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1. How many universities did you apply to?

REPLY I applied to 02 Universities

2. How many admits/ rejects?

REPLY I got both admits. (Westcliff University and University of the Pacific)

3. What is your first choice?

REPLY My 1st Choice is Westcliff University, California

4. What is your IELTS Score?

REPLY During my academic journey, I discovered a passion for studying English. So, I began
preparing for the English proficiency test (IELTS) and sat for the exam on August, 10, 2023. I
achieved an overall score of 6.5, with individual scores of 7.0 in Listening, 6.5 in Reading, 6.0
in Speaking, and 6.5 in Writing.

5. What are your grades like?

REPLY Sir, we have a percentage system and I have secured 74.55% in my Bachelor
of Science.

6. Which was your undergraduate college?

REPLY Sanatan Dharma College affiliated to Kurukshetra University

7. What was your bachelor's degree in?

REPLY Sir, My Bachelor’s Degree was in science.

8. What is the purpose of your trip?

REPLY Sir, I want to pursue M.S. in Information Technology.

9. Which university are you planning to go to?

REPLY Westcliff University, Irvine, California

10. Who is planning to sponsor you?

REPLY As mentioned in your I-20. “My Family is sponsoring my education through
education loan and savings.

11.Why do you plan to do MS In Information Technology?

REPLY I feel that higher qualifications give a better place, a better standard in today's
competitive world. I feel that I have a good knowledge of my field, but a bit
more technical knowledge will serve me greatly, when I come back here and join
the industry.
12. Why do you wish to study in the US and not in India?
There are several reasons why one might choose to study in the US rather than in India.
First, the US offers a wide range of academic programs and institutions, often
with cutting-edge research opportunities. Second, many US universities have
strong international reputations, which can enhance career prospects globally.
Third, the US provides a diverse and multicultural environment, offering
exposure to different perspectives and experiences. Finally, for some, the US
education system may offer more flexibility and opportunities for personal and
professional growth.

REPLY Studying MS in Information Technology in the US offers access to top-notch

academic programs and research facilities, often unmatched in India.
Additionally, the US tech industry is a global leader, providing ample
opportunities for internships, networking, and career advancement. The
multicultural environment fosters innovation and collaboration, enriching the
learning experience. Lastly, a degree from a US institution can enhance
international career prospects, offering a competitive edge in the global job

13.Why did u select this University?

I chose Westcliff University in Irvine, CA, for several reasons. Firstly, Westcliff
University offers a Master of Science in Information Technology program that
aligns closely with my career goals and interests. The curriculum is designed to
provide practical skills and knowledge relevant to the rapidly evolving field of
IT. Additionally, the faculty at Westcliff University are experienced professionals
who bring real-world insights into the classroom, enhancing the learning

Furthermore, Westcliff University's location in Irvine, CA, is advantageous. Irvine is a

hub for technology and innovation, home to numerous tech companies and
startups. This provides ample opportunities for internships, networking, and
potential employment upon graduation. Additionally, Irvine's vibrant community
and diverse population create a stimulating environment for personal and
professional growth.

Moreover, Westcliff University offers a flexible and supportive learning environment.

The class sizes are small, allowing for personalized attention and interaction with
instructors. The university also provides resources such as career services and
academic support to help students succeed academically and professionally.
Overall, Westcliff University in Irvine, CA, stood out to me as the ideal choice for
pursuing my MS in Information Technology due to its strong program, location,
and supportive community.

14.Your passbooks show that a large amount of money has recently been
deposited. How would you explain that?
REPLY We normally do not keep large sums of money in the Savings a/c since we
earn a higher rate of interest when we invest them in Bonds / Fixed Deposits.
You can also say that you had invested in private firms because they provide
higher interest rates around 13% per annum as compared to merely 8% given by

15. What does your father do?

REPLY Well this does have a specific reply, but then you can put it as "Sir, my father
is working with a German collaborated company for the past 25 years as a
Manager in XYZ department. The long reply helps over here. If your father has
taken a voluntary retirement, don’t mention that he has retired. Well, there are
two approaches to this. One, say that your father worked with this company for
the last 30 years and now has his own consultancy dealing with (insert some
financial or technical terms). OR, say that your father worked as Asst
Mgr./Mgr./GM with some company for the past 25 years, took a VRS and now
has a consultancy of his own. Never show him to be idle, because that means
your income has drastically reduced and works as a negative point.

16.Do you have any relatives in the US?


17.Your brother/sister is studying there too. How will your parents support
both of you?
In response to your inquiry, I would like to inform you that my elder brother is
currently employed as a Work-Mobile Patrolling Officer with Armourgaurd
Security, contracted through Eyva Enterprises, in Auckland, New Zealand. His
annual income is approximately $50,000. With this stable source of income, my
Family are able to provide financial support in my education expenses here in the
18.What are you plans after Graduation?
After completing my MS in Information Technology in the USA, my plan is to return to
India with enhanced skills and knowledge to contribute to the tech industry in my
home country. Firstly, I aim to leverage the expertise gained abroad to tackle
pressing technological challenges facing Indian businesses and society. Whether
it's developing innovative solutions for local companies or working on projects
that benefit communities, I want to make a tangible impact.

Secondly, I plan to utilize the global network and connections I've built during my time
in the USA to forge collaborations between Indian and international tech entities.
This could involve partnerships for research, technology transfer, or even setting
up ventures that capitalize on emerging trends in IT.

Thirdly, I aspire to play a role in nurturing the next generation of Indian tech talent.
Whether through mentorship programs, guest lectures, or involvement in
educational initiatives, I want to share my knowledge and experiences to inspire
and empower aspiring IT professionals in India.

Overall, my goal is to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of technology in

India, leveraging the skills and insights gained from my MS program in the USA
to drive positive change and innovation in the Indian tech ecosystem.

19.What is your father's annual income?


OR 2). What is your family's annual income?

The moment the words 'Annual Income" creeps in, state your complete family
annual income, i.e. If your mother is also an earning member, if you have
agricultural income, if you have rental income plus the interests and
dividends...State all of them together. Don’t commit the blunder of stating just
your father's income. Many a times it hampers your chances if it seems low to
them. Obviously a total sum of mother's income, your father's income,
agricultural (if u have), rental income will be much more than a single one. And
if they ask for the IT returns, hand over both of your parent's return statements,
plus the agricultural papers plus the rental receipt (duplicate) at the same time.
And if he/she just argues (usually they don’t) that you were asked about your
father's income then say, "Sir, My family is sponsoring me. Along with my
father, my mother is also an earning member and an income tax payer.

20.You look like Potential immigrant OR I don’t think you will come back to
As the youngest in my family and coming from a financially privileged background, I
recognize the importance of enhancing my skills to become a proficient software
professional. Pursuing an MS in Information Technology in the USA is a
significant step towards achieving this goal.

Given the current economic climate and the recession, multinational companies are
increasingly relying on Indian firms for software solutions. Many Indian
companies have strong ties with US counterparts, presenting lucrative
opportunities for those with advanced degrees in information technology. With
an MS degree from the USA, I am confident in securing comparable
opportunities and compensation in India.

I believe that investing in my education abroad will not only elevate my professional
capabilities but also broaden my perspectives and cultural understanding. This
will ultimately benefit both my career aspirations and my contribution to the
global tech industry.

21.Why is your father sponsoring you?

REPLY My Father loves me a lot. He has sponsored my Education throughout. He
trusts that I will come back and take care of him in growing age, which I
certainly will.

22.Suppose you meet someone in the USA whom you like, would you consider
marrying her?
REPLY No. My Parents will be finding a suitable Partner for me after I return back.

23.What will you do if your Visa is rejected?

REPLY I will try to analyze what went wrong and would then reapply for the second
time after taking the necessary corrective action.

24.Will you come back to India during Summer Vacation?

REPLY I am inclined to maximize my time in the USA by opting for additional
courses during summer vacations. However, I also cherish the opportunity to
return home and spend quality time with my parents. Balancing these experiences
will enrich my journey, allowing me to both enhance my academic pursuits and
nurture familial connections.
25.What are your goals?

REPLY After completing my MS in Information Technology in the USA, my primary

goal is to leverage the skills and knowledge gained to advance my career in the tech
industry. I will come back to India, I envision playing a significant role in the country's
burgeoning tech sector. I aim to utilize my international education and experiences to
drive innovation, contribute to the growth of Indian tech companies, and mentor
aspiring professionals.

26.When did you plan for USA?

REPLY Two years ago, during my final year of Bachelor's degree, I made the decision
to pursue my studies in the USA. This decision stemmed from careful consideration of
my academic and career goals, as well as the opportunities that studying in the USA
could offer me.

27.Your parents had so much money in just 2 years?

REPLY My Parents have always believed in saving their resources and investing them
in building my career. All our Finances have been built over a period of 30 years.

28.Why have YOU selected this particular area of specialization?

Upon completing my MS in Information Technology from the USA, I am eager to
explore the myriad opportunities awaiting me back home in India. With the booming
tech industry and the country's growing emphasis on digital transformation, my
advanced skills and knowledge will be in high demand among Indian companies.

Additionally, India's vibrant startup ecosystem presents exciting prospects for

innovation and entrepreneurship, where my education from a prestigious American
institution can give me a competitive edge. Moreover, I look forward to contributing to
India's digital revolution, whether through leadership roles, consultancy positions, or
academic pursuits, leveraging the expertise gained during my studies in the USA to
make a meaningful impact in my home country's tech landscape.

29.Where does your area of specialization apply in India?

REPLY After completing my MS in Information Technology from the USA, my
specialized skills find application across diverse sectors in India. Whether in data
analytics, artificial intelligence, or cybersecurity, my expertise can enhance
operations in industries like banking, healthcare, and retail, boosting efficiency
and decision-making processes.
Furthermore, India's burgeoning e-commerce industry presents opportunities for
utilizing my knowledge in web development, user experience design, and digital
marketing to optimize online platforms and drive business growth.

Additionally, with India's focus on smart city initiatives and digital infrastructure,
expertise in technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity becomes
instrumental in designing and securing interconnected systems, supporting urban
development and technological progress nationwide.

30.What was your project in the final year?

REPLY Explain your project in detail, if you done any. (Carry your project report)

31.What do you know about city where you are going?

REPLY Irvine, California, boasts a population of approximately 300,000 residents,
creating a diverse and vibrant community. Its Mediterranean climate is
characterized by mild winters and warm summers, making it an ideal location for
year-round outdoor activities and study.

As a hub for education, Irvine offers an ideal environment for academic pursuits. With
top-tier institutions, students have access to world-class faculty, cutting-edge
research facilities, and a supportive learning environment conducive to
intellectual growth and achievement.

The people of Irvine contribute to its rich cultural tapestry, with residents from diverse
backgrounds fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Whether engaging
in academic discussions, cultural exchanges, or community events, students will
find themselves surrounded by a supportive and dynamic community.

City life in Irvine is characterized by its meticulously planned urban layout, featuring
well-maintained neighborhoods, green spaces, and modern amenities. With a
plethora of dining, shopping, and entertainment options, students can enjoy a
vibrant social life while balancing their academic pursuits. Overall, Irvine offers
a balanced lifestyle that blends academic excellence with cultural diversity and a
high quality of life, making it an ideal destination for students seeking a fulfilling
educational experience.

32.How is the weather in the city where you are going? What are the
In Irvine, California, the weather is mostly sunny and pleasant. Winters are mild, with
temperatures ranging from around 40 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 18 degrees
Celsius), and occasional rain. Summers get hot, often reaching the 80s and 90s
Fahrenheit (27 to 37 degrees Celsius), sometimes even hitting over 100 degrees
Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius). Overall, Irvine enjoys nice weather all year, perfect for
outdoor activities, but it can get quite warm in the summer, so be prepared!

33. How will you be able the cope with the severe climatic conditions there?
REPLY Sir, I am fortunate not to have any health concerns, and I adapt comfortably to
various weather conditions.

34.What salary do you expect on returning back?

REPLY Sir, Minimum Rs. 5-8 Lakhs per annum

35.What is the basis of your expectation of such high salary?

I anticipate a high salary based on the industry standard for individuals with an
American degree. In many cases, holding a degree from a reputable American
institution commands premium compensation due to the quality of education and the
skills acquired. This expectation aligns with prevailing trends in the job market,
where candidates with American qualifications often receive competitive salary
offers reflective of their expertise and qualifications.

36.Why will you not work in the U.S. after your studies?
While the prospect of working in the U.S. after completing my studies is enticing, I
have made the decision not to pursue employment there for personal and professional
reasons. Firstly, obtaining a work visa in the U.S. can be a complex and competitive
process. The H-1B visa, for example, has limited annual quotas and is subject to a
lottery system, making it difficult to secure for many international students.

Secondary, I have a strong attachment to my home country and wish to contribute to its
growth and development. Additionally, I believe that the skills and knowledge acquired
during my studies in the U.S. will be best utilized in my home country, where I can
make a meaningful impact in my field.

37.What if you get placed during the course of studies?

REPLY As a student, if I will receive a job placement opportunity during my studies in
the U.S., I will be grateful for the chance to further my career. However, my
intention is to pursue employment in India after completing my studies, and
therefore, I do not intend to apply for placement opportunities in the U.S.

I understand the value of international work experience, but my focus is on building my

career in India, where I have personal and professional connections.
38.I find it difficult for you to recover all the money that you are going to spend
in US?
Sir, while I understand the concern about the financial investment required for studying
in the U.S., I firmly believe that education is one of the most valuable investments
one can make. The skills, knowledge, and experiences gained during my time in the
U.S. will undoubtedly contribute to my personal and professional growth in the long

39.Why didn’t you get any scholarship?

REPLY I feel that probably because of my GRE score, they would not have considered
me for a Scholarship.

40. How are you funding for both the years of your studies?
REPLY For the First year, we have sufficient funds in the Savings account and for the
second year, we have sufficient funds in Fixed Deposits.

46.Where are you working presently?

After completing my studies, I commenced my professional career as an Intern at Cyber
Cops from 23rd January 2024 until the present date.

47.What is your Job profile?

48.What is your present salary?

49.Why didn’t you apply to the Universities where your GRE Score was sent?
50.How will this degree help you?
51.Why is your verbal score low?
52.Why don’t you hire some MBA’s here?
53.Even in these conditions of economic recession, you want to go US. Why?
54.How did you come to know about your university?
55.What are the courses offered?
56.Name some of the Professors in your University?
57.Do you have any siblings (brothers & sisters)? What are they doing?
58.What are your Parents doing?
59.Do you have a Car?
60.Do you have a Business?
61.How many employees do you have?
62.What is the Annual turnover of your Company?
63.What is the Annual Profit of your Company?
64.What are your duties in your Company?

The Most Important Factor

The most important factor is "CONFIDENCE". Whatever the answer be, if you are
confident and show that you are not nervous, that will really help you get through.
Complete Documents, Convincing Skills, Confidence and Presence of mind is what you
have to demonstrate. These are the keys to getting through the interview successfully.
Many do get through because of sheer luck, when some of the casual officers just seem
to be in a hurry to get through with the troop of VISA aspirants facing their counter.

But then I believe that your parents do all the job of putting together all the financial
documents and stuff. The only thing you need to do is to put a confident self of yours
over there. Its not that all the questions I have put here are the only ones, they might
come up with any other questions. But then presence of mind and spontaneity is what
helps under those situations. You have to be prepared with an answer the moment he
shoots a question at you.

Don’t make a face as if you just committed a sin. Hand over the documents and look at
him eye-to-eye. Eye contact is very essential. Remember, the answers mentioned above
may differ from individual to individual as per circumstances.


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