Shafiqullah Life, S Conditon

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It is a heartbreaking reality that many children around the world face economic hardships that prevent

them from continuing their education. It is essential that society comes together to support these children
and provide them with the resources and opportunities they need to pursue their education. It is important
for communities, governments, and organizations to work together to ensure that all children have access
to education and the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Especially in Afghanistan WFP is making a significant impact on the lives of children around the world. Their
efforts are essential in helping to support children in bad economic conditions and giving them hope for a
brighter future.

So, Shafiqullah is one of those children who have left their education due to bad economy crisis to survive
their family. Shafiqullah is son of Mohammad Zakir a resident of Nazir Abad council, refer to Faizabad
District of Badakhshan Province. He is 9 years old and responsible to work outside to support his family.

Shafiqullahy’s father was a greengrocer in the market of Faizabad district where he borrowed the money to
survive their family but he lean in this path and lost the fund. Therefore, he unawares hidden himself from
those who have borrowed without to inform his family as I have communication with M, Zakir wife and
Shafiqullah while I have assigned to consider their the life conditions.

While Shafiqullah understood the satuation and realized that no one support his family so, he left his
education and searching the sources to find money in order to support his family. Furthermore, he patrol in
the market and polish the people’s shoes.

In conclusion, as I have found and considered, the family of Shafiqullah is in a bad condition and it often
means they lack access to basic necessities to providing them with stability, love, and access to education
and opportunities can make a significant difference in their lives.

[9:29 pm, 23/04/2024] Ershad Mahir: Certainly. When children face economic crises, it often means they
lack access to basic necessities, let alone educational resources. This can perpetuate a cycle of poverty and
limit their opportunities for advancement. To address this issue, various initiatives can be implemented:

1. *Scholarship Programs*: These programs provide financial assistance to students in need, enabling them
to continue their education without worrying about the financial burden.

2. *Mentorship Programs*: Pairing students with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and access
to opportunities can significantly impact their educational journey and future prospects.

3. *Community Support*: Local organizations, charities, and community centers can offer educational
support, such as after-school programs, tutoring, or access to technology and study materials.
4. *Government Policies*: Governments can implement policies aimed at reducing economic disparities
and ensuring that all children have access to quality education, regardless of their financial circumstances.

5. *Donations and Sponsorships*: Individuals and businesses can contribute by donating funds, supplies, or
services to schools and organizations working to support children in need.

By implementing these initiatives and fostering a supportive environment, we can help children facing
economic crises continue their education and break the cycle of poverty.

[10:19 pm, 23/04/2024] Ershad Mahir: Absolutely. Children without parental supervision often face unique
challenges, and it's important to acknowledge their resilience and strength. Providing them with stability,
love, and access to education and opportunities can make a significant difference in their lives. We should
also advocate for systems and support networks that prioritize their well-being and provide them with the
resources they need to succeed.

It is a heartbreaking reality that many children around the world face economic hardships that prevent
them from continuing their education. It is essential that society comes together to support these children
and provide them with the resources and opportunities they need to pursue their education. It is important
for communities, governments, and organizations to work together to ensure that all children have access
to education and the opportunity to reach their full potential. Especially in Afghanistan, WFP is making a
significant impact on the lives of children around the world. Their efforts are essential in helping to support
children in bad economic conditions and giving them hope for a brighter future.

Shafiqullah is one of those children who have left their education due to a bad economic crisis to support
his family. Shafiqullah is the son of Mohammad Zakir, a resident of Nazir Abad council in the Faizabad
District of Badakhshan Province. He is 9 years old and responsible for working outside to support his family.
Shafiqullah's father was a greengrocer in the market of Faizabad district where he borrowed money to
survive, but he failed in this endeavor and lost the funds. Therefore, he unknowingly hid himself from those
he had borrowed from without informing his family. I communicated with Mohammad Zakir's wife and
Shafiqullah while I was assigned to assess their living conditions.

Shafiqullah understood the situation and realized that no one was supporting his family. As a result, he left
his education and began searching for ways to earn money to support his family. He patrols the market and
polishes people's shoes.

In conclusion, based on my findings and assessment, Shafiqullah's family is in a dire condition and often
lacks access to basic necessities. Providing them with stability, support economically, and access to
education and opportunities can make a significant difference in their lives.

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