. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO),
at Once yang mengisahkan pemilik kedai Pada acara SAG Awards 2023 itu, Yeoh Akademi Filem Seni dan Sains (AMPAS),
dobi berketurunan Cina-Amerika berjalan di karpet merah dengan Bill Kramer, berkata pasukan krisis itu
terpaksa bergelut untuk menyelesaikan menggayakan gaun rona hitam sedia berdepan apa sahaja kemungkinan
masalah cukai dihadapi. Schiaparelli Haute Couture yang elegan pada malam gilang-gemilang Oscar yang
Beliau yang terharu dengan dengan sulaman labuci kuning di akan dikendalikan Jimmy Kimmel pada
kemenangan itu berkata, dia sangat sepanjang gaun itu. 12 Mac depan.
gembira dan teruja kerana tidak Selain itu, filem Everything Everywhere dalam wawancara bersama majalah
menyangka akan menang lagi seterusnya All at Once turut memecah rekod SAG Time, Kramer berkata, insiden Smith
membawa pulang anugerah berprestij itu. Awards apabila memenangi empat melempang Rock di pentas Oscar, tahun
“Ini bukan untuk saya saja. Ini untuk kategori utama. lalu membuka minda penganjur
setiap gadis kecil yang kelihatan seperti Selain Pelakon Wanita Terbaik, ia terhadap banyak perkara, lapor agensi.
saya. Terima kasih kerana memberikan turut menang kategori Filem Terbaik, “Kami ada pasukan krisis, sesuatu
saya penghargaan,” katanya turut Pelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik (Ke yang tidak pernah kami buat sebelum ini
menitiskan air mata gembira. Huy Quan) dan Pelakon Pembantu dan banyak perancangan lain turut
disediakan,” katanya.

Ebby mahu terus bekerja selagi ada kudrat

Ini adalah kemenangan ketiga Yeoh Wanita Terbaik (Jamie Lee Curtis). –
tahun ini selepas menang anugerah Agensi Pada 28 Mac tahun lalu, tindakan
Smith melempang Rock di pentas edisi
ke-94 Oscar, mengejutkan penonton di
dolby Theatre dan seluruh dunia yang
menyaksikan siaran langsung anugerah
berprestij itu.
PELAWAK Ebby Yus, 57, (gambar) Terdahulu, Ebby yang tampak sedikit dari hospital. Insiden berlaku ketika Rock yang
yang dibenarkan pulang ke rumah uzur, dikunjungi Menteri Komunikasi Tambah Ebby, biarpun syarikat menjadi penyampai bagi kategori
selepas menjalani rawatan di hospital dan digital, Fahmi Fadzil yang produksi melarangnya daripada dokumentari Terbaik, membuat lawak
pada 7 Februari lalu akibat meluangkan hampir setengah jam bekerja, beliau enggan menyusahkan yang kurang disenangi mengenai
masalah buah pinggang, bertanya khabarnya. pihak terbabit. penampilan isteri Smith, Jada Pinkett
mahu terus bekerja selagi Ebby berterima kasih kepada “Saya tidak mahu menyusahkan Smith yang berimej botak dengan
kudrat ada. Fahmi atas kesudian berkunjung syarikat produksi. Selagi masih mampu menyamakannya seperti watak G.I Jane
Ebby yang menjalani ke kediamannya. bekerja, saya teruskan. lakonan demi Moore.
rawatan lebih seminggu Ebby atau nama sebenar, “Cuma saya terpaksa tolak pelawaan Secara tiba-tiba, Smith yang juga calon
hingga dimasukkan ke unit Muhammad Yunus Abdul Rashid program ke Jepun kerana tidak mahu Oscar, naik ke pentas lalu melempang
rawatan rapi (ICU), Hospital tidak menyangka tokoh disegani menyusahkan syarikat produksi Rock yang terkejut dan terpinga-pinga
Kuala Lumpur (HKL) selama seperti Fahmi sanggup terbabit dan rakan-rakan andai berlaku dengan aksi pelakon dan penerbit itu.
Sebaik menampar Rock, Smith

Meerqeen tangguh
tiga hari, tidak mahu terlalu meluangkan waktu untuk bertanya perkara tidak diingini,” katanya.
selesa dengan bantuan insan khabar. Sementara itu, Ebby akan kembali ke tempat duduk dan menjerit
prihatin. Sebaliknya, Ebby lebih “Saya tidak tahu menteri yang mengetahui keputusan ujian darah, ke arah Rock meminta agar nama

ke Indonesia demi
mengalu-alukan sumbangan dalam datang untuk menyampaikan bulan depan, bagi memastikan apakah isterinya yang menghidap penyakit
bentuk tawaran kerja. sumbangan kerana dimaklumkan, dia memerlukan rawatan dialisis atau alopecia yang mengakibatkan keguguran

Melur Untuk Firdaus

“Prinsip saya mahu bekerja daripada wakil Finas yang mahu menziarah. tidak. rambut, tidak disebut.
terima sumbangan. Saya tidak mahu Bagaimanapun, saya amat berbesar hati. “Saya akan berjumpa doktor bulan Berikutan insiden itu, Smith
terlalu leka dengan bantuan sedangkan Apakah yang beliau pandang pada saya, depan. Nanti, barulah saya tahu tahap memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada
masih ada kudrat untuk bekerja. sedangkan, saya hanyalah insan kerdil. kesihatan saya. Jika perlu jalani rawatan Rock menerusi hantaran di Instagram
Sebelum ini, sebuah stesen televisyen “Alhamdulillah, saya amat bersyukur dialisis, Fahmi beritahu, beliau mahu (IG), sehari selepas insiden itu. Akhir
DEMI dedikasinya terhadap drama Melur (TV) pernah hubungi untuk beri apabila ramai yang menunjukkan bantu mempercepatkan proses Julai tahun lalu, Smith sekali lagi
Untuk Firdaus musim kedua, pelakon bantuan, namun, saya tolak dan minta keprihatinan. Cuma saya tidak mahu pemasangan tapak bagi rawatan dialisis dilaporkan memohon maaf kepada Rock
Meerqeen (gambar) sanggup menolak digantikan dengan peluang kerja. minta banyak, sebenarnya, apa yang pada tangan,” katanya. atas perlakuannya.
beberapa tawaran filem di Indonesia. “Saya tidak mahu naik ‘lemak’ lebih hebat dan besar adalah doa Ebby yang sebelum ini dikejarkan ke Smith menyatakan permohonan maaf
Bukan hendak menolak peluang, dengan sumbangan, padahal saya sahaja,” katanya. hospital selepas sukar bernafas, itu melalui video diberi judul ‘It’s been a
Meerqeen, 22, menjelaskan tindakannya sudah diberi kekuatan oleh Allah untuk Ebby berkata, beliau sudah kembali mengalami masalah buah pinggang, minute’ yang dimuat naik di saluran

Tom Cruise tolak bawa watak Tony Stark

itu kerana rasa cintanya terhadap watak bekerja. Jadi, saya tidak mahu menjadi bekerja dalam program Sepahtu kencing manis, masalah saraf, darah YouTube rasminya.
Firdaus dalam drama arahan Zamri orang yang meminta-minta,” katanya. Reunion, beberapa hari selepas keluar tinggi, jantung dan prostat. – BH Online Akibat perlakuannya, Smith
Zakaria tersebut. dilaporkan dilarang menghadiri Oscar
“Kedengaran agak gila tolak dan dan semua acara anjuran AMPAS bagi
tangguh beberapa tawaran di Indonesia tempoh 10 tahun.
tetapi fokus ketika ini ialah Melur Untuk Kramer yang dilantik CEO AMPAS
Firdaus 2. Bagi saya, tiada sesiapa yang pada Julai lalu berkata, pasukan krisis
boleh ganti pelakon untuk watak Firdaus NAMA pelakon Tom Cruise (gambar) namun peminatnya masih berharap dia “Saya amat mengagumi downey Jr. berkebolehan bertindak dengan sangat
selain saya,” katanya pada Anugerah dicanang sebagai pengganti kepada diberi peluang untuk menjadi pengganti dan tidak mahu menggantikan cepat andai sebarang insiden berlaku.
Gempak Most Wanted di Shah Alam, aktor Robert downey Jr untuk kepada downey Jr. sebagai Iron Man tempatnya sebagai Tony Stark. Kramer berkata, penganjur juga
Ahad lalu. memegang watak terkenal Tony Stark dalam salah satu filem keluaran Karakter itu sudah sebati dengan mempunyai alasan kukuh untuk
Tambah bekas finalis Hero Remaja atau Iron Man oleh Marvel Cinematic Marvel Studios akan datang. dirinya dan tidak boleh memilih Kimmel sebagai hos.
2020 itu, selain rasa cinta terhadap Universe. dalam satu temu bual dibawakan oleh pelakon lain,” “Itulah sebabnya anda mahu
watak, jadual yang bertindih dengan Bahkan pelakon berusia 60 tahun itu bersama Phase Zero, Cruise yang ujar Cruise. seseorang seperti Jimmy Kimmel di
tawaran lain juga adalah salah satu sempat dikhabarkan akan muncul popular menerusi filem Top Gun Jawapan yang diberikan pentas yang mana individu biasa
faktor terpaksa menangguh impian sebagai Iron Man versi jahat menerusi mengakui bahawa dia tidak Cruise jelas menunjukkan berurusan dengan siaran langsung.
untuk bergelar bintang filem di filem Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of mahu memegang watak Tony bahawa dia sebenarnya tidak Semuanya tidak selalu berjalan seperti
Indonesia. Madness. Stark atau dalam erti kata lain berminat untuk memegang dirancang. Jadi, anda perlukan hos yang

Erra Fazira tiada perancangan jadi penyampai radio sepenuh masa

Katanya, terdapat juga produksi Meskipun khabar angin tersebut menggantikan tempat downey Jr. watak terkenal itu, apatah lagi boleh menguruskan detik itu,” katanya,
menangguh projek filem bagi menanti disangkal Cruise sebagai tidak benar, menerusi filem tersebut. menggantikan posisi downey Jr. lapor agensi. – Agensi
waktu yang sesuai untuk dia terbang ke
negara jiran.
“Ya, jadual bertindih tetapi sekiranya
masih diberikan peluang, rezeki dan
masa, Insya-Allah saya akan tetap KEMUNCULAN Erra Fazira (gambar) setiap Isnin hingga Jumaat bermula jam Sementara itu, ketika ditanya sama
melebarkan sayap di sana. Konsep di sebagai penyampai radio atau dJ di 3 hingga 7 petang. ada dia merancang untuk menjadi
Indonesia, jika mereka hendak pelakon slot duo Sinar, stesen radio Sinar FM Bercerita mengenai kerjaya sebagai penyampai radio sepenuh masa, Erra
itu, mereka pasti tetap akan sejak 7 Februari lalu hanya sementara penyampai radio, Erra berkata, ia berkata, dia belum lagi ada perancangan
mendapatkannya dan sanggup saja. mencabar dan memberi kepuasan ke arah itu.
menunggu. Erra atau nama sebenar, Fazira Wan kepada dirinya. “Pihak Sinar FM ada menawarkan saya
“Apa pun, keutamaan saya tetap di Chek, 49, berkata, dia semakin seronok “Saya seorang yang ‘introvert’ dan kontrak selama setahun kerana
Malaysia dan membolosi industri dan jatuh cinta menjadi penyampai tidak banyak bercakap. Tugas sebagai mendapat maklum balas yang bagus
hiburan di sana pastinya bukan impian radio dan pada masa sama dapat penyampai radio memerlukan saya daripada pendengar sebelum ini tapi
saya sahaja tetapi semua pelakon tanah bergandingan dengan penyampai radio banyak bercakap, kongsi idea dan secara saya belum bersedia untuk menerima
air lain,” ujarnya. berpengalaman. spontan. tawaran terbabit kerana ada komitmen
Sebelum ini, pemilik nama penuh “Sebab itu saya bersetuju untuk “Saya juga tak selesa menjadi pendiam lain,” katanya.
Muhammad Shameer Shauqeen Shaiful menggalas tanggungjawab ini selama dan pemalu sekali gus ia mencabar saya dalam laporan sebelum ini,
Izam itu pernah membintangi drama enam minggu,” katanya ketika ditemui di sebagai penyampai radio untuk menjadi pelakon, penyanyi dan pengacara itu
terbitan Indonesia berjudul Modus majlis pelantikannya sebagai duta lebih berani,” katanya. pernah menimba pengalaman
Operandi yang turut dibintangi Krito jenama Captain dolphin di sebuah hotel, Pada masa sama, kata Erra, dia juga mengendalikan segmen pagi di Sinar
Immanuel, Yusuf, Mahardika, diandra di Kuala Lumpur. meminta tip daripada penyampai radio FM bersama Angah, Jepp dan Rahim
Agatha dan Maudy Effrosina. – Kosmo! dalam slot itu, Erra berganding berpengalaman seperti Linda Onn dan selama sebulan pada April tahun lalu. –
Online dengan Faliq Hikyle dan Hefny Sahad Halim Othman. Harian Metro
Pelajar pintar PGPN UKM aset
harianekspres S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 Rencana 7

negara yang perlu dipertahan

MPAT belas tahun selepas
diperkenalkan pada 2009, Pusat
GENIUS@Pintar Negara (PGPN)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
kekal komited dalam meneruskan usaha
mencari pelajar pintar dan berbakat di
seluruh negara bagi melahirkan modal
insan bernilai tinggi untuk meneruskan
pembangunan negara.
Menerusi usaha yang dilakukan
dengan kerjasama Kementerian
Pendidikan Malaysia, PGPN UKM
mengenal pasti anak-anak pintar berusia dalam bidang yang dicenderungi oleh sama ada berdasarkan Sijil
lapan hingga 15 tahun di seluruh negara pelajar pintar ini,” katanya. GENIUS@Pintar High School diploma
bagi mengikuti program pintar dan Menurut Rorlinda, kira-kira 25 peratus (HSd) atau ujian bakat ilmiah (Scholastic
berbakat di Kolej GENIUS@Pintar Negara alumni KGPN UKM berjaya melanjutkan Aptitude Test - SAT).
(KGPN) di UKM; Kolej GENIUS Insan, pengajian di universiti terkemuka dunia Tambah beliau, penajaan dari dalam
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Negeri sejak penubuhannya, manakala baki 75 negara untuk pelajar pintar amat
Sembilan dan Akademi Sains Pendang, peratus menyambung pendidikan di penting bagi memastikan mereka
Kedah. universiti awam tempatan, khususnya kembali dan berkhidmat di Malaysia
Inisiatif ini bermula selepas UKM UKM, dalam pelbagai bidang STEM dan selepas tamat pengajian.
menerima mandat daripada jemaah sains sosial. “Kita perlu pastikan aset pintar negara
menteri pada 2008 agar universiti ini “Antara universiti luar negara yang yang dibina dari kecil ini berkhidmat
merancang, melaksana serta memantau menempatkan pelajar kolej ini ialah dalam negara dengan menawarkan
program pendidikan pelajar pintar dan Johns Hopkins University, Oxford mereka biasiswa, kerana disebabkan
berbakat di seluruh negara. University, University of Cambridge, mereka mahu pendidikan terbaik,
Untuk menyertai program ini, seorang Cornell University, Brown University, mereka akan terima sebarang bantuan
pelajar harus mempunyai skor University of Chicago, University of kewangan daripada institusi asing
kecerdasan intelek (IQ) sekurang- California, Los Angeles atau UCLA serta termasuk geran universiti untuk
kurangnya 130 dan umur mental beberapa universiti terkemuka dunia menyambung pengajian mereka.
melebihi tiga tahun berbanding umur yang lain,” katanya. “Apabila mereka menerima tawaran-
biologi. Menurut beliau, sejak penerimaan berkebolehan tinggi dalam bidang yang pelajar lepasan SPM dalam arus perdana, tawaran penajaan luar begini, maka kita
“Contohnya, umur biologi pelajar kohort pertama pada 2011, program itu khusus. walaupun telah ditawarkan terus ke perlu bersedia untuk kehilangan bakat-
adalah 11 tahun, umur mental atau telah melahirkan 1,446 pelajar pintar “Sebagai contoh, Sijil Vokasional tahun satu di universiti luar negara. bakat ini kerana mereka akan
akalnya minimum 14 tahun,” jelas setakat 2022. Malaysia (SVM) dan Sijil Tinggi Agama Kebanyakan tajaan biasiswa masih menyambung bekerja di luar negara
Pengarah PGPN UKM Prof Madya dr Mengenai pemilihan pelajar, beliau Malaysia (STAM) yang diiktiraf sijilnya, meletakkan syarat SPM cemerlang memandangkan tiada ikatan perjanjian
Rorlinda Yusof kepada Bernama. berkata ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak demikian juga dengan pelajar pintar dan sebagai kriteria utama dan ini menjadi untuk mereka kembali berkhidmat
pintar dan berbakat boleh mengintai berbakat. Mereka memerlukan sijil yang kekangan bagi mereka,” ujarnya. dalam negara,” katanya, menambah ini
Pelajar pintar aset negara peluang mengikuti program pintar diiktiraf bagi menyokong Beliau yang berulang kali menekankan merupakan satu kerugian besar dalam
Beliau yang telah 10 tahun menjadi tersebut dengan mendaftarkan anak kesinambungan pembelajaran mereka ke keperluan aspek sokongan penajaan bagi konteks pelaburan modal insan negara.
pendidik, pentadbir dan kini menerajui mereka secara berkelompok melalui peringkat yang lebih tinggi. membuka laluan akademik pelajar Ulas beliau, negara pernah
pusat itu, berkata program tersebut sekolah masing-masing di laman web “Ini sejajar dengan konsep pintar, berkata sudah tiba masa untuk mengalami “ketirisan bakat” dalam
berpegang pada falsafah pelajar pintar ‘pendidikan untuk semua’ yang pihak industri dan juga institusi yang kalangan pelajar pintar pada era 1980-an
adalah aset negara yang perlu dipelihara Mereka yang terpilih akan melalui terkandung dalam dasar Pendidikan memberi tajaan melihat kepada bakat hingga 1990-an kerana tidak ada
dan diasah bakatnya semaksimum Ujian Saringan UKM1, UKM2 yang Kebangsaan, juga kesedaran kita sebagai pintar negara dengan menimbangkan program pendidikan pintar yang
mungkin bagi menyerlahkan potensi merupakan ujian IQ dan Ujian UKM3 pendidik dalam menghayati konsep No kelayakan menerusi Sijil Pendidikan berstruktur untuk menyokong keperluan
sebenar mereka ke arah menjadi yang melibatkan sesi temu bual dan one- size-fits-all,” katanya yang turut Pintar yang mengukur kepintaran dan pendidikan pelajar kognisi tinggi.
pemenang anugerah nobel pada masa ujian kompetensi STEM serta pelbagai menegaskan keperluan institusi bakat sebenar pelajar-pelajar ini. Ini juga katanya adalah penyebab
depan untuk negara. ujian psikologi yang perlu diambil pendidikan tempatan di pelbagai “Kami sedang dan akan terus pewujudan program pendidikan pintar
Jelasnya, program pendidikan pintar semasa mengikuti Program Pengayaan peringkat untuk menyediakan sokongan berusaha segigihnya untuk membantu dan berbakat di UKM, selain berjaya
yang distrukturkan dengan kurikulum Cuti Sekolah (PPCS). pendidikan bagi memenuhi keperluan mencarikan penajaan untuk pelajar- mengekang penghijrahan pelajar
mencabar, terkehadapan dan holistik itu pelajar pintar dan berbakat. pelajar pintar negara yang telah berjaya tempatan ke negara jiran.
bertujuan membentuk kemenjadian bakat Iktiraf sijil pendidikan pintar Pusat “Jika negara luar mengiktiraf bakat mendapat tawaran ke universiti luar “Namun kini, setelah negara berjaya
pintar yang bakal menyumbang sebagai GENIUS@Pintar Negara kepintaran pelajar pintar negara ini, negara walaupun mereka belum lagi membentuk dan menghasilkan
pemimpin dunia dalam bidang kepakaran dalam pada itu, Rorlinda menjelaskan mengapa tidak kita?” soalnya. menamatkan peperiksaan SPM tahun kemenjadian holistik pelajar pintar
masing-masing, khususnya Sains, pelajar pintar dan berbakat sebenarnya Mengulas lebih lanjut tentang hal itu, ini,” katanya. mengikut acuan negara berlandaskan
Matematik, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi memerlukan pengukuran beliau berkata pada masa ini, pelajar Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan,
(STEM) dan penyelidikan, sebagai pemikir kecemerlangan yang berbeza KGPN UKM perlu mencatat Perluas tajaan untuk pelajar pintar sehingga kepintaran mereka diiktiraf
dan pereka cipta yang menghayati nilai berbanding pelajar aliran perdana. kecemerlangan dalam Sijil Pelajaran di samping itu, Rorlinda bersyukur dan berjaya mendapat tawaran tempat
kemanusiaan yang tinggi. Menurutnya, sepertimana pelajar Malaysia (SPM) seperti pelajar arus kerana setakat ini Maybank Group pengajian di universiti terkemuka dunia,
“Hasil daripada kurikulum berkeperluan khas, vokasional atau perdana bagi membolehkan mereka Scholarship Programme (MGSP), Yayasan isu pembiayaan pengajian masih belum
pendidikan pintar dan berbakat yang aliran agama yang menduduki menerima penajaan untuk menyambung Gamuda dan MyBrainSc Kementerian dapat diselesaikan, dan tidak mustahil
dijalankan di KGPN ini, pelajar- pelajar peperiksaan kebangsaan mengikut pendidikan di luar negara. Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) bersedia negara akan kehilangan bakat-bakat
telah berjaya mendapat tawaran kecenderungan mereka, pelajar pintar “Mereka juga perlu menjalani menawarkan tajaan atau biasiswa yang telah dipupuk dan diasah
pengajian terus ke tahun satu di juga memerlukan pensijilan khusus program persediaan sebelum dengan keluwesan syarat yang sesuai kepintarannya kepada negara-negara
universiti-universiti terkemuka di dunia kerana mereka adalah pelajar melanjutkan pengajian sama seperti dengan pelajar pintar dan berbakat, lain,” katanya. – Bernama


Mbappe capai 200 Barcelona tewas di tangan Almeria

La Liga

ALMERIA, Sepanyol: Pendahulu La Liga, menguasai bola, kurang intensiti,

Barcelona dikejutkan dengan kekalahan 1- kelajuan, pada hari kami sepatutnya tidak
0 di Almeria pada awal pagi Isnin, sekali boleh melakukan kesilapan. Kami tidak

gol bersama PSG

gus gagal memanfaatkan peluang menunjukkan kemahuan untuk menang.
melebarkan jurang ke atas pesaing di babak kedua ada peningkatan, tetapi
terdekat, Real Madrid yang diikat Atletico. mereka bertahan dengan baik.”
Jaringan El Bilal Toure pada babak dalam aksi di Stadium Power Horse,
pertama memberikan Almeria tuan rumah yang memulakan permainan
PARIS: Kylian Mbappe mencapai 200 kemenangan pertama ke atas Barca, dan di tangga ke-19 liga selepas merakam
bersama Paris Saint-Germain dan menjadi kekalahan kedua skuad Catalan itu dalam hanya satu kemenangan dalam lapan
penjaring terbanyak bersama kelab saingan liga musim ini. perlawanan liga sebelum itu, menguasai
apabila dia meledak dua gol dalam Skuad kendalian Xavi Hernandez babak pertama dan mendahulu
kemenangan 3-0 ke atas pencabar Ligue 1, masih mendahului tujuh mata di depan permainan menerusi Toure.
Marseille, pada awal pagi Isnin. juara bertahan, Madrid, tetapi ia Pemain Mali itu menghantar bola
Mbappe menjaringkan kedua-dua tamparan hebat buat gergasi Sepanyol itu kepada Luis Suarez, yang kemudian
golnya di Velodrome hasil umpanan Lionel selepas tersingkir daripada Liga Europa di membuat umpanan kepadanya untuk gol
Messi dan di antaranya dia membantu tangan Manchester United minggu lalu. tunggal permainan.
bintang Argentina itu menjaringkan satu Barca akan berdepan Madrid di Ia adalah gol liga kelapan yang
lagi gol PSG yang kini melebarkan jurang separuh akhir Piala Raja Sepanyol di membolosi gawang Barca musim ini,
kepada lapan mata di puncak liga. Santiago Bernabeu pada Khamis ini. dengan Marc-Andre ter Stegen gagal
Ia adalah keputusan dan persembahan Kemenangan ke atas Almeria akan menambah catatan tanpa bolos yang kini
yang akan melenyapkan keraguan mengukuhkan kedudukan Barca di sudah mencecah 17 perlawanan.
mengenai pasukan itu, yang menampilkan puncak liga, dalam usaha mereka Penjaga gol itu berkata Barcelona akan
prestasi buruk sejak beberapa minggu lalu. memburu gelaran La Liga pertama sejak pulih menjelang perlawanan menentang
Mbappe mencapai 200 gol untuk PSG 2019, namun mereka gagal memanfaatkan Madrid.
dalam kurang daripada 250 penampilan keputusan seri 1-1 Madrid. “Ia satu kekalahan, ia sentiasa
sejak dia berpindah dari Monaco pada Los Blancos kendalian Carlo Ancelotti menyakitkan, ia tidak pernah tiba pada
2017. menewaskan Barcelona dalam saingan saat yang baik, tetapi kami akan
Pemain 24 tahun itu kini menyamai liga pada Oktober lalu untuk kekalahan menenangkan diri kami,” kata Ter Stegen.
rekod bekas rakan sepasukan, Edinson pertama mereka dan Almeria “Ia penting untuk mengecas bateri
Cavani sebagai penjaring terbanyak kelab menamatkan deretan 13 perlawanan kami untuk perlawanan Khamis ini. Kami
itu. tanpa kalah mereka. tidak sabar dan kami akan mencapai apa
PENYERANG PSG, Kylian Mbappe mengawal
“dia amat pantas tetapi ia bukan saja “Saya sangat marah kerana saya rasa kami yang kami mahukan.”
bola semasa perlawanan tersebut. – Gambar AFP
berkenaan kakinya – kelajuannya ketika bermain permainan paling buruk musim Sementara itu, Almeria kini melonjak

KBS, ESI pupuk perpaduan,

dia melakukan sesuatu amat luar biasa,” ini,” kata Xavi memberitahu Movistar. ke tangga ke-15, dua mata di atas zon
kata jurulatih PSG, Christophe Galtier Neymar yang mengalami kecederaan buku dalam lapan perlawanan. “Pada babak pertama, kami gagal penyingkiran. – AFP
memberitahu Amazon Prime. lali ketika aksi menentang Lille minggu Kekalahan Monaco itu hadir hanya tiga

komunikasi positif melalui e-sukan

“Pemain-pemain sepertinya jelas sekali lalu. hari selepas mereka disingkirkan dari
dimotivasikan oleh statistik dan rekod. Monaco kekal dua mata di belakang saingan Liga Europa menerusi penalti oleh
Malam ini dia menyamai rekod cemerlang Marseille di tangga ketiga selepas tewas 3- Bayer Leverkusen dan mengekalkan
Edinson Cavani dan dia pasti akan 0 di laman sendiri menentang Nice dalam mereka di tangga ketiga tetapi berada di
mengatasinya.” perlawanan lebih awal. atas Lens hanya kerana perbezaan gol.
Mbappe kini mendahului senarai Penyerang Nigeria, Terem Moffi di tempat lain, gol Jeremy doku KUALA LUMPUR: Bertarung di alam maya interaktif Fireside Chat sebagai platform
penjaring Ligue 1 musim ini dengan 17 gol meledak dua kali untuk Nice sebelum memberikan kemenangan 1-0 kepada sambil memupuk perpaduan kaum. perbincangan mengenai perpaduan dan
dan dia sudah mengumpul 29 gol membantu Khephren Thuram Rennes menentang Nantes, untuk kembali Ia merujuk edisi pertama komunikasi.
daripada 29 perlawanan dalam semua menjaringkan gol ketiga. memintas Lille di tangga kelima. #SamaSamaMenang iaitu kejohanan sukan Pertandingan yang menawarkan hadiah
pertandingan sejak kempen bermula. Nice masih belum tewas sejak didier Reims, yang dibimbing pengendali elektronik atau e-sukan bertemakan terkumpul bernilai RM3,000 itu disertai
Sementara itu Messi, mengumpul 12 gol digard, 36, menggantikan Lucien Favre kelahiran Belgium, Will Still, kini tidak perpaduan yang merupakan inisiatif keseluruhan 16 peserta terdiri daripada

Justin raih gelaran di Cabaran Antarabangsa Uganda

liga musim ini dan membantu 12 lagi, yang dipecat sebagai jurulatih bulan lalu, tewas dalam 17 perlawanan liga selepas Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) menerusi berbilang etnik, agama dan budaya.
dengan PSG tidak terasa kehilangan dengan enam kemenangan dan dua seri menewaskan Toulouse 3-0. – AFP Esports Integrated (ESI) berlangsung di ESI Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ESI Ahmed Faris
Hub di Puchong Ahad lalu. Amir berkata pertandingan itu bertujuan
Mempertandingkan hanya permainan menyuntik elemen keterangkuman dan
video PlayerUnknown’s Battleground komunikasi positif dalam kalangan
Mobile (PUBGM), penganjur menjadikan ia komuniti e-sukan Malaysia yang berbilang
KUALA LUMPUR: Bintang badminton disenaraikan dalam skuad senior 2022 di Jerman, Terbuka Croatia pada Jun lebih menarik apabila menerapkan tiga kaum.
dalam pembikinan Justin Hoh mencipta November lepas, mudah menewaskan lepas serta Cabaran Antarabangsa komponen dalam format permainan bagi “Bagi memastikan keberkesanan
sensasi meraih gelaran juara keempatnya, pemain ranking ke-396 dari India, Kanishq Malaysia di Ipoh, Perak pada disember membawa misi perpaduan serta program advokasi seumpama ini, kami
selepas muncul johan dalam acara M dengan keputusan 21-8, 21-12. lepas. komunikasi yang positif sesama peserta. mengambil pendekatan dengan
perseorangan lelaki Kejohanan Cabaran Kejayaan tersebut sekali gus Sementara itu, dalam aksi Tiga komponen itu ialah peserta perlu melibatkan komuniti sasaran dalam slot
Antarabangsa Uganda 2023, pada Ahad menyaksikan pemain berusia 18 tahun di perseorangan wanita, K Letshanaa turut menggunakan format round-robin diskusi santai supaya objektif program
lalu. ranking ke-111 dunia itu menambah melakar kejayaan selepas mengatasi individu bagi setiap peringkat permainan, dapat disampaikan secara efektif dan telus,”
Pada aksi final berlangsung di Arena koleksi kejuaraan dalam karier seniornya, pemain Turkiye, Neslihan Yigit 21-11, 21-8. mata ganjaran tambahan Peace and katanya dalam kenyataan pada Isnin. –
MTN Kampala itu, Justin yang mula selepas menjuarai Bonn International – Bernama development Unity (PAdU) dan sesi Bernama
SUKAN harianekspres Mbappe capai
200 gol
S U AR A TE MP ATAN AND A I S E LAS A, 2 8 FE B RUARI , 2 0 2 3 8
bersama PSG

‘Pocket Rocketman’ sudah kembali

KUALA LUMPUR: Jaguh berbasikal trek pada April tahun lepas. jaguh-jaguh dunia, kali ini apa yang sokongan yang sama ketika membuat kedudukan ke-46 dalam acara keirin
negara datuk Mohd Azizulhasni Awang Apa yang lebih menarik perhatian ditunjukkan memberi kita keyakinan persiapan ke Tokyo dalam menghadapi yang merupakan acara kegemarannya
telah membuktikan semangatnya Pekan ialah Mohd Azizulhasni yang beliau berpotensi dan wajar menjadi cabaran di Paris nanti. dan berada di posisi ke-48 bagi pecut,
masih membara untuk mencipta diberi julukan The Pocket Rocketman sandaran emas di Paris,” katanya ketika “Saya nampak dia memerlukan m e n u r u t
sejarah menghadiahkan pingat emas berjaya menyaingi kehebatan pelumba dihubungi Bernama, pada Isnin. sokongan tambahan yang hebat
sulung Malaysia di Sukan Olimpik Paris yang jauh lebih muda, Harrie Lavreysen Mohd Azizulhasni yang merangkul kerana saya percaya kekuatan Perkembangan itu menyaksikan
2024 tahun hadapan. dari Belanda iaitu juara dunia 2022 dan pingat perak keirin pada Olimpik Tokyo dalaman beliau sendiri iaitu faktor Mohd Azizulhasni memanjat lebih 200
Ia susulan pencapaian menakjubkan pemenang emas Sukan Olimpik Tokyo 2020 dan gangsa dalam acara sama motivasi intrinsik sudah sangat kuat. dan lebih 400 anak tangga masing-
juara dunia 2017 menerusi acara keirin 2020. pada edisi 2016 di Rio de Janeiro Sokongan perlu datang dari segi apa masing dalam ranking keirin dan pecut
itu memenangi pingat perak acara “Ini satu petanda yang sangat positif terpaksa berpuas hati membawa yang boleh pastikan beliau mencapai selepas berada di kedudukan ke-281
sama pada Kejohanan Piala Negara- kerana sebelum ini saya katakan ada pulang perak di Jakarta selepas hanya prestasi yang luar biasa untuk beraksi dan posisi ke-479 pada Oktober tahun
Negara Kesatuan Berbasikal rasa was-was dengan prestasi beliau dipisahkan 0.024 saat (s) di belakang di Paris. lepas susulan berehat panjang selepas
Antarabangsa (UCI) yang berlangsung (Mohd Azizulhasni), tapi dengan Lavreysen pada final Sabtu lepas. “Sokongan tambahan itu pembedahan.
di Jakarta, Indonesia baru-baru ini. kejayaan di Jakarta tambahan pula Olahragawan Kebangsaan 2009, umpamanya dari segi teknologi, Anak jati dungun, Terengganu itu
Pemerhati sukan tempatan, datuk dr bersaing dengan juara dunia dan 2010, 2017 dan 2019/2020 dan 2021 itu sokongan aspek sains sukan, basikal, menjadi wakil tunggal skuad berbasikal
Pekan Ramli mengakui sangat teruja Olimpik seolah-olah beliau sudah kemudian tersingkir di peringkat suku jurulatih, sokongan pasukan yang negara dibarisi antaranya Muhammad
dan gembira apabila atlet berusia 35 kembali ke prestasi sebenar. akhir ketika turun bersaing dalam acara menyeluruh dan juga sokongan dari Shah Firdaus Sahrom, Nurul Izzah Izzati
tahun itu meraih kejayaan tersebut “Kalau sebelum ini beliau menang di pecut keesokan harinya. segi psikologi,” katanya. Mohd Asri dan Anis Amira Rosidi, yang

Awalan tekad
kurang daripada setahun selepas Australia (Austral Wheelrace di Sementara itu, Pekan berpendapat Berdasarkan ranking dunia ketika membawa pulang kilauan pingat pada

Letshanaa kembali
Pheonix B juara Kejohanan Bola Jaring Remaja
melalui pembedahan jantung terbuka Melbourne pada disember 2022) tanpa Mohd Azizulhasni wajar mendapat ini, Mohd Azizulhasni menghuni kejohanan di Jakarta. – Bernama

sertai BAM jadikan boling

padang setaraf
KUALA LUMPUR: Persatuan Badminton KOTA KINABALU: Pasukan Pheonix B

sukan lain
Malaysia (BAM) mengesahkan pemain dari Persatuan Bola Jaring Kota
perseorangan wanita K. Letshanaa Kinabalu menjuarai Kejohanan Bola
kembali menyertai badan induk sukan Jaring Remaja Negeri yang julung kali
itu berkuat kuasa 1 Mac ini. diadakan di Kompleks Sukan Tun
BAM melalui hantaran di Facebook Adnan pada Ahad lalu.
rasminya pada Isnin memaklumkan, Mereka menewaskan SSN Labuan
(Sekolah Sukan Labuan) 50-20 di final IPOH: datuk Awalan Abdul Aziz yang
pihaknya amat berbesar hati dengan menggalas tanggungjawab selaku
keputusan dibuat pemain berpotensi untuk merangkul kejuaraan,
sementara tempat ketiga dimenangi Presiden Persekutuan Boling Padang
berusia 20 tahun itu untuk kembali Asia berikrar memastikan sukan
bersama skuad kebangsaan. oleh Pheonix A yang menewaskan
Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 29-22 pada tersebut setaraf dengan sukan lain di
“Sudah pasti, beliau akan negara dan benua ini.
menambah dan memperkuatkan perlawanan ‘play-off’.
Penjaring terbanyak kejohanan itu Justeru, beliau yang juga Presiden
pasukan perseorangan wanita. PASUKAN pemenang bersama Presiden Sabana, Chenderemata
ialah Norazlina Iswan dengan 123 Sinteh (keempat dari kanan) dan pegawai lain.
Persekutuan Lawn Bowls Malaysia
Persatuan telah memantau dengan
mata sementara pemain terbaik (PLBM) berkata akan bekerjasama
teliti kemajuan ketika proses
kejohanan disandang oleh Nurirdina kepada pasukan Emerald dari akar umbi. dengan negara tetangga selain
pemulihan dan kagum dengan
Sumaya. Tambunan. Sebanyak 16 pasukan mengambil menjanjikan taraf pengurusan berbeza
komitmen ditunjukkan.
Penyerang terbaik dianugerahkan Semua pihak berkaitan termasuk bahagian dalam pertandingan dua dalam misi pemantapan sukan boling
“BAM akan bekerjasama dan
membantu dalam pembangunan serta kepada Norhayati Norman Abdullah persatuan sukan, jurulatih, ibu bapa, hari anjuran Persatuan Bola Jaring padang.
kemajuannya,” menurut kenyataan itu. dan dayang Nurain Ahmed Ismail guru-guru mesti memainkan peranan Sabah (Sabana) itu, yang dirasmikan “Saya menganggap ini sebagai satu
dipilih sebagai pertahanan terbaik dalam pembangunan sukan bola oleh isteri Ketua Menteri, datin Seri amanah dan tanggungjawab selain

Ten Hag mahu Man Utd teruskan kejayaan

Letshanaa dilaporkan
meninggalkan pasukan kebangsaan manakala trofi ‘fairplay’ diberikan jaring di negeri ini dari peringkat Juliah Selag pada hari pembukaan. kejayaan kepada negara kerana
pada Februari tahun lepas, susulan diiktiraf pencapaiannya dalam
kecederaan belakang dialaminya. membangunkan sukan ini.
Ahad lalu, Letshanaa meraih “Bukan itu sahaja, barangkali badan
kejuaraan pertamanya musim ini induk Asia ini turut memperakui
selepas muncul juara perseorangan segala tindak tanduk kita termasuk
LONdON: Erik ten Hag menggesa membiarkan pemain-pemainnya mengikuti falsafahnya. peranan persatuan itu sendiri
wanita pada kejohanan badminton

Mei Xing mahu

Manchester United menggunakan berpuas hati dengan kejayaan itu. “Anda perlu meraikan saat ini. Ia termasuk komitmen kerajaan,” katanya
Antarabangsa Uganda. – Bernama kemenangan di final Piala Liga ke atas “Trofi menunjukkan sesuatu, yang bukan hari yang biasa. Kami memenangi ketika ditemui pada Majlis Makan

kekal konsisten
Newcastle sebagai batu loncatan untuk anda berada di landasan yang betul. Ia trofi. Trofi ini membawa makna. Itu Malam Kejohanan Boling Padang Asia
meneruskan kejayaan. satu piala dan sekarang baru Februari, perasaan saya ketika ini,” kata Ten Hag. ke-14 dan Bawah 25 tahun Asia 2023 di
United merangkul trofi pertama tetapi ia menunjukkan kami menuju ke “Ia akan membantu, ia akan

bersama Pang Roon

sini, malam Ahad lalu.
mereka dalam tempoh enam tahun arah yang betul,” kata Ten Hag. membawa lebih keyakinan selagi kami Awalan memenangi jawatan
selepas tandukan Casemiro dan gol “Kami perlu meneruskan rentak ini tidak terbawa-bawa dengan kejayaan ini. tersebut tanpa bertanding semasa
sendiri Sven Botman mengesahkan dan tidak mudah berpuas hati, kerana Kami mampu memberikan lebih lagi, pemilihan yang berlangsung pada
kemenangan 2-0 di Wembley, pada awal rasa puas akan menjelmakan rasa malas menjadi lebih baik dan lebih berusaha.
Mesyuarat Lembaga Persekutuan Lawn
KUALA LUMPUR: Pemain beregu pagi Isnin. dan anda tidak akan memenangi Jangan cepat berpuas hati.”
Bowls Asia ke-15, di Meru Raya Sabtu
campuran Teoh Mei Xing mengakui Musim pertama Ten Hag sebagai sebarang trofi.” Ten Hag dan pemain-pemainnya
tahap keserasian bersama Hoo Pang pengendali United ternyata berjaya United tidak pernah memenangi Liga disertai oleh pemilik bersama United,
Menurut beliau fokus utamanya
Roon yang digandingkan bersama mengubah kelab yang sedang bergelut Perdana Inggeris sejak musim terakhir Avram Glazer, ketika meraikan kejayaan
adalah untuk memastikan promosi
sejak tiga bulan lepas semakin itu sejak dia tiba dari Ajax tahun lalu. Alex Ferguson pada tahun 2013 dan itu di bilik persalinan.
Pengendali dari Belanda itu membawa mereka hanya melihat seteru tetangga, Pemilik dari Amerika itu menghadiri tentang sukan tersebut sentiasa
meningkat. mendapat tempat dalam kalangan
Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata United ke tangga ketiga Liga Perdana Manchester City menjadi kuasa besar di perlawanan pertama sejak pengumuman
Inggeris, dan kekal dalam pemburuan England sepanjang tempoh itu. pada November bahawa keluarganya masyarakat.
persediaan rapi dari segi fizikal dan “Paling penting adalah program
mental perlu ditingkatkan selepas Piala FA serta Liga Europa musim ini. Memenangi Piala Liga hanyalah sedang mempertimbangkan untuk
Persembahan mantap United perkara kecil ketika era Ferguson, tetapi menjual kelab itu. pembangunan sukan boling padang
gandingan itu mengesahkan itu sendiri untuk mencari pelapis-
penyertaan dalam empat kejohanan menentang Newcastle, yang terdesak Ten Hag menegaskan ia penting dalam Glazer menerima tawaran daripada
menamatkan kemarau 54 tahun untuk usahanya mencetus kebangkitan di Old jutawan British, Jim Ratcliffe dan satu pelapis masa depan sukan ini kerana
berturut-turut di Eropah. tidak semua tempat dalam negara
Mei Xing berkata, beliau dan Pang memenangi trofi, menunjukkan impak Trafford dan sebagai bukti kepada konsortium diketuai pengurus

Wai Ching teruskan pencapaian luar biasa di Las Vegas

dibawa Ten Hag. pemain-pemainnya mengenai apa yang kumpulan bank dari Qatar, Sheikh Jassim mempunyai fasiliti sukan ini,” katanya.
Roon juga perlu fokus dan konsisten – Bernama
dalam setiap siri kejohanan Jelajah Tetapi Ten Hag tiada hasrat untuk mampu mereka capai jika mereka Bin Hamad Al Thani. – AFP
dunia Persekutuan Badminton dunia
(BWF) dalam misi memburu gelaran
pertama musim ini.
Pang Roon-Mei Xing yang
menghuni ranking ke-67 dunia, akan KUALA LUMPUR: Pelari menara nombor Lebih manis, Wai Ching melakukan Keputusan diraih Wai Ching itu turut Ewell yang menamatkan larian dengan
membuka tirai kejohanan Eropah satu negara, Soh Wai Ching meneruskan larian 108 tingkat melibatkan 1,455 anak mengulangi pencapaian sama catatan masa 8:42s serta Mark Henderson
bermula dengan Terbuka Jerman dari pencapaian luar biasanya apabila tangga (ketinggian 260 meter) dalam dilakukannya pada Februari tahun lepas, dengan catatan 8:54s.
7 hingga 12 Mac, Seluruh England (14- mengungguli perlumbaan menaiki anak masa enam minit 46 saat (s) sekali gus namun ketika itu beliau menamatkan “Saya akan kembali dengan sasaran
19 Mac), Terbuka Switzerland (21-26 tangga bangunan menara Scale the Strat menyamai rekod terdahulu yang perlumbaan dengan catatan 6:57s. 6.30s tahun depan!” kata Wai Ching

Chia Ching Byn ungguli Regata Terbuka Hari Bandaraya ke-22

di Las Vegas, Nevada, Amerika Syarikat dicatatkan pelari menara dari Mexico, Tempat kedua dan ketiga masing- menerusi hantaran di laman rasmi
Mac), Masters Sepanyol (28 Mac-2
lewat malam Ahad lalu. Alexis Trujillo pada 2020. masing diraih dua atlet tuan rumah, Mark Facebooknya. – Bernama
“Saya rasa setakat ini tahap
keserasian kami berdua sudah
mencecah 80 peratus, namun saya
akui masih ada ruang untuk kami
perbaiki terutamanya konsisten ketika GL Oh tempat ketiga.
dalam gelanggang memandangkan KOTA KINABALU: Chia Ching Byn Tiga pemenang teratas dalam kategori
memenangi gelaran International 470 keseluruhan ILCA 4 ialah Laurenz
pengalaman saya dalam beregu
keseluruhan pada Regata Terbuka Hari Leonardo daim, Mohammad
campuran masih kurang. Syahieradham Raiman dan Zeti Irdina
Bandaraya ke-22 yang diadakan di Kelab
“Lagipun kami berdua (Pang Roon- Perahu Layar Kinabalu (KYC) pada Ahad Zainal. Laurenz dan Zeti juga merupakan
Mei Xing) masih belum banyak lalu. pemenang bahagian lelaki dan wanita.
peluang untuk bermain dengan dia bersama kru, Thomas Kong, Gelaran Optimis keseluruhan
gandingan campuran terbaik di dunia. memenangi hadiah utama, manakala di dimenangi oleh Hafizanah Zailan, disusuli
Namun, Pang Roon banyak tempat kedua ialah gandingan Muhd Muhammad Aiman Aqeel Mohd Firdaus
membimbing saya dengan mengajar daniel Iqbal Muhammad Samsu dan dato’ dan Kee Alaeana Abdullah.
cara menukar strategi dengan lebih Chairullah, disusuli pemenang bahagian Nur Hafizanah turut merangkul
cepat supaya kedua-dua berasa lebih veteran, Leonard Chin dan Josie Joinol di kejuaraan divisyen A, manakala Ziqri
selesa ketika berada dalam tempat ketiga. Luqman Zainal dan Muhammad Abqaari
gelanggang,” katanya ketika ditemui Ia merupakan kemenangan Chia dan Irham Adam masing-masing
pemberita baru-baru ini. Kong yang kedua tahun ini, selepas turut mengungguli divisyen B dan C, dan tiga
memenangi trofi Ship’s Bell kelab itu pada tempat teratas dalam kategori Optimist
Pemain berusia 25 tahun itu
Januari lalu. Novice disandang Andre Martin,
mengakui sentuhan jurulatih dari Alexander Chiu Shinka dan Macy Mosom
dalam kategori ILCA (International
Indonesia, Nova Widianto banyak Laser Class Association) 6, gelaran Sikayun.
membantu mereka memperbaiki keseluruhan dimenangi oleh pemenang dalam kategori Windsurf, Abidin
kelemahan dalam setiap perlawanan Aliakbar muncul pemenang lelaki terbuka SEMUA pemenang mengabadikan kenangan bersama.
bahagian wanita Gabrielle Marygrace
selain sering menasihati mereka Yong Poquita, manakala pemenang dan Tiong Jia Yi merangkul gelaran oleh Marcella Wilson Villaceran. menduduki tiga tempat teratas.
untuk mempunyai kepercayaan dan bahagian lelaki Mohd Reezmin Ismah wanita, manakala gelaran tertutup untuk Pertandingan Kite Surfing turut Sementara itu, seramai 72 pelayar
keyakinan tinggi terhadap pasangan terpaksa berpuas hati di tempat kedua, lelaki dimenangi oleh Mohd Azmi Mohd diadakan dengan Jarrow danie Marcus, mengambil bahagian dalam acara
ketika berdepan lawan. – Bernama dengan Nur Hafizahanani Zailan di Kahmis dan gelaran wanita disandang Mitchell Cini dan Abidin Aliakbar tahunan anjuran kelab tersebut.

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