Master RFQ Works (BACD) (06-11-2023)

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LOAN 4279-PAK (COL):




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Project Title : Emergency Flood Assistance Project (EFAP)

Source of Funding : Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Contract Ref : EFAP-BA-WC(Canal)/DW(100’)/WST(50x50)-01

Date of Issue of Request : 8th November 2023



1. The Balochistan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department, Government of Balochistan (Em-

ployer) hereby requests you to submit a quotation for the following works:

Rehabilitation of Water Course (Canal), Replacement of Dug wells and Reconstruction of water
storage tanks (50x50) at District Jaffarabad

To assist in the preparation of your price quotation, the necessary Specifications, Activity Schedule
and Drawings, Form of Quotation and a draft Contract Form are enclosed. You are advised to visit
the site of the works at your own expense, and obtain necessary information in order to prepare your

2. If you/your firm, however, falls under any of the following conditions, your proposal may not be con-
(a) you/your firm are/is not a citizen/national of an ADB member country, or
(b) you/your firm have/has been associated with the firm that prepared the design, specifications, or
engaged in the preparation of the Project or firm that will provide supervision of the Works, or
(c) you/your firm are/is owned by the Employer, or
(d) you/your firm are/is currently sanctioned or temporarily suspended by the Asian Development
Bank for a violation of its Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date), or
(e) the contracting of services from your country or any payment to persons or entities in your coun-
try is prohibited in compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council under Chap-
ter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

3. To be qualified, you must:

(a) have experience as a prime contractor in the construction of at least one work over the last 3
years of the nature and complexity equivalent to the works covered by this Request for Quota-
tion as evidenced by a client’s certificate of completion; and
(b) provide evidence of availability of financial resources to successfully complete the works in the
amount of PKR xxx million, usually comprising of Working Capital supplemented by credit line 1
statements or overdraft facilities and others to meet the Bidder’s financial requirements for its cur-
rent contract commitments, and the subject contract.

To be substantiated by a letter from the bank issuing the line of credit that must be; (i) project specific; (ii) address to the Client;
and (iii) shall be issued within last 03 month.

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4. Your quotation/(s) should be submitted in accordance with the following instructions, procedures, and
the terms and conditions of the Contract.

Preparation of Quotations

(a) Your price quotation/(s) shall be for the whole works as described in attached documents and
submitted only in the attached Form of Quotation with the priced Activity Schedule. The cur-
rency of quoted prices and payment shall be Pakistani Rupees. The quotation shall include all du-
ties, local taxes and other levies payable by the contractor in accordance with the local laws.
(b) You shall submit only one quotation. Your quotation must be typed or written in indelible ink and
shall be signed by you or your authorized representative. Without a signature in your Form of
Quotation, your quotation will not be considered further.
(c) You shall submit one original of the Form of Quotation, and clearly marked “Original”. In addi-
tion, you shall also submit one copy marked as “COPY”. In case of any discrepancy between the
Original and Copy, the original shall prevail.
(d) Your quotation should be valid for a period of 30 days from deadline for submission of the quota-
tion as indicated below. If you withdraw your quotation during the validity period and/or refuse to
accept the award of a contract when and if awarded, then you will be excluded from the list of eli-
gible contractors for the project for 2 years.

Submission and Opening

(e) Your Form of Quotation with the priced Activity Schedule, if applicable, should be submitted by
21st November 2023 (14:00 hours) with the required documents that should be signed, sealed in
an envelope, and addressed to and delivered to the following address:

Employer’s Address : Directorate General Agriculture (OFWM) Balochistan, Rani Bagh

Saryab Road, Quetta.

Telephone : +92 (81) 9211873

(f) Quotations shall be opened in public in the presence of participating contractors’ representatives
who choose to attend, on 21st November 2023 at 14:30 hours and at the following address.
Employer’s Address : Directorate General Agriculture (OFWM) Balochistan, Rani Bagh
Saryab Road, Quetta.

Evaluation and Comparison

(g) Quotations determined to be substantially responsive to the Request for Quotation will be evalu-
ated by comparison of their offer prices. A quotation is not substantially responsive if it contains
material deviations or reservations to the terms, conditions, and specifications in this Request for
(h) In evaluating the quotations, the Employer shall adjust for any arithmetical errors as follows:
(i) where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words
will govern; and
(ii) where is a discrepancy between the total price in the Priced Activity Schedule or the
quoted amount indicated in the Form of Quotation, the total price in the Priced Activity
Schedule shall govern.

If you refuse to accept the correction, your quotation will be rejected.

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Award of Contract

(i) The Employer shall award the contract to the contractor whose quotation has been determined to
be substantially responsive to this Request for Quotation and who has offered the lowest price
(j) The contractor whose quotation has been accepted will be notified by the Employer within Four-
teen (14) days from the date of submission of quotation through the return of a copy of the Form
of Quotation with Acceptance signed by the authorized representative of the Employer.
(k) The successful contractor shall sign the Contract (attached) governed by the annexed Contract
Terms and Conditions. In addition to the quoted price, the contract price shall include Value
Added Tax (VAT), Provincial Sales Tax, general sales tax or any other tax or duty as per applica-
ble tax laws, rules in Pakistan.

5. Further information can be obtained from:

Name : Director General Agriculture (OFWM) Balochistan

Employer’s Address : Directorate General Agriculture (OFWM) Balochistan, Rani Bagh
Saryab Road, Quetta.
Telephone : +92 (81) 9211873
E-mail :

6. The Employer intends to apply funds from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for eligible pay-
ments under the Contract resulting from this Request for Quotation.

7. Under ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date), bidders shall observe the highest
standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. ADB may reject a pro-
posal for award, and may impose sanctions or other remedial actions on parties involved, if it deter-
mines that the bidder recommended for award or any other party, directly or through an agent, has
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity violations
in competing for, or in executing, the Contract. At the time of submission of your quotation, you
should not be in ADB’s sanctions list. A firm/individual shall not be eligible to participate in any pro-
curement activities under an ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported project while under tempo-
rary suspension or debarment by ADB pursuant to its Anticorruption Policy, whether such debarment
was directly imposed by ADB, or enforced by ADB pursuant to the Agreement for Mutual Enforce-
ment of Debarment Decisions.

8. You/your firm, joint venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, including
any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, are not, or have never been, temporarily
suspended, debarred, declared ineligible, or blacklisted by the employer’s country (Pakistan), any in-
ternational organization, and other donor agency.

If so debarred, declared ineligible, temporarily suspended, or blacklisted, please state details (as
applicable to each joint venture partner, associate, parent company, affiliate, subsidiaries,
subcontractors, and/or suppliers):2

(a) Name of Institution: __________________

(b) Period of debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting (start and end date): ____________
(c) Reason for the debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting: ________________________

Any such disclosure shall be forwarded by the Employer to ADB.

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9. You/your firm’s, joint venture partners’, associates’, parent company’s affiliates’ or subsidiaries’, in-
cluding any subcontractors’ or suppliers’, key officers and directors have not been [charged or con-
victed] of any criminal offense (including felonies and misdemeanors) or infractions/violations of ordi-
nance which carry the penalty of imprisonment.

If so charged or convicted, please state details:3

(a) Nature of the offense/violation: __________________

(b) Court/Area of jurisdiction: __________________
(c) Resolution (i.e. dismissed; settled; convicted/duration of penalty): __________________
(d) Other relevant details:

10. You/your firm understands that it is your obligation to notify ADB should you/your firm, joint venture
partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Sup-
pliers, be temporarily suspended, debarred or become ineligible to work with ADB or any other multi-
lateral development banks, the employer’s country, international organizations, and other donor agen-
cies, or any of your key officers and directors be charged or convicted of any criminal offense or in-
fractions/violations of ordinance which carry the penalty of imprisonment.

11. Any misrepresentation that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead may lead to the
automatic rejection of the quotation/bid or cancellation of the contract, if awarded, and may result in
remedial actions, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) and In-
tegrity Principles and Guidelines (2015 as amended from time to time).

12. A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. All bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be

13. Please confirm by fax/e-mail the receipt of this request and whether or not you will submit the price


Director General Agriculture
On Farm Water Management Balochistan, Quetta

Any such disclosure shall be forwarded by the Employer to ADB.

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Specifications are divided into two apart. Table of content of Specification is provided below.

Table of Content
Part 1 - Special Provisions
Part 2 – Technical Provisions
Section -1 Site Clearance and Preparatory Work
Section -2 Care and Handling of Water
Section -3 Earthworks
Section -4 Concrete
Section -5 Pipes and Valves for Water Storage Tanks
Section -6 Preparation and Compaction of Natural Ground
Section -7 RCC Pipes
Section -8 RCC Pipe Bedding, Excavation and Backfilling of Trenches
Section -9 Cleaning And Cleanup
Section -10 Inspections and Tests
Section -11 Brick Works

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The Specifications for the Works to be carried out under this contract is described in the following
Section. Some of the specification may not relate to any of the work item as provided in the Bill of
Quantities. The bidder shall only concentrate on those items of specification which relate to the
works and ignore all other items.

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1 General
1.1 The Requirement

It is required to construct and complete in accordance with the stipulated Conditions of the
Contract, and this specification (special and technical provisions) and the drawings, Rehabilitation
of Water Course, Replacement of Dug wells and Reconstruction of water storage tanks at District
. The Contractor shall supply all material, equipment, labour etc. for construction of Works.
1.2 Location
The Project area is situated in the Command Areas of the District Jaffarabad.
1.3 Summary of Works
1.3.1 Water Storage Tanks
The works to be executed in this Contract pertaining to water storage tanks consist of the
following components:

 Handing and Care of Water

 Clearing jungle, removing all shrubs, etc.
 Excavation to required gradient in all kind of soils
 Filling and compacting soil, earth and boulders beyond retaining walls
 Providing and laying sand cusion
 Providing and laying concrete of various strength classes
 Brick Work
 Providing and laying G.I pipes and valves
 Providing and fixing of Sign Boards

2 Climate
The Contractor shall be deemed to have taken into account all possible weather conditions when
preparing his Tenders and his program of Works, and he will not be entitled to any additional
payments whatsoever as a result of meteorological phenomena.

The Contractor shall make suitable arrangements to protect the Works, Temporary Works,
Constructional Plant and materials stored on site against the effects of the weather.

No work will be performed by the Contractor when in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject
Manager such work is liable to be affected by the weather. The Contractor shall not be entitled to
any additional payment on account of loss alleged to have been sustained as a result of the Site
InchargeProject Manager declining to permit such work to start or to continue or ordering any
work which has been affected by the weather to be removed, and re-executed, or made good.
3 Site Description

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The site will include public and private roads, alleyways and lands and shall mean the minimum
extent of each such public and private lands as in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject
Manager is necessary or practicable for the construction of the Works.

The Contractor shall make records to be agreed by the Site InchargeProject Manager of the
condition of the surfaces of the Site immediately before entering upon them for the purpose of
construction of the Works.
3.1 Levels
The Contractor shall establish, construct and protect bench marks as necessary during the period
of construction and such bench marks shall be checked periodically and whenever required.

The bench marks shall either be standard concrete monuments. The Site InchargeProject
Manager will approve the position of any such benchmark before it is established.

The levels of the benchmarks will be determined on Site and approved as necessary by the Site
InchargeProject Manager.

The above mentioned levels will all be based on the Project Datum. The Contractor shall seek
prior approval from owners for the establishment of benchmarks on privately owned properties.
3.2 Site in Public and Private Land
The Employer will serve the necessary notices to permit pipelines to be laid in public and private
lands in accordance with the agreed program of work and the Contractor shall not enter on those
lands until given permission by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The Contractor shall
temporarily fence the Site where the Works are to be or are being constructed to the satisfaction
of the Site InchargeProject Manager and the Contractor shall confine all the works plant, labour,
materials and transport within the Site so fenced. The Contractor shall use the Site only for the
construction of the Works.

3.3 Right of Way

Right of way shall be the area (s) allocated to the Contractor to enable execution of the works in
accordance with the Contract. Due to physical statutory other special conditions the working
width of Right of Way may be restricted (including restricted access to working sites). The
Contractor is deemed to have included in Contract Price all costs encountered for complying with
such restrictions.

In general the maximum working width (Right of Way) for any section of trench work in
agricultural land, garden, etc shall be not more than 6 meter. For isolated compact sites an all-
around width of 12m beyond the net sizes of the units will allowed, unless the area is otherwise
defined by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

In case the Contractors requires areas outside the allocated Right of Way he may, with the prior
agreement of the Site InchargeProject Manager, negotiate these on his own behalf and shall be
responsible for all costs involved and for the restatement after completion of permanent work.

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Prior to commencement of works the Contractors shall record on drawings the location and
dimension of irrigation channels, structures, walls, fences laying within an area of 20 meters
measured from the center line of pipes or from the outer edges of structures to be executed.
These drawings together with a written description of the condition of such structures shall be
submitted in duplicate to the Site InchargeProject Manager 14 days before start of construction
works (excavation).

The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the flow of water in irrigation channels and
natural water course during the entire period of construction. His Contract Price shall include
costs for reinstating irrigation channels and natural water course after completion of works
located outside the areas occupied by permanent works.

Before commencement of construction the Contractor shall carefully strip the top soil from any
agricultural land, garden and the like to the depth as directed by the Site InchargeProject
Manager and over the entire working width. Topsoil shall be deposited separately from over other
excavated material for reuse. After completion of works and before placing top soil, the entire
area affected by the Contractor’s activities shall be scarified to a depth of 450mm and shall be
made up to the required level to receive top soil.

All fences, walls structures, buildings, etc affected by the Contractor’s work shall be reinstated to
the satisfaction of the owner and the Site InchargeProject Manager.

Trees within the Right of Way may be cut down only after having received the owner’s and the
Site InchargeProject Manager’s permission. Any damage to trees, whether accidental or
otherwise, shall be reported to the Site InchargeProject Manager.

The Completion Certificates, as per Clause 55 of the Conditions of Contract, for any section of
works will only be issued if the Contractor submits together with his application a written
statement of the owner confirming that reinstatement of land, garden, etc has been carried out to
the owner’s satisfaction.

3.4 Site for Additional Accommodation

In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary wayleave or additional
accommodation acquired by him pursuant to the Conditions of Contract hereof or any tip for the
disposal of surplus materials he shall obtain and forward to the Site InchargeProject Manager a
copy of the written consent of the owner and occupier or Authority having charge of the land in
which such wayleave accommodation or tip is situated and shall make a record to be agreed by
the Site InchargeProject Manager of the condition of the surfaces of that land before entering
thereon. The Contractor will not be permitted to occupy space in public roads or through fares
along the route of pipelines nor additional accommodation except with the written consent of the
Site InchargeProject Manager which consent will not be given unless the Contractor shall have
first obtained the written consent of the Authority concerned and having charge of the road
3.5 Security of the Works & Persons
Watching and security of the Works shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expense. If
the Site InchargeProject Manager considers it necessary he will order in writing that additional

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watchmen be provided all at the Contractor’s expense to ensure proper security of works and
persons associated with the project.

The Contractor shall provide to the Works an adequately supported temporary screen or fence in
accordance with local bye-laws and to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager.

All excavation shall be adequately lit at night complete with hazard warning lights to pedestrians
and traffic in accordance with applicable Traffic Police Regulations.

Unfenced openings and surface obstructions shall be attended by days and night and shall be
adequately lit at night.
3.6 Closing of Roads
The Contractor shall not close any road unless the Authority having charge of the road surfaces
shall have previously given the appropriate notice or made the appropriate order and without the
Contractor having first obtained the written consent of the Police and of the said Authority to close
the same. In the event of such consent being refused the Contractor shall have no claim for any
additional payment. In the event of such consent being given the Contractor shall give warning in
advance of the date of the commencement of the road closure to all Statutory Local or other
Authorities and public service undertakers as may be affected by such closure and shall provide
fix and maintain all warning signs and diversion notices as may be required by the said Authority,
by the Police and by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
3.7 Roads and Site to be kept Clean
The Contractor shall take great care and all reasonable precautions to ensure that roads and
thoroughfares used by him either for the construction of the Works or for the transport of plant,
labour and material are not made dirty as a result of such construction or transport and in the
event of their becoming thus dirtied in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager the
Contractor shall take all necessary and immediate steps to clean them.

Each individual site must be kept clean during the work and must be thoroughly cleaned up on
3.8 Proximity to Buildings or Roads
In such areas where pipes will be close to the foundations of buildings, the Contractor should
allow in his rates for all work necessary for the protection of buildings and their foundations.

Where pipelines are to be laid close to public highways, the Contractor shall ensure that works
are properly protected at all times, including the provision of day and night traffic signals when
and where necessary.
4. Codes and Specifications
Material, equipment and workmanship shall conform with all applicable British Standards, or such
other standards as may be specified herein or approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

If the Contractor proposes the use of alternative standards he shall allow sufficient time for the
Site InchargeProject Manager to check such standards and for carrying out any tests as directed
by the Site InchargeProject Manager in order to confirm that materials to be supplied under

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alternative standards are of equivalent standard. No claim for testing expenses and for delays
arising as a result of time required for carrying out such tests will be accepted.

Whenever requested by the Site InchargeProject Manager, in writing, the Contractor shall
procure and provide to the Site InchargeProject Manager two English copies of any standards
used in the works.

5. Setting Out of Works

It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain from the Site InchargeProject Manager before
commencing the work co-ordinates and levels of setting out points, which have already been
established by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The Contractor shall use these to establish
additional temporary bench marks as necessary throughout the project area. These shall be of a
form approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager and maintained until the completion of the

The Contractor shall be responsible for the setting out of the Works. All dimensions and levels
shown on the drawings or referred to in any document forming part of the Contract shall be
verified by the Contractor on Site. He shall be responsible for pointing out promptly any
discrepancy or error in such dimensions or levels.

The Contractor shall prepare detailed setting out drawings and data sheets as necessary and
submit them to the Site InchargeProject Manager’s Representative for approval. Any
modification of these drawings or data sheets required by the Site InchargeProject Manager’s
Representative shall be made by the Contractor and resubmitted for final approval.
6. Water Supply (Temporary)
The Contractor shall provide at his own expense a temporary supply of potable and other water
required, for any portion of the works. He shall provide, operate and maintain the supply
throughout the duration of the Works. Quality of water shall be to the satisfaction of the Site
InchargeProject Manager.

7. Electricity Supply for Power and Lighting (Temporary)

The Contractor shall arrange for and pay all costs in connection with the temporary supply of
electricity he may need for the duration of the Contract. If the Contractor intends to provide his
own electricity supply, the regulations of the Pakistan WAPDA are to be observed and the
permission of this Authority is to be obtained.
8. Other Services
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for and shall provide and pay for any services
required during the duration of the Contract.
9. Site Conditions
Where pipelines are to be laid close to public highways, the Contractor shall ensure that works
are properly protected at all times, including the provision of day and night traffic signals when
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10. Working Hours
The Contractor shall perform his construction work only during the standard working hours on
construction sites which are 48 hours, distributed over 6 days per weeks, except on holidays.

Should the Contractor wish to carry out works outside normal working hours or on Sunday and
public holidays; he shall comply with as per standards.

Work during the Defects Liability Period shall be carried out only after the Contractor has given
the Site InchargeProject Manager at least 48 hours’ notice in writing.

11. Materials
11.1 Quality of Materials and Workmanship
All materials to be used in the Permanent Works shall be new and of the required specifications.
The workmanship shall also be of the specified quality, all to the approval of the Site
InchargeProject Manager.
11.2 Approval of Suppliers of Materials
Before entering into any sub-Contract for the supply of any materials or goods the Contractor
shall obtain the Site InchargeProject Manager’s approval in writing of the sub-contractor from
whom he proposes to obtain such materials or goods. Should the Site InchargeProject Manager
at any time be dissatisfied with such materials or goods or with the methods of operation carried
out at such sub-Contractor’s works or place of business, he shall be empowered to cancel his
previously given approval of such sub-Contractor and to specify and other suppliers whom he
may choose or to approve another sub-Contractor for the supply of such materials or goods. The
Contractor shall then obtain the said materials or goods from such other supplier and shall bear
any additional cost thereof.
11.3 Copies of Orders
The Contractor shall provide the Site InchargeProject Manager with three copies of all orders for
the Supply of materials and goods required for the Works.
11.4 Samples
In addition to specific provisions in the Specifications for sampling and testing of materials, the
Contractor shall submit to the Site InchargeProject Manager, as he may require, samples of all
materials which he proposes to use in the Works. When approved, these will be retained by the
Site InchargeProject Manager.

Samples to be submitted shall be accompanied by an approved form on which all information

about specifications, description, location of use, manufacturers etc. are stated.

The Contractor is advised to submit a “Materials Procurement Program” for all materials and
equipment which are deemed to be used in the permanent works indicating dates for sampling,
approval, ordering, delivering to site.

The Site InchargeProject Manager may reject any materials or goods, which in his opinion are
inferior, to the samples submitted.

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The Site InchargeProject Manager’s approval of manufacturers or materials for the Works,
whenever required by the Specifications, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities
under the Contract.
11.5 Tests
The Site InchargeProject Manager may examine and may require testing of any materials or
goods to be used in the works at any place inside or outside Pakistan. The Contractor shall give
the Site InchargeProject Manager unrestricted access to his and his Sub-contractor’s premises
and suppliers for such purposes at all times.

The Contractor shall afford the Site InchargeProject Manager all facilities, assistance, labour and
appliances necessary for the convenient examination, testing, weighing or analysis of all
materials and goods. The Contractor shall prepare test samples, which the Site InchargeProject
Manager may require.

Tests carried out off the site shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that
the materials pass any required tests when they are incorporated in the permanent Works.

The costs of all tests prescribed in the Specifications are to be borne by the Contractor and are
deemed to be included in his contract prices. The costs for any additional tests required by the
Site InchargeProject Manager shall be borne by the Employer.
11.6 Test Certificates
The Contractor shall obtain Test Certificates from his supplier and forward three copies of such
certificates to the Site InchargeProject Manager. Such certificates shall certify that the material or
goods have been tested in accordance with the Specifications and British Standards, and shall
give the results of the tests which have been carried out. As regards the major project equipment
the Contractor shall ensure that the tests are carried out in the presence of the Employer’s

The Contractor shall provide adequate means on site to identify the materials or goods with their
respective test certificates.
12. Pollution of Drains and Waterways
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to secure the efficient protection of all
waterways against pollution including spillage of oil or concrete mixer wastes, site drainage or
any other harmful materials. The Contractor shall seek the Site InchargeProject Manager’s
approval before discharging any substance that may degrade groundwater quality. If
nevertheless, such spillage occurs, the Contractor shall clean the waterway at his own expenses,
and keep the Employer indemnified against any claim arising from such pollution during the
execution of the Works and the Period of Maintenance.
13 Existing Public Services
Existing pipes and services being affected by the construction activities have to be adequately
secured in co-ordination with the respective entities.

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Where in the drawings any crossing or parallel services are shown, their location and size are
approximate only; the indicated services do not necessarily represent all the existing services.

The Contractor shall before the start of excavation and upon the approval of the Site
InchargeProject Manager establish by means of trial excavations the location and dimensions of
crossing services lines.

If services are to be crossed at the same level, then the existing service line can be passed over
by means of deviations in the joints up to a deviation of 15 cm. In the case of passing below
existing services, this can be done up to a deviation of 45 cm by the same method. For greater
deviations from the indicated levels, the existing service lines have to be passed in adequate
depth by means of installing bends.

Each deviation from the indicated level in the zone of a service crossing shall be brought to the
attention of the Site InchargeProject Manager to define up to which extent pressure pipelines to
be installed have to be provided in adequate length at both sides of the crossing with thrust
resistant TKF joints.

14 Damage to Services
The Contractor will be held responsible and shall pay all costs related to damages to private
property or roads, bridges, irrigation ditches, mains, pipes, electric cables, lines or services of any
kind caused by him or any of his sub-Contractors during the execution of the Works.

The Contractor shall make good or arrange to make good at his own expense any damage
without delay, and shall carry out any further remedial work ordered by the Site InchargeProject

The Contractor shall make good at his own expenses any damage without delay to the pipes
during the construction. Lining should be repaired according to manufacture’s instructions.
15 Drawings
15.1 Bid Drawings
Drawings provided with the Biddings Documents are Bid drawings. Bid Drawings show the scope
of the work to be performed by the Contractor. The Bid Drawings shall not be used as a basis for
fabrication or construction but may be used as a basis for placing preliminary orders for materials,
subject to corrections based on the future issue of as provided under Sub-Clause 1.1 hereof
issued for Construction. Any other drawings if issued through Addenda, before opening of Bids,
shall be part of the Bid Drawings.
15.2 Construction Drawings
After award of Contract, the Bid Drawings will be replaced by Drawings Issued for Construction
including Supplementary Specifications, if necessary. The Drawings Issued for Construction will
include Bid Drawings reissued, Bid Drawings as may be modified, and additional drawings as
required to develop the work in greater detail, and will make modifications as necessary to further
detail the construction required.

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The Drawings Issued for Construction will be drawings from which shop, reinforcing steel detail,
erection, concrete placing, formwork, or other construction detail drawings shall be prepared by
the Contractor. The work shall be executed in conformity with the Drawings Issued for Construc-
15.3 Checking of Drawings
The Contractor shall verify all dimensions, quantities and details shown on the drawings or other
data received from the Site InchargeProject Manager, and shall notify him immediately of any
error, discrepancy or conflict found therein. Failure to discover such errors, discrepancies or
conflicts shall not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of unsatisfactory work, nor from
rectifying such work at his own expense.

The drawings are in conformity with the statics calculated by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
However, the Contractor shall check the statics and verify all assumption and results. In
particular, he shall check the load assumptions made for electromechanical equipment and
gantry capacity for the pump stations, storage reservoirs and operation building.
15.4 Copies of Contract Drawings, Construction Drawings and Specifications
One complete set of Contracts Documents, Construction Drawings and Specifications will be
issued to the Contractor free of charge. The Contractor may make further copies to suit to his
16 Working Drawings
If required for the execution of this Contract or requested by the Site InchargeProject Manager,
the Contractor shall incorporate in the drawings all openings, ducts, recesses, anchor holes, etc.
as required for the mechanical and electrical installations. All related costs are considered
included in the Contract Price.

The title block shall be as on the Tender Drawings. And shall show in addition the Contractor’s
name and the descriptive name of the Works shown on the drawing. Materials and material
Standards shall be indicated on the drawings.

Drawings from Sub-Contractors shall be checked signed and stamped by the Contractor before
being forwarded to the Site InchargeProject Manager, who shall deal in all respects only with the

When the Site InchargeProject Manager approves a Working Drawings, he shall return a copy
marked “Approved” to the Contractor, who shall then insert the date of approval on the tracing
and furnish the Site InchargeProject Manager with three prints of the working drawings as

Approval of a working drawing by the Site InchargeProject Manager will only signify his general
approval of the design and shall not make him liable for any error of the Contractor in details or
lack of strength or efficiency of any part. Where errors, deviations and / or omissions are
discovered later, they shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense irrespective of
any approval by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
17 Technical Records
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The Contractor shall submit to the Site InchargeProject Manager not later than one month before
commissioning draft copies in English of technical data as the following:
 Information on suppliers (address, fax, telephone) of pipes, fittings, etc. for water sup-
ply system.
 Full technical documentation for the above items.
 Step-by-step description of the preparation and setting to work of the whole of the wa-
ter supply system including pipes, valves etc.

Not later than the time at which the works are taken over, the Contractor shall provide four copies
of instruction manuals in English to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager to cover all
details of normal operation of each item and requirements regarding its functional relation with
the plant as a whole and of all the individual items, together with routine maintenance
18 Survey Records and As- Built Drawings
After clearing the Site, the Contractor shall take and record levels in the manner directed by and
in the presence of the Site InchargeProject Manager’s Representative of the Site and works.
Such levels, when approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager, shall be recorded by the
Contractor on drawings and/ or schedules which shall be signed as a true record by the
Contractor and the Site InchargeProject Manager’s Representative and shall form the basis of the
measurement of the Contractor’s work.

Excavation works shall not commence before such records are certified by the Site
InchargeProject Manager’s representative.

Prior to handing over of completed works and the issue of the Completion Certificate the
Contractor shall prepare the As-Built Drawings and submit them to the Site InchargeProject
Manager for approval.
19 Contractor’s Monthly Reports
19.1 Progress Reports
The Contractor shall report monthly progress to the Site InchargeProject Manager on charts
submitted in triplicate showing actual work done superimposed on copies of his agreed
programme. He shall provide an explanation for any deviation from his programme and shall in
the case of delays propose strategies for improving progress.

The reports shall be delivered to the Site InchargeProject Manager within one week after the end
of each month.
19.2 Labour and Plant Returns
The Contractor shall include with his monthly reports details of all plant, (including their values)
and labour force employed on the Site together with a description of their deployment. He shall
also provide list of all materials intended for use in the Permanent Works delivered to the Site.
19.3 Photographic Records
The Contractor shall provide a photographic record of the execution of the Works by having
photographs taken at monthly intervals from such points as the Site InchargeProject Manager
may specify from time to time. The number of such photographs shall not exceed ten per month.

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The Contractor shall supply three sets of colour prints, size 9x13 cm mounted on album sheets,
dated and described.
20. Contractor’s Compounds
No separate item is provided in the Bill of Quantities to cover the cost to the Contractor of
providing and maintaining the offices, compounds, workshop and housing necessary for the
proper organization and superintendence of the Works. These are deemed to be included in all
other items of works. The Contractor shall be responsible to arrange the necessary land for the
compounds at his own expense.

The Contractor has to submit to the Site InchargeProject Manager the layout and design of his
compounds showing areas required for workshops, garages, concrete yards, stores, housing etc.,
for his approval.

The compounds and their contents shall be dismantled and cleared away by the Contractor at the
completion of the Contract.

The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain sign boards at locations to be indicated by the
Site InchargeProject Manager. They shall be lettered in Balochi and English and be not smaller
than 3 m x 2 m in size. The wording shall be as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
21. Office and Accommodation for Site InchargeProject Manager
Not Applicable.
22. Transport
Not applicable
23. Laboratory
Not applicable
24. Control of Construction Noise
The Contractor shall employ the best practical means to minimize noise and vibration produced
by his operations. These shall include but not be limited to the following:

(a) All vehicle and mechanical plant shall be fitted with effective exhaust silencers and
shall be maintained in good and efficient working order.
(b) All compressors shall be “sound reduced” models fitted with lined and sealed
acoustic covers which shall be kept closed whenever the machines are in use and
all ancillary pneumatic percussion tools shall be fitted with mufflers or silencers.
Dampened bits shall be fitted to percussion tools.
(c) Machines in intermittent use shall be turned off or throttled down when not in use.
(d) All pumps shall be fitted with effective exhaust silencers where appropriate, and
maintained in good and efficient working order. Pumps running overnight shall be
effectively silenced. Alliteratively the Contractor shall use electrically driven pumps
if necessary.
(e) All stationary plant shall be screened where possible.
25. Public Roads

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The Contractor shall take every precaution and make adequate provision to relevant excavated
material or other debris from being deposited on public roads, and shall maintain safe use 24
hours per day of all roads through or around any part of the Works. No work that will in any way
inconvenience the travelling public shall be started until adequate provision, satisfactory to any
approved by the Authority concerned and the Site InchargeProject Manager, has been made to
divert or by-pass traffic in safety and comfort. A road shall only be closed with the written
permission of the Authority concerned. All diversions shall be maintained in good condition by the
Contractor and shall be least 6 meters wide. All diversions shall be to the satisfaction of the Site
InchargeProject Manager, and where existing private or public roads are used as diversions, they
shall be maintained and left in a good condition upon completion of the re-routing activity.

The Contractor will be held responsible for any accidents relating to roadways, structures,
services, stream crossing and for the proper direction of traffic in a manner approved by the
Highway Authority, Police and by the Site InchargeProject Manager. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to obtain the permissions required.

26. Entry to Private Land

Where it is necessary to enter on privately owned land for the purpose of making temporary road
diversions, or for any other reason, the landowner or occupier shall first be consulted by the
Contractor and his written permission obtained.

The Contractor shall ensure that, in case the landowner or occupier refuses access, the Site
InchargeProject Manager is informed at least 6 weeks before the intended start of work in the
area concerned.

Care shall be taken that no undue damage is caused to land, and at the completion of the work,
the land shall be left in a tidy and restored (if appropriate) condition to the satisfaction of the
landowner or occupier and the Site InchargeProject Manager.
27. Safety Measures and Services
The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and health of the all workmen and other
persons in or around the Works, to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Such
measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

 Provision of proper safety and emergency regulations, fire, gas and electric shock pre-
vention, stretchers and first aid box together with rescue facilities generally at each
place of work.
 Adequate supports and braces for all excavations.
 Provision of sufficient safety helmets for all personnel including the Site InchargePro-
ject Manager, his staff, and any authorized visitor to the Site.
 Safe control of water including the provision of standby pumping plant.
 Provision and maintenance of safe, sound ropes, slings, pulleys and other lifting
equipment, each having an up-to-date test certificate.
 Provision and maintenance of safe, sound mechanical frames, hoists, cranes, and ve-
hicles for transporting materials, with an up-to-date test certificate for each items.

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 Provision of good and safe access to the Works.
 Provision of warning notices to the public in English, Balochi and Urdu warning them
of the existence of any dangers from the Works.

The Contractor shall ensure that employees are available at each site to administer emergency
first aid and that all employees are aware of their names. The Contractor shall provide for the
transport of serious cases to hospital. All medical facilities shall also be to the satisfaction of any
properly appointed medical officer authorized by the Government of the Balochistan to inspect
medical facilities at Site.

The Contractor shall ensure that all his employees are fully conversant with regulations and
emergency procedures, and shall enforce the rule that any employee committing a serious
breach of such regulations shall be immediately dismissed and shall not be re-employed.

28. Sanitary Arrangements

The Contractor shall provide and maintain sufficient sanitary conveniences for all operatives and
site staff engaged on the works. These shall be in accordance with any requirements and
regulations of the Government of the Pakistan and subject to the approval of the Site
InchargeProject Manager. The ground shall be disinfected at the end of the Contract.

The Contractor shall ensure that all operatives and staff are aware that the sanitary conveniences
of must be used by all personnel, and the Site InchargeProject Manager reserves the right to
require dismissal of any person committing a nuisance on or about the site by failing to use the
conveniences provided.

29. Working Program

Before commencing trench or structural excavation the Contractor shall record any existing
damage to adjacent buildings and notify the Site InchargeProject Manager thereof. Failing to do
so, the Contractor may become liable to make good such damage at his own expense as it may
be considered a result of result of his activities.

The Contractor shall program his activities in such a way that construction of sewers and main
holes precedes the construction of water lines in any section of the Works.

30. Training of Staff

Not applicable

31. Fencing of the Works

The Contractor shall fence the Works in a manner sufficient for the protection of the public and
livestock and property during the progress of the works and shall satisfy the Employer and the
Site InchargeProject Manager or his Representative in this respect.

Page 21 of 133
The Contractor shall erect and maintain adequate safety measures a round all trenches and other
open excavations in a manner sufficient to provide maximum safety to pedestrians and vehicles
at all times.

Temporary bridges shall be provided across trenches to maintain reasonable and safe access for
pedestrians and vehicles to land and property on provide side of trenches.
32. Language of Records
All time sheets, records, notes, drawings, documents, etc. shall be in the English language. If the
original documents are in another language a certified translation in English shall be submitted to
the Site InchargeProject Manager.

33. Connection to Public Services

The Contractor shall be responsible to obtain in time all necessary approvals from the relevant
Balochistan / Federal Government Authorities to connect the works in such a manner as required
and approved by these Authorities. The costs involved are deemed to be included in the Contract

34. General Requirement

Not Applicable
35. Measurement and Payment
35.1 Scope
This Section includes requirements for measurement and payment procedures, conditions for
nonconformance assessment and nonpayment for rejected products.
35.2 Measurement
(a) Measurement methods delineated in individual Sections are intended to complement
the criteria of this Section. In the event of conflict, the requirements of the individual
Section governs.
(b) Take measurements and compute quantities accordingly.
(c) Provide equipment, workers and survey personnel as necessary to perform the
35.3 Unit Quantities
(a) Quantity and measurement estimates stated on the Bill of Quantities are for contract
purposes only.
(b) If greater or lesser quantities are required than those quantities indicated in the Bill of
Quantities, provide the required quantities at the unit prices contracted.
(c) Measurement by Volume: Measure by cubic dimension.
(d) Measurement by Area: Measure by square dimension.
(e) Linear Measurement: Measure by linear dimension, at the item centerline of mean
(f) Unit Price Measurement: Measure by unit designated on the Bill of Quantities.
35.4 Payment
(a) No Separate payment will be made unless otherwise specified in the Bill of Quantities.
The cost of these items is deemed to be included in all other item of works.
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(b) Payment includes: Full compensation for required supervision, labor products, tools
equipment, plant, transportation, services and appurtenances; erection, application or
installation of an item of the work; and Contractors overhead and profit.
(c) Total compensation for required work shall be included in the unit prices bid on the Bill of
Quantities. Claims for payment of work not specifically covered in the list of unit prices
contained in the Bill of Quantities will not be accepted.
(d) Progress payments will be based on the Site InchargeProject Managers observations and
evaluations of quantities incorporated in the work multiplied by the unit price.
(e) Final payment for pay items governed by unit prices will be made on the basis of actual
measurements and quantities determined by the Site InchargeProject Manager, multiplied
by the unit price for the pay item which is incorporated in or made necessary by the work.
(f) Prepare and submit an Application for Payment for work completed and not previously
paid. The application at a minimum shall include the following:
[1.] Application for Payment: The application will be in a from acceptable to the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.
1.[2.] Construction Schedule.
2.[3.] Quantity supporting documents include: plotted and tabulated cross-sections, quan-
tity calculations or suppliers invoice etc.
3.[4.] Application supporting documents and submittal items are provided to verify prod-
ucts, regulations and contract requirements are being met and other supporting
documents as they may be necessary or required by Contract Documents.

(g) Incomplete Applications for Payment will not be processed and will be returned to the
35.5 Nonconformance of Work
(a) Remove and replace the work, or portion of the work, not conforming to the Contract
(b) If, in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager, it is practical to remove and replace
the work, the Site InchargeProject Manager will direct one of the following remedies.
1. The nonconforming work will remain as is, but the unit price will be adjusted to a
lower price at the discretion of the Site InchargeProject Manager.
2. The nonconforming work will be modified as authorized by the Site
InchargeProject Manager, and the unit price will be adjusted to a lower price at the
discretion of the Site InchargeProject Manager, if the modified work is deemed to
be less suitable than originally specified.
(c) Individual Sections may modify these options or may identify a specific formula or
percentage price reduction.
(d) The authority of the Site InchargeProject Manager to assess the nonconforming work and
identify payment adjustment in final.
35.6 Nonpayment
Payment will not be made for any of the following.
[1.] Products wasted or disposed of in a manner that is not acceptable to Site Incharge-
Project Manager.
1.[2.] Products determined as nonconforming before or after placement.
2.[3.] Products placed beyond the lines and levels of the required work.
Page 23 of 133
3.[4.] Products remaining on hand after completion of the work, unless specified to re-
4.[5.] Loading, hauling and disposing of rejected products.
35.7 Deductions
Deductions will be made for any of the following.
1. Contractors failure to arrange for the items described under Bill of Quantities.

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2.1 General
The Employer does not guarantee or describe completely the conditions, which may be encoun-
tered in performing the specified work. Ground water, surface run off and sub-surface water flow
may be encountered during construction of the Works. The Contractor shall assume all responsi-
bility for any deductions or conclusions, which he may derive from such information provided by
the Employer. The Contractor should also inspect and examine the Site and its surroundings to
collect all the pertinent information in this regard before submitting his Bid. The Contractor shall
provide, maintain and operate adequate facilities for dewatering the working area for the smooth
and uninterrupted execution of Works. These arrangements for dewatering shall be subject to ap-
proval of the Engineer.
2.2 Measurement and Payment
No separate Payment will be made to contractor.

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3.1 General
3.1.1 Scope of Work
The Contractor shall examine the site and familiarize himself with the nature of the ground and
any other local conditions, excavation methods to be applied and physical obstructions that may
affect his work and prices. His rates shall allow for all operations and costs required and encoun-
tered when carrying out the works in accordance with the Contract. Claims due to lack of knowl-
edge of site conditions will not be entertained. The Site InchargeProject Manager should advise
him in economical excavation method to minimize the cost of the project.
The Contractor shall not execute any earthwork or excavation without having the Site Incharge-
Project Manager’s prior approval to the methods and equipment, which he proposes to employ.
He shall not thereafter modify such methods without the Site InchargeProject Manager’s con-
3.1.2 Definitions
(1) “Excavation” shall for the purpose of the Contractor be deemed to refer to the excavation
of all the materials of whatever geological formation, quality, consistency or description.
3.1.3 Precautions
Excavation shall be carried out neatly to the lines and levels, which are specified on the Drawings
or as instructed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
The Contractor shall take all possible precautions to prevent slips in excavations. Excess excava-
tion beyond the specified lines and levels shall be limited to an absolute minimum making due al -
lowance for working space and necessary Temporary Works.
Any excess excavation, overbreak or slip beyond the limits of the specified excavation shall be
removed and made good at the Contractor’s expense with such material as the Site InchargePro-
ject Manager shall direct.
Excavation shall be carried out by hand if excavation by mechanical means is not reasonably
practicable or may endanger or damage structures or property.
Excavated material shall, if in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager’s Representative is
suitable and required for use at the Site, be stockpiled or, if possible, immediately placed or shall,
if not so suitable or required, be removed from the Site.
No soft or disintegrated material which can be removed with a hand pick or power-operated exca-
vator or shovel, no loose, shaken, or previously blasted material or broken stone in material fill-
ings or elsewhere, and no material exterior to the maximum limits of measurement allowed, which
may fall into the excavation, will be measured or allowed as “material”.
Excess Rock Excavation: If rock is excavated beyond the limits of payment indicated on the
drawings, specified, of authorized in writing by the Site InchargeProject Manager, the excess ex-
cavation, whether resulting from over breakage or other causes, shall be backfilled, by and at the
expense of the Contractor.
3.1.4 Levels to be recorded

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Before the surface of any part of the site is excavated or the works thereon begun, the Contractor
shall take and record levels and dimensions of any such part. The Contractor shall also take and
record such other levels and dimensions as are necessary during the progress of the excavation
to allow accurate measurement of the excavation quantities.
All levels and dimensions shall be taken in the presence of the Site InchargeProject Manager and
recorded in the manner specified or as agreed with the Site InchargeProject Manager, and such
levels, when agreed with the Site InchargeProject Manager, shall form the basis for measure-
3.1.5 Bench Marks or Datum
Any bench mark, which is used for the Works, shall be correctly related to the datum specified on
approved drawings or fixed by the Site InchargeProject Manager and the Contractor shall estab-
lish and maintain at his own cost, all such permanent bench marks required for the proper execu-
tion of Works in the vicinity thereof, in perfect order to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject
Manager. Contractor shall prepare and submit for record a plan showing location, number and
level of such permanent bench marks.
3.1.6 Joint Survey Work
Before starting excavation for the Canal, the Contractor shall jointly conduct, record, plot and sub-
mit to the Engineer for approval, the measurements to show the existing cross sections at every
10 m interval and any other intermediary interval as required by the Project Engineer. The exca-
vation “pay line” shall also be indicated on these cross sections and approved by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.
3.1.7 Setting Out
Before commencing actual execution, the central line of the embankment or excavation shall be
distinctly marked with a deep furrow (dag-bel) at least 300 mm wide and 150 mm deep and pegs
shall be fixed at every 30 m along this furrow. Top and bottom edges of the excavation and toes
of all embankments shall be clearly lock-spitted. All curves in the alignment shall also be properly
laid and half-breadth carefully set out. Temporary brick-masonry monuments shall be erected on
both sides of centre line of canals to control and monitor the excavation works during execution
and the cost shall be deemed to have been included in the unit rates quoted in BOQ.
3.1.9 Profiles
Having marked the alignment, a complete profile of the embankment or cutting, as the case may
be, shall be set out at 50 m intervals or at every change of section, and also at every curve. This
profile shall have a linear dimension of 3 m. It shall be excavated to the proper level, embank-
ment be compacted to avoid caving in during construction and banks constructed to the correct
height and widths, and all slopes dressed to true form. The correct height of this profile shall be
10% more than the designed final level of the embankment so that it may take care of settlement.
The ends of all the profile banks shall be stepped so that proper locking takes place at the time of
construction of the banks adjoining them.
All labour and implements like bamboos, stakes, strings, pegs, batter boards, etc., required for
fixing profiles shall be supplied by the Contractor and the cost shall be deemed to have been in-
cluded in the unit rates quoted in BOQ.
3.1.9 Trial Earthwork Section

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Prior to commence full scale earthwork operations, the Contractor shall construct a Trial Earth-
work Section of at least 100 m of a channel to demonstrate that his proposed methods and equip-
ment, modified as necessary, for excavation, haulage, placing, moisture control, compaction,
trimming, and final grading of canals prisms etc., will meet the requirements of the Specifications.
Material excavated and used in compacted backfill or embankment will subject to reduction in vol-
ume on account of the specified compaction. The trial section shall be used to check the extent of
such reduction. The Contractor will allow for this reduction in volume in all calculations for his
earthwork plan, and no extra payment will be made over the applicable items in the Bill of Quanti-
No extra payment will be made for the Trial Earthwork Section over and above the payment at
the applicable unit rates for items included in the Bill of Quantities for the earthworks involved.
3.2 Excavation
3.2.1 Excavation Rates
The rates for excavation shall include for:
 Excavation in any material including rock.
 Careful removal, storage and replacement of top soil as directed by the Site Incharge-
Project Manager.
 Bulking of the excavation material.
 Temporarily supporting the sides of the excavations.
 Additional excavation to accommodation the temporary supports and all working
space necessary to carry out the work together with all subsequent backfilling and
compaction using approved excavated material.
 Keeping the excavations clear of water (including groundwater) and all dirt at all times
unit pipe laying and testing or construction work is completed and permission for
backfilling is obtained.
 Trimming, compacting and protecting the formation level.
 Formation of all temporary spoil heaps and all double handling necessary, and carting
away excess material to tip.
 Protection of the Works.
All surface areas which have been disturbed by the Contractor’s working or operations shall be
reinstated to the original condition at the Contractor’s expense where directed by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.
3.2.2 Excavation for Channels
The lined water courses shall be excavated to the lines, grades and sections shown on the
Drawings, or as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The slope angle shown on the
Drawings are tentative and may be amended by the Site InchargeProject Manager depending on
the stability of the soils encountered. Care shall be taken to prevent excavation beyond lines and
grades shown on the Drawings.
Initial excavation shall be carried out by heavy earthmoving plant selected by the Contractor, fol-
lowed by rough trimming. This trimming will leave about 300 mm (on bed and side slopes both)
for further trimming to arrive at the final level of excavation as shown on the Drawings.
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Should a slide occur in an excavated slope and material fall into the open excavation or on to a
structure, such material shall be removed and disposed of as approved by the Site
InchargeProject Manager. If directed by the Engineer, the slide area shall be trimmed, cleared
and backfilled with approved compacted material.
If the Site InchargeProject Manager concludes that the slide was caused through the fault of the
Contractor, the removal and disposal of the slipped material and the clearance and the backfilling
of the slide area shall be carried out at no additional cost to the Employer.
Where such slide occurs through no fault of the Contractor, or organic or unstable material is
encountered below finished grade, the Engineer will direct additional excavation to remove the
material. The replacement material shall be placed and compacted as prescribed for
embankments. Payment for the removal of this material shall be measured and paid for as
excavation and the replacement material measured and paid for as embankment fill.
Should the material forming the bottom or side of any excavation, while acceptable to the
Engineer at the time of final trimming, subsequently become unacceptable due to exposure to
weather conditions, flooding, or puddling, softening or loosening, during the progress of the
Works, the Contractor shall remove such damaged, softened or loosened material and excavate
further to sound surface and then backfill with approved compacted material as directed by the
Engineer. Such further excavation and rectification shall be at the cost of the Contractor.
In case such loose silty / sandy material comes under embankments of canal/distributaries, road,
guide bund, it shall be essentially removed and replaced with select fill materials and compacted
as per specifications set forth.
3.2.3 Stockpiling of Suitable Excavated Material
Where material suitable for earthfill in excess of that required to construct adjacent embankments
is encountered and cannot be placed in one continuous operation, then such material shall be
stockpiled within the right-of-way as directed by the Engineer for later use.
The Contractor shall be entitled to no additional allowance above the unit rates quoted in the Bill
of Quantities on account of the requirement for allowing additional time for drying; for stockpiling
and re-handling excavated materials which have been deposited temporarily in stockpiles; delays
or increased costs due to stockpiling; poor trafficability on the excavated areas, haul roads, or the
embankments; reduced efficiency of the equipment the Contractor selects to use; or on account
of any other operations or difficulties caused by dry, very hard, over-wet or slushy materials.
3.2.4 Disposal of Excavated Material
Excavated material, which is not required or is unsuitable for re-use in the Works shall be dis-
posed of as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The Contractor shall give the Site In-
chargeProject Manager adequate notice of his intention to spoil. Material ordered to be disposed
to shall remain the property of the Employer and shall deposit at places designated by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.
Subject to any specific requirements of the Contractor, the disposal of excavated material within
the Site shall be at the Contractor’s discretion but shall be so arranged as to be acceptable to the
Site InchargeProject Manager and to overall requirements for the construction of the works. The
Contractor shall ensure that no excavated material which is suitable for and is required for re-use
in the works is disposed of outside the Site.
The term “excavation” shall be deemed to include for disposing of excavated material in any of
the following ways:
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(a) Backfilling to excavation and completed structures and trench excavation using
suitable excavated material and including placing in temporary spoil tips and any
double handling required.
(b) Transporting selected excavation material to locations within the Site where em-
bankments are to be constructed or where filling around structures is specified to
be constructed as embankment including ripping ready for spreading and com-
(c) Disposal of surplus excavated material outside the Site.
(d) Top soil and excavated material suitable for grassing shall be deposited in tempo-
rary separate spoil tips within the Site.
[(e)] Unsuitable material shall be disposed of as approved by the Site InchargeProject
3.2.5 Blasting
Explosives shall be used only with the prior written permission of the Site InchargeProject Man-
ager and under conditions to be approved by him. The Contractor will be required to indemnify
the Employer against all claims arising therefore in respect of persons, animals, properties and
services. Blasting shall be carried out carefully and such manner as to avoid loosening or shatter-
ing rock beyond the required line of excavation and all loose and shattered rock shall be removed
and any voids formed and made good to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject Manager and
at the Contractor’s expense. Only experienced and qualified personnel shall be employed on this
work and the storage of explosive shall conform to the appropriate regulations. The Contractor
will familiarize himself with and conform to any local Authorities regulations concerning blasting.
3.2.6 Existing Services
Notwithstanding any relevant information famished by the Site InchargeProject Manager or any
public authority, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for ascertaining from his own inspec-
tion of the Site and from the respective supply authorities and other public or private bodies the
position of all pipes and cables whether underground or overhead within or near the Site.
Where excavation is out close to or across or below the existing line of sewers, pipes, cables or
other services, the Contractor shall where required provide temporary supports or slings and
where such sewers, pipes, cables or other services are damaged the Contractor shall arrange for
and pay repair works replacement or costs resulting from such damages.
Where in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager construction of the works cannot be
reasonably carried out unless the sewer, pipe, cable, other service is permanently served or per-
manently diverted or permanently supported, he will instruct the Contractor to provide all neces-
sary facilities and access for the Government Department or public utility company who shall out
such works or shall instruct the Contractor to execute these works.
3.2.7 Excavation to be kept Free from Water
The Contractor shall allow in his rates for excavation for keeping the excavation whether above or
below the Groundwater table, at all times, free from flooding by storm water, percolating water,
subsoil water, rainfall, sewage irrigation water or sewage effluent by pumping, bailing or other
No water or sewage effluent shall be discharged into any water course, onto roads tracks foot-
paths yards or any other area used by vehicular or pedestrian traffic unless approved by the Site
Page 30 of 133
InchargeProject Manager. Such permission shall not be granted unless the Contractor shall have
provided efficient setting basins or sand traps to retain all sand and other solids likely to settle.
The permission to discharge liquids shall be liable to be withdrawn at any time in the event of cir-
cumstances arising and which in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager shall make
such a discharge undesirable. The Contractor shall have no right to claim in respect of withdrawn
of such permission.
The Contractor shall take all precautions to avoid undermining of any part of the works or other
properties by pumping or else, but should undermining occur he shall make good same to the
satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject Manager at the Contractor’s expenses.
In all cases where permissions to use existing water courses, sewers, pipes for the discharge of
liquids has been granted, it will be on the condition that the Contractor cleans out such facilities
after completion of the works at the respective Site.
It is expected that in certain areas the high level of the water table will present problems during
excavation. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the extent of this problem and make due al-
lowance in his tender for draining and maintaining all works in a dry condition during construction.
Water removed from excavations must not be allowed to cause nuisance or damage to traffic or
any public or private property or service. In no circumstances shall dewatering arising be dis-
charged into any part of the sewerage system.
All proposed methods for dewatering excavations shall be submitted to the Site InchargeProject
Manager for his approval. The responsibility for dewatering rests with the Contractor for the dura-
tion of the Contract. Care shall be exercised during dewatering so that no material in or around
the excavations is disturbed as result of dewatering.
3.3 Earthwork for Embankments
3.3.1 Compaction
Compaction is required of all earthfill materials for embankments, bed and slopes of channel. The
materials shall be deposited in horizontal layers of uniform thickness and compacted as specified
herein. The excavation, placing, moistening, mixing and compacting operations shall be such that
the material will be uniformly compacted throughout the required section and will be homoge-
neous, free from lenses, pockets, streaks, voids, laminations or other imperfections.
Unless otherwise approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager the direction of rolling during
compaction shall be parallel to the axis of the embankment.
Fill material which does not conform after compaction to the specified requirements shall be re-
moved and replaced or with the approval of the Engineer, may be moistened or dried out to the
extent necessary and re-compacted.
3.3.2 Compaction Equipment
The Contractor shall mobilize to the project site sufficient equipment for successfully, orderly, and
timely completion of all earthwork operations (excavation, moving, placing, compacting, grading
etc) and shall demonstrate during field trials that the equipment mobilized is suitable for on-site
soils (GP, GW, SP, SW, SP-SM, SM, SC, ML, and CL groups of USCS).
The Contractor shall submit for Project Manger’s approval his proposal for the intended equip-
ment and methodology to be used for the compaction of embankment, bed and slope of the
channels. However, the Site InchargeProject Manager’s approval shall not relieve any of the Con-
tractor’s obligations as set forth in the Contract. The final choice shall be the sole responsibility of

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the Contractor and shall be based on his own assessment of the site conditions and his previous
experience of similar jobs performed under similar conditions. The Contractor shall assure, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, during the field trials, that the equipment selected shall attain and de-
liver the final end results/goals set forth in these Specification.
3.3.3 Moisture Control of Fill
As far as practicable and where necessary, all material to be excavated for compacted embank-
ments from the channel and borrow pits, shall have its moisture content adjusted either by drying
or adding water, so that it is within the specified range when the fill is compacted. The water and
the fill material shall be thoroughly mixed to uniform moisture content.
The moisture content of the earthfill material with fines passing through sieve 200 ≥ 12% during
compaction shall be brought to 1% below to 2% above the OMC. Whenever possible, all water
added to condition the material shall be added in one application at the borrow pit or in the chan-
nels prior to their excavation. When moisture is added to the areas to be excavated, care shall be
taken to moisten the material uniformly to attain the requisite moisture content as required by this
Specification. The Contractor shall control the application of water and check on the depth and
amount of water penetration during application so as to avoid excess moisture.
If at any location to be excavated before or during excavation operations there is excessive mois-
ture, steps shall be taken to reduce the moisture by excavating and placing in temporary stock-
piles materials containing excessive moisture; by excavating drainage ditches; by allowing ade-
quate additional time for drying; or by other means approved by the Site InchargeProject Man-
The earthfill material with fines passing through sieve 200 <12% shall remain thoroughly wetted
(saturated) during compaction.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment above the applicable unit rates
quoted in the Bill of Quantities on account of the requirement for excavating drainage ditches; for
allowing additional time for drying; for stockpiling and re-handling excavating materials which
have been deposited temporarily in stockpiles; delays or increased costs due to stockpiling; poor
traffic ability on the excavated areas, the haul road, or the embankment; reduced efficiency of the
equipment the Contractor elects to use; or on account of any other operations or difficulties
caused by overly wet materials.
3.3.4 Material Requirement
Material for earthfill shall consist of suitable material excavated from channel excavation or struc-
tural excavation.
The Contractor shall use material belonging to any of the Group Symbols GW, GP, GM, GC, SM,
SC, CL, ML, SP-SM, or otherwise specified by the Site InchargeProject Manager, of the soil clas-
sification chart USBR-5000. Stones and indurated material larger than 75 mm shall be removed
from material to be used for compacted embankments. The material shall be free from all rub-
bish, organic matter, and other deleterious/objectionable substances and shall be approved by
the Site InchargeProject Manager.
3.3.5 Construction Requirements of Embankments for Channels
Suitable material for earthfill shall be placed in horizontal layers and compacted with approved
equipment appropriate to the type of soils and in a manner determined by the trial section. The
thickness of the compacted layer shall not exceed 150 mm unless agreed otherwise by the Site
InchargeProject Manager.
Page 32 of 133
For channel embankment constructed with soil having fines passing 200 sieve > 12%, the dry
density, determined in accordance with ASTM D-1556, of the compacted material in the channel
embankment shall not be less than 95% of the laboratory maximum dry density determined ac-
cording to ASTM D-698. Where cohesionless material with fines passing through # 200 sieve are
12% or less (SW, SP or SP-SM groups of USCS) is used, the relative density shall not be less
than 70 percent, as determined by ASTM D-4253 and ASTM D-4254.
During compaction, the moisture content of the fill material shall be maintained in accordance
with Sub-Clause 3.3.3 hereof. The moisture content shall be uniform throughout each layer. Sub-
sequent layers shall not be placed and compacted unless the previous layer has been properly
compacted and approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
The Contractor shall rework the portions of the embankments which do not meet these require-
ments in order to achieve the specified compaction to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject
Manager, by following the procedures specified herein.
 During dry weather, whether fill is being placed or not, the surface of the fill shall be sprayed
with water to prevent cracking of the surface. Should cracking of the fill occur, the Contractor
shall remove such cracked material and replace it with fresh compacted material within the
specified range of moisture content.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting temporary fill surfaces against erosion. At
the end of each working day, or if it starts to rain, the surface of the fill shall be made smooth
with a drainage slope to induce runoff from the filled areas and leave non areas that can re-
tain water. Where necessary, drainage ditches, and the like shall be formed to assist drainage
and to prevent runoff from damaging placed material. Runoff from heavy rain shall be con-
trolled to prevent gulley erosion of the placed fill. Any gulley erosion shall be repaired with
material compacted in accordance with the Specifications, and eroded surfaces shall be re-
stored and graded to ensure a proper bond with new fill placed on them.
3.4 Backfilling behind Structures
All backfill behind structures shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings and/
or established by the Site InchargeProject Manager. Select backfill material shall be obtained
from approved excavations. The distribution of material shall be uniform and such that compacted
backfill is free of lenses, pockets, streaks and other imperfections.
Backfill shall be deposited starting from the lowest elevation of the foundation and spread in uni-
form horizontal layers. Homogeneous material in backfill shall be compacted by suitable ap-
proved equipment to a compacted layer not exceeding 75 mm depth unless otherwise approved
by the Site InchargeProject Manager. Cohesionless free drainage materials in backfill shall be
thoroughly wetted and compacted. Compacted backfill shall have densities, as described in the
Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor shall programme his work for such backfill in areas required for the construction
of concrete or brick structures so that no fill shall be placed until the concrete has reached its 28
days strength. Equipment will not work directly next to the concrete structure unless approved by
the Site InchargeProject Manager. In carrying embankments up to and over culverts or pipe
drains and where required in the Contract, up to and over bridges, the Contractor shall concur-
rently raise the embankments equally on both sides, so that neither side shall have an elevation
greater than 300 mm different from the other side.
3.5 Measurement and Payment

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3.5.1 Excavation and backfilling for RCC Pipe Line Trenches across
No measurement for payment of the excavation and backfilling of RCC pipeline trenches `shall be
made in complying with the requirements of this Section. The costs of excavation and backfilling
work of pipeline trenches for laying of RCC pipes across the Kacha tracks shall be included in the
Contract rate quoted therefor for providing and laying of RCC pipes.
3.5.1 Excavation for Water Storage Tanks
Measurement, for payment, of excavation for water storage tanks will be made of the volume of
material excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed and
shall be taken only in the presence of the Site InchargeProject Manager. The Site
InchargeProject Manager shall be notified at least 24 hours before such measurements are
taken. Before commencing and immediately after completion of surface excavation, the
Contractor shall take survey measurements sufficient to define the dimensions and elevations of
the original and final surfaces.
Measurement will not be made separately for “common” and “rock” excavation.
The measurement will not include the volume of subgrade material or other material that is
scarified or plowed and reused in-place, and will not include the volume excavated without
authorization or the volume of any material used for purposes other than directed. The
measurement will not include the volume of any excavation performed prior to the taking of
elevations and measurements of the undisturbed grade.
Payment for the excavation for water storage tanks will be made at the applicable rate per cubic
meter tendered therefor in the priced Bill of Quantities. These rates shall include the cost of all
labour, materials, temporary construction, pumping, bailing, draining and all other work necessary
to maintain the excavations in good order during construction, and of removing such temporary
construction if so directed. The rate shall also include the entire cost of clearing and stripping of
soil, of excavating and transporting the materials from the excavation to the point of final use, or
to disposal; and, where stockpiles are used. The cost of transporting the material to the
stockpiles; of re-handling and of transporting such material to the point of final use; and the entire
cost of cleaning up excavated surfaces.
Direct payment will not be made for excavation carried out in borrows area or quarries in
accordance with this Clause. The cost of all work in the quarries and borrow areas including
clearing, excavation, separating, selecting, processing, hauling and dumping of unsuitable
materials and of soil conservation measures shall be included in the rate tendered in the Bill of
Quantities for the item for which the materials from the quarries and borrow areas are used.
3.5.2 Earthwork for Embankment of Unlined Water Storage Tanks
Measurement for payment for earthwork for embankment and compaction of earthfill material
placed in embankments for water storage tanks with suitable material obtained from excavations,
stockpiles and/or borrow areas, shall be made in cubic meter of the compacted volume of earthfill
as shown on the Drawings or as otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
Payment for earthwork for embankment and compaction of earthfill in embankments will be made
at the unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities for earthwork for embankment and compaction.
The amount tendered shall constitute full payment for providing the earthfill materials for
embankments, compacting earthfill material, moistening the soil, machinery for compaction,
labour and/or any other activity required to complete the work under this item in all respects in
accordance with the Specifications set forth or as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
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3.5.3 Backfill behind Structures – Water Storage Tanks
Measurement, for payment, of furnishing, placing and compacting backfill work for unlined water
storage tanks will be made of the volume of material in place to the lines grades and dimensions
shown on the Drawings or directed.
Payment for furnishing, placing and compacting backfill will be made at the rate per cubic metre
tendered therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities.
The amount tendered shall constitute full payment for providing the earthfill materials for backfill,
compacting earthfill material, moistening the soil, machinery for compaction, labour and/or any
other activity required to complete the work under this item in all respects in accordance with the
Specifications set forth or as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

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4.1 General
Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and
admixtures as specified, all well mixed and brought to the proper consistency.

All concrete and its constituent materials and all methods and procedures shall conform to applic-
able standards of the British Standards Institution otherwise specified.

The costs of all tests of concrete and/or its components shall be deemed to be included in the

All equipment employed for concrete works require the approval of the Site InchargeProject Man-
ager prior to dispatching to the Project.
4.2 Cement
Unless otherwise specified the cement used in the Works shall be sulphate resisting Portland Ce-
ment (SRPC) complying with B.S 4027. Where specified or ordered Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) complying with BS12 standard current at the time shall be used.

The cement to be used in the works shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer. For each
delivery of Cement the contractor shall furnish, free of cost, and test certificates as directed by
the Site InchargeProject Manager, relating to the cement to be used on the work. Analyses of the
cement shall be shown.

The Contractor shall maintain a record available for inspection by the Site InchargeProject Man-
ager of the locations of cement from each consignment.

The Contractor shall supply samples of cement, when requested by the Site InchargeProject
Manager both from any store on Site and the place of manufacture.
4.3 Aggregates
Aggregates for concrete shall comply with BS 882 current edition.

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand and shall comply with requirements of Table 4 of BS
882. The Site InchargeProject Manager will permit the addition of suitable crushed rock fine ag-
gregate, as necessary, to the sand where in his opinion it is impracticable to obtain the specified
grading of the combined aggregates otherwise than by such addition. The maximum quantities of
particles smaller than 75mm shall, in any event, not exceed 3% by weight when the sample is
tested to BS 812: Section 103.1.

Coarse aggregate shall comply with the requirements in Table 3 of BS 882 for single sized ag -
gregates to the nominal maximum size specified for the appropriate class of concrete and shall
be made up of the following gradings:
a) 40mm single sized

Page 36 of 133
b) 20mm single sized
c) 10mm single sized

The shape of the aggregate shall be rounded, or irregular as defined in BS 812: Part 1. The flaki -
ness index, as determined in accordance BS 812: Section 105.1, shall not exceed 35 and the
10% fines value, as determined by BS 812: Part 111, shall be greater than 50kN.

The water absorption of aggregates to be used for class C35A concrete for water retaining struc-
tures shall not exceed 3% when measured in accordance with BS 812: Part 2.

The soundness of the aggregate, as determined in accordance with ASTM C 88-83 using mag-
nesium sulphate with 5 cycles, shall not show a loss of greater than 15% for fine aggregate and
18% for coarse aggregate.

Immediately after commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall supply samples of proposed
aggregates for preliminary tests of compliance with Specification to the satisfaction of the Site In-
chargeProject Manager before the Site InchargeProject Manager will give approval to the source
aggregates proposed by Contractor. Alternatively, and subject to the approval of the circum-
stances by the Site InchargeProject Manager, the Contractor may submit a Certificate from an in-
dependent laboratory.

Where 40mm nominal maximum size coarse aggregate is specified it shall consist of a mix of
40mm single sized aggregate, 20mm single sized aggregate and 10mm single sized aggregate.

During the performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall supply samples of aggregates when
required by the Site InchargeProject Manager for testing (the samples shall be taken in accord-
ance with BS 812). Testing of all specified requirements will be performed by the Contractor at in-
tervals as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager for each source at each grading ap-
proved by the Site InchargeProject Manager, unless otherwise instructed by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager. Any rejected aggregate shall be promptly removed from Site.

The Contractor shall demonstrate that no part of the aggregates contain any mineral known to
have a potential to cause alkali silica, alkali silicate, alkali carbonate or any other damaging
chemical reaction between alkalis and aggregates. Testing of aggregates shall be accordance
with ASTM C1260-94 and ASTM C586 as appropriate.

Should the results of the tests prove unsatisfactory the Contractor shall make provision for the
employment of a low alkali content cement to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager.
4.4 Water
The water used for making and curing concrete, grout and mortar shall be from a source ap -
proved by the Site InchargeProject Manager and at the time of use shall be free from polluting
matter in any quantity which.

a) Affects the initial setting time of the cement by more than 30 minutes or reduces the com-
pressive strength of test cylinders by more than 20% when tested in accordance with BS

Page 37 of 133

b) Prevents the achievement of the specified test cylinder strengths at 28 days for the
appropriate class of concrete;

c) Produces discoloration or efflorescence on the surface of the hardened concrete.

The water shall be free from hydrocarbons and from suspended organic matter. Inorganic matter
in solution shall not exceed 500mg/l by weight and in suspension shall not exceed 50mg/l by

No salty water shall be used.

The water which the Contractor proposes shall be tested by the Contractor to the approval of the
Site InchargeProject Manager before use in the Permanent Works.

Regular tests of the water shall be made by the Contractor during construction of the Works. The
water shall be sampled at the point of discharge into the mix and the frequency of sampling shall
be as approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The Contractor shall supply two copies of
each test result to the Site InchargeProject Manager.
4.5 Admixtures
Admixtures in general shall comply with BS 1014, BS 3892 or BS 5075 as appropriate. Concrete
shall be made from cement, aggregates and water as specified. No other ingredient shall be
mixed with the concrete or mortar without the Site InchargeProject Manager’s approval.

If the Contractor proposes to use retarding or workability agents then the manufacturer’s literature
must be supplied giving typical dosage, effects of incorrect dosage, the amount of air entertain-
ment associated with its use, and the chloride ion content by weight of the admixture. The Site In-
chargeProject Manager’s approval to the use of admixtures shall be subject to the following con-

a) No reduction of target mean strength compared with additive-free concrete of the same

b) No change in specified cement content or effective water cement ratio.

c) No corrosive effect on reinforcement steel.

d) Dosage and admixture must be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
in respect of the specific conditions pertaining. Dosage to be by an approved dispenser, to
within 5% of the required amount.

If air entertainment is approved the air content shall be 4% for concrete with a maximum aggre-
gate size of 40mm and 5% for concrete with maximum aggregate size of 20mm, with an allow-
able tolerance of 1.5%.

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The method of determining the air content shall be in accordance with BS 1881: Part 106 and the
Contractor shall supply the necessary apparatus so that the Site InchargeProject Manager may
check the air content. If the average air content is greater or less than that specified or the range
is greater than 2%, before any further concrete is used in the Works the Contractor shall take
such steps as may be agreed with the Site InchargeProject Manager to adjust the air content of
the concrete or improve its uniformity. Any rejected air entrained concrete must be removed.
4.6 Chemicals in Concrete Materials
The total sulphate content, whether as gypsum or more soluble salts, of concrete ingredients
when measured as sulphur trioxide shall together not exceed 4.0% of the weight of cement in the
The chloride content of concrete ingredients when measured as Cl shall together not exceed
0.3% of the weight of cement in concrete using SRPC.

The sulphate and chloride contents shall be established using the following tests:

Sulphate Chloride

Aggregate BS 1377 : Part 3 BS 812: Part 117

Cement BS 4550 : Part 1 BS 4550 : Part 2

Clause 12 Clause 17

Water BS 1377 : Part 3 BS 812 : Part 117

The contribution of any admixture must also be included. Testing will be weekly, or as directed by
the Site InchargeProject Manager. When the acid soluble alkali content of the cement is greater
than 0.6% (calculated as Na2 0+0.658K 2 0) the Contractor must demonstrate that no adverse al-
kali-silica reaction is likely. This may be done by determining the alkali content of cement, in ac -
cordance with BS 4550: Part 2 and establishing the alkali content of the concrete. Any concrete
containing less than 3.0Kg/m3 may be considered not at risk. In the event of higher alkali con-
tents a sample of aggregate from each source must be tested in accordance with ASTM C 227-
87. Any aggregate source showing an expansion greater than 0.05% at 3 months shall not be ap-
4.7 Damp proof course
The work shall consists of furnishing and lying Damp Proof Course with cement concrete (1:3) in-
cluding two coats of hot bitumen with polythene sheet between for all the works.

Damp Proof Course of thickness show on the drawing or specified elsewhere with 1:3 cement
concrete mixed with 2Kgs of pudlo per bag of cement bitumen with polythene sheet of 500 gauge
in between shall be used. Pudlo shall be the genuine well known manufacture d prod -
uct used as a water proofing material. The material shall be best quality available and shall be
subject to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager before use.

Pudlo shall be well mixed with cement in dry state.

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The work shall be carried out as per direction of the Site InchargeProject Manager and relevant
British Standard was applicable.
4.8 Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be hot rolled Type 2 Grade 460 deformed high yield steel bars, and shall
comply with BS 4449 – Yield stress minimum 460N/mm2.

Steel fabric reinforcement shall comply with BS 4483.

The Contractor shall supply the Site InchargeProject Manager with certificates of the manufac-
turer issued in accordance with Appendix C of BS 4449 or Clause 11 of BS 4483 for all the re -
quired tests including the rebend test in respect of each consignment delivered to Site. The Site
InchargeProject Manager may require the contractor to submit samples of steel from each deliv-
ery to an approved Authority for testing, the costs of all samples and tests shall be deemed to be
included in the contractor’s rates for reinforcement.

The reinforcement at the time of incorporation in the Permanent Works shall be clean and free
from damage, oil or grease, paint, loose mill scale and loose rust. Bars which have become bent
shall not be straightened or rebent for incorporation in the Works without the approval of the Site
InchargeProject Manager.

Steel reinforcement shall be stored clear of the ground and supported to prevent distortion. The
Contractor shall supply samples of reinforcement from the stocks on Site when required by the
Site InchargeProject Manager.
4.9 Reinforcement Details
The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing bar bending schedules and any additional de-
tails required to fully describe the fixing of the reinforcement, checked and approved by the Site
InchargeProject Manager.
4.10 Waterstops
The Contractor shall supply and fix waterstops in all contraction and expansion joints in members
which are to be liquid retaining and where shown on the Drawings.

They shall be obtained from manufacturers approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager and
shall be stored and fixed in accordance with the manufactures instructions.

PVC waterstops shall comply with Information and Guidance Note 4-31-02 of the UK Water Re-
search Centre.

The number of joints made on Site shall be kept to a minimum. Any jointing of PVC waterstops on
Site shall be by the process of heat fusion using an appropriate jig and heating blade all in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The minimum dimensions of water-stops shall be as tabulated below (all dimensions in mm):

Page 40 of 133
Width Web Thick- Edge Bulb* Centre Bulb* Edge Bulb*
ness diameter Int. diameter height
140 4.5 12.5 8 -
190 4.5 12.5 8 -
240 4.5 19.0 10 22

Notes: * Internal waterstop only

** External waterstop only

Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the width of the waterstop shall be at least equal to the
thickness of the concrete member in which it is embedded, up to a maximum width of 250mm.

The edge bulb section of internal waterstops shall be circular or semicircular. The centre bulb
should be hollow.

The waterstop shall be carefully maintained in the position shown on the Drawings and properly
protected from damage and the harmful effects of light and heat during all stages of construction.
The stop-boards on each side of the waterstop shall be accurately wrought to match the profile of
the waterstop. The concrete shall be carefully compacted under and around the waterstop so as
to leave no cavities.

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer’s test certificates for each consignment of water-
stop delivered to Site and shall if requested supply to the Site InchargeProject Manager sufficient
samples of each type and consignment for confirmatory tests to be carried out in accordance with
the appropriate standard test procedure.

The PVC for PVC waterstop shall be high grade virgin polyvinyl chloride containing no filler, re-
claimed or scrap material. It shall comply with the requirements of BS 2571 for type A3 of Class 1
but shall have improved tensile qualities. The minimum tensile strength shall be 12.5 N/
mm and the minimum elongation at break shall be 28.5%.
4.11 Joint Filler
The Contractor shall supply and fix pre-moulded joint fillers in all expansion joints and where
shown on the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified the joint filler shall be of resin or bitumen
bonded cork or impregnated fibreboard. Impregnated fibreboard shall not be used in water retain-
ing structures. Material shall be obtained from manufacturers approved by the Site InchargePro-
ject Manager and shall be stored and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The joint filler of the material and thickness specified shall be cut to shape and fixed to fill the
whole space between the concrete faces to the joint not otherwise filled by waterstop and joint
sealer. Abutting pieces shall be placed in close contact and the joints covered on each side to
prevent the passage of cement grout.

The Contractor shall supply the manufacturer’s test certificate for each consignment of each type
of joint filler delivered to site and shall if requested supply to the Site InchargeProject Manager
sufficient samples of each type and consignment for confirmatory tests to be carried out in ac-
cordance with the appropriate standard test procedure.
Page 41 of 133
The filler shall comply with the following American Society for Testing and Materials Specification:

a) Resin Bonded Cork ASTM D 1752-84 Type II

b) Bitumen Bonded Cork and ASTM D 1751-83

Impregnated Fibreboard
4.12 Joint Sealers
All joints of concrete members shall be sealed with mastic as specified and/or as directed by the
Site InchargeProject Manager.

The Contractor shall select permanent elastic, synthetic mastic sealing compound, which has a
high degree of extensibility, optimum elastic force and good adhesion to concrete. Products con-
sisting of one or two components, on the basis of polysulphide liquid polymer, silicone rubber and
polyurethane or others may be used; however, only proprietary materials (made by fully recog-
nised manufacturers), which are resistant to aging, oxygen, irradiation with ultra-violet light, wa-
ter, oil, grease, chemicals and biodegradation and which have been approved by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager may be used.

Concrete grey mastic shall be used for joints in exposed concrete areas. Joints in concrete areas
not exposed to the eye may be filled with dark coloured mastic.

The mastic shall be stored in sealed containers in a dry and cool place prior to use, strictly in ac-
cordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Mastic sealing compound used for expansion joints in water tanks shall be:

 Physiologically absolutely safe, i.e. it shall not contain any substances which may be con-
sidered a substrate for water bacteria;
 Resistant to any detergents used in water tanks;
 Complying with the health requirements for potable water.

The Contractor shall construct recesses at all joints and on both faces of the concrete work ex-
cept on the underside of ground slabs. The recesses shall be accurately formed to the lines and
dimensions shown on the Drawings or as agreed with the Site InchargeProject Manager.

The Contractor shall prepare the surfaces of the recess and shall supply a joint sealer and fill or
caulk the recess completely with it.

Joint sealing shall not be commenced without the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager.
In reservoir joints the sealer shall be poured after the construction of the reservoir roof.

All joint sealers shall be from an approved manufacturer. The Contractor shall supply the manu-
facturer’s test certificates for each consignment of each type of joint sealant delivered to the Site
and shall if requested supply to the Site InchargeProject Manager sufficient samples of each type

Page 42 of 133
and consignment for confirmatory tests to be carried out in accordance with the appropriate test

Sealants shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Debonding
strip shall be used in conjunction with the sealers as indicated on the Drawings. The debonding
strip shall be compatible with the joint sealer and shall be resistant to attack from the primer used
to bond the sealer to the concrete.
Polysulphide and polyurethane sealers shall not abut bituminous sealers. Surfaces to receive
polysulphide and polyurethane sealers shall be kept free from bituminous paints.
All sealers shall be appropriate for the prevailing climatic conditions.

Bituminous sealers shall comply with BS 2499 for Type Al.

Polysulphide sealers shall comply with BS 4254.

4.13 Bond Breaking Compound
Bond breaking compound shall consist of 66% of 200 pen bitumen blended hot with 14% light
creosote oil and when cold brought to the consistency of paint by the addition of 20% solvent
naphtha or other approved compound meeting the following requirement.
a) It shall not retard or in any other way affect the setting of concrete.

b) The average bond stress on bars coated with the compound with half their length cast into
concrete specimens and subjected to pull out tests at 7 days shall not exceed 0.13
N/mm and the total movement of the dowel bar relative to the concrete specimens shall
be not less than 0.15mm at that stress. The concrete specimens shall be
150mm x 150mm in section and 450mm long and made with the same mix proportions as
used in the works.
4.14 Poly Propylene Fiber Reinforcement
Not Required for this project
4.15 Classes of Concrete – General
The class of concrete is defined by the characteristic cylinder crushing strength and the nominal
maximum aggregate size, with additional suffix defining any additional requirements. The require-
ments for each class of concrete are given in Table 4.1.
The specified slump values are a guide only and may be varied subject to the approval of the Site
InchargeProject Manager.
The concrete grade is defined as the 28 day cylinder crushing strength (MPa) below which no
more than 5% of results are expected to fall.

Concrete Classes
Concrete Grade Maximum Cement* Workability**
Class (MPa) Aggregate Size Type
28/40 28 40 OPC Medium
28/20 28 20 OPC High
28/10 28 10 OPC High
Page 43 of 133
28/40S 28 40 SRPC Medium
28/20S 28 20 SRPC High
21/20 21 20 OPC -
21/20S 21 20 SRPC -
C15/40 15 40 OPC -

Notes: * SRPC shall be used where specified in these Specifications

** High workability: slump 65 to 135mm
Medium workability: slump 50 to 100mm

4.16 Classes of Concrete – Particular

The classes of concrete to be used are as noted on the Drawings. In addition, the following shall
apply if required:

21/20 - Reinforced concrete in super structures above plinth

- Precast concrete
21/20 - Benching to manholes and chambers.
- Carriageways and footpaths
21/20S - Pipe bedding and pipe anchor
Support blocks & filling with mass concrete.
15/20 - Blinding / Lean Concrete
- Non-structural concrete around manholes & chambers.
- Hunching to kerbs.
C21 - Concrete lining

All concrete or mortar used in sewerage manholes, chambers or tanks shall be made with SRPC.

4.17 Water-Retaining Concrete

Where waterproof concrete is required, the Contractor shall take full responsibility for ensuring
that such construction is completely waterproof (crack-free). Any leaks appearing during the con-
struction and maintenance period of the Contract shall be completely repaired by the Contractor
at his own expense. The method proposed by the Contractor for dealing with shrinkage cracks,
leaks, or other defective work shall have no adverse effect on the finished structure. Treatments
of internal and external concrete surfaces of water retaining structures, etc. (coatings or toppings)
provided in the Bill of Quantities, does not relieve the Contractor of this obligations under the
Contract. These treatments shall be considered as an additional step for waterproofing and/or
resistance to chemical attack.

4.18 Concrete Mix Design

The Contractor shall determine to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager the actual
proportions of ingredients for each class of concrete to be used in the permanent works.

The concrete shall meet the requirements given in Table 4.2(a).

Page 44 of 133
Before commencing any concerning on the Site the Contractor shall conduct tests to the satisfac-
tion of the Site InchargeProject Manager to determine the concentration of sulphate in the soil
and the ground water in order to determine the concrete exposure class as detailed in Table
4.2(b), . The Contractor shall ensure that all concrete susceptible to sulphate attack from the soil
and ground water shall be designed to satisfy the additional requirements given in Table 4.2(b)
for the particular Site exposure class.

TABLE 4.2(a)
Requirements of Classes of Concrete
Cement Content
kg/m3 Maximum
W/C ratio
Minimum Maximum

28/40 245 550 0.65

28/20 275 550 0.65
28/10 315 550 0.65
28/40S 250 550 0.65
28/20S 285 550 0.65
21/20 270 550 0.55
21/20S 280 550 0.55
15/20 220 550 0.60

Notes: 1 Water cement ratio is the ratio of free water to cement in the mix based on aggreg-
ates being in a saturated surface dry condition.

2 Characteristic compressive strength compliance requirements shall be to BS 5328

Clause 3.16.2 and Table 1.

Page 45 of 133
TABLE 4.2 (b)
Requirements of Classes of Concrete
Exposed to Sulphate Attack
Dense fully compacted
concrete made with 20
Concentration of sulphate expressed
Type of Cement nominal size aggregate
Class as SO
complying with BS 882
or BS 1047
In Soil
SO3 2:1
In Cement* Free water
Groundwater Content Cement*
Total SO3 soil
(g/litre) not ratio not
Less than More than
All cements listed in Clause
Less than Less than 6.1, 2.1** BS 12 cements com- No additional require-
1 than
0.2 0.3 bined with pfa* BS 12 cements ments
Combined with ggbfs+
All cements listed in Clause
1.0 to 6.1, 2.1** BS 12 cements com-
2 0.2 to 0.4 0.3 to 0.7 330 0.50
1.5 bined with pfa* BS 12 cements
Combined with ggbfs+
BS 12 cements
Combined with min
25% or max 40%
pfa + + 310 0.55
BS 12 cements
Combined with min
70% or max 90% ggbfs
BS 4027 cements
280 0.55
BS 4248 cements
BS 12 cements
Combined with min
1.5 to 25% or max 40% pfa +
3 0.4 to 0.7 0.7 to 1.4 380 0.45
2.1 BS 12 cements
Combined with min
70% or max 90% ggbfs
BS 4027 cements
(SRPC) 330 0.50
BS 4248 cements(SSC)
BS 4027 cements
2.1 to
4 0.7 to 1.0 1.4 to 2.5 (SRPC) 370 0.45
BS 4248 cements (SSC)
5 Over 1 Over Over 2.5 BS 4027 cements 370 0.45
3.1 (SRPC) and
BS 4248 cements(SSC) with
Protective coating.

Page 46 of 133
Refer Clause **

Note: * Inclusive of pfa and ggbfs content.

** All Clause numbers refer to BS 8110.
+ Refer to BS 8110, Clause 3.3.5
++ Values expressed as percentages by mass of total contents of cement. Pfs and
1. Mix proportions shall be adjusted in accordance with BS 8110, Clause
2. Reference should be made to the notes given with Table 6.1 in BS 8110 retaining to use
of sulphate-resisting Portland cement (SRPC) and the method analysis of soil water ex-
3. SSC – Supersulphated cement.

Unless otherwise specified or agreed by the Site InchargeProject Manager for concrete Grade 30
and above the proportions of coarse and fine aggregates shall be selected to achieve one of the
grading curves defined in Table 4.3, within an allowable tolerance of generally 5%. A change
from a maximum positive tolerance to a maximum negative tolerance in consecutive sieve sizes
should be avoided. Classes 20/40P and 20/40SP shall have a fine aggregate content of 15% of
the coarse aggregates.

Combined Aggregate Grading’s
40mm maximum aggregate size grading curves
Sieve size (mm) 1 2 3 4
50 100 100 100 100
37.5 95 97 99 100
20 50 59 67 75
10 36 44 52 60
5 24 32 40 47
2.36 18 25 31 38
1.18 12 18 24 30
0.60 7 12 17 15
0.30 3 7 11 15
0.15 0 0 2 5

20mm maximum aggregate size grading curves

Sieve size (mm) 1 2 3 4
37.5 100 100 100 100
20 95 97 99 100
10 45 55 65 75
5 30 35 42 48
2.36 23 28 35 42
1.18 16 21 28 34
0.60 9 14 21 27
0.30 2 3 5 12
0.15 0 0 0 1.5

10mm maximum aggregate size grading curves

Sieve size(mm) 1 2 3 4
10 95 97 99 100
5 30 45 60 75
2.36 20 33 46 60
Page 47 of 133
1.,18 16 26 37 46
0.60 12 19 28 34
0.30 4 8 14 20
0.15 0 1 3 6

The Contractor shall submit details of the source of all material and the proposed quantities of
each ingredient per cubic metre of fully compacted concrete. The Contractor shall then make trial
mixes for each class of concrete using the same type of Constructional Plant and the same ma-
terials as are proposed for the Permanent Works. The Contractor shall give 24 hours’ notice of
such trials to enable the Site InchargeProject Manager to attend. For each trial mix, three separ-
ate batches of concrete shall be made by the Contractor and will be tested at 28 days all in ac-
cordance with BS 1881: Part 116. Such trial mixes shall not be the first batch through the plant in
any one sequence of concrete production.

The Contractor shall not commence concreting in the Permanent Works until details of trial mixes
and test results for each class of concrete have been submitted to, and approved by, the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.

A trial mix design will be approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager with respect to strength if
the average compressive strength of the nine cylinders so tested is more than the target mean
strength appropriate to the class as given in Table 4.2(a).

The Contractor shall not alter the approved mix proportions nor the approved source of supply of
any of the ingredients without having previously obtained the approval of the Site InchargeProject

During production the Site InchargeProject Manager may require trial mixes to be made before a
substantial change is made in the materials or in the proportions of the materials to be used.
4.19 Delivery and Storage of Materials
All materials for concrete delivered shall be approved and contain following identification marks
both in English and Urdu and stacked as per instruction of the Site InchargeProject Manager.

 type of cement/steel
 number and date of standard conforming to
 net weight of cement contained in bags
 name, trade name of manufacturer
 country of origin
 date of manufacture

4.20 Control and Mixing of Ingredients

The Contractor shall measure the moisture content in the aggregates and so determine the
amount of water to be added to each batch of fresh concrete. Such determinations shall be to the
approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager and the results and calculations shall be available
for inspection by him. The frequency of such determinations shall be as directed by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager and shall depend on the quality of control of storage and handling,

Page 48 of 133
weather conditions and variability of aggregate supplied.

The Contractor shall proportion the ingredients of each batch of concrete by weight. The measur-
ing equipment should give an accuracy of + 3 % for each ingredient. The Water shall be added to
the aggregates and cement in a mechanical batch mixer; it shall not exceed the maximum ratio
with regard to cement given in Table 4.2 (a) hereof, and shall otherwise be the minimum amount
necessary consistent with complete compaction. The device for measuring the water shall show
accurately the weight required with a given moisture content of the aggregate and shall be so de-
signed that the water supply will be automatically stopped when the correct quantity has been
discharged into the mix. The concrete ingredients shall then be thoroughly mixed.
The minimum mixing time shall be:

i) For mixes of 1.5m3 capacity or less 1-1/2 minutes.

ii) For mixes of larger capacity than 1.5m3 the time shall be increased by 15 seconds for
each additional 0.75m3 capacity. For intermediate sizes the time shall be assessed by

In special circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the Site InchargeProject Manager, the pro-
portioning of materials by volume may be approved. In such circumstances the cement content of
the concrete shall be increased by 10% over the amount in the approved mix. The boxes used for
proportioning shall be deep and narrow to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager, and
shall be separately constructed for each class of concrete to be proportioned by volume.
4.21 Concrete Sampling and Testing
The temperature of concrete, concrete constituents, reinforcement form work and the atmosphere
shall be monitored continuously for every concrete pour. All sampling and testing of fresh and of
hardened concrete shall be carried out in accordance with the provision of BS 1881 unless such
provision is at variance with the Specification.

Table 4.4 gives the program for sampling and testing of concrete for each class of concrete from
each batching centre in each active day.

Program for Works Sampling and Testing

Grade 30 & above Less than 30

Workability (slump test) 1 3
Workability 2 3
(compacting factor test)
Compressive strength 3 3

Where: 0 - no testing required

1 - every batch at point of deposit

2 - one sample from every 10 batches, one sample per 20m 3 of con-
Page 49 of 133
crete or one sample from each day’s concrete, whichever involves
the greatest number of samples.
3 - One sample from every 50 batches, one sample per 50m 3 of con-
crete or one sample from every three days concrete, whichever in-
volves the greatest number of sample.

The Contractor shall establish a plan for sampling and testing to the approval of the Site Incharge-
Project Manager. Samples shall be taken at the place of deposition from each class of concrete
at random. The frequency of sampling shall in general be in accordance with Table 4.4, but the
actual rate of sampling may vary with the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager and shall
be increased when ordered by the Site InchargeProject Manager in appropriate circumstances.
From each such sample six 150mm concrete cylinders shall be prepared; each cylinder shall be
marked indelibly for identification when it is in the mould. After retention at the site for 24 hours
the cylinders shall be delivered to the testing laboratory for curing and testing.
4.22 Compliance with Specified Concrete Requirements
Of the six cylinders made from each sample of fresh concrete in accordance with the Specifica -
tion, three will be crushed at 7 days and the other three at 28 days. The average of the three 28
day’s strengths will be taken as the test result. Compliance with the specified strength require-
ments shall always be judged on the 28 days test results.

Concrete shall be considered to have failed to comply with the Specification:

(a) If a test result is less than the minimum specified in BS 5328 for that class of concrete, in
which case the concrete which it represents shall be broken out and disposed of away
from the site by the Contractor unless at his sole discretion the Site InchargeProject Man-
ager approves otherwise (Ref Table 4.2(a).

(b) If the average of four consecutive test results for that class of concrete shall have failed to
exceed the minimum mean of 4 as specified in BS 5328 in which case no further concrete
of that class shall be placed in the Permanent Works until the Contractor shall have dis-
covered the cause of such failure and rectified it to the satisfaction of the Site Incharge-
Project Manager (Ref Table 4.2 (a).

If a mix fails to achieve the requirements for fresh concrete the batch shall be rejected and no fur-
ther concrete of that class shall be placed in the Permanent Works until the cause of failure has
been rectified.

If test results for strength of concrete of any class are consistently and significantly in excess of
the target mean strength the Site InchargeProject Manager may on the application of the Con-
tractor agree to a reduction in the cement content in the mix for that class, provided the cement
content is not lowered below the minimum specified for that class, nor the maximum water/ce-
ment ratio exceeded.
4.23 Further Testing
When the Site InchargeProject Manager agrees to or requires testing of the hardened concrete in

Page 50 of 133
a structure or precast element all such testing shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1881 or
BS 8110. The results of such tests shall be interpreted in accordance with BS 6089. Any test on
hardened concrete required by the Site InchargeProject Manager shall be completed within 28
days of the Site InchargeProject Manager’s order for the test.

In assessing the results of compressive tests on cores the concrete represented by the core shall
be deemed not to comply with the Specification if the strength of the core when adjusted for
length: diameter ratio and converted to estimated cylinder strength in accordance with BS 1881 is
less than 85% of the specified characteristic strength. Cores shall not be tested for strength at
ages less than 28days and no adjustment shall be made to the measured strength in respect of
the age of the core when tested.
4.24 Transporting, Placing and Compacting Concrete
The concrete shall be handled so that at the point of deposition it is of the specified quality and
approved consistency, nothing having been added to it or lost from it since leaving the mixer. Any
free water shall have been removed from the section to be concreted before concrete is de-

The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager to the arrange-
ments he proposes to use for concreting before commencing concrete work.

The Contractor shall regard the compaction of the concrete as work of fundamental importance
and shall produce a watertight concrete of maximum density compatible with the approved mix.
Compaction shall be assisted by the use of mechanical vibrators of the immersion type, but shall
not involve the vibration of reinforcement or shutters except that vibration of shutters may be al -
lowed in precast concrete, with the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Vibrators shall
be inserted at least to the full depth of the newly deposited concrete, kept in position for about a
quarter of a minute and then slowly withdrawn to prevent the formation of voids. The procedure
shall be continuous with points of insertion 150 to 225mm apart. The number and type of vibra-
tors available for use during each period of concreting shall be to the approval of the Site In-
chargeProject Manager, which will not be given if sufficient stand by vibrators in good working or-
der are not readily available. If concreting is in the dark, ample lighting shall be provided at the
mixing stations and at every place where concrete is being deposited.

Lean concrete for blinding course may be compacted by tamping.

Concrete without a retarded which is not deposited in the work within 30 minutes after the start of
mixing shall not be used unless the Site InchargeProject Manager approves otherwise.

Concrete may be pumped provided the mix design and the nature of pumping comply with the
recommendations given in the Guide to Concrete Pumping as published by the Building Re-
search Establishment (UK) and are not in conflict with any specified requirements.

The first batch of concrete to be made every time work is commenced shall contain 10% more
cement than the normal amount.

Page 51 of 133
Concrete shall be placed continuously up to positions of joints prepared prior to commencement
of concreting. No concrete shall be dropped or chuted into the shuttering in such a manner as to
cause segregation of the ingredients. The deposited layers of concrete shall not exceed 600mm
in thickness. Shallow beams may be concreted to full height in one operation as directed by the
Site InchargeProject Manager. Care shall be taken to ensure that reinforcement projecting from
concrete recently placed is not shaken or disturbed.

Where steps, splays and kickers occur these shall be cast in one with the slab and additional
case shall be taken in the vibration and finishing techniques and procedures to ensure that thor-
ough compaction is achieved and the unset concrete is not subjected to tension and no cracks
are formed. The techniques and procedures to be adopted shall be discussed with the Site In-
chargeProject Manager and his approval received before any such concreting is commenced.
4.25 Truck Mixed Concrete
Truck mixers can be used if authorised by the Site InchargeProject Manager. They shall be of the
revolving type, watertight and so constructed that the concrete can be mixed to ensure a uniform
distribution. When truck mixers are approved to supply concrete to a distant location, the Con-
tractor shall ensure that the following information is supplied on an approved delivery form:

 Type of concrete and ingredients used;

 Water/cement ratio;
 Type and quantity of approved additives to the concrete mix;
 Time of departure from batching plant;
 Slump;
 Signature of plant manager.

Water shall be added to the mix either at site or at the batching plant. In no circumstances shall
water be added in transit.

No concrete shall remain in a revolving truck mixer more than 1 ½ hours.

4.26 Concreting in Unfavorable Conditions
The Contractor shall not place concrete in the Permanent Works:

a) During heavy rains or dust storms.

b) When the air temperature is more than 40o C.

c) When the air temperature is less than 2oC.

d) If the temperature of the concrete on discharge from the mixer is less then 4 o C or more
than 32oC.

e) When the air temperature exceeds 25 oC without taking precautions and demonstrating to
the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager that the maximum internal temperature
of the concrete within 24 hours after casting in place is unlikely to be more than 30 oC in

Page 52 of 133
excess of the ambient temperature or more than 60oC.

f) Without the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager if the temperature of the shut-
ters or reinforcement exceeds 30oC.

To keep within these limits the Contractor may, among other means, spray aggregates with wa-
ter, and use chilled mixing water, or add ice direct to the mixer provided that no ice is present in
the mix when discharged from the mixer.

When concreting in hot weather all material used shall be kept in the shade. Water tanks, mixers
and chutes should be shaded, but where this is not possible they shall be painted white and kept
4.27 Concreting Records
A written record of the concrete works shall be made each day by the Contractor and kept avail-
able for inspection by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The diary shall contain notes and
records of:

a) The names of the Contractor’s Site InchargeProject Managers who are responsible for the
different phases of the concrete work, and also the names of their assistants.

b) The temperatures of air, water, cement, aggregates and concrete, together with the air
humidity and type of weather.

c) Deliveries to the site of concrete materials (quantity, brand of cement, etc).

d) Inspections carried out, tests performed, etc and their results.

e) Times of commencement and completion of different parts of the concrete works, and
times of creation and striking of forms.

f) Quantity of cement, fine and coarse aggregate and admixture used for each section of
work, and the number and kind of test samples taken on these ingredients and water.
4.28 Shuttering
The terms shuttering and form work shall be interpreted as meaning one and the same thing,
namely Temporary Works set up to obtain the required profiles and surface textures of the con-
crete. Shuttering shall be such that it remains rigid during the placing and setting of the concrete
and prevents the loss of any concrete ingredients.

The shuttering shall be fixed in correct alignment and to the true shape and dimensions of the
Permanent Works and shall be designed so that it can easily be removed for curing of concrete to
commence as soon as practicable. Where necessary, shuttering should be so arranged that the
soffit form, properly supported on props only, can be retained in position for such periods as may
be required to allow the concrete to mature as specified in these Specifications. A method of sup-
port which would involve holes or tie wires extending the whole width from face of work to be con -
creted will not be permitted, unless authorised by the Site InchargeProject Manager in writing. No
Page 53 of 133
plugs, bolts, wire ties, holdfasts or any other appliance whatsoever for the purpose of supporting
the shuttering or reinforcement shall be fixed permanently into the structure so that they have
less cover than that specified for the reinforcement or in any way impair the strength or appear-
ance of the work, nor shall they be placed in such a manner that damage to the work would result
in the removal of the same at the time of striking the shuttering.

Before the concrete is placed the retaining surfaces shall be cleaned of sawdust and shavings,
dirt, other debris and standing water.

The inside of shuttering shall be coated with a release agent of non-staining mineral oil, mould
cream emulsion or with other approved material. Adjacent concrete or reinforcement shall not be
contaminated. The release agent must be compatible with any applied finish.

Temporary openings for cleaning and inspection before concreting shall be provided at the base
of column and wall shuttering and where necessary. Shuttering for walls or other thin sections
may have openings where approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager for the placing and
compacting of the concrete.

No concreting shall be started before the shuttering has been inspected by the Site InchargePro-
ject Manager. Unless otherwise approved, top shuttering shall be provided to concrete faces
where the slope exceeds one vertical to three horizontal. Exposed arises shall be formed with a
chamfer measuring 20mm x 20mm.

The rates for concreting shall include shuttering and for all types of cutting and waste, forming
chamfers or as otherwise indicated on the Drawings.
4.29 Surface Finishes
The faces of all concrete shall be left sound, solid, free from voids and to the class of finish speci-

No treatment to the finished concrete other than that specified in the class of finish shall be car -
ried out unless approval to do so has been given by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

Bolt bobbin holes shall be filled with cement and suitable fine aggregate mortar to match the
colour of the concrete. The mortar shall be well worked in and thoroughly cured.

Classes for formed surfaces:

Class F1 – This finish requires no special treatment and is for surfaces which will remain hidden
in the Permanent Works.

Class F2S – This finish is for all exposed surfaces that shall not be rendered. The finish shall be
obtained from forms designed to produce a hard smooth surface with true, clean arises. Only
very minor surface blemishes shall be permitted and these shall be no staining or discoloration.
The formwork shall be faced with plywood or equivalent material in large sheets rigidly supported
so as to prevent distortion under load. The sheets shall be arranged to coincide with architectural

Page 54 of 133
features, or changes in direction of the surface. All joints between panels shall be straight and ei-
ther vertical or horizontal unless otherwise directed and the joints between panels to slab soffits
shall be parallel to the supports. Suitable joints shall be provided between sheets to minimise
joint marks and to maintain accurate alignment in the plane of the sheets.

Class F2R – This finish is for all exposed surfaces that are to be rendered or plastered. The
formwork shall be face with plywood or equivalent material in large sheets rigidly supported so as
to prevent distortion under load. All joints between panels shall be straightened either vertical or
horizontal unless otherwise directed. Suitable joints shall be provided between sheets to minimise
joint marks and to maintain accurate alignment in the plane of the sheets. The surface of the
formwork shall be unplanned so as to produce a rough concrete finish to provide a good key for
the render or plaster.

Class F3 - This finish is identical to Class F2 finish except that the permitted deviations for irreg-
ularities are more stringent as given in Table 4.5.

Profiled Surface Finish – This finish is used where indicated on the Drawings. The quality of the
surface finish and the permitted deviations shall be as for a Class F2S finish.

Where a surface is partly below and partly above the final ground level the finish for exposed sur-
faces shall extend for 500mm below the final ground level.

Classes for unformed surfaces:

Type U1 - This finish is for surfaces where a superior finish is not required. It is also the first
stage for finishes U2 and U3. The finishing operations shall consist of grading, tamping and
screeding the concrete to produce a uniform, plain or ridged surface.

Type U2 - This is a smooth matt finish such as may be achieved by a wood trowel, as required,
inter alia, to receive mastic pavings, block or tile pavings bedded in mastic or screeds. Smoothing
shall be done only after the concrete has hardened sufficiently, and may be by hand or machine.
Care shall be taken that the concrete is worked no more than is necessary to produce a uniform
surface free from marks.

Type U3 - This a smooth steel-trowelled finish for surfaces of concrete pavings, tops of walls,
coping’s and other members exposed to weathering or water, surfaces to receive thin flexible
sheet, tile pavings bedded in adhesive, and seatings for bearing plates and the like where the
metal is in direct contact with the concrete. Trowelling shall not commence until the moisture film
has disappeared and the concrete hardened sufficiently to prevent excess laitance from being
worked to the surface. The surfaces shall be trowelled by hand or machine under firm pressure
and left free from trowel marks.

Type U4 - This is a power trowelled finish for surfaces to receive epoxy resin floor finish. Trow-
elling shall not commence until the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete hardened suf-
ficiently to take the weight of the machine and operator.

Page 55 of 133
4.30 Finishes for Formed Surfaces – Particular
Class F1 is for surfaces which will remain hidden in the Permanent Works.

Unless otherwise stated on the Drawings all exposed surfaces shall be Class F2R, subject to the
following exceptions:

The internal faces of all liquid retaining structures shall be Class F2S.
The exposed faces of all concrete walls shall be Class F2S.
4.31 Permitted Deviations in Finished Work
The irregularities in formed and unformed surfaces for the various classes of finish shall be within
the target limits shown in Table 4.5. If irregularities exceed the target the Contractor shall take the
necessary steps to bring subsequent work within the target. If, however, the irregularities exceed
the maximum allowable shown in the table it shall be sufficient cause for the structure, member or
section of a member of the structure to be removed and properly reconstructed.

In Table 4.5 the type of irregularity is defined as follows:

i) Departure from alignment, and grade and dimension shown on the Drawings.

ii) The cross-sectional dimensions of structural members less than 600mm, such as walls,
columns, beams, etc where, for structural reasons, it is desirable to keep the tolerances
within closer limits than those for alignment and grade.

iii) Gradual irregularities measured from a 3m long template placed against the concrete.

iv) Abrupt irregularities such as those resulting from defective or displaced facing or move-
ment of supports.

Permitted Deviations for
Irregularities of Concrete Surfaces

Tolerances in mm
Formed finish

Type Irregularity Target Maximum allowed

F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3
1 + 20 +5 +1 + 40 + 10 +2
2 + 07 +5 +1 + 15 + 10 +2
3 7 5 +1 15 10 +2
4 7 3 +1 10 5 +2

Tolerances in mm
Unformed finish

Page 56 of 133
U1 U2 U3 U1 U2 U3
1 + 20 + 10 +3 + 35 + 20 +6
2 + 07 +5 +3 + 15 + 10 +6
3 10 5 3 20 10 6

4.32 Remedial Work

A concrete surface with in the opinion of the Site InchargeProject Manager fails to achieve the re-
quired standard shall render that section of concrete, the member of which it is a part, or in ex -
treme cases the whole structure, liable to be rejected by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

No remedial work shall be started before the defective section has been inspected by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager. If the Site InchargeProject Manager permits remedial work as an alterna-
tive to reconstruction, the Contractor shall submit his proposals in respect of the repair to the Site
InchargeProject Manager for his approval.

Bolt bobbin holes shall be filled with cement and suitable fine aggregate mortar to match the
colour of the concrete. The mortar shall be well worked in and thoroughly cured.
4.33 Fixing Reinforcement
Steel reinforcement shall be cut from straight bars free from kinks and bends or other damage,
and cold bent by experienced competent workmen. Bars shall be bent in a bending machine ap-
proved by the Site InchargeProject Manager. Cutting, bending and marking shall be to the toler-
ances and format given in BS 4466 unless otherwise specified or ordered by the Site Incharge-
Project Manager.

The distance between any two parallel bars shall not be less than 5mm more than the nominal
maximum size of aggregate in the concrete, except at approved laps. The length of lap shall be
as shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

The Contractor shall place and fix steel reinforcement accurately in the positions shown on the
Drawings and shall ensure that it remains rigidly in that position during the placing of concrete.
Tack welding shall not normally be permitted, however in particular cases it may be allowed with
the prior approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Supports, spacers, including PVC spac-
ers, and ties shall be subject to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Concrete spac-
ers shall be made of the same quality concrete as that for the work in which they will be embed-
ded with any tying wires galvanized and located to give a minimum cover of at least half that
specified for the reinforcement. Metallic spacers, fixing clips and tying wire shall be compatible
with the material of the reinforcement, and the specified cover shall be maintained.

Spacers should be of such materials and designs as will be durable, not lead to corrosion of the
reinforcement and not cause spelling of the concrete.

Reinforcement projecting from previously cast concrete shall not be bent so as to require rebend-
ing without the prior approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager.

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The main wires of adjacent sheets of steel fabric reinforcement shall be lapped at least 300mm
and the transverse wires at least 150mm.

The Contractor shall not place concrete around reinforcement until the reinforcement has been
inspected by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
4.34 Cover to Reinforcement
Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings the nominal concrete cover to the nearest rein-
forcement (exclusive of concrete blinding and rendering) shall be 40mm.

The actual concrete cover shall not differ from the nominal cover by more than + 5mm for bars up
to and including 12mm size and +10mm for bars greater than 12mm size.
4.35 Construction Joints
Where construction joints are shown on the Drawings the Contractor will not be permitted to alter
these joints or their positions or to increase their number without the prior approval of the Site In-
chargeProject Manager.

Where not shown on the Drawings, the details and positions of construction joints shall be sub-
mitted to the Site InchargeProject Manager for approval before any concreting takes place. They
shall be located so that, when considered with the sequence of concreting, the effects of shrink-
age and temperature are minimized.

Construction Joints shall be formed in straight lines with rigid shuttering perpendicular to the prin-
cipal line of stress and as far as practicable at points of least shear. They shall be the plain type
unless otherwise specified or approved.

As soon as the exposed concrete has sufficiently hardened surface of the joint shall be brushed
with a stiff brush to expose the larger aggregate without it being disturbed. Roughening of the
surface by chipping or hacking will not generally be approved. Before placing fresh concrete
against a construction joint all loose material shall be removed and the surface sluiced with water
until it is perfectly clean, thereafter all ponded water should be removed.

A period of at least 3 days and not more than 14 days, except under special circumstances and
with the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager, shall elapse between the casting of suc-
cessive lifts of concrete.

In the case of water retaining structures no more than 7 days will be permitted to elapse between
casting of the base or footing to a wall panel and the casting of the stem of the wall on the base
or footing.

The cost of construction joints shall be deemed to be included in the rates for concrete.
4.36 Movement Joints
Movement joints (Expansion & Partial Contraction joint) shall be constructed in the positions as
shown on the Drawings or as directed or approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

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Where indicated on the Drawings, dowel bars shall be positioned across the joint. They shall be
placed with the midpoint of the longitudinal axes intersecting the plane of joint at right angles, half
the length of the bars being suitably coated to prevent bonding. Fitted over the coated length
shall be a pipe sleeve, closed and packed with compressible filler for a depth of 25mm at the end
of the bar remote from the joint.

Where shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager, joints shall be
sealed on one or both faces as required. On the face or faces requiring sealing, a groove of the
shape and dimensions shown on the standard joint details shall be formed. Not earlier than four-
teen days after the placing of the concrete, or when otherwise directed by the Site InchargePro-
ject Manager, the groove shall be cleaned, dried if necessary, primed and filled with a suitable
approved mastic sealing compound to the underside of the chamfers. The sealer shall be pre-
pared and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The joints shall be made by forming the concrete on one side of the joint and allowing it to set be-
fore concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. The surface of the concrete first placed at
contraction joints shall be coated with band breaking compound before the concrete on the other
side of the joint is placed.
4.37 Protection and Curing of Concrete
The Contractor shall take measures to the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager for the
protection of concrete from the harmful effects of wind, sun, high and low temperatures, rapid
temperature changes, premature loading, deflection, impact and aggressive ground water. Such
measures shall continue from the time that the concrete is placed for a minimum of 14 days.

All exposed concrete surfaces shall be kept moist, for not less than 14 days after casting by
methods to be approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager in writing before use.

Concrete surfaces shall be protected and cured in the following manner.

a) The concrete shall be kept moist for a continuous period of at least 14 days after placing
by covering it with moist sand, wet sacks, canvass, fibre mats or other satisfactory mate-
rial capable of retaining the moisture, or by providing a sprinkler system.

b) Utilizing of an approved non-bituminous pigmented liquid curing compound of an ade-

quate type. The compound shall be applied strictly in accordance with the recommenda-
tions of the manufacturer. This compound shall not be applied on concrete surfaces of
movement or construction joints.
4.38 Removal of Shuttering
Shuttering shall be removed in accordance with Table 4.6. In certain circumstances reductions
may be made to these times in accordance with the principles of BS 8110: Part 1: Clause 6.9.3,
with the prior written approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Unless the soffit shuttering to
beams and slabs has been designed so that it can be struck without disturbing the props, it shall
be retained in position for the minimum period given in Table 4.6 for the retention of the props.
Great care shall be exercised during the removal to avoid shocks to, or reversal of stress in, the
Page 59 of 133
Minimum Period Before Striking formwork

Temperature of Concrete 16o C 7oC

Type of formwork
Vertical formwork to columns,
Walls and large beams 18 hours 24 hours
Soffit formwork to slabs
(props left under) 4 days 7 days
Props to slabs 11 days 14 days
Soffit formwork to beams
(props left under) 8 days 14 days
Props to beams 15 days 21 days

Notwithstanding the foregoing the Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage arising
from removal of formwork before the structure is capable of carrying its own weight and any inci-
dental loading.
4.39 Cement Mortar
Mortar shall comply with BS 5628.

Sand shall be to BS 1200, Table 1, for general purpose mortars. Cement shall be as specified in
Clause 4.2.

Plasticizers shall comply with BS 4887 and be used only as recommended by the manufacturer.

The dry ingredients of cement mortar shall be thoroughly mixed with just sufficient water to make
it workable to the correct degree. With the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager anon-
shrink admixture may be used subject to the provisions of these Specifications.

Cement mortar which has begun to set shall not be used or reworked for use in the works.

Mortar shall be mixed in a batcher mixer of a type approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager
or mixed by hand as instructed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

The proportions of mortar shall be:

a) Type M1

Mortar for block work and building in ancillary components such as sills, coping’s, lintels.

Cement: Sand 1:3

The proportion of sand may be increased to give a maximum cement: sand ratio of 1:5 provided
that the workability of the mortar is maintained by the addition of an approved Plasticizer.

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b) Type M2

Mortar for:
 bedding steel flooring system support angles;
 packing cavities between pipe work or embedded plant and the surface of structural con-
crete or block work;
 Packing under horizontal surfaces such as stanchions and machine baseplates;
 grouting of steel channels or support frames for switchboard and electrical equipment.

Cement: Sand 1:1

Leveling of the equipment before mortar packing, and checking of alignment before and after the
grouting will be carried out by others.

Immediately before mortar packing, the space between the concrete and base plate shall be
cleaned and thoroughly wetted. All excess water shall then be blown away by means of a com-
pressed air jet.
4.40 Cement Grout
Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the following table using the
minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary fluidity and to render it capable of penetrating
the work.
Class Nominate mix by mass
Cement Sand
G1 1 -

The Contractor shall carry out the following grouting work as and when instructed by the Site In-
chargeProject Manager, using the specified grout type:

i, filling of pockets containing holding-down bolt anchorages or ragbolts: G1

ii, Grouting of bolt tubes:G1

Leveling of the equipment before grouting, and checking of arrangement before and after the
grouting will be carried out by others.

Grout shall be mixed in a batcher mixer of a type approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager
or mixed by hand as instructed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

Immediately before grouting, the grout pockets shall be cleaned and thoroughly wetted. All ex-
cess water shall then be blown away by means of a compressed air jet.

The grout shall be transported from the mixer to the placing point quickly and in such a way that
the materials do not segregate. Grout shall be placed within 30 minutes of being mixed.

Grout shall be worked into position with roads or other suitable instruments until the whole of the

Page 61 of 133
space is completely filled with the grout. Mechanical vibrators shall not be used.

The main grouting and the grouting of bolt sleeves and pockets should normally be carried out at
the same time. If separate operations are advisable bolt sleeves and pockets shall be grouted up
to approximately 50mm below the level of the concrete foundation before the main grouting.
4.41 Precast Concrete
Unless otherwise specified or described all precast concrete work shall be of Class 30/20.

Moulds for precast units shall be so constructed as to provide a Class F3 finish to the units unless
otherwise specified.

Each mould for concrete work which is specified or approved by the Site InchargeProject Man-
ager to be precast shall have a different embossed or recessed identification mark in a position to
the approval of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Each precast unit shall be indelibly marked
with the date of casting and after the mould is removed shall not be disturbed for 28 days.

Each precast unit shall, where required, be provided with lifting eyes and holes located to avoid
excess stress during handling to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject Manager. Units re-
quiring removal at a later date for inspection/maintenance shall be provided with permanent lifting
points where indicated on the Drawings. These shall be proprietary fixings allowing easy removal
of the units and shall have suitable protection against corrosion. They shall not protrude above
the finished surface of the concrete.

Temporary lifting points shall be removed or covered up and any holes or recesses shall be filled
after installation of the precast units.

Precast units must be of a sufficient age and handled with sufficient case to avoid permanent
damage. The Contractor shall take steps to ensure the even seating of all pre-cast members on
their bearings to the satisfaction of the Site InchargeProject Manager.
4.42 Measurement and Payment
4.42.1 Measurement

Measurement, for payment, of concrete required to be placed directly upon or against surfaces of
excavation will be made to the lines for which payment for excavation is made.

Measurement, for payment, of all other concrete will be neat lines of the structures an shown on
the Drawings unless otherwise prescribed in this Specification.

In measuring concrete for payment, deductions will be made for the volume of all ducts,
embedded pipes, surface conduits and drains, recesses for rails and gate guides in first stage
concrete, embedded metalwork and other blockouts having a cross-sectional area larger than
0.10 m2 as measured at right angles to their longitudinal axis. Deductions will also be made for all
openings, recesses and blockouts with cross-sectional areas less than 0.10 m 2 but which have an
individual volume larger than 0.5 m3.

Page 62 of 133
Measurement, for payment, for concrete required for treatment of defects outside the excavation
pay lines other than in excavation for underground works will be made for the actual volume of
concrete directed to be placed in these locations.

Measurement, for payment, of backfill / dental concrete will be made of the actual volume of
concrete placed as directed by the Engineer.

Measurement of precast concrete shall be made as per dimension shown on drawings.

4.42.3 Payment

Payment for concrete in the various parts of the Works will be made at the applicable rates per
cubic meter tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities. These rates shall include the cost of all
labour, constructional plant, formwork and materials including cement required in the
construction, except that payment for providing and placing or installing reinforcing bars.

Payment will not be made for concrete required to be placed outside specified or approved
excavation pay lines due to over-breakage, excess excavation or wasted concrete, or for any
other reason.

Direct payment will not be made for cement used in concrete, mortar, shotcrete, dry-pack or grout
for filling the cavities.

The cost of producing or providing aggregates required under this Specification shall be included
in the rates tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities for the various grades of concrete
construction in which the aggregate is used.

The Contractor will not be entitled to any additional payment for materials wasted from deposits,
including crusher fines, excess material of any of the sizes into which the aggregates are required
to be separated by the Contractor and materials which have been discarded by reason of being
above the maximum sizes specified for use.

The cost of contraction joints shall be included in the rate tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities
for the concrete in which the joints are required.

The cost of expansion joints shall be included in the rate tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities
for the concrete in which the joints are required.

The cost of all labour and materials for forms and for any necessary treatment or coating of forms
shall be included in the rates tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities for concrete for which the
forms are used.

All materials, labour and construction plant required for the repair of concrete shall be provided at
the expense of the Contractor.

No payment will be made for the backfill / dental concrete to fill the over excavation due to
negligence and fault of Contractor.
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The cost of placing concrete in blockouts, and dry pack and grout under base plates of equipment
and machinery supplied and installed by the Contractor shall be deemed to be included in the
rates tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities for items of work for which the concrete and grout is
No separate payment will be made for injection of cement grout or epoxy grout for filling the gap
or cavity within hardened concrete.

Page 64 of 133
5.1 Scope

The work covered by this section of the Specification consists of furnishing Galvanized Iron (G.I.)
Pipes, plant, labour, equipment, appliances and materials and of performing all operations
required for installing and testing the G.I. pipes in strict accordance with the Specification of this
section and the applicable Drawings and subject to the terms and Conditions of the Contract. The
Work shall also include supply and installation of various types of valve as specified in the Bill of

5.2 Materials
5.2.1 G.I. Pipes
 The galvanized iron pipes shall conform to BS specifications No. 1387 for “Steel tubes and
tubular, suitable for screwing to BS-21 pipe threads”.
 All screwed tubes and sockets shall have threads in accordance with BS-21. In order to
prevent damage to the leading thread, the end of the sockets shall be chamfered internally.
 A complete and uniform adherent coating of zinc shall be provided for galvanized iron pipes.
 Every tube shall be tested at the manufacturer's works to a hydraulic test pressure of 5 MPa
and shall be maintained at the test pressure sufficiently long for proof and inspection.
 The threads of all tubes shall be effectively covered with good quality grease or other suitable
compound, and each tube above 50 mm nominal bore shall have a protecting ring affixed to
the un-socket screwed ends.
5.2.2 Cast Iron Sluice Valve

Sluice Valve shall have (i) cast iron body; (ii) gunmetal spindle; (iii) cast iron gate with gunmetal
sealing wings for size 75 mm and above; (iv) solid gunmetal gate for size lower than 75 mm and
(v) shall pass a test pressure of 1.5 MPa or equivalent to NP-16 (16 kgs/sq. cm).

The working pressure on valves shall not be less than the working pressure of the system on
which they are installed, but in no case it shall be less than NP-6 (6 kgs/ or 0.6 MPa.

5.3 Handling and Installation of Pipes

G.I. shall be handled with special care at all times during the manufacture, while transporting to
the site of work, and while installing. Each pipe shall be carefully inspected before being laid and
no cracked, broken or defective pipe shall be used in the work.

G.I. pipes shall be installed at locations as shown on drawings and instructed by Site
InchargeProject Manager.

5.4 Measurement and Payments

5.4.1 Supply and Installation of G.I Pipes

The quantity to be paid for under this item will be measured per linear meter of length of the pipe
laid at site complete in all respects as per relevant drawings. The Cost of G.I. fittings and specials is
included in cost of Pipes measured as above.

5.4.2 Supply and Installation of Sluice Valves

Page 65 of 133
The quantity to be paid for under this item will be measured in numbers acceptably provided and in-
6.1 General
The work shall consist preparation and compaction of the natural ground/original ground, the
cleared and grubbed surface (i.e. the surface after cleaning and grubbing), stripped surface after
stripping and the excavated surface after excavation, prior to commencement of the laying and
compaction of stone spawl in accordance with these specifications as shown on the Drawings or
as directed by the Site InchargeProject Manager. The preparation and compaction of Natural
ground shall be carried out through a written order by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
6.2 Construction Requirements
The natural ground/cleared and grubbed surface shall be broken up, ploughed, scarified; all sods
and vegetation matter removed and compacted to a depth of 200 mm and to the specified density
as per the Bill of Quantities. The density shall be determined by AASHTO T-180 test method.
6.3 Measurement and Payment
Measurement for preparation and compaction of natural ground shall be made as sq. m (Length x
breadth) of the area acceptably prepared and compacted along the surface to the specified den-
sity according to specifications, drawings and as instructed by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
Payment for preparation and compaction of natural ground shall be made in sq. m (Length x
breadth) of the area measured as above. The Contract rate shall include all costs of labour, mate-
rial, equipment and machinery to complete the Work according to specifications and as instructed
by the Site InchargeProject Manager.

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7.1 Scope

The work covered by this section of the Specification consists of furnishing all reinforced concrete
pipes, Plant, labour, equipment, appliances and materials and of performing all operations
required for installing and testing the RCC pipes in strict accordance with the Specification of this
section and the applicable Drawings and subject to the terms and Conditions of the Contract.

7.2 Materials

All materials used in the manufacture of reinforced cement concrete pipes for use under this
Contract shall conform ASTM C-76-91 or latest revision and also to the following specifications.

7.3 Cement

The sulphate resistant cement to be used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete pipes shall
conform to the requirement of ASTM C 150 (latest revision).

7.4 Aggregates

The coarse/fine aggregate to be used in the manufacture of concrete pipes to be furnished and
installed under this Contract shall be generally from approved source.

7.5 Water

Water to be used in the manufacture of pipes shall be approved by the Project Engineer.

7.6 Steel Reinforcement

The material shall conform to the requirement of the specified standards.

7.7 Class of Pipes

The reinforced cement concrete pipes to be furnished and installed shall be of the strength Class
II or specified otherwise on the Drawings.

Following technical criteria shall be adhered to:

Class of Pipe: Class-II

Concrete Strength: 4000 Psi (Cylinder Test)

The design requirements for these classes of reinforced cement concrete pipes shall be as
described in ASTM Designation C-76, Table 1 to 5 for the respective strength classes. Unless
otherwise called for in other parts of these Technical Specifications or as ordered, all reinforced
cement concrete pipes shall comply with the Wall-B design requirements as set forth in said
Table 1 to 5 of ASTM Designation C-76-82 or latest revision.

7.8 Basis of Acceptance

Acceptance of reinforced cement concrete pipes will be on the basis of three edge bearing and
material tests as per ASTM Designation C-76-79 or latest revision and inspection of
manufactured pipes for defects and imperfections. The Contractor shall bear the cost of such

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tests and pay fees etc., and also pay for the carriage of such samples and all other expenses
contingent to tests.

7.9 Pipe Dimension

The internal diameters and wall thicknesses of reinforced concrete pipes under this Contract shall
be as set Forth in ASTM C-76-91 or latest revision as given in Table for "Wall B" pipes as
required. The lengths of reinforced concrete pipes under this Contract shall be as required to
provide the designated laying length plus any overlap needed for the pipe joint. Only one laying
length shall be permitted for each size of Reinforced concrete pipe under this Contract and pipes
not of the approved uniform laying length shall not be used in the work. Each layer of
circumferential reinforcement shall be assembled into a rigid case supported by 4 Nos.
longitudinal bar of quarter inch diameter. The strength test requirements in pounds per linear foot
of pipe under the three-edge-bearing method shall be either the D-Load (test load expressed in
pounds per linear foot per foot of diameter) to produce 0.01 in Crack, or D-load to produce the
0.01 inch crack and the ultimate load as specified below, multiplied by the Internal diameter of the
pipe in ft.

For Class II Pipes, the Wall Thickness for various dia pipes is as under:

 12 inch dia. pipe : 2.00 inch

 15 inch dia. pipe : 2.25 inch
 18 inch dia. pipe : 2.50 inch
 21 inch dia. pipe : 2.75 inch
 24 inch dia. pipe : 3.00 inch
 27 inch dia. pipe : 3.25 inch
7.10 Installation
7.10.1 Handling of Pipes

RCC pipes shall be handled with special care at all times during the manufacture, while
transporting to the site of work, and while installing. Each pipe shall be carefully inspected before
being laid and no cracked, broken or defective pipe shall be used in the work.

Chipping of the tongue and groove or bell and spigot pipe ends, which in the Site InchargeProject
Manager's opinion may cause defective joints, shall be sufficient cause for the rejection of any
concrete pipe.

7.10.2 Excavation and Backfill

The excavation and backfill work required for laying of RCC pipe shall be as specified in
applicable Section 10 of these Specifications. All cost of labour, material and machinery related to
excavation and backfilling for laying the RCC pipes shall be included in the Contract Rate quoted
therefor for providing and laying RCC pipes and measured in running meter “R.M”

7.10.3 Stone Spawl Pipe Bedding

The stone spawl pipe bedding work in the pipeline foundation as shown in drawings shall be
carried out in a manner as specified in Section 9 of these Specifications. All costs of labour,
material and machinery related to stone spawl bedding work in the pipeline foundation shall be
included in the Contract Rate quoted therefor for providing and laying RCC pipes and measured
in running meter “R.M”

7.11 Measurement and Payments

Page 68 of 133
7.11.1 Measurement

The quantity to be paid for under this item will be measured per linear meter of length of the pipe
laid at site complete in all respects as per relevant drawings. The stone spawl work in pipeline
foundation shall be not measured. The excavation and backfilling work in pipeline trenches shall
not be measured.

7.11.2 Payment

Payment shall be made for length of the pipe including providing, carting, laying, jointing etc.
complete in all respect as provided at the Contract Unit Price per running meter and shall
Constitute full compensation for all work related to the item. The payment shall also include all
costs of labour, materials, machinery, etc. related to the stone spawl bedding work in pipeline
foundations as well as the excavation and backfilling work in pipeline trenches as shown in
drawings. No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor in these respects.

Page 69 of 133

8.1 General

This section covers the methods of construction for pipes and bedding of RCC Pipes together
with methods of excavation and backfilling trenches related to work.

8.2 Bottoming of Trenches

Trenches shall be excavated to the levels necessary to allow the specified depth of bedding to be
laid in pipe foundation and care must be taken to avoid deterioration of the trench bottom prior to
and during the construction.

Soft areas below formation level shall, upon the instructions of the Site InchargeProject Manager,
be excavated out to levels as directed and the material disposed of. The formation level of the
excavation shall be restored; using an approved fill compacted.

Where localized hard spots encountered below formation level, the material shall, upon the
instructions of the Site InchargeProject Manager, be excavated out to levels as directed and
material disposed of and the formation level restored.

8.3 Stone Spawl Pipe Bedding

The pipe bedding shall consist of stone spawl laid along the longitudinal section of the RCC pipe
to the dimension shown in the Drawing.

8.4 Construction Procedure – Stone Spawl Bedding

The stone spawl bedding shall be formed to the dimension shown in the Drawings.

Stone spawl bedding material is essential for the structural stability of the pipe and care must be
exercised in placing and compaction of the bedding material.

The trench shall be bottomed in accordance with sub-section 4.2

Stone Spawl bedding to pipes shall not be placed without the consent of the Site InchargeProject

The stone spawl materials for pipe bedding shall conform to the requirements of Section 8.2. It
shall be suitably protected and cured and no backfilling shall take place until placing and
compaction of stone spawl is completed and approved by Site InchargeProject Manager.

8.5 Backfilling of Trenches

Page 70 of 133
The backfill material shall be uniform readily compactable material excluding.

 Material from swamps, marshes or bogs.

 Vegetable matter, timber or similar material liable to decomposition.
 Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion.
 Clay or earth having excess moisture content.
 Rock over 100 mm in any dimension.

Backfilling of trenches shall not take place until the Site InchargeProject Manager’s permission
has been obtained.

Excavation shall be carried out in such a manner that material which is unsuitable for backfilling
shall be separated and removed from the site.

Suitable material for backfilling shall be deposited and compacted in layers not exceeding
150 mm thickness.

8.6 Measurement and Payment

No measurement for payment of stone spawl pipe bedding work as well as the excavation and
backfilling of pipeline trenches shall be made in complying with the requirements of this Section.
The costs of supplying, placing and compacting of stone spawl pipe bedding materials to the di-
mensions shown on drawings as well as the excavation and backfilling work of pipeline trenches
for laying of RCC pipes across the work area shall be included in the Contract rate quoted there-
for for providing and laying of RCC pipes.

Page 71 of 133
9.1 Scope of Work
The work to be done under Cleaning and Clean-up covers furnishing of all labor, materials, equip-
ment and services, and performing all operations necessary for, and properly incidental to, clean-
up during construction and final cleaning of the site prior to acceptance of the Works, portions of
Works by the Employer as specified herein and elsewhere in the Contract.
9.2 Clean up during Construction
It is required that the entire site be kept in, a neat and orderly condition, and the Engineer may, at
any time during construction, order a general clean-up of the site as part of the work under this
The Contractor shall dispose of waste, trash, and debris in an acceptable manner, in accordance
with applicable laws and as prescribed by the Engineer or authorities having jurisdiction. Burying
of waste material on the site and/or burning of trash and debris on the site will not be permitted,
unless approved by the Site InchargeProject Manager.
Location of dump of trash and debris and length of haul will be the Contractor's responsibility.
9.3 Final Site Clean-up
Also, prior to final inspection, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean the entire site and put in into a
neat, acceptable condition. He shall remove from the entire site all construction waste and
unused materials, loose rock and stones, waste earth, and debris of any description resulting
from the work.

9.4 Measurement and Payment

No separate measurement or payment shall be made for work required under this Section. All
costs in connection with the work specified herein shall be included the various items of work in
the Bill of Quantities.

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Inspections and Tests

10.1 Inspections and Tests of Pipelines

10.1.1 Pipe Inspection, Testing & Marking

1. Metallurgical Tests
Metallurgical Tests confirm that the chemical requirements of pipe are as per the material
 Metallurgical Tests are normally known as Micro and Macro pipe inspection & testing.
 Micro Analysis or Chemical Analysis of
 Raw material
 Product
 And Weld ensures that all the alloying elements are within the range as specified
in the material standard
 Macro Analysis for Weld will check proper fusion of weld material with pipe material.

There are some Special pipe inspection tests also carried out on the material when it is going to
be used in aggressive environments. These tests will ensure that pipe material is able to
withstand in such aggressive environments also. Some of the tests are

 Grain size (AS & SS)

 IGC- Intergranular Corrosion Test (SS)
 Ferrite (SS)
 HIC- Hydrogen-induced Cracking
 SSC- Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking

2. Destructive test
The mechanical / Destructive test type of pipe inspection confirms the mechanical requirements
of pipe are as per the material standard.

In Destructive Testing- a sample from the pipe is cut to performed tests

 The tensile test is done to check yield and ultimate tensile of the pipe. If required by the
Employer or by standard high or low-temperature tensile test are also performed.
 Bend test / Guided bend test are used to check integrity of weld joint
 Flattening test examines ability of plastic deformation in pipe
 Impact test / Charpy V-Notch Test, check the ability of material to withstand under low-tem-
perature conditions
 Creep test is done to check long term effect of temperature under constant load.

3. Pipe Inspection – Hydro Test, NDT, Visual and Dimension

To ensure product quality, during and after the production certain pipe inspection and non-
destructive testing are performed on the body & weld of the pipe. These pipe inspections will
check whether any physical defects are present in the pipe/weld, which may affect its
performance during the service. These testing are

 Flux leakage examination or Magnetic flaw detection

Page 73 of 133
 Eddy current
 Ultrasonic – can be done on full body or only for weld seam
 Radiography (Only for Weld)
 Magnetic particle test for pipe ends & weld seam
 And Positive Material Identification.

10.1.2 Hydrotest of Pipe

Hydrostatic Test or Hydrotest of pipe is carried out to

 Ensure that pipe is 100% leak proof

 It also ensures the ability of pipe to withstand under pressure
 Hydro test pressure is calculated based on equation given in ASTM A530,

P = 2St/D or S = PD/2t

 P = hydrostatic test pressure in psi or Mpa,

 S = pipe wall stress in psi or Mpa,
 t = specified nominal wall thickness, nominal wall thickness corresponding to specified
ANSI schedule number, or 1.143 times the specified minimal wall thickness, in. [mm], and
 D = specified outside diameter, outside diameter corresponding to specified ANSI pipe
size, or outside diameter calculated by adding 2t (as defined above) to the specified inside
diameter, in. [mm].

Holding time for the hydro test is minimum 5 sec as per ASTM A530. Pressure is monitored by
the computerizing system. For welded pipe inspection, the test pressure should be held for a
time, sufficient to permit the inspector to examine the entire length of the welded seam.
Hydrostatic test can be waived under certain conditions as set in the ASTM standard

10.1.3 Pipe Visual Inspection

 Visual Inspection is one of the most effective inspection method used to check overall prod-
uct quality. During the visual inspection, you will check for overall product finish. You will
check for surface imperfections such as mechanical marks, lamination, tears or any other
visual imperfections and also check weld defects such as porosity, undercuts, uneven weld
bead, and excess or under fill of weld material. Acceptance of these imperfections is as per
applicable ASTM standard.

10.1.4 Pipe Dimension Inspection

 Dimension inspection of the pipe is carried out based on the Dimension Standard, final di-
mension of the pipe must confirm to the standard as specified in the Specifications.
 During dimensional inspection, following to be confirmed with standard

 Diameter
 Length
 Thickness
 Straightness
 Ovality &

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 Weight

Permissible Variations depends on manufacturing standard.

11.1.5 Pipe Marking Inspection

Once the pipe is cleared all test and inspection, it is marked as per the standard requirements

 Following shall be marked on pipe

 Manufacturer logo
 ASTM material code
 Material Grade
 Size
 Thickness- schedule no.
 Length
 Heat No
 Special marking WR for weld repair or NH for the non-hydro tested pipe.
 These Marking can be done by paint or by Hard punching

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All brick masonry required to be constructed under these specifications for ma-
sonry buildings, structures, piers, abutments, and perforated as directed by the En-
gineer- in-Charge, shall consist of the materials herein specified and cement sand
mortar shall be proportioned, mixed, and bricks placed in accordance with the re-
quirements stated herein. The requirements set forth herein shall apply to all brick-
work, except when such requirements are specifically modified by the Engineer-in-
Charge for any particular item of work.


All products supplied under this section must be obtained from an approved source
with respect to strength and quality. The contractor will not be permitted to change
the source of supply without the permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.


The clay bricks shall be manufactured from good firm loam with a clay content
ranging from 10 to 20 percent as per BS 6669, which will give plasticity index of 7.
The earth shall be free from objectionable quantities of lime, gravel, coarse
sand and roots or other organic matter. Salts and calcium silicates in the earth
shall not exceed 0.5% and 2.0% respectively as given in BS 187.

The common burnt clay bricks shall be hand moulded or machine moulded. They
shall be free from nodules of free lime, visible cracks, flaws warp age and organic
matter, have a frog 100 mm in length 40 mm in width and 10 mm to 20 mm deep
on one of its flat sides as per BS 4729. Bricks made by extrusion process and
brick tiles may not be provided with frogs. Each brick shall be marked (in the frog
where provided) with the manufacturer’s identification mark or initials.


Nominal size of clay bricks/tiles shall be as follows as per BS 4729:

Bricks: 9 inches x 4-1/2 inches x 3 inches (225x113x75mm)

Tiles: 12 x 6 x 2 inches (300x150x50mm)
12 x 6 x 1-1/4 inches
9 x 4-1/2 x 2 inches

The bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be
uniform in colour and emit clear ringing sound when struck. Bricks required for con-
struction works usually measure 225x113x75 mm as nominal size. However,

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Bricks/Tiles used for special works shall measure according to the special needs.


Bricks as they come from the kiln are stored and stacked in stacks of one or two
thousands separately, accordingly as they are First Class, Second Class, Third
Class (under burnt or 'pilla' Fourth Class (over-burnt or 'Jhama') and Fifth Class
(Sundried) Bricks.


The size of bricks shall be as specified. They shall be well burnt without being vitri-
fied. They shall be of uniform colour, regular in shape and size, with sharp and
square corners and parallel faces. They must be homogeneous in texture and
emit a clear ringing sound when struck. They shall be free from flaws and cracks.
They shall not absorb more than 1/6th of their weight of water after being soaked
for one hour at a temperature of 24 to 26oC, and shall show no signs of efflores-
cence on subsequent drying. The average compressive strength of six representa-
tive bricks shall not be less than2000 pounds per square inch. The average weight
of ten bricks shall not be less than 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kgs).


Second class bricks shall be as well burnt as first class, or slightly over-burnt but
not vitrified in any part and must give a clear ringing sound when struck. In this
class of bricks slight irregularities in size, shape, or colour will be accepted but
not such as to give irregular or uneven courses when used. Second class bricks
may have slight chips or flaws. They shall not absorb more than 1/4th their weight
of water after one hour's immersion in water of 24 to 26oC. Their compressive
strength shall not be less than1500 pounds per square inch. The average weight
of bricks shall not be less than 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kgs).


These bricks are not as fully burnt as first or second class bricks. Any defects in
uniformity or shape must not be such as to cause difficulty in obtaining uniform
courses with their use. Their compressive strength shall not be less than 1000 lbs.
per square inch. The use of third class bricks is prohibited except as substitutes for
sundried bricks.


Jhama bricks are bricks so over-burnt as to get vitrified or distorted and are use-
less for exact work. Their compressive strength shall not be less than 725 lbs. per

Page 77 of 133
square inch. They may be broken up for ballast provided the vitrified mass has not
become porous or spongy in the process of being over-burnt.


Sundried bricks shall be un-burnt bricks. Any defects in uniformity or shape

must not be such as to cause difficulty in obtaining uniform courses with their use.
Their compressive strength shall not be less than 500 lbs. per square inch.


A good clay brick should have a fine, compact and uniform texture. It should be
sound, hard and well burnt, and should give a metallic tinkle when struck with a
hammer or another brick. It should be of uniform colour and free from cracks, fis-
sures, holes, air bubbles. Lumps, pebbles and stones and particles of lime, etc. It
should not contain soluble salts in excess of 0.5%.


Bricks/Brick tiles shall be classified on the basis of their minimum average com-
pressive strength of six samples, specified and summarised here below:

Designation Min. Average compressive

First Class 2000
Second Class 1500
Third Class 1000
Fourth Class 725


Samples of bricks shall be subjected to the following tests:

a) Dimensional tolerance
b) Water absorption
c) Efflorescence
d) Compressive strength


For carrying out compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence and dimen-
sional tests, the samples of bricks shall be taken by one of the methods given be-

Page 78 of 133
Sampling Bricks or Tiles from a motion

Whenever practicable samples shall be taken whilst the bricks or tiles are being
moved; for example, during loading or unloading. In this case the bricks or tiles
shall be taken at random from each of a number of convenient portions of the con-
signment or batch. The portion chosen should be small enough in relation to the
whole to provide the minimum number of samples specified below.

Sampling Bricks or Tiles from a stack

Samples shall be taken each at random from a stack of bricks or tiles. The number
of bricks required for the tests shall be taken from across the top of the stack, the
sides accessible and from the interior of the stack by opening the trenches from
the top.

Whichever method is employed a sample of 50 bricks/tiles shall be taken at ran-

dom from every consignment of 50,000 bricks/tiles or part thereof.

The samples thus taken shall be stored in a dry place not in contact with the
ground until the tests are made. The bricks for tests shall be taken at random from
the sample.


The Visual & Dimensional Characteristics of bricks/tiles as specified under

11.4.2 & 11.4.6 shall be checked on a sample of 20 first class & 2nd class bricks. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH

The average compressive strength of six representative bricks, when tested ac-
cording to ASTM Designation C-67 shall have a minimum average compressive
strength for various classes as given in Sub-Section 11.5. The compressive
strength of any individual brick tested shall not fall below the min. average com-
pressive strength specified for the corresponding class of brick by more than 20%. WATER ABSORPTION

The average water absorption of first class & second class bricks for a sample of
six bricks when tested shall be not more than as specified in Clause 11.4.1 and

Page 79 of 133 EFFLORESCENCE

The bricks checked for water absorption as per Clause 11.6.4 shall shown signs of efflo-
rescence in drying.


If more than 10% bricks in the stacks do not conform to any of the specification require-
ments, than the whole consignment shall be rejected.



The brick work shall be classified according to the class designation of bricks used. The
specifications stated hereof are for First class brick masonry in cement sand mortar ex-
cept specified otherwise.

11.7.2 MORTAR

The cement sandmortarfor the brick work shall be as specified. For sundried brick mud
mortar shall be used.


1. Composition

Mud mortar for brickwork and masonry shall be prepared from good earth and water,
Sand or shopped straw shall be added to the earth that is too clayey. Mud mortar for plas-
tering shall be prepared from earth, water and chopped “bhoosa”.

2. Materials

a) Earth

Earth shall be good firm loam with clay content ranging from 10% to 20% will give plastic-
ity index of 7. The earth shall be free from objectionable quantities of lime, gravel, coarse
sand and roots of other organic matter. Salts and calcium contents shall not exceed 0.5%
and 2% respectively; i.e. it shall be good brick earth or selected clay obtained from ap-
proved sources. Clay containing more than 0.5% soluble salts, more than 0.2% sulphates
and 4% organic content or efflorescent salts or taken from a locality where there are white
ants shall not be used. In case of brick earth it shall be reduced into fine powder & free

Page 80 of 133
from stones, grass, kankar, roots and other matter.

b) Water

Only fresh and clean water free from earth, vegetations, organic impurities and any other
substances likely to cause efflorescence or otherwise prove harmful to the work shall be
used. Water containing injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis. Salts, sulphides, chlo-
rides, carbon dioxide shall not be used. The pH Value of water shall range between 6 &
8.Broadly speaking water which does not show an intensive odour or brackish taste shall
be acceptable.
3. Preparation

Earth/Clay shall be mixed with water on a plane ground surface especially cleared for the
purpose and tempered for at least two days. During this period it shall be worked up at in-
tervals with men’s feet and Hand Shovel. Sand or chopped straw shall be added, as de-
sired, to the earth that is too clayey. Mud mortar for plastering shall be prepared as speci-
fied above and
1.8 kg of chopped “bhoosa” shall be thoroughly mixed with 0.03 cum of mortar.

4. Consistency

The consistency of mud mortar shall be of a type that it shall readily slide off the face of
trowel, but the mortar shall not be so wet that it parts into large drops in falling. No water
shall be added to the mortar after it is delivered to job.

5. Pits

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall

make his own arrangements for obtaining the necessary earth / clay for the mortar. When
permitted by the Engineer to take earth from the site of work, the contractor shall fill all pits
with good earth and dress them off properly on the completion of work.

6. Restriction of Use

Mud mortar shall not be used for any masonry or brickwork likely to remain under water at
any time or likely to bear pressure other than directly vertical.



Cement mortar shall consist of one part Portland cement to specified number of parts of
dry loose sand (Fine aggregate) by volume and sufficient water to produce proper consis-

Page 81 of 133
tency for intended use. Waterproofing agent not exceeding 25% by volume of dry cement
shall be added when specially required or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

1. Materials

a) Portland Cement

Portland Land cement shall conform to ASTM C 150Type I or B.S.S.12.

b) Sand

Sand shall be such that it passes through a No.16 sieve and not more than 30 percent,
passes through a sieve of 100x100 meshes in the square inch. The sand used or supplied
shall be clean sand, gritty to the touch and free from any admixture of clay, loam, salts, or-
ganic matter or other impurities. The sand shall be of such cleanness that when a handful
of it is shaken in a glass with clean water and allowed to stand for one hour the precipita-
tion of mud (or flour in the case of screenings) on the sand shall not exceed 10%. If more
than this precipitate is found, the sand shall be washed.

The source of the sand is subject to the approval of the Engineer- in-Charge from the des-
ignated sources.

c) Water

Water shall conform to specifications for water for mud mortar clause 11.7.2.

2. Mix

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the ingredients for ce-
ment mortar shall be proportioned by volume.

3. Preparation
a) Methods and equipment used for mixing mortar ingredients – including their mixing in dry
state – shall be such as will accurately determine and control the amount of each sepa-
rate ingredient entering into the mortar and shall be subject to the approval of the Engi-
neer-in-Charge. Normally cement and sand is thoroughly mixed in a dry state on a
pucca platform or in troughs as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be gauged
with a quantity of water sufficient to make the mortar workable. Water shall be added with
a fine rose. Only such quantity of mortar shall be prepared as can be used before the ini-
tial setting time.

b) If a mixer is used, it shall be of the approved design. The mixing time after all the ingredi-
ents are in the mixer, except for the full amount of water, shall be not less than two min-
utes. Water shall be added at a uniform rate during the mixing time.

Page 82 of 133
c) Mortar shall be mixed only in sufficient quantities for immediate use and all mortar not
used within thirty (30) minutes after addition of the water to the mix shall be wasted.
Re-tempering of mortar will not be allowed. Mixing troughs and pans shall be thoroughly
cleaned and washed at the end of each day’s work. When colour for face work is speci-
fied to be mixed in it shall be of approved quality and brand and shall be added in such
quantity to obtain the required shade, water proofing material shall be added only when
specifically directed.


a) Composition

Lime mortars, as specified herein, shall consist of one of the following combinations mixed
in specified proportions and water sufficient to produce proper consistency for the use of

1. Stone lime and Surkhi

2. Kankar Lime and Sand
3. Slaked Kankar or Stone Lime & Cinder

b) Materials

1. Lime

Lime for lime mortars shall be obtained from suitable calcinations of naturally occurring
forms of Calcium Carbonates (Lime stone or Kankar).

2. Surkhi

Surkhi used as substitute for sand shall be made by grinding fully burnt first class bricks,
brick bats or burnt clay to powder. On no consideration surkhi shall be obtained from over
burnt or under burnt bricks and bats or from kiln lining. Surkhi shall pass through a screen
of 12x12 meshes in 6.45 square cms and in case, it is required for works to remain under
water, the size of mesh shall be 8x8. It shall in no case pass one of 50x50 meshes in the
6.45 square cms.

3. Cinder

Cinder shall be obtained from an approved source. It shall be free from admixtures of clay,
dust, vegetation or foreign matter. Only clean surface clinker coal i.e. residue from fur-
naces of steam boilers using coal fuel only shall form the parent material. After having
been ground in mill and screened, the whole of it shall pass through a screen of 12x12
meshes in the 6.45 square cms but does not pass through a mesh of 50x50 mesh shall be

Page 83 of 133
4. Sand

Sand shall conform to specifications, requirements and stipulations specified for sand
para 11.7.2 (ii) (2) (b) of cement mortar.

5. Water

Water shall conform to Specifications described under para11.7.2

(ii) (c), “Cement mortar”.

c) Mix

Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, the ingredients for

lime mortar shall be proportioned by volume.

1. Mortar for Masonry and Brickwork

Thoroughly slaked and screened stone lime/kankar lime and surkhi/sand shall be mea-
sured in boxes and mixes on a pucca platform or in a mixing trough as specified. The
troughs, if used, shall be capable of being washed and drained. These ingredients shall
be mixed twice in a dry state and then ground in a grinding mill with a quantity of water
sufficient to produce a mortar of specified consistency.

2. Mortar for Plastering and Pointing

Unless otherwise specified one part of lime mixed with two parts of surkhi by volume shall
be kept under water for at least 12 hours and then made to pass through a screen of
12x12 meshes per 6.45 sq. cms. Requisite coloring material shall be added to it and the
mortar applied as fresh as possible.


Bricks shall be soaked in water before use for a period for the water to just penetrate the
whole depth of the bricks. The soaking of bricks would be for 2 to 3 hrs. Alternatively
bricks may be adequately soaked in stacks by profusely spraying with clean water at regu-
lar intervals for a period not less than six hours. The bricks required for masonry work us-
ing mud mortar shall not be soaked. When the bricks are soaked they shall be removed
from the tank sufficiently early so that at the time of laying they are skin-dry. Such soaked
bricks shall be stacked on a clean place where they are not again spoiled by dirt earth etc.

Note I:

The period of soaking may be easily found at site by a field test in which the bricks are
Page 84 of 133
soaked in water for different periods and then broken to find the extent of water penetra-
tion. The least period that corresponds to complete soaking will be the one to be allowed
for in construction work.

Note II:

If the bricks are soaked for the required time in water that is frequently changed the solu-
ble salt in the bricks will be leached out, and subsequently efflorescence will be reduced.



There are four main causes which impair the durability of brickwork: frost action, crystal-
lization of soluble salts, chemical action and moisture movement. Since it is the presence
of water in brickwork which is responsible for bringing these causes into action the first
safeguard is to protect the work by avoiding unnecessary exposure and providing damp-
proof courses, where practicable.

Frost can affect both the bricks and the mortar, and its effects are fairly straightforward.
The affected part spalls or crumbles with the action of ice-forming in its saturated pores.
Crystallisation of salts and chemical action depend on the presence of soluble salts which
may originate in the bricks or the mortar or both. The movement of salts to the surface of
the wall is influenced by pore structure of its elements, so that some of the salts from the
brick may come out at joints and vice versa. It is possible to control to some extent the
incidence of efflorescence and crystallization by ensuring that the parts at which these
actions would be least harmful are most porous. In the case of chemical action, an impor-
tant type of failure occurs when clay bricks containing a dangerous proportion of calcium
sulphate are bonded in mortar containing cement or covered with a rendering containing
cement. In certain damp conditions the sulphate can combine with cement and cause
general expansion and failure of work.

11.9.2 BONDS

Bond is the name given to any arrangement of bricks in which no vertical joint of a course
is exactly over a vertical joint in another course immediately above or below it, and has
the greatest possible amount of lap, which is usually one-fourth the length of a brick.

To ensure good bond the following rules should be rigidly adhered to:

a) Bricks must be arranged in a uniform manner.

b) Fewest possible bats are employed.

Page 85 of 133
c) Vertical joints in every other course must be perpendicularly in line on the internal as
well as the external face.

d) Stretchers are to be used only on the faces of the wall; the interior should consist of
headers only, as also the footings and corbels.
e) When bedded the length of a brick should equal twice the width, plus one mortar joint.

f) Lateral lap between perpends is ¼ of brick length.

Common types of bonds used in brickwork are described as follows:-

a) English bond

It consists of one course of headers and one course of stretchers alternately. In this bond,
bricks are laid as stretchers only on the boundaries of courses, thus showing on the face
of the wall. The joints in a course running through from back to front of a wall must not be
broken. The course which consists of stretchers on the face is known as a stretching
course. The courses above or below should consist of headers with the exception of the
closer brick, which is always placed next to the quoin header to complete the bond.
These courses are called as heading courses.

It may be noticed that in walls the thickness of which is a multiple of a whole brick the
same course will show

a) Stretchers in front elevation and stretchers in back elevation.
b) Headers in front elevation and headers in back elevation.

But in walls whose thickness is an odd number of half brick, the same course will
a) Stretchers in front elevation and headers in back elevation.

b) Headers in front elevation and stretchers in back elevation.

In setting out the plan of a course to any width, the quoin or corner brick should be drawn:
then next to the face (which in front elevation shows headers) closers should be to the re-
quired thickness of wall; after which all the front headers should be set out and, if the
thickness is a multiple of a whole brick, headers in rear should be set out. The inter-
vening space, if any, should always be filled in with headers.

b) Double Flemish bond

Page 86 of 133
This bond has headers and stretchers alternatively in the same course, both in front and
back elevation. It is weaker than the English Bond because of the greater number of bats
and stretchers, but is considered by some to look better on the face. It is also economical,
since a greater number of bats may be used in it and thus bricks broken in transit may be
utilized. By using the Double Flemish Bond for walls one brick in thickness, it is easier to
obtain a better appearance on both sides than with the English Bond.

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c) Single Flemish Bond

It consists in arranging the bricks as Flemish Bond on the face, a

nd English Bond as backing. This is often done on the presumption that it attains
the strength of the English Bond and the external appearance of the Double
Flemish. It is generally used where expensive bricks are specified for facing. The
thinnest wall where this method can be introduced is 1-1/2 brick thick.

d) Stretching Bond

Stretching bond is used for walls half-brick thick such as partition walls, brick
nogging in partitions. All bricks are laid as stretchers upon the face.

e) Heading Bond

All bricks in this bond show as header on face. It is used chiefly for rounding
curves, for footings, corbels and cornices.

f) Racking Bond

Walls as they increase in thickness increase in transverse strength but propor-

tionally weaker in longitudinal direction, owing to the fact that stretchers are not
placed in the interior of walls. This defect is remedied by using racking courses at
regular intervals of four to eight courses in the height of a wall. The joints of bricks
laid in this position cannot coincide with the joints of ordinary courses directly
above or below, the inclination to the face usually being determined by making
the longitudinal distance between the opposite corners equal to the length of
brick. It is not advisable to use one racking course directly above another, since
there is always a weakness at the junction of the racking with the face bricks.

Racking bonds are most effective when placed in the stretching courses in walls
of even an even number of half bricks in thickness. In this way they are effec-
tive over a greater area than if they were placed in the heading course.

The alternate courses of racking bonds should be laid in different directions in or-
der to make the tie as perfect as possible. There are two varieties of racking
bonds, viz. Herring bond and diagonal.

Page 88 of 133
11.9.3 LAYING

a) General

The brick laying shall be carried out complete with all embedment and installa-
tions for completion of the construction as shown on drawings and directed by the

Bricks shall be laid in English Bond unless otherwise specified. For brick work in
half brick wall, bricks shall be laid in stretcher bond. Half or cut bricks shall not be
used except as closer where necessary to complete the bond. Closers in such
cases, shall be cut to the required size and used near the ends of the wall.
Header bond shall be used preferably in all courses in curved plan for ensuring
better alignment.


Header bond shall also be used in foundation footings unless thickness of walls
(width of footing) makes the use of headers impracticable. Where thickness of
footing is uniform for a number of courses, the top course of footing shall be

All loose materials, dirt and set lumps of mortar which may be lying over the sur-
face on which brick work is to be freshly started, shall be removed with a wire
brush and surface wetted. Bricks shall be laid on a full bed of mortar, when lay-
ing, each brick shall be properly bedded and set in position by gently pressing
with the handle of a trowel. Its inside face shall be buttered with mortar before the
next brick is laid and pressed against it. Joints shall be fully filled and packed with
mortar such that no hollow spaces are left inside the joints.

b) Bedding of Bricks

While bedding bricks, both the bed and side joints must be thoroughly
flushed or filled up with mortar.

c) Levelling

While bedding bricks, great care should be taken to keep all courses perfectly
level. To do this, the footing and the starting course should be carefully levelled,
using a spirit level with a stack at least 10 feet long.

Page 89 of 133

a) The walls shall be taken up truly in plumb or true to the required batter where
specified. All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints shall be
truly vertical. Vertical joints in the alternate course shall come directly one over
the other. Quoin, Jambs and other angles shall be properly plumbed as the work
proceeds. Care shall be taken to keep the perpends properly aligned within fol-
lowing maximum permissible tolerances:

(i) Deviation from vertical within a storey shall not exceed 6 mm per 3 m height.

(ii) Deviation in verticality in total height of any wall of building more than one storey
in height shall not exceed 12.5 mm.

(iii) Deviation from position shown on plan of any brick work shall not exceed 12.5

(iv) Relative displacement between loads bearing wall in adjacent storeys intended to
be vertical alignments shall not exceed 6 mm.

(v) A set of tools comprising of wooden straight edge, Masonic spirit levels, square, 1
metre rule line and plumb shall be kept on the site of work for every 3 masons for
proper check during the progress of work.

All quoins shall be accurately constructed and the height of brick courses shall be
kept uniform. This will be checked using graduated wooden straight edge or
storey rod indicating height of each course including thickness of joints. The posi-
tion of damp proof course, window sills, bottom of lintels, top of the wall etc. along
the height of the wall shall be marked on the graduated straight edge or storey
rod. Acute and obtuse quoins shall be bonded, where practicable in the same
way as square quoins. Obtuse quoins shall be formed with squint showing three
quarters brick on one face and quarter brick on the other.

b) Raking

The brick work shall be built in uniform layers. No part of the wall during its
construction shall rise more than one metre above the general construction level.
Parts of wall left at different levels shall be raked back at an angle of 45 degrees
or less with the horizontal by setting back 2-1/2 inches at each course, with a
maximum of twelve courses, to reduce the possibility and the unsightliness of de-
fects caused by any settlement that may take place in the most recently built por-

Page 90 of 133
tion of the wall. Toothing shall not be permitted as an alternative to racking back.
For half brick partition to be keyed into main walls, indents shall be left in the
main walls.

c) Other Factors

All pipe fittings and specials, spouts, hold fasts and other fixtures which are re-
quired to be built into the walls shall be embedded, as specified, in their correct
position as the work proceeds unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-

Top courses of all plinths, parapets, steps and top of walls below floor and roof
slabs shall be laid with brick on edge, unless specified otherwise. Brick on edge
laid in the top courses at corner of walls shall be properly radiated and keyed into
position to form cut (marrow) corners as specified. Where bricks cannot be cut to
the required shape to form cut (marrow) corners, cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 ce-
ment :2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) equal to
thickness of course shall be provided in lieu of cut bricks.

Bricks shall be laid with frog (where provided) up. However, when top course is
exposed, bricks shall be laid with frog down. For the bricks to be laid with frog
down, the frog shall be filled with mortar before placing the brick in position.

In case of walls one brick thick and under, one face shall be kept even and in
proper plane, while the other face may be slightly rough. In case of walls more
than one brick thick, both the faces shall be kept even and in proper plane.

To facilitate taking service lines later without excessive cutting of completed work,
sleeves shall be provided, where specified, while raising the brick work. Such
sleeves in external walls shall be sloped down outward so as to avoid passage of
water inside.

Top of the brickwork in coping and sills in external walls shall be slightly tilted.
Where brick coping and sills are projecting beyond the face of the wall, drip
course/throating shall be provided where indicated.

Care shall be taken during construction that edges of jambs, sills and projections
are not damaged in case of rain. New built work shall be covered with gunny
bags or tarpaulin so as to prevent the mortar from being washed away. Damage,
if any, shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Page 91 of 133
(a) Stability

The stability of brickwork is affected in three general ways:

1. By loading a given area of ground beyond its ultimate resistance, by an irregular

concentration of great pressures on a soft sub-soil, by the tendency of the sub-
stratum to slid or by eccentric loadings, the walls are thrown out of the upright,
crack or disintegrate.

2. By bad bonding, resulting in disintegration.

3. By side thrusts which may be distributed or concentrated, and their tendency is to

overturn the walls; they are provided for by designing the walls of a sufficient
thickness, or by placing buttresses at regular intervals.

11.9.5 JOINTS

The horizontal joints shall be parallel whereas vertical joints in alternative courses
shall be directly over one another. The thickness of the vertical joints shall be ap-
proximately 6 millimetres and the thickness of horizontal joints shall be 10 mil-


The face of brick work may be finished flush or by pointing. In flush finishing ei-
ther the face joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a fin-
ished surface flush with the face of the brick work or the joints shall be squarely
raked out to a depth of 1 cm while the mortar is still green for subsequently plas-
tering. The faces of brick work shall be cleaned with wire brush so as to remove
any splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brick work. In pointing, the
joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of 1.5 cm while the mortar is still
green and raked joints shall be brushed to remove dust and loose particles and
well wetted, and shall be later refilled with mortar to give ruled finish. Some such
finishes are ‘flush’, ‘weathered’, ruled, etc.

11.9.6 CURING

The brick work shall be constantly kept moist on all faces for a minimum period of

Page 92 of 133
seven days. Brick work done during the day shall be suitably marked indicating
the date on which the work is done so as to keep a watch on the curing period.


Scaffolding shall be strong to withstand all dead, live and impact loads which are
likely to come on them. Scaffolding shall be provided to allow easy approach to
every part of the work and safe working.


Where plastering, pointing or any other finishing has been indicated for brick
work, single scaffolding may be provided, unless otherwise specified. In single
scaffolding, one end of the put-logs/pole shall rest in the hole provided in the
header course of brick masonry. Not more than one header for each put-log/pole
shall be left out. Such holes shall not be allowed in the case of pillars, brick work
less than one metre in length between the openings or near the skew backs of
arches or immediately under or near the structural member supported by the
walls. The holes for putlogs/poles shall be made good with brick work and wall
finishing as specified.


The brick work or tile work is to be exposed and not to be finished with plastering
etc. double scaffolding having two independent supports, clear of the work, shall
be provided.


a) Protection of bricks:

All bricks delivered for use in freezing weather shall be fully protected immedi-
ately upon delivery by a weather-tight covering that will prevent the accumulation
of water, snow or ice on the bricks; loose board covering shall not be permitted.

b) Heating of sand:

Page 93 of 133
All sand shall be heated in such a manner as will remove all frost, ice or ex-
cess moisture but will prevent the burning of scorching of the sand.

c) Heating of bricks:

All frosted bricks shall be defrosted by heating them to a temperature of ap-

proximately 180oF.

d) Heating of water:

All water used shall be heated to a temperature of approximately 180oF.

e) Slaking or soaking of lime:

All slaking of quick lime or soaking of hydrated lime shall be done at a tempera-
ture of at least 60o F and this temperature shall be maintained until lime is incor-
porated into the mortar.

f) Protection of mortar against freezing:

After the mortar has been mixed it shall be maintained at such temperature as will
prevent its freezing at all times and if necessary the contractor shall use metal
mortar board equipped with oil torches. No anti-freeze liquid, salt or other sub-
stance shall be used in mortar, except when specified or permitted by the Engi-

g) Enclosures and artificial heat:

All work under construction shall be protected from freezing for a period of
48 hours by means of enclosures, artificial heat or by other suitable methods
duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


The detailed specifications for brick work mentioned in 11.7shall apply, in so far
as these are applicable. Arch work shall include masonry for both gauged as well
as plain arches. In gauged arches, cut or moulded bricks shall be used. In plain
arches, uncut bricks shall be used.

Page 94 of 133
Brick forming skew-backs shall be dressed or cut so as to give proper radial bear-
ing to the end voussiors. Defects in dressing of bricks shall not be covered by ex-
travagant use of mortar, nor shall the use of chips or bats etc. be permitted. The
bricks of the spandrel wall at their junctions with extrudes of the arch shall be cut
to fit the curvature of the arch.


These shall be either (a) plain arches, and shall be built in half brick concentric
rings with break joints, or (b) gauged arches built with bricks cut or moulded to
proper shape. The arch work shall be carried up from both ends simultaneously
and keyed in the centre. The bricks shall be flush with mortar and well pressed
into their positions so as to squeeze out a part of their mortar and leave the joints
thin and compact. All joints shall be full of mortar and thickness of joints shall
not be less than 5 mm nor more than 15 mm.

After the arch is completed, the haunches shall be loaded by filling up the span-
drels up to the crown level of the arch. Care shall be taken to load the haunches
on two sides of the spandrels.

When the arch face is to be pointed (and not plastered), the face bricks shall be
cut to proper shape or moulded, so as to have the joints not more than 5 mm
thick. These shall be laid with radial joints to the full depth of the arch. The vous-
soirs shall break joints to the full depth of the arch.


These shall be gauged arches of brick cut or moulded to proper shape. The ex-
trados shall be kept horizontal and the intrados shall be given slight camber of 1
in 100 of the span. The centre of the arch from which joints shall radiate, shall be
determined by the point of the inter-section of the two lines drawn from the ends
of the arch at the springing level and at 60°to horizontal.

In flat arches, bricks shall be laid with radial joints to the full depth of arch and
voussoirs breaking joints with each other. The arch work shall be carried up from
both ends simultaneously and keyed in the centre. The thickness of the joints
shall not exceed 5 mm. Flat arches may be used for the sake of appearance but
for purpose of carrying loads of the wall above, these shall be used in conjunction

Page 95 of 133
with relieving arches, lintels placed below.


The centring and shuttering for the arch shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge before the arch work is started. It shall be strong enough to bear the dead
load of the arch and the live loads that are likely to come upon it during con-
struction, without any appreciable deflections.

The shuttering shall be tightened with hard wood wedged or sand boxes, so that
the same could be eased without jerks being transmitted to the arch. The se-
quence of easing the shuttering shall be as approved from the Engineer-in-
Charge. The shuttering shall be struck within 48 hours of the completion of the
arch but not before 24 hours. This shall be done after the spandrel has been
filled in and the arch loaded.


The work shall be done in the same manner as described in Sub-section

11.7 except that brick tile shall be used instead of bricks.


The honeycomb brick work shall be done with specified class of brick, laid in
specified mortar. All joints and edges shall be struck flush to give an even sur-

The thickness of the brick honeycomb work shall be half-brick only, unless other-
wise specified. Openings shall be equal and alternate with half brick laid with a
bearing of 2 cm on either side.


In case the height of the bricks of old as well as new work is same, the old
work shall be toothed to the full width of the new wall and to the depth of a
quarter of brick in alternate courses. In case the height of the bricks is unequal,
then the height of each course of new work shall be made equal to the height of
the old work by adjusting thickness of horizontal mortar joints in the new wall.

Page 96 of 133
Where necessary, adjustment shall be made equal to thickness of old wall by
adjusting the thickness of vertical joints. For joining new cross wall to old main
walls, a number of rectangular recesses of width equal to the thickness of cross
wall, three courses in height and half a brick in depth shall be cut in the main
walls. A space of three courses shall be left between two consecutive recesses.
The new cross wall shall be bonded into the recesses to avoid any settlement.
Joining of old brick work with the new brick work shall be done in such a way that
there shall not be any hump or projection at the joint.


The specifications described under 11.7 shall apply in so far these are applicable.
Mouldings and cornices shall be made with bricks as specified for brick work. The
bricks shall be cut and dressed to the required shape as shown in the architec-
tural drawings.

Cornices shall not ordinarily project by more than 15 cm to 20 cm and this projec-
tion shall be obtained by projecting each brick course by more than one fourth of
the length. For cornices projecting more than 20 cm and requiring more than
quarter bricks projection, metal cramps shall be used and paid for separately.
Corbelling shall be brought roughly to shape by plastering with the specified mor-
tar. When the mortar is still green, the mouldings shall be finished straight and
true with the help of metal templates.


The mouldings and cornices shall be cured for at least seven days. These shall
be protected from the effects of sun and rain by suitable covering and also from
damage during the execution of the work.



The facing bricks made from suitable soils shall be free from cracks, flaws, nod-
ules of free lime warpage and organic matter. These shall be thoroughly burnt
and shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp straight right
angled edges. Facing bricks shall have uniform colour and even texture. Unless
otherwise specified, facing bricks shall be machine moulded only. As far as possi-

Page 97 of 133
ble, total requirement of facing bricks for a work shall be arranged from the same
kiln. Bricks with chipped edges and broken corners shall not be used.

Facing bricks shall be of 1st class unless otherwise specified, water absorption
shall not exceed 20 per cent by weight and efflorescence rating shall be nil. Mor-
tar, Soaking of Bricks and laying shall be as specified in Para 11.7.2, 11.7.3 and

Joints in the exposed brick work shall be truly horizontal and vertical and kept uni-
form with the help of wooden or steel strips. The thickness of joints shall be as
per 0.Curing and scaffolding shall be as specified in 0and respectively.


All face work shall be finished with neatly drawn joints and pointed if it has not to
be plastered. If it has to be plastered, the joints shall be raked out before any
plaster is laid on. The raking shall be done with a hook to a depth of 13mm before
the mortar sets each day. Where pointing or plastering to the face work is not pro-
vided as a separate item, the joints in the face work shall be struck. For face
work, the bricks shall be of true edges, uniform colour and correct dimensions. If
specially required, face work shall be laid up with pressed bricks. All brick cour-
ses shall be so proportioned that they will work out evenly with the height of the
windows and doors. Backing of the pressed brickwork shall be done as per spec-
ifications for brickwork, or as specifically directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

a) Steel reinforcement and steel ties, if any, shall be provided and installed as indi-
cated on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

b) Openings or chases shall be provided in the brickwork as shown on the Drawings

or required by the Engineer-in-Charge.

c) If, after the completion of any brickwork, brick is out of alignment or level, or does
not conform to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings, or shows a defective
surface, it shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense unless
the Engineer-in-Charge grants permission, in writing, to patch or replace the de-
fective area.


11.16.1 GENERAL

It is a wall comprising of two leaves, each leaf being built of masonry units and

Page 98 of 133
separated by a cavity so as to provide an air space within the wall and tied to-
gether with metal ties or bonding units to ensure that two leaves act as one struc-
tural unit. The width of the cavity shall not be less than 50 mm and not more than
115 mm. Each leaf of the cavity wall shall not be less than 75 mm. The space be-
tween the leaves being either left as cavity or filled with non-load bearing insulat-
ing and water proofing material.


The bricks shall be first class bricks specified in this Section. The mortar shall be
cement sand mortar as specified in accordance with the provisions of Sub-sec-
11.7.2 (ii).

The laying of bricks masonry for cavity walls shall comply with provisions of Sub-
sections 11.7.3 & 11.7.4.Curing and scaffolding shall be as per Sections 11.7.6 &

11.16.3 METAL TIES

These may be of galvanised iron, wrought iron, gun metal, brass, copper, stain-
less steel or any such corrosion resistant metal, made of flats 20 x 5 mm cranked
or twisted at their mid-point with ends split and fish tailed. The ties shall be built
into horizontal bed joints during erection, placed sloping towards the exterior side
to prevent water from flowing along it from outer to inner leaf side.


Length of the Bonding units will be sum of thickness of both leaves plus width of
cavity if the leaves are 75 mm or 115 mm. If the leaves are more than 115
mm thick, then the length of a unit will be [(2 ×115) + width of cavity].

Cement concrete used in the bonding units shall not be leaner than 1:3:6 (1 ce-
ment: 3 sand: 6 aggregate 20 mm nominal size).

11.16.5 SPACING

Metal ties/bonding units shall be spaced not more than 90 cm apart horizontally
and 45 cm vertically and staggered in each course. Additional ties shall be used
near openings.

Page 99 of 133

Cavity walls shall not normally be built more than 7.5 metres in height and 9 me-
tres in length. Where large lengths and heights are desired, the wall shall be di-
vided into panels with strengthening measures such as pillars etc. Cavity shall be
covered at the top with at least two courses of masonry unit and/or a coping over

Adoption of cavity walls is not recommended when heavy concentrated load from
beam etc. are to be supported by walls


11.17.1 GENERAL

Reinforced brick masonry shall be constructed as specified and shown on draw-



Brickwork shall be as specified and conform to the provision for construction of

brickwork of this section. The mortar shall be cement sand mortar as specified
and shall conform to the provision of Clause 11.7.2(ii).


The reinforcement for brick masonry could be 18gauge hoop irons or mild steel
bars as specified. The hoop iron shall be of best quality as approved by the Engi-
neer-in- Charge. Mild steel reinforcement shall comply with the provisions of Sec-
tion 5 – Plain & Reinforced Concrete. Unless otherwise specified in drawings or
schedule of quantities, the reinforcement for normal structures shall be as follows;

Wall Hori- Verti-

Thic zon- cal
k- tal Bar
nes Bars s

Page 100 of 133

s (9- (24
(Inc 5/8”) ”)
hes) C/C C/C
7– 3/8” 3/8”
½ dia dia
9 3/8” ½”
11 ½” ½”
12 ½” ½”
Refer to the drawings for others wall thickness and special details

a) Vertical reinforcement at jambs of opening and at ends of walls shall be doubled.

Horizontal reinforcement above and below all openings shall also be doubled.
b) Reinforcement shall be continuous. Bars may be furnished in any convenient
length. All splices shall be lapped at least 14” for 3/8” diameter bars and at least
18” for ½” diameter bars and horizontal reinforcement shall be bent around


The scaffolding & curing shall conform to applicable provisions of Section

11.7.6, 11.7.7, 11.7.8, and 11.7.9.


The edging shall be of bricks of class specified in the item. The specifications of
bricks shall be as described in 0. Trenches of required depth and width shall first
be made along the edge of the plinth protection to receive the bricks for edging.
The bed of trenches shall be compacted to a firm and even surface. The brick
shall be laid true to line in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) with
length parallel and butting the plinth protection. The top face of the brick edging
shall be in one level to conform to the finished level of the plinth protection adja-
cent to the edging. After the concreting is done, no portion of the brick edging
shall project above the adjacent concrete surface. Cement mortar shall conform
to the specification described in Sub-section 11.7.2 (ii).


11.19.1 SCOPE

Page 101 of 133

While in all respects it shall conform to the requirements for Brick Construction
specified hereof, following special requirements shall also be met with, except
when it is specially modified by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The top course of all plinth, parapets, steps etc. shall be built in brick on edge. In
case of parapet walls the outside half brick shall be weathered and throated. The
corners shall be made by cutting fine bricks or by special bricks of 9 inches x 9
inches x 4-1/2 inches (225mm x 225mm x 110mm) size to give a radiated
and keyed joints.


11.20.1 SCOPE

In this case, sun-dried bricks i.e. unburned bricks shall be used. Any defect in uni-
formity and shape shall not be such as to cause difficulty in obtaining uniform
courses with their use. For all other purposes, stipulations and requirements for
laying brick work shall be relied.


11.21.1 SCOPE

All brickwork required to be constructed under these specifications and for all re-
lated purposes or as may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge shall consist of
following special materials instead of those prescribed under theses specifica-
tions. However, other materials, methods of their proportioning, mixing, forming
and placing as well as the stipulations and other requirements shall conform to
specifications given under sub-sections 11.7.4 except when any stipulations and
requirements are specially modified by the Engineer-in-Charge for any particular
occasion. In case, fire clay brickwork is required in arches they shall also conform
to specifications 11.8 “Brick Work in Arches”.


a) Bricks

Only fire clay bricks of specified sizes of approved specifications/approved

Page 102 of 133

brands shall be used. These shall also meet the tests specified for them.
b) Cement
Special alumina cement shall conform to BS 915.

c) Sand
Sand required for the mortar shall be produced from crushed fire bricks graded as
sand in conformity with Specifications laid down for sand in the sub-section


11.22.1 SCOPE

The ghilafi brickwork shall consist of first class brickwork laid in mud mortar at the
outer face and the balance work shall be executed in sun dried bricks laid on mud
mortar on the inner side conforming to provisions of Sub-section 11.18.


11.23.1 SCOPE

Kacha wall shall either be of mud walling or Pise walling type as specified.


a) Mud walling shall be constructed from the fifth class clay bricks conforming to
Sub-Section 11.4.

b) Pise walling shall be made by laying mud in 8 Cms. to 15 Cms (3”- 6”) thick lay-
ers and tightly rammed between two parallel boards which from the front and
back face of the wall. As soon as the space between boards is completely filling
the same shall be moved to the next length and so on till the whole is complete.


11.24.1 GENERAL

Brick masonry partition walls shall be one brick thick either flat or on edge.

Page 103 of 133

11.24.2 HOOP IRON

In case the partition walls are to be reinforced, it shall be down with 1” wide, 18”
gauge hoop iron placed in course not more than 12” apart and continued for 9”
into the main wall on which the partition wall abuts. In case the length of the wall
exceeds 20 feet or the height exceed 15 feet hoop iron shall be introduced at
course not more than 6” apart. M.S bars may also be provided in place of hoop
iron as specified.

11.24.3 BRICKS

Bricks used for construction of partition walls shall confirm to the specifica-
tions under sub-section 11.4 to 11.6.

11.24.4 MORTAR

The partition walls shall be set in cement mortar not less than 1:3 propor-
tions unless otherwise specified.


Soaking of bricks shall confirm to the specification under sub-section 11.7.3


Workmanship in the partition walls is to be the best quality as due to the small
thickness of walls great care is to be taken. The total height of the wall in one day
shall not exceed 4 feet.

11.24.7 CURING

Curing shall be carried out in the manner as detailed in sub-section 11.7.6


Page 104 of 133

All brick masonry walls shall be bonded with the column of the R.C.C frame by
providing ¼” dia. Reinforcement protruding out of the column at every 12”. The
length of the bonding bars shall not be less than 12” with a hook of 1” dia. at the
end and allowed to extend out through the holes provided in the form works for
the column.



The measurement and payment for the items of the work of Brickwork hereof
shall be made corresponding to the applicable items as provided in Contract
Agreement and shall constitute full compensation, for procurement, transporta-
tion, performance in all respects and completion of work as specified including
scaffolding etc. and the site clearance as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Note:- Class of Brick may be changed by Designer as required.

Page 105 of 133


Page 106 of 133

Emergency Flood Assistance Project
Rehabilitation of Water Course, Replacement of Dug wells and Reconstruction
of water storage tanks at District Jaffarabad

Emergency Flood Assistance Project (EFAP)



Amount (Pak
Bill No. Description of Works
Rehabilitation of Sikandar Canal Watercourse Tehsil
Bill -1
Gandakha Distt Jaffarabad
Rehabilitation of Ahmad Nawaz Canal Watercourse
Bill -2
Tehsil Gandakha Distt Jaffarabad
Re-Construction Anwar Ali, WST, 50ft x 50ft Tehsil
Bill -3
Gandakha Distt Jaffarabad
Replacement of Abdul Ghaffar Dug-well Tehsil
Bill -4
Gandakha Distt Jaffarabad
Replacement of Asif Ali Dug-Well Tehsil Gandakha
Bill -5
Distt Jaffarabad

Grand Total [Carried Forward to Contractor’s Form of Bid]

Total Bid Price

Page 107 of 133

Bill of Quantities for Construction of Bricks Lining Watercourse
Lining Length & Size = L = 1150 ft W = 2.5 ft H = 2.54 ft
Name of Scheme N E
Sikandar 28 64.045 67 53.310
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Uprooting sarkanda growth and
disposal up to 100 ft.
5462.50 Sft
2 Earthwork in irrigation channels
drains etc., to designed section
grades excavated material
disposed-off and dressed within 50
ft lead.
2731.25 Cft
3 Providing and laying in 1:2:4 situ
Cement using bajri or shingle 19mm
(3/4) thick and down gauge in
foundation including leveling I/C
racking scaffolding form work its
removal and using.(1087PSI)
1643.24 Cft
4 Providing and laying first class solid
burnt brick masonry including
scaffolding, racking out joints and
curing in foundation basement and
3950.25 Cft
5 Providing and laying 1:2:4 Cement
concrete using shingle or bajri
19mm (3/4") and down gauge in
precast Shelves coping, facing, pots
and manhole covers etc., including
and its removal and using
compacting and curing in basement
and ground floor.(1087psi)
431.25 Cft
6 Cement plaster in wall and on
slopes of canals including trowel
finishing and curing. (25mm
5842.00 Sft

Page 108 of 133

Bill of Quantities for Construction of Bricks Lining Watercourse
Lining Length & Size = L = 1150 ft W = 2.5 ft H = 2.54 ft
Name of Scheme N E
Sikandar 28 64.045 67 53.310
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7 Providing and installing Precast
Nacca Structure 24"
3 Way Nucca structure.(size 24") 14.00 No
8 Filling and compacting soil earth
and boulders behind retaining walls
including excavation of soil lead up
to 15m and back filling.
17526.00 Cft

Deduction of Community Share @
10% of total cost (The beneficiary
shall pay his share in form of cash
or kind i.e., labor or construction

Total Bill No.1

Page 109 of 133

Bill of Quantities for Construction of Bricks Lining Watercourse
Bill No. 2
Lining Length & Size = L = 1150 ft W = 2.5 ft H = 2.41 ft
Name of Scheme N E
Ahmed Nawaz 28 01.464 67 54.6085
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Uprooting sarkanda growth and
disposal up to any lead and lift
5462.50 Sft
2 Earthwork in irrigation channels
drains etc., to designed section
grades excavated material
disposed-off and dressed within
any lead and lift.
2731.25 Cft
3 Providing and laying in 1:2:4 situ
Cement using bajri or shingle
19mm (3/4) thick and down gauge
in foundation including leveling I/C
racking scaffolding form work its
removal and using.(1087PSI)
1643.24 Cft
4 Providing and laying first class solid
burnt brick masonry including
scaffolding, racking out joints and
curing in foundation basement and
3736.35 Cft
5 Providing and laying 1:2:4 Cement
concrete using shingle or bajri
19mm (3/4") and down gauge in
precast Shelves coping, facing,
pots and manhole covers etc.,
including and its removal and using
compacting and curing in basement
and ground floor.(1087psi)
431.25 Cft
6 Cement plaster in wall and on
slopes of canals including trowel
finishing and curing. (25mm
5556.80 Sft

Page 110 of 133

Bill of Quantities for Construction of Bricks Lining Watercourse
Bill No. 2
Lining Length & Size = L = 1150 ft W = 2.5 ft H = 2.41 ft
Name of Scheme N E
Ahmed Nawaz 28 01.464 67 54.6085
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7 Providing and installing Precast
Nacca Structure 24"
3 Way Nucca structure.(size 24") 15.00 No
8 Filling and compacting soil earth
and boulders behind retaining walls
including excavation of soil lead up
to 15m and back filling.
16670.40 Cft

Deduction of Community Share @
10% of total cost (The beneficiary
shall pay his share in form of cash
or kind i.e., labor or construction

Total Bill No. 2

Page 111 of 133

Bill No. 3
Name of Scheme N E
Anwar Ali 28
67 55.110
Bill of Quantities for Construction of Water Storage Tank
Bill No. 3
Size = 50' x 50' x 4.5'
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Clearing jungle by cutting, removing
all shrubs, trees and taking out entire
roots and filling the hollows with.
earth, dressing, consolidating and
watering the filling including stacking
the serviceable material and disposal
of unserviceable material lead upto
1000 ft. (300 m.)
3121.90 Sft
2 Cutting to a required gradient in all
kinds of soil and disposing the same,
levelling, dressing but without
watering and consolidation lead upto
100 ft. (30m)
2902.41 Cft
3 Extra for providing and laying 2" (50
mm) thick sand cushion under floor.
2" Sand Cushion Under Floor 2902.41 Sft
4 Providing and laying machine mixed
cement concrete using coarse sand
and crushed aggregate having
maximum size upto 1-1/2" (38mm) &
down gauge in foundation including
levelling compacting and curing.
2912.36 Cft
5 Providing and laying first class solid
burnt brick masonry (Brick
Strength:1800psi-2000psi) including
scaffolding, raking out joints and
curing in ground floor superstructure
and i/c cost of testing Above 4.5"
(115mm) nominal thick brickwork.
1159.23 Cft
6 Providing and laying 1:2:4 cement
concrete using approved coarse
sand and crushed aggregate 3/4"
(19mm) and down gauge in precast

Page 112 of 133

Bill No. 3
Name of Scheme N E
Anwar Ali 28
67 55.110
Bill of Quantities for Construction of Water Storage Tank
Bill No. 3
Size = 50' x 50' x 4.5'
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
shelves coping, cornices, eave
boards, hood, fencing posts and
manhole covers etc. including
formwork & its removal, compacting
and curing in ground floor.
PCC 1:2:4
40.88 Cft
7 3/8" 9.5mm thick cement plaster
using coarse sand on walls and
columns in basement, plinth and
ground floor including making edges,
corners and curing.
1:3 Cement Ratio
1603.41 Sft
8 Providing and laying, cutting, jointing
testing and disinfecting G.I pipeline
equivalent of approved make
registered with PSQCA including the
cost of specials and cost of painting
2 coats with bitumen to pipes and
specials after cleaning and wrapping
tightly hessian cloth soaked in
Mexphalt composition around pipes.
3" dia G.I Pipe for Overflow 10.00 Rft
9 Replacing burst/damaged G.I Pipe
line with all excavation, cutting
providing new G.I. medium duty
pipe, union, tees, bends, sockets,
including threading etc. and painting
with 2 coats of bitumen to pipes and
specials after cleaning and wrapping
tightly hessian cloth soaked in
Maxphalt composition around pipes
including cost of testing and
disinfecting (cost of pipes and all
accessories included).
6" dia G.I Pipe for Sluice Valve 10.00 Rft

Page 113 of 133

Bill No. 3
Name of Scheme N E
Anwar Ali 28
67 55.110
Bill of Quantities for Construction of Water Storage Tank
Bill No. 3
Size = 50' x 50' x 4.5'
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
10 Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valve
of BSS quality and weight for
asbestos cement pipeline with comet
joint and rubber ring including cost of
Jointing material.
6" dia Cast Iron Sluice Valve 1.00 No
11 Filling and compacting soil, earth
and boulders behind retaining walls
(including excavation of soil lead
upto 50 ft (15 m).
Backfilling with earth along long
2929.29 Cft
walls of WST.
Backfilling with earth along short
2639.00 CFt
walls of WST.
5568.29 Cft
Deduction of Community Share @ 10% of total cost (The
beneficiary shall pay his share in form of cash or kind i.e.,
labor or construction material)

Total Bill No. 3

Page 114 of 133

Bill of Quantities for Development of Dug Well
Bill No. 4
Estimated Depth =30 ft, 11 ft Dia
Name of Scheme N E
Abdul Ghaffar 2801.08 6855.53
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Dry sinking of well
including loading and
removing of excavated
material within any lead
and lift
up to 15 ft Depth 1425.50 Cft
2 Wet sinking of well in
ordinary soil for depth
below spring level and
removal of excavated
material within any lead
and lift
from 15 ft to 30 ft depth 1425.50 Cft
3 Supplying and 1.000
Installation Pumping
Machinery of No
submersible pump with
motor of 5 HP.
4 Supplying and
Installation G.I. pipe IIL
or equivalent make
registered with PSQCA
including the cost of
specials (2" dia.).
50.00 Rft
5 Cables 4 Sqmm, 3 core 50.00 Rft
Deduction of Community Share @ 10% of total cost
(The beneficiary shall pay his share in form of cash
or kind i.e., labor or construction material)

Total Bill No. 4

Page 115 of 133

Engineer Estimates for Development of Dug Well
Bill No. 5
Estimated Depth =40 ft, 09 ft Dia
Name of Scheme N E
Asif Ali 2801.534 6755.534
S# Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Dry sinking of well
including loading and
removing of excavated
material within any lead
and lift
up to 25 ft. depth 1590.44 Cft
Wet sinking of well in
ordinary soil for depth
below spring level and
removal of excavated
material within any lead
and lift
from 25 ft to 40 ft
954.26 Cft
2 Supplying and
Installation Pumping
Machinery of 1.00 No
submersible pump with
motor of 5 HP.
3 Supplying and
Installation G.I. pipe IIL
or equivalent make
registered with PSQCA
including the cost of
specials (2" dia.).
4 Cables 4 Sqmm, 3 core 60.00
Deduction of Community Share @ 10% of total cost
(The beneficiary shall pay his share in form of cash
or kind i.e., labor or construction material)

Total Bill No. 5

Page 116 of 133


Page 117 of 133


Title Drawing No.

S. No
1 Typical Plan of Bricks Water Course – Bill No 01 Figure-1
2 Typical Plan of Bricks Water Course – Bill No 02 Figure-2
3 Typical Details of Water Storage Tank– Bill No 03 Figure-3
4 Typical Details of Dug Wells– Bill No 04 Figure-4
5 Typical Details of Dug Wells– Bill No 05 Figure-5

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Page 120 of 133


Page 121 of 133


Page 122 of 133


Sr.No Farmer Name Father Site Scheme type GPS

Page 123 of 133

Name Location Coordinates
Rustam Bricks water 28 01.464
1 Ahmed Nawaz Ghadakha
Khan course 1150 Rft 67 54.608
Bricks water 28 64.045
2 Sikandar Beera Khan Ghadakha
course 1150 Rft 67 53.310
Gulzar 28 01.104
3 Anwar Ali Ghadakha WST 50x50
Ahmed 67 55.110
Rais Dug Well Dia 28 01.080
4 Abdul Ghafoor Ghadakha
Dilawar 11 ft depth 30 ft 68 55.11
Mir Amad Dug Well Dia 9 28 01.534
5 Asif Ali Ghadakha
Ali ft depth 40 ft 67 55.34

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_________ [Date]


Director General Agriculture

(OFWM), Balochistan
Rani Bagh Saryab Road, Quetta.

We, having examined the Request for Quotation and its attached documents, offer to
execute the EFAP-BA-WC(Canal)/DW(100’)/WST(50x50)-01: Rehabilitation of Water Course (Canal),
Replacement of Dug wells and Reconstruction of water storage tanks (50x50) at District
Jaffarabad in accordance with the Contract Terms and Conditions and the priced Activity Schedule
accompanying this Quotation for the Contract Price of
________________________________________________________________________[amount in
___________________________[amount in numbers] in Pakistani Rupees (PKR). We propose to
complete the Works described in the Contract within a period of ____________ months from the Date of
Signing of the Contract.

This Quotation and your acceptance will constitute a binding Contract between us. We
understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Quotation you receive.

We hereby confirm that this Quotation complies with the Validity of the Offer required by the
proposal documents.

We: (a) are a national of an ADB member country; (b) have not been associated with the firm that
prepared the design and specifications of the contract that is subject of this request for quotation; (c) are
not owned by the Employer; (d) are not currently sanctioned or temporarily suspended by the Asian
Development Bank; and (e) to the best of our knowledge, is not prohibited from being contracted in
compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council.

Name of Contractor : _________________________________

Authorized Signature : _________________________________
Name of Signatory : _________________________________
Title of Signatory : ________________________________
Address : ________________________________
Phone Number : ________________________________
Fax Number, if any : ________________________________
Email address (optional): ________________________________

Page 125 of 133


The Employer accepts the Contractor’s offer to undertake the Works. Execution of the Works shall
commence no later than the Start Date specified in the Contract. Please provide a Performance Security
for the due performance of the Works, within 10 days of receipt of this returned Form of Quotation, in the
amount equivalent to 10% of the Contract Price.

Name of Employer : Balochistan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department

Authorized Signature : ________________________________

Name of Signatory : Ali Raza Jamali____________________

Title of Signatory : Director General Agriculture (OFWM) Balochistan

Date : ________________________________

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Name of Country: Pakistan

Project Name: Emergency Flood Assistance Project

Name of Contract: Rehabilitation of Water Course (Canal), Replacement of Dug wells and
Reconstruction of water storage tanks (50x50) at District Jaffarabad

Contract Number EFAP-BA-WC(Canal)/DW(100’)/WST(50x50)-01

This Contract is entered into this ___[date]____ day of __[month],_ [year]____ between ____[name of
Employer]____ on the one part (hereinafter called the Employer) and ___[name of Contractor]________
(hereinafter called the Contractor) on the other part.

Whereas the Employer has called for quotations for _____[name and identification number of the contract]___
and the Contractor has submitted a quotation for the above work and the Employer has accepted the
Contractor’s Quotation dated ________ for the execution and completion of such works and the remedying of
any defects therein.

The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:

1. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Contract, viz:
a. Form of Quotation, with Specifications, Activity Schedule and Drawings; and
b. Contract Terms and Conditions;
2. Taking into account payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as provided herein, the Con-
tractor hereby enters into this Contract with the Employer to execute the works fully described in the Re-
quest for Quotation documents with the scope itemized in the Activity Schedule, and in a professional
workmanship in accordance with the Contract Terms and Conditions, all of which documents constitute
integral parts of this Contract.

3. The Employer agrees to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works
and remedying defects therein, the Contract Price as indicated and accepted in the Form of Quotation,
under payment terms stipulated in the Contract Terms and Conditions.

4. The Start Date of the execution of Works shall be no later than _________.

In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Contract to be executed under the laws of
__________ (country of Employer) on the date indicated above.

Signature and seal of the Employer: Signature and seal of the Contractor:

_____________________________ _____________________________
Name of Authorized Representative Name of Authorized Representative

Page 127 of 133


Project Name: Rehabilitation of Water Course (Canal), Replacement of Dug wells and Reconstruction
of water storage tanks (50x50) at District Jaffarabad.
Employer: Balochistan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department
Contract No. EFAP-BA-WC(Canal)/DW(100’)/WST(50x50)-01

1. Definitions
1.1 The words and expressions defined shall have the following meanings assigned to them.
(a) The Activity Schedule is a schedule of the activities comprising the construction of the Works
in a lump sum contract. It includes a lump sum price for each activity, which is used for
(b) The Start Date is the latest date when the Contractor shall commence execution of the Works,
as specified in the Contract.
(c) The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as certified by the Project
(d) The Contract is the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute, complete,
and maintain the Works.
(e) The Contractor is the party whose offer to carry out the Works has been accepted by the
(f) The Contract Price is the accepted contract amount stated in the Letter of Acceptance and
thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the Contract.
(g) A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract.
(h) The Defects Liability Period is the period calculated from the Completion Date where the
Contractor remains responsible for remedying defects in accordance with Clause 19
[Correction of Defects].
(i) The Employer is the party who employs the Contractor to carry out the Works.
(j) Force Majeure means an exceptional event or circumstance which: is beyond a Party’s control;
which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into Contract;
which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome; and, which
is not substantially attributable to the other Party.
(k) Party means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.
(l) The Project Manager is the person appointed by the Employer and notified to the Contractor,
who is responsible for supervising the execution of the Works and administering the Contract.
(m) The Site is the area defined by the Employer where the Works are to be executed, and any
other place specified in the Contract as forming part of the Site.
(n) Specification means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Project Manager.
(o) The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install, and turn over to
the Employer, including any Variation.

2. Interpretation
2.1 In interpreting these conditions, singular also means plural. Headings have no significance. Words have
their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless specifically defined. The Project Man-
ager shall provide instructions clarifying queries about these conditions.
2.2 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
(a) Contract, including Contract Terms and Conditions
(b) Accepted Form of Quotation,
(c) Specifications,
(d) Drawings,

Page 128 of 133

(e) Priced Activity Schedules, and
(f) any other document required to form part of the Contract.
3. Contract
3.1 The Parties shall enter into a Contract within 15 days after the Contractor receives notification of Accep -

4. Compliance with Laws

4.1 The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable Laws of Islamic Republic of

5. Fraud and Corruption

5.1 This Contract shall be covered by the provisions of ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to
date) and Integrity Principles and Guidelines (2015, as amended from time to time) that requires Bor-
rowers (including beneficiaries of ADB-financed activity), as well as Bidders and Contractors under
ADB-financed contracts, to observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execu-
tion of such contracts.

6. Project Manager’s Decisions

6.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Project Manager shall decide contractual matters be-
tween the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the Employer.

7. Communications
7.1 Communications between parties that are referred to in the Conditions shall be effective only when in
writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered.

8. Employer’s Risks
8.1 From the Start Date until the Completion Date, the following are Employer’s risks:
(a) The risk of personal injury, death, or loss of or damage to property (excluding the Works, Plant,
Materials, and Equipment), which are due to
(i) use or occupation of the Site by the Works or for the purpose of the Works, which is the un-
avoidable result of the Works, or
(ii) negligence, breach of statutory duty, or interference with any legal right by the Employer or
by any person employed by or contracted to him except the Contractor.
(b) The risk of damage to the Works, Materials, and Equipment to the extent that it is due to a fault of
the Employer or in the Employer’s design, or due to war or radioactive contamination directly af-
fecting the country where the Works are to be executed.

9. Contractor’s Risks
9.1 From the Starting Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been issued, the risks of personal injury,
death, and loss of or damage to property (including, without limitation, the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment) which are not Employer’s risks, are Contractor’s risks.

10. Insurance
10.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, insurance cover
from the Start Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period, in the amounts and deductibles stated for
the following events, which are due to the Contractor’s risks:
(a) loss of or damage to the Works, Equipment and Materials: 1.5 times of the Contract Price
(b) loss of or damage to property (except the Works, Materials, and Equipment) in connection with
the Contract: Pak. Rs. 10 Million; and
(c) sickness, disease, personal injury or death of any person employed by the Contractor: in accor-
dance with applicable laws of Pakistan.

10.2 If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and certificates required, the Employer may effect
the insurance, which the Contractor should have provided and recover the premiums the Employer
has paid from payments otherwise due to the Contractor or, if no payment is due, the payment of the
premiums shall be a debt due.

11. Contractor to Construct the Works

Page 129 of 133

11.1 The Contractor shall construct and install the Works in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings
for which the quotation was offered.

12. Works to Be Completed by the Completion Date

12.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry out the Works
in accordance with the Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the
Project Manager, and complete them by the Completion Date.

13. Possession of the Site

13.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the Contractor before the commencement
of work.

14. Access to the Site

14.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any person authorized by the Project Manager ac-
cess to the Site and to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried out or is
intended to be carried out.

15. Safety
15.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all the activities on the Site.

16. Instructions, Inspections, and Audits

16.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Project Manager, which comply with the applicable
laws where the Site is located.
16.2 The Contractor shall permit ADB to inspect the Contractor’s accounts, records, and other documents re-
lating to the submission of bids and contract performance and to have them audited by auditors ap-
pointed by ADB. The Contractor shall maintain all documents and records related to the Contract for a
period of 3 years after completion of the Works. The Contractor shall provide any documents neces-
sary for the investigation of allegations of corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive prac-
tices or other integrity violations and require its employees or agents with knowledge of the Contract to
respond to questions from ADB.

17. Program
17.1 Within 30 days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Man-
ager for his no-objection and reference a Program showing the general methods, arrangements, or-
der, and timing for all the activities in the Works. The activities in the Program shall be consistent with
those in the Activity Schedule.
17.2 The Program shall indicate commencement of the Works on the Start Date and proceed without delay to
comply with the Completion Date in the Contract.

18. Defects Liability Period

18.1 The works undertaken should be covered by contractor’s warranty under the Defects Liability Period of
12 months from the date of completion. The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to search for
a Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Project Manager considers may have a Defect.

19. Correction of Defects

19.1 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any defects before the end of the Defects Lia-
bility Period.
19.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect within the length of
time specified by the Project Manager’s notice.

20. Uncorrected Defects

20.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the Project Manager’s notice, the
Project Manager shall assess the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the Contractor shall pay
this amount. If the Contractor is unable to correct the defect or pay the required amount imposed, the
Contractor shall be disqualified from undertaking contracts for the Employer for a period of five years.

21. Contract Price

21.1 The Activity Schedule shall contain the priced activities for the Works to be performed by the Contractor.
The Activity Schedule is used to monitor and control the performance of activities on which basis the
Contractor will be paid.

Page 130 of 133

22. Advance Payment
22.1 An advance payment of 15% of the Contract Price will be paid to the contractor against a bank guaran-
tee equivalent to the Advance Payment acceptable to the Employer.
22.2 The advance payment shall be repaid through deductions of 25% from each interim payment starting
with the payment certificate and the remaining amount shall be deducted from the final payment.

23. Performance Security

23.1 The Contractor shall be advised to provide a Performance Security in the form of a bank guarantee from
a scheduled bank acceptable to EA for the due performance of the Works, within 10 days of receipt of
the returned Form of Quotation with signed Acceptance, in the amount equivalent to 10% of the
Contract Price.

24. Taxes and Duties

24.1 The Contractor is responsible for all taxes, duties, levies, etc. in accordance with the laws of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan.

25. Payment Certificates

25.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly statements of the estimated value of the
work executed less the cumulative amount certified previously.
25.2 The value of work executed shall be determined by the Project Manager and certify the amount to be
paid to the Contractor.
25.3 The value of work executed shall comprise the value of completed activities in the Activity Schedule.
25.4 The Project Manager may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the proportion of
any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.

26. Payments
26.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, if any. The Employer shall pay the
Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Manager within 14 days of the date of each certificate.
The Farmer’s share at the rate of 10 percent will be deducted from the Bill of Quantities. Farmers
share will be paid by the beneficiary(s) themselves in shape of cash/kind i.e., in form of construction
material, labor, labor charges, etc.

27. Cost of Repairs

27.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the Start Date and
the end of the Defects Liability Period shall be remedied by the Contractor at the Contractor’s cost if
the loss or damage arises from the Contractor’s acts or omissions.

28. Notice and Consequences of Force Majeure

28.1 If a Party is or will be prevented from performing its obligations under the Contract by Force majeure, it
shall give notice to the other Party of the circumstances of Force Majeure within 10 days after the
Party becomes aware of them.
28.2 The Party shall, having given notice, be excused from performance of obligations for so long as Force
Majeure persists. However, each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavors to minimize any
delay in the performance of the Contract as a result of Force Majeure.
28.3 A Party shall give notice to the other Party when it ceases to be affected by the Force Majeure.
28.4 If contractor is prevented from performing its obligations due to Force Majeure of which notice has been
given, and suffers delay due to such Force Majeure, the contractor shall be entitled to (a) an extension
of time if completion will be delayed, and (b) payment of costs, including rectification or replacement of
works or goods damaged, when such costs arises from the defined events or circumstances of Force
Majeure to the extent they are not indemnified through the insurance policy.

29. Release from Performance

29.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, if any event or circumstance outside the control of
the Parties (including, but not limited to, Force Majeure) arises, which makes it impossible or unlawful
for either or both Parties to fulfill its or their contractual obligations or which, under the law governing
the Contract, entitles the Parties to be released from further performance of the Contract, then upon
notice by either Party to the other Party of such event or circumstance.

Page 131 of 133

(a) the Parties shall be discharged from further performance, without prejudice to the rights of either
Party in respect of any previous breach of the Contract; and
(b) the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor shall be the same as would have been
payable under Clause 34 [Payment Upon Termination].

30. Completion
30.1 The Contractor shall request the Project Manager to issue a certificate of Completion of the Works, and
the Project Manager shall do so upon deciding that the work is completed.

31. Taking Over

31.1 The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within 7 days of the Project Manager’s issuing a
certificate of Completion.

32. Final Account

32.1 The Contractor shall supply the Project Manager with a detailed account of the total amount that the
Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The
Project Manager shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to
the Contractor within 28 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete. If it is
not, the Project Manager shall issue within 28 days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections
or additions that are necessary. If the Final Account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted,
the Project Manager shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a payment certifi-

33. Termination
33.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a fundamental
breach of the Contract.
33.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(a) the Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the current Pro-
gram and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Project Manager;
(b) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works, and the instruc-
tion is not withdrawn within 28 days;
(c) the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a recon-
struction or amalgamation;
(d) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by the Employer to the Contractor within
56 days of the date of the Project Manager’s certificate;
(e) the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to correct a particular defect prior to completion is a
fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of
time determined by the Project Manager;
(f) the Project Manager gives two consecutive Notices to update the Program and accelerate the
works, and the Contractor fails to update the Program and demonstrate acceleration of the works
within a reasonable period of time determined by the Project Manager;
(g) the Contractor does not maintain a Performance Security, which is required;
(h) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by more than 28 days; and
(i) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer has engaged in integrity violations in accor-
dance with Clause 5 [Fraud and Corruption], in competing for or in executing the Contract.

34. Payment upon Termination

34.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the Project
Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done and Materials ordered less advance
payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate and less the percentage to apply to the
value of the work not completed. If the total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to
the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt payable to the Employer.
34.2 If the Contract is terminated for the Employer’s convenience or because of a fundamental breach of Con-
tract by the Employer, the Project Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done, ma-
terials ordered, the reasonable cost of removal of equipment, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting
and securing the Works, and less advance payments received up to the date of the certificate.
Page 132 of 133
35. Resolution of Disputes
35.1 The Employer and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotia-
tion any disagreement or dispute between them under or in connection with the Contract. In the case
of a dispute between the unresolved dispute between the Employer and the Contractor, the dispute
shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration Act, 1940 (Act No. X of 1940) of Is-
lamic Republic of Pakistan and Rules made thereunder and any statutory modification thereto.

36. Suspension of ADB Loan or Credit

36.1 In the event that ADB suspends the Loan or Credit to the Employer, from which part of the payments to
the Contractor are being made,
(a) the Employer is obligated to notify the Contractor, with copy to the Project Manager, of such
suspension within 7 days of having received ADB’s suspension notice.
(b) if the Contractor has not received sums due it within the 28 days for payment provided for in
Clause 26 [Payments], the Contractor may immediately issue a 14-day termination notice.

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