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Planets gain certain amount of Strength or Weakness depending upon

their position in a horoscope. The position can be in a particular sign, in a

particular house, formation of angular or trine position with other planets.

Due to the position of a planet it can obtain the six-fold strength or

SHADBALA, which shows us whether a planet is strong enough to deliver
its significations with respect to a given horoscope.

A planet which is strong according to SHADBALA is capable of giving

good or bad results depending upon its basic nature. A planet which is
weak in Shadbala may give diseases and difficulties.

Minimum Shadbala Requirement

(60 Shashtiamshas = 1 Rupa)
Minimum Shadbala Requirement
In Shashtiamshas In Rupas
Sun Ravi 390 6.50
Moon Chandra 360 6.00
Mars Mangala 300 5.00
Mercury Budha 420 7.00
Jupiter Guru 390 6.50
Venus Shukra 330 5.50
Saturn Shani 300 5.00

In the above mentioned Shadbala, Sarvartha Chintamani mentions the

strength of Guru as 6.00 instead of 6.50.

After calculating the Shadbala of each planet in a particular horoscope

the minimum requirement mentioned in the above table is subtracted and
the figure is noted. If the result is more than 1 it implies that the planet
has more shadbala than the required figure and such planets are
considered as auspicious. Such planets will be strong and show their


effects. Planets which have less than 1 are said to be weak planets and is
considered inauspicious for the concerned horoscope.

After reducing the assigned Shadbala from the calculated shadbala if the
result is more than 1 then the effect of the planet is to be considered
based on ----
i. Significations (karakatwas) of the planet under
ii. Significations (karakatwas) of the houses owned
by the planet under consideration.
iii. Significations (karakatwas) of the house in which
the planet under consideration is placed (situated).

A planet weak in Shadbala may cause delay or change the result of the
signification or completely deny the significations of (i) its own, (ii) housed
owned by it (iii) houses occupied by the planet.

Natural benefics having required Shadbala prove auspicious for the

houses occupied by them and the houses aspected by them.

Natural malefics having required Shadbala prove inauspicious for the

houses occupied by them and the houses aspected by them.

Planets owning good and bad houses give mixed results.

When analysing the horoscope with reference to Dasha-Antardasha, the

Antardasha lord should be strong with Shadbala. In such a case
favourable results can be expected. If Antardasha planet is weak in
Shadbaala the results may not be to the expected level.
On similar lines one has to compare between Antardasha and Pratyantara
Dasha lord.


In some cases a planet may get the required number of Rupas
(shadbala) but the individual balas calculated may not be balanced to
arrive at the total strength. In such cases it may so happen that the planet
may have weak bala in some and in other cases it may get maximum. The
results may be doubtful in such cases.

Tells us about the effort a native makes in his actions, if this
strength is good then the efforts will be in a positive direction. It also tells
the power of the native to influence people around him. It gives name and
fame. If benefic planets have good Uchcha bala, one becomes a leader of
his team. Ravi is the planet to be considered.

The amount of help a native receives from his near circle (friends &
relatives) in performing his duties. Mangala is the planet to be

This shows the strength or mindset a native has in facing odd or
tough situations in life.

The power of a native in warding off or overcoming obstacles, delays
is shown. The planet with high Chesta bala tells the strength to overcome
in the areas which are signified by the planet. A native having a higher
Chesta Bala may develop qualities of a great leader.

This is constant for all the horoscopes. One way of interpreting -
GOD (Luck, Fate) gives us the same opportunity to all, it is left to the


individual to use other means of strength (physical, mental) to work hard
and achieve a position.

The acceptance of the native within his circle is shown. People
known to the native would want to listen to his advice.

If a benefic planet is having strength the native is truthful, upright,

virtuous, learned, respected, handsome, religious minded, prosperous.

If a malefic planet has strength the native is greedy, miser, selfish,

jealous, quarrelsome, wicked, ungrateful, slanderous, ugly, shabby,
family hater.

By calculating Shadbala we come to know whether a planet is weak,

strong or very strong which gives a hint as to whether a planet is strong
enough to deliver the results as per its position in a horoscope. The
horoscope tells us what is the role of the planet and whether the results
are ordinary or extraordinary.

A horoscope should be examined for analysis and Shadbala is a tool which

helps in enhancing the accuracy of the analysis. The breakup of Shadbala
will show the aspects that need to be strengthened and those which can
be used to get the maximum advantage.


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