Methodology (John Phat)

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Chapter III


3.1 Research Design

This study will employ a qualitative research design to explore the factors influencing the level
of English proficiency among Grade 7 students at Kawit National High School, particularly in
relation to their readiness for promotion to Grade 8 in the academic year 2024-2025. Qualitative
research methods are ideal for gaining in-depth understanding of participants’ experiences and
perspectives on a particular phenomenon like English language proficiency.
3.2 Participants/Sample
Purposive sampling will be used to recruit participants for this study. This method involves
selecting individuals with specific characteristics that are relevant to the research question. We
will target a sample size of 20-25 participants, including:
Grade 7 students identified as excelling, meeting expectations, and struggling in English
proficiency based on their latest academic performance. English language teachers from Grade 7.
School administrators with oversight over curriculum and student promotion policies.
This selection will ensure a diverse range of perspectives on factors influencing English
language proficiency and student promotion readiness.
3.3 Data Collection Instruments
Semi-structured interviews will be the primary data collection instrument for this study. An
interview guide will be developed beforehand to ensure consistency while allowing flexibility to
explore emerging themes. The interview guide will address topics such as:
Students’ experiences and perceptions of their English language learning journey.
Teachers’ insights on factors influencing students’ English proficiency development.
Administrators’ perspectives on the criteria used to assess student promotion readiness,
particularly regarding English language skills.

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures

The collected data from interviews and observations will be analyzed using thematic analysis.
This method involves a systematic process of coding, identifying recurring themes, and
developing a rich narrative description of the factors influencing students’ English language
proficiency and promotion readiness.
3.5 Ethical Considerations
This study will adhere to ethical research principles. Informed consent will be obtained from all
participants, including parents/guardians for students under 18. Participants will be assured of
anonymity and confidentiality throughout the research process. Interview data will be coded and
anonymized to protect participants’ identities.

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