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Assignment 2.

6: We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks

And "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke (page 628)
We Real Cool
by Gwendolyn Brooks
We real cool. We
LeIt school. We
Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.

Considerations for Critical Reading and Thinking
BeIore you begin to read, please skim through the chapters in your book on poetry. II it has been
a while since you analyzed a poem, you may wish to read the Iirst Iew pages oI each chapter that
deals with poetry, in addition to the sample student essays at the end oI each chapter.
For the explication oI poetry, it is especially important to understand the literal level oI the work
beIore proceeding. You need to make more than one Iirst (or literal reading) to understand what
is happening in a poem. Since poetry is a compressed Iorm, each word or detail, including
punctuation, is potentially important to the poem's meaning or signiIicance. Remember to record
your initial impressions, along with a brieI summary oI what is happening in the each oI the
In your second reading, notice how deceptively simple these poems are in their language and
how vivid are their images. Consider the symbolic possibilities oI the images in each poem by
considering what associations you might have with the objects and situations portrayed. The
reading questions are keyed to each poem individually.
Finally, listen to the authors reading their own poems:
'We Real Cool
'My Papa`s Waltz
Did the authors read the poems diIIerently than you did? Did their readings add anything to your
understanding oI the poem?
"We Real Cool"
O Do you identiIy with the experiences oI the narrator?
O How does the Iorm oI the poem relate to its content?
O How do the pool players relate to innocence and experience?
"My Papa's Waltz"
O Who is the speaker oI the poem?
O Is this a positive or negative memory Ior the narrator?
O What does this poem argue about experience?
O How does the Iorm oI the poem relate to its content?

Discussion 2.5
We'll discuss this assignment as a class. For the short stories in this unit, you practice analyzing
on your own. Now let's see what happens to our own opinions when we incorporate other
First, view a unique interpretation oI "We Real Cool" by clicking
on, and then clicking on the title "We Real Cool."
"My Papa's Waltz" is a poem that Irequently creates controversy in the classroom. View one
man's interpretation by clicking on, and then clicking
on the title "My Papa's Waltz." How does his opinion oI the poem compare to your own?
Then, write a paragraph describing how your response to each poem changed or developed
throughout the analytical process. First, you read the poems, then you heard the authors read
them, and then you heard what others had to say.
Read and respond to your classmates' postings as well.

Research homework

Although the Iocus oI this Unit's essay is on your own analysis, you may write your research
essay Ior Unit Four on the same topic. ThereIore, it is wise to explore available resources now.
Research your chosen story or poem in GALILEO. Find one source that supports your
understanding oI the story or poem, and one source that contradicts it, or provides an alternative
viewpoint on some aspect oI the story or poem. Read both sources thoroughly.
Then, write a critique oI each article. Don`t Iorget to include the publication inIormation so that I
can reIerence it iI need be, including the database you used to Iind it. II you preIer, you may
write an MLA style citation. In your critique, include the Iollowing: What do you notice about
the content? What about the writing style? Are there any qualities you might choose to emulate
in your own essay? Any that you should avoid?

We real cool,
From when I heard the title oI the poem, I knew it must be about a group oI young high
school boys. AIter reading the poem, I Ielt the boys thought they were being cool by skipping
school Ior party. Listening to the author, diverted my attention Irom the Iact that the boys where
being cool to that they just being ignorant which brings out the point oI innocence in the poem.
My Papa`s Waltz
AIter reading the poem My Papa`s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, I Ielt it was about a house
with an abusive Iather whom his son was scared to be around him because oI his nature. I very
much agree with Van`s interpretation about the poem being a joyIul one because Ior example in
line IiIteen and sixteen which states ' Then waltzed me oII to be, Still clinging to your shirt
shows that even while going to bed, the author we still want to hang on and spend some more
time with his Iather. I equally disagree with Van because between line Iive and IiIteen, it shows
some sought oI aggressive nature.

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