Surface Acoustic Waves Interaction With Confined Acoustic Phonons in A Coupled Nanoridges Dimer Set Atop of A Multilayer Design

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Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

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Surface acoustic waves interaction with confined

acoustic phonons in a coupled nanoridges dimer
set atop of a multilayer design

Mohamed El Ghafiani, Adnane Noual, Yamina Rezzouk, Mohammed

Moutaouekkil & El Houssaine El Boudouti

To cite this article: Mohamed El Ghafiani, Adnane Noual, Yamina Rezzouk, Mohammed
Moutaouekkil & El Houssaine El Boudouti (2023) Surface acoustic waves interaction with
confined acoustic phonons in a coupled nanoridges dimer set atop of a multilayer design, Arab
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 30:1, 593-600, DOI: 10.1080/25765299.2023.2271220

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Published online: 20 Oct 2023.

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2023, VOL. 30, NO. 1, 593–600


Surface acoustic waves interaction with confined acoustic phonons in a

coupled nanoridges dimer set atop of a multilayer design
Mohamed El Ghafiani, Adnane Noual , Yamina Rezzouk, Mohammed Moutaouekkil and El Houssaine
El Boudouti
LPMR, D�epartement de Physique, Facult�e des Sciences, Universit�e Mohamed Premier, Oujda, Morocco


We present a comprehensive study using finite element numerical analysis of the acoustic Received 21 July 2023
localized phonons supported by a gold nanoridges dimer-based multilayer design. The latter Revised 31 August 2023
consists in a SiO2-substrate over which a gold film covered with a thin polymer is deposited. Accepted 11 October 2023
We investigate first the mechanical eigen-modes analysis of a single monomer ridge, where
we find flexural and compressional type modes in the sub-GHz frequency range. This is real­ Dimer nanoridges; localized
ized by either setting the ridge in a periodic structure, which enables to get the dispersion acoustic phonons;
curve of the modes, or by considering an isolated system bounded by perfect matched multilayer design; surface
layers, where we use the equivalent of the local density of states to track the modes. A acoustic waves
good agreement is obtained between the two methods. Similarly, we find in case of the
coupled dimer ridges hybridized modes, namely the flexural and compressional modes of a
monomer split-up into in- and -out-of-phase type modes. We demonstrate efficient coupling
between the monomer/dimer localized phonons with surface acoustic waves (SAWs) as the
simulated transmission spectra show dips at the frequencies of the monomer/dimer eigenm­
odes. For symmetry reasons, some of the dimer modes are expected to be optomechanically
active. The proposed SAW-based device is meant to help design acousto-optic modulators
or ultrasensitive sensors.

1. Introduction optomechanical cavity (Arregui et al., 2023). In particu­

lar, a very promising new kind of OM cavities has been
Control and modulation of light properties in nano­
proposed based on the so-called phoxonic crystals
scale photonic structures based on the design of
that exhibit band gaps for both photons and pho­
acousto-optic nanodevices has concentrated a lot of
nons, giving rise to highly localized light and sound
attention lately (Laude et al., 2017; Gao et al., 2023).
waves, and subsequently to enhanced AOC rates
Such components can be useful in quantum informa­
(Aram & Khorasani, 2018).
tion processing as well as to significantly enhance
Lately, nanoscale multilayered structured designs
light-matter interaction at the nanoscale (Sansa et al., have attracted a great deal of interest due to their
2020; Barzanjeh et al., 2022). Physically speaking, the exquisite properties in terms of highly localized
acousto-optical coupling (AOC) is described by two acoustic and optical modes they exhibit (Dobrzynski
mechanisms namely, i) the photoelastic and ii) the et al., 2017; Noual, Akiki, Pennec, El Boudouti, &
moving boundary effects. In the latter, the boundaries Djafari-Rouhani, 2020). A special class of these struc­
deformations between two adjacent materials induce tures is often referred to as film-coupled nanopar­
a local variation of the dielectric constant all along the ticles or particles on mirror due to the coupling of
interface (Royer & Dieulesaint, 2000) while in the for­ metallic nanoparticles to their image within a metal-
mer effect, the dielectric is modulated locally within film underneath (Li, Zhang, Maier, & Lei, 2018). One
the volume by the acoustic strain field (Balram, key feature of such designs is the strongly localized
Davanço, Lim, Song, & Srinivasan, 2014). In order to surface plasmons resonances modes they support,
reach a meaningful AOC magnitude, an appreciable which have been harnessed in various applications
overlap between the phonon field and the optical (Saada et al, 2020; Oo, Silva et al, 2016; Cheng & Xu,
mode is essential, and this is often realized by colocal­ 2021). In particular, localized surface plasmons have
izing the latter in the same volume such as in an been shown useful in order to enhance inelastic

CONTACT Adnane Noual LPMR, D�epartement de Physique, Facult�e des Sciences, Universit�e Mohamed Premier, 60000
Oujda, Morocco.
This article has been corrected with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
� 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the University of Bahrain.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this
article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

Brillouin scattering (Noual, Kang, et al., 2021; along the x− direction as depicted in Figure 1(a).
Vasileiadis et al., 2022). Besides, the use of surface More precisely, the structure design is made of a
acoustic waves (SAWs) with high amplitudes gold ridge of height h and width w, with a thin layer
(� nm), helps to increase vibration magnitudes of of polyamide of height hpol placed at the middle.
localized phonons in metallic nanoparticles, which The ridge monomer is deposited over a thin poly­
enhances the AOC rate meaningfully (Lin, Lin, & Hsu, amide layer of thickness epol which coats a gold film
2015; Noual, Akiki, L�ev^eque, Pennec, & Djafari- measuring eAu. We chose a SiO2 semi-infinite sub­
Rouhani, 2021). strate to support the multilayer (Figure 1(a)). It is
To design a SAW-device for enhanced AOC, we worth indicating that the method followed here,
thoroughly investigate in this work localized acoustic enables us to compute the dispersion curve of the
phonons in a gold dimer ridges-based component system which gives a global insight regarding the
using SAW. Specifically, numerical simulations using modes supported by the structure, including the
Comsol-Multiphysics are performed, so to find local­ localized type modes and their properties in terms
ized mechanical eigen-modes supported by the of dispersion and symmetry. For that matter, we per­
nanostructure, with a particular focus on the pho­ form an eigenfrequency study of the system as the
nons considered potentially useful for AOC. The pro­ wave vector k spans the first Brillouin zone, ½0 −
posed device consists in SiO2 substrate over which a p=a�, where a is the period. Numerically, the period­
gold film covered with a thin polymer is deposited. icity is set using Bloch boundary conditions, and the
Atop the structure surface, a gold nano-ridge dimer eigenvalue equation is solved using structural
is placed, where each ridge contains a thin polymer mechanics module of Comsol 5.2a. At the bottom of
layer lying in the middle. This feature can be used the unit-cell of the lattice we use perfectly matched
for the excitation of localized plasmons within the layer (PML) which absorb incident waves without
polymer layer that could be strongly modulated by reflections, in order to mimic a semi-infinite (SiO2)
localized phonons in the ridge. Prior studies have substrate. The elastic properties of the materials are
only considered localized plasmons mostly under the defined based on young’s modulus E, Poisson ratio m
particles, meaning that the current design offers a and the density q as follows: E ¼ 3:6GPa, Poison
supplemental degree of freedom. In order to under­
ratio m ¼ 0:34 and the density q ¼ 1420kg=m3 for
stand the physical origin of the dimer-based system
the polyamide, and E ¼ 72:2GPa, m ¼
eigenmodes, we analyze the modes of a single
0:168 and q ¼ 2200kg=m3 for the glass substrate
monomer first. We show efficient excitation of com­
SiO2 (Royer & Dieulesaint, 2000). As for the gold
pressional-like and flexural type eigen-modes of the
layer which is an anisotropic material with face cen­
dimer using SAWs in the sub-GHz range, where the
tered cubic crystal, its elastic constants
coupled ridges hybridize their modes, yielding in-
C11 , C12 and C44 were taken from the same refer­
and -out-of-phase type modes. The symmetry of the
ence. Figure 1(b) shows the simulated dispersion
modes indicate that compressional modes and anti-
curve for a ¼ 2 lm, w ¼ 320nm, h ¼
phase flexural modes should be optomechanically
300nm, hpol ¼ 50nm, epol ¼ 50nm and eAu ¼
active (Noual, Akiki, et al., 2021). The reported find­
100nm, while H � 2:5a was taken large enough to
ings in this paper could help design SAW-based
mimic a semi-infinite substrate. As mentioned above,
acousto-optic modulators or ultrasensitive nanosen­
we focus our analysis on the modes at the edge of
sors, due to the easily accessible fabrication technol­
the first Brillouin zone, i.e. k ¼ p=a, situated under
ogy of SAW-devices nowadays (Mei, Zhang, & Friend,
the SiO2-sound line labelled as A1, A2, A3, and A4,
2020; Kelly, Northfield, Rashid, Bao, & Berini, 2022).
which do not propagate within the substrate. The
field maps of the displacement field norm associated
2. Single monomer ridge eigenmodes with such modes near the monomer are given in
In this section, we analyse the mechanical eigenmo­ Figure 1(c). According to the field maps, the four
des of a single monomer ridge. We shall do this branches modes (A1, A2, A3, and A4) are localized
using two complementary approaches, namely, by within the ridge with different rates, meaning that
studying first a periodic structure and then by per­ these are rather eigenmodes of the latter. As a mat­
forming a thorough eigen-analysis of the isolated ter of fact, the first branch A1 is a first order flexural
ridge. mode at f A1 � 0:227GHz, the mode A2 at f A2 �
0:463GHz is a compressional mode, whilst modes
(A3, A4) at f A4 � 0:555GHz and f A5 � 0:684GHz, cor­
2.1. Periodic structure
respond to the second order flexural mode which
We consider a periodic structure in which the single splits into two branches. This, happens due to its
ridge atop the multilayer is repeated periodically coupling with the gold/polymer films vibrations

Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of the multilayer design unit-cell in case when a single monomer is set atop. Bloch
periodic conditions are set along x− axis. (b) Simulated dispersion curves of the geometry of (a), for the geometrical parame­
ters: a ¼ 2 lm, w ¼ 320 nm, h ¼ 300 nm, hpol ¼ 50 nm, epol ¼ 50 nm, H � 2:5a and eAu ¼ 100 nm: (c) Displacement
field norm maps near the monomer at the frequencies of the first Brillouin zone edge modes referred to as A1, A2, A3, and
A4 in the dispersion plot, in (b).

possibly induced by the periodicity effect, namely, conditions. To track the modes, we compute the
the interaction with neighboring cells. integral of the square modulus of the displacement
Indeed, the ridge-films coupling is apparent in the field in the monomer normalized to its value in the
field maps (Figure 1(c)) of modes A3 and A4. Note in whole system, namely:
particular the strong Sezawa type mode in the films ð ð
* *

interacting with the flexural mode A4 of the ridge, qN ¼ |U |2 dV= ||U ||2 dV (1)
Monomer system
where the two modes vibrate in-phase. Conversely, !
for mode A3 the films and the ridge seem to vibrate where, U ¼ ðu, v, wÞ represents the displacement
out-of-phase, meaning that they tend to cancel-out. field with components u, v, w along the spatial axes
This might explain why the branch A3 is less disper­ x, y, and z, respectively (which is adopted through­

sive comparing to A4, where the film and the ridge out the paper). Noting that, ||U ||2 is the equivalent
add-up their vibrations. In other words, there is of the local density of states (LDOS) (Economou,
more coupling with neighboring cells in this latter 2006), the computed quantity qN is proportional to
mode, hence the dispersion. The branch A1 is pretty the normalized integral of LDOS within the ridge,
much flat, due to a strong localization of such mode which yields the localized eigenmodes of the latter.
in the ridge as compared to the rest of the modes. In Figure 2(c), we give the simulations results of qN
In such mode, the ridge is clearly decoupled from its versus the eigen-frequency. The plot shows the exist­
surrounding i.e. the films and substrate. ence of three peaks at the frequencies f M1 �
0:226GHz, f M2 � 0:517GHz, and f M3 � 0:602GHz:
Such peaks match respectively the modes (A1, A2,
2.2. Isolated single ridge A3/A4) studied previously (Figure 1(b)). In particular,
Here, we study the eigen-vibrations of a single it is interesting to note that modes A3 and A4 now
monomer ridge. In other words, the particle is com­ appear as one mode (at f M3 � 0:602GHz) namely the
pletely isolated which enables to retrieve the modes second order flexural mode of the ridge, this is due
of the ridge independently of any exterior perturb­ to the non-coupling with neighboring cells as the
ation by opposition to the periodic structure. This is ridge is now isolated.
performed by surrounding the ridge atop the multi­ One observes that the frequencies of the modes
layer with PMLs all along except the top surface are slightly different comparing with the periodic
which is set to vibrate freely; this enables to absorb structure except for the first flexural mode
incoming waves towards the boundaries (PMLs) with (fM1 � 0:226 GHz). As mentioned earlier, there is
no reflections. Numerically speaking, we solve the some coupling in modes A2 and A3/A4 with neigh­
same eigen-value problem where the Bloch periodic boring cells while for mode A1 the coupling is weak.
conditions are replaced by PMLs as boundary As a result, for the isolated ridge, the frequency of

Figure 2. (a) Sketch of the geometry model used to study the transmission of SAWs through one ridge. PMLs are set all
around the structure to get Rid of undesired reflections. (b) Displacement field component v, normalized to the maximum dis­
placement field norm in the system, in the absence of the monomer, at f ¼ 0:444 GHz: (c) Integral of the square modulus
of the displacement field in the monomer normalized to its integral in the whole system. (d) Transmission coefficient through
a monomer normalized to that of a flat surface without the latter. (e) Zoom in of the displacement field around the monomer
at the frequencies, f M1 ¼ 0:231 GHz, f M2 ¼ 0:518 GHz and f M3 ¼ 0:604 GHz of the modes referred to as M1, M2, and M3
in (d).

the latter is almost the same whereas for the other structure is computed by taking a line average of
modes there is a slight shift. Besides, the relative the registered displacement field magnitude
�qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi �
height of the peaks shows that the first-order flex­
ural mode (P1) is the most localized mode (i.e. the j uj 2 þ j w j 2 near the output. The normalization
elastic energy if localized solely in the ridge) fol­ is performed with respect to the system in absence
lowed by the higher-order flexural mode and then of the ridges. Figure 2(d) shows the simulated trans­
the compressional mode where part of the elastic mission spectrum computed in the frequency range
energy is diffused in the surface layers and the sub­ ½0:2 GHz − 0:7 GHz�: The curve shows the excitation
strate under the ridge. of three modes at the frequencies f1 � 0:231 GHz
Now, we use the SAW-platform in order to excite (M1), f2 � 0:518 GHz (M2) and f3 � 0:604 GHz
the ridge mechanical eigen-modes. The structure (M3). The frequencies match very well the position
design is depicted in Figure 2(a). The geometrical of the peaks shown in Figure 2(c). These modes cor­
parameters are the same as in Figure 1(a). It should respond to the first-order flexural mode (M1), the
be pointed-out that we perform a frequency compressional mode (M2), and the higher-order flex­
response analysis of the structure, where the excita­ ural mode (M3). These results show clearly, the effi­
tion of SAW is realized using a harmonic vertical line cient excitation of the localized phonons of the
force F ¼ Fei2pft !
z at the system inlet on top (see single ridge using SAWs.
Figure 2(a)); where f is the frequency and t is the
time. Figure 2(b) shows an example of SAW excita­ 3. Dimer ridges eigenmodes
tion at around 0:444 GHz, in which we have
�qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi � 3.1. Periodic structure
depicted w=max juj2 þ jwj2 map, where
We analyse in this paragraph the eigenmodes of a
�qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi �
coupled dimer made of two identical ridges having the
max juj2 þ jwj2 represents the maximum value
same dimensions as in Figure 1(a), and separated with
of the displacement norm in the whole system. We the distance ds ¼ 50 nm: For that, we follow the same
see the effective excitation of the SAWs and their approaches as in the case of the monomer (Figures 1
complete absorption inside the PMLs regions pre­ and 2) namely, in a first step, the ridges are placed atop
venting any undesired reflections. Let us indicate the system in a unit-cell repeated periodically along −x
that the normalized transmission coefficient of the axis, as shown in Figure 3(a). Figure 3(b) shows the

Figure 3. (a) Depiction of the geometry model unit-cell used for the study of the dimer eigenmodes. Bloch periodic condi­
tions are set for periodicity. (b) Computed dispersion curve for the system in (a), for the following parameters values: a ¼
2 lm, w ¼ 320nm, h ¼ 300nm, hpol ¼ 50nm, epol ¼ 50nm, eAu ¼ 100nm and ds ¼ 50nm: (c) Displacement field norm
maps near the dimer at the frequencies of the first Brillouin zone edge modes referred to as B1 up to B6 in (b).

simulated dispersion curves (of the system in Figure model sketched in Figure 3(a), except that the Bloch
3(a)). We notice the existence of six branches, labelled periodic conditions are replaced by PMLs, and the
as B1 up to B6, underneath the SiO2-line with the corre­ top surface is set free. The determination of the
sponding frequencies at the edge of the first Brillouin eigenmodes is done as earlier, that is, by computing
zone (k ¼ p=a), respectively, the normalized integral of the equivalent of LDOS
fB1 ’ 0:221 GHz, fB2 ’ 0:236 GHz, fB3 ’ 0:427 GHz, ­ namely:
fB4 ’ 0:522 GHz, fB5 ’ 0:556 GHz and fB6 ’ ð ð
* *
0:618 GHz: One observes a split-up of the modes qN ¼ ||U || dV= ||U ||2 dV (2)
Dimer system
(Figure 3(b)) associated with a single monomer, yielding
the modes (B1, B2), (B3, B4) and (B5, B6); these are the Note that the integration is obviously naturally
in- and out-of-phase modes of the first-order flexural performed within the coupled dimer, that is, the two
mode (A1), the compressional mode (A2) and the ridges at the same time. In Figure 4(a), we present
second-order flexural mode (A3), respectively. This split­ the simulated results, where we notice the peaks
ting occurs due to the strong coupling within the labelled as P1 up to P6 at the frequencies, f P1 ’
dimer, which results in the hybridization of the individ­ 0:218GHz, f P2 ’ 0:236GHz, f P3 ’ 0:454GHz, f P4 ’
ual modes associated with each monomer. This can be 0:549GHz, f P5 ’ 0:577GHz, and f P6 ’ 0:622GHz,
seen in the displacement field norm maps near the respectively. In the inset of the figure (near the top),
dimer at the frequencies of the latter modes (B1-B6), as we plot the spectrum of the average value of the
depicted in Figure 3(c). By opposition with the mono­ square modulus of the displacement field in the
mer, the periodicity effect (coupling with neighbouring D E
dimer || U ||2 in the frequency range, 0:4GHz −
cells) at the second order flexural modes (B5, B6) of the
dimer is different as no splitting is observed in the fre­ 0:7GHz: This slightly different way of finding local­
quency range of interest. Also, the out-of-phase com­ ized modes, enabled us to highlight the in-phase
pressional mode B4 is influenced by periodicity as it is compressional mode P3, which is otherwise almost
clearly entrained in a flexion-like movement induced by missing in the plot of qN : The reason for this is that
the films vibrations, in a Sezawa type mode. such a mode strongly radiates and couples with the
surrounding films and substrate, making it a less
localized mode to the point that its peak height is
3.2. Isolated dimer ridges eigenmodes
nearly not visible in Figure 4(a). Overall, one notes a
Similar to the previous case of a monomer, the eigen good match of modes P1-P6 with the modes
modes of the dimer are studied using the geometry obtained with the periodic lattice, B1-B6. There is

Figure 4. (a) Plot of the integral of the square modulus of the displacement field in the dimer normalized to its integral in
the whole system. The inset shows the average of the square modulus of the displacement field in the dimer normalized to
the maximum value in the whole system. The dimer-based structure configuration used for computations is similar to the one
shown in Figure 3(a), except that PMLs are replaced by Bloch boundary conditions. (b) The dimer-based SAWs structure
design. This geometry is similar to the one in Figure 2(a), except that a dimer is set atop. (c) Simulated normalized transmis­
sion coefficient of the design in (b). the transmission of the monomer in the blue curve is overlaid with the dimer transmis­
sion plotted in red. (d) Zoom in of the displacement field around the dimer at the frequencies associated with the position of
the dips in the transmission labelled D1 up to D6, in (c).

slight shift in frequency depending on the mode f D6 ’ 0:619GHz respectively. According to the displace­
which can be attributed as before to the periodicity ment field norm maps at these frequencies, the dips
effect or to the coupling with neighboring cells. correspond, respectively, to the in-and out-of-phase first
At this stage, we would like to show the possibil­ flexural mode, compressional mode and second order
ity of exciting the localized acoustic phonons of the flexural mode. The modes’ frequencies match well the
dimer using SAWs. The SAWs-based platform, where frequencies positions of the peaks in Figure 4(a). The
a dimer is atop the multilayer is shown in Figure comparison with the transmission of the monomer
4(b). The frequency response analysis of the system shows that each dip associated with an eigenmode of
is performed as previously using vertical line force the monomer is split-up into two dips. Indeed, the elas­
on top near the inlet (see Figure 4(b)), to excite tic coupling in the dimer induces a split of the modes
SAWs. The normalized transmission spectrum of the M1, M2 and M3 of the monomer, respectively, into the
dimer-based SAWs design is computed is Figure 3(c) modes, (D1, D2), (D3, D4), and (D5, D6), of the dimer.
using the same procedure as mentioned earlier. For These results show clearly the efficient excitation of the
a matter of comparison, we overlay in Figure 4(c) dimer mechanical eigen-modes using SAWs.
the transmission of the monomer (blue curve) and
that of the dimer (red curve).
4. Phonon modes selection for acousto-
The dips observed in case of the dimer (red curve)
plasmonic coupling purposes
are labelled D1 up to D6; they fall at the frequencies,
f D1 ’ 0:22GHz, f D2 ’ 0:238GHz, f D3 ’ In this last section, we want to provide insights
0:456GHz, f D4 ’ 0:542GHz, f D5 ’ 0:576GHz and regarding the dimer-structure localized acoustic

phonons modes that may be beneficial for acousto- both first order (Figure 5(b)) and second order out-
plasmonic coupling. It is important to note that of-phase flexural (Figure 5(d)) modes (B2 and B6),
dimers-based designs have been shown to have the cavity undergoes a symmetrical elongation with
superior optical (Li, Zhang, & Lei, 2016), elastic and respect to the symmetry plane at the middle, for
optomechanical properties (Matheny, 2018) compar­ both w and v, resulting into an important deform­
ing with monomers, making them the best choice ation of its overall volume; hence such modes
for enhanced phonon-plasmon interaction. As a mat­ should be optomechanically active. In the in-phase
ter of fact, we have demonstrated in this work that compressional B3 (Figure 5(d)), the cavity is com­
dimers display a richer spectrum of localized pho­ pressed according to w, and symmetrically elon­
nons in contrast to monomers, due to modes split­ gated based on the u-field, which indicates that this
ting of the latters. Besides, it has been found that mode should also be active, in-line with earlier works
the out-of-phase flexural modes of the dimer turned (Noual et al., 2020). We have omitted to discuss the
out to be optomechanically active while they dimer phonons effect on probable localized surface
become inactive in case of monomers, and the in- plasmons within the polymer layer in the middle of
phase flexural and out-of-phase compressional each ridge. The reason is that except for the in-
modes are proven inactive (Noual, Akiki, et al., 2021). phase compressional mode which we believe should
In the light of this, we shall analyse the acousto-plas­ deform such a polymer layer where the plasmon
monic properties of the following localized phonons would be localized, the other modes require further
of the proposed dimer-system namely: the out-of- investigations, including the optical characterization
phase flexural modes (B2 and B6) and the in-phase of such plasmons. We intend to do this in a forth­
compressional mode (mode B3). coming work.
In that regard, we would like to mention that the
polymer material underneath the dimer has been
5. Conclusion
shown to act as an effective optical cavity (see the
encircled region in Figure 5(a)) where localized sur­ In conclusion, we have performed numerical simula­
face plasmons could be excited (Mrabti et al., 2016). tions to investigate localized acoustic phonons sup­
Thus, we examine the deformation induced by the ported by a gold dimer nanoridges-based multilayer
dimer phonons modes on this specific region. The design using finite element method. The structure
modes that deform this area volume shall cause design consists of a coupled gold ridges dimer set
important local strain, which by virtue of the photoe­ atop a thin polymer layer coating a thick gold film
lastic and/or moving boundary effects should cause that is deposited over a semi-infinite SiO2-substrate.
a shift in the plasmon frequency. In other words, We have performed eigen-frequency analysis of the
such phonons can be considered as optomechani­ system where the ridges are either isolated in a
cally active. In Figures 5(b)-5(d), we plot u and w finite system bounded by perfect matched layers or
components of the displacement field normalized to set to form a periodic lattice which enables to get
the max value of the latter in the system, and associ­ the dispersion curve. In both cases, we have ana­
ated with modes, B2, B3 and B6, respectively. In lysed the dimer eigenmodes by comparison with a

Figure 5. (a) Sketch of the dimer deposited on the polymer layer Covering the gold film, with a circular highlight of the poly­
mer area underneath the dimer, shown to act as an effective plasmonic cavity. (b) Plot of w and u components of the dis­
placement field, normalized with respect to the maximum value of the latter in the system, and associated with the first
flexural mode of the dimer. Each field map is tagged with the corresponding w or v component. Arrows highlight the dis­
placement field direction. (c), (d) Same as in (b), but for the in-phase compressional and second order flexural mode.

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