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Week 3, Quarter 4, April 15-19, 2024

DAY 1 (April 15, 2024)

I. Title: Illustrating Hypothesis Testing
II. Learning Objective with code:
-Illustrates (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of significance; (d) rejection
region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing. (M11/12SP-IVa-1)
III. Background Information for Learners:
Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process for evaluating claims about a
population based on the characteristics of a sample purportedly coming from the
population. We get a random sample from the population, collect data from the sample,
and use this data to make a decision as to whether the hypothesis is acceptable or not.
Statistical Hypothesis
1. Null Hypothesis(H0)- statement saying there is no significant difference between
population parameter and the value that is being claimed. It is the hypothesis to be
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)- statement saying that there is significant difference
between the population and the parameter and the value that is being claimed. This is a
statement that will be true once the null hypothesis is rejected.
1. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
2. Choose the level of significance.
3. Compute the test statistic.
4. Determine the critical value.
5. Draw a conclusion
In formulating the hypothesis, we could use the following guidelines:
1. A null hypothesis is generally a statement of no change. Thus, a statement of equality
or one which will involve the equality is usually considered in the null hypothesis.
Possible forms of the null hypothesis include (a) equality; (b) less than or equal; and (c)
greater than or equal.
2. The statistical hypothesis is about a parameter or distribution of the population
values. For example, the parameter in the statement is the average daily number of text
messages that a Grade 11 student sent. Usually, the parameter is represented by a
symbol, like for the population mean, we use µ. Hence, the null and alternative
hypotheses could be stated using symbols as “Ho: µ = 100 against Ha: µ ≠ 100”.
3. The null and alternative hypotheses are complementary and must not overlap. The
usual pairs are as follow:
(a) Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter ≠ Value;
(b) Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter < Value;
(c) Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value;
(d) Ho: Parameter ≤ Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value; and
(e) Ho: Parameter ≥ Value versus Ha: Parameter < Value;
One-tailed test (Directional). The rejection region is one on side of the distribution.
Two-tailed test (Non-Directional). The rejection region is on both sides of the curve.

Let’s consider the following examples. Determine whether the given situation is a
directional or non-directional test. If it is a non-directional, identify whether it is left-
tailed or right tailed test.
Example 1: The owner of a factory that sells a particular bottled water claims that
the average capacity of a bottle of their product is 250 ml. Is the claim true?
In words, the hypotheses are:
H0: The bottled water contains 250ml per bottle.
Ha: The bottled water does not contain 250 ml per bottle.
In symbols, the hypotheses are:
H0: = 250 and Ha: ≠ 250
Since the alternative hypothesis utilizes ≠, then we can say that the test is non-
directional and two-tailed.
Example 2. A rice farmer believes that using organic fertilizer on his plants will
yield greater income. His average income from the past was Php200,000 per year.
State the hypothesis in symbols.
In words, the hypotheses are:
H0: The rice farmer yields an income of Php200,000.
Ha: The rice farmer yields an income greater than Php200,000.
In symbols, the hypotheses are: H0: 𝜇=200,000 and Ha: 𝜇 >200,000
The phrase ‘greater income’ is a clue as to the direction of the investigation. In
addition, the alternative hypothesis utilizes > symbol, therefore we can say that the
test is directional and right tailed.
Example 3. A school principal claims that the mean starting age of preschool children in
Metro Manila is at least three years old. It is assumed that his claim is not true and
believed that preschool children start schooling before three years old. Solution:
In words, the hypotheses are:
H0: A school principal claims that the mean starting age of preschool children in
Metro Manila is at least three years old.
Ha: A school principal claims that the mean starting age of preschool children in
Metro Manila is less than three years old.
In symbols, the hypotheses are:
H0: 3 and Ha: 𝝁 < 3
The word ‘at least’ is a clue as to the direction of the investigation. In addition, the
alternative hypothesis utilizes < symbol, therefore we can say that the test is directional
and left-tailed.
Types of Errors
a. Type I error- committed when the researcher rejects the null hypothesis when
in fact it is true. The probability of committing Type I error is called the level of
significance. Alpha (𝑎) is used to represent the probability of Type I error.
b. Type II Error- committed when the researcher fails to reject a null hypothesis
that is false. But if the researcher fails to reject a true hypothesis, then there is no
error committed. Beta (𝛽) is used to represent the probability of type II error.

Example 4: Understanding Errors

A. Maria insists that she is 30 years old when, in fact, she is 35 years old.
What error is Maria committing?
Answer: Maria is rejecting the truth. She is committing a Type I error.
B. A man plans to go hunting the Philippine monkey-eating eagle believing
that it is a proof of his mettle. What type of error is this?
Answer: Hunting the Philippine monkey-eating eagle is prohibited. Thus, it is not a
good sport. It is a Type II error.

We can control the errors by assigning small probability values to each of them. The
most frequently used probability values for 𝛼 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 are 0.10,0.05 and 0.01. The
probability assigned to each depends on its seriousness. The symbols 𝛼 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 are each
probabilities of error, each under separate conditions, and they cannot be combined.
1-𝛼 is the probability of a correct decision when the null hypothesis is true, and 1 − 𝛽
is the probability of a correct decision when the null hypothesis is false.
Level of Significance

Level of Significance (denoted as alpha or 𝛼) is a measure of the strength of the

evidence that must be present in a sample before rejecting the null hypothesis and
conclude that the effect is statistically significant. It is the probability of rejecting the
null hypothesis when it is true. The commonly used level of significance are 1%, 5%
and 10%. In table above, it shows the confidence level for every level of significance
that are commonly used in research.

Under the normal curve, the rejection region refers to the region where the value
of the test statistic lies for which we will reject the null hypothesis. This region is also
called critical region. So, if your computed statistic is found in the rejection region,
then you reject 𝐻0. If it is found outside the rejection region you accept 𝐻0.


Graphically, we can show the decision errors under normal curve.

In figure above, it shows the line that separates the rejection region from the
non- rejection region (1- 𝛼). This line passes through the confidence coefficients,
which also called critical values.


Activity 1: ERRORS
Direction: Determine what type of error is committed in every statement
1. Punishing a person who is truly innocent and putting them wrongly in jail.
2.On a beachfront, a signage reads, “No littering of plastic wrappers, empty bottles and
cans.” A few yards away, environmentalists are picking up the rubbish left behind by the
picnic lovers.
3. Bryan thinks that he is a six-footer. His actual height is 156 cm.
4. Angela says, “I don’t have any allergy in seafood”. In the next moment, she finds
herself itching all over her body.
5. Romina said to her friend, “People’s intelligent are measured through their
proficiency in English”.

Activity 2: ASSESSMENT
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. It is a decision-making process for evaluating claims about a population based on the
characteristics of a sample purportedly coming from that population.
a. Hypothesis c. Critical Value
b. Hypothesis Testing d. Rejection Region
2. In hypothesis testing, the probability of committing an error in accepting a false null
hypothesis is denoted by:
a. α b.β c. z d. t
3. In hypothesis testing, the probability of committing an error in rejecting a null
hypothesis that is true is denoted by:
a. α b.β c. z d. t
4. What statement states that there is no difference between two parameters?
a. Alternate Hypothesis c. Null Hypothesis
b. Alternative Hypothesis d. Void Hypothesis
5. What statement states that there is a difference between two parameters?
a. Alternate Hypothesis c. Null Hypothesis
b. Alternative Hypothesis d. Void Hypothesis
6. Which of the following is the probability of the study rejecting the null hypothesis,
given that the null hypothesis was assumed to be true?
a. Level of Error c. Level of Values
b. Level of Critical d. Level of Significance
7. The mean volume of the soda drink is advertised to be one liter. Which of the
following statements is the alternative hypothesis?
a. The soda drink is also equal to one liter.
b. The soda drink is twice the liter of what is advertised.
c. The soda drink is not one liter.
d. The soda drink is half a liter.
8. If the alternative hypothesis contains the symbol <, where is the rejection region
a. both end tails region c. left end tail region
b. center region d. right end tail region
9. Which of the following is the interval measured in the sampling distribution of the
statistic under study that leads to rejection of the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test?
a. Critical Region c. Rejection Region
b. Acceptance Region d. Significance Region
10. The following mathematical symbols or inequalities utilize the alternative
hypothesis. What inequality utilize two-tailed test?
a. > b. < c. = d. ≠

DAY 2 (April 16, 2024)

I. Title: Formulating Hypothesis
II. Learning Objective with code:
1. identify the parameter to be tested given in real-life problem. (M11/12SP-IVa-3)
2. formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population
mean. (M11/12SP-IVb-1)

III. Background Information for Learners:

Parameter is used to describe the entire population being studied. A
population is a set of all people, objects, events, or ideas wish to
investigate. Usually, parameter describes the average or mean of the
A sample mean is an estimate of the population mean. It is the
average of a set of data or sample while population mean is an average of a
group characteristics. The group could be a person, item or thing, like “all
the people living on a certain place” or “all the dog owner in a
subdivision” and others.

Two types of hypotheses:

The null hypothesis (Ho) is a statement that there is no difference
between a parameter and specific value, or no phenomena is observed or
there is no relationship between what you are comparing. It is the hypothesis
to be tested. The null hypothesis is considered to be true, until we have
sufficient evidence to reject it. Then, if we reject the null hypothesis, we are
led to the alternative hypothesis.
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) contradicts the null hypothesis. It allows
the possibility of manyvalues.
There are ways in writing hypotheses as illustrated below:
(a) Ho: Parameter = Value versus Ha: Parameter  Value;
(b) Ho: Parameter ≤ Value versus Ha: Parameter > Value; and
(c) Ho: Parameter ≥ Value versus Ha: Parameter < Value;

Example 1. A survey conducted the college students in their study stated that
cell phone owners received an average of 65 texts every day. What parameter
should these students consider proving this claim? State the null and
alternative hypotheses.
The parameter of interest is the average number of text messages received
every day.
The null hypothesis is the average texts every day is 65. In symbol, Ho: 𝝁= 𝟔𝟓
The alternative hypothesis is the average text received is not equal to 65. In
symbol, Ha: 𝝁 ≠ 𝟔𝟓.
Example 2. A nutritionist wants to estimate the mean amount of sodium
consumed by children under the age of 10. From a random sample of 75
children under the age of 10, the nutritionist obtains a sample mean of 2993
milligrams of sodium consumed.
The parameter of interest is the average amount of sodium consumed
by the children under the age of 10.
The null hypothesis is the sample mean which is 2993 milligrams of sodium
consumed. In symbol Ho: 𝝁 = 𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟑 (claim).
The alternative hypothesis is the mean is not equal to 2993”. In symbol,
Ha: 𝝁 ≠ 𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟑.
Example 3. A university wants to test if college students take less than five
years to graduate from college, on the average.
The parameter of interest is the average years to graduate from college.
The null hypothesis is the college students take more than five years to
graduate from college. In symbol, Ho: 𝝁 ≥ 5.
The alternative hypothesis is the college students take less than five years to
graduate from college. In symbol, Ha: 𝝁 < 𝟓 (claim)

Example 4: The average height of Grade 11 female students is above 158 cm.
Their adviser wants to test the students’ claim.
The parameter of interest is the average height of the Grade 11 female
The null hypothesis is the average height of Grade 11 students is less than
158 cm. In symbol, Ho: 𝝁 ≤ 158.
The alternative hypothesis is the average height of Grade 11 students is
above 158 cm. In symbol, Ha:𝝁> 𝟏𝟓𝟖 (claim).

IV: Exercises
Activity 1: Complete Me!
Direction: Complete the following hypothesis by providing the
appropriate symbol. Use a separate sheet of paper.
1. We want to test if college students take less than five years to
graduate from college, on the average.
Ho: 𝜇 5 H𝒂: 𝜇 5
2. The school wants to test whether the mean grade point average in the
Philippines colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0).
Ho: 𝜇 2 H𝒂: 𝜇 2
3. The owner of a Pepsi Cola that sells a particular bottled juice claims
that average capacity of a bottle of their product is 355 ml. Is the
Ho: 𝜇 355 H𝒂: 𝜇 355
4. A study of every national park’s sales receipts for August shows they
brought in an average of more than ten million pesos in revenue.
Ho: 𝜇 10,000,0000 H𝒂: 𝜇 10,000,0000
5. A researcher wants to estimate the average height of women aged 20
years old. From a simple random sample of 45 women, the researcher
obtains a sample mean height of 63.9 inches.
Ho: 𝜇 63.9 H𝒂: 𝜇 63.9
Activity 2: Choose Only the Best!
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What do you call a number that describes a population characteristic?
a. mean b. parameter c. sample d. variable
2. What hypothesis refers to a statement that shows a difference between two
a. alternative hypothesis c. directional test
b. null hypothesis d. non- directional test
3. Which of the following symbol refers to greater than or equal to in formulating
a. ≤ b. ≥ c. > d.<
4. Which of the following symbol refers to lesser than or equal to in formulating
a. ≤ b. ≥ c. > d.<
For items 5-7, use the problem below.
Myla conducted a survey to all grade 6 students and claimed that their average age is 12.
5. What is the parameter of interest?
a. Average age of grade 6 students b. Myla c. Grade 6 students d. The survey
6. What should be the null hypothesis?
a. All 12 years old students are grade 6.
b. Not all 12 years old students are grade 6.
c. The average age of grade 6 students is 12.
d. The average age of grade 6 students is not 12.
7. What should be the alternative hypothesis?
a. All 12 years old students are grade 6.
b. Not all 12 years old students are grade 6.
c. The average age of grade 6 students is 12.
d. The average age of grade 6 students is not 12.
8. A researcher has exam result for students who took a training course for a
national exam. The researcher wants to know if trained students score above
the national average of 850. Which of following is the parameter of interest?
a. The researcher c. The training course
b. The national exam d. The average score
9. Refer to item 8, what will be the null hypothesis?
a. 𝐻0: 𝜇= 850 b. 𝐻0: 𝜇> 850. c. 𝐻0: 𝜇 ≤850 d. 𝐻0: 𝜇 ≠ 850
10. Refer to item 8, what will be the alternative hypothesis?
a. 𝐻a: 𝜇= 850 b. 𝐻a: 𝜇> 850 c. 𝐻a: 𝜇< 850 d. 𝐻a: 𝜇 ≠ 850

V: References:
Belencina, R.R., Baccay E.S. & Mateo, E.B. (2016). Statistics and Probability. Sampaloc, Manila,
Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Orines, F.B. & Mercado, J.P., (2016). Statistics and Probability. Quezon City, Philipines: Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.
Obungen, R.A.,(2021)Module 9: Illustrating Hypothesis Testing. La Union
DAY 3 (April 17, 2024)
I. Title: Test Statistic
II. Learning Objective with code:
1. identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistics when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known (b) the population variance is assumed to be
unknown (c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used. (M11/12SP-IVb-2)

III. Background Information for Learners:

Test statistic is a statistic used in statistical hypothesis testing, provides a
basis for testing a Null Hypothesis. A test statistic is random variable that is
calculated from sample data and used in a hypothesis test. The sample statistic
is used to either reject Ho (null hypothesis) or not to reject H a (alternative
hypothesis). There are two types of test statistic, we have z- test statistic and t-
test statistic.

1. z - test
A z-test is a statistical test used to determine whether two population
means are different when the variances are known, and the sample size is large.
The test statistic is assumed to have a normal distribution and nuisance
parameters such as standard deviation should be known for an accurate z- test
to be performed. Z-test is used when we have large sample size (n≥30). Large
enough for the Central Limit Theorem to apply. Below is the formula to be
used in solving z-value where the population variance is assumed to be known.
x̄ = sample mean σ = population standard deviation
µ = population mean n = sample size

2. t - test
A t-test is a calculation used to test a hypothesis, but they are useful when
we need to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between two
independent sample groups. Usually t-tests are most appropriate when dealing
with problems with a limited sample size (n<30). T-tests are used when the
sample size is below 30 and the population standard deviation is unknown.
x̄ = sample mean s = sample standard deviation
µ = population mean n =sample size

Let’s consider below examples. Identify what test statistic to be used.

Example 1: Identify the appropriate test statistic given the information below:
𝜇 = 50, n= 150, σ= 7, x̄ = 9
Answer: Since the population standard deviation is known, and n≥30, the
appropriate test statistic is the z-test.
Example 2: Given the following data:
𝐻0: 𝜇 = 80, 𝐻a: 𝜇 ≠ 80, n= 100, σ= 5, x̄ = 105. Determine the test statistic.
Answer: Since the population variance is known, and n≥ 30, the appropriate
test statistic is the z-test.
Example 3: The assistant principal of the Senior High School Department
announced that the mean score of Grade 11 students in the first quarter
examination in Statistics was 89 and the standard deviation was 12. One
teacher who believed that the mean score was less than this, randomly
selected 34 students and computed their mean score. She obtained a mean
score of 85. At 0.01 level of significance, Determine the appropriate test
Answer: Since it is the population mean that is being tested, the population
standard deviation is known, and n≥30, the appropriate test statistic is the z-
test for a single mean.
Example 4: Identify the appropriate test statistic given the information below:
µ = 11 s=3 n = 12 x̄ = 14
Answer: Since the population standard deviation is unknown, and n<30, the
appropriate test statistic is the t-test.

Example 5: During the Covid-19 pandemic crisis local officials in the province
announced that the average price of a kilogram of chicken in the province is
₱195.00. However, a sample of 15 prices randomly collected from different markets
in the province showed an average of ₱200.00 and a standard deviation of ₱9.50.
Using a 0.05 level of significance, is this sufficient evidence to conclude that the
average price of chicken in the province is more than ₱195.00? Normality is
assumed over the population. Select the test statistic.

Answer: Since it is the population mean that is being tested, the population
standard deviation is unknown, and n<30, the appropriate test statistic is
the t-test.
Example 6: Determine the test statistic to be used and identify whether the
Central Limit Theorem is applicable or not given the following information:
a. Ho: µ = 250 Ha: µ < 250 α = 0.0 µ = 11 n = 100 x̄ = 14

Answer: Since n=100, the Central Limit Theorem is applicable, the distribution
is normally distributed. The appropriate test statistic is the z-test statistic.
b. Ho: µ=8 Ha: µ≠8 α=0.05 σ =5 µ = 11 n = 16 x̄ = 7.

Answer: Since n=16, the Central Limit Theorem cannot be applied.

The appropriate test statistic is the t-test statistic.
A rejection region is the set of all values of the test statistic that cause us to
reject the null hypothesis. It is also called as critical region. Below are the notes to
remember about the rejection region.
 If the test statistic falls into the rejection region, we reject the null
hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
 If the test statistic falls in the non-rejection region, we say that we do
not have evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
A non-rejection region is a set of values not in the rejection region that leads
to non-rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho).
Considering the type of hypothesis test is also vital such as one-tailed test
(left or right-tailed) and two-tailed test to determine the critical values to be used.
When do we use two-tailed test?
 If the sample mean can be lesser than or greater than
the population mean the test is two- tailed.
 If the alternative hypothesis contains the inequality (≠)
symbol, then the test is two- tailed.
 The test is two tailed if the probability (shaded region) is found
on both tails of the distribution.

Since the two-tailed test is non-directional, the rejection region is on

both sides of the curve.
When do we use right-tailed test?
 If the hypothesis contains the greater symbol (>), then the
rejection region is on the right tail of the curve.
 If the sample mean is greater than the population mean the test
is one tailed, right tail.

Since the test is right-tailed test and

is directional, then the rejection
region is on the right tail of the
When do we use left-tailed test?
 If the hypothesis contains the less than symbol (<) then, the
rejection region is on the left tail of the curve.
 If the sample mean is lesser than the population mean the test is
one tailed, left tail.

Since the test is left-tailed test and is

directional, then the rejection
region is on the left tail of the

The line that separates the rejection and the non-rejection region which
corresponds to a number is called critical values. Critical values are very important
in concluding whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or not. The critical values
could be determined using the z-table (pls see the attach z-table after the references),
if n ≥ 30, large enough to apply the central limit theorem and the population is
assumed to be known and t-table (if n < 30, where central limit theorem cannot be
applied, and the population variance is assumed to be unknown.
Let’s consider the examples below:
Example 1: Identify the rejection region and the critical values when the test is
two-tailed, the level of significance is 0.05, the variance is known and n = 35?
Given: Two-tailed, Variance is known, 𝛼 = 0.05, n = 35
𝑎⁄ =0.025 Divide the level of significance (𝛼) by 2
0.5 – 0.025 = 0.4750 Subtract the quotient from 0.5

Use the z-table since n = 35 to find

the critical values

Note: The area 0.4750 is under column headed 0.06. Move along this row
to the left until 1.9 under column headed z is reached. Therefore, Zα/2 =
1.96 at 5% level of significance, the critical values are ±1.96.
In the figure, the two-tailed test with α =
0.05, the critical value for the rejection
region cuts off 𝑎⁄2 =0.025 or 2.5% in
two tails of the z- distribution, so that Z0.025 =
±1.96. The null hypothesis (Ho) will be
4rejected if z>1.96 or z<-1.96.
α Left-tailed Right-Tailed Two-tailed
α =.10 z<-1.28 z>1.28 z<-1.645 or z>1.645
α =.05 z<-1.645 z>1.645 z<-1.96 or z>1.96
α = .01 z<-2.33 z>2.33 z<-2.575 or z>2.575
Example 2: Identify the rejection region and the critical values when the test is two
tailed, the level of significance is 0.05, the variance is unknown and n
Given: Two-tailed, Variance is unknown, 𝛼 = 0.05, n = 20
df = n -1 = 20-1 =19 Solve for the degrees of freedom using the formula n-

Use the t-table since the variance

is unknown andn = 20 to find the
critical values

Note: In the table of critical values of t locate 19 in the first column headed df.
Because the test is two tailed with α = 0.05, refer to the column indicating an
area of 0.05 in two tails. The critical values are ± 2.093.

The null hypothesis (Ho)

will be rejected if t > 2.093
or t< -2.093

-2.093 2.093
IV: Exercises
Activity 1: FILL ME OUT!
Direction: Fill out the missing parts of the table. Some parts of the table are
already filled out for your guidance.
Rejection Region
Test 2-tailed or (Right, Left or Draw the
Given Information 1-tailed both left and rejection region
Statistic right)

Ho: µ=84, Ha: Both left and

z-test right
µ≠84, x̄ = 90, σ
n=32, α =0.01
Ho: µ=30, Ha: µ >30
x̄ = 32, σ = 5.5 1-tailed
n=34, α =0.05
Ho: µ=40, Ha: µ<40,
x̄ = 39, σ =8.5 Left
n=42, α =0.05
Ho: µ=25, Ha:
µ≠25 x̄ = 15, s =
2.5 n=24, α=0.05
Ho: µ=45, Ha:
x̄ = 35, s = 2.5
n= 26, α= 0.05

Activity 2: ASSESSMENT
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which is considered as the rejection probability of null hypothesis when it
is true?
A. Level of Confidence C. Level of Rejection
B. Level of Margin D. Level of Significance
2. What test is used when the sample size is below 30 and the
population standard deviation is unknown?
A. Chi square test B. F-test C. t- test D. z-test
3. Complete the statement, “If a null hypothesis is accepted then the value of
test statistic lies in the_ _ _.”?
A. Acceptance region C. Critical region
B. Rejection region D. Sample region
4. How many samples are needed for the sample size to be considered
as large?
A. n>10 B. n>20 C. n>25 D. n>30
5. Which is the significance level if the level of confidence is
95%? A. α = .025 B. α = .01 C. α = .05 D. 0.10
6. Which of the following illustrates confidence level?
A. 10.5 B. 50.0 C. 50-55 D. 90%
7. What is the number of sample size that is considered enough for
central limit theorem?
A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30
8. Which is the other term for non-directional test?
A. Zero B. One tailed test C. Two-tailed test D. Directional
9. What is the value of α when the confidence level 99%?
A. 0.01 B.0.05 C. 0.1 D. 0.5
10.A wine manufacturer claims that the average selling price of all the
manufactured wine cost only 250 pesos. A buyer wants to test
whether the mean selling price if all the wine manufactured exceed
250 pesos. Which is the appropriate rejection region?
A. The rejection region is located at the right tail of the distribution curve.
B. The rejection regions are located at both tail of the distribution curve.
C. The rejection region is located at the left tail of the distribution curve.
D. None of the above.
V: References:
Belecina, Baccay & Mateo (2016). Statistics and Probability (First Edition). Quezon City,
Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Cagujas, O.A.(2021) Module 10: Formulating Hypothesis. La Union. Philippines
Department of Education, Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR). (2016). Lesson 1:
Statistics and Probability Learner’s Material (pp.216-222). Pasig City, Philippines
Estrada, A.C. (2021) Module 11: Forms of Test Statistics. La Union, Philippines
Orines, F.B & Mercado,J.P., (2016). Statistics and probability. Quezon City, Philippines:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

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