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Classwork Monday 20 Nov - Day 1

Lesson Subject Activity

1 Spelling- mb kn Code go over meanings

Code chunk colour Chunk & code on board
Sound mb kn
Sentence dictation-
2. Language Homophones – recap
discuss as a class

3. Handwriting See folder

4. Maths Counting 5’s and 10’s 4’s 3’s

X3 and x4 in books
In Maths books
Word problems in books

5 Reading See reading folder

6. isiZulu Miss Mfeka

7. RE Advent week of LOVE Matt 25:31-46

8. Music Miss Erasmus

Classwork Tuesday 21 Nov Day 2

Lesson Subject Activity
1. Sound mb kn Go over list

Code chunk colour Picture and word of mb kn sound in


2. Language- Singualr and plural
Discuss singular-plural-nouns-lesson-for-

Do some in books with pictures

3. Maths- Number names 1 – 500

Place value HTU

4. Reading Groups See reading folder.

5. Begin Knowledge-

6. P.E. – Mrs Coreejees

7. Computers Mrs Botha
8. Handwriting See book

Classwork Wednesday 22 Nov Day 3

OUTING to Lahee Park
Lesso Subject Activity

1. sound – code & chunk

2. Language
Reading Study- comprehension

Reading Groups

3. Maths

Oral word problem-

Compare numbers

4. Writing See book

7. AO


9. RE

Classwork Thursday 23 Nov Day 4

Lesson Subject Activity

1. Sound mb kn – Mb kn fill in missing word sentences

from board.
2. Reading groups See foldee

3. Maths Whiteboards cards and in pairs do sums

• and mark each others

4. Music Miss Erasmus

5. Drama Mrs Nugent

Movement Mrs Lynch

6 Handwriting See book

Classwork Friday 24 Nov Day 5

Lesson Subject Activity

1. Spelling Mb kn test on whiteboards in class

2. Maths X4 test

3. Art Christmas

6. Afrikaans Oral Mrs O’Toole

7. P.E. Miss Coreejees

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