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Reno~abh, Energy Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 31-35, 1991 0960-1481/91 $3.00+.

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press plc


J. A. MUADDI a n d M. A. JAMAL
Department of Physics, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain,
P.O. Box 15551, United Arab Emirates

(Received 24 January 1990 ; accepted 8 March 1990)

Abstract--In pure water, the solar spectrum at various depths from l cm to 200 m has been reconstructed.
The reconstruction was performed via a computer program. Two sets of data were adopted in this work :
the extinction coefficient of pure water in the wavelength range of 300 2500 nm and the solar spectrum at
sea level in the same wavelength range.

1. INTRODUCTION by an integral of the following form [7] :

The utilization of solar energy in water desalination
and in space heating via solar ponds demands detailed t, = j l~ l e ~,,l~,.fO0 d;~ (I)
information about the energy transfer from the solar
radiation to the water. where 2o is the short wavelength limit of the spectrum,
This energy transfer manifests itself in the change I is the transmitted intensity at the air-water interface,
of the solar spectral distribution with respect to depth u(2) is the extinction coefficient of water, and f()J is
in water, the spectral change is due to the contribution the spectral distribution function.
of two processes : absorption and scattering. Although the variation of solar intensity with depth
Although the solar spectral distribution at depth in in water can not be represented by an equation of
water was the subject of interest for a very long time exponential nature because of the heterogeneous
[1~,], the literature on this topic is still not extensive nature of the solar radiation, the intensity of each
and needs some consideration. individual photon of the solar beam can be rep-
The object of this work is to study the solar spectral resented by an exponential equation, viz.
distribution at depth in water for a large number of
I~ = l e "" (2)
points. This work is performed through the recon-
struction of the solar spectrum at the required depths.


The solar spectral distribution at a point in the The extinction coefficient of pure water as a func-
upper atmosphere [5] shows that the solar spectrum tion of wavelength has been studied extensively [8
covers a wide region of wavelengths extending from 11]. Highly reliable data from different sources are
the ultra-violet region to the far infra-red region. Due classified and reported by Defant [12], these data were
to absorption and scattering the different atmospheric used by several authors [13, 14].
layers play a great role in filtering this spectrum. The extinction coefficient of pure water shows a
At sea level [6], the total solar intensity is reduced strong dependence upon wavelength in the spectral
to about 70% and the spectral distribution becomes region of 300-2500 nm. This coefficient has a very low
limited to the region of 30(~3200 n m where more than value, i.e. of the order of l0 2 m ~in the visible region
95% of solar energy is contained in the wavelength of the spectrum and a very high value, i.e. of the order
range of 300-2500 nm. Figure la illustrates the solar of 104 m-~ in the far infra-red region of the spectrum.
spectrum at sea level where the dips in the infra-red This trend of variation with wavelength strongly indi-
region have been omitted for the sake of making the cating the high absorptivity of water molecules in the
spectrum more suitable for a dry desert place with long wavelength region of the spectrum.
almost no pollution. Figure 2 illustrates the extinction coefficient of pure
At a depth x in water, the solar intensity I, is given water in the wavelength range of 300-2500 nm.
32 J . A . MUADD! and M. A. JAMAL


1.6 ,\

"~ 1.2




i I / I

300 800 1300 1800 2300

Wavetengfh ( nm )
Fig. I. Solar spectrum at sea level. (a) Incident and (b) transmitted.

"-10 4 T 7 - - - -I - --- T - - - ~ - - - 4.1. The transmitted spectrum

For normal incidence of solar radiation onto the
water surface, i.e. the sun is at the zenith, part of the
103 t
solar spectrum is reflected to the atmosphere at the
air-water interface and the rest is transmitted. The
~E 10" transmitted intensity I in terms of the incident inten-
sity I0 is given by [15] :
tJ i
I - (nl +n2) 2 I° (3)
g 10° i
where n~ and n2 are the refractive indices of the air
and water respectively.
The refractive index of the water is not constant,
ig 2 t ~ ~ , , its variation with wavelength is accounted for by
500 1500 2500 Caushy's dispersion formula [15], viz.
Wavetengfh (nm)
Fig. 2. Extinction coefficient of pure water (from various n=A+)~+~4 (4)
sources (after Defant [12])).
where A, B and C are constants characteristic of the
It is sufficiently accurate for many applications to
consider only the first two terms of Caushy's formula
The present work is concerned in the reconstruction [15]. To find the constants A and B in eq. (4) two
of the solar spectrum after transmission through vari- known values of the refractive index for the water at
ous depths in pure water. The reconstruction pro- two different wavelengths were used [16].
cedure is performed by a specially designed computer The refractive index of water has been calculated as
program and based upon two sets of data which have a function of wavelength in the range of 300-2500 nm
been adopted in this work: the digitized solar spec- by using eq. (4) and the refractive index for air is
trum at sea level and the extinction coefficient of pure assumed to be constant (n~ = 1).
water. The obtained results were used in eq. (3) together
Solar spectrum at depth in water 33

with the data on the digitized solar spectrum at sea responding data o f the t r a n s m i t t e d intensity at zero
level for the reconstruction o f the t r a n s m i t t e d solar d e p t h (data o b t a i n e d in Section 4.1) a n d the extinction
spectrum at the a i r - w a t e r interface. T h e reconstructed coefficient were used.
spectrum is illustrated in Fig. lb. This procedure was carried o u t for a certain d e p t h
over the wavelength range of 300 2500 nm. T h e
results o b t a i n e d were used to reconstruct the solar
4.2. The solar spectrum at depth spectrum at t h a t depth.
Using eq, (2), the t r a n s m i t t e d intensity Iv at d e p t h Figures 3-6 illustrates the solar spectrum recon-
x has been calculated for each wavelength, the cor- structed at various depths from 1 cm to 200 m.



1.2 t ransmi t ted

/~ 1 cm
10 cm
~ 5o cm


0 300 800 1300 1800 2300

Wavelength ( nm )
Fig. 3. Solar spectrum at various depths in pure water from 0 to 50 cm.





~_ 0.6


300 z,O0 500 600 700 800 900
Wavetengfh ( nm 1
Fig. 4. Solar spectrum at various depths m pure water from 60 cm to 2 m.
34 J . A . MUADD1 and M. A. JAMAL



I0 m
~.2 \ I~ °o
i8 m
~ 0.9

~ 0.6

300 400 5~ 600 7~

Wavelength ( nrn )
Fig. 5. Solar spectrum at various depths in pure water from 3 to 18 m.


0.8 /

~80 m
~100 m
/" J120 m

200 m



0 300 ~ 400 500 ~ 600

Wavelength ( nm )
Fig. 6. Solar spectrum at various depths in pure water from 20 to 200 m.

5. CONCLUSIONS formula where the refractive index becomes higher at

short wavelengths.
The t r a n s m i t t e d solar spectrum at the a i r - w a t e r The transmitted solar spectrum in pure water shows
interface (Fig. 1), suffers little reduction in intensity m a n y interesting features. In the first centimeter all
in the s h o r t wavelength p a r t o f the solar spectrum. p h o t o n s of wavelengths a b o v e 1300 nm are completely
This is conceivable on the basis o f C a u s h y ' s dispersion removed from the spectrum a n d a b s o r b e d by the
Solar spectrum at depth in water 35

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