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Active listening is more than just hearing the words being

spoken; it's about fully engaging with the speaker,

understanding their message, and responding
thoughtfully. This powerful tool can transform
relationships, build trust, and foster deeper connections.
Whether it's a discussion with a friend, a family member,
or a colleague, active listening can help you grasp the full
meaning of what's being shared.
Here are a few key elements to practice:
 Fully focus on the speaker, without distractions.
 Show that you're listening through nodding, eye
contact, and encouraging gestures.
 Provide feedback by summarizing what you've
heard and asking clarifying questions.
 Defer judgment to fully understand the speaker's
perspective before forming your own opinion.
 Respond appropriately with empathy and
understanding, acknowledging the speaker's feelings
and views.
Why not give it a try in your next conversation? Notice
any difference in how the interaction unfolds and the
connection deepens.

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