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• Relativity
Simultaneity and time dilation
The relativity of length
The Lorentz transformation
The relativity of velocities
Doppler effect for light
Momentum and energy

Chap. 37

Hyunyong Choi
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• What is physics?
Relativity: e.g. where and when happens? Transformation such measurements between reference
frame that move relative to each other
à transformation and moving reference frames (chap. 4)

Special theory of relativity: with inertial reference frames (Newton’s 1st law)
General theory of relativity: reference frames undergoes (gravitational) acceleration

Einsteinà space and time are entangled: how far apart they occur.
The rate at which time passes is not fixed.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The postulates

The ultimate speed

Testing the speed of light postulate

Pions 0.999 75c with respect to laboratory

Gamma rays emitted from pions is the same as pions are at rest.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• Measuring an event
Event: three space coordinate + time

An observer assign to an event A (left)

-Space (three coordinates) and time are entangled, spacetime coordinates
-Coordinate itself is part of the reference frame of the observer.

Different observers à different spacetime coordinates

Event does not belong to any particular inertial reference frame.
(observers in any inertial reference frame can detect the event)

Travel time
-Left event (far) – observer – right event (less far): event time? Light does not reach you for the left event
-To sort out actual times, calculate the travel times of light and then subtract from the arrival times
-Challenging in complicated systems à easier procedure to eliminate such travel times.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• Measuring an event

1. Space coordinates
2. Time coordinate
3. Spacetime coordinates

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of simultaneity
Blue and red events
Sam is at rest and Sally is moving at 𝑣.

A closer look at simultaneity

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of time

Assumption: To one of two observers, the two events occur at the same location.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of time

Time dilation: a measured time interval is greater than the proper


Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of time

The speed parameter β is always less than unity

γ is always greater than unity

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of time
Two tests of time dilation
1.Microscopic clocks
- Muon lifetime: production (event 1) and decay (event 2)
Rest frame : proper time interval, reference frame measured the rest frame of the muon

Moving laboratory

2.Macroscopic clocks
- Hafele and Keating: move atomic clocks around the world in an opposite direction

ref: wikipedia
Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Simultaneity and time dilation
• The relativity of time
Sample problem 37.01 Time dilation for a space traveler who returns to Earth
Starship with 0.9990 c à LP13 (10 y) à back to Earth. (10 y)

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The relativity of length
• The relativity of length
Simultaneity is relative à length measurements à length should be a relative

L0: length at stationary (you and rod are in the same reference frame)
L: relative motion at speed v between you and rod along the length of rod

à relative motion contract the length. More contraction with v ↑

Length contraction only along the direction of relative motion

Proof: e.g. Sally is on a moving train, Sam is at station.


Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The relativity of length
• The relativity of length
Sample problem 37.03 Time dilation and length contraction as seen from each frame
Sally: point A, Sam: spaceship (L0=230 m), relative speed is 𝑣
Sally measures a time interval of 3.57 𝜇𝑠. Relative speed between Sally and the ship?

Two reference frames: Sally and Sam

Two events: 1. the passage of B past Sally (a), 2. the passage of C past Sally (b)

Sally’s reference frame: the time interval of 3.57 𝜇𝑠

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Lorentz transformation
• The Lorentz transformation
Inertial reference frame S’ moves with speed of 𝑣 relative to frame S. How to relate x and x’, t and t’?

Galilean transformation equations (Before Einstein) 𝑣 ≪ 𝑐

Lorentz transformation equations (Before Einstein) 𝑣 > 0.1𝑐

-No derivation, but examine the equations

-first and last eq: space and time are entangled.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Lorentz transformation
• The Lorentz transformation
Inertial reference frame S’ moves with speed of v relative to frame S. How to relate x and x’, t and t’?

We can find the other set by interchanging primed and unprimed

In general,

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Lorentz transformation
• Some consequences of the Lorentz equations
Check the earlier arguments using the Table 37-2.


Time dilation

Length contraction

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Lorentz transformation
• Some consequences of the Lorentz equations
Sample problem 37.05 Lorentz transformations and reversing the sequence of events

e: explosion, b: burst
Ship reference frame

à ∆𝑥, ∆t: both positive

Moon-planet reference frame,

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The relativity of velocities
• The relativity of velocities
Use Lorentz transformation to compare the velocities in S and S’ for the same moving particle

velocity in S
velocity in S’

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Doppler effect for light
• The Doppler effect for light
Different from Chap 17 for Doppler effect of sound waves
-shifted frequency, which depends on source & detector 𝑣 relative to air

Doppler effect for light

-Depends only on the relative 𝑣⃑ between source and detector, as measured from reference frame of either.
-𝑓! : proper frequency in the rest frame, 𝑓: observer moving 𝑣 relative to the rest frame.

For light, in terms of 𝜆

à increasing (decreasing) separation à red (blue) shift

Low-speed Doppler effect

-𝛽 ≪ 1 à

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Doppler effect for light
• The Doppler effect for light
Astronomical Doppler effect: radial velocity
-Suppose 𝛽 ≪ 1

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
The Doppler effect for light
• The Doppler effect for light
Transverse Doppler effect
-S reach P, 𝑣 is perpendicular to line of LD à S moves neither toward nor away from D.

Detected frequency of the light emitted when the source is at P

Transverse Doppler effect as test of time dilation

rewrite in terms of the period T of oscillation of the emitted
light wave instead of the frequency

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Momentum and energy
• A New look at momentum
Classical: observers measured different 𝑣
à law of momentum conservation: total momentum before/after same
Relativity: total momentum is not conserved for observers in different inertial frames.

Classical version

Relativistic version?

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Momentum and energy
• A New look at energy
Mass energy: Einstein special relativity à mass is another form of energy
Law of conservation of energy à Law of conservation of mass-energy

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Momentum and energy
• A New look at energy
Total energy
When an object is moving

(state without proof)

Q value: a change in the total mass energy of the system

Change of energy, i.e. energy transfer to mass energy

-Fusion reaction: two hydrogen nuclei join to form an single nucleus and release two particles

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Momentum and energy
• A New look at energy
Kinetic energy
Classical eqn. when speed ≪ speed of light

Relativistic eqn. which valid for all physical possible speeds

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Momentum and energy
• A New look at energy
Momentum and Kinetic energy
Classical momentum and kinetic eqn. 𝑚𝑣, ½𝑚𝑣 " à eliminating 𝑣 à
Relativistic momentum and kinetic eqn. à


Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.

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