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• Electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves
Energy transport and the Poynting vector
Radiation pressure
Reflection and refraction
Polarization by reflection

Chap. 33

Hyunyong Choi
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• Maxwell’s rainbow
James Clerk Maxwell: electromagnetic waves, visible, infrared, UV
Heinrich Hertz: radio waves

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
x rays, gamma rays, visible: radiated from sources of atomic or nuclear size
𝜆~1𝜇𝑚 source of radiation is both macroscopic and manageable dimensions (large enough)

vary sinusoidally at this frequency

Transformer and transmission line to antenna

- Sinusoidal current in oscillator à charge oscillation
in antenna at

-Antenna: electric dipole, it varies sinusoidally in

magnitude and direction along the antenna

-Dipole variesà E-field is produced.

-Current varies àB-field is produced
à EM wave travels with c.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Electromagnetic wave

Direction: out of page

1.𝐸 anfd 𝐵 are transverse wave

2. 𝐸 ⊥ 𝐵
3. 𝐸×𝐵
4. sinusoidally and in phase

electric wave component

magnetic wave component

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively

notation: 𝑣 → 𝑐 (c.f. chap. 16) 3.0×10! 𝑚/𝑠

Rays and wavefront


Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Drawing the wave

Fig. 33-5 (b) electric and magnetic fields each have a certain magnitude and direction
(but always perpendicular to the x axis)

the arrows: field values

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, quantitatively

B-field sinusoidally varies à

Also, E-field sinusoidally varies à
And so on… “dual induction”
Two fields continuously create each other à

EM wave require no medium for travel.

Einstein special relativity

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Equation 33-4 and the induced electric field

As EM wave moves rightward past the rectangle,

The magnetic flux Φ" changes à
𝐸 and 𝐸 + 𝑑𝐸: induced E-field along the two side of the rectangle.

When B-field is max à

Faraday’s law à
à Produces B-field in

Lenz’s law à current in the loop

à induced 𝐸 and 𝐸 + 𝑑𝐸 are oriented as Fig. 33-6 with 𝐸 + 𝑑𝐸 > 𝐸

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Faraday’s law

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Equation 33-3 and the induced magnetic field

As EM wave moves rightward past the rectangle,

The electric flux Φ# changes à
𝐵 and 𝐵 + 𝑑𝐵: induced B-field along the two side of the rectangle.

When E-field is max à

à Maxwell’s law à
à induced 𝐵 and 𝐵 + 𝑑𝐵 are oriented as Fig. 33-6 with 𝐵 + 𝑑𝐵 > 𝐵

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Electromagnetic waves
• The traveling electromagnetic wave, qualitatively
Maxwell’s law
Maxwell’s law of induction

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Energy transport and Poynting vector
• Energy transport and Poynting vector
Poynting vector (after John Henry Poynting)
the rate of energy transport per unit area

Magnitude S is related to the rate at which energy

is transported by a wave across a unit area
at any instant


E and B are so closely coupled à usually only E à B=E/c:

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Energy transport and Poynting vector
• Energy transport and Poynting vector

Average energy transported over timeà time-averaged S à 𝑆$%& : intensity

Over a full cycle, à 1/2


Electric and magnetic energy density: =

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Energy transport and Poynting vector
• Energy transport and Poynting vector
Variation of intensity with distance

Assume that the energy of the waves spreads from the point source.

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Radiation pressure
• Radiation pressure
EM wave has linear momentum à thus exert a pressure, but small…
Total absorption
During ∆𝑡, gain energy ∆𝑈

à momentum change

Direction of momentum change = direction of the incident beam

Total reflection

Send off in a new direction as if bounce off à entirely reflected back along its original path

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Radiation pressure
• Radiation pressure
Force and pressure
Newton’s second law

For total absorption:

Pressure: the force per unit area

For total reflection:

Pressure: the force per unit area

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
• Polarization
Polarization à represented by the direction of E-field oscillation

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
• Polarization
Polarized light Polarized randomly, unpolarized
not a single double arrow
Instead a mess of double arrows
resolve the unpolarized into y- and z-component as (b)
Effectively change the unpolarized into superposition of two polarized waves
Partially polarized
Field oscillations are not completely random
Not parallel to a single axis
Double arrow in one pair is much longer than the other

Polarized direction
Polarizing sheet ~ polarizing direction along which E-field is transmitted

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
• Polarization
Intensity of transmitted polarized light

For unpolarized light

Unpolarized light: resolve into y- and z-component,
y-axis is parallel to the pol direction of sheet; z-component is absorbed
à half of intensity is lost.

For light already polarized

transmitted component

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
• Polarization
Intensity of transmitted polarized light

Two polarizing sheets


Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
• Polarization
Sample problem 33.02 Polarization and intensity with three polarization sheets

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction
Geometrical optics: chap 33-34, straight line

Place of incidence
-a plane containing the incident ray and the normal

Two laws:
1.Law of reflection

2.Law of refraction

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction
Chromatic dispersion

Except vacuum, n depends on the wavelength

Chromatic dispersion: Light with many different 𝜆
Monochromatic: single 𝜆

Shorter (blue) exhibits larger n than the longer (red)

à blue bends more
à 𝑛(𝜆) = 𝑐/𝑣(𝜆): the red is faster than the blue

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction
Chromatic dispersion

Air-glass (𝑛' < 𝑛( )

Shorter (blue) exhibits larger n than the longer (red)
à blue bends more
à 𝜃() < 𝜃(*

Glass-air (𝑛' > 𝑛( )

à 𝜃() > 𝜃(*

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction

First refraction: separate the colors

Second refraction: enhances the separation
Rainbow: 42 degree from the antisolar point
(red: n of 1.33, blue: n of 1.34)

The arc shape of rainbow (Fig. 33-21 b,c)

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Reflection and refraction
• Reflection and refraction

Primary rainbow
-One reflection
Secondary rainbow:
-Two reflection, 52 degree from A, wider and dimmer, Color is reversed

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Total internal reflection
• Total internal reflection
Total internal reflection From glass to air (index: nglass > nair)
incidence angle 𝜃' > 𝜃+ critical angle
All rays are reflected, no reflection

n1 should be larger than n2

-Optical fiber, endoscope

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.
Polarization by reflection
• Polarization by reflection

Brewster angle 𝜃"

-A particular incident angle: only perpendicular component is reflected

Brewster’s law

If the incident and reflected rays travel in air

Ultrafast Quantum Photonics Lab.

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