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create a plane 100 x 100 and apply the hand image to it.

you will only be using 1 image to create the

hand, so you will need to analyse your own hands to look at the side shape in order to model it

in the top view port, create a box that has 3 width segments (this is because we have 3 fingers) these
edges will create our fingers.
2 height segments, so that there is a centre seem around the hand to allow us to curve the mesh.
2 length segment, to give a wrist part, before extruding out for the hand..

convert to editable poly, then in the front view port adjust the verticies to create a circular shape,
making sure all of the line still match up on the back and front of the box.

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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before after

select all of the polygons on the inside of the hand

extrude out towards the fingers

in vertex mode, adjust the verticies to match up with each finger. the side edges might need to be
brought in closer to the edge next to it at this point. dont mistake the side edge as the outer edge,
the second edge in is the outer edge.

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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move the verticies so that the edges run in the correct direction up to the wrist, as they may be at a
strange angle at this point. curve the wrist edge slightly so that it matches the image to where the
thumb starts. also bring the centre edge closer to the outer edge all the way up the hand.

select one edge on the hand, then use the 'ring' button to select all of the edges around the hand.
then use the 'connect' tool to add additional cuts, so that we can shape in the rough shape of the

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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one cut for the knuckles, one cut for where the thumb starts and one cut across the main part of the
hand (central to the thumb.

Arrange the vertices on both sides of the hands to match with the reference image.

select the two edges on the inside of the fingers and chamfer them to create the web effect
between each finger.

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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then position the web effect in line with the image, so that the fingers will extrude from the right
place. then create a cut down the centre of each chamfer, to turn the 2 triagles at each end to four
sided polygons.

then select all of the edges running around the hand - make sure you have all of them!

then use the connect tool to create one edge that runs through the middle, this is so that we can
create a circular shape for the fingers to extrude from.

do this for each finger.

don't forget to regularly save you work in progress.....

Creating a finger

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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for the fingers, we will create one finger that looks really good, then we will clone it, scale it and
weld it onto the other fingers.

select one fingers worth of polygons and extrude it the length of the image. then move the selected
polygons and scale them in all directions to fit with the image (similar to what we did for the leg

than move the central vertices to make the finger pointed.

Then arrange the edges of the fingers to make them rounded

select the edges around the finger and insert edges to create bend areas for the knuckles ect.

the additional cuts will come out pointed, you will need to manually straighten them.

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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once you have these cuts in place you now need to adjust the edge flow and create a suitable shape
for the finger. you may wish to a add a turbo smooth at this point.

It will help you if you start to adjust the height of the hand at this point also . look at your own hands
and notice where your knuckles lay, and increase every other vertex to give this effect. you will also
notice that the thumb side of your hand is a lot thicker than the little finger side of your hand.

the end finger should look a little like this

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- with turbo smooth on.

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once you are happy with the overall look of the finger, delete the polygons where the other two
fingers should be.

select all of the polygons in the finger and click on 'detach' then select 'detach as clone form the
dialogue box. this will create a clone of the finger as a seperate object. to select the object you must
come out of any modes in your editable poly. then select the 2nd object, which will be positioned
under the existing hand.

once you found the clone, move it away from the hand and modify it to fit in the next finger hole.

you may need to rotate and scale it to get it to match the image.

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once in place, attach it to the existing hand by using the 'attach' button in the editable poly menu.

click on 'attach' then select the hand to confirm what you want to attach it to.

then go to vertex mode, and use ' target weld' to connect the verticeis. select one vertex on the
finger then keep the mouse held down and drop onto its connecting vertex. do this for the whole
finger until it is attached.

the repeat the process for the other finger.

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select all the edges at the top of the fingers and place an edge through them.

then do the same for the section above it, so that you are left with two additional cuts. this will give
you extra geometry to play with, and will help you shape the knuckles better.

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use the additional cuts to shape the knuckles by creating circular edge flow

modify the shape of the overall hand again and the fingers to get a desired look

with turbo smooth on

creating the thumb

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in the left viewport, arrange the thumb polygons into a hexagon shape, ensuring that the vertices
match up with the image in the top viewport.

then 'make planar' to flatten the polygons.

create three small extrusions, one at a time. as you extrude each one, return to vertex mode and
arrange the vertices so that they slightly bend towards the direction of the thumb tip. these three
cuts will allow for the thumb to bend.

as you adjust each extrusion also rotate or move them down slightly. as you will notice from looking
at your own hands the thump comes out and down from the hand.
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the create one extrusion to the end of the thumb, scaling it at the end to fit the image.

select edges around the thumb and insert two sets of three cuts. these will allow the thumb to bend
and also help with shaping the thumb correctly.

continue to shape the thumb remembering that the nail is on the side of the thumb not the top as
the fingers are.

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In the front of the hand, select half of the verticies in the hand and use the rotate tool to rotate
them slightly, you will then need to use the move tool to move them down a little so that the centre
aligns again.

then repete this stage for the other half, this will give the hand a natural bend that it has.

underneath the hand, arrange the geometry to create areas of lumps, look at your own hands for
reference. make sure you do not select the vertices on the other side of the hand.

raise the vertices up, to shape the hand, then raise the central line of the thumb to match the hand
height (if you have not already done this when shaping the thumb.

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then adjust the rest of the palm to represent a hand - look at your own palm for reference to see
where the lumps and bumps are.

You can now spend time adjusting the edge flow and perfecting the shape of the whole hand.

when you have completed fully, select vertices in the fingers and slightly bend them, this will help
when we place bones into the hand, so that the bones know which way to bend. make sure you only
do this slightly, not too much.

below is an example of a previous students modelled hand -

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once you have completed this make sure you save a copy, then experiment with the tools you have
used so far and have ago at trying to create finger nails. you can add additional cuts if you need to,
the outline tool may also help.

you could also create any jewellery such as rings.

Created by Sarah Ferrand

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