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Volatile Organic Compounds:

Common Exposures

What are Volatile Organic Compounds?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that can vaporize at room temperature. Many
VOCs are found naturally in the environment. However, some VOCs are also released from man-
made sources such as paints, cleaners, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, and factories. This means
that VOCs are prevalent in both indoor and outdoor environments. This also means that
background VOC levels may be near or above harmful levels. The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) reports that many VOCs are found at higher levels indoors than outdoors. Thus,
indoor VOCs are a main source of exposure. The EPA also reports that Americans spend most of
their time indoors, so indoor VOCs can pose a serious health risk.

What are the sources?

What are the Health Effects?

Cancer Liver Damage

Cardiovascular Disease Kidney Damage

Respiratory Irritation Gastrointestinal Complications

Eye, Nose, and Throat Inflammation Skin Irritation

Headache, Dizziness Altered Blood Flow in Extremities

Potential Sources and Known Health Effects of Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Potential Sources Known Health Effects

1,3-Butadiene Cigarette smoke, Industry, Rubber manufacturing, Respiratory irritation, Cancer, Cardiovascular
Gasoline exhaust disease
Acrolein Natural internal production, Combustion, Cigarette Eye and skin irritation, Respiratory irritation,
smoke, Fried and burnt foods, Beer, Coffee Cardiovascular disease, Cancer
Benzene Naturally occurring, Cigarette smoke, Industry, Gastrointestinal disturbances, Difficulty breathing,
Gasoline exhaust, Plastics Cancer
Carbon tetrachloride Old fire extinguishers, Refrigerants, Dry cleaning Liver damage, Kidney damage, Cancer
Chloroform Chemical manufacturing, Cigarette smoke, Water Respiratory irritation, Cancer, Kidney damage,
chlorination Liver damage, Central nervous system depression
Formaldehyde Natural internal production, Combustion, Cleaning Respiratory irritation, Cancer
products, Building materials, Cigarette smoke,
Methane Natural gas, Decomposition of organic material, Generally non-toxic
Trichloroethylene Industry, Dry cleaning, Cleaning products, Central nervous system depression, Headache,
Refrigerants Respiratory and circulatory depression, Cancer
Vinyl chloride Cigarette smoke, PVC production, Industry Dizziness, Altered blood flow in hands and feet,
Liver damage, Cancer

Ways to Reduce Exposure

Physical measures can help reduce the health impacts of VOCs. The EPA has recommended
guidelines for indoor VOC levels to minimize exposure from building materials. One possible
source of indoor exposure is vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion occurs when VOCs are released from
underground sources and move through the soil to enter homes and other buildings. If vapor
intrusion is found to be an issue, systems can be put in place to help reduce indoor VOCs. The
most common of these systems are vapor barriers, which are physical barriers that create a seal
between the building and the ground underneath to prevent VOCs from entering the structure.
Some indoor VOC levels are linked to household products. Proper handling and storage of these
products can help decrease exposure. Products containing VOCs often include product warning
labels that explain the right way to use them. Using these products in a well-ventilated space is
typically recommended. Although house plants have numerous health benefits, they are not proven
to be helpful in adequately reducing indoor VOCs. Medical treatments for VOC exposure are
currently an important area of research. Scientists are interested in using antioxidants to decrease
the harmful effects of VOCs. Early studies of the compound carnosine, a naturally-occurring
compound found in muscle, brain, and heart tissue, show some protection against VOC exposure.
A current study (the NEAT trial at the University of Louisville) is looking into whether these effects
are also seen in humans.

Carnahan, J. 5 Things to Know about Vapor Intrusion, Your Home, and Your Health. Available at:

Delgado-Saborit, JM, Aquilina, NJ, Meddings, C, Baker, S, and Harrison, RM. (2009). Model
development and validation of personal exposure to volatile organic compound concentrations.
Environ Health Persp, 117:1571-1579.

Light, EN, et al. (2017). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Criteria for New Construction White
Paper: American Industrial Hygeine Association. Avabilable at: https://aiha-

New York State Department of Health. (2007). Volatile Organic Compounds in Commonly Used
Products. Available at:

O'Toole, TE, et al. (2020). Protocol to assess the efficacy of carnosine supplementation in mitigating
the adverse cardiovascular responses to particulate matter (PM) exposure: the Nucleophilic Defense
Against PM Toxicity (NEAT) trial. BMJ Open, 10(12).

U.S. Congress. (1998). National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Consumer
Products. In: 40, edited by U.S.C.: Code of Federal Regulations.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2017). Technical Overview of Volatile Organic Compounds.
Available at:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2017). Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air
Quality. Available at:

Wallace, LA, Pellizzari, ED, Hartwell, TD, Davis, V, Michael, LC, and Whitmore, RW. (1989). The
influence of personal activities on exposure to volatile organic compounds. Environ Res, 50:37-55.

World Health Organization. (2010). WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected Pollutants.
Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. Available at:

Yeager, R, et al. (2020). Association between residential greenness and exposure to volatile organic
compounds. Sci Total Environ, 707: 135435.

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