Final 496

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1. 1.

2. 2a
3. 3.c
4. 4.c
5. c
6. d
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. a
11. b
12. ç

13. b
14. b
15. b
16. a
17. b
18. d
19. b
20. c
1. Assume you work for a small firm that developed a better and faster operating
system for netbooks than Microsoft Windows. Why does Microsoft dominate
the operating system market? What strategy might your firm use to unseat
Windows in this market?
Microsoft dominates the operating system market for several reasons:

1. Early market entry: Microsoft gained a significant advantage by being one of the first
companies to develop and market a user-friendly operating system, MS-DOS, which
later evolved into Windows. This early entry allowed them to establish a strong
presence and build a large user base.
2. Compatibility: Over the years, Microsoft has worked hard to ensure backward
compatibility with older software and hardware. This compatibility has been a key
factor in retaining their dominance, as users are reluctant to switch to a new
operating system that may not support their existing applications or devices.
3. Industry partnerships: Microsoft has formed strategic partnerships with various
computer manufacturers, software developers, and other industry players. These
partnerships have resulted in pre-installed Windows operating systems on most
computers sold worldwide, creating a strong network effect and making it the de
facto standard.
4. Developer ecosystem: Microsoft has cultivated a robust developer ecosystem by
providing comprehensive software development kits (SDKs), tools, and resources.
This has encouraged software developers to create applications specifically for the
Windows platform, further reinforcing its dominance.

To unseat Windows in the netbook operating system market, your firm might consider the
following strategies:
1. Differentiation: Emphasize the unique features and advantages of your operating
system over Windows. Focus on areas where your system outperforms Windows,
such as speed, efficiency, or user interface design. Highlight the benefits that users
can derive from using your operating system.
2. Compatibility solutions: Address the compatibility challenge by developing tools or
software layers that ensure compatibility with popular Windows applications or
hardware devices. By minimizing disruption for users, you can increase their
willingness to switch to your operating system.
3. Strategic partnerships: Form alliances with netbook manufacturers to have your
operating system pre-installed on their devices. This can help establish a strong
presence in the market and attract more users.
4. Developer support: Invest in creating a developer-friendly ecosystem by providing
comprehensive SDKs, documentation, and resources to encourage software
developers to build applications for your operating system. Attracting developers
and growing the app ecosystem will increase the overall appeal of your platform.
5. Marketing and education: Launch targeted marketing campaigns to raise awareness
about the benefits of your operating system. Educate potential customers, both end-
users and enterprise clients, about the advantages of switching to your platform,
such as improved performance, better security, or lower costs.
6. Pricing and licensing: Consider competitive pricing and flexible licensing options to
incentivize users and device manufacturers to adopt your operating system. Offering
cost advantages can be an effective way to attract customers away from Windows.
2. Explain the difference between a company's business model and a company's
A company's business model and strategy are distinct but interconnected
elements that shape its operations and guide its path to success.

A business model defines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. It
encompasses key aspects such as the target market, value proposition,
distribution channels, revenue streams, and cost structure. It outlines the
fundamental approach the company takes to generate revenue and manage
costs, serving as a blueprint for its operations.

On the other hand, a company's strategy refers to the set of actions and
decisions made to achieve long-term goals and objectives. It involves choices
about where to compete, how to compete, and what resources to deploy.
Strategy focuses on gaining a competitive advantage by leveraging strengths,
addressing weaknesses, and capitalizing on market opportunities. It involves
decisions related to product differentiation, market positioning, innovation,
resource allocation, and expansion plans.

Tesla's business model revolves around designing, manufacturing, and selling electric
vehicles (EVs) and energy storage products. The company's target market includes
environmentally conscious consumers looking for sustainable transportation options
and innovative energy solutions. Tesla's value proposition lies in its commitment to
producing high-performance electric vehicles with long-range capabilities, advanced
autonomous driving features, and a seamless charging infrastructure.

In terms of strategy, Tesla aims to differentiate itself by being at the forefront of EV

technology and innovation. The company focuses on continuous research and
development to improve battery efficiency, increase driving range, and enhance
autonomous driving capabilities. Tesla has also invested in its own charging network,
known as the Tesla Supercharger network, to provide convenient and fast charging
options for its customers.

3. A company such as Intel has a complex design and manufacturing

process. This should lead Intel management to be concerned with
scale of production and learning curves. When do you think
managers should be more concerned with large-scale production
runs, and when do you think they should be most concerned with
practices that would foster or hinder the hiring, training, and
retention of key employees?
Managers at Intel or any company with a complex design and manufacturing process
should consider both large-scale production runs and practices related to hiring,
training, and retention of key employees. The balance between these concerns may
vary based on the company's specific circumstances and objectives. However, there
are general scenarios when each aspect becomes a priority:

Large-Scale Production Runs:

1. Market Demand and Cost Efficiency: When there is high market demand for a
product and economies of scale can be achieved, managers should focus on
large-scale production runs. This allows them to meet customer demand
efficiently, reduce per-unit production costs, and maximize profitability.
2. Supply Chain Management: If the company has established a reliable supply
chain and efficient logistics, managers can prioritize large-scale production
runs to maintain a smooth flow of materials, minimize lead times, and
optimize inventory management.
3. Established Product with Stable Design: When a product's design is stable and
well-established, managers can shift their focus to large-scale production runs.
This enables them to leverage the production system's efficiency, streamline
operations, and take advantage of economies of scale.

Hiring, Training, and Retention of Key Employees:

1. Innovation and R&D: In industries characterized by rapid technological

advancements, managers should prioritize practices that foster hiring, training,
and retaining key employees. This is crucial to maintain a highly skilled
workforce capable of driving innovation, staying ahead of the competition,
and adapting to changing market demands.
2. Unique Skill Sets: If the company relies on specialized knowledge or
proprietary technologies, managers must focus on practices that attract, train,
and retain employees possessing those unique skill sets. This ensures
continuity in product development, quality control, and process improvement.
3. Knowledge Transfer and Succession Planning: When experienced employees
possess critical knowledge or expertise, managers should prioritize practices
that foster knowledge transfer and succession planning. This minimizes the
risk of losing valuable knowledge due to employee turnover and ensures a
smooth transition of responsibilities.
4. One firm that has been highly innovative is Amazon. Amazon has utilized
multiple types of innovation over time to drive its success.

4. Describe a firm you think has been highly innovative. Which of the four
types of innovation radical, incremental, disruptive, or architectural- did
it use? Did the firm use different types over time?

Amazon has employed incremental innovation by continuously improving its existing

services and expanding its product offerings. For example, it started as an online
bookstore and gradually expanded into a wide range of product categories,
including electronics, clothing, home goods, and more. Amazon has also introduced
features like one-click ordering, Prime membership, and same-day delivery,
enhancing convenience and customer experience.

At the same time, Amazon has demonstrated disruptive innovation by

revolutionizing the retail industry with its e-commerce platform. The company
disrupted traditional brick-and-mortar retail by offering a vast selection of products,
competitive pricing, and the convenience of online shopping. This disruption
reshaped the retail landscape and forced other players to adapt or face significant

In terms of architectural innovation, Amazon has created a comprehensive ecosystem

of services, known as Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS provides cloud computing,
storage, and other infrastructure services to businesses, enabling them to scale and
innovate without large upfront investments. This architectural innovation has
transformed the IT industry and has been a significant source of growth and
profitability for Amazon.
5. 5. In doing driving forces analysis, is it sufficient to simply identify the
driving forces that are operating to alter industry and competitive
conditions? Why or why not? If not, then explain what else is required for
a complete driving forces assessment.

No, it is not sufficient to simply identify the driving forces operating to alter
industry and competitive conditions in a driving forces analysis. Identifying the
driving forces is the first step, but a complete assessment requires a deeper
understanding of their impact and implications.

To perform a comprehensive driving forces analysis, it is necessary to assess how

these driving forces will shape the industry's future dynamics, competitive landscape,
and the company's strategic options. This involves evaluating the intensity of each
driving force, the potential speed and magnitude of its impact, and the specific risks
and opportunities associated with it.

Furthermore, understanding the interplay between different driving forces is crucial.

Certain forces may amplify or mitigate the effects of others, leading to complex
interactions and dynamics within the industry. Therefore, a complete analysis
involves identifying the relationships and dependencies between driving forces and
their combined impact on the company's strategy and performance.

By going beyond mere identification and considering the potential outcomes and
implications, companies can proactively respond to driving forces, anticipate market
shifts, and develop strategies to capitalize on emerging opportunities or mitigate

6. In determining the various strategic issues that a company needs to address,

managers need to consider both the results of its analysis of the company's external
environment and the results of its evaluation of the company's competitive position,
customer value proposition, and cost structure. True or false? Explain and defend your

True. Managers must consider both the analysis of the company's external
environment and the evaluation of its competitive position, customer value
proposition, and cost structure when determining strategic issues.

Analyzing the external environment provides insights into industry trends, market
dynamics, and competitive forces. This helps identify opportunities and threats
that the company may face, informing strategic decision-making.

Evaluating the company's competitive position involves assessing its strengths,

weaknesses, and capabilities relative to competitors. Understanding competitive
advantages or disadvantages helps shape strategies for differentiation and
gaining a competitive edge.

Assessing the customer value proposition focuses on understanding customer

needs, preferences, and perceptions. This information guides the development of
products, services, and marketing strategies that deliver superior value and meet
customer demands.

Considering the cost structure is essential for profitability and competitiveness.

Evaluating cost factors helps identify opportunities for cost optimization,
efficiency improvements, and resource allocation to drive financial performance.

By integrating external analysis with internal evaluations, managers gain a

comprehensive understanding of the strategic landscape. This enables them to
make informed decisions, capitalize on market opportunities, address
weaknesses, and align the company's resources and capabilities to create a
sustainable competitive advantage.

1 Analyze Mỹ phước hospotal external and internal business environment
in the current context. You are required to apply PESTEL model, Five-force
model, and SWOT analysis for the company (20 marks).

Analyzing Mỹ Phước Hospital in Bình Dương requires examining its external and
internal business environment using the PESTEL model, Five Forces model, and
SWOT analysis.

PESTEL Analysis:

1. Political Factors: Consider government regulations and policies that impact

healthcare services in Bình Dương, such as licensing requirements and
healthcare funding.
2. Economic Factors: Evaluate the economic conditions in the region, including
GDP growth, healthcare expenditure, and income levels, which can affect the
demand for healthcare services.
3. Sociocultural Factors: Assess social and cultural factors that influence
healthcare preferences and patient behavior, such as demographic trends,
healthcare awareness, and attitudes towards alternative medicine.
4. Technological Factors: Analyze the impact of technology on healthcare
delivery, including advancements in medical equipment, electronic health
records, telemedicine, and digital health solutions.
5. Environmental Factors: Consider environmental regulations, sustainability
practices, and the impact of environmental factors on public health, such as
pollution levels and disease prevalence.
6. Legal Factors: Examine healthcare-related laws, regulations, and compliance
requirements, including patient data protection, medical malpractice, and
liability issues.

Five Forces Analysis:

1. Threat of New Entrants: Assess the barriers to entry for new hospitals or
healthcare providers in Bình Dương, including capital requirements, regulatory
hurdles, and brand loyalty of existing hospitals.
2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Analyze the power of suppliers, such as
medical equipment manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance
providers, in influencing pricing and terms.
3. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Evaluate the bargaining power of patients,
insurance companies, and other healthcare payers in negotiating prices and
services with the hospital.
4. Threat of Substitute Products or Services: Identify alternative healthcare
services or providers that could potentially replace or compete with Mỹ Phước
Hospital, such as clinics, specialized centers, or neighboring hospitals.
5. Competitive Rivalry: Analyze the competitive landscape in Bình Dương's
healthcare sector, considering the number and strength of existing hospitals
and healthcare providers.

SWOT Analysis:

1. Strengths: Assess Mỹ Phước Hospital's internal strengths, such as its

reputation, medical expertise, specialized services, quality of care,
technological capabilities, and strong relationships with healthcare
2. Weaknesses: Identify internal weaknesses, such as limited resources, outdated
infrastructure, staff shortages, high employee turnover, or inadequate
marketing strategies.
3. Opportunities: Identify external opportunities, such as a growing population in
Bình Dương, increasing healthcare spending, partnerships with insurance
companies, expanding into new medical specialties, or offering innovative
healthcare services.
4. Threats: Evaluate external threats, such as new competitors, changing
regulations, reimbursement cuts, shortage of healthcare professionals, or
economic downturns affecting patient affordability.

2 Mỹ phước hospital is having a plan to spread out its market to USA soon,
what challenges and opportunities does face at the new market? (15 marks).
Based on current competitive situation and the impact of the Covid- 19
pandemic, what will you recommend for Mỹ phước strategy by detailing
what actions should the company or manager take now, and why? Be
specific and include a discussion of alternatives (right now, short-term,
and long-term) (15 marks).

Expanding into the US market presents both challenges and opportunities for Mỹ
Phước Hospital. Here are some key considerations:

1. Regulatory Compliance: Mỹ Phước Hospital will need to navigate the complex
regulatory landscape in the US, including obtaining necessary licenses, certifications,
and meeting quality standards.

2. Competitive Landscape: The US healthcare market is highly competitive, with

numerous established hospitals, healthcare systems, and specialized centers. Mỹ
Phước Hospital will face competition from local providers that already have a strong
presence and reputation.

3. Cultural Differences: Adapting to the cultural differences in healthcare practices,

patient preferences, and communication styles will be crucial for Mỹ Phước Hospital
to effectively serve the diverse patient population in the US.

4. Brand Recognition: Building brand awareness and credibility in a new market can
be challenging. Mỹ Phước Hospital will need to invest in marketing and promotional
activities to establish its brand and differentiate itself from established competitors.

1. Growing Healthcare Demand: The US has a large and aging population with
increasing healthcare needs. This presents an opportunity for Mỹ Phước Hospital to
tap into a market with high demand for quality healthcare services.

2. Medical Tourism: Mỹ Phước Hospital can leverage its expertise and reputation in
specific medical specialties to attract international patients seeking affordable and
high-quality medical treatments, as medical tourism is a growing trend in the US.

3. Technology Adoption: The US healthcare system is open to innovative technologies

and digital solutions. Mỹ Phước Hospital can capitalize on its technological
capabilities and offer advanced telemedicine services, remote patient monitoring,
and digital health solutions to cater to the evolving needs of US patients.

In light of the current competitive situation and the impact of the Covid-19
pandemic, the following recommendations can be made for Mỹ Phước Hospital's

1. Right Now (Immediate Actions):

- Conduct thorough market research to understand the US healthcare landscape,
patient needs, and competitors.
- Develop a comprehensive regulatory compliance plan to meet all legal and quality
- Establish partnerships with local healthcare providers, insurance companies, and
referral networks to enhance market access and patient referrals.

2. Short-term Actions:
- Invest in targeted marketing and branding efforts to raise awareness of Mỹ Phước
Hospital's unique value proposition and specialized services.
- Develop alliances with US-based medical institutions and key opinion leaders to
enhance credibility and foster collaborations.
- Adapt internal processes and systems to align with US healthcare standards and

3. Long-term Actions:
- Expand the range of services offered to cater to a broader patient base and adapt to
market demands.
- Invest in talent acquisition and training to ensure a skilled workforce capable of
delivering high-quality care in the US context.
- Continuously monitor market trends and patient feedback to identify opportunities
for service improvements and innovation.

It is essential for Mỹ Phước Hospital to maintain flexibility in its strategy, continuously

reassess the market landscape, and adapt its approach based on feedback and
evolving market dynamics.

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