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Performance Assessment—Student Initiated

GRADE LEVEL(S) Teaching_ Kindergarten 2_

Student teacher: Naw Hnin Nway Moe School: KKIS international School in Mae Sot

Mentor teacher(s): Tr. Apple University Supervisor: Dr.Chris

Instructions: A common student-teaching concern is that the student is often not fully informed
of his/her strengths and weakness during the student-teaching experience. It is suggested that the
student teacher ask these questions of the mentor teacher and/or the supervisor in a conference
session. Specific instances and observations will assist in making this evaluation more helpful.

1. What strong points characterize my teaching?

• I excel in adapting to each student's unique personality and behavior, ensuring
that my lessons are customized to their individual interests and needs. My
commitment to treating all students equally and demonstrating patience in
teaching creates a positive and inclusive learning environment.
2. Have I been making the best possible use of school materials, the available facilities, and
professional opportunities? Illustrate.
• I ensure the best use of school resources by matching materials with my students'
needs and interests. I use the available facilities for interactive activities, making
learning more engaging. My teaching involves diverse materials to suit various
interests and learning styles. I use the facilities for hands-on experiences, creating
an immersive learning environment. Actively pursuing professional growth, I
refine my teaching methods, emphasizing ongoing development. This
commitment improves my ability to deliver a dynamic and effective educational
experience, demonstrating my dedication to continuous improvement.
3. Have I shown evidence of ability to learn from experience?
• Absolutely, my teaching journey has been marked by a continuous learning
process. I actively reflect on challenges faced and adapt my teaching style
accordingly. This evidences my ability to learn and grow from experience,
ensuring a dynamic and evolving approach in the classroom.
4. Do I appear to relate well with and be accepted by students?
• The positive relationship I share with my students is evident through their
expressions of love and respect. This acceptance indicates a strong rapport,
crucial for effective teaching and a supportive learning environment.
5. Is discipline too strong, too weak, or about right? How could I improve in this area?
• While my teaching style leans towards a bit of leniency in discipline, I recognize
the need for improvement. To address this, I plan to implement more proactive
measures in managing classroom behavior, ensuring students understand and
adhere to expectations, fostering a more structured learning environment.
6. What specific improvements or suggestions, if any, need to be made concerning my
mannerisms, speech traits, idiosyncrasies of personality, or appearance?
• In my commitment to enhance my teaching, I recognize the importance of clarity
and enunciation in my speech, and I will conscientiously work on articulating
words more distinctly to ensure that my students can easily understand the
information presented in the classroom.
7. What additional things do I need to learn or do to become a better teacher?

• To enhance my teaching skills, I will actively pursue additional professional

development opportunities. Seeking guidance on effectively integrating the
school's curriculum and rules into my teaching strategies will be a priority.
Developing specific strategies to maintain students' attention during longer
lessons is also an area I aim to improve for a more comprehensive and effective
teaching approach.

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