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For this Bhava Madhya points have to be calculated.

We know that Guru and Budha have digbala in the lagna bhava and that to at the mid-
point of lagna bhava. Similarly Shukra and Chandra in 4th Bhava, Shani in 7th Bhava and
Ravi & Kuja in 10th Bhava.

The power less points will be the bhava Madhya longitudes of the -
4th House for Ravi & Kuja, 7th house for Guru & Budha,
10th house for Shukra & Chandra, 1st house (Lagna) for Shani.

Dig Bala in shastiamshas ==

(Planets Longitude - Powerless Point)


For the example horoscope

Asc (Mid point of 1st Bhava) == 8s 15d 03m 10th Bhava == 5s 22d 50m
7th Bhava == 2s 15d 03m 4th Bhava == 11s 22d 50m

We have the Bhava Madhya points of all the FOUR Bhavas.

Position of Digbala in
Powerless (**) the planet 360 – diff
Planets Difference Shashta-
Point Conversion as per 3
Rashi Chart
Ravi 352.50 352.83 75.93 276.90 83.90 27.70
Chandra 172.50 172.83 36.80 136.03 45.34
Mangala 352.50 352.83 208.95 143.88 47.96
Budha 75.03 75.05 69.20 5.85 1.95
Guru 75.03 75.05 143.03 67.98 22.66
Shukra 172.50 172.83 82.72 90.11 30.03
Shani 255.03 255.05 227.07 27.98 9.32

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As the name suggests it is in relation to the Time of Birth. There are NINE types
and the sum-total of these gives the Kaala Bala.

i) Nathonnatha Bala.
Sun rise to Sun set = Day (Dinamaana)
& Sun set to next Sun rise = Night. (Ratrimaana)

We have to calculate the MID-DAY & MID-NIGHT.

 Budha is always powerful with 60 shastiamshas.
 Ravi, Guru, Shukra are powerful from Midnight to Midday.
 Chandra, Kuja, Shani are powerful from Midday to Midnight

Nathoonnatha Bala in shastiamshas =

(Time of Birth X 15)
Depending upon the Time of birth the above group gets this bala. The other group of
planets get the remainder from 60.

 POINT :: if the TOB falls between local mid-day and midnight

Local midnight – Time of Birth
 If TOB falls between midnight and mid day
Time of Birth – local midnight

With reference to our Example Chart.

SUN SET - 6.45.46 Hence day birth.

Sun Rise (01/07/2016) 6h 00m 31s Sun Set 6h 45m 46s

Sun Set 6h 45m 46s Sun Rise(02/07/16) 6h 00m 53s
Day Duration 12h 45m 15s Night Duration 11h 15m 07s

When we divide the Day Duration & Night Duration by 2 we get half of Day
duration and half of Night Duration 
06h 22m 37s 5h 37m 33s

Sun Rise (01/07/2016) 06h 00m 31s Sun set 6h 45m 46s
Add 06h 22m 37s Add 05h 37m 33s
MID DAY 12h 23m 08s MID NIGHT 12h 23m 19s

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Time of Birth is 06.42 PM hence we have to consider Mid night
MID NIGHT  12h 23m 19s
T O B  06h 42m 00
(LESS) 05h 41m 19s

5.41 * 15/3 == 81.15/3 = 27.05

As it is day birth Ravi, Guru & Shukra will have 27.05 shashtiamshas as Nathonnata

60 – 27.05 == 32.95 will be the bala of Chandra, Mangala and Shani.

Budha always has 60 Shashtiamshas.

ii) Paksha Bala

Malefic planets Ravi, Kuja, Shani and afflicted Budha are powerful during Krishna
Paksha and less powerful during Shukla Paksha.
Benefic planets, Guru, Shukra and well associated Budha are powerful in Shukla
Paksha and less powerful in Krishna paksha
Chandra is less powerful in Krishna paksha and more powerful during Shukla Paksha.

Shukla paksha :: Strength of Chandra increases, thereby the strength of

benefic planets - Guru, Shukra, Budha increases

(a) Paksha Bala of Shubhas. (in Shastiamshas)

(Longitude of Chandra - Longitude of Ravi)

(b) 60 - Paksha balance of Shubhas == Paksha Bala of Papas.

(c) Chandra’s bala is doubled depending upon the Paksha.

If the difference between Longitude of Chandra & Lonngitude of Ravi is greater
than 180 degrees, we have to deduct this from 360 degrees and then divide by 3.

 If the difference is less than 180 degrees  Shukla Paksha

 If the difference is greater than 180 degrees  Krishna Paksha.

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In the example horoscope Ravi – Longitude == 75.56
Chandra – Longitude == 36.48

75.56 -- 36.48 == 39.08 ---- 39.08/3 == 13.02

Benefics - Guru, Shukra, Budha get 13.02 Shastiamshas
Malefics - Ravi, Mangala, Shani get 46.58 Shastiamshas
Chandra gets double 26.04 Shastiamshas

iii) Tribhaga Bala

GURU IS ALWAYS HAVING 60 SHASTIAMSHAS. Other than Guru only one planet
will get the strength of 60 shastiamshas. ONLY TWO PLANETS GET THIS BALA.
Day = Sunrise to Sunset Night = Sunset to next Sunrise.
Day and Night are divided into THREE Parts.
First Part of Day = Budha, Second = Ravi, Third = Shani.
First Part of Night = Chandra, Second = Shukra, Third = Kuja.

Time of Birth 6.42 PM Sun set on the day of birth -- 6.45 PM
Hence it is a day birth.

Duration of the day == Sun set 6.45.46

Sun rise 6.00.31

Duration of day 12.45.15 12.45.15 /3 == 4h.15m.05s

Our example horoscope TOB 6.42 PM falls in the 3rd part of day.
Hence Shani gets 60 Shastiamshas as Tribhaga Bala
Guru gets 60 Shastiamshas.

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For the next four Balas we have to consider the AHARGANA which is the number of
days passed from the day of creation to the date of Birth. Shrishtiaadi Ahargana
means the number of terrestrial days passed from the day of creation. Details of this
calculation is given in SURYA SIDDHANTA.
According to Dr. B V Raman the number of days passed since the creation of world
upto 16/10/1918 is 714,404,130,045 days.

Standard texts have taken the date as 2nd May 1827 and the day as Wednesday. This
date is considered as the epoch date. Therefore any counting of the Days is to be done
from Wednesday.
For the year 2012 Ahargana is 67815, 2013 Ahargana is 68180, 2014 - 68545
2015 – 68910, 2016 – 69276, 2017 – 69641, 2018 – 70006.

iv) Varshadhipathi Bala 15 shastiamshas.

The planet who is the Varshadhipa gets 15 shastiamshas and other planets do not get
any strength.
Total Number of Days upto the date of Birth = Ahargana
Ahargana == Quotient & Remainder.
(Quotient X 3) + 1 == Quotient & Remainder.
COUNT REMAINDER FROM WEDNESDAY that days lord is the Varshadhipa and he
gets 15 shastiamshas. Other planets do not get any strength.

For our Example chart

DOB 01/07/2016
Ahargana for 2015 68910
Number of days elapsed 2016 183
TOTAL number of days 69093

69093/360 == Quotient 191 Remainder 333

Quotient represents the number of years passed
(191 * 3)+1 == 573 + 1 == 574/7 == Q = 82 R = 0
7 7

Remainder = 0 or 7 . counting from Wednesday it will be Tuesday hence

Mangala gets 15 Shastiamshas.

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v) Masa Bala - 30 shastiamshas.
Ahargana == Quotient :::::: (Quotient X 2) + 1 = Remainder
30 7
Count Remainder from Wednesday that planet will be the Masadhipathi and gets 30

Calculation :::
Ahargana = 69093 ---- 69093/30 Q = 2303, R = 3
(Q * 2) + 1 == (2303 * 2) + 1 == 4607/7 Q = 658, R = 1.
7 7

R = 1 hence Maasaadhipati is WEDNESDAY

And BUDHA gets 30 shashtiamshas.

vi) Vara Bala 45 shastiamshas

Ahargana / 7 = Remainder
Count Remainder from Wednesday that planet will be the Varadhipathi and gets 45

Calculation :: 69093/7 == Q = 987 R = 3

R = 3, From WEDNESDAY 3 will be FRIDAY
Hence Shukra gets 45 Shashtiamshas

vii) Hora Bala 60 shastiamshas.

Day / 12 & Night /12 = Hora
Find out in which Hora the Birth time falls. The Lord of the Hora gets 60

Birth week day is Friday last Hora of the day will be Mangala (Kuja Hora)
Therefore Mangala gets 60 Shashtiamshas

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