Rentaw 2024 New CONTRACT

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This contract made and entered into by between LGU-AMULUNG-LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT

duly represented by HON. EDWARD M. ANTONIO, M.D, Municipal Vice Mayor of Amulung, hereinafter
refers to as the “FIRST PARTY”


I, ALPHA V. MEDRANO, of legal age, Filipino, single, and resident at BAYABAT, AMULUNG,
CAGAYAN hereinafter referred to the ‘SECOND PARTY’.


1. That the FIRST PARTY is in need of the services of the SECOND PARTY as JOB ORDER STAFF
of the OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN in the latter’s mandate provided for in the Local
Government Code in the promotion of the GENERAL WELFARE through the delivery of basic
legislative services more particularly in the field of LOCAL LEGISLATION and in the discharge of

2. That the SECOND PARTY has signified his intention to serve at the pleasure of the FIRST PARTY,
for which the latter had accepted it;

3. That the SECOND PARTY is equipped with the educational requirements and necessary
experiences/skills needed to perform the job, as mandated by Municipal Ordinance No. 2020-02 more
Particularly Section 4 and 6;

4. That the SECOND PARTY has not been previously dismissed from the government service by reason
of an administrative case, and that he has not yet reached the compulsory retirement age of sixty-five
(65) years;

5. That in view of foregoing, the SECOND PARTY is hereby hired as JOB ORDER STAFF as
LEGISLATIVE AIDE pursuant to Section 4 of Municipal Ordinance 2020-02, to be assigned at the
OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN, for the period of April 01,2024 to June 30,2024, for a
daily wage of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (₱ 500.00), Philippine currency pursuant to Section 5 of said
ordinance, to be paid every fifteen (15) days, but in no case shall the number of working days in any
given month exceed twenty-two (22) days unless extended to not more than 30 working days in a month
in emergency and meritorious cases.

6. That as JOB ORDER STAFF, the SECOND PARTY is under obligation to perform the following
specific functions which are all in the line with Section 6 of Municipal Ordinance No. 2020-02

1. General:

A. LOCAL LEGISLATION - assist members of the Sanggunian Bayan in the passage of

resolution and enactment of ordinances through the following:
1. Conduct of data gathering
2. Conduct of legislative research
3. Attendance to legislative committee hearings
4. Preparation of reports
B. OVERSIGHT FUNCTION - Assist the members of the Sanggunian Bayan in discharging its
"oversight" function through the following:
1. Monitoring of the implementation and/or observance or compliance by the Executive
Department of all ordinances, laws, and rules and regulation
2. Attendance to Barangay Session and other activities
3. Preparation of reports


1. Performs such other functions:

a. To ensure that the Legislative Department is working in harmony with the Executive
b. To ensure that the "check and balance" rule of the Legislative Department is being
observed to the fullest.
c. To ensure that the vision and mission of the Legislative Department are being observed
and implemented.
2. Codification of ordinances
3. Implementation of the "transparency" program of the department.
4. Linkages with the provincial and national government
5. Assist the barangays on matters that need Legislative action.

2. Specific:

1. Prepare, receive and deliver communication letter

2. File communication of the SB Member
3. Prepare the accomplishment report of the SB Member
4. Attend meeting in the absence of SB Member
5. Assist client of SB Member
6. Takedown minutes during the committee hearing
7. Encodes and prints Committee Report
8. Safeguard confidentiality of information and office records
9. Perform related function as per request/instruction of the SB Member.

7. That the SECOND PARTY shall perform his work at a time and schedule to be agreed upon by both

8. That it is understood that his contract does not create any employer-employee relationship between the

9. That it is expressly understood and agreed upon that the FIRST PARTY is relieve and from any legal
suit or any form of liability for whatever that may happen to the SECOND PARTY in the course of his
performance of duty inside or outside of work station.

10. That the FIRST PARTY reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this contract anytime during the
contracted period by giving advance written notice to the SECOND PARTY for at least fifteen (15)
days should he finds the services of the latter to be unsatisfactory or for want of capacity and that his
services is no longer needed, or for any breach of terms and conditions of this contract, or due to
insufficiency of funds. Termination of this contract as herein provided shall be final and binding upon

11. That the SECOND PARTY is willing to go on travel or perform field work at any reasonable hour of
the day at any day of the week when the arises, without any obligation of the FIRST PARTY to pay
whatever expenses that the SECOND PARTY may incur;
12. That the SECOND PARTY hereby binds himself to pay the FIRST PARTY for any damage or loss to
office property which is attributed to his fault or negligence.


First Party Second Party

Signed in the presence of:


Sangguniang Bayan Member Human Resource Management Officer II
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Cagayan
Municipality of Amulung

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, personally appeared the following:

Community Tax Certificate

Name No. Date Issued Place of Issue

EDWARD M. ANTONIO ________________ 01-02-2024 Amulung, Cagayan

ALPHA V. MEDRANO -19804984 01-04-2024 Amulung, Cagayan

Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me
that the same is their own free will and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consists of three (3) pages including this page wherein this acknowledgement is
written, and is signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page hereof;

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _______ day of April 2024 at ___________, Cagayan,

Notary Public

Doc. No. ______

Page No. ______
Book No.______
Series of 2024

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