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Essential Fish Biology: Diversity,

Structure, and Function 1st Edition

Derek Burton
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Essential Fish Biology
Essential Fish Biology
Diversity, Structure and Function

Derek Burton
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology,
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Margaret Burton
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology,
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

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© Derek Burton & Margaret Burton 2018
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
The front cover image shows a mormyrid, capable of electrolocation, and the back cover image
shows beach spawning capelin
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St. John’s, with its historical associations in the New- We have limited this book to a single volume ap-
foundland fishery, has been a stimulating location in propriate to an introduction to the subject. We have
which to develop an overview of fish biology. Since also avoided a partitioning of chapters between a
the arrival of Europeans in Newfoundland in the large number of specialist authors which has been a
fifteenth century, fishing has been a major economic trend in the case of fish physiology texts. Although
activity in the province. More recently St. John’s has such ‘sectionalized’ books can be advantageous
become an important centre in the Northern Hemi- to advanced readers, students new to the subject
sphere for the study of fish biology and fisheries sci- can benefit from a more concise and consistent ap-
ence. These studies involve a number of university proach, written by fewer authors. Our objective is
departments and institutions as well as Newfound- to provide a comprehensive introduction to each
land and Canadian government research units. This topic, together with detailed references leading to
has produced a diversity of teaching and research the roots of current knowledge. To provide useful
programmes in fish biology, fisheries and aquacul- background some topics are prefaced by a brief ac-
ture, attracting undergraduate and graduate stu- count of basic aspects of relevant more general cel-
dents from within the province and internationally. lular, anatomical or physiological biology. The book
The aim of this book is to provide an introductory will be suitable for undergraduate and graduate
overview of the functional biology of fish and how students in fish biology, fisheries and aquaculture,
it may be influenced by the contrasting habitat con- as well as for more general readers interested in fish.
ditions within the aquatic environment. The book In a world in which security of food supplies will
includes advances in comparative animal physiol- become an increasingly important issue, a sound
ogy made since the mid-twentieth century, which development of aquaculture and sustainability of
have greatly influenced our understanding of fish fisheries will be integral to planning. This implies
function or have generated questions on this sub- a comprehensive understanding of factors influenc-
ject, still to be resolved. Fish taxa represent the larg- ing fish survival, including their basic physiology
est number of vertebrates, with over 30,000 extant in their natural habitats and in captivity.
species. Much of our knowledge, apart from tax- We wish to thank the many participants in in-
onomy and habitat descriptions, has been based on formal discussions and more formal seminars in
relatively few of these species, usually those which St. John’s and at conferences elsewhere, often em-
live in fresh water and/or are of commercial inter- phasizing how much remains to be researched in
est. Unfortunately there has also been a tendency this subject as well as what has been accomplished.
to base interpretation of fish physiology on that Members of the Biology Department of Memorial
of mammalian systems, as well as to rely on a few University have given courteous assistance and
type species of fish. We have attempted to redress advice. We particularly thank Dr Paul Marino,
the balance by using examples of fish from a wide Shena Quinton, Roy Ficken, Peter Earle and Kerri
range of species and habitats, emphasizing diver- Green, as well as Mike Hatcher, Richard Hu, Julia
sity as well as recognizing shared attributes with Trahey and Graham Hillier at the Ocean Sciences
other vertebrates. Centr­e. We have benefited from the specific help

vi   P r e fa c e

and cooperation of Dr G. Allen, Dr A. Bal, Dr Vern Nancy Simmons for information on copyright. We
Barbe­r, Dr Eastman, Dr Fryer, the family of Dr are grateful to Ian Sherman, Lucy Nash and Beth-
Greenwood, Dr R. Khan, Prof Dr Schmitt and Dr any Kershaw of Oxford University Press for their
Stevens. Many institutions have helped and coop- help, guidance and patience. We are also grateful to
erated with information retrieval, and we thank Narmatha Vaithiyanathan for organizing the final
Joe Tomelleri for the ‘slender chub’ photograph, assembly of the material. Finally, we acknowledge
Dr Craig Purchase for the capelin photograph and the many students whose curiosity and interesting
Catherine Burton for the ‘garden eels’. We appre- questions over the years prompted us to develop
ciated Rudie Kuiter’s advice and patience in ac- this book which we hope will be helpful to many
cessing photographs of coral-reef fish. We thank people. We welcome comments and corrections.
C h a pt er 1

Fish diversity
Classification and variety

1.1 Summary
Fish have a long evolutionary history and have successfully colonized a large range of habitats including deep oceans and
shallow ponds.
Formal classifications of the very numerous fish species are subject to adjustment as new information accrues. The major
divergences separate the extant jawless fish from the jawed fish, and ‘cartilaginous’ fish from those with bony skeletons. A few
extant bony fish species are regarded as ‘relict’ (or primitive), remnants of ancient lineages.
Fish diversity parallels the numerous habitat niches they occupy, with size attained from minute to enormous, shapes from
spherical to flat to elongated, and other attributes, both morphological and functional, enable ‘lifestyles’ mainly aquatic but,
for a few, even terrestrial.

1.2 Introduction dichotomy of structure is recognized by the num-

ber of embryonic cell layers, most having three, be-
Fish are aquatic vertebrates with gills and fins ing therefore triploblasts (Appendix 1.1). In many
rather than lungs and legs, although some fish lack animals including the vertebrates the middle em-
paired fins and others have lungs. In geologic time bryonic cell layer develops a cavity (the coelom,
they preceded the other vertebrate groups which Appendix 1.1) which allows gut movement. The
are derived from them. formal classification of animals assigns each spe-
Although a few fish spend quite a lot of time on cies to a series of groups or taxa, the largest or most
land, almost all fish species are still recognizably char- inclusive being a Phylum. Each Phylum is usually
acterized by their need to be in water, with very spe- divided into Classes, and each Class into Orders.
cial adaptations to that particular environment with Orders are subdivided into Families, each of which
its density, low oxygen and high thermal capacity re- contains Genera. Any individual genus contains
ducing rapid temperature changes. Many fish species one or more species. Within this basic system may
are also high on the trophic level, being predaceous be many subunits; for example, there can be Sub-
even as juveniles, and for many active carnivores this classes, Infraclasses and so on to fit the complicated
means rapid movement and a fairly complex sensory relationships within the groups. Where there are
system. Fish represent huge diversity in shape, size, large numbers of similar species the term ‘species
colour and habit. The distribution of particular genera flock’ has been utilized; the definition of a species
may be widespread, either naturally (deep-sea grena- usually depends on morphological differences, and
diers) or by introduction (trout, carp) or severely lim- taxonomists set up a ‘type’ specimen for reference.
ited (desert pupfish, cave-fish), and the numbers of Structurally fish share with other vertebrates a
individuals in different species may also be extremely basic body plan of bilateral symmetry, with a dor-
numerous (some marine species) or very few for spe- sal supporting structure the notochord (hence Phy-
cies in specialized habitats such as caves. lum Chordata) as a precursor to the series of harder
Among the huge array of multicellular ani- vertebrae. All vertebrates are metamerically seg-
mals classified as such in the Animal Kingdom a mented, which means the serial repetition of body

Essential Fish Biology: Diversity, Structure and Function. Derek Burton & Margaret Burton.
© Derek Burton & Margaret Burton 2018. Published 2018 by Oxford University Press.
DOI 10.1093/oso/9780198785552.001.0001
2   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

parts, a system which facilitates locomotion in the widely used classifications from the 1970s (‘old’)
many animals which have this organization. The and the more recent (‘new’, Nelson 2006). The most
segmentation is not as obvious as in, for example, recent radical revision (Nelson et al. 2016) is dealt
earthworms or millipedes, but its existence can be with in the text.
seen in the vertebrae, the 10, perhaps +1 (11.8), pairs As with other organisms, the species to which
of cranial nerves, the gills and gill supports (gill an individual is assigned is best characterized and
arches), the spinal nerves and many of the blood named by a Latin-based binomial to avoid muddle
vessels supplying the body wall. (Appendix 1.3). Each species belongs to a genus (al-
Physiologically fish share with other vertebrates a ways capitalized) such as ‘Gadus’ for cod-like fish.
high degree of activity except under extreme condi- The individual species also has a ‘specific’ name
tions and a capacity to regulate the composition of which, with the generic name, provides the ‘bino-
body fluids, though temperature regulation is lim- mial’. Thus Atlantic cod is ‘Gadus morhua’. The nam-
ited for most fish to seeking optimum conditions. ing convention is to italicize the constituents of a
Currently fish are by far the most numerous binomial, and if the genus is used repeatedly then it
vertebrates, both as individuals and species, rep- can be reduced to a capital, such as G. morhua. The
resenting roughly 50 per cent of all vertebrate spe- strict naming convention, generally at first use in
cies now alive (extant). It is generally agreed that a publication, and notably in the title, is to include
there are in excess of 20,000 extant fish species; the name of the first person (Linnaeus and post-Lin-
Nelson (1994) recognized about 25,000 species, naean) describing the species, immediately after the
and this number is augmented as new species are Latin binomial (Appendix 1.4).
described, differentiated and/or discovered, for For identification purposes, particularly for live
example from the deeper oceans or from big river fish, superficial characteristics may be very useful.
systems such as the Amazon/Rio Negro complex. Hence the presence of a small, but readily recog-
Thus Nelson (2006) reports nearly 28,000 species, nized, adipose fin between the dorsal fin and the
Berra (2007) more than 29,000 and Nelson et al. tail may indicate a fish of the ‘salmon–trout’ group-
(2016) state 32,000. ing in comparison to perch in the same habitat al-
Fish are the oldest group of vertebrates, with an though adipose fins are also found on some catfish
enormous diversity of first, jawless, and subse- and characins, as well as in five other orders (Reim-
quently, jawed species showing adaptive radiation in chen and Temple 2004). Similarly, fish shape can be
aquatic habitats and prolific speciation as far back as indicative; whereas the skewed eyes and flat shape
the Ordovician Era for jawless fish (480–390 million of ‘flatfish’ together place these fish, the slim shape
years ago, mya). The Devonan Era (350–300 mya) of eels and barracuda are only helpful. Similarly al-
indeed has been termed the ‘Age of Fishes’ with nu- though several gill slits on each side, or ventrally,
merous species particularly associated with freshwa- place fish in the ‘shark–dogfish–ray’ category, the
ter during that time period (Romer 1955). The jawless presence of male claspers shared by this group and
fish are now reduced to two relict groups (hagfish the chimaeras (rabbit/ratfish) has obvious limita-
and lampreys), with a tendency towards a parasitic tions if a female is caught. Fortunately, however,
habit. Recently the hagfish have been detached from the general appearance of both groups is so differ-
the vertebrate classification altogether (Nelson et al. ent from other living fish that confusion is actually
2016), and are regarded as a sister group. most unlikely.
Because there are now so many different kinds
1.3 Classification of fish in addition to the very large number of
extinct forms, formal classification of fish (by
The large number of fish species presents a chal- taxonomists) has presented a formidable task as
lenge in identification and classification; the follow- new information becomes available. Revisions are
ing provides a brief overview. To aid orientation, ongoing at various levels; some species have un-
all species referred to are subsequently listed sep- dergone renaming or reclassification fairly often.
arately in the Index. Appendix 1.2 summarizes Rainbow trout which is apparently more a salmon
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    3

than a trout has shifted from Salmo irideus to Salmo

Phylum Chordata All animals with a notochord at
gairdneri to Oncorhynchus mykiss, placing it with some stage in their life cycle
the Pacific salmon such as chum and sockeye. Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata) All animals with a vertebral
At another taxonomic level some of the ‘primi- column
tive’ fish like gar, the bowfin, the lungfish and Superclass Agnatha Jawless fish
the coelacanth may have been shifted from one
Superclass Gnathostomata Jawed vertebrates
major grouping to another, with the lungfish and
Grade Pisces Jawed fish
coelacanth now placed closer to the terrestrial ver-
tebrates than to most other fish. With this degree Class Chondrichthyes Cartilaginous fish, but not
of change in groupings, any classification scheme
may be regarded as temporary. Class Osteichthyes Bony fish
Some older nomenclatures have been incorpo-
rated in newer schemes but others have been lost, Figure 1.1 Fish classification based on Nelson (1976).
albeit sometimes temporarily. Thus ‘Chondrostei’
1.3.1 Jawless fish
is retained for sturgeon-like fish as a Subclass but
Holostei is no longer always applied as a formal Most considerations of fish diversity divide fish into
taxon for Amia the bowfin (Nelson 2006), although those with jaws and those without, the latter being
still used and recognized informally and reinstated ‘Agnatha’ (Figure 1.1), many of which are now extinct,
as a Subclass by Nelson et al. (2016). The taxon with two living groups the hagfish and lampreys. In
‘Isospondyli’ (meaning similar vertebrae), used in 2016 Nelson and colleagues separated the hagfish
the nineteenth century for soft-finned teleosts (such from the lampreys and all other extant fish (Figure
as herring, trout) which also shared some basic 1.2) on the basis of lack of any vertebral elements (ar-
features like undifferentiated anterior vertebrae, cualia, 3.5.2) in hagfish. However as hagfish are noted
air bladders (if present) linked to the gut (phys- for the modification of various structures, including
ostomatous), posteriorly placed pelvic fins, was eyes, the lack of vertebrae may be secondary.
superseded early in the twentieth century (Bou- Jawless fish, such as osteostracomorphs with
lenger 1904), although still used by Gregory (1933, bony head shields (Figure 1.3), have been found in
reprinted 1959). deposits dating back to the Ordovician Era, with
During the latter half of the twentieth century, jawed fish gradually more prevalent into the De-
fish were classified as in Figure 1.1 and some of vonian. The term ‘ostracoderms’ was at one time
this nomenclature still stands, or is otherwise rec- a collective term used for early agnatha (Nelson
ognized as useful, but some recent changes to fish
classification have been profound (Nelson 2006; Phylum Chordata
Nelson et al. 2016; Figure 1.2). Subphylum Craniata
The status of hagfish (1.3.1, Figure 1.2) is under
Infraphylum Myxinomorpha Hagfish
consideration; Nelson et al. (2016) removed them
Infraphylum Vertebrata Vertebrates
from the vertebrates, a major adjustment. Hagfish
ancestors are only represented so far by a single Superclass Petromyzontomorphi Lampreys
possible fossil hagfish (Bardack 1998), with a further *Superclass Pteraspidomorphi
type described more recently (Janvier and Sansom *Superclass Anaspidomorphi
2015). Even more difficult to assess is the situation *Superclass Thelodontomorphi
with the conodonts and their possible relationship
*Superclass Osteostracomorphi
within the chordates (Aldridge and Donoghue 1998;
Superclass Gnathostomata Jawed
Nelson et al. 2016). Only very recently have entire vertebrates
fossils of conodonts been available; previously these
animals were known only from their teeth, which Figure 1.2 A new classification for hagfish and lampreys after
were however abundant and perhaps reminiscent of Nelson et al. (2016).
hagfish (Aldridge and Donoghue 1998). *Extinct.
4   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

Figure 1.3 Extinct jawless fish: Left, an osteostracomorph with head shield and heterocercal tail. Right, an anaspidomorph with hypocercal tail.
Both reproduced with permission, J.S. Nelson (1976), Fishes of the World, published by John Wiley and Sons. © 1976 by John Wiley and Sons Inc.

1976), and is still used informally for extinct agna- and Potter (1971), nevertheless believed that the most
tha whereas the term cyclostomes (literally ‘round- interesting question about lampreys is to what extent
mouth’) is reserved for the persistent agnatha they reflect the structure of the earliest vertebrates.
which lack exoskeletons. Cyclostomes lack cellular Atz (1972) observed that studies on lampreys
bone which was, however, present in some extinct tended to be skewed towards control of parasitic
agnatha; ‘ostracoderms’ typically had bony head species, and hoped that a more balanced set of work
shields, although the anaspids did not. would ensue. However, it is still difficult to incor-
The early jawless fish had either heterocercal porate information about the structure and function
(longer upper lobe) or hypocercal (longer lower
lobe) tails. The former were found in osteostraco-
na.ap na.ap
morphs, the latter in anaspidomorphs which lacked A B
the head shield (Figure 1.3).
Currently only a few genera of agnatha persist
as the marine hagfish and lampreys which can be
migratory (anadromous, with freshwater larvae) or
freshwater (Mordacia praecox; Allen et al. 2002). The
mouths are toothed in lampreys, and can attach to the
skin of their prey; hagfish have teeth on the tongue
and palate (Nelson 1976). Adult cyclostomes tend to
attack jawed fish and whereas hagfish are regarded
as ‘scavengers’, some lamprey species are considered
true parasites, undesirable when they thrive on local
commercially important lake or river teleosts. Hag-
fish are also known as slime-hags as they can secrete
huge amount of mucus (Fudge et al. 2005).
Superficially, cyclostomes, which are elongated
(Figures 1.4 and 1.5), are similar to eels in size and
shape but have uncovered gill openings (7 bilateral
in lampreys, 5–16 bilateral in the hagfish Epitretus re-
duced to a common aperture in the hagfish Myxine,
generally one each side but two on the left side in br.ap
Notomyxine). Cyclostomes do not have paired fins.
Larval lampreys are interesting. Termed ‘ammo-
coetes’, they are reminiscent of adult amphioxus,
the protochordate (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), with
bilateral symmetry and a filter-feeding pharynx. Figure 1.4 Hagfish. A. Myxine (the Atlantic hagfish) with two ventral
With very specialized habits, for example parasit- gill openings (br.ap). B. Epitretus (Bdellostoma) with 6 (5–16 possible)
ism, the cyclostomes are somewhat difficult to inter- bilateral openings ( 1, etc.). Both after Bridge (1904), br.ap = left
external branchial aperture, mth = mouth, na.ap = nasal aperture,
pret morphologically and physiologically in relation
oes.ct.d = oesophageal—cutaneous duct. The small openings on the
to extant jawed fish. Atz (1972), reviewing Hardisty left of A (as a row) are mucous glands.
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    5

of the extant jawless fish in comparison to the ex- utilized for most cartilaginous fish (i.e. chimaeras
tant jawed fish; for example, the hagfish group has (rat or rabbit fish) and the sharks, dogfish and rays),
blood isosmotic (7.5.5) with seawater (Nelson 1976) there has been (Nelson 1994, 2006) a re-evaluation
and a very unusual blood system (Satchell 1986) of the other groupings so that many bony fish are
with an additional, portal, heart (5.9) but no distinc- now assigned to a new Class Actinopterygii with an
tive ammocoete larvae, all points distinguishing the additional Class Sarcopterygii (Appendix 1.2b) ac-
hagfish markedly from the lampreys, not just from commodating some, but not all, relict fish species.
the extant jawed fish, contributing towards a justifi- It is convenient to think in terms of the ‘old’ classi-
cation for the recent detachment of hagfish from the fication with two Classes, Chondrichthyes (cartilagi-
vertebrates (Nelson et al. 2016). nous fish) and Osteichthyes (bony fish), and a newer
Monographs and bibliographies on lampreys are classification with three Classes, Chondrichthyes (car-
available (Hardisty 2006; Hardisty and Potter 1971, tilaginous fish, no change from the old classification),
1982; Beamish et al. 1989). Recent texts on hagfish in- Actinopterygii (most bony fish) and Sarcopterygii
clude Jørgensen et al. (1998) and Edwards and Gross (bony fish species close to the terrestrial vertebrates).
(2015). Hardisty (1979) and Beamish et al. (1989) Recently (Nelson et al. 2016) a further adjustment
deal with cyclostomes (i.e. lampreys and hagfish). has been made, making both Sarcopterygii and
The survival of the cyclostomes into modern time Actinopterygii Subclasses of Class Osteichthyes
is attributed to their specialized niches, where they (Figur­e 1.6).
are not in direct competition with either the carti- The classification of cartilaginous fish has not
laginous or bony fish. The lampreys actually spend undergone much change: cartilaginous fish are as-
much of their life cycle as the filter-feeding and ben- signed to the Class Chondrichthyes in all schemes
thic ammocoete stage, a phase quite different from referred to (i.e. ‘old’, ‘new’ and Nelson et al. (2016)),
the juvenile stages of either cartilaginous or bony although some fish like sturgeon with a large
fish (Ilves and Randall 2007). amount of cartilage are excluded from this category
based on other features.
The survival of the cartilaginous fish, in spite of
1.3.2 Jawed fish
the success of the bony fish, has been attributed to
For taxonomic purposes, most extant jawed fish their size and speed in open waters, habitats where
have, until fairly recently, been divided into bony or manoeuvrability is not particularly advantageous
cartilaginous fish (Appendix 1.2a), but although this (Ilves and Randall 2007). The fact that the young
still works quite well, adjustments continue to be are quite large when first independent is thought to
made. There is a small group of ‘relict’ fish (e.g. the contribute to their persistent success.
coelacanth, lungfish, the bichir, etc.; see 1.3.6), which
show a variety of ‘primitive’ (Janvier 2007) or ple-
1.3.3 Class Chondrichthyes and Class
siomorphic characteristics, indicating their status as
remnants of very ancient lineages. Classifying the
relict fish has apparently represented a challenge, as Class Chondrichthyes (old and new classifica-
there has not always been a clear pattern in assign- tions) comprises fish with cartilaginous skeletons,
ing them. While the Class Chondrichthyes is still and the following: soft fin-rays (unsegmented), no

ns df

e og
cl tf

Figure 1.5 The cyclostome Petyromyzon, a lamprey, with seven external bilateral gill openings. After de Beer (1951). cl = urinogenital aperture,
df = dorsal fin, e = eye, ns = nostril, og = openings of the gill pouches, tf = tail-fin.
6   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

Grade *Placodermomorphi
Grade Chondrichthyomorphi
Class Chondrichthyes Cartilaginous fish
Grade Teleostomi
*Class Acanthodii
Class Osteichthyes Bony fish and tetrapods
Subclass Sarcopterygii Bony fish and tetrapods
Infraclass Actinistia Coelacanths
Infraclass Dipnomorpha Lungfish
Infraclass Tetrapoda Tetrapods
Subclass Actinopterygii
Infraclass Cladistia
Order Polypteriformes Bichirs
Infraclass Chondrostei
Order Acipenseriformes Sturgeons, paddlefish
Unranked Neopterygii
Infraclass Holostei Gars, bowfin
Division Ginglymodi Gars
Division Halecomorpha Bowfin Figure 1.6 A new classification for
bony fish, after Nelson et al. 2016.
Division Teleostomorpha Teleosts

swim bladder or lung; internal fertilization, male facilitate prey detection via electroreceptors, and
has claspers (Figures 1.8 and 1.9); high blood con- some (electric rays) are capable of discharging high-
centration of urea (a few exceptions); spiral valve voltage pulses (13.8).
in intestine; heterocercal tail. These fish are almost The classification of bony fish has been subject to
all marine and fairly large. The Class Chondrich- fairly frequent change and rearrangement. The ‘bony
thyes is routinely divided into two Subclasses, fish’, which may actually include fish with a large
Holocephali and Elasmobranchi, with very unequal amount of cartilage but otherwise very different from
size (number of genera and species) composition the Chondrichthyes, were until recently all assigned to
(Figure 1.7). The elasmobranchs have special fea- a single Class Osteichthyes, subdivided into four Sub-
tures like the ampullae of Lorenzini (12.9.3) which classes (Table 1.1, Appendix 1.2a). Class Osteichthyes

Subclass Holocephali: top jaw fused to neurocranium (holostylic suspension, 3.5.4, Table 3.4), gill-cover/operculum, teeth as plates, no stomach,
male has three claspers (two pelvic, one frontal/cephalic, (Fig. 1.8).
6 extant genera e.g. rabbitfish/ratfish (chimaeras). All marine, and medium-sized.
Subclass Elasmobranchi: top jaw not fused to neurocranium (amphistylic or hyostylic suspension, see Chapter 3, Table 3.4) and the following:
5–7 gill openings each side (Figs. 1.9, 1.10), spiracles (Fig. 1.10), numerous teeth; male has two pelvic claspers.(Fig. 1.9).
145 extant genera e.g. dogfish/sharks (Fig. 1.9), dorsally flattened skates and rays (Fig. 1.10).

Figure 1.7 The two Subclasses of the Class Chondrichthyes.

F i s h d i v e r s i t y    7


Figure 1.8 Male chimaera (Chimaera

monstrosa). np = frontal (cephalic) clasper;
m m = mouth, op = operculum. Note pelvic
claspers above pelvic fin. After Bridge 1904.

Figure 1.9 Male Cetorhinus maximus, the

basking shark, showing gill slits and pelvic
clasper beyond pelvic fin (after Bridge 1904).





Figure 1.10 Female Torpedo, electric ray: A. (left)

Dorsal view, sp = spiracle; pf = pectoral fin; pvf =
pelvic fin. B. (right) Ventral view showing gill slits.
(Both after Bridge 1904).
8   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

Table 1.1 Class Osteichthyes (after Nelson 1976). 1.3.5 Class Actinopterygii
Subclass Known as Extant fish Extant Class Actinopterygii in the classification of Nel-
habitat genera (#) son (2006) has two Subclasses (Figure 1.12, Ap-
pendix 1.2b).
Dipneusti (Dipnoi) Lungfish Freshwater 3
Crossopterygii Coelacanths Marine 1 1.3.6 The relict fish
Brachiopterygii Bichirs, reedfish Freshwater 2 The four non-teleost orders in Figure 1.12 are re-
Actinopterygii Rayfins Varied 4100* garded as ‘relict’ fish, as are other non-teleost bony
fish, the coelacanth and the lungfish. Whereas the
*approximate. non-teleost relict fish are characterized by retaining
‘primitive’ or plesiomorphoic features (Table 1.2),
in the old classification were fish with (usually) bony the teleost fish (1.3.7) can be characterized by a lack
skeletons, gill-covers and males lacking claspers. of certain features, like no spiral valves in the intes-
Moyle and Cech (1996) retain the designation tine, and the acquisition of particular traits includ-
‘Class Osteichthyes’ for all bony fish in preference ing changes in the jaws, fins and scales.
to the newer classification (Nelson 1994) in which Extant relict fish comprise the coelacanth and
the two first Subclasses (Table 1.1, Appendix 1.2b) three genera of lungfish, the polypterids (bichir and
are assigned to a new Class Sarcopterygii, while reedfish), the chondrosteans (acipenseriform stur-
the remaining two are subsumed into a new Class geons and paddlefish) and the holosteans (semi-
Actinopyterygii, retaining the name of the last sub- onotiform gar and amiiform bowfin). The relict fish
class in the old classification, but having a wider are called ‘archaic’ in older literature (e.g. Hyman
composition. 1942) and the expression ‘primitive’ persists (Mc-
Kenzie et al. 2007). Distinguishing the more ‘primi-
tive’ or plesiomorphic relict bony fish are a varying
1.3.4 Class Sarcopterygii set of features which may include complex scales of
Fish of the Class Sarcopterygii, in the classification heavy and distinctive structure, lungs which may
of Nelson (2006), have thick fleshy fins or limbs, (lungfish) or may not (coelacanth) function in res-
with two Subclasses (Figure 1.11), and the currently piration, heterocercal tails and larvae with exter-
unranked Tetrapodomorpha with all tetrapods. nal gills (Table 1.2). Additionally, sturgeons of the
This classification reflects opinions on the close- Acipenseriformes may have a small spiracle, which
ness of the lobefins, represented by one extant ge- is also present in the paddlefish Polyodon (Bridge
nus Latimeria (the coelacanth) and the lungfish, the 1904). It has been described in larval lungfish, is
Australian Neoceratodus, the African Protopterus and vestigial in the coelacanth but present (Fig. 1.15)
the South American Lepidosiren to the tetrapods (in- and functional in Polypterus (Budgett 1903). The
cluding mammals). paired fin structure of the sarcopterygians is dis-
Extant fish in this Class are regarded as relict or tinctive and regarded as presaging tetrapod limbs.
plesiomorphic, as are some of the fish in the new
Class Actinopterygii (1.3.5). Subclass Chondrostei, with cartilage in the adult skeletons, and two
extant orders, Order Polypteriformes, e.g. the bichir Polypterus, and
Order Acipenseriformes e.g. sturgeon, paddlefish. The cartilage may
Subclass Coelacanthimorpha (Actinistia) containing the extant undergo ossification in older fish.
coelacanth, Subclass Neopterygii, with teleosts in a separate Division, and two
Subclass Dipnotetrapodomorpha = Sub-Class Dipneusti (Dipnoi), non-teleost orders, Order Semionotiformes e.g. Lepisosteus, the gar,
containing the lungfish. and Order Amiiformes, i.e. Amia calva, the bowfin.

Figure 1.11 The two subclasses of the Class Sarcopterygii (after Figure 1.12 The two subclasses and non-teleost extant orders of
Nelson 2006). the Class Actinopterygii (after Nelson 2006).
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    9

The continued survival of the primitive or rel- Triassic. Similarly he lists 20 dipnoans (lungfish) in
ict bony fish may be attributed to their specialized the Devonian and 5 in the Triassic.
niches and perhaps their capacity to tolerate hy-
poxia (Ilves and Randall 2007). Lungs and air bladders in relict fish
Lungs or air bladders occur in relict fish, indicating an
Distribution of relict fish ancient dependence on air breathing. The distinction
With the exception of Latimeria, the coelacanth, between ‘lungs’ and air bladders depends on features
which is marine, all extant relict bony fish are an- such as their position and the degree of internal sub-
adromous (e.g. some sturgeon such as Acipenser division. The importance of these structures in gas
transmontanus, Scott and Crossman 1973) or wholly exchange varies widely within the relict fish, some
freshwater (e.g. lake sturgeon A. fulvescens) in cur- of which are found in warm freshwater which might
rent distribution. The lungfish are in warm rivers be oxygen-depleted. The single ‘lung’ of the extant
or lakes and the two genera of Polypteriformes are coelacanth Latimeria is fat-filled while some of the ex-
in African rivers. Sturgeons (four genera) are found tinct species are reported to have had a ‘calcified lung’
in Northern Europe and North America and/or the (Brito et al. 2010). The lungfish have dorsal lungs, ei-
adjacent oceans. Paddlefish (two genera) are found ther bi-lobed or paired, with some subdivision. The
(one species Polyodon spathula) in the Mississippi bi-lobed single lung of Neoceratodus is derived from
River (North America) historically as far north as the right side (Thomson 1969). Lepidosiren and Protop-
the Ohio River and even Lake Eirie (Trautman 1957), terus have paired dorsal lungs (Romer 1955). While
and (one species Psephurus gladius) in the Yangtze the sturgeons have a single undivided dorsal air blad-
River (China). The gar (one genus Lepisosteus, seven der the gar and bowfin have a bi-lobed dorsal bladder
species) are found in America as far south as Costa with some internal division, and Polypterus has sim-
Rica (Nelson 1976) and bowfin (Amia calva) are North ple ventral lungs. Romer’s (1955) view of the fish air
American, presently restricted to the Eastern region, bladder is that it derives from lungs; Ilves and Ran-
though fossils are reported from a much larger area dall (2007) consider the discussion of which evolved
including Europe and Asia. The coelacanth and first to be ‘superfluous’ in that initially the air bladder
lungfish, sometimes called lobefins, were previ- would have had both buoyancy and oxygen-storage
ously far more abundant. Thomson (1969) provides capacity, as well as sound transmission.
an interesting summary of their prevalence in the
fossil record. Today these fish survive as the coela- The coelacanth
canth (Crossopterygii; one genus) and the lungfish The coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) was discov-
(Dipnoi; three genera). In the Devonian, Thomson ered, as a single specimen, in 1938, off the coast of
lists 27 crossopterygian genera and 14 in the later South Africa. The discovery was hailed as a ‘living

Table 1.2 Plesiomorphic features of extant relict fish, Classes according to Nelson (2006).

Fish ‘Lungs’ Ganoid scales Heterocercal tail Spiral valve Larvae with external gills

Class Sarcopterygii
Coelacanth (1 genus) Vestigial +
Lungfish (3 genera) Present + +

Class Actinopterygii
Polypteriformes (2 genera) Present + + +
Acipenseriformes (6 genera) Bladder + +
Semionotiformes (1–2 genera) Bi-lobed bladder + Abbreviate +
Amiiformes (1 genus) Bi-lobed bladder Vestigial
10   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

fossil’ as the group had been thought extinct since symmetrical, although unusual in comparison to all
the Cretaceous. The Second World War (1939–45) other extant forms, with a projecting central lobe.
precluded any active searches for more examples Latimeria has a spiral valve in the intestine, a feature
and it was not until 1951 that a small population it shares both with the Chondrichthyans and with
was located off the Comores Islands, further north all the other relict fish (Table 1.2) although that of
than the original discovery location. Recently ad- Amia calva is vestigial. The spiracle in Latimeria is
ditional populations, including one from Indone- reduced and non-functional, a blind pouch (Thom-
sian waters (a new species L. menandoensis) and son 1969).
others, off South Africa, have been reported. The
extant coelacanths are remarkably different in sev- Lungfish
eral respects from all other living fish. This genus Extant lungfish include three geographically dis-
combines the outward appearance of a bony fish junct genera, Neoceratodus (Figure 1.14) in Australia,
with heavy but flat scales and unusual fins, hav- Lepidosiren in South America and Protopterus in Af-
ing peg-like supports terminating in spatula-like rica. These freshwater fish have functional lungs
fins (Figure 1.13), with several interesting internal and unusual elongated paired fins but, apart from
features including a non-respiratory lung used as the caudal fin, no other fins. They also have spiral
a fat store and a hinged skull (with an ‘intracranial valves in the intestine and the larvae of Protopterus
joint’, Thomson 1967, a characteristic of the cros- and Lepidosiren have external gills (Thomson 1969).
sopterygians). It has the largest known fish eggs The scale structure varies from heavy (reminiscent of
(with internal fertilization), and high blood urea, rhomboid scales, 2.4) for Neoceratodus to much more
a feature usually associated with chondrichthyans. delicate for Lepidosiren. Neoceratodus (one species) is
It also has a rectal gland, a feature of extant chon- scarce with a very limited distribution, while Lepi-
drichthyans. The paired fins are somewhat reminis- dosiren (one species) and Protopterus (four species)
cent of Neoceratodus, the extant Australian lungfish have a wider distribution and are more common.
(Figure 1.14). While the reproductive system and
the high blood urea, and perhaps the structure of Bichir and reedfish
the pituitary (Lagios 1975), are similar to the elas- Extant species of the Polypteriformes, the bichir
mobranchs, the tail structure is not heterocercal but Polypterus (ten species) and the reedfish Calamoich-
thyes (previously Calamichthys) or Erpetoichthyes
(one species) are found in African rivers. These fish
are elongated with ganoid scales (2.4). They have
ventro-lateral bi-lobed lungs (6.6.1) opening to the
foregut and a spiral valve in the intestine. Unlike
the lungfish, the bichir has an anal fin and an ar-
ray of dorsal finlets each with one anterior spine to
which the fin-rays are attached; the fins are smaller
in the reedfish (Figure 1.15). Like the lungfish Pro-
topterus and Lepidosiren, the larvae have external
Figure 1.13 Latimeria, the coelacanth. Reproduced with permission,
J.S. Nelson (1976). Fishes of the World, published by John Wiley and
gills. The bichir and reedfish were previously as-
Sons. © 1976 by John Wiley and Sons Inc. signed to the Subclass Brachiopterygii, and the

Figure 1.14 Neoceratodus, the Australian

lungfish (after Bridge 1904).
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    11

Figure 1.15 Polypteriformes: (top).

Polypterus, the bichir. (bottom).
Calam(o)ichthyes, the reedfish. Both after
Bridge (1904). The arrow indicates the
position of the left spiracle.

Order Polypteriformes, but Nelson (2006) placed Paddlefish currently occur in two widely sepa-
them with the sturgeons and paddlefish in a Sub- rate locations, China and North America, and have
class Chondrostei (Appendix 1.2b). In 2016, Nelson considerable similarity in body form with a long flat
and colleagues placed the Polypteriformes in an rostrum (snout), hence the name. However, they are
Infraclass Cladistia of the Subclass Actinopyterygii. widely divergent in habit; the Chinese genus Pse-
pherus has a protrusible mouth and is piscivorous
Chondrosteans (fish eating) whereas the North American Polyo-
Extant chondrosteans (Subclass Chondrostei, previ- don has a non-protrusible mouth, is planktivorous
ously a Superorder), so-called because they have a (feeds on small floating organisms, the plankton)
preponderance of cartilage in their endoskeleton, and (6.5.11) ram ventilates (Berra 2007).
include the sturgeons and paddlefish (Figure 1.16).
These also share the somewhat surprising feature of Holosteans
a heterocercal tail with Lepisosteus (previously Lepi- In some older classifications, such as in Pearson and
dosteus) the gar (Figure 1.17), which in turn shares Ball (1981), the gar and bowfin (Figure 1.17) were
the plesiomorphic ganoid scale characteristic with placed together in a Superorder Holostei and to-
the Polypteriformes. Sturgeons, paddlefish and gar gether were referred to as holosteans. The gar have
all have spiral valves in their intestines. A small also been placed in a Suborder Lepisostoidei, also
spiracle, covered by the operculum, is present in known as ‘Ginglymodi’ (Nelson 1976). Nelson and
most sturgeons and was reported for the paddlefish co-workers (2016) now recognize holosteans as a
also, as well as in Polypterus (Bridge 1904). taxon, ranked as an Infraclass (Figure 1.6).

. M.B.T.

Figure 1.16 Chondrosteans: (top)

Acipenser fulvescens, a sturgeon; (middle)
M.B.T. Polyodon, the paddlefish, with ventral view
(bottom). Reproduced, with permission, from
M.B. Trautman (1957), The Fishes of Ohio,
Ohio State University Press.
12   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

These ‘relict’ bony fish have a mixture of ‘primi- taxon has varied in the level (recently a ‘Division’
tive’ (plesiomorphic) features and more derived Teleostomorpha, Figure 1.6, and ‘Subdivision’ Tel-
characteristics, the sum of which have tended to- eostei, Figure 1.18) to which it is assigned, but the
wards their classification at the root of the bony fish grouping itself remains stable. Fish in this group are
divergence. all the extant jawed fish with the exception of the
The gar (Lepisosteus), found in North Ameri- Chondrichthyes and the ‘relict’ fish (1.3.6). Excep-
can rivers, superficially resembles the pike, and is tionally, the holostean Amia might be included as
sometimes referred to as the gar-pike. It is exter- a teleost. Teleost fish are currently very successful,
nally distinguished by an ‘abbreviate’ (Scott and having undergone adaptive radiation within the
Crossman 1973) heterocercal tail and heavy (ga- oceans, the coastal seas and freshwater lakes and
noid) scales (Figure 1.17). The upper jaw of the al- rivers, within caves and even venturing onto land
ligator gar (L. spatula or Attractosteus spatula) has in some specialized niches.
a double row of teeth (Anon. 2012); these fish can Particular taxa of the teleosts have specialized
grow to a large size (to 9 feet, approximately 3 m, in certain habitats or have evolved novel physi-
Greenwood 1975), becoming formidable predators. ological assets, thus the Ostariophysi and Clupeo-
Also found in North American rivers is Amia calva, morpha, which Nelson (2006) placed together in a
the bowfin (Figure 1.17). It is usually placed close to new taxon, the Subdivision Ostarioclupeomorpha
the teleosts; it does not have a heterocercal tail but (Table 1.3), have superior hearing with links from
does have a vestigial spiral valve and a heavy skull the air bladder to the ear enabling sound amplifi-
structure. cation. However, the Ostariophysi are dominant
in many freshwater systems whereas the Clupeo-
morpha are principally marine or anadromous. The
1.3.7 Teleosts
deeper-bodied, highly coloured coral reef fish are
The non-relict extant bony fish of the Class Actinop- usually euteleost acanthopterygians (Table 1.3, Fig-
terygii are usually referred to as ‘teleosts’. Modern ure 1.18). Various changes in the fin structure, from
fish assigned to this group have bony skeletons soft to hard fin-rays, from cycloid (round, smooth)
as adults and lack certain features (no heterocer- scales to at least some ctenoid (toothed or spiny)
cal tails, no spiral valve in the intestine), although scales (2.4), and changes in the skull and jaws are
the considerable diversity in this group does not seen as trends, culminating in the Superorder Acan-
necessarily make instant recognition easy. The thopterygii (Figure 1.18), considered to be the most

. M.B.T.

Figure 1.17 Holosteans: (top), Lepisosteus

. M.B.T.
spatula, a gar; (bottom), Amia calva, the
bowfin. Both reproduced, with permission,
from M.B. Trautman (1957), The Fishes of
Ohio, Ohio State University Press.
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    13

recent major fish divergence. Acanthopterygians are The number of divisions had not changed from
particularly successful in coastal marine habitats. previous schemes (e.g. Nelson 1976) but the com-
position is different; the Superorder Ostariophysi
was moved from the Euteleostei to form the new
1.3.8 Teleost classification
Subdivision Ostarioclupeomorpha which include
Nelson (2006) separated the Division Teleostei the species from the previous Infradivision Clupeo-
into four Subdivisions: Osteoglossomorpha, Elo- morpha. These four subdivisions are very unequal
pomorpha, Ostarioclupeomorpha and Euteleostei as to the number of genera (Table 1.3).
(Table 1.3). In 2016 Nelson and co-authors adjusted the
teleost Subdivisions to Cohorts, retaining Osteo-
Table 1.3 Numbers of genera and principal habitat of the teleost glossomorpha, Elopomorpha and Euteleostei, but
Subdivisions (after Nelson 2006).
adding the slickheads (previously in the Eutele-
Subdivision Comprises Habitat Extant ostei) to the herring/carp group as Otocephala
genera (#) (Figure 1.18).
Osteoglossomorpha Bony Freshwater 26 The Osteoglossomorpha
tongues, e.g.
Osteoglossum, Subdivision (Nelson 2006) or Cohort (Nelson et al.
Mormyridae 2016) Osteoglossomorpha (literally ‘bony tongues’)
Elopomorpha Eels, tarpon Marine, 157 contains fish with teeth on the parasphenoid and
Catadromous tongue. This is an interesting strange freshwater
Ostarioclupeomorpha Herrings, carp, Pelagic oceanic, 1080–1180 group, including genera from South America, for
characins, Anadromous, approx. example Arapaima gigas (Figure 1.19) and Osteo-
catfish, etc. Freshwater glossum, North America (Hiodon) and Africa (Fam-
Euteleostei * Varied 2800 ily Mormyridae, elephantfishes). The mormyrids

*A very large diversity of fish including salmon and trout, many coral reef fish
(e.g. wrasses), coastal species (e.g. sculpins), commercially important marine fish
including haddock and cod, extreme benthic fish such as anglers and flatfish,
oceanic fish like Mola mola.

Division Teleostomorpha Examples

Subdivision Teleostei Cohort Osteoglossomorpha* bony tongues
Cohort Elopomorpha* eels
Cohort Otocephala
Superorder Clupeomorpha herrings
Superorder Alepocephali slickheads
Superorder Ostariophysi carp, catfish
Cohort Euteleostei
Superorder Protacanthopterygii salmon
Superorder Osmeromorpha smelt
Superorder Ateleopodomorpha jellynose fishes
Superorder Cyclosquamata lancet fish
Superorder Scopelomorpha lantern fish
Superorder Lamprimorpha velifers, opahs
Superorder Paracanthopterygii cod, anglers Figure 1.18 The teleosts, after
Nelson et al. 2016, but *sequence
Superorder Acanthopterygii sticklebacks, flatfish reversed.
14   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

Figure 1.19 Arapaima gigas, an

osteoglossomorph (after Bridge 1904).

inhabit turbid rivers and have remarkably large (hence their name). Some forms of catfish have
brains, and electrolocation (11.6.2, 12.9.1). heavy bony plates (armoured catfish) and others
have unusual behaviour (upside-down catfish).
The Elopomorpha Two of the orders contain electric fish (13.8). The
Subdivision (Nelson 2006) or Cohort (Nelson et Eurasian minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) shows typi-
al. 2016) Elopomorpha comprises eels and tar- cal external features (Figure 1.20) of the cyprini-
pons which share the features of thin leaf-shaped form order.
leptocephalous larvae. This group is predomi-
nantly marine, but includes the migratory ‘fresh-
water’, actually catadromous, eels of the genus Table 1.4 The Otophysi, ostariophysans with Weberian ossicles
Anguilla. (based on Nelson et al. 2016).

Order Examples Features Extant

The Ostarioclupeomorpha/Otocephala
genera (#)
Subdivision Ostarioclupeomorpha (Cohort Oto-
Cypriniformes Carp, goldfish, No teeth on 489
cephala Nelson et al. 2016 with the slickheads Ale-
Phoxinus jaws, pharyngeal
pocephala) is a recent amalgamation of the herrings teeth, herbivorous
(which had their own Infradivision, Clupeomor- Freshwater,
pha) with the carp group (previously forming the temperate, Eurasia,
North America
Superorder Ostariophysi within the Subdivision
Euteleostei). These fish may have superior hearing Characiformes Characins, Teeth on jaws, 520
piranha carnivorous,
with morphological links between the air bladder
and the ear. Freshwater,
tropical Africa,
The Ostariophysi South America
Siluriformes Catfish Long barbels, 490
The ostariophysans, which comprise approxi-
usually no
mately 70 per cent of extant freshwater species, maxillary teeth
may dominate the freshwater habitat although Herbivorous,
some of the most ‘primitive’ (Series Anotophysi, freshwater and
based on three vertebrae contributing connections a few marine
Widespread in
from the air bladder to the ear, e.g. Gonorhynchus warm temperate
and the milkfish Chanos) are marine. The remain- and tropical
ing ostariophysans (Series Otophysi) all have four regions At least
vertebrae contributing elements to a chain of We- one species
berian ossicles linking the air bladder to the ear
(12.8.4). Members of this group are important for Gymnotiformes Knifefish Elongated 33
Electric eel freshwater,
pond- or tank-based culture and some are very tropical Central
popular aquarium fish, being semi-domesticated. and South America,
The Otophysi are divided into four Orders (Table some ‘electric’,
1.4) which may be easily recognized; the Siluri- e.g. electric eel
formes (catfish) typically have barbels on the head
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    15

Figure 1.20 Phoxinus phoxinus,

the Eurasian minnow, a cypriniform

The Euteleostei for many of these fish although the migration may
The Subdivision (or Cohort) Euteleostei is a large not occur for all fish, even in a species which is gen-
group which may include features such as spiny erally regarded as migratory. Conversely, pike (e.g.
fins, anterior pelvic fins (i.e. close to the pectorals) Esox) are strictly freshwater fish. The entire group
and air bladders (if present) which are physoc- is confined to cooler waters and charr are reckoned
lystous (closed, 3.8.5). The Subdivision Euteleostei to be particularly susceptible to warming trends.
was divided (Nelson 2006) into nine Superorders Trout and salmon are popular subjects for aquacul-
(Table 1.5), including Ateleopodomorpha. ture and introductions have been common, with
The Superorder Protacanthopterygii contains disruption of native species in some instances.
a number of commercially important fish such as The Superorder Stenopterygii (Table 1.5) is exclu-
the generally anadromous Atlantic (Salmo salar) sively marine and includes some deep-sea species;
and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), the charrs these fish commonly have photophores (13.4.7, Plate
(Salvelinus spp), brown trout (Salmo trutta) and the 14), tiny luminescent spots (Figure 1.21). Stenop-
coregonids (whitefish) as well as the marine capelin terygians may also have extreme lateral flattening
(Mallotus villosus) and anadromous smelt (Osmerus). and reflective plates (e.g. marine hatchetfish). This
Migration (9.14, 14.5.6) is a feature of the life history group has been eliminated from the most recent
classification (Nelson et al. 2016), being transferred
to the Superorder Osmeromorpha (Figure 1.23).
Table 1.5 Numbers of genera and principal habitat of the The Superorder Cyclosquamata inhabit marine
Subdivision Euteleostei (after Nelson 2006), excluding 4 genera of the
or brackish water and are characterized by special
marine jelly nose fishes Ateleopodomorpha.
gill arch structure. Some of them are synchronous
Superorder Examples Principal Extant hermaphrodites (9.4). This group includes the lan-
habitat genera (#) cet fish, ‘Bombay ducks’ and lizard fish.
Protacanthopterygii Salmon, trout Mostly 94
The Superorder Scopelomorpha used to incorpo-
freshwater rate genera now in the Cyclosquamata. In the di-
Stenopterygii Hatchetfish Marine 53 minished form, the Superorder is wholly marine,
containing a host of small sardine-shaped mesope-
Cyclosquamata Lancet fish, lizard Marine or 44
fish brackish lagic fish with lateral and cephalic photophores, for
example lantern fish Myctophidae (Figure 1.21).
Scopelomorpha Lantern fish Marine 35
The next two Superorders, Lampriomorpha and
Lampriomorpha Velifers, opahs Marine 12
Polymixiomorpha, are small groups, the latter
Polymixiomorpha Beard fish Marine 1 very small; both have been removed (Nelson 2006)
Paracanthopterygii Cod, anglers Mostly marine 270 from the Superorder Acanthopterygii. Their plac-
Acanthopterygii Wrasses, cichlids, Predominantly 2422 ing depended on interpretation of features such
Sticklebacks, coastal marine as the absence of ‘true spines’ in the fins and an
unusual upper-jaw protrusion mechanism in the
16   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

lampriomorphs, whereas the sole genus Polymixia Labridae) are typically tropical with many reef spe-
(the beard fish) in the polymixiomorphs has what is cies, while the northernmost representative, the
described as a unique feature in positioning of the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus), having reached the
palato-premaxilliary ligament in the skull. Nelson shores of Newfoundland, becomes torpid during
et al. (2016) changed the status of the polymixi- the winter. Other interesting members of this group
omorphs, placing them in the paracanthopterygian are the notothenoids (Suborder Notothenoidea)
group, with the comment ‘few groups have shifted prevalent in Antarctic waters, where members of
back and forth as frequently as this one’. These fish the Family Channichthyidae have, remarkably, lost
are not well known to most fish biologists. their haemoglobin (few or no red blood cells, 5.13),
The Superorder Paracanthopterygii is better a situation which is presumed to reduce viscosity in
known because the group incorporates the com- a relative oxygen-rich but cold environment.
mercially important gadids (Family Gadidae; cod, Often listed at the end of the many orders of the
haddock, pollack, etc.), the grenadiers (Family Mac- acanthopterygians are the economically impor-
rouridae) found throughout the deeper oceanic re- tant flatfish (Pleuronectiformes) and the puffers,
gions and the anglers, unusual benthic fish with a boxfish, trunkfish and sunfish of the Order Tetrao-
long ‘fishing lure’, attached to their heads, that can dontiformes. The sunfish (Mola mola) is interesting
be dangled in front of their very large mouths. This because it can become very large (3.3 m length, Hart
group, with several families, contains some deep- 1973) on a surprising diet of jellyfish, is reputedly
sea genera which have ‘parasitic’ males (9.3, 13.12) highly fecund and has the reputation of floating
that become permanently attached to the larger fe- on its side, although this may be due to morbidity
males. The Superorder is overwhelmingly marine (Hart 1973). The warm-water puffers, boxfish and
with the exception of the burbot (Lota lota) a cod- trunkfish, with some reef species, are much smaller
like gadid found in European freshwater. but present a strange-looking array of rigid (boxfish,
The Superorder Acanthopterygii is a huge group trunkfish) or inflatable (puffers) bodies, often with
with many species in the marine inshore, including spines. Some species produce very toxic secretions
coral reefs, and some in brackish and fresh water, which may cause fatalities if eaten by unwary din-
the latter exemplified by the sticklebacks (Figure ers (humans and presumably other fish too). One of
1.22) (Family Gasterosteidae) and the perch (Family the toxins, tetrodotoxin, has been useful in physi-
Percidae). The group is characterized by spiny rays ological investigations of neural function.
in the dorsal, pelvic and anal fins, as well shown by Recently (Nelson et al. 2016), the composition
the sculpins (Family Cottidae). The wrasses (Family of the Euteleostei has been adjusted (Figure 1.23),

Figure 1.21 Left, Bonapartia, a bristlemouth* (A.S. Harold). Right, a myctophid. (J.R. Paxton and P.A. Hulley). Reproduced with permission.
© The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1999, FAO Species Identification Guide, Vol. 3. The small circles (shaded or
unshaded) represent photophores. *The classification has recently been changed (Nelson et al. 2016); the Family is Gonostomatidae, the
Superorder is Osmeromorpha.
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    17

Figure 1.22 Gasterosteus aculeatus, the three-spined stickleback, an acanthopterygian teleost. Reproduced with permission. Original drawing
D. Burton (1978). Melanophore distribution within the integumentary tissues of two teleost species, Pseudopleuronectes americanus and
Gasterosteus aculeatus form leiurus, Canadian Journal of Zoology 56, 526–535. © Canadian Science Publishing or its Licensors.

occurred recently with Dolichopteryx longipes (Wag-

ner et al. 2009), very interesting new data can be ob-
Osmeromorpha, includes four orders, Argentiformes, Galaxiiformes,
Osmeriformes, Stomiiformes
tained, in this case the functioning of accessory eyes
(12.3.8). The diversity of fish species is remarkable
Ateleopodomorpha, jellynose fishes, 4 genera, previously in
Superorder Acanthopterygii (Nelson 1976) (Chapter 13) and includes a range of morphology
and physiology, including extremes of size, ages
attainable, habitats colonized, shape, colours and
Acanthopterygii 1.4.1 Diversity in size and longevity
Fish species vary in attained adult length from ex-
Figure 1.23 Superorders of the Euteleostei after Nelson et al. (2016). tremely small, for example about 10 mm for a goby
species (Lourie and Randall 2003), to huge; over
retaining seven of the superorders of Nelson 2006, 2 m for Arapaima gigas in freshwater, 5 m for the
transferring one (Stenopterygii) to the Osmeromor- freshwater catfish Silurus glanis (Giles 1994), 8 m
pha which was added with other fish from the Prot- for oarfish, ‘king-of-the herring’ (Nelson 1976) and
acanthopterygii now diminished. Polymixiomorpha over 10 m for basking sharks (Hart 1973), even up
was also removed, transferring to the Paracanthop- to 13.6 m (Nelson 1976). The largest of all (for ex-
terygii, whereas Ateleopodomorpha was included. tant species) is the whale shark (Nelson 1976) which
may reach 18 m. The largest size, however, reached
by many species is less than 20 cm. Some fish have a
1.4 Variety in fish structure and function
protracted growth and maturation phase, as occurs
Extant fish species have often been studied by with elasmobranchs (9.15). In other cases early ma-
concentrating on a few, easily captured or kept, turity may be possible but it does not preclude fur-
species (15.6) used as ‘types’ and representative, ther somatic growth so that there is a whole range
which downplays differences and may emphasize of sizes which can be ‘adult’, as occurs with halibut
similarities. (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). This species and cod
It is likely that of the many fish species known to (Gadus morhua) are therefore said to have indeter-
exist some features (such as distribution, life cycles minate growth, continuing to grow after sexual ma-
and physiology) of many of them are only under- turity, unlike birds and many mammals. Very short
stood at a rudimentary level. In the case of deep- life cycles may be found with some South American
sea fish, specimens obtained are perhaps singular, ‘annual’ fish such as the cyprinodont Rivulus stel-
usually dead, and the opportunity to observe live lifer (Thomerson and Turner 1973), which completes
fish very rare; when a live fish becomes available, as the life cycle in a year, with drought-resistant eggs
18   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

capable of initiating a new cycle when conditions number (5.2), aglomerular kidneys to conserve an-
become appropriate in the rainy season. tifreeze (8.5.4) and extensive winter fasts for some
Very small fish species (of which there were 47 in fish (4.8), and the possibility of torpor (7.4). A fun-
Asian freshwater as described in 1993, (Kottelat et damental distinction can be made between fish
al. 2006) were termed ‘miniature’. Little is currently normally inhabiting fresh water and those in salt
known of the life cycle of these or the various ‘min- (usually marine) habitats, though some fish can mi-
iature’ fish more recently discovered (Kottelat et al. grate from one to the other (9.14, 14.5.6). Freshwater
2006) but Winterbottom and Southcott (2008) list fish inhabit still and/or flowing water, still water
an Australian pygmy goby (Eviota sigillata) as hav- provides fish habitats varying from huge lakes to
ing a maximum recorded age of 59 days. Miniature small ponds. Flowing water includes springs and
fish, some of which are reproductively mature at a streams as well as small and large river systems
length of around (or less than) 10 mm, include gob- with tidal estuaries at their mouths, where inter-
ies, a cyprinid Paedocypris, pygmy seahorses such as change with the marine habitat can occur.
Hippocampus denise (Lourie and Randall 2003) and
Schindleria brevipinguis (Watson and Walker 2004) Still water
and some apparently originate by paedogenesis, Lake environments include those of the far north in
a process when sexual maturity occurs in a larval Canada like Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake
form (Abercrombie et al. 1961); see Appendix 1.5. which have populations of coregonids and trout,
Bennett and Conway (2010) amassed data on the and small lochs in Scotland with Arctic charr and
minimum length at maturity, considering those powan (a coregonid). The meromictic (freshwater
maturing at sizes (standard length, 7.13.4) less than layered over saltwater) Lake Ogac in the East Cana-
20 mm at maturity, to be ‘miniature’. On this basis dian Arctic has a single species of fish, a landlocked
these authors report only 7 miniature freshwater population of cod (Gadus morhua), not, confusingly,
fish from North America, compared with 24 such Gadus ogac, a species which does occur, for example,
species from Africa, 100 from South America and 50 off the Labrador coast. In contrast to the species-
from South-east Asia. poor (depauperate) Northern Lakes are the Afri-
Age of fish can be known in captivity or deduced can Great Lakes which were renowned for species
from ring counts from otoliths (7.13.5, 12.8.2) or diversity, notably hundreds of different cichlids in
scales (2.4) which grow by apposition, material be- specialized niches. Unfortunately, introductions of
ing added annually in seasonally changing environ- Nile perch reduced the cichlid diversity consider-
ments to the outer surface. If growth rate is known, ably but it is still a species-rich environment. The
then reasonable estimates of age can also be based North American ‘Great Lakes’, the linked systems
on lengths attained. Using these criteria it is pos- from Lake Ontario through to Lake Superior, had
sible to conclude that many species can attain ages more than 200 fish species (Hubbs and Lagler 1958),
over 5 years in the wild, and unless/until there is some of which have been negatively impacted, with
size-selective intensive fishing, fish over 20 years in local extinctions, due to overfishing and lamprey
age are possible; wild Sebastes spp. are reported to access. Lake Baikal, the seventh largest (in area),
attain 50–100 years (Leaman 1991). is ‘the world’s deepest lake’ (Kozhov 1963), with a
maximum depth of 1620 m. It has 50 fish species,
with one endemic family, the Comephoridae, oily
1.4.2 Diversity in habitat
scaleless and viviparous cottids.
Water in which fish live can be warm or very cold, Smaller lakes and ponds occur in many regions
and fish have adapted to function well in a range of under widely differing conditions of composition
temperatures, though an optimum may be identifi- and temperature. Even in one Canadian province,
able. Remarkable cold-water adaptations include a Nova Scotia, a survey (Alexander et al. 1986) of 781
suite of features such as the presence of antifreeze lakes with a surface area from 1 to 500 ha showed
proteins/glycoproteins either year round or sea- a pH varying from very acidic (pH 4) to very al-
sonally (7.4, 8.5.4, 13.5.3), moderation of blood-cell kaline (pH 9.7), and an average of 6.2. The authors
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    19

admit that the extremes might be questionable but difficult niches are presented by cave-waters, with
one county had a mean of 5.5, still very acid, and species eking out an existence in the dark (13.5.1);
vulnerable to acid rain. Of the 744 lakes surveyed such species may be blind and albino, and are prone
for fish present a few (5 per cent) had no fish caught. to flash floods and insecure, scant food supply. Big
The total number of species found was 37, some of river systems include the Mississippi in the United
which, for example winter flounder, were normally States, the Yangtze in China and the Amazon–Rio
thought of as marine but capable of surviving vary- Negro complex in Brazil. Kramer et al. (1978) state
ing salinity (i.e. euryhaline); the maximum number that the ‘Amazon fish fauna is richer than that of
of species found in any one location was 12 (Kejim- any other river system’, with 1300 species recorded
kujik Lake). One fish species, Coregonus canadensis, by 1967 (Roberts 1972). Fluctuations in water level
supposed to be present was not found; this species are considerable and give concentrations of species
is listed as endangered and one local riverine popu- at times of low water, with different feeding oppor-
lation is believed to have been ‘extirpated by acid tunities, including access to fruit and nuts. Changes
rain’. These Canadian lakes were not very deep in the direction of water flow can occur, with mix-
(mean maximum 8.2 m), overall had low levels of ing of waters of very different composition. The
dissolved solids and were termed ‘relatively un- River Negro as its name suggests is a ‘blackwater’
productive’. An acid lake (pH4.4) studied earlier in river; at its confluence with the Amazon it mixes its
Wisconsin (Jewell and Brown 1924) was reported flow with ‘whitewater’. Different species may only
to have four fish species: perch (Perca flavescens), be able to survive in either black- or whitewater so
catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus, more recently Ictalurus changes in flow can be very significant in species
nebulosus), sunfish (Lepomis incisor, more recently survival. Blackwater can be exceedingly acid, as
L. macrochirus) and pike (Esox lucius), the first three low as pH 2.8 (Henderson and Walker 1986). The
being quite abundant in spite of the acidity. composition of black- and whitewater is compared
Some smaller ponds may indeed not have ac- by Horbe and da Silva Santos (2009); they note that
quired any fish species but if they do, the ephemeral whitewater is distinguished by high pH (i.e. tends
nature of shallow ponds in warmer climates fa- to be alkaline), with high calcium and magnesium.
vours small fish with short life cycles and drought-
resistant eggs. Salt water
Tropical peat swamps have recently been studied There are some extremely salty inland waters (e.g.
with particular reference to endemic species and the Dead Sea), which generally do not support any
miniature species which may be particularly preva- fish. Marine environments, with high sodium chlo-
lent in that environment (Kottelat et al. 2006). ride levels (and total salt contents around 3.5 per
cent, Schmidt-Nielsen 1990) range from coastal wa-
Flowing water ters, reefs and rock pools to the multilayered oce-
Flowing water varies in bulk and depth seasonally anic waters, with fish specialized for the surface
and represents spawning sites for some migratory waters, mid-waters (mesopelagics like the lantern
(anadromous) fish like salmon, as well as more per- fish) and varying greater depths down to the sea
manent residence for species like catfish and perch, bottom (including benthic species which are ‘abys-
and many cyprinids and characins. In small fast- sal’, Table 13.4). The salt (notably sodium chloride)
flowing streams, typically originating in mountain levels may be reduced somewhat in coastal regions
ranges, fish like cyprinid loaches may have clinging with varying dilution from river input. Conversely
discs (e.g. modified pelvic fins) to avoid being swept some mangrove regions can be hypersaline: off Be-
downstream. In contrast to these often cold but lize, the killifish Rivulus (now Kryptolebias) marmo-
well-oxygenated environments are the small, very ratus can survive in salinities of about 4.8 per cent
warm springs in desert environments, a restricted (Frick and Wright 2002b).
habitat with rare species like the ‘desert pupfish’, As with swift streams, inshore fish may have de-
some species and subspecies of Cyprinodon, now veloped clinging discs (Cyclopterus lumpus) to help
only found in desert springs and streams. Similar keep stationary. Littoral species such as those found
20   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

in rock-pools have remarkable resistance to desic- those that are pelagic in habit, have a torpedo
cation and abrasion as well as to salinity changes. shape which minimizes drag, making them more
Gillichthys mirabilis is well-named; a goby from Cali- efficient and potentially fast swimmers. The her-
fornian shores, it can survive out of water for several rings (clupeids) and the trout, as well as the dogfish
hours. Shallow coastal waters provide habitats for a and sharks, have this sleek shape while the lamnid
very large number of species, mainly acanthoptery- sharks and scombrids (tuna, mackerel) have it in
gians. Coral reef species are particularly numerous, association with a narrow caudal peduncle and a
known for their bright colours and niche adaptations lunate tail, a combination of shapes which is ultra
including the clown-fish which hide among anemone efficient for speed (3.8.2). Slower fish include those
tentacles (13.3.3,13.13). Some reef fish have complex that can ambush prey with a short burst of speed,
group relationships which can involve sex reversal, having a cigar shape like that of the gar or pike, and
for example in response to death of dominant fish. a very large elongated mouth, well toothed.
In open oceanic waters the surface may favour Deep-sea fish (13.4.3) are noteworthy for diver-
pelagic species such as ‘flying fish’ (Exocoetus), sity of shape and may also have extra large mouths.
which have very long pectoral fins and can launch The hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna) have moderate-
into the air and glide several metres, apparently to sized or extremely large lateral projections on each
escape predators. The sunfish (Mola mola), which side of the head (Figure 1.24) with an eye on the end
feeds on jellyfish, occurs in open waters as well as of each. The manta rays also have well-separated
fast-swimmers like tuna and lamnid sharks, and lateral eyes (Scott and Scott 1988).
the slower planktonic feeders like the basking and Unusual positions may be taken by some fish
whale-sharks. Offshore surface waters are however (13.11). The shrimp-fish (Centriscidae) take on
regarded as species-poor, particularly in compari- an odd shape in life because they tend to swim
son with inshore waters which benefit from input in groups with their heads down, vertical in the
of nutrients (and ensuring plankton blooms) from water column, twisting and turning together. The
estuaries and upwelling. male Australian western carp gudgeon (Carassiops
Lower in the water column are mesopelagic klunzingeri) can also assume the vertical (head up
forms like the myctophids (lantern fish) with small or down) when guarding eggs (Lake 1967), and the
size and photophores. coelacanth has been reported to do ‘headstands’
With increasing depth, light does not penetrate (Balon et al. 1988). The ultimate strange orientation
and turbidity will affect the depth at which the en- may be that of the ‘upside-down’ catfish (Synodontis
vironment is aphotic. Fish (and invertebrates) may nigriventris), which is noted for inverted swimming
be red in the deeper photic areas and black in the (Blake and Chan 2007).
aphotic regions. In the very deep regions prey may Flattened fish can be laterally flat like marine
be very scarce and the fish species tend to be small hatchetfish, or the marine sunfish (Mola mola) and
but with huge mouths and a capacity for abdomi- many coral reef species in which presumably a flat
nal expansion to accommodate a wide range of form facilitates narrow niche exploitation. Alterna-
prey size. Deep-water fish may have photophores tively, other flattening can be regular dorso-ventral
(13.4.7) and remarkable, even bizarre adaptations (some elasmobranchs like skates and rays) and
like illuminated fishing lures (deep-sea anglers) as a skewed dorso-ventral flattening as in ‘flatfish’
well as ‘parasitic males’ (some deep-sea anglers, (Pleuronectiformes) in which, at metamorphosis,
13.12), thus optimizing the reproductive capacity, the individual fish lies on the right or left side and
as males attach to the female once found. the bottom eye migrates dorsally. Depending on the
family flatfish are generally dextral (right-side up)
or sinistral (left-side up) but one family (Psettodi-
1.4.3 Diversity in shape
dae) shows no such bias.
The typical fish shape is usually portrayed as Extreme elongation is typical of the cyclostomes
‘streamlined’ associated with swimming in the and eels but is also seen in other groups such as
water column. A lot of fish species, particularly the small group of gymnotiform ostariophysans
F i s h d i v e r s i t y    21





Figure 1.24 Ventral views of Hammerhead sharks: (A). Sphyrna tiburo, (B). S. zygaena. Both after Bridge (1904); c = clasper, cl = cloacal
aperture, e = eye, n = nostril, n’ = nasal groove.

(Nelson et al. 2016) including the ‘electric eel’ and colour and the mechanisms for colour change is
some of the lampriomorphs. Some lampriomorphs in 2.6–2.9 and Appendices 2.1–2.3. The autonomic
are very elongated; the oarfish (Regalecidae) can nervous system’s role in rapid colour change is
attain 8 m (the longest bony fish) and have over explored in 11.10.6.
100 vertebrae (Nelson 2006). Fish elongation is dis-
cussed by Ward and Mehta (2010).
1.4.5 Diversity in numbers
Some fish species have occurred in very large
1.4.4 Diversity in colour
numbers, documented as weight of fish removed
Coral reef fish, in particular, show a wide variety (Table 1.6) and sold in some fisheries. Reports of
of colours, which may change as the fish ages. Yel- huge numbers have occurred particularly often
low and blue predominate on the reefs while the for pelagic species like herring and anchovy. The
lowest level of the photic zone in the sea has a small schooling species come to attention when
number of red species; pelagic fish which swim they are seen en masse from ships at sea, and it
near the water surface are often silvery. Many fish is not easy to gauge the accuracy of some of the
species are darker on the upper dorsal surface reports. Unfortunately, masses of fish can attract
and lighter (white, grey or silver) beneath. Deep- extreme fishing effort from which some species
water fish are usually dark all over (deep-sea seem very slow to recover, although other ex-
anglers, grenadiers) in comparison to cave-fish planations for fishery failures have been given,
which are usually both blind and albino. More particularly for pelagic species (Hart 1973). The
information on the morphological bases for fish advent of remote-sensing methods has made
22   E s s e n t i a l F i s h B i o l o g y

it easier to locate fish concentrations at sea, but (e.g. Cyclothone) may be very numerous. The lat-
translating concentrations into species numbers ter stenopterygian species was said (Moyle and
has never been particularly accurate. However, it Cech 1996) to be probably the most numerous
is probably reasonable to conclude that medium- fish, and hence presumably the most numerous
sized schooling fish like herring and mackerel vertebrate. In contrast to the successful species,
have sometimes occurred in many millions, in some of which are still withstanding high fish-
the recent past, in the North Atlantic, and simi- ing pressure, a number of species may never
lar or larger numbers have occurred for sardine, have had high numbers, like the desert pupfish
anchovy and anchoveta in the Pacific. Catch data (13.5.2) and cave-fish (13.5.1) because their habi-
for California (Table 1.6) show very large values tats are limited in scope. With the possibility of
for the pelagic fish taken, huge amounts were single or combined factors such as limited habi-
taken off Peru (Idyll 1973). The situation with tat or slow growth and late maturity, or extreme
North Atlantic cod is that very large numbers vulnerability to fishing practice, it is not surpris-
were reported by early explorers, with enthusi- ing that the current trend is overwhelmingly
astic stories of obtaining fish so readily that all towards loss of numbers within species and de-
the gear that was needed was lowered baskets clining species diversity in many regions affected
(Harris 1990). Perhaps these men were confused by increased human activity, the African Great
by the presence of the much smaller capelin. Lakes, the American Great Lakes, the North Sea
Large numbers of cod were indeed present un- and the Aral Sea all having been negatively af-
til recently (Harris 1990); although not quite as fected in recent decades (Chapter 16). Pauly et al.
abundant as the ‘basket’ story suggests, there (2002) discussed the ‘serial depletions’ associated
were large numbers caught on an annual basis, with fisheries, and the extended reach and scope
until the early 1990s. There are still thousands of of global effort on an industrial scale. Chapter 16
cod in the North-west Atlantic but the population briefly considers the ‘future for fish’ in the pre-
has been much reduced, although reports suggest sent context; unfortunately the optimistic view of
that there are now many more large fish than in a superabundance of fish appears to have been
the recent past. wildly overoptimistic.
In the deep seas, a habitat fairly continuous
over wide areas, it is common to find reports
Appendix 1.1 The embryonic layers
of grenadiers which must still be widely dis-
tributed, and as individual species, in spite of of animals
directed fisheries, may still occur in tens or hun- During early development (ontology) of animals,
dreds of thousands. Lantern fish and other small the fertilized egg (zygote) undergoes multiple cell
‘forage’ fish like capelin and the bristlemouths divisions, with migration of cells and subsequent
differentiation. The zygote becomes successively a
blastula, an undifferentiated cell mass with a cavity
Table 1.6 Commercial catch data (landed lb) for pelagic fish off
California (Bureau of Marine Fisheries 1929, 1941, 1942).
(blastocoel) and then a gastrula, with cell layers be-
coming apparent. Animals are either derived from
Year Anchovy Sardine Herring Mackerel* two cell layers (and are therefore diploblasts), the
1926 60, 157 286, 741, 250 453, 607 3, 623, 290 outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm (as with
coelenterates; jellyfish, corals, etc.) or have an addi-
1927 368, 201 432, 275, 289 1, 168, 321 4, 740, 639
tional middle layer, the mesoderm, during develop-
1936 195, 122 955, 525, 700 840, 530 100, 542, 214 ment, as with most animals, which are triploblasts.
1939 2, 147, 901 1, 160, 793, 581 302, 242 80, 909, 374 Many triploblasts have a cavity, the coelom, within
1940 6, 317, 797 905, 973, 403 453, 193 120, 503, 712 the mesoderm and are thus triploblastic coelo-
mates. Triploblasts with no coelom (e.g. nema-
*Generally Pacific mackerel. todes, the round-worms) are termed triploblastic
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Title: Hand-book of punctuation

with instructions for capitalization, letter-writing, and

Author: William Johnson Cocker

Release date: December 22, 2023 [eBook #72479]

Language: English

Original publication: New York: A. S. Barnes & Co, 1878

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A. S. Barnes & Co.,

New York, Chicago, and New Orleans.

Copyright, 1878, by W. J. Cocker.

As the pronunciation of words is determined by the usage of the
best speakers, so, in a great measure, the punctuation of sentences
is based on the usage of the best writers. Recognizing this fact, the
author has aimed,—
1. To state such general rules as are recognized by most writers of
good English.
2. To illustrate these rules by examples taken from many of our
best English classics.
3. To give some of the differences in usage that exist even among
the best of writers.
It is frequently asserted that even good writers differ so much in
their use of punctuation marks that it is impossible to lay down any
general rules, and that it is better for each one to consult his own
taste and judgment. With equal reason it might be said that
inasmuch as good speakers, and even lexicographers, differ in the
pronunciation of words, therefore each speaker should make his own
taste and judgment the standard for correct pronunciation. A writer’s
mode of expressing his thoughts will determine the character and
number of the punctuation marks that he uses, and it is chiefly owing
to this that even good writers differ somewhat in punctuating what
they have written. There are some rules that are invariable under all
circumstances; the use of others depends on the mental
characteristics of the writer; and there are still other rules, the
application of which is determined by the writer’s taste alone.
By gestures, tones of voice, oratorical pauses, emphasis, and in
various ways, a speaker can make his meaning clear to his listeners;
and so a writer should certainly use all the aids which punctuation,
capitals, and italics afford, in presenting clearly what he has written
for the perusal of others. Business men, however, seem to think that
they are not amenable to the rules that govern good writers. They
affirm that they have no time to punctuate their letters, and yet they
subject others to the necessity of expending time and patience in
trying to make out their meaning. Serious misunderstandings have
arisen between business men, in consequence of the omission or
incorrect use of punctuation marks, and expensive lawsuits have
originated in the careless punctuation of legal instruments.
Very little attention is paid in our public schools to punctuation, and
the rules usually given in English Composition are either disregarded
or not properly understood. This may, perhaps, be accounted for by
the fact that the rules are wanting in clearness, and are not
sufficiently illustrated by examples. The aim of this volume is to
remedy, in some measure, these evils, and to secure more attention
to what ought to be a prominent part of school instruction. The evils
of bad punctuation are really more serious than the evils of bad
spelling, and no student can be said to have learned to read well,
much less to write well, who has not studied punctuation intelligently.
We would suggest that this hand-book be used at Rhetorical
Exercises, and that when essays, orations, criticisms, &c., are
handed to the teacher for correction, he should use a red or a blue
pencil, so that corrections may be the more readily recognized.
Besides the corrections in grammar, spelling, &c., he should be
careful to supply punctuation marks when needed, cross out
needless ones, and, of course, make such other corrections as may
be necessary. When the productions are returned to the pupils, the
teacher should first point out the necessity of using certain marks, in
order to define and bring out the meaning, and to show the relation
between the different members of a sentence. Having thus shown
the need of punctuation marks, then reference should be made to
some of the simpler rules, to impress this need on the mind. Great
care should be taken not to perplex the mind with too many rules
before the necessity is created for their use. The great difficulty in
the study of punctuation has been that many rules are committed to
memory before the need of their use has arisen, so that the mind is
perplexed and bewildered instead of enlightened. The rule, it must
be remembered, does not create the necessity; the necessity
creates the rule. Then, again, we think a great mistake is made by
having the beginner punctuate what some one else has written. The
better plan is for the pupil, at the very outset, to punctuate what he
himself has composed, and in his effort to bring out his own meaning
clearly, he will, with the aid of a few rules, almost intuitively fall into
the habit of punctuating correctly.
The following suggestions may be of service:—
1. Do not give a pupil a rule to learn, unless it is clearly founded
upon examples taken from what he himself has written.
2. Take, at first, the simplest, most frequently used, and most
readily understood rules.
3. Advance slowly, remembering that a few simple principles
clearly understood, are of much more practical benefit than a
number of misty rules hastily committed to memory.
In the preparation of this hand-book, the author is under
obligations to various authorities, but he is more especially indebted
to Wilson’s “Treatise on Punctuation.”
Adrian, Mich., Dec. 26, 1877.
Table of Contents.
I. Punctuation pp. 1-53
II. Capitals ” 54-70
III. Letter-Forms ” 71-100
IV. Proof-Reading ” 101-114
The principal punctuation marks are,—

1. The Comma ,
2. The Semicolon ;
3. The Colon :
4. The Period .

The comma indicates a somewhat close relationship between the

parts of a sentence; the semicolon, a more distant relationship; the
colon indicates that the parts are almost independent of each other;
the period marks the close of a sentence, and indicates that a
thought is complete.
In simple sentences, when the words are closely united together,
and the relationship of the words to each other is readily perceived,
there is usually no need of any punctuation marks, except a period at
the close. It should always be borne in mind that punctuation marks
are used primarily to assist in bringing out the meaning of the writer,
and not to embellish a written or a printed page. In sentences made
up of parts that are closely related to each other, but, at the same
time, distinct in character, commas should be used. They are way-
marks for the accommodation of the reader. A production
unpunctuated presents as dreary a prospect to the reader, as the
level plain of Chaldæa presents to the perplexed traveler who has
lost himself among the sandy mounds on the banks of the
Euphrates, and has nothing by which to direct his course.
When the different parts of a sentence are somewhat
disconnected, and not closely related to each other, a semicolon or
colon should be used. Sentences are sometimes very long and
complicated. It is then necessary to separate the main divisions by
semicolons, and the smaller by commas. Sometimes the smaller
parts of a sentence are separated by commas and semicolons, and
the main divisions by colons.
The other marks in use are,—

1. The Interrogation Point ?

2. The Exclamation Point !
3. The Dash —
4. Marks of Parenthesis ()
5. Brackets []
6. Quotation Marks “‘’”
7. The Apostrophe ’
8. The Hyphen -
9. Miscellaneous marks.

In order to properly understand some of the rules that are given in
the following pages, it is absolutely necessary to have a clear
understanding of the difference between a sentence and a clause. A
sentence is a combination of words expressing a complete thought,
and usually followed by a period; a clause is a distinct part of a
sentence. Some sentences are simple in form, and have but one
subject and one finite verb; as, “Language is part of a man’s
character.”—Coleridge. Other sentences are made up of clauses,
each clause having a subject and a verb; in other words, several
clauses are sometimes joined together to form one sentence; as,
“New forms of beauty start at once into existence, and all the burial
places of the memory give up their dead.”—Macaulay. It will be
easily seen that clauses will be more readily recognized with the eye,
and more easily comprehended, if they are separated from each
other by punctuation marks. This will be especially so, if the clauses
are long.
In preparing this hand-book, the aim has been to avoid, as much
as possible, the use of technical terms. Whenever such terms are
used, explanations will usually be found under the head of Remarks.

Rule I. Independent Clauses.—Independent clauses should be

separated from each other by commas.

“Savage was discomposed by the intrusion or omission of a
comma, and he would lament an error of a single letter as a great
calamity.”—Dr. Johnson.

“Man wants but little here below,

Nor wants that little long.”—Goldsmith.

“Take short views, hope for the best, and trust in God.”—Sydney

1. An independent clause is one that is not dependent on any other clause for
the completion of its meaning; as, Take short views | hope for the best | and trust in
God. Independent clauses are frequently connected by and, or, nor, but.
2. When the clauses are short and closely united, the comma may be omitted;
as, “Death had lost its terrors and pleasure its charms.”
3. When the clauses are long and divided into smaller portions by commas, they
should be separated from each other by semicolons. See Rule I. p. 23.

Rule II. Dependent Clauses.—Dependent clauses should be

separated from each other by commas.

“If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances
through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should
keep his friendship in constant repair.”—Dr. Johnson.
“When Dr. Franklin wished to gain his enemy, he asked him to do
him a favor.”
“Clap an extinguisher upon your irony, if you are unhappily blest
with a vein of it.”—Lamb.
“Although we seldom followed advice, we were all ready enough to
ask it.”—Goldsmith.

1. A clause is said to be dependent, when it depends on some other clause to
complete its meaning; as, When Dr. Johnson wished to gain his enemy | he asked
him to do him a favor. The first clause of this sentence would not be complete in
meaning without the second. Dependent clauses usually commence with if, when,
since, because, until, &c.
2. When clauses are closely connected, the comma may be omitted; as, Mozart
published some music when seven years of age.

Rule III. Relative Clauses.—1. A relative clause should be

separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma.
2. But the comma should be omitted, when the relative clause is
so closely connected with what precedes that it cannot be dropped
without destroying the sense.

1. “Men in a corner, who have the unhappiness of conversing too
little with present things.”—Swift.
“The waters are nature’s storehouse, in which she locks up her
wonders.”—Izaak Walton.
“He had on a coat made of that cloth called thunder-and-lightning,
which, though grown too short, was much too good to be thrown
2. “Althworthy here betook himself to those pleasing slumbers
which a heart that hungers after goodness is apt to enjoy when
thoroughly satisfied.”—Fielding.
“A man who is good for making excuses is good for nothing
else.”—Dr. Franklin.
“Like Cæsar, Cortes wrote his own commentaries in the heart of
the stirring scenes which form the subject of them.”—Prescott.

1. Relative clauses are generally introduced by the relative pronouns who,
which, that, or what.
2. A comma should be placed before the relative clause, even when it is
necessary to complete the meaning of the antecedent,—
a. When the relative is immediately followed by a word or an expression
inclosed in commas; as, “As a man, he may not have deserved the
admiration which he received from those, who, bewitched by his
fascinating society, worshiped him nightly in his favorite temple at
b. When the relative has several antecedents that are separated from
each other by commas; as, “All those arts, rarities, and inventions,
which vulgar minds gaze at, the ingenious pursue, and all admire, are
but the relics of an intellect defaced with sin and time.”—South.
3. The words of which are sometimes preceded by a comma, even when they
are necessary to complete the meaning of the antecedent: as, “His mind was
formed of those firm materials, of which nature formerly hammered out the Stoic,
and upon which the sorrows of no man living could make an impression.”—

Rule IV. Parenthetical Words and Phrases. When single words

and phrases break the connection between closely related parts of a
sentence, they should usually be separated by commas from the rest
of the sentence.
1. Words used parenthetically,—

nevertheless, &c.

2. Phrases used parenthetically,—

in short,
in truth,
of course,
in fact,
in a word,
you know,
in reality,
no doubt,
as it were, &c.

1. “As an orator, indeed, he was not magnetic or inspiring.”—G. W.
“There is, perhaps, no surer mark of folly, than to attempt to
correct the natural infirmities of those we love.”—Fielding.
“There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a
2. “I had grown to my desk, as it were, and the wood had entered
my soul.”—Lamb.
“In short, he is a memorable instance of what has been often
observed, that the boy is the man in miniature.”—Boswell.

1. Words and phrases are said to be used parenthetically, when they obstruct,
as it were, the flow of the sentence, and might be dropped without destroying the
2. Whenever parenthetical words and phrases readily coalesce with the rest of
the sentence, it is better to omit punctuation marks; as, “I am therefore exceedingly
unwilling that anything, however slight, which my illustrious friend thought it worth
while to express, with any degree of point, should perish.”—Boswell.
3. A distinction should be made between words used parenthetically, and
adverbs qualifying particular words; as, “And with learning was united a mild and
liberal spirit, too often wanting in the princely colleges of Oxford.”—Macaulay.
“That, too, has its eminent service.”—Burke.

Rule V. Parenthetical Expressions.—Expressions of a

parenthetical character should be separated from the rest of the
sentence by commas.

“She was tumbled early, by accident or design, into a spacious
closet of good old English reading, without much selection or
prohibition, and browsed at will upon that fair and wholesome
“He [Sheridan] who, in less than thirty years afterward, held
senates enchained by his eloquence and audiences fascinated by
his wit, was, by common consent both of parent and preceptor,
pronounced a most impenetrable dunce.”—Moore.
“It is clear that Addison’s serious attention, during his residence at
the university, was almost entirely concentrated on Latin poetry.”—

1. A distinction should be made between parenthetical words and parenthetical
a. Parenthetical words can be omitted without destroying the sense. See
examples under Rule IV.
b. Parenthetical expressions obstruct the flow of the sentence, but can not
be omitted without either destroying the sense, or changing the
meaning intended to be conveyed. See examples given above.
2. When parenthetical expressions are short, or closely connected with the rest
of the sentence, it is better to omit punctuation marks.
3. Writers differ very much in omitting or using commas in parenthetical
expressions. It is sometimes immaterial whether punctuation marks are used or
not, but, in many cases, there are few rules so well adapted to bring out the
meaning of the writer.

Rule VI. Inverted Expressions.—Expressions which are not in

their natural order, are frequently separated from the rest of the
sentence by a comma.

“In everything that relates to science, I am a whole Encyclopædia
behind the rest of the world.”—Lamb.
“In all unhappy marriages I have seen, the great cause of evil has
proceeded from slight occasions.”—Steele.

1. The natural order of the first sentence is, I am a whole Encyclopædia behind
the rest of the world in everything that relates to science.
2. When the inverted expression is closely connected with what follows, the
commas should be omitted; as,—
“Of Addison’s childhood we know little.”—Macaulay.
“That inward man I love that’s lined with virtue.”—Beaumont and Fletcher.

Rule VII. Short Quotations.—Short quotations should be

separated from what precedes by a comma.

The Italians say, “Good company in a journey makes the way to
seem shorter.”
A writer in Lippincott’s Magazine says, “It is the little courtesies
that make up the sum of a happy home.”
Schiller has said, “Men’s words are ever bolder than their deeds.”

1. An expression resembling a quotation should be preceded by a comma; as,
“Therefore the question still returns, What is the First Principle of all things?”
2. Quotations and general statements introduced by that are frequently
preceded by a comma; as, “Tacitus says of Agricola, that he governed his family,
which many find to be a harder task than to govern a province.”—Arthur Helps.
3. When single words or a part of a sentence are quoted, a comma should not
be used; as, “His wife was a domesticated, kind-hearted old soul, who had come
with him ‘from the queen city of the world,’ which, it seemed, was Philadelphia.”—
4. Quotation divided. “A man could not set his foot down,” says Cortes, “unless
on the corpse of an Indian.”—Prescott.
5. When the quotation is a long one, it should be preceded by a colon.

Rule VIII. Person or Thing Addressed.—The name of the person

or thing addressed, together with its modifying words, should be
separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.

“Now, Macaulay, when I am gone, you’ll be sorry that you never
heard me speak.”—Sydney Smith.

“Why, Romeo, art thou mad?”—Shakespeare.

“My lords, we are called upon, as members of this house, as men,

as Christians, to protest against such horrible barbarity!”—Pitt.

When strong emotion is expressed, an exclamation point should be used; as, “O
Hamlet! thou hast cleft my heart in twain.”—Shakespeare.

Rule IX. Participial Clauses.—Participial clauses, having no

grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence, should be
separated from what follows, and, if they do not commence a
sentence, from what precedes, by commas.

“Success being now hopeless, preparations were made for a
“Such being their general idea of the gods, we can now easily
understand the habitual tone of their feelings towards what was
beautiful in nature.”—Ruskin.

Being or having been is usually the sign of a participial clause.

Rule X. Verb Omitted.—When a verb, previously used, is omitted,

a comma usually takes its place.

“Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle;
natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to
“Chaucer painted persons; Spenser, qualities.”

1. When the comma takes the place of an omitted verb, the main clauses or
numbers should be separated by semicolons.
2. Sometimes a comma does not take the place of an omitted verb; as, “Some
books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and
“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact

Rule XI. Appositives.—A noun in apposition and its modifiers

should be separated by commas from the rest of the sentence.

“When death, the great Reconciler, has come, it is never our
tenderness we repent of but our severity.”—George Eliot.
“The exploits of Mercury himself, the god of cunning, may be
easily imagined to surpass everything achieved by profaner
hands.”—Leigh Hunt.

1. An appositive is a word, placed by the side of some other word to explain or
characterize it.
2. The comma should be omitted,—
a. When two nouns without modifiers are in apposition; as, Cicero the
orator was born near Arpinum. If the sentence was, Cicero, the
greatest of Roman orators, was born near Arpinum, commas would
be necessary.
b. When a noun and a pronoun are in apposition; as, Mercury himself
surpassed everything achieved by profaner hands.
c. When two pronouns are in apposition; as, He himself did this.
d. Between the parts of a person’s name; as, George William Curtis.
3. In annexing titles to a person’s name, whether the titles are abbreviated or
written in full, commas must be used; as, Richard Whately, D. D., Archbishop of

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