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Pearl Harbor attack

I/ The motives of the Japan’s Empire
II/ Summary of the event
III/ Consequences and reactions

7th of December 1941

Oahu in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
Second World War
Allies VS Axis Powers
extend towards the South
I/ The motives of the Japan’s Empire
why did the Japanese attack?

Japan wanted to :
modernize its economy
modernize its military
build a strong Empire
become more independent
become one of the world’s great powers
I/ The motives of the Japan’s Empire
why did the Japanese attack?

raw materials: iron, coal and oil.

1940: economic sanctions on Japan by America
July 1941: the U.S. stoped all trade with Japan

attacking Pearl Harbor

For the japanese :

full control of the Pacific

I/ The motives of the Japan’s Empire
why did the Japanese attack?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War on Japan

II/ Summary of the event
What happens on december 7th?
morning of December the 7th: Japan bombed by
surprise in 2 waves:
First wave :
183 planes, led by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida.
destroyed hundreds of America’s battle ships.
USS Arizona sinked and 1 200 of its crew was killed.
Second wave :
163 Japanese aircraft.
II/ Summary of the event
What happens on december 7th?

USS Oklahoma battle ship

Miller with the Navy Cross

USS Arizona battle ship

III/ Consequences and reactions
What were the consequences ?

losses and damages:

21 US warships sunked or damaged
188 aircraft destroyed
2,400 American servicemen and women killed + an
average of 1200 were harmed
III/ Consequences and reactions
What were the consequences ?

1939: Roosevelt signed an act to supply arms to Britain and France.

December 1941: United States declared war to Japan

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping

giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Thanks you for your attention

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