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Mabalacat City College

Institute of Teacher Education

Dapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga


A. Learning At the end of a 25-minute session, the students should have achieved the following competencies;
A. Determine parts of a formal letter;
B. Construct a formal letter; and
C. Develop connections and confidence through creating of formal letters.

II. CONTENT Writing – English 8 – Writing a Formal Letter

III. LEARNING Visual Aids — Treasure Chests, Illustration Boards


B. References
example.html#:~:text=There%20are%20five%20required%20parts,body%2C%20closing%2C%20and%20signature .

C. Other
Learning PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, prizes.

D. Value Cooperation, attentiveness and developing social skills.

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

E. Preparation Greetings
Teacher: Good morning, Grade 8 students.

Learners: Good morning, ma’am!

Teacher: I hope everyone had a good weekend. Before we

begin our lesson for today, let’s start our day with a
prayer. Class president, please lead the prayer.

(The learner will stand in front and lead

the prayer.)

Learner: Let’s bow our heads and feel the

presence of our Lord.

Our Father, Who art in

heaven, Hallowed be Thy
Name. Thy Kingdom
come, Thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in
Heaven. Give us this day,
our daily bread, And
forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And
lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us
from evil. Amen.

Checking of Attendance

Teacher: Class secretary, do we have an absentee today?

Learners: None Teacher.

Teacher: Very good. I'm happy that everyone is ready for

our class today.

Teacher: Before we proceed to our new lesson, can you
recognize my outfit? What do I look like?

(The learners will try to guess the

teacher’s costume)
Teacher: All right! Very good. Today, I am not Teacher El, I
am Captain El! Join me as we conquer the quest for our
exciting adventure for today! But let’s have a new rule
here. If your answer is yes, you’ll say, “Aye aye, Captain!”
But if your answer is no, you’ll say, “No no, Captain” Do
we understand?

Learners: Aye, aye Captain!

Teacher: I will also teach you the pirate clap. You will clap
three times, stomp your right foot 3 times, and you will
say, Avast, Ahoy!

(Learners will follow the instructions and

will do the pirate clap.)


Teacher: Great! But before we begin our adventure, what

was our previous adventure or lesson that we discussed?

(Learners will raise their hands)

(The teacher will call a student.)

Learner: Verbs!
Teacher: Very good! What is a verb?

Learner: Verbs are action words. For

example, running, walking, swimming,
and crying.

Teacher: Excellent! All right, students. We are now ready

for our next adventure.

F. Motivation
Teacher: Here with me are my friends who will also help us.
They have my treasure chests. Oh no! I need help! My
treasures are in the wrong chests! Can you help me
arrange my beloved treasures? I need 3 volunteers to
organize my treasures again.

(The teacher will pick 3 volunteers.)

(The learners will volunteer and rearrange

the words successfully.)

G. Presentation Teacher: Very well, students!

Teacher: Now that we saw the proper arrangement, do you

have any idea on our adventure for today? Any guess?

(The learners will raise their hands and

will state their guess.)

Teacher: Excellent, students! We will write a letter today.

But first, we must know its parts and where should it be
placed in our paper or document. Now, are you ready to
know the different parts of a letter?

Learners: Aye, aye, Captain!

Teacher: Ahoy! Let’s start to this chest named Heading.

(The assistants will open the chest and will setup the

Teacher: Can someone please read?

(Learners will raise their hands)

(The teacher will call a student.)

Learner: Heading and Inside Address

contains the return address and where
the letter will be sent. It also includes
the date the letter was written.

Teacher: Thank you so much, let’s give him a pirate clap!

(Everyone will give him a pirate clap.)

(Everyone will give him a pirate clap.)

Teacher: It is important that the letter contains both the

addresses so that the letter will be given correctly. Just keep
in mind that the date is the date when you wrote the letter.
Your address comes first, followed by their address, and
then the date. But usually, since everything is digital, when
we write letters, we do not include the addresses anymore;
just the date, and the name of the receiver. Do we have any

Learners: No, no, Captain.

Teacher: Then, let’s proceed to the second chest.

(The assistants will open the Greetings chest and will setup
the materials.)
Teacher: Can someone please read?

(Learners will raise their hands)

(The teacher will call a student.)

Learner: Greetings or Salutation sets the

tone of the letter. This is where the
sender indicates the name of the
receiver. It usually starts with “Dear
Mr./Ms. (Surname):”.

Teacher: Let’s give her a pirate clap.

(Everyone will give her a pirate clap.)

(Everyone will give her a pirate clap.)

Teacher: In salutations or greetings, we are not just limited

with Dear Mr./Ms., we can also use Good morning, (Learners raised their hand)
Greetings, Mr./Ms., or To Whom It May Concern if you
do not have direct contact. However, we must not use
informal greetings like Hi, Hey There, or Hello. Are we

Learners: Aye, aye, Captain!

(The assistants will open the Body chest and will setup the

Teacher: Can someone read the definition of Body for us?

(Learners will raise their hands.)

(The teacher will call a student.)

Learners: The Body of the letter states the

sender’s message to the recipient. It is
usually three paragraphs that consists the
purpose of the letter.

Teacher: Excellent, thank you so much. In body, this is

where we state our purpose. Is the purpose of the letter to
inform? To invite? Can someone give me more reasons
why we send a letter to someone? (Learners will raise their hands.)

(Learner will answer.)

(Teacher will call a student.)

Teacher: Nice job! Thank you so much. Let’s give them 3

pirate claps.

(The assistants will open the Closing chest and will setup
the materials.)

(Learners will raise their hands.)

Teacher: Can someone read the definition of Body for us?

Learner: The Closing is equivalent to the

(The teacher will call a student.) greetings. A comma is used after the
closing. “Sincerely” is one of the most
used for closing.

Teacher: Thank you so much. It is used for formally closing

the letter. It means that the body of your message is done.
Can you give me some of the other closing you know? (Learners will raise their hands.)

(The teacher will call a student.) (Learner will answer.)

Teacher: Very well! Thank you so much. And to our last


(The assistants will open the Signature chest and will setup
the materials.)

Teacher: Can someone please read it for us? (Learners will raise their hand.)
(The teacher will call a student.)
Learner: Signature is where we can find
the name of the sender and their

Teacher: Thank you so much. Of course, if we have the

name of the receiver, we should also have the name of the
sender so that the receiver will know who sent the

Teacher: That’s it! Do we have any questions so far? Learners: No, no captain.

H. Generalization

Teacher: Always remember that we have five parts of a

letter. First is the Heading and Inside Address, this is
where we can find the addresses and the date. Second is
the greetings, followed by the body, closing and the

Teacher: Now, I have a question for you. Is it important that

we know how to write a letter? Why or why not?
(Learners will raise their hands.)

(The teacher will call a student.)

(Learner will answer.)

Teacher: Very good everyone! Let’s have our loudest and

most energetic pirate clap for everyone.

I. Evaluating Pair Activity

Teacher: Let us test your knowledge now that you know the
parts of a formal letter.
Teacher: Captain Agwa told me that he will give a letter to
the Head Captain of the Celebes Pirates. However, when I
checked his letter, I think there is something wrong. So
before Captain Agwa sends his letter, let us revise it first.

Teacher: Now, look for a partner. You and your partner will
rewrite Captain Agwa’s letter in a one whole sheet of
paper. The first 3 pairs to finish will have additional
points. Are we clear?

Learners: Aye, aye, Captain.

Teacher: Okay, go to your partner now.

(The assistants will set the instructional materials.)

Teacher: Everyone’s with their partner now. You have 10

minutes to rewrite Captain Agwa’s letter. Your timer starts

(The assistants will reveal the letter.)

Hello, Captain Amanikable

January 1, 2024
mabalacat city, pampanga, philippines
headquarter, Celebes, Philippines
Captain Agwa
I hope this letter finds you well. I sent you a message to
inform you that my daughter, magwayen, will celebrate her
birthday next week. She said that she would like to
celebrate it at the Celebes Islands. I am requesting for your
kind consideration to allow my daughter and some of her
friends to go to your island.

Your crew is one of the most powerful in the Philippines

and it will be a great help to make the birthday celebration
successful; for birthdays are one of the most important
celebration in our family.

I am looking forward for more voyage with you this year

and to your reply to my message. Thank you so much.

Teacher: Give yourselves a round of applause! What an

excellent job, grade 8 students! Now, before we end, this
is your assignment to be passed on our next meeting.

J. Closing Assignment
In a one whole sheet of paper, create a letter for your 30-
year-old self. The address should be the address where you
expect yourself to be in the future.
Teacher: Do you have any questions?

Learners: None, teacher.

Teacher: Is everything clear and understood?

Learners: Yes, teacher.

Teacher: With that thank you for today, Grade 9 students.

Good day.

Prepared by:




Tayag, Lyka Jean M.


Ubando, Danielle Ruth C.


Laxamana, Mark Harvey G.

Medina, Ruffa T.

Tuazon, Clara Rafaela W.

Valiente, Rhea M.

Submitted to:


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